Page created by Franklin Franklin


May 2021

 1. Overview of the new testing process and who’s involved

 2. Ordering, receiving kits and preparing for testing

 3. Using the test kits – Rapid LFT and PCR

 4. Registering test kits – Rapid LFT and PCR

 5. Returning test kits – PCR only

 6. Results guidance – Rapid LFT and PCR

 7. Further details on service user testing – Rapid LFT

 8. Additional guidance for managers

 9. Resources and Q&A

Summary: Testing for adult day care centres in England
What is the service?
• Regular testing for all individuals attending or working at adult day care centres that are open across England.
• Staff – Staff should test using weekly PCR testing and twice weekly lateral flow testing.
• Service users – Service users that are able to test, should test twice weekly with lateral flow tests 3-4 days apart. If a service user is
  only visiting once per week, they only need to test on that day. Testing can be completed at-home or on-site.
• Centres must be signed up via our self-referral portal to gain access to testing.
• Once centres are approved on our system, managers are able to order test kits every month for their workers and service users.

Who is eligible?

 Testing is available to all open day care centres that are run by paid care staff. Services must be for adults over 18 and are
 provided within non-residential care settings that support the health and wellbeing of adults. This includes settings such as:

         • purpose-built day centres
         • day centres attached to or part of a care home or supported living
         • other buildings in communities specifically used for regular adult day care

Why is testing important?
• It can prevent and control outbreaks by isolating those that test positive.

• Provide reassurance and support day care centres to remain open as safely as possible and prevents outbreaks.

• It also helps to build a strategic understanding of the prevalence of the virus in local areas and the sector.
How am I involved?

Adult day care centre managers                                Adult day care centre workers

1.   Attend a webinar to understand the process and           1.   Collect kits and conduct weekly PCR and twice weekly
     prepare all individuals for testing                           rapid LFT

2.   If you haven’t already – register your centre for        2.   One rapid LFT should be completed on the same day as
     testing via the self referral portal and once accepted        the PCR test. One rapid LFT test should be taken 3-4
     order test kits for your centre                               days later.

3.   Order test kits for your workers and service users       3.   Register tests same-day, using your day care centre’s
     every 21 days                                                 Unique Organisation Number (UON)

4.   Communicate your UON to all individuals who will test    4.   Return PCR test kits only in post (once per week)
     so they can register kits online
                                                              5.   If you test positive: self-isolate and inform your manager
5.   Distribute/ arrange the collection of test kits to day        immediately. If your positive result was from an LFT test,
     care centre workers and service users                         take a confirmatory PCR test immediately. NHS Test &
                                                                   Trace will be in touch for contact tracing.

                                                              6.   Regardless of your result, continue following all IPC
                                                                   measures such as wearing PPE, washing your hands and
                                                                   socially distancing where possible
How am I involved?
Service users                                                     Carers/ parents of service users who are
                                                                  supporting testing
1.   We recommend for service users that are able to test,
     to test twice a week with 3 - 4 days in between using        1.   Understand the testing service and process for service
     rapid LFT either at-home or on-site, at the discretion            users by reading our online guidance and detailed
     of the day care centre managers                                   instructions provided with the test kits, and watching our
2.   If a service user is only visiting once or twice per week,
     they only need to test on the day of their visits            2.   Assist in testing the service user with rapid LFT kits

3.   If testing at-home – take rapid LFT kits home and            3.   Assist with registering the result online on behalf of the
     conduct and register tests up to twice weekly at                  service user

4.   Service users should ideally test before attending the
     centre if travelling by shared or public transport

5.   If testing on-site – service users do not need to take any
     test kits home with them as they will be tested on arrival

6.   Testing should not be mandatory for service users
     and they should not be prevented from attending.
     However, if someone tests positive, they should
     self-isolate immediately and not attend
Testing during vaccine rollout

             We are aware that some staff and service users may have already been
             offered a first or both doses of vaccination. There should be no change in
             recommended behaviour and IPC measures both pre and post vaccination,
             until we have a better understanding of the vaccination programme and its
             effects. Day care centres should therefore continue to test staff and service
             users regularly. Any changes in IPC policy, including the use of testing and
             PPE will be communicated out and published in our online guidance.

