Page created by Marilyn Barber

   July 11, 2021
July 11, 2021

10:00 am: Pastor Josh Tuininga
                                                                 (*please stand if able)

Welcome and Announcements
Gathering BY God’s Grace
*God Calls Us Into Worship – Psalm 66:1-3
*Opening Prayer and Greeting
*Praising Our God:
        Blessed Be Your Name
        Praise the Name (Anastasis)
Growing IN God’s Grace
Scripture: Revelation 21:1-22:21
Song: Speak O Lord
Message: All Things New
Prayer of Application
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Song of Response: LUYH #825 Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Going WITH God’s Grace
Congregational Prayer
*Closing Song: My Friends May You Grow In Grace

(Offering   plates available ~ Raise Up Global Ministries)

        A warm and special welcome to all those who are visiting with us today.
        Today is the last service Pastor Josh is leading us in worship. We pray God’s
        blessing on our service today and peace and strength for all of us as we begin
        this new season. Everyone is welcome to stay for a BBQ lunch after the
        service so that we can send off Pastor Josh & April, Kailyn, Jude, and Lucas
        with much love and our blessings. Today also marks the 70th Anniversary of
        our church. We give thanks and praise to God for his faithfulness to the
Wallaceburg CRC.
July 11: John Lubbers   July 18: Wayne Dykema
July 25: Gary DePooter  August 1: Alfred Feddes

                                                                                   2       13
     July 11:   Raise Up Global Ministries
                        Officiating Deacon: Linda Watson
     July 18:   Salvation Army
                        Officiating Deacon: Beth Lubbers
     July 25:   WCS Tuition Assistance
                        Officiating Deacon: Gerald Lubbers
     August 1:  Benevolence
                        Officiating Deacons: Cori Dykhouse
     Ronald MacDonald House ……………………………………… $640.50
     World Renew ………………………………………………………. $100.00
     Budget ……………………………………………………………….. $965.00
     E-Tranfer Receipts June 1 - 30 2021
     Budget ~ $2,743.00
     James Street Ministries ~ $365.00
     Candidacy Committee ~ $100.00
     Indigenous Ministry-Canada ~ $463.00
     World Renew ~ $585.00
     Benevolence ~ $20.00
     Worship Ministries ~ $25.00
     Total = $4,301.00

     NEXT WEEK’S OFFERING: SALVATION ARMY: www.salvationarmy.ca
     The Salvation Army is an international Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible; its
     ministry is motivated by love for God and the needs of humanity and exists to share the love of
     Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our
                                      BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS
                                           NUMBERS 6:4-26

                                        Ed Van Gelder ~ July 11
                                     Daniel Kraayenbrink ~ July 12
                                         Avah Hensel ~ July 12
                                        Lauren Roche ~ July 13
                                     Jonathan Griffioen ~ July 14
                                      Curtis Van Gelder ~ July 15
                                    Weston Kraayenbrink ~ July 15
                                   Natasha MacKenzie ~ July 16

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SONGS                             O Praise The Name (Anástasis)

Blessed Be Your Name                                Verse 1
                                                    I cast my mind to Calvary
                                                    Where Jesus bled and died for me
Verse 1/2                                           I see His wounds His hands His feet
Blessed be Your name                                My Savior on that cursed tree
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow                Verse 2
Blessed be Your name                                His body bound and drenched in tears
Blessed be Your name                                They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb
When I'm found in the desert place                  The entrance sealed by heavy stone
Though I walk through the wilderness                Messiah still and all alone
Blessed be Your name
       Pre-Chorus                                     O praise the Name of the Lord our God
       Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’ll                   O praise His Name forevermore
       Turn back to praise                           For endless days we will sing Your praise
       When the darkness closes in Lord                      Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
       Still I will say
       Chorus                                       Verse 3
       Blessed be the name of the Lord              Then on the third at break of dawn
       Blessed be Your name                         The Son of heaven rose again
       Blessed be the name of the Lord              O trampled death where is your sting
       Blessed be Your glorious name                The angels roar for Christ the King
Verse 3/4                                           Chorus
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me                   Verse 4
When the world's all as it should be                He shall return in robes of white
Blessed be Your name                                The blazing sun shall pierce the night
Blessed be Your name                                And I will rise among the saints
On the road marked with suffering                   My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name                                Chorus
Pre-Chorus & Chorus                                                            CCLI Song # 7037787
                                                    Benjamin Hastings | Dean Ussher | Marty Sampson
     Bridge                                                © 2015 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
     You give and take away                                       (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
     You give and take away                                                   CCLI License # 790694
     My heart will choose to say
     Lord blessed be Your name
                             CCLI Song # 3798438
                       Beth Redman | Matt Redman
    © 2002 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG
                Publishing) CCLI License # 790694
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Speak O Lord                                            Beneath The Cross

