The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat

Page created by Christina Le
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target:
Experimental program for 2022
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
n_TOF @ CERN C. Rubbia et al., A high resolution spallation driven facility at the CERN-PS
 to measure neutron cross sections in the interval from 1 eV to 250 MeV
 CERN/LHC/98-02(EET) 1998

The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
n_TOF @
 Design of EAR2
 Dump EAR2

 ~ 20 m

 ~ 200 m 20 GeV/c proton beam
 Protons From the PS accelerator
 Both beam lines have: Two experimental areas (EAR):
 Two experimental areas (EAR)
 • 1st collimator: • Horizontal flight Both
 path: beam lines with
 halo cleaning•+ first flight path
 beam shaping. EAR1 at•182.51st m
 • Filter station. • Vertical flight path:
 • Sweeping magnet. EAR1 at 200 m halo cleaning, initial beam
 EAR2 at 18.2 m
 • Vertical
 • 2nd collimator: beam shaping.flight-path • Filter station
 EAR2 at 20 m • Sweeping magnet
 • 2nd collimator for beam shaping
 Two experimental areas running in parallel.
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat

 proton beam momentum 20 GeV/c

 intensity (dedicated mode) 7 x 1012 protons/pulse

 repetition frequency 1 pulse/1.2s

 pulse width 6 ns (rms)

 n/p 300

 lead target dimensions 80x80x60 cm3

 cooling & moderation material N2 & H2O (borated)

 moderator thickness in the exit face 5 cm

 neutron beam dimension in EAR-1 2 cm (FWHM)
 (capture mode)
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
n_TOF @ CERN: 3 -generation
 rd target
 § 3rd generation spallation target, pure Pb based,
 N2-gas cooled, water moderated

 § Several innovations have been introduced

 courtesy of Oliver Aberle and Marco Calviani CERN
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
n_TOF @ CERN: 3 -generation
 rd target

 courtesy of Oliver Aberle and Marco Calviani, CERN
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
n_TOF @ CERN: 3 -generation
 rd target

 Cooling and moderator station

 courtesy of Oliver Aberle and Marco Calviani, CERN
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
EAR1 beam line

 SmCo sweeping magnet
 Neutron shielding
 1st collimator

 2nd “shaping” collimator
 Filter station

 Spallation target
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
EAR2 beam line
 2nd “shaping” collimator

 Filter station

 1st collimator SmCo sweeping magnet

 Spallation target

 M. Calviani | n_TOF Facility at CERN | NSTAPP
The n_TOF NEAR Station and New Spallation Target: Experimental program for 2022 - Ciemat
EAR1 beam commissioning

 C6D6 and iTED

 SiMON1 – 6Li
 4 Si detectors off-beam PTB – 235U
 gas Ionization chamber
 on beam
 TAC - Total Absorption Calorimeter Si detector
 BaF2 crystals
 MGAS1 - 235U & 10B
 PPAC1 – 2 x 235U
 gas Ionization detector

September 2021
EAR2 beam commissioning

 • The first proton beam for n_TOF after LS2 was
 delivered, as planned, on 19 July 2021
 Timepix2 • The new target commissioning is proceeding
 Si detector with excellent reliability and availability of key
 performance indicators
 with 238U, 237Np • First weeks of commissioning went faster than
 planned in terms of protons on target, bunch
 intensity, average intensity, and power on target

 MGAS2 - 235U & 10B
 gas Ionization detector The neutron beam characteristic measurements
 (Timepix1) is in taking data in both experimental
 Si detector areas EAR1 and EAR2
 SiMON2 - 6Li
 4 Si detectors
 neutron beam

 September 2021
TIMEPIX as beam monitor at n_TOF
2-Quad Timepix has been used for beam alignment
and for flux measurement in Phase-2021
EAR1 neutron flux
EAR1 neutron flux
EAR1 neutron flux
EAR2 neutron flux
EAR2 energy resolution improved

 J. Lerendegui, V. Alcayne, A. Casanovas, F. García, E. Mendoza, E. Musacchio, J.A. Pavón et al. (The n_TOF Collaboration)
Measurement of 94,95,96Mo(n,γ) relevant to Astrophysics and Nuclear Technology
 Experimental set up
 Sample Mass (g) - 3 C6D6 detectors @35° distance: 25 cm
 94Mo 1.7375 - 1 L6D6 detector @35° distance: 30 cm
 95Mo 0.9292 - 1 sTED @0° distance: 6 cm
 96Mo 1.611
 natMo 0.9857

