Preview Day Welcome to Cal State East Bay!

Page created by Brenda Mclaughlin
Preview Day Welcome to Cal State East Bay!
Welcome to Cal State East Bay!

                     Preview Day
                             Saturday, October 15, 2016
                               8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

                Follow CSUEB Admissions


              Home of the Pioneers
Preview Day Welcome to Cal State East Bay!
Special Thanks to:
                                                       Dr. Edward S. Inch, Provost and Vice President,
                                                                       Academic Affairs
                                                          Stan Hébert III, Associate Vice President,
    Program Announcements:                            Student Affairs - Parent and Community Relations
                                                                    Dean Carolyn Nelson
    Show us your Pioneer Pride for a                                Dean Jagdish Agrawal
    chance to win a prize!                                            Dean Jason Singley
                                                                      Dean John Wenzler
    Connect with CSUEB Admissions on
    Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to post                         Dean Kathleen Rountree
    a picture from today’s event and tag
    #CSUEBPreviewDay for a chance to win a                           Staff and Faculty of:
    prize! Photos must be posted by Oct 21. The             College of Business and Economics
    most fun, creative, and tasteful photos will be       College of Education and Allied Studies
    selected as the winner.
                                                         College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
    Please let us know your thoughts                                  College of Science
    about Preview Day 2016!                                           University Library

    Share your comments with us by completing
    the Feedback Form included in your Preview
    Day folder and turn it in at a designated                              ASI, Inc.
    location to receive a piece of candy. We value                         Athletics
    your feedback and participation!                       Campus Recreation and Programming
                                                                     Dining Commons
                                                                      Event Volunteers
                                                                     Office of Admission
      Please note that there will be photographs                   Office of Financial Aid
      taken of Preview Day activities. The                 Office of Prospective Student Services
      images capture attendees of the event and               Recreation and Wellness Center
      may be used for CSUEB publications,                           Student Entertainers
      promotional materials, website, and/or                Student Housing and Residence Life
      social media platforms.
                                                           Student Life and Leadership Programs
                                                                   University Scheduling
                                                              University Showcase Participants
                                                                      Welcome Center

Preview Day Welcome to Cal State East Bay!
Preview Day 2016 Schedule At A Glance

               8:00 a.m. Check-in, Continental Breakfast and Student Performances

8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Opening Session
		                    Stan Hébert III, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs - Parent and
                      Community Relations

  9:00 a.m. - 10.45 a.m. Workshop Presentations (see following pages for schedule, descriptions
                         and locations)

  9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Take A Tour (see following pages for schedule, descriptions and locations)

  9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. University Showcase (see following pages for description and location)

  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application
                         Assistance Drop-In Service

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Academic Colleges Welcome
		                      College of Business and Economics
		 College of Education and Allied Studies
		 College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
		 College of Science
		 University Library *Please note extended hours on page 4

 12:00 p.m. Lunch on Campus
		          Venture out on your own for lunch to enjoy one of CSUEB’s on-campus
            eateries. Please see back page for details.

                                6 Tips to Plan Your Preview Day
       This day is designed so that you may participate in the activities that are most important to you
       and your family. Please take advantage of the many tremendous resources here today!

            Prioritize your day based on your needs.

            To get the most out of your day, have each family member/guest attend different

            Presentations are first-come, first-served so be prepared for presentations to reach
             capacity early. All workshop sessions are repeated for your convenience.

            Visit the University Showcase to learn about the many resources available to
             future Pioneers and to meet CSUEB faculty, staff and students.

            Pick a tour that relates to you most. Campus, Housing and Recreation & Wellness
             Center tours will be available.

            To get additional information and support with applying for financial aid, take
             advantage of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application
             Assistance Drop-In Service. Details can be found on page 5.

                     For your convenience, presentations are offered twice. Please see campus map insert for directional assistance.
                                               Presentation descriptions can be found on the next page.

