Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...

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Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
Andreas Streun
       Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland

Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities
               Varenna, Italy, July 8-11, 2015
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...

      Portrait of the SLS; history and achievements
      The new generation of light sources
      The challenge to upgrade the SLS
      A new type of lattice cell for lower emittance:
      longitudinal gradient bends and anti-bends
      SLS-2 design: performance, challenges, highlights

A. Streun, PSI   Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   2
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)

    1960 Eidgenössisches Institut für Reaktorforschung (EIR)
    1968 Schweizer Institut für Nuklearphysik (SIN)
    1988 EIR + SIN = PSI  research with photons, neutrons, muons
    PSI Accelerators:
     590 MeV proton cyloctron: 1.3 MW beam power
       spallation neutron source SINQ & muon source SmS
     5.8 GeV / 1 Å free electron laser SwissFEL: operation 2017
     2.4 GeV synchrotron light source SLS
A. Streun, PSI     Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   3
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
                                                                                         Electron beam cross
                                                                                         section in comparison
                                             transfer lines                              to human hair
                 90 keV
                 pulsed (3 Hz)
                 thermionic            100 MeV
                 electron gun          pulsed linac

                 Synchrotron (“booster”)                                                  Current vs. time
                 100 MeV  2.4 [2.7] GeV
                 within 146 ms (~160’000 turns)

                     2.4 GeV storage ring
                     ex = 5.0..6.8 nm, ey = 1..10 pm                                      1 mA
                     400±1 mA beam current
                             top-up operation

                                                                                         4 days

A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                       4
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
SLS: beam lines overview

A. Streun, PSI   Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   5
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
SLS: history

                 1990   First ideas for a
                        Swiss Light Source
                 1993   Conceptual Design Report
    June         1997   Approval by Swiss Government
    June         1999   Finalization of Building
    Dec. 2000 First Stored Beam
    June         2001   Design current 400 mA reached
                        Top up operation started
    July         2001 First experiments
    Jan.         2005   Laser beam slicing “FEMTO”
    May          2006   3 Tesla super bends
                 2010   ~completion: 18 beamlines

A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   6
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
SLS achievements
             Rich scientific output
                  > 500 publications in refereed journals/year
                  four spin-off companies (e.g. DECTRIS)
             Reliability
                  5000 hrs user beam time per year
                  97.3% availability (2005-2014 average)
             Top-up operation since 2001
                  constant beam current 400-402 mA over many days
             Photon beam stability < 1 mm rms (at frontends)
                  fast orbit feedback system ( < 100 Hz )‫‏‬
                  undulator feed forward tables, beam based alignment,
                   dynamic girder realignment , photon BPM integration etc...
             Ultra-low vertical emittance: 0.9 ± 0.4 pm
                  model based and model independent optics correction
                  high resolution beam size monitor developments
             150 fs FWHM hard X-ray source FEMTO
                  laser-modulator-radiator insertion and beam line
A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   7
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
Horizontal emittance normalized to beam energy
                                                          The storage ring generational change

                                                                                                                                     energy 2
                                                                                                                     emittance 

                                                               Riccardo Bartolini (Oxford University)
                                                               4th low emittance rings workshop,
                                                               Frascati , Sep. 17-19, 2014

                                                       Storage rings in operation (•) and planned (•).
                                                       The old (—) and the new (—) generation.
A. Streun, PSI                                                   Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                    8
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
New storage rings and upgrade plans
 Name                     Energy [GeV]                Circumf. [m]             Emittance* [pm]           Status
 PETRA-III                       6.0                       2304                4400  1000 operational
                                 3.0                                          85 (round beam)
 MAX-IV                          3.0                        528                  328  200    2015
 SIRIUS                          3.0                        518                           280             2016
 ESRF upgrade                    6.0                        844                           147             2020
 DIAMOND upgrade                 3.0                        562                           275            started
 APS upgrade                     6.0                       1104                            65            study
 SPRING 8 upgrade                6.0                       1436                            68            study
 PEP-X                           4.5                       2200                         29  10          study
 ALS upgrade                     2.0                        200                           100            study
 ELETTRA upgrade                 2.0                        260                           250            study
 SLS now                         2.4                        288                          5020**       operational
 SLS-2                           2.4 (?)                    288                     100-200 ?            2024 ?
                 *Emittance without  with damping wigglers                             **without FEMTO insertion
A. Streun, PSI          Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                               9
Andreas Streun Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) Villigen, Switzerland Future Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities Varenna, Italy ...
The Multi-Bend Achromat (MBA)