For more information please refer to:
Overview of testing

Summary: Testing for day care centre workers & service users

                                                                                                          TEST +
             ORDER KITS                    RECEIVE KITS                   PREPARATION                                                  REGISTER TEST
                                            (Rapid LFT + PCR)                                         SAMPLE ANALYSIS

           Place a monthly order         Distribute test kits to      Provide briefs on testing                                      Make sure to distribute
           for test kits for (PCR +     staff and service users                                      Top tip: practice first use
                                                                        process, coordinate                                              UON and correct
Manager      rapid LFT) every 21           or arrange to be                                           with staff / service user
                                                                     service user consent, and                                        registration links, and
            days for the centres          collected (based on                                         before initiating routine
                                                                        set up testing area                                         system for tracking results
            workers and service         agreed testing process)                                                testing
                                                                          (if testing on-site)

                                        Collect and take home:
                                             4x PCR kits             Watch online videos, read         Weekly with PCR and
  Staff                                2 boxes of 7 rapid LFT         the detailed instructions       twice weekly with rapid
                                                                           and guidance                                                 All individuals
                                       1x confirmatory PCR (if                                                 LFT
                                                                                                                                       register every test
                                                                                                                                         online with the
                                                                                                    Can test twice weekly with         centre’s UON (and
                                                                                                       LFT, 3-4 days apart. If          share all results
                                      At-home: take home kits        On-site: go to testing area
                                                                                                     visiting once a week, test          with manager)
                                      2 boxes of 7 rapid LFT             and follow all IPC
Service                                                                                             just once on the day of the
                                      1x confirmatory PCR (if        measures prior to testing.
 users                                                                                                visit. Service users can
                                             available)                 At-home: families or
  and                                                                                              either test at-home or on-site
                                                                      carers watch videos and
parents/                                                                                              with the support of staff,
                                       On-site: attend day care            read guidance
 carers                                                                                               depending on day care
                                      centre to be tested on site.
                                                                                                          centre discretion.
Differences between rapid LFT and PCR kits
                         PCR test kits                                                   Rapid LFT test kits

•   Completed, registered and posted once per week by staff         •   Completed and registered twice per week by staff and
                                                                        service users
•   Regular test kits that are sent to a lab that staff have been
    using for regular testing over the past couple of months        •   Rapid results and assurance provided within 30 minutes

•   Results returned to you within 2-3 days after registering and   •   Test samples do not need to be sent to a lab to be processed
                                                                    •   All lateral flow test results must be registered
•   PCR tests must be registered at            at
    organisation-tests in order to receive a result
                                                                    •   High sensitivity for infectious individuals; lower sensitivity than
•   Very high sensitivity rate & can pick up virus from non-            PCR mitigated by regular twice weekly testing
    infectious individuals
                                                                    •   To learn more about the benefits of rapid LFT watch more

Lateral Flow Testing Regime

Staff cadence                                                                Service User cadence
We advise that workers take 2 rapid lateral flow tests and 1               The service users can still visit the centres if they have
PCR test per week, ideally before starting their work shift:               not tested. Testing is not mandatory.

•   One rapid LFT on the same day as the PCR test (Thurs-                  We recommend for service users that are able to test,
    Sun)                                                                   to test twice a week with 3-4 days in between using
•   One rapid LFT on days 3-4 between PCR tests                            rapid LFT only. If they are attending twice a week,
                                                                           test on the days of attendance. If they are
    If anyone tests positive, they will need to undertake a confirmatory   attending once a week, they only need to test once
    PCR and then self-isolate at home immediately until they receive       in the week. These should ideally be on the day,
    their result.                                                          prior to attending the centre.

Example testing cadence for staff                                          Testing can be completed either at-home or on-site at
                                                                           the discretion of the day care centre manager.

                                                                           Service users can also self-test or receive assisted

Register your organisation
for access to testing

Self-referral portal – How to register for access to testing
To access testing, the first step is for all centre managers to refer their centres through the self-referral
portal. All applications will be reviewed by each centre’s Local Authority.

How to access the self-referral portal
Day care centre managers should navigate to:

The referral UON to gain access to the portal is 99915258.
  Please note this is only a referral code, this is not the                                                                             No. of staff
             code used to order your test kits.                                                                                      (full time, part time,
                                                                                                                                     specialists, private
Your application will be reviewed by your Local Authority to ensure eligibility.                                                      transport drivers)
Once accepted on our system, day care centre managers will receive their unique
organisation number (UON) via e-mail and can proceed to order test kits.