               Location                  8:00-8:30 a.m.           8:30-8:45 a.m.     9:00-9:45 a.m.            10:00-10:45 a.m.        11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
        New University Union      Check-In, Continental Breakfast Welcome and
             Lawn Area              and Student Performances      Opening Session
        New University Union                                                      Admission Information Admission Information
                MPR B                                                                  for Freshmen                for Freshmen
        New University Union                                                      Admission Information Admission Information
                MPR A                                                                   for Transfers               for Transfers
         Original University                                                        Student Equity and         Student Equity and
              Union 311                                                           Success Programs (SEAS) Success Programs (SEAS)
       Pioneer Heights Lassen                                                          Housing and                 Housing and
         Coummunity Room                                                              Residence Life              Residence Life
          Valley Business &                                                           Financing Your              Financing Your
       Technology Center 124                                                       Education Overview         Education Overview
          Valley Business &
       Technology Center 222                                                                         FAFSA Application Assistance Drop-In Service
      Bookstore/Old University                                                                         University
          Union Lawn Area                                                                              Showcase
          Various Locations                                                                                                          Academic Colleges Welcome
    University Library Grass Area                                                                    Campus Tours
    Recreation & Wellness Center
            (RAW) Plaza                                                                              Housing Tours
    Recreation & Wellness Center
            (RAW) Lobby                                                                                RAW Tours

                                                            Academic Colleges Welcome
    Visit your future Academic College today for a welcome, meet with staff and faculty, and explore the many opportunities within.
    Choose the College that best suits you based on your major interest. Please reference the Undergraduate Majors list on page 7 to
    identify the appropriate Academic College.

    Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    Location: Please see grid below for details

       Name                                                                          Greeting Area/Starting Point

       College of Business and Economics                                             In front of the Valley Business & Technology Center (VBT)
       College of Education and Allied Studies                                       In front of the Physical Education/Gym Building (PE)
       College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences                                  In front of Meiklejohn Hall (MI)
       College of Science                                                            In front of Science Building – North (SC-N)
       University Library*                                                           In the University Library Lobby
    *Please note: Hours of Operation are from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. for the Library only.

                                                                       University Showcase
    Visit the information and resource fair located on the Bookstore/Old University Union lawn area to learn about student life, clubs,
    organizations, and support services. Also, the Office of Admission will have staff available here to answer your admission questions.

    Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    Location: Lawn area in front of Pioneer Bookstore
Presentation Descriptions
                          Presentations will be available online at:

Admission Information for Freshmen                                 information and tips on how to secure your financial aid for
Hear from an admission representative to learn about               Fall 2017.
applying to Cal State East Bay as a First-Time Freshman
student. We will discuss admission requirements, upcoming          Housing and Residence Life
deadlines, and all the information you need to know as a           Come to this session to learn more about our beautiful,
CSUEB applicant, including support resources available to          affordable and convenient campus housing overlooking the
Freshmen students.                                                 Bay. You will also hear about the various meal plans and
                                                                   amenities that are available to students.
Admission Information for Transfers
Hear from an admission representative to learn about               Student Equity and Success Programs (SEAS)
applying to Cal State East Bay as an incoming Transfer             Come hear about the services we provide and whether our
student. We will discuss admission requirements, upcoming          programs may be a good fit for you! We work collaboratively
deadlines, and all the information you need to know as a           to enhance the overall Cal State East Bay experience through
CSUEB applicant, including support resources available to          support, resources, and community. Our programs are
Transfer students.                                                 designed to retain and graduate low income, first generation,
                                                                   historically underrepresented and underserved student
Financing Your Education                                           populations. SEAS includes the following programs:
Come meet key financial aid staff, and learn about the             Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), EXCEL, Gaining
programs and services available to help pay for your               Access N’ Academic Success (GANAS), Renaissance
college education. Additionally, you will be given helpful         Scholars, Sankofa Scholars, Student Support Operation for
                                                                   Success (SSOS), and Veteran Students Services.

            Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application Assistance Drop-In Service
            Did you know that the 2017-18 FAFSA opened on October 1 and that you may begin filing your
            FAFSA now? If you need help applying for Financial Aid, then come to this free drop-in service to
            receive information and guidance to help you begin the application process. Please bring the necessary
            documents to begin the application.