 Material inside a can* with a 2 cm diameter
 *mass of the can 0.8073 g

R Mucciola et al. (The n_TOF Collaboration), November 2021
Measurement of 94,95,96Mo(n,γ) relevant to Astrophysics and Nuclear Technology

R Mucciola et al. (The n_TOF Collaboration), November 2021
Commissioning of the 3rd generation target

 • 3rd generation target commissioned. Performances according
 to expectations. All parameters as predicted.

 • Beams to EAR1 and EAR2 with characteristics improved with
 respect to previous conditions (flux & resolution).

 • Perspectives for a new experimental area open (NEAR Station)

What we do at n_TOF

 1. Nuclear astrophysics

 2. Advanced nuclear technologies

 3. Basic nuclear science & applications
Plan of measurements: 2022 run
 reaction field of interest note experimental area INTC proposal

 – anomalies in pre-solar grains
 radioactive sample
 94Nb(n, )
 – strong contributor to the long-term radiotoxicity
 t1/2 = 20 ka
 EAR2 INTC-P-577
 amongst FP
 – s-process thermometer
 radioactive sample EAR1 & EAR2
 79Se(n, )
 – strong contributor to the long-term radiotoxicity
 t1/2 = 300 ka
 among FP

 – s-process AGB stars, SiC grains
 94,95,96Mo(n, )
 – FP, fuel alloys
 stable samples (*) EAR1 INTC-P-569

 – s-processing in AGB stars INTC-P-437-
 160Gd(n, )
 stable samples EAR1
 – radioisotope (161Tb) production for theranostics ADD-1

 50,53Cr(n, )
 – criticality safety (major element in stainless steel) stable samples EAR1 INTC-P-588

 (*) part of a EU H2020 nuclear data project
Plan of measurements: 2022 run
 reaction field of interest note experimental area INTC proposal

 239Pu(n, ) and radioactive sample
 – advanced nuclear technologies
 t1/2 = 24.1 ka (*)
 EAR1 INTC-P-567

 243Am(n,f) – contributes to production of 239Pu radioactive sample
 (by + - decays) t1/2 = 7364 a (*)
 EAR1 & EAR2 INTC-P-566

 detector and setup
 NN scattering – isospin symmetry breaking
 EAR2 INTC-I-220

 detection tests
 n + 3He – X17 (dark photon?, fifth force?)
 EAR2 INTC-I-233

 detection tests and
 (n,lcp) – DDX measurements
 EAR1 INTC-I-221

 natFe detection tests
 + others – HPGe detection system for (n,n’) measurements
 EAR1 INTC-I-230

 (*) part of a EU H2020 nuclear data project
160Gd(n, )161Gd: proposed setup
 EAR1 typical setup EAR2 typical setup
Plan of
measurements: 2022 run

The NEAR Station
during the design studies of the new shielding
around the target station the opportunity for a new
near-target experimental area appeared
(NEAR station)

 NEAR Station area

Measurements for technical and engineering developments
• Irradiation of non-metallic materials + SEE (R2M & R2E projects) – up to 1MGy/year, mixed fields

 • Measurements of MACS by activation for nuclear astrophysics
 • Fusion-related measurements (cross sections, not irradiation)
 • Measurements of decay rates of long-lived isotopes
The NEAR Station Closed configuration

 Open configuration
NEAR Station (inner area)
 n_TOF target area
 irradiation positions
 inside the shielding

 shielding OPEN

 n_TOF target (pool)

 Ana-Paula Bernardes et al.
 NSTAPP – Neutrons in Science, Technology and applications
 November 2021

Sample inspection (preliminary)

• No changes detectable • Change of colour • Change of colour
Ø Keep the same • No displacement visible • No displacement visible
 configuration in 2022
 09/02/2022 Courtesy of M Ferrari, CERN 10

