The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School

Page created by Ron Juarez
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
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                                         The Messenger
                                  TERM 3 WEEK 5 TUESDAY 17 AUGUST, 2021
                                   (DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION BY CLICKING HERE)

                                          Vigour shine through me
                                          Strength sing through me
                                                Shine and sing
                                           Through legs and arms,
                                                Sing and shine
                                          Through hands and feet:
                                           So I will grow vigorous
                                               Will grow strong
                                              In heart and head,
                                             Vigorous and strong
                                            In breath and speech.
                                                Rudolf Steiner
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
We welcome all these new staff members to join our exceptional staff and wish them a successful and fulfilling time at the school.

Fran Cummins


                                                                  All activities and events COVID-19 restrictions
        Term 3: Tuesday 20 July- Friday 17 September
                                                                    pending. Snow trips-weather dependent.
   Yr 9 & 10 Monty Python skits being performed and filmed
                                                                                Monday 16 August
           at school (in school event-students only)
      Mt Stirling Cross Country Skiing – Prep and Class 1                  Monday 16 August 9am – 4pm
       Mt Stirling Cross Country Skiing – Class 2, 3 & 4                   Tuesday 17 August 9am – 4pm
                    Mt Buller Class 5 – Yr 8                           Wednesday 18 August 8am – 5pm
   Class 6 play – ‘Peter Pan’ being performed and filmed at
                                                                               Friday 20 August 2pm
            school (in school event-students only)
      Mt Stirling Cross Country Skiing – Prep and Class 1                  Monday 23 August 9am – 4pm
       Mt Stirling Cross Country Skiing – Class 2, 3 & 4                   Tuesday 24 August 9am – 4pm
      Mt Stirling Cross Country Skiing – Class 5 – Year 8              Wednesday 25 August 9am – 4pm
       IB Graduates Visual Art Exhibition Opening Night
                                                                             Friday 27 August 6 – 7pm
                       Masonic Lodge
                                                               Saturday 28, Sunday 29, Monday 30 August 10am
               IB Graduates Visual Art Exhibition
                                                                                   – 4pm
    Year 8 & 9 Northern Territory Camp with Remote Tours             Wednesday 1 – Tuesday 7 September
      MSPO Local music event (School hours – Details to
                                                                    Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 September
                 Class 4 play – ‘Iduna’s Apples’                                    Date TBC
      Early Childhood Spring Festivals – Details to come                       Friday 17 September
     School Spring Games (in school event-students only)                       Friday 17 September
                       Last day of Term 3                            Friday 17 September 2.20pm departure
                                                                  All activities and events COVID-19 restrictions
       Term 4: Tuesday 5 October - Friday 10 December
                          Staff PD day                                          Monday 4 October
                    All students commence                                       Tuesday 5 October
                 Yr 7 Immunisations 2nd round                                   Tuesday 5 October
   Developing the Self Developing the World – Student and
       parent education presentations - Details to come
                     Last day for Year 12’s                                    Thursday 21 October
          Student Free day – Open Day preparations                               Friday 22 October
   Alley Arts Evening music performance (eligible students)                      Friday 22 October
                   Whole School Open Day                                       Saturday 23 October
            Melbourne International Comedy Festival                         Saturday 23 October 6.30pm
              High Country Festival long weekend                           Monday 1 Tuesday 2 November
                         Class 4 camp                                  Monday 8 – Thursday 11 November
                 Year 7 & 8 Tasmanian Camp                            Monday 15 – Saturday 20 November
                  Class 5 & 6 Canberra Camp                             Monday 22 – Friday 26 November
                      Report Writing Day                                       Friday 26 November
             End of Year Music Concert at the PAC                             Wednesday 1 December
     Christmas Festivals-Details to come. Last day of T 4         Friday 10 December (Normal departure time)

     2022              Start date:                      End date:
    Term 1    Thursday, 27 January 2022             Friday, 8 April 2022             2.20pm departure
    Term 2     Wednesday 27 April 2022             Friday, 24 June 2022              2.20pm departure
    Term 3       Tuesday, 19 July 2022         Friday, 16 September 2022             2.20pm departure
    Term 4      Tuesday, 4 October 2022        Friday, 9 December 2022        3.20pm normal departure time

Exciting news – we wish to announce the arrival of baby Oliver Edwin Bennetts to Clare on Friday 13 August, weighing 3.8kgs.