Campus Tours                                                       Recreation and Wellness (RAW) Center Tours
Take a guided walking tour of campus led by our Pioneer            Come learn about our new RAW facility, the many health
Ambassadors. Tours en Español disponibles a pedido.                and fitness services available to students, and how you can
                                                                   receive a free membership as a new student.
Time: First tour departs at 9:00 a.m.; last tour departs at
10:30 a.m.                                                         Time: First tour departs at 9:00 a.m.; last tour departs at
Location: Campus Tours Booth; Adjacent to University               10:30 a.m.
Library.                                                           Location: Recreation & Wellness Center, front entrance
                                                                   lobby area.
Housing Tours
Take a self-guided tour using provided maps from Student
Housing and Residence Life to explore all of the amenities
available to residents.

Time: First tour departs 9:00 a.m.; last tour departs 10:30 a.m.
Location: Housing Tours Booth; RAW Plaza.
Cal State East Bay Office of Admission - Document Deadlines
                                        • (510) 885-3500

                                         Freshmen                                                       Fall Quarter 2017

    Applications Accepted                                                                                10/1/2016 - 11/30/2016

    Application Fee Deadline: submit the $55 application fee (or an approved waiver) if you
    did not submit payment with your application form.

    SAT/ACT Test Scores Deadline: request for your SAT/ACT test scores to be sent to
    CSUEB by the testing agency. Note: CSU campuses will accept current and new SAT scores for
    admission eligibility. Applicants may submit scores from either test. Only scores from the same             2/1/2017
    test formats may be combined.

    Residency Documents Deadline: if requested, submit indicated residency documents.                           2/1/2017

    Transcripts Deadline: if requested, submit transcripts from all high schools attended
    including your current school transcript with Fall Semester grades and Spring semester                      3/1/2017
    courses in progress.

    Accept Offer of Admission Deadline: if admitted, accept your offer of admission in
    MyCSUEB to secure your place in the entering class.

    EPT/ELM Placement Test Completion Deadline: if required, complete these
    CSU placement tests. Learn more and register at

    Final Transcript Deadline: submit your high school transcript with Spring Semester grades
    and graduation posted.

                             Upper-Division Transfers                                                   Fall Quarter 2017

    Applications Accepted                                                                                10/1/2016 - 11/30/2016

    Application Fee Deadline: submit the $55 application fee (or an approved fee waiver)
    if you did not submit payment with your application form.

    Residency Documents Deadline: if requested, submit indicated residency documents                            2/1/2017

    Transcripts Deadline: if requested, submit transcripts from all colleges and universities
    attended including your current institution’s transcript with Fall 2016 grades and Spring                   3/1/2017
    2017 in progress courses.

    Accept Offer of Admission Deadline: if admitted, accept your offer of admission in
    MyCSUEB to secure your place in the entering class.

    Final Transcript Deadline: if admitted, submit transcripts from all colleges and universities
    attended including your current institution’s transcripts with Spring 2017 grades.