    small vacuum chambers [NEG coated]
    high magnet gradients
    more cells in given circumference
A. Streun, PSI       Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   10
SLS upgrade constraints and challenges
    Constraints
                get factor 20...50 lower emittance (100...250 pm)
                keep circumference & footprint: hall & tunnel.
                re-use injector: booster & linac.
                keep beam lines: avoid shift of source points.
                “dark period” for upgrade 6...9 months
    Main challenge: small circumference (288 m)
      Multi bend achromat: e  (number of bends)─3
      Damping wigglers (DW): e  ring + DW radiated power
            Low emittance from MBA and/or DW requires space !
            Scaling MAX IV to SLS size and energy gives e  1 nm 
            New lattice concept  e  100...200 pm 
A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   11
Theoretical minium emittance (TME) cell dilemma
 Conditions for minimum emittance (h = 1/r = eB/p curvature)
                     L              hL2                      7.8              (f [ o 3
     b omin      =        homin   =      e xo [pm  rad] =
                                                                  ( E[GeV]) 2
                   2 15             24                      12 15                Jx
 periodic/symmetric cell: b ’ = h’ = 0 at ends
 over-focusing of bx  phase advance m min =284.5°
        2nd focus, useless                                               16

        overstrained optics,                         Betafunctions [m]
                                                                          14                                      0.04

                                                                                                                          Dispersion [m]
                                                                          12                                      0.00

         huge chromaticity...                                             10
                                                                                           bx by h

        long cell                                                        6


        better have two
                                                                          2                                       -0.16

         relaxed cells of f/2
                                                                               0   1   2     3        4   5   6

                                                                                            f, L, h
        MBA concept...
A. Streun, PSI              Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                                          12
Conventional cells = relaxed TME cells
        Deviations from
         TME conditions
     e xo                bo          ho
 F = min             b = min     d = min
    e xo                bo          ho
        Ellipse equations
         for emittance
 4   (d  1)  (b  F ) = F  1
                 2               2            2

        Cell phase advance
              m    6     b
          tan =
              2    15 (d  3)
        Real cells:             m < 180°                            F ~ 3...6            MBA: F > 10
A. Streun, PSI             Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                 13
how to do better ?
 1. disentangle dispersion h and beta function bx
                release constraint: focusing is done with quads only.
                use “anti-bend” (AB) out of phase with main bend
                suppress dispersion (ho  0) in main bend center.
                allow modest bxo for low cell phase advance.
 2. optimize bending field for minimum emittance
                release constraint: bend field is homogeneous.
                use “longitudinal gradient bend” (LGB)
                highest field at bend center (ho = (e/p) Bo)
                reduce field h(s) as dispersion h(s) grows
  sub-TME cell (F < 1) at moderate phase advance
A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   14
step 1: the anti-bend (AB)

 General problem of dispersion matching:
        – dispersion is a horizontal trajectory
        – dispersion production in dipoles  “defocusing”: h’’ > 0
 Quadrupoles in conventional cell:                                                   dispersion:
        – over-focusing of beta function bx                                           off / on
        – insufficient focusing of dispersion h
  disentangle h and bx
                                                                                        bx by
 use negative dipole: anti-bend
        – kick Dh’ =  , angle  < 0
        – out of phase with main dipole
        – negligible effect on bx , by                                  relaxed TME cell, 5°, 2.4 GeV, Jx  2
                                                                        Emittance: 500 pm / 200 pm
A. Streun, PSI        Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                             15
I 4 =  bh (bAB
                                 2emittance
                                   k ) ds   I 2 effects
                                                   J x = 1  II 42  2

 AB emittance contribution
                                     h 2
                                                                                         Disp. h
e  I 5 =  | h |3 H ds 
                             | h |3     L
           L                         b                                                   bx by
   – h is large and constant at AB
        low field, long magnet
 Cell emittance (2AB +main bend)
       – main bend angle to be increased by 2| |
        in total, still lower emittance
 AB as combined function magnet
       – Increase of damping partition Jx
           • vertical focusing in normal bend
           • horizontal focusing in anti-bend.
       – horizontal focusing required anyway at AB
        AB = off-centered quadrupole  half quadrupole 
A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015             16
I 4 =  bAB
                          h (b 2impact
                                  2k ) ds   I    J   =
                                           on chromaticity
                                                 2     x   1  I2  2

    Anti-bend  negative momentum compaction a
                                    small            large
                     1                   
                  a =  hh ds  hh ds  < 0
                     C  LGB     AB                      negative
    Head-tail stability for negative chromaticity!