Purpose of a unique organisation number (UON)
Your unique organisation number (UON) is the distinctive code that your centre needs to order and register
test kits (for all workers and service users testing throughout the process). Once the centre has received a                          No. of non-staff
UON, we recommend sharing it with all workers and parents / carers that may test service users.                                        (service users)

Organisations which run multiple day care centres at various locations will need to register each centre separately and receive multiple UONs,
even if the contact details for each of these are the same.
Ordering test kits

Ordering PCR & Rapid LFT kits
The day care centre manager is responsible for ordering test kits for day care centre staff and service users every 21

How to order test kits
 1.   Navigate to:
 2.   Enter your Unique Organisation Number (UON), not the referral UON
 3.   Select the test kit option you want to order (standard swab – PCR – or lateral flow)
 4.   Enter total number of staff for testing – (inc. full-time, part-time, volunteers,
      specialists, private transport drivers)
 5.   Enter total number of non-staff for testing – (service users)

 Once you have placed an order you will receive a confirmatory email from:
                                                                                                     Test kit ordering portal: select test kit type

After ordering test kits
 You will receive another confirmation email when kits have been dispatched, including a delivery date.

 The day care centre manager is responsible for taking delivery of the test kits and arranging for kits to be distributed or collected.

 The day care centre manager should then order kits every 21 days for their day care centre workers and service users.
                                                                                          *managers are able to specify the amount of staff and service users
 If you have any issues ordering test kits, please call 119.                                          required for testing at time of ordering (every 21 days)
Receiving kits and preparing
to test

Preparing to test

     Once test kits are delivered, managers should inform staff and service users/ carers/ parents that kits have
     arrived and arrange for them to be distributed or collected.
     We recommend storing them in a single location where all individuals can pick them up.

     Make sure that each individual testing at home picks up two boxes of 7 rapid LFT’s and 1 confirmatory
     PCR kit (if available)
     Staff should also have collected 4 weekly PCR tests for the month.

    It is the day care centre manager’s responsibility to maintain records of the kits that are distributed outside of
    the centre, including:
    • The LOT number, which can be located on the box of 7
         rapid lateral flow tests
    • The name and details of each worker/ service user receiving the box
    • Date or receipt they picked up the box
    • Name of the testing coordinator distributing the home test kits

                                                                                     Example of key details on box, inc. LOT no.
Using the test kits

Checking the contents
Every 21 days you can order both lateral flow tests and standard PCR organisation tests. Please check for
the following contents:

                   PCR Test Kits                                                    Rapid LFT Kits
           Staff only – collect 4 kits per month                 Staff and service users – 2 boxes of 7 kits (14 tests)

                                                                             Swab inside
                                                      Set of instructions                          Test strip
                                                                             sealed wrapper                            1 box of
                                                                                                 (Lateral Flow
                                                                                                    Device)          confirmatory
                                                                                                                   PCR test kits to
                                                                                                                    be used in the
                                                                                                                  case of a positive
                                                                                                                   rapid LFT result

                                                                                                                    Each PCR kit
                                                       Tube holder                                                 contains a pre-
                                                         (1/box)            Extraction tube   Extraction buffer    paid royal mail
                                                                                                   sachet           returns label

Confirmatory PCR test kits
Each delivery of rapid LFT kits will also come with a box of confirmatory PCR kits, for use in the case of a positive
lateral flow test result. You can also use any spare PCR test kits in your centre for this purpose.

Where possible, please provide everyone testing at home with a PCR test kit to be used to confirm a positive LFT
result. If this is not possible, or you do not have enough PCR kits, please advise individuals to use a symptomatic
testing route such as the home testing channel or a drive-through test site if necessary.

Confirmatory PCR kits should be registered via the organisation registration portal, using your centres UON.

Returning a Confirmatory PCR test

•   Confirmatory PCR tests are additional test kits that should be used in case of a positive Rapid LFT result

•   All confirmatory PCR tests include a Royal Mail return label that should be returned via a Royal Mail priority post box
    (the same as how you return weekly PCR tests)

•   To find your nearest Royal Mail priority post box, please use the following link:


Taking the PCR Test – Weekly staff testing
Staff should complete an at-home PCR test once a week. We recommend testing between the days of
Thursdays – Sundays when labs are quieter, yielding a faster turnaround result.

