CSR strategy 2019 2025 - Updated in 2020 - De Nederlandsche Bank

Page created by Christina Hill
CSR strategy 2019 - 2025
Updated in 2020
Strategy       Themes         Priorities

    Sustainable prosperity
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our mission.           We address the two themes through our         Development Goals (SDGs) of the
    As a central bank, supervisor and resolution authority, we are committed to         core tasks as a central bank, supervisor      United Nations. Through these 17 global
    safeguarding financial stability and contributing to sustainable prosperity in      and resolution authority. For example,        goals, organisations, businesses and
    the Netherlands. For the years 2019-2025 we have developed a CSR strategy           in 2019 we adjusted our supervisory           governments commit to substantially
    that matches our mission and mandate. This strategy focuses on two themes:          methodology to include climate risks,         improve the state of the world by 2030.
                                                                                        signed the Principles for Responsible         We specifically focus on contributing
    ▪ Sustainable economic growth that has no harmful effects on the                    Investment and made a transition              to the realisation of the following four
      environment                                                                       to 100% use of organic cotton in our          SDGs:
    ▪ An inclusive financial and economic system                                        banknote production. The two themes           ▪ 8. Decent work and economic growth
                                                                                        are closely interconnected. Sustainable       ▪ 12. Responsible consumption and
    As an independent organisation with         the founding members of and currently   prosperity, after all, depends on                production
    a long-term horizon, we are well-           chair the international Central Banks   sustainable economic growth that has          ▪ 13. Climate action
    positioned to promote CSR initiatives.      and Supervisors Network for Greening    no harmful effects on the environment         ▪ 17. Partnerships for the goals
    To this end, we use our ability to bring    the Financial System (NGFS). In 2020    (theme 1) and on an inclusive financial
    parties together. In 2016, we established   we are planning to bring several        and economic system (theme 2).                We have defined six priorities to direct
    the Dutch Sustainable Finance Platform.     parties together to develop objective                                                 and shape our efforts on the two
    We were also one of                         sustainability statistics.              Both themes contribute to the                 themes. We explain these in more detail
                                                                                        achievement of the Sustainable                in this strategy.

Strategy      Themes          Priorities

    Sustainable economic growth that has no harmful effects on the environment
    Almost 200 countries agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement to keep the           To promote economic growth that has           3. We invest our reserves in a
    increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C. Both global           no harmful effects on the environment,           sustainable manner.
    warming and the transition to a climate-neutral economy are sources of           we have defined four priorities.              4. We reduce our environmental impact.
    prudential risks, and as such affect our mission and core tasks.                 1. We identify climate and
                                                                                       environmental risks for the financial       Through these four priorities we
    Since the financial crisis we have put   transition, carbon pricing and a          sector and we encourage financial           contribute to SDGs 8, 12, 13 and 17.
    more emphasis on forward-looking         climate-neutral economy. We are also      institutions to manage these risks
    supervision with a stronger focus        integrating sustainability aspects in     appropriately.
    on sustainability. As an independent     our own reserve management and the      2. We put sustainability issues, such as
    economic advisor, we also participate    payment system.                           the transition to a climate-neutral
    in the public debate on the energy                                                 economy, on the agenda.

Strategy         Themes     Priorities

    An inclusive financial system
    Sustainable prosperity calls for an inclusive financial system, in which financial services are readily accessible and the         represent countries that are emerging in
    continuity of critical financial functions is safeguarded. We contribute to this theme through our advisory role as a              financial and economic terms in our IMF
    central bank, supervisor and resolution authority.                                                                                 constituency.

    Through our role as an independent        Through our supervisory, resolution and     focus on keeping payment systems             To promote an inclusive financial and
    economic advisor, we promote an           payment tasks, we strongly support          accessible to vulnerable groups with         economic system, we have defined two
    inclusive economic system. For example,   an accessible financial system. Our         limited financial or digital knowledge,      priorities:
    we examine the drivers of prosperity,     supervision aims to ensure that financial   and on financial inclusion in countries      5. We conduct research and advise
    including the distribution of income      institutions are reliable and can meet      with less developed financial sectors.          on the inclusiveness of economic
    and wealth and access to the financial    their commitments. If institutions          For example, we chair the National              systems.
    system and social security. We also       nevertheless encounter problems,            Forum on the Payment System to               6. We promote the accessibility of
    advocate the equal treatment of present   we ensure that they are resolved in         promote the social efficiency of retail         payment systems.
    and future generations in the pension     a controlled and careful manner to          payments, provide financial education
    system.                                   make sure that customers retain access      to a broad public, render technical          Through these two priorities we
                                              to critical functions. In addition, we      assistance to young central banks, and       contribute to SDGs 8 and 17.