Everything went well. Clare and Oliver are being looked after in Mansfield and are feeling great.
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
In heaven shines a golden star
                                                          An angel led you from afar
                                                          From heaven high unto the earth
                                                          And brought you to your house of birth.

                                                          And the angel led you
                                                          Across the rainbow bridge saying:
                                                          “Joy and laughter, you may bring
                                                          To everyone and everything.”

                                                          And on the earth, you were born
                                                          And we looked at you and said:
                                                          ‘Look at this precious gift from the heavens…
                                                          We shall name him Oliver Edwin’.

                                                          MORNING STAR KINDERGARTEN
                                                          The Echidnas have finished their winter pom poms and are moving on to sanding and sewing
                                                          the winter gnomes.

                                                          Our story for this week is Sweet Porridge and we are enjoying songs about snow and cold in
                                                          Morning Circle. ‘A Donkey My Dear’ is already a favourite in both groups with little shoes of
                                                          lavender to ‘keep her from the cold’!

                                                          Sandi Valerio
                                                          Morning Star Kindergarten

                                                          2022 MORNING STAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM
                                                          In 2022 the Morning Star kindergarten program will operate as follows:

                                                          3 year old Honey Bee kindergarten:
                                                          Wednesday 9.00am - 2.00pm

                                                          4 year old Echidna kindergarten:
                                                          Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00am - 3.15pm

The Rosa Mundi Prep Class enjoyed the early return to school last week. They welcomed a new Morning Circle complete with new favourite songs. My
Donkey My Dear has everyone giggling when they dance in their little shoes of lavender each day.

Everyone adjusted well to the disappointment of not going skiing and happily started the day making muffins and sharing in a hot chocolate treat at

There has been lots of work in the garden weaving the cubby fence with the winter fruit tree pruning’s.

Busy fingers also crafted neat little snow drop flowers from bees wax.

Fingers crossed for more visits to the snow.

Ariel Stava
Rosa Mundi Prep teacher
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
Class One enjoy spending time with Jane on Fridays in the hall where they rotate around a
series of activities designed to help develop their co-ordination, balance and integration of
movement for improved learning.

The students snake through tunnels, jump over obstacles, roll over the mats and balance
bean bags as well as themselves across the beam. It’s a fun way to end our week and the
students are always invigorated when they come back to class.

Lou Pullar
Class One teacher

Class Two have been uncovering all kinds of magical patterns in our Magic Numbers Main

We have discovered square numbers in Squire Square’s Square City, we built golden steps to
rescue gnomes trapped in caves, modelled and carved magic squares into turtle shells and
snuck over to Royal Rex’s city to spy on his rectangular vegetable patch. Many students have
discovered their own magic patterns all around our classroom!

We have begun writing a never-ending story together using our spelling words each week and
have proudly reached the golden number of 500 by using different number patterns and our
times tables songs to count.

Amy Burns
Class Two teacher

Class Three have been enjoying learning about Uncle Bruce’s farm while they learn about
fractions. Uncle Bruce keeps being given more animals to look after and so has to divide his
farm into more and more paddocks to keep them in – into halves when the sheep arrived to
augment his cattle business, and then into quarters when the pigs came and he had to start
growing hay as well. Then he realized the cattle needed more room, so he divided his farm
into eighths and the cattle got 3/8 of the farm, the sheep 2/8, the hay 2/8 and the pigs 1/8.

Aunty Flora bought a farm nearby and she has started a camel milk business! No doubt
some more animals will come to her farm and she’ll have to put in more fences too!

Jacinta Walker
Class Three teacher
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
                                                           Class Four is continuing to hear Norse Myths in our new Main Lesson, The Arts of Language
                                                           and Literacy. The students will focus on grammar, spelling, punctuation, reading, listening and
                                                           speaking, and poetry. The students will hear stories such as The Three Norns, each spinning
                                                           the threads of life and fate who created the past, present and future.