R2M samples at NEAR in 2022
1 RP-42R MORESCO oil PPE (polyphenyl ether) Shelf 160 mL
2 RG-42R-1 MORESCO grease PPE + bentonite Shelf 200 g
3 RG-42R-2 MORESCO grease PPE + bentonite Shelf 200 g
4 LY PPE 360 Lubrilog oil PPE Shelf 160 mL
5 LX AGFA 00 Lubrilog grease PPE + silica Shelf 200 g
6 LX AGFA 2 Lubrilog grease PPE + silica Shelf 200 g
7 PETAMO GHY 133N Kluberlub grease Minera oil + polyurea Shelf 200 g
8 GRIZZLYGREASE Minera oil + Li/Ca Shelf 200 g
 N.1 Lubcon grease
9 SANTOVAC 5GB SANTOLUBES grease PPE + unknown additives Shelf 200 g
10 Mineral oil + inorganic Shelf 200 g
 NUCLEOL G121 Castrol grease thickener
11 EPDM 70.10-02 Angst + Pfister elastomer EPDM-based, various additives Shelf 20 grams
12 Shieldseal 663 James Walker elastomer EPDM-based, various additives Shelf +R2 40 grams
13 Shieldseal 664 James Walker elastomer EPDM-based, various additives Shelf + R2 40 grams
14 Aeroshell grease 22 Shell grease Mineral oil + silica Shelf + R2 260 g
Acknowledgements: M. Ferrari
 09/02/2022 9
NEAR Station (outer area)
 5E8 n/cm2/pulse
 (outside the shielding)
NEAR Station (outer area)
 n_TOF target area
 shielding CLOSED

 n eu

 Sample + filter assembly support

 See INTC proposal P-623
 Neutron capture cross section measurements by the activation method
 at the n_TOF NEAR Station
 Alice Manna (Universita e INFN, Bologna, IT),
 Elisso Stamati (University of Ioannina, GR),
 Gianpiero Gervino (INFN, Torino, IT)

The NEAR Station activation setups

multi-foil activation method

 thermalization-absorption technique

NEAR Station (outer area) Neutron flux per proton pulse

 dn/dlnE [n/cm2/p-pulse]
Multi-foil activation analysis (MAM) Unfolded
Measurements performed during commissioning 10
(CERN-INTC-2020-073, INTC-I-222) Fluka (integrated)




 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1
 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10
 En [MeV]
 Analysis performed by M Mastromarco, INFN & University of Bari
The NEAR Station

example of simulations of the
neutron beam in the NEAR
area in comparison to the new
ChipIr facility at ISIS(*)

(*)D Chiesa et al., NIMA 902 (2018) 14

 simulations by V Vlachoudis & M Barbagallo
The NEAR Station: Shaping the neutron flux
The NEAR Station: Shaping the neutron flux
The NEAR Station: Shaping the neutron flux

The NEAR Station simulations by V Vlachoudis & M Barbagallo

The NEAR Station simulations by V Vlachoudis & M Barbagallo

The NEAR Station

 • Measurements of MACS by activation for nuclear astrophysics

 • Fusion-related measurements (cross sections, not irradiation)

 • Measurements of decay rates of long-lived isotopes

 Inner irradiation area:
 • Irradiation of non-metallic materials + SEE (R2M & R2E projects)
The NEAR Station
 courtesy of Oliver Aberle (CERN)
 Lab EAR2 ‘’A class’’


 20 m
 Rabbit tubes ~115 m

 et a

 n_TOF target
 Irradiation position PS Proton beam
The NEAR Station
 courtesy of Oliver Aberle (CERN)


The n_TOF facility at CERN is providing nuclear data for innovation
of advanced nuclear technologies and basic science

• Experimental program for measurements
 (including those related to SANDA and ARIEL Projects)

• NEAR Station opens new possibilities for applications in different fields
 (irradiation for materials and activation measurements)
The n_TOF Collaboration

Established in the year 2000 (MoU signed in 2008)
• 130 researchers, mostly from Europe (participation from Japan, India
 and the USA)
• 30+ research institutions involved
• typically, 10 PhD students/year
• management: Collaboration Board, Executive Committee, Editorial
 Board, various working groups