                                side note: AB history

   1980’s/90’s:                                                                          PAC 1989
   proposed for
   isochronous rings
   and to increase
   damping - but 
A. Streun, PSI           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015              17
step 2: the longitudinal gradient bend (LGB)

    e  I 5 =  | h ( s ) | H ( s ) ds   3
                                                                               h 2  (ah  bh ' ) 2
    Dispersion’s betatron amplitude                                       H =
    Orbit curvature h(s) = B(s)/(p/e)
    Longitudinal field variation h(s) to compensate H (s) variation
    Beam dynamics in bending magnet
          – Curvature is source of dispersion:                         h ' ' ( s ) = h( s )  h ' ( s )  h ( s )
                                                                                                   1a 02
          – Horizontal optics ~ like drift space:                       b ( s ) = b 0  2a 0 s     b0      s2
          – Assumptions: no transverse gradient (k = 0); rectangular geometry
    Variational problem: find extremal of h(s) for
         I 5 =  f ( s,h ,h ' ,h ' ' ) ds  min with functional f = H ( s,h ,h ' ,h ' ' ) | h ' ' |3
    numerical optimization
A. Streun, PSI              Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                           18
LGB numerical optimization
        Half bend in N slices:                                           Results for half symmetric bend
                                                                          ( L = 0.8 m, F = 8°, 2.4 GeV )
         curvature hi , length Dsi
        Knobs for minimizer:                                                                 hyperbola fit
         {hi}, b0, h0
        Objective: I5
        Constraints:
                    length: SDsi = L/2
                    angle: ShiDsi = F/2
                    [ field: hi < hmax ]                                         I5 contributions
                    [ optics: b0 , h0 ]
        Results:
           hyperbolic field variation
                     (for symmetric bend, dispersion suppressor bend is different)
                    Trend: h0   , b0  0 , h0  0
A. Streun, PSI               Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                    19
LGB optimization with optics constraints
        Numerical optimization of field profile for fixed b0, h0
                      Emittance (F) vs. b0, h0 normalized to data for TME of hom. bend

                                                             F  0.3                      F=1

       small (~0) dispersion at centre required, but tolerant to large beta function
A. Streun, PSI                 Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015    20
The LGB/AB cell
     Conventional cell vs. longitudinal-gradient bend/anti-bend cell
                  both: angle 6.7°, E = 2.4 GeV, L = 2.36 m, Dmx = 160°, Dmy = 90°, Jx  1
    conventional: e = 990 pm (F = 3.4)                                        LGB/AB: e = 200 pm (F = 0.69)
                             Disp. h                                                               Disp. h

                       bx by                                                                  bx by

                 dipole field                                                      longitudinal
                 quad field
                                 } at R = 13 mm                                    gradient                  anti-bend
                 total |field|

A. Streun, PSI                     Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                         21
SLS-2 lattice layout

  TBA  7BA lattice: ½ + 5 + ½ cells of LGB/AB type
  periodicy 3: 12 arcs and 3 different straight types:
          6  4 m  6  2.9 m                            3  7 m  3  5.1 m
          split long straights:                          3  11.5 m  6  5.1 m
  beam pipe: 64 mm x 32 mm   20 mm
                                                           magnet aperture  26 mm
A. Streun, PSI      Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015     22
SLS-2 lattice db02l                                     (one superperiod = 1/3 of ring)

                  optics and magnetic field 
                   (field at poletips for R = 13 mm)

       Superbends in arcs 2/6/10
       3  2.9 T  3  5.0 T

A. Streun, PSI              Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015         23
SLS-2 lattice parameters
Name                                                          SLS*)                         db02l          fa01f