                                                           Through this we will learn about writing in different tenses. We will learn about prepositions
                                                           and connectives and later in the Main Lesson look at texts that use different styles of writing.
                                                           The class will begin practising their Class Play, memorising the lines and beginning to act out
                                                           the scenes.

                                                           Michael Brittain
                                                           Class Four teacher

                                                           CLASS FIVE
                                                           Class Five had a wonderful day skiing at Mt Buller last week and they are looking forward to
                                                           returning this week. There were lots of exhausted children with huge smiles and stories to tell.
                                                           For some of the students it was their first-time skiing at Mt Buller while others have been
                                                           many times. Whatever their level of skill, there was enjoyment expressed and lots of learning.

                                                           We have completed our Persian/Mesopotamia Main Lesson with the stories of Gilgamesh and
                                                           Enkidu. These stories of good and evil, kindness and cruelty, developed and expanded the
                                                           children’s vocabulary, spelling and story writing skills.

                                                           Our new Main Lesson will reintroduce fractions and decimals.

                                                           Linda Sampson
                                                           Class Five teacher

                                                           CLASS SIX
                                                           Class Six are working hard to pull together our class play ‘Peter Pan’ amongst a shifting
                                                           landscape of lockdowns and ski days. Thankfully, we have Billy back to jump into his role after
                                                           being released from isolation. We hope to be ready to perform the show, either at the end of
                                                           this week or early next week. The songs for the play are also coming together and we can
                                                           look forward to some Class Six gusto when they perform them.

                                                           In conjunction with the play, we have continued to use the order of operations to solve more
                                                           complex problems and are beginning to add fractions and decimals to the mix.

                                                           Glenn Hood
                                                           Class Six teacher

                                                           AUSTRALIAN MATHS COMPETITION
                                                           On Friday 13 August, about forty students from our school sat for the Australian Mathematics
                                                           Competition. For some it was their first encounter with ‘exam’ conditions, but they all seemed
                                                           to handle it well.

                                                           This competition has been going for over forty years and around 500,000 students from all
                                                           over Australia try their hands each year.

                                                           In a couple of months, the results will come through and students will be awarded various
                                                           certificates depending on their results – but all are to be congratulated for ‘having a go’!

                                                           Jacinta Walker
                                                           Deputy Principal


In the primary school most of our literacy groups are using the MacqLit program enriched by some Extra Lesson exercises.

In MacqLit we typically do some spelling, dictation, reading, vowel identification, oral segmenting, and oral blending in each session.

Each of the groups are working on a different sound or rule.

Kaz Wilson
Learning Support
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
                                                          Five students made it to the Alliance Francaise poetry final which happened over Zoom on

                                                          Class 3: Matilda and Damon

                                                          Class 4: Hanna and Lexie

                                                          Class 6: Billy

                                                          Congratulations to our finalists and well done to all students involved.

                                                          Jo Bell
                                                          Primary French teacher

                                                          TERM 3 SKI PROGRAM
                                                          The ski program is very much COVID-19 and weather dependent.

                                                          Class Five – Year 8
                                                          We have arranged another trip to Mt Buller this WEDNESDAY 18 AUGUST - 8am departure
                                                          5pm return with MMBL
                                                          Parent helpers: Jen Clydesdale, Adam Baker, Andrew Cook, Charles Cassels.

                                                          The following WEDNESDAY 25 Aug will be Class Five–Year 8 follow up excursion to Mt
                                                          1 Parent helper needed: Melissa Reed, Annie Osborne, Phil Brown, ....

                                                          The remaining Mt Stirling ski excursions are as follows:

                                                          Prep-One: MONDAY 16 Aug
                                                          Parent helpers: Caroline Anderson, Andrew Wettenhall, Paul Van Wyk, Sam Ridley, Evan
                                                          Brophy, Rachel Delany, Andy Setchell

                                                          Class Two–Four: TUESDAY 17 Aug
                                                          Parent helpers: Lisa Greiter, Skye Meek, Bec Watkins, Andy Webb, Andrew Robinson, Tash
                                                          Logan, Vanya Foers