           How to complete the test                                      When to complete the test
  You will conduct a combined throat and nose self-              You should only conduct your test between
  swab for the test.                                             Thursdays and Sundays. Our labs are quieter on
                                                                 these days, so results come back on average 30%
  Each test kit comes with step-by-step instructions             faster! This will reduce the possibility of any delays.
  on how to complete the swab on yourself, along with
  videos for support.
                                                                 Always leave 7 days between PCR tests where

                                                                 If possible, please continue testing whilst on holiday
                                                                 or off work due to illness which is not related to

                         Instructional video for self swabbing

  After the swab is complete, you need to register the
  kit online and return the test kit via post
  (more details to follow).
                                                                 The swab should not cause you to “gag” and you should
                                                                 stop going up the nose when you feel resistance.
Taking the Lateral Flow Test – Staff and service users
Service users that are able to test and staff should test with rapid LFT twice a week. Testing should
ideally occur at-home before coming to the centre*

            How to complete the test                                   When to complete the test
  You will conduct a combined throat and nose self-
                                                                You should only conduct your test maximum
  swab for the test. If a throat swab is not possible, you
                                                                twice a week, leaving 3-4 days in between*
  can swab both nostrils.

  Each test kit comes with step-by-step instructions
  on how to complete the swab on yourself, along with
  videos for support.

  Unlike PCR, you will process and analyse the
  sample after 20 – 30 minutes. Once the result is
  ready, you must report your result online then
  dispose of the kit in household waste (more details to       How to complete a self-test rapid LFT

 *As self-testing at home may not be suitable for service users, we will provide more details to follow on
 assisted testing and options for testing on-site.

Key differences between assisted-testing and self-testing

                  Self-testing                                    Assisted testing
•   Individual completes their own swab and       • Can be performed by carer or staff member
    processes their own test
                                                  • Person assisting with test needs consent to
•   Individual also interprets their own result     conduct test on another individual
    so they are the first to know their result
                                                  • Assisting person swabs, processes test and
•   Individual reports their result online and
                                                    interprets result
    to the centre
•   This method ensures someone will test         • Assisting person reports result on behalf of the
    before getting on transport and before          individual. The result must be reported online
    arriving at the centre                          as well as to the centre if performed at home
                                                  • This method can be performed at-home and
                                                    must be performed if testing is done on-site
Registering test kits

Registering test kits
You need to register a test every time that you complete one – for both rapid LFT and PCR. Please
follow the step-by-step instructions in your test kit to register your test.
                                    PCR                                                                        Rapid LFT
PCR kits must be registered online in order to receive a result.                    Every test result needs to be reported online for NHS Test and
This includes confirmatory PCR test kits.                                           Trace tracking purposes (positive, negative and invalid).
                                                                                    1.   Go to:
1.      Go to

                                                                                    2.   Select that you are testing for a “social care service”
2.      Enter the UON of your day care centre

                                                                                    3.   Enter the UON of your day care centre
3.      Enter personal details

                                                                                    4.   Enter personal details
4.      Enter or scan your test kit barcode

5.      After submitting, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of registration   5.   Enter or scan your Test strip ID number and the test result
        and will receive your result in 2 – 3 days.


                                        PCR Registration form                                 Rapid LFT report form
Additional details for reporting lateral flow results

If workers or service users can report their own results online:
1.   They will need to select that they are testing for a “social care service”
2.   They will need to enter the UON of the centre

If individuals cannot report their own result online:
1.   Results can be registered on the individuals behalf.
2.   The person registering on behalf of the individual will need all test results and
     test strip ID numbers so that they can report results on their behalf
3.   Make sure that you delete or destroy any forms containing the tested
     person’s personal details as soon as you complete with the online
Users without digital access
If any individual cannot complete the online form, they can either:

•    Call 119 and select option 1
•    Or, have you or someone else register on their behalf (provided you have
     consent to do so and can obtain personal details required to complete the
     form)                                                                               Rapid LFT report form

Returning test kits
(PCR only)

Returning PCR test kits only
Each PCR test kit contains a pink pre-paid return label. Please attach this to the outside of the delivery
packaging next to the security seal. If there is no label in the kit please check in the box that the kits were
delivered in. If additional support is needed please call 119.