O. Aberle1 C. Domingo-Pardo7 I. Ladarescu7 I. Porras42 A. Ventura34
V. Alcayne2 R. Dressler23 C. Lederer-Woods22 J. Praena42 D. Vescovi10,14
S. Amaducci3,4 Q. Ducasse24 H. Leeb8 J. M. Quesada18 V. Vlachoudis1
J. Andrzejewski5 E. Dupont9 J. Lerendegui-Marco18 D. Ramos-Doval6 R. Vlastou21
L. Audouin6 I. Durán16 S. J. Lonsdale22 T. Rauscher44,45 A. Wallner47
V. Babiano-Suarez7 Z. Eleme25 D. Macina1 R. Reifarth27 P. J. Woods22
M. Bacak1,8,9 B. Fernández-Domínguez16 A. Manna34,35 D. Rochman23 T. Wright11
M. Barbagallo1,10 A. Ferrari1 T. Martínez2 Y. Romanets28 P. Žugec12
S. Bennett11 P. Finocchiaro3 A. Masi1 C. Rubbia1
E. Berthoumieux9 V. Furman26 C. Massimi34,35 M. Sabaté-Gilarte18,1
J. Billowes11 K. Göbel27 P. Mastinu36 A. Saxena46
 R. Garg22 M. Mastromarco1 P. Schillebeeckx30

 The n_TOF
D. Bosnar12
A. Brown13 A. Gawlik5 E. A. Maugeri23 D. Schumann23
M. Busso10,14,15 S. Gilardoni1 A. Mazzone10,37 A. Sekhar11
M. Caamaño16 I. F. Gonçalves28 E. Mendoza2 A. G. Smith11

L. Caballero-Ontanaya7 E. González-Romero2 A. Mengoni38 N. V. Sosnin11
F. Calviño17 C. Guerrero18 V. Michalopoulou21,1 P. Sprung23
M. Calviani1 F. Gunsing9 P. M. Milazzo39 A. Stamatopoulos21
D. Cano-Ott2 H. Harada29 F. Mingrone1 G. Tagliente10
A. Casanovas17 S. Heinitz23 J. Moreno-Soto9 J. L. Tain7
F. Cerutti1 J. Heyse30 A. Musumarra3,40 A. Tarifeño-Saldivia17
E. Chiaveri1,11 D. G. Jenkins13 A. Negret41 L. Tassan-Got1,21,6
N. Colonna10 A. Junghans31 R. Nolte24 Th. Thomas27
G. Cortés17 F. Käppeler32 F. Ogállar42 P. Torres-Sánchez42
M. A. Cortés-Giraldo18 Y. Kadi1 A. Oprea41 A. Tsinganis1
L. Cosentino3 A. Kimura29 N. Patronis25 J. Ulrich23
S. Cristallo14,19 I. Knapová33 A. Pavlik43 S. Urlass31,1
L. A. Damone10,20 M. Kokkoris21 J. Perkowski5 S. Valenta33
P. J. Davies11 Y. Kopatch26 L. Persanti10,14,19 G. Vannini34,35
M. Diakaki21,1 M. Krtička33 C. Petrone41 V. Variale10
M. Dietz24 D. Kurtulgil27 E. Pirovano24 P. Vaz28
 Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland
2Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Spain
 INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy
 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Italy
 University of Lodz, Poland
6Institut de Physique Nucléaire, CNRS-IN2P3, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France
7Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, Spain
 TU Wien, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien, Austria
 CEA Irfu, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bari, Italy
11University of Manchester, United Kingdom
12Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
 University of York, United Kingdom
 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Perugia, Italy
 Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Universita’ di Perugia, Italy
16University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

 The n_TOF
17Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
 Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
 Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, Italy
 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy

21National Technical University of Athens, Greece
22School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
 Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland
 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
 University of Ioannina, Greece
26Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia
27Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
 Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
 Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Tokai-mura, Japan
 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgium
31Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
32Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus North, IKP, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bologna, Italy
 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Italy
36Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Legnaro, Italy
37Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bari, Italy
 Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie (ENEA), Bologna, Italy
 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Trieste, Italy
 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Italy
41Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania
42University of Granada, Spain
 University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Vienna, Austria
 Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
 Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
46Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), India
47Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

The End

Some slides or part of slides in this presentation are from:

Oliver Aberle, CERN
Marco Calviani, CERN
Vasilis Vlachoudis, CERN
Fabrizio Murtas, INFN-LNF & CERN
Alice Manna, University of Bologna & CERN
Jorge Lerendegui, CSIC-IFIC Valencia
Ana-Paula Bernardes, CERN
Riccardo Mucciola, University of Perugia
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