                                                          Prep-One: MONDAY 23 Aug
                                                          Parent helpers: Jamie Pon, Finella Wadge, Andy Setchell, Lisa Greiter, Sarah Hedger, Paul
                                                          Van Wyk,..... 1 Parent helper needed

                                                      Class Two–Four: TUESDAY 24 Aug
Parent helpers: Andrew Robinson, Tash Logan, Tim Ross, Andy Setchell, Emily Dirksen, Lisa Greiter, Jamie Pon.        (Last session)

Prep–One: MONDAY 30 Aug Date To Be Confirmed (Last session)

Please let Sally know as soon as possible if you can assist, thank you


During this time of COVID-19 restrictions we must maintain hygiene procedures handwashing, hand sanitising and social distancing.

Also, to keep the school community as healthy as possible at this time of the year please keep your child home if they are showing any symptoms of
illness i.e. runny nose, sore throat, temperature etc.

Students 12 years and over are required to wear masks whilst at school both inside and outside, masks are available in the foyer of the office, thank
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School


                                                           Year 7 students have concluded their Age of Discovery Main Lesson producing some
                                                           fantastic board games, which everyone has enjoyed playing.

                                                           They now move onto the Cartesian Plane, looking at the life of Rene Descartes, a four-
                                                           quadrant grid and coordinates.

                                                           Out of the classroom, students have loved being back on the slopes, enjoying either skiing or
                                                           snowboarding down Mt Buller. It has been remarkable watching students learn new skills with
                                                           great speed, determination and efficiency.

                                                           Seamus Kavanagh
                                                           Year 7 Guardian

Last week the Year 9 cohort were extremely fortunate to get their ski trip to Mount Stirling
off the ground with huge thank-you’s going to Kate and Ness for all their help. After
spending Tuesday night camped in the snow at King Saddle the group headed up to
Razorback Hut to shelter from the rough weather. We spent the following two nights there
perfecting turns, creating snow sculptures and building igloos! A great time was had by all
and there was certainly a buzz around the group skiing back down to TBJ on Friday.
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
James Fraser
Year 9 Class Guardian

                                                                YEAR 12 IB - VISUAL ARTS

                                                                Art is very personal, when you express yourself and your inner world, you are vulnerable.
                                                                Reaching out and communicating through Art, making Art, is enormously rewarding, but there
                                                                is always an element of risk. Firstly, we risk failure, that our idea will not look as good out
                                                                ‘there’ as it did in our heads. We may not yet have the skill or techniques needed to realise
                                                                our ideas. We risk others will not ‘like’ our Art, or appreciate our efforts, because Art is so
                                                                personal. Every artist faces these fears, yet they persist.

                                                                The aim of the IB Visual Arts course is to guide the individual in the exploration of their
                                                                creative selves. To learn the skills that will enable them to express themselves artistically, and
                                                                to work in the way that an artist works. To research and learn from history, other cultures and
other artists, to understand their place in a global context.

Artists have a message they want to share with their audience, it may be aesthetic, it may be political or intellectual, it may be humorous, or it may be
deeply spiritual. To pursue your own creative ideas demands an open and curious mind and takes courage. Our Year 12 Visual Arts students will be
sharing their artwork with the school and local community in their Graduate Exhibition. The completion of at least seven resolved artworks and their
curation is a major component of their final assessment. They hope that you will be their audience, come and see what they have created and share
their experience.

Sue Plumb
IB Coordinator

                                                                MUSIC - MSPO (Mansfield Steiner Performance Orchestra)
                                                                The MSPO were meant to be heading interstate for a music tour this term but unfortunately in
                                                                this current climate it is unable to go ahead.

                                                                We are very disappointed but as a department we have come up with a plan for the students
                                                                of the MSPO. We will be hosting a MSPO day camp using local venues for intensive
                                                                rehearsals and sectionals. This will be held on Monday 13 September to Wednesday 15
                                                                September. This will not be an overnight camp; students will meet each morning at the
                                                                Masonic Hall for 3 days and go home for the evenings.

                                                                More information to come.

                                                                Geoff Wright
                                                                Music Coordinator

But wait! There’s more. Yes, continuing our practice ideas theme for this term:

A. Pick, Play & Say – Pick a note and each time you play that note, sing it out loud.

B. Say – sing your pieces saying the names of the notes.
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
C. Name – sing your pieces saying the finger numbers of the notes.