Sustainable prosperity                                                            Strategy   Themes      Priorities

                                  climate-                                       Promoting
                                related and                                     accessibility
             Advising on                                                      of the payment
           energy transition                                                       system

       sustainability                               Reducing
     into our reserve                          our environmental
      management                                     impact                                          Assessing the
                                                                                                    inclusiveness of
                                                                                                   economic systems

                                                       Eco          Soc cts
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1. Climate and              2. Energy             3. Sustainable reserve                4. Sustainable            5. Research on inclusive                6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                                                               Strategy      Themes          Priorities
    environmental risks         transition            management                            operations                economic system                         payments system

                                Climate and environmental risks
                Priority 1 We identify climate and environmental risks for the financial sector
                and encourage financial institutions to manage these risks appropriately

                Why we do this                                                  changes in a timely manner. The goal is                          and we will continue this process in             legislation and regulation. For example,
                Climate change and the energy                                   for them to understand how climate and                           2020. In concrete terms, this means that         in 2020 we will put climate risks on the
                transition pose a potential risk to the                         environmental risks affect their short-                          we address climate risks in supervisory          agenda in meetings with institutions
                financial sector. By determining the                            and long-term solidity and, where                                meetings, on-site inspections, and               in the payment and securities chains
                prudential impact of these risks and                            appropriate, to take measures to control                         the mandatory periodic own risk                  and we will publish a climate risk
                urging the financial sector to improve                          these risks. We also provide insight                             assessments of institutions. In 2020      1
                                                                                                                                                                                                  analysis for the real estate sector. We
                its prudential controls, we contribute                          into the impact of ecological changes                            we will also explore how to integrate            will also refine the climate stress test
                to sustainable financial stability. As a                        on financial institutions and financial                          climate-related risk management                  methodology to better understand the
                supervisor, we consider it important                            stability. We will share this knowledge                          into market access requirements and              impact of a disruptive energy transition
                that financial institutions integrate                           through various channels, including the                          fit and proper assessments. We will              on the financial sector. This new
                sustainability into their core processes                        Dutch Sustainable Finance Platform and                           also investigate the extent to which             methodology could serve as a basis for
                and that they are transparent about this                        the international NGFS. Furthermore,                             behaviour and culture at financial               an international approach to climate
                to society. In addition, it is expected that                    we are international frontrunners in                             institutions affect sustainable finance          stress testing. Lastly, we will work
                engagement of financial institutions on                         integrating climate-related risks into                           decisions. Another priority is to broaden        together with the European Central
                this topic can help build public trust in                       relevant supervisory rules.                                      the approach used for climate risks to           Bank (ECB) to map the carbon emissions
                the financial sector as a whole.                                                                                                 other sustainability risks, such as the risk     from financial market infrastructures
                                                                                What we plan to do in 2020 –                                     of decreasing biodiversity. Furthermore,         and explore the possibilities for reducing
                What we want to achieve – long term                             short term                                                       we aim to increase awareness of                  them.
                We embed climate and environmental                              In 2019, we largely integrated climate                           climate-related risks in the financial
                risks in our supervision and expect                             risks into our supervisory methodology                           sector and urge for the integration of
                financial institutions to anticipate                            for banks, insurers and pension funds                            these risks into international financial

                1 This concerns the internal capital adequacy assessment process (ICAAP) for banks, the own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA) for insurers and the own risk assessment
                (ORA) for pension funds.

1. Climate and          2. Energy       3. Sustainable reserve    4. Sustainable     5. Research on inclusive    6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                      Strategy      Themes           Priorities
    environmental risks     transition      management                operations         economic system             payments system

                           Energy transition
                Priority 2 We put sustainability issues on the agenda

                Why we do this                                What we want to achieve – long term           What we plan to do in 2020 –                 IMF, we will draft a statistical paper
                DNB sees climate change and the               We want to play an active role in the         short term                                   on the measurability of sustainable
                energy transition as two of the biggest       climate debate. Our emphasis is on the        In 2020, we will continue to closely         finance, which will form the basis for the
                economic challenges. Energy and the           economic effects of climate change and        monitor the commitments in the               further development of internationally
                economy are inextricably linked. After        the energy transition, and on the role of     Dutch Climate Agreement and, where           comparable official statistics on
                all, almost all economic activity requires    the financial sector. We want to conduct      appropriate, advise the government           sustainability in the financial sector.
                energy. The Paris Climate Agreement           innovative and agenda-setting research        on related topics. This is particularly      Finally, we will proactively contribute
                and resulting climate policy will have        and publish the results to inform the         the case for economic measures, such         to discussions on the role of climate
                an impact on the economy. Economic            public debate with substantiated facts.       as the possible merits of introducing        considerations in the evaluation and
                growth that causes large-scale                In this context, we identify the main         a carbon tax. We will also encourage         possible review of the ECB’s monetary
                ecological damage is not sustainable.         economic risks and opportunities to           the government to strengthen climate         policy strategy.
                It is therefore imperative to take into       assist the formulation of effective           policy if the agreed climate targets
                account the effects of economic growth        climate policies without unnecessary          are at risk of not being achieved. At
                on environmental and climate change           (economic) costs. We also play an active      EU level, we will closely look at the
                and vice versa. As a central bank, we         role in the development of international      commitments as part of the new Green
                have a role to play in putting such           statistics to measure the sustainability      Deal. We will also further explore the
                challenges on the agenda.                     of the financial sector in order to           role of sustainable financial products
                                                              facilitate internationally comparable         in the transition to a climate-neutral
                                                              analyses.                                     economy. Finally, together with the