       Notice to Applicants: to be eligible for admission for Fall Quarter 2017, requirements must be completed by end of Spring 2017.
Undergraduate Majors
College of Letters, Arts and                        International Studies, B.A.                    Nursing, B.S. (impacted)
Social Sciences                                     Liberal Studies, B.A.                              Prelicensure Option
                                                        Liberal Arts Option                            RN Advanced Placement Option
Anthropology, B.A.                                      Teacher Preparation Option                 Physics, B.A.
    Archaeology and Biological                      Music, B.A. (audition required)                    Physics Education Option
    Anthropology Option                             Philosophy, B.A.                               Physics, B.S.
    Socio-Cultural Anthropology Option              Political Science, B.A.                        Psychology, B.A.
Art, B.A.                                               Pre-Law Option                             Psychology, B.S.
    Art History Option                                  Public Affairs and Administration Option       Ergonomics and Human Factors Option
    Art Studio Option                               Sociology, B.A.                                    Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    Graphic Design Option                           Spanish, B.A.                                      Option
    Multimedia Option                               Speech Pathology and Audiology, B.S.           Statistics, B.S.
    Photography Option
                                                    Theatre Arts, B.A.
    Pictorial Arts Option
    Spatial Arts Option
                                                        Acting Option                              College of Business and
                                                        Dance Option                               Economics
Art, B.F.A.                                             Directing and Creative Vision Option
    Graphic Design Option                               Musical Theatre Option                     Business Administration, B.S.
    Multimedia Option                                   Technology and Design Option                  Accounting Option
    Photography Option                                                                                Business Economics Option
    Traditional Arts Option                                                                           Entrepreneurship Option
Communication, B.A.                                 College of Science
                                                                                                      Finance Option
    Media Production Option                         Biochemistry, B.A.                                General Management Option
    Professional, Public and Organizational             Chemistry Education Option                    Human Resources Management Option
    Communication Option                            Biochemistry, B.S.                                Information Technology Management Option
Criminal Justice Administration, B.S.               Biological Science, B.A.                          Marketing Management Option
    Community Alternatives and Corrections Option       Biology Education Option                      Operations and Supply Chain Management
    Justice and Enforcement Option                      General Biology Option                        Option
English, B.A.                                       Biological Science, B.S.                       Economics, B.A.
    Creative Writing Option                             Cell and Molecular Biology Option             General Economics Option
    Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and          Ecology and Conservation Biology Option       Social Science Economics Option
    Writing Studies Option                              Forensic Science Option
    Language and Discourse Option                       General Biology Option                     College of Education and
    Literature Option                                   Microbiology/Biomedical Laboratory
Environmental Studies, B.A.                             Sciences Option
                                                                                                   Allied Studies
    Environment and Society Option                      Physiology Option                          Hospitality and Tourism, B.S.
    Physical Environment Option                     Chemistry, B.A.                                Kinesiology, B.S.
    Sustainable Resource Management Option              Chemistry Education Option                    Exercise, Nutrition, and Wellness Option
Ethnic Studies, B.A.                                Chemistry, B.S.                                   Physical Activity Studies Option
    African American Studies Option                     Forensic Science Option                       Physical Education Teaching Option
    American Indian Studies Option                  Computer Engineering, B.S.                        Social Justice Option
    Asian American Studies Option                   Computer Science, B.S.                            Special Studies Option
    Genders and Sexualities in Communities          Construction Management, B.S.                     Therapeutic Studies Option
    of Color Option                                 Environmental Science, B.S.                    Recreation, B.S.
    Latino/a and Latin American Studies Option          Environmental Systems and Resource            Recreation Management Option
French, B.A.                                            Management Option                             Recreation Therapy Option
Geography, B.A.                                         Life Science Option
Geography, B.S.                                         Physical Science Option                    Interdisciplinary Majors
History, B.A.                                       Geology, B.A.
    Asian and Middle Eastern History Option                                                        Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A.*
                                                    Geology, B.S.                                  Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S.*
    European History Option                         Health Sciences, B.S.
    History of California and the American West                                                        *Please visit the college(s) that best suit your
                                                        Administration and Management Option           academic interests.
    Option                                              Community Health Option
    Latin American History Option                       Pre-Clinical Preparation Option
    United States History Option                                                                       Approved majors for the 2017-18 academic year.
                                                    Industrial Engineering, B.S.                       Undergraduate programs are subject to change.
Human Development, B.A.                             Mathematics, B.S.
    Adolescent Development Option                                                                      For the official up-to-date list of undergraduate
                                                        Applied Mathematics Option                     majors, visit our online University Catalog at
    Adult Development and Gerontology Option            Mathematics Teaching Option
    Childhood Development Option                                                             
                                                        Pure Mathematics Option
    Early Childhood Development Option
    Women’s Development Option
October 15, 2016
Preview Day
Pioneer Dining Hours of Operation

                 8:00am – 5:00pm
                 Located in the Library

                 8:00am – 3:00pm
                 Located in the
                 Old Union

                 Brunch: 10:30am – 1:00pm
                 Dining Commons is located near
                 Pioneer Heights. Note: Limited menu
                 available between meal periods.

Hours of operation available on
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