                                               Bronwen Whyatt
                                               Cello Teacher

                                                            FROM GARDEN TO PLATE
                                                            Spring seems to be just around the corner with blossoms & growth appearing in the garden
                                                            for the first time in a while.

                                                            Those sunny days sure put a smile on my face and in honour of the warmth we have been
                                                            making orange & plum sorbet for dessert with fresh squeezed oranges frozen into ice cubes &
                                                            put through the school’s ancient Champion juicer topped with preserved plums from late last
                                                            summer. Baked potatoes are on the menu, topped with butter, sour cream, & homemade
                                                            vegan “bacon”.

                                                            Rice Paper Vegan Bacon Recipe
                                                            Looking for a healthier alternative to traditional bacon? This Rice Paper Vegan Bacon is
                                                            crispy, chewy, sweet, salty, smoky, and just as tasty as the original.
                                                            Course Breakfast, lunch, Side
                                                            Cuisine Vegan
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
Total Time 27 minutes
Servings 5
Author Melissa Huggins


     8 sheets rice paper wrappers


     2 tablespoons grapeseed oil (or preferred oil)
     3 tablespoons low sodium tamari , GF if preferred (sub soy)
     1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
     1 1/2 teaspoons liquid smoke
     2 teaspoons molasses
     1 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
     1 teaspoon granulated garlic
     3/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
     1/2 teaspoon onion powder
     1/4 teaspoon sea salt


   1. Preheat oven to 375° F (190° C). Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
   2. In a small bowl, add all marinade ingredients and whisk to combine well. Set aside.
   3. Put two sheets of rice paper together with smooth sides facing each other. Now quickly run under water to make them pliable and stick together.
      Be careful not to trap too much water in between sheets (a little is ok). You don't have to soak the rice paper sheets, just wet them enough so they
      adhere together. Gently brush off excess water with your fingers. *Alternatively, you can brush on water and stick them together that way.
   4. Lay adhered sheets on a flat surface and brush marinade on each side. Don't put too much or this will cause soggy and really chewy bacon. You
      should have just enough marinade for all 8 sheets of rice paper.
   5. Now, using clean kitchen scissors, (this is a bit messy) cut the rice paper into thick strips. I snip off and discard a small portion of the rounded
      edges to keep the strips a similar shape.
   6. Now, place the bacon strips on your prepared baking sheet. Fit as many strips as you can but leave a little room in between each one so they
      cook properly.
   7. *This next step is optional and will create a slightly chewier texture on the edge of the bacon. Just lightly brush the marinade on half of the bacon
      strip. No need to flip it over, one side is enough.
   8. Place the pan in your preheated oven. You'll need to keep a close eye on the strips because they can burn easily. My oven tends to get hot, so I
      rotate the pan at the halfway mark. The bacon should take anywhere from 5-7 minutes to finish (maybe more for some ovens). It should become
      crispy and perfectly browned. If you take it out too soon, it will be too chewy to eat and taking it out too late will cause an awful burnt taste. If you
      aren't sure how it will work in your oven, you can do a test run with 5-6 strips.
   9. Remove pan from oven and place bacon strips on paper towels to absorb excess oil. The bacon will crisp up even more over the next few
  10. Eat right away or store in an airtight container for 4-5 days. Layer on top of paper towels. Store in a dry area.

Notes * Recipe adapted from Veganer.

Kai Shearer
Cooking Coordinator
The Messenger - Mansfield Steiner School
Dear parents, please note for just the duration of the ski program library days will
change as follows:
TUESDAY Class 1, Prep, Class 5 and Class 6
WEDNESDAY Class 4, Class 3 and Class 2

Normal Library days for each class ongoing:
Tuesday: Class 1, Prep, Class 3 and Class 2
Wednesday: Classes 4, Class 5 and Class 6.
Please remember to pack your library bags on these days and please check bookshelves and
bedrooms for overdue returns. All overdues gratefully accepted.

Bec McMillan

Term 3 Playgroup is currently fully booked.