The test kit should be returned via a Royal Mail priority box.

You will find your nearest priority post box and its collection times at

Only use a Royal Mail priority post box. It will be labelled with the
below Priority Box sign and one of the regional NHS logos.

Please do not enter any Post Office with the kit.

Important Information
                                                                                                                  Example of Royal Mail priority post box
1. Please post the kits in the priority mail box at least one hour before the
   last collection time to ensure that it is not missed

2. Locate your nearest priority post box and collection times before taking
   the test. Tests should be posted on the same day as they are taken

3. Some post boxes do not collect post on Sundays, and so please check if
   there is a collection available before testing on Sunday
Results guidance

Receiving results
                         PCR                                                         Rapid LFT
 You will receive PCR results 2 – 3 days after the kit is      You will receive rapid LFT results immediately, 30
 posted.                                                       minutes after the sample is processed. On the lateral
                                                               flow device, the results will appear as the following:
 You will receive:

 1.   An email
 2.   A text message (if a mobile phone number was
      provided at registration)
                                                                 Negative Result       Positive Result        Void Result
 The result will also include guidance on next steps for the
 person tested.
                                                               After the result is complete, please report your result
 If you do not receive your results please contact 119 and     online (including negative and void results). Results
 select option 1.                                              should also be shared with the day care centre manager.

                                                               Results may not be as clear-cut as the examples shown
                                                               here. Result lines may appear smudged or faint, but they
                                                               are still valid results and must be reported.

                                                               Once your test is complete, put all of the used test kit
                                                               contents in your general household waste.

What happens after a result?

                    •   Workers who receive a negative result and remain without symptoms can continue working
                    •   Service users who receive a negative result and remain without symptoms can attend the centre

 Negative Result
                    •   If any worker or service user tests positive, they should not come into the centre and will need to
                        immediately undertake a confirmatory PCR test and self-isolate until they receive their result

                    •   If the confirmatory PCR comes back as negative, that person can come back to the centre as long as
                        they do not have symptoms

                    •   If the PCR comes back as positive, they should continue self-isolating for 10 days in line with
 Positive Result        government guidance and do not need to re-test with rapid LFT or PCR for 90 days (unless they
                        develop new COVID symptoms)

                   •    The worker or service user will need to re-test using another kit to receive a conclusive result. If that is
                        also void, they can keep attending the centre and take a rapid LFT the following day (or the next time they
                        arrive at the centre)
   Void Result
                   ✓ You must have consent from the individual if you plan to have results returned to a different person

                   ✓ It is your responsibility to inform your local Public Health authority of a positive result

                   ✓ Symptoms are defined here:
Further guidance on a positive result

If a service user tests positive on-site:
•   They should wear a mask if possible and should return home immediately.
•   If possible, the service user should return home using private transport. Please follow
    your usual process for arranging transport if a service user becomes symptomatic on site.
•   They should take a confirmatory PCR test upon return and self-isolate until the PCR test
    result is returned.

For any staff member who has come into contact with a positive result:
•   If a member of staff is a contact, they need to self-isolate immediately in line with government guidance.
•   If contact with the positive result was while working and the member of staff was wearing full PPE, they can continue working but
    should contact their local health protection team and take advice.

Service users testing

Service users: Flexible testing model
 Based on your centre’s workforce capacity, the needs of your service users, and a risk assessment by your
 team that considers factors like shared transport, you have the flexibility to implement either testing model at
 your discretion, on a case by case basis.

                 RECEIVE KITS                                             TEST +                   REPORT RESULT
                                                                      SAMPLE ANALYSIS
              Service user takes tests
                home or manager           Service user/ carer/        Service user/ carer/        Result reported online
AT-HOME                                                                                            before disposing of
                distributes kits to a    parent reads guidance      parent tests service user
TESTING            carer/parent.         and prepares to assist         morning before                    device
                                           with test at home            attending centre
              Takes home 2 boxes of                                                               Result should also be
                7 rapid LFT and 1x                                  If positive result: Service   shared with day care
               confirmatory PCR per                                 users takes PCR and stays       centre manager
                    service user                                    home