     Verse 1                                                 Verse 1
     Speak O Lord as we come to You                          Beneath the cross of Jesus
     To receive the food of Your holy word                   I find a place to stand
     Take Your truth plant it deep in us                     And wonder at such mercy
     Shape and fashion us in Your likeness                   That calls me as I am
     That the light of Christ might be seen                  For hands that should discard me
     today                                                   Hold wounds which tell me come
     In our acts of love and our deeds of faith              Beneath the cross of Jesus
     Speak O Lord and fulfill in us                          My unworthy soul is won
     All Your purposes for Your glory
                                                                    Verse 2
     Verse 2                                                        Beneath the cross of Jesus
     Teach us Lord full obedience                                   His family is my own
     Holy reverence true humility                                   Once strangers chasing selfish
     Test our thoughts and our attitudes                            dreams
     In the radiance of Your purity                                 Now one through grace alone
     Cause our faith to rise                                        How could I now dishonor
     Cause our eyes to see                                          The ones that You have loved
     Your majestic love and authority                               Beneath the cross of Jesus
     Words of power that can never fail                             See the children called by God
     Let their truth prevail over unbelief
                                                             Verse 3
     Verse 3                                                 Beneath the cross of Jesus
     Speak O Lord and renew our minds                        The path before the crown
     Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for             We follow in His footsteps
     us                                                      Where promised hope is found
     Truths unchanged from the dawn of time                  How great the joy before us
     That will echo down through eternity                    To be His perfect bride
     And by grace we'll stand on Your promises               Beneath the cross of Jesus
     And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us             We will gladly live our lives
     Speak O Lord till Your church is built
     And the earth is filled with Your glory                                           CCLI Song # 4610917
                                                                                   Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty
                                    CCLI Song # 4615235        © 2005 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG
                             Keith Getty | Stuart Townend                                         Publishing)
            © 2005 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG                              CCLI License # 790694
                                   CCLI License # 790694

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My Friends May You Grow in Grace
      My friends may you grow in grace,
      and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
      My friends may You grow in grace
      And in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
      To God be the glory, now and forever
      Now and forever, amen.
      To God be the glory, now and forever,
      Now and forever, amen.
                                                                        2 Peter 3:18
                                                              Timothy James Meaney


At-home Faith Formation Tip - The Practice of Remembering: Reading the Old
Testament shows that even though God loved, protected, and provided for the
people of Israel, time after time they forgot God. How might we become people
who remember God? What might you add to your home or to your schedule to
serve as a daily reminder to connect with God? (For more on faith practices
from Faith Formation Ministries, visit crcna.org/FaithFormation/Practices.)

Praise Ye The Lord - The Calvin Alumni Choir presents virtual concert "Praise
Ye The Lord" featuring works of Alice Parker, Sean Ivory, Poulenc, F. Melius
Christiansen, and more. Join us for the YouTube premiere on July 23 at 7:00
pm. Find us on YouTube or Facebook by searching "Calvin Alumni Choir". We
look forward to sharing our music with you once again. Any questions can be
emailed to alumnichoir@calvin.edu

Hearts Exchanged - Further your journey of reconciliation by participating this
fall in Hearts Exchanged, a learning and action journey designed to equip
Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous peoples as neighbours and
fellow image bearers. More information at: crcna.org/hearts-exchanged

FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage,
parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and
devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect
with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
WOW! CREATION! - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at
www.kidscorner.net. God loves when you enjoy his creation. He loves that you
have a favorite color! How incredible is that? Listen now at kidscorner.net and
subscribe to KC’s weekly emails for all the new content.

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                        God go before you to lead you,                                        July 4: Brian Kraayenbrink              July 11: Rob Kraayenbrink
                      God go behind you to protect you,                                       July 18: Bill DePooter                  July 25: Don Snary

                     God go beneath you to support you,                                       Pulpit Supply:
                                                                                              July 18: Barry Wright
                      God go beside you to befriend you.                                      July 25: Randy Van Stempvoort
                                                                                              August 1: Pastor Jim Poelman
                                 Do not be afraid.                                            August 8: Pastor George Lubbers
                     May the blessing of God the Father,
                      Son, and Holy Spirit be upon you.
                                 Do not be afraid.
                   Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Verse 1
God be with you till we meet again
By His counsels guide uphold you
With His sheep securely fold you
God be with you till we meet again                                                                                          WEEKLY PRAYER GUIDE
                                  Chorus after each verse
                                   Till we meet, till we meet,                                     "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
                                   Till we meet at Jesus' feet.                                   With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."
                                   Till we meet, till we meet,
                               God be with you till we meet again.                                  ... Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere."
Verse 2                                                                                                                              Ephesians 6:18
God be with you till we meet again
'Neath His wings protecting hide you,                                                                             July 11                                         July 15
daily manna still provide you:                                                                Item: Pastor Josh, April, Kailyn, Jude, & Lucas   Item: Youth and Young Adults
God be with you till we meet again.                                                           Family: Colin and Andrea Hiemstra                 Family: Wilma Korvemaker
                                                                                                                  July 12                                         July 16
                                                                                              Item: Our Friendship Friends                      Item: Sunday School children
Verse 3                                                                                       Family: Tymen Hopman                              Family: Bernard and Karlene Kraayenbrink
God be with you till we meet again;                                                                               July 13                                         July 17
keep love’s banner floating over you,                                                         Item: Gems Girls and Ministry                     Item: Council
Smite deat.h’s threatening wave before you:                                                   Family: Will and Megan Johnston                   Family: Brian and Karen Kraayenbrink
God be with you till we meet again                                                                                July 14                                         July 18
                                                                      CCLI Song # 2647645     Item: Cadets and Ministry                         Item: Pulpit Supply: Barry Wright
                                                      Jeremiah Eames Rankin / Public Domain   Family: Ken and Beth Kominek                      Family: Dennis and Lynn Kraayenbrink
                                                                     CCLI License # 790694

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