If you would like to register your interest in attending playgroup please see office staff for a
registration form or contact Taryn Baker, Playgroup facilitator,

Your name will be added to the Playgroup wait list, thank you.

Taryn Baker
Playgroup Leader

The Sentral for Parents app is used by the school to communicate important information
including excursion and/or camp information, academic reports and other school information.

Please login regularly and “allow notifications” for the app to receive school information in a
timely manner.

If you have issues accessing the app or have lost your access key please contact Andrew or
Sally at the office.

Get Help with Sentral for Parents App & Portal

If you have 'thought' about contributing to the goodwill of Christmas during this wintery,
uncertain time in the world but haven't yet done so.........

Please come into the office to pick up a bag of Christmas decorations to sew for some
lucky child.

Enter your name beside the bag number you have taken and tick when decorations are
Decorations to be returned by Monday 15 November.

Thank You and Happy Sewing!!
                                                           The P & F craft group will resume gathering on Tuesday evenings during the term - after
                                                           further easing of the restrictions.

                                                           Enquiries can be directed to Eileen on 0488555952.

                                                           PONDERING STEINER
                                                           The Pondering Steiner reading group gathers each THURSDAY evening of the school term
                                                           (Please note the change of day from this term onwards) commencing on Thursday 22 July
                                                           (COVID-19 lockdown excepted).

                                                           Time: 7.15pm for 7.30 beginning til 8.30pm followed by a light supper.

                                                           Where: Shop 5/12 High St. Mansfield.


Is now available on the school website together with payment plan options - see here.

ALL VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL including parent helpers must sign in at reception.
ALL VISITORS will receive a numbered visitor’s tag which is to be returned to reception at the time of signing out, thank you. CHILD SAFE – Visitors to
the school who do not have a current Working With Children Check will be escorted to the area of the campus concerning their visit.

ALL STUDENTS LEAVING EARLY OR ARRIVING LATE must also be signed in/out at reception. This allows staff to be aware of who is on the school
grounds if an emergency should occur.

Please park in the parking bays not along side of the drive and NOT IN THE TURNING CIRCLES as this stops the flow of traffic for other vehicles
particularly large delivery vans. Please do not park in the turning circles when dropping off or collecting your child from kinder. Move your vehicle very
slowly. Be alert for children – remember the younger they are, the less predictable they are and the harder they are to see. Parents, please watch your
children. Make sure they walk along the path – and not through the driveway.

Please follow the traffic directions at the front of school. Entry to the school is one way. Departure from the school is a left turn onto the service road,
thank you.

THE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (GC) meet on the fourth Monday of each month at 6.30pm.
President – Sarah Lieber
Vice President – John Bowen
Treasurer – Tim Ross
Secretary – Scott Ersvaer
Catherine Yencken, Ingrid Ueno.

Mandate Groups
Marketing – Sarah Lieber
Gardens & Grounds – Scott Ersvaer
Policy – John Bowen, Ingrid Ueno
Project Steering Team – Catherine Yencken, Sarah Lieber
Finance Committee – Tim Ross, Sarah Lieber

Fran Cummins (Principal) - For ALL school issues. (Parents please note your first port of call is to your class teacher to discuss
any issue regarding your child, thank you)
Jacinta Walker (Vice Principal)
Andrew Karzons (Operations and Financial Manager)
Sally Singleton (School reception and College Secretary) – Everyday admin enquiries. All staff have a school email address
as above, being their first name and initial of their last name ie:



Please join us for the opening of our International
Baccalaureate (IB) Graduate Visual Arts Exhibition:
Friday 27 August 6 - 7 pm
Artworks on display:
Saturday 28, Sunday 29, Monday 30 August 10am - 4pm

* This is a COVID safe venue, restrictions permitting, please check for updates.

Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Thank you for your support - We look forward to a
night of fun and frivolity!
PLEASE NOTE: Performances often contain coarse language,
sexual references and material that can offend. It is
recommended for people aged 15 years or older. Smoke
Machine/Hazer may be used during this performance.

Mansfield Steiner School is happy to share our Local Suppliers Register. The purpose of this register is to support our school community’s local
businesses, promoting a wider awareness so that our community can show local support when considering the purchase of goods or services.