                                         Staff are briefed on the   As service users arrive,
             Keep tests in centre and     testing process, read                                   Staff reports result on
                                                                    they are tested on entry      behalf of service user
ON-SITE      prepares kits for on-site    guidance, and set up        at the testing area by       before disposing of
TESTING              testing.                  testing area         staff and wait for result.            device
                                                                    If positive result: Service
                                         Follow all IPC measures
                                                                    users takes PCR and goes
                                              prior to testing      home
Support needed for testing at-home

        What is expected of managers                                What is expected of service users/ carers/ parents
 •   Communicate the at-home testing process to service             •   Prepare for testing by reading guidance/ detailed printed
     users/ carers/ parents before they collect test kits.              instructions in the kit and watch instructional videos.
 •   Distribute kits for service users/ carers/ parents to safely   •   If able to test, we recommend the service user should be
     take them home (2 boxes of 7 rapid LFT, one confirmatory           tested up to twice weekly, 3 – 4 days apart. The service user
     PCR).                                                              can self-test or receive assisted swabbing.
 •   Share additional guidance with service users/ carers/          •   If they are attending only once a week, they should test on the
     parents such as online videos and this webinar pack.               day they attend. If attending twice a week, test on the two
                                                                        days of attendance.
 •   Ensure parents / carers have consent to test, interpret
     result, and report result.                                     •   All results should be reported online. Results can be
                                                                        reported by the service user or the carer/parent on behalf of
 •   Work out how results will be reported from home                    the service user. Alternatively, the test strip ID and result can
     testers (either providing the UON to carers or obtaining           be shared with the manager to report on behalf of the service
     each test result and test strip ID number from them).              user.
 •   Optional: create a results tracking spreadsheet to
     keep track of all test results, test strip ID numbers, and
     personal details to record each result online.

Support needed for testing on-site

          Testing area requirements                                              Other key considerations

•   A designated area where users can test while socially        • Consent – obtaining consent from all service users to be tested
    distancing from others and await results while adhering to     in line with your normal policies and procedures. You can modify
    Infection Control measures                                     any current consent forms you already have

•   Ideally, the area has a separate entrance from the rest of   • Staff training – make sure that all staff who will assist with
    the centre and hard, non-porous flooring                       swabbing are briefed on the process for testing on-site
                                                                   (guidance links under Support)
•   Area should obtain mirror, timer, hand sanitiser, cleaning
    equipment and waste bins                                     • PPE – please ensure that you have enough PPE for staff to
                                                                   wear while they are conducting testing (face mask, gloves,
                                                                   apron). To order more PPE, please reach out to your Local
•   Staff can keep a record of which device matches which
    individual’s result

Additional support for service users
There is additional support for services users in the form of Accessibility Guidance and top tips that have been
gathered from our recent Lateral Flow Testing pilot, as seen below:

    Accessibility Guidance                                         Top Tips from pilot sites

                                                     •   Make it a fun and positive experience e.g. describe it as a
               •   Easy reads                        •   Create area that means service user can test with some sense of
               •   Accessible video                      privacy
               •   Utilising makaton                 •   Have all staff prepared to test so they can support and comfort
               •   Social stories                        a service user if needed
               •   Picture cards                     •   Give service users time to adjust and get familiar with test –
                                                         be consistent and persistent
                                                     •   Show service users how it works on staff and get them to mirror
                                                     •   Encourage them to hold staff’s hand as they complete an
                                                         assisted swab to help them feel in control
                                                     •   Set up a tray for each test

Additional Guidance for

Additional guidance for managers

1   Share your unique UON with your centre
    UONs are needed to register PCR tests, report lateral flow results, and order more test kits. Make sure you share your UON with all
    staff and service users/ carers/ parents that will test.

2   Tracking Kit Distribution
    For staff: please ensure that each individual receives (2) boxes of 7 rapid LFT kits, (1) confirmatory PCR test and (4) PCR kits
    per month.
    For service users: if service users test at-home, ensure that (2) boxes of 7 rapid LFT kits and (1) confirmatory PCR test is taken
    home; if testing on-site, store the kits at your centre.

3   Tracking test kit LOT numbers and distribution (rapid LFT only)
    Please ensure to maintain records of the kits that are distributed outside of the centre, including:
    • The LOT number, which can be located on the box of 7 rapid lateral flow tests
    • The name and details of each worker/ service user receiving the box
    • Date or receipt they picked up the box
    • Name of the testing coordinator distributing the home test kits                                      Example of key details on box, inc. LOT no.