1. Climate and               2. Energy              3. Sustainable reserve                 4. Sustainable             5. Research on inclusive    6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                                                        Strategy      Themes          Priorities
    environmental risks          transition             management                             operations                 economic system             payments system

                                 Sustainable reserve management
                Priority 3 We invest our reserves in a sustainable manner

                Why we do this                                                                                                               this purpose, we participate in national      managed externally, we take steps to
                We aim to invest our assets in a                                   What we want to achieve – long term                       and international working groups on           further bring the equity portfolio in line
                responsible manner (RI). As an investor,                           By signing the PRI on 20 March 2019,                      the topic. For example, we share our          with our RI policy on exclusions, norm-
                we promote making the economy                                      DNB committed itself to integrating                       knowledge with other central banks            based screening, voting & engagement
                more sustainable and reducing the                                  six responsible investment principles.                    through the NGFS and we contribute to         and ESG integration. We have already
                environmental, social and governance                               For example, we increasingly integrate                    the publications of this network.             completed this process for the externally
                (ESG) risks of our reserves. In shaping                            environmental and social aspects into                                                                   managed bond portfolios. We will also
                our RI policy, we seek to act in line with                         our investment practices and report                       What we plan to do in 2020 –                  start implementing our new climate
                internationally accepted principles,                               on our progress in this area. We also                     short term                                    strategy. In the short term, this means
                standards and codes such as the                                    want to have a good understanding of                      This year we will further integrate           that we will map the carbon footprint
                Principles for Responsible Investment                              how climate and other ESG risks affect                    responsible investment principles in          of our own portfolios and carry out a
                (PRI) and the UN Global Compact. By                                our portfolios, and of the role that our                  our investment policy. For internally         climate stress test.2 We will also build
                integrating RI into our investment                                 investments can play in the transition to                 managed investments, we are                   up a target allocation of at least EUR
                portfolios we aim to set the right                                 a climate-neutral economy. In addition,                   developing a framework to structurally        400 million towards green bonds over a
                example and prompt more institutions                               we want to maintain a pioneering role                     integrate ESG criteria into the               period of two years.
                to invest in a sustainable manner.                                 in the Eurosystem in relation to RI. For                  investment process. For the investments

                2 An energy transition risk stress test for the financial system of the Netherlands, De Nederlandsche Bank, 2018.

1. Climate and              2. Energy             3. Sustainable reserve                4. Sustainable            5. Research on inclusive    6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                                                     Strategy       Themes          Priorities
    environmental risks         transition            management                            operations                economic system             payments system

                                       Sustainable operations
                Priority 4 We reduce our environmental impact

                Why we do this                                                  set of sustainability standards.3 It is                  travel appropriately and restrained.           the implementation of our agreements
                We want to practice what we preach                              expected that both the cash centre and                   For international travel within a range        on labour participation. We are also
                by turning words (external promotion                            the renovated head office will be ready                  of 500 km, we generally use public             revising our procurement policy with
                of sustainability issues) into action                           in 2023.                                                 transport. We discourage the use of            the aim of integrating circularity,
                (integrating sustainability into our                                                                                     cars for commuting and DNB-facilitated         sustainability and, if possible, social
                operations). Sustainability is therefore                        Sustainability is also an important                      commuter traffic will be emission-free.        return into each procurement. One
                factored into our decision-making on                            criterion in our procurement policy. The                                                                of the tenders we will hold in 2020 is
                issues such as housing, procurement,                            aim is to reduce the use of raw materials                What we plan to do in 2020 –                   for our lease cars. In view of our long-
                ICT and our travel policy.                                      as far as possible. In this context, we                  short term                                     term goal of emission-free commuting,
                                                                                are signatory to the Green Deal Circular                 In 2020, the refurbishment of our head         sustainability will be an important
                What we want to achieve – long term                             Procurement. We will also pursue social                  office will start and our staff will move      criterion in these tenders. In 2020 we
                In the coming years, we will have a zero                        return with our procurement policy.                      to temporary accommodation. The                will review and adjust, where necessary,
                net energy cash centre built in Zeist and                       That is why we contractually lay down                    renovation will be done in a sustainable       the implementation of our travel policy.
                our head office in Amsterdam will be                            that part of the contract value is spent                 manner, with certification objectively         Finally, in mid-2020, the transition to
                refurbished. In 2019, a high sustainability                     on jobs for people with a distance to the                measuring that both the refurbishment          new energy-efficient ICT data centres
                ambition was set for the renovated                              labour market.                                           and the renovated building meet our            will start. Together with our ICT
                office. For example, the energy label will                                                                               sustainability ambition. The temporary         sourcing partners we will report on the
                improve from G to A+++. The building                            Finally, we want to be a climate-neutral                 accommodation has energy label C and           energy consumption of our various ICT
                will not be using any gas and is expected                       organisation by only using green energy                  for its refurbishment we use existing          environments.
                to reduce carbon emissions by more                              for our electricity supply and offsetting                furniture as much as possible. We will
                than 80%. In addition, it will meet a                           our carbon emissions. Our employees                      also discuss with four major suppliers