status                                                     operating                      baseline         fallback
Emittance at 2.4 GeV [pm]                                      5022                              137         262
Lattice type                                                   TBA                               7BA         5BA
Total absolute bending angle                                   360°                          585°           488°
Working point Qx/y                                       20.42 / 8.74                 38.38 / 11.28     28.29 / 10.17
Natural chromaticities Cx/y                             67.0 / 19.8                 67.5 / 36.0     64.1 / 39.9
Optics strain1)                                                 7.9                              5.6         8.9
Momentum compaction factor [104 ]                             6.56                         1.39           1.86
Dynamic acceptance [mm.mrad]                 2)                  46                              10           17
Radiated Power [kW] 3)                                          205                              228         271
rms energy spread [103 ]                                      0.86                          1.05            1.15
damping times x/y/E [ms]                                9.0 / 9.0 / 4.5               4.5 / 8.0 / 6.4   5.0 / 6.8 / 4.1
1)   product of horiz. and vert. normalized chromaticities C/Q
2)   max. horizontal betatron amplitude at stability limit for ideal lattice
3)   assuming 400 mA stored current, bare lattice without IDs
*)   SLS lattice d2r55, before FEMTO installation (
Non-linear optimization
    13 sextupole & 10 octupole families
   step 1: perturbation theory: insufficient
                1st & 2nd order sextupole terms
                1st order octupole terms
                up to 3rd order chromaticities
   step 2: multi-objective genetic optimizer
          objectives: dynamic aperture at Dp/p = 0, 3%
          contraints: tune fooprint within ½ integer box 
    Lattice acceptance results (ideal lattice)
       horizontal acceptance 10 mm·mrad
          sufficient for off-axis multipole injection
          from existing booster synchrotron
       Touschek lifetime 3.2 hrs
          1 mA/bunch, 10 pm vertical emittance, 1.43 MV overvoltage
          further increase to 7-9 hrs by harmonic RF system.
A. Streun, PSI            Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   25
More challenges... work just started
    Collective effects
                large resistive wall impedance ( aperture3)
                low momentum compaction factor |a|, and a < 0
                close thresholds for turbulent bunch lengthening 
                head-tail stability for chromaticity  0 
                intrabeam scattering  15-30% emittance increase 
    Alignment tolerances
                common magnet yoke = girder
                initial mechanical alignment will be insufficient
                extensive use of beam based alignment methods
                longer commissioning than 3rd gen. light source
A. Streun, PSI          Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   26
Advanced options
  Round beam scheme
                Wish from users (round samples...)                                         SLS
                Maximum brightness & coherence                                             SLS-2
                                                                                            SLS-2 RB
                Mitigation of intrabeam scattering blow-up
                “Möbius accelerator”:
                 beam rotation on each turn to exchange
                 transverse planes

                                                                                                       Figure taken from R. Hettel, JSR 21 (2014) p.843
   A new on-axis injection scheme
                cope with reduced aperture
                 (physical or dynamic)
                interplay of radiation damping and
                 synchrotron oscillation forms attractive
                 channel in longitudinal phase space for
                 off-energy off-phase on-axis injection.

A. Streun, PSI              Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                         27
Longitudinal gradient superbend
 Photon energy range
      Dipole Flux [ph/mr^2/sec/0.1%bw]
                                              1.4 T
   5.00E+13                                   2.95 T
                                              5.7 T
              0       20          40     60       80       100

 YBCO1) HTS2) tape in                                                                                   Courtesy
  canted-cos-theta                                                                                       Ciro Calzolaio, PSI
  configuration on
  hyperbolic mandrel
                  hyperbolic field profile
                 open for radiation fan
                 > 5T peak field
                  1) Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide
                  2) High Temperature Superconductor
A. Streun, PSI                           Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015                         28
Time schedule

  Jan. 2014 Letter of Intent submitted to SERI
       (SERI = State secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation)

          schedule and budget
                 • 2017-20           studies & prototypes 2 MCHF
                 • 2021-24           new storage ring     63 MCHF
                                     beamline upgrades 20 MCHF
          Oct. 2014
                   positive evaluation by SERI:
                   SLS-2 is on the “roadmap”.
  Concept decisions fall 2015.
  Conceptual design report end 2016.

A. Streun, PSI               Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   29
    The Swiss Light Source is successfully in operation since 15 years...
    ...but progress in storage ring design enforces an upgrade.
    Upgrade of the Swiss Light Source SLS has to cope with a rather
    compact lattice footprint...
    ... but the new LGB/AB cell provides five times lower emittance than
    a conventional lattice cell:
                Anti bends (AB) disentangle horizontal beta and dispersion functions.
                Longitudinal gradient bends (LGB) provide minimum emittance by
                 adjusting the field to the dispersion.
    The baseline design for SLS-2 is a 12  7BA lattice providing 30-35
    times lower emittance.
    The design is challenged by non-linear optics optimization, beam
    instabilities and correction of lattice imperfections.
    A conceptual design report is scheduled for end 2016.
A. Streun, PSI             Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   30
                 Beam Dynamics:
                 Michael Ehrlichman, Ángela Saá Hernández,
                 Masamitsu Aiba, Michael Böge
                 Instabilities and impedances:
                 Haisheng Xu, Eirini Koukovini-Platia (CERN),
                 Lukas Stingelin, Micha Dehler, Paolo Craievich
                 Ciro Calzolaio, Stephane Sanphilippo,
                 Vjeran Vrankovic, Alexander Anghel
                 Vacuum system:
                 Andreas Müller, Lothar Schulz
                 General concept and project organisation:
                 Albin Wrulich, Lenny Rivkin, Terry Garvey, Uwe Barth

A. Streun, PSI             Swiss Light Source: the next 20 years, Varenna, July 10, 2015   31
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