As we continue to grow this list, we are seeking the support of our local business community through the submission of business information. Please
complete the linked form to ensure your information is featured correctly. Forms can be returned to or dropped in to the school

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us on 03 5779 1445.

TRADE                      BUSINESS NAME              CONTACT NAME            PHONE NUMBER   EMAIL                               DETAILS

Registered Osteopath       Dr Bernadette Gifford      Dr Bernadette Gifford   5775 2166                Osteopath

                                                                                                                                 Men’s Hairdressing, Proraso
                           The Shearing Shed
Barber Shop                                           Jodie Morris            5775 2300           Grooming products & Wahl
                                                                                                                                 Grooming products

                                                                                                                                 Cattle AI, semen sales,
                                                      Jacqui Aylan-Parker or 0429795468 or
Agriculture                HCH Genetics                                                          ultrasound pregnancy testing,
                                                      Dale Edwards           0427806672
                                                                                                                                 embryo flush and transfer.

Retail                     Mansfield Sweets Shoppe    Natasha Kavanagh        5775 3221      Lollies & treats

                                                                                                                                 Green living Accredited.
                                                                                                                                 Master Builder Member
Registered Commercial &
                           Full Scale Constructions   Matt Anderson           0405 441 473   New homes, extension &
Domestic Builder
                                                                                                                                 renovations, shop fits &
                                                                                                                                 commercial projects.
Retail                     Maison Fireplaces          Ivan Pacak              0409 353 331        5% Discount for Steiner
Inbuilt & free standing
                                                                                                                              European fireplaces.
                                                                                                                              10% Discount for Steiner
Mechanic                   High Country Mechanical      Scott Ersvaer            0409 700 978
                                                                                                                              All mechanical work, cars &
                                                                                                                              farm machinery.
                                                                                                                              All types of electrical,
                                                                                                                              installation & repairs. Split
                                                                                                                              system air conditioning supply
Electrician                Daniel Friday                Dan Friday               0448 533 510   & installation. TV Antenna &
                                                                                                                              Satellite Dish installation &
                                                                                                                              Fully Licensed & insured.

                                                                                                                              Chinese Cuisine & noodles.
Retail                     Mansfield Noodle House       Jamie & Michelle         5779 1880      Student and teacher lunches
                                                                                                                              by special order.

                                                                                                                              Variety Shop. Party needs,
Retail                     Shopping World               Michelle & Maggie        5775 2838           N/A                      craft, kitchen needs, picture
                                                                                                                              frames and storage etc.

                                                                                                                              Individual counselling, Equine
                                                                                                                              Assisted Therapy.
Counselling and Therapy    The Wellbeing Paddock        Jane Hall                0417 765 366
                                                                                                                              Social/emotional skills
                                                                                                                              programs, support and staff
                                                                                                                              workshops available.

                                                                                                                              Graphic Design, Sign Writing,
Graphic Designer           Baker Design Co.             Adam Baker               0407 007 245

                                                                                                                              Life & Business Coaching.
Life Coaching / Business
                           Briana Seaton Coaching       Briana Seaton            0427 878 071   Published co-author
                                                                                                                              ‘Empowered Woman
                                                                                                                              Empowering the World’.
                                                                                                                              Skiwear, Ski Accessories,
                                                                                                                              Winter boots, Designer
Retail                     Snowfox                      Kym Henderson            0419 526 344       casuals, Alpine jewellery,
                                                                                                                              homewares, snow-themed
                                                                                                                              toys, Mt Buller clothing &
                                                                                                                              Natural toys, alterations,
Artist, Qualified
                                                                                                                              sustainable products, craft
Dressmaker, Interior       Agnes Robinson               Agnes Robinson           0413 564 228
                                                                                                                              workshops &
Decorator and Designer
                                                                                                                              Covid-19 Masks.

                                                                                                                              New homes, extensions,
                           Bramic Constructions                                  0412 049 244
Builder                                                 Brad Brkljacic                                                        renovations.

                                                                                                                              Master painter – Domestic or
Painter                    Mansfield Painter            Dane Nye                 0439 326 300       Commercial Painting. Interior
                                                                                                                              & Exterior.

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