                3 We aim for the building to be awarded the BREEAM Outstanding (* * * * *) and WELL Platinum label.

1. Climate and          2. Energy       3. Sustainable reserve    4. Sustainable    5. Research on inclusive    6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                        Strategy      Themes          Priorities
     environmental risks     transition      management                operations        economic system             payments system

                                    Research on inclusive economic system
                 Priority 5 We conduct research and advice on the inclusiveness of economic systems

                 Why we do this                                What we want to achieve – long term          What we plan to do in 2020 –                   sized enterprises (SMEs). We also pay
                 We strive for sustainable prosperity and      As an independent party, our primary         short term                                     attention to accessibility in our housing
                 an inclusive economic system. Prosperity      role is to provide research and advice.      We will carry out in-depth analyses            market and payment analyses, including
                 is not just about material aspects. It        We aim to provide insight into               of the labour and housing markets              first-time home buyers and people with
                 also includes other – non-financial –         the trade-off between the various            and the lending and payment systems            limited financial knowledge. Finally,
                 aspects. Inclusiveness entails that the       aspects of prosperity. Our focus on          in 2020. The analyses will focus on            we will continue to fulfil our advisory
                 financial and social security systems are     sustainability and the long-term viability   possibilities for enhancing accessibility      role in the context of our involvement
                 and remain accessible to everyone. The        of, for example, the pension system          and inclusiveness of these markets. The        in the further elaboration of the
                 development and efficient deployment          implies that we take into account            results of these analyses are the basis        Pension Accord to ensure the future
                 of human capital is crucial to achieving      the prosperity of both present and           for our policy advice. Our labour market       sustainability of the pension system.
                 a labour market that values and uses          future generations in our advice and         research will focus on a more balanced
                 every talent. By conducting research and      research. It is also important that groups   structure for and financing of permanent
                 advising on these non-financial aspects       are not systematically excluded or           and flexible work arrangements. In our
                 of prosperity, we contribute to an            disadvantaged in terms of, for instance,     lending analysis, we will focus on the
                 inclusive financial and economic system.      access to the labour market, the housing     proper functioning and accessibility of
                                                               market and social services.                  the credit market for small and medium-

1. Climate and         2. Energy       3. Sustainable reserve    4. Sustainable    5. Research on inclusive    6. Accessibility of
                                                                                                                                                        Strategy       Themes          Priorities
     environmental risks    transition      management                operations        economic system             payments system

                            Accessibility of payments system
                 Priority 6 We promote the accessibility of payment systems

                 Why we do this                               What we want to achieve – long term          and the reliability and safety of cash are      of cash, it is important for our society
                 DNB has the task to promote the              Everyone should have access to               guaranteed.                                     that cash continues to function well.
                 smooth operation of payment systems.         payment systems. This calls for clear                                                        In 2020 the NFPS will also focus on the
                 Given the speed at which payment             and understandable information. The          What we plan to do in 2020 –                    question whether cash can continue
                 methods are changing, there is a risk        importance of financial education is         short term                                      to play its role as a means of payment
                 that certain vulnerable groups are left      increasing due to the far-reaching           Through the National Forum on the               at points of sale. Finally, we offer clear
                 behind or excluded. Financial education      digitalisation of payment systems            Payment System (NFPS), chaired by               and understandable financial education,
                 and inclusion are essential to ensure        and the trend that financial decision        DNB, we examine the accessibility of the        including through our own visitor centre
                 broad access to payment systems.             making is increasingly left to consumers     retail payment system for consumers             and participation in initiatives such
                                                              themselves. We are working to preserve       and SMEs, in order to identify vulnerable       as the Money Week and Money Wise
                                                              a fully functioning cash chain, in which     groups and bottlenecks in payment               Platform.
                                                              cash remains generally accepted, deposit     systems. The NFPS is of the opinion
                                                              and withdrawal points remain available       that even in a context of declining use

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