Additional guidance for managers

4   Download our data privacy notice and make this available on display in your centre
    Managers should download our data privacy notice here:

    Please edit the details in this document to include your organisation name and make this available to read by staff and service users
    in your centre.

5   Preparing Staff
    We recommend that managers read through all guidance then practice a first-use with staff (either virtually or on-site) with both test
    kits to ensure proper use.

    If staff will test service users on-site, we recommend that managers conduct an additional risk assessment and review on-site testing
    guidance with staff to prepare for testing in your centre.

    Preparing service users/ carers/ parents
6   We recommend managers write and share a letter with service users/ carers/ parents overviewing this testing process and asking for
    written consent for testing (in line with your existing consent processes).
Additional guidance for managers

7   Tracking results
    Managers will NOT automatically receive a copy of test results conducted at-home. In order to receive positive results, you must
    request this information from staff and service users/ carers/ parents directly. We recommend trialling out a system to share results
    with you. Some examples include:
    •     A shared Gmail account
    •     A shared google docs spreadsheet
    •     A Whatsapp group
    • A nominated contact of your team
    Once you have set up a system for results to be shared, make sure all individuals are aware of the expectations for sharing their
    results before they begin testing.

8       Ordering PPE and consulting the Infection Control Fund (ICF)
        Please reach out your Local Authority to (1) order more PPE and (2) secure infection control funding to mitigate the additional
        costs of lateral flow testing (inc. staff training time, supporting materials, testing and site equipment, etc.).


Where to go for more support – PCR
Key links for ordering/registration
Self-referral portal: (Referral UON 99915258)

Ordering test kits:

If you do not have enough confirmatory PCRs, individuals should order via the home channel when necessary:

Registering completed PCR test kits:

Gov Guidance
Adult Social Care testing page:

Regular testing for Adult Day Care Centres guidance:

SCIE guidance on delivering safe, face-to-face adult day care:

SCIE guidance on re-opening day care services:

Additional Guidance
How to take a combined nose and throat swab:
Where to go for more support – Rapid LFT
Key links for ordering/registration
Self-referral portal: (Referral UON 99915258)

Ordering test kits:

Registering completed rapid LFT result:

Gov Guidance
Adult Social Care testing page:

On-site testing guidance:

Self-test guidance:

Rapid lateral flow self-testing instructions

Easy read:

Where to go for more support – Rapid LFT continued

Data privacy notice and Terms and Conditions
You can download our data privacy notice here:

Please download this document and edit the details to include your organisation name and make these available to read by staff
and service users in your centre.

Our terms and conditions can be found here:

Additional Guidance
How to complete a self-test rapid LFT:

Coronavirus Testing Contact Centre: please call 119, lines are open from 7am –11pm daily. Select option 1 when calling

General Support
Guidance on testing people who lack mental capacity can be found here:

Wellbeing support:

Further guidance about mental wellbeing for care staff can be found here:

Infection Control Fund
We have made self-testing at home available to enable staff to take rapid lateral flow tests pre-shift to help reduce the burden on
staff time, but we are aware that expanded rapid lateral flow testing (LFT) may place additional pressure on day care centre settings.

The government has provided almost £1.35 billion via the Infection Control Fund. This has been extended until June 2021, with an
extra £202.5 million of funding for infection prevention and control announced in March 2021. This is to support the sector with the
costs incurred, including setting up safe testing areas, providing staff training and staff time spent administering and receiving tests
on shift. Local authorities are able to use some of this at their discretion to support the wider sector in delivering additional rapid LFT,
including for day care centres.

Providers should engage with the Local Authority on what support may be available to assist with the roll-out of expanded
rapid LFT. The Rapid Testing Fund can be used to support costs associated with:
     • Staff training including time taken to attend webinars, read online guidance and complete an online competency assessment
     • Staff time to carry out rapid LFT properly, explain the process to those being tested, and process results.
     • Recruiting new staff to carry out more rapid LFT.
     • Creating separate test areas for staff and visitors to carry out rapid LFT safely and wait for the results.
     • Disposing rapid LFT and testing equipment.

Additionally, please reach out to your Local Authority about ordering more PPE if your centre needs to test on site.

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