The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Page created by Jerome Hall
The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
The Loop
We consider today the witness of God's faithful servants Simeon and Anna. As they beheld Jesus
in the temple, they were overcome with joy and proclaimed the good news of God's redemption
and salvation. Jesus came into our world as light and peace. As you listen and sing of God's
salvation this day, may you be filled with the joy and peace that filled Simeon and Anna.

                                                 Readings for February 1/2:
                                                 1 Sam. 1:21-28
                                                 Heb. 2:14-18
                                                 Luke 2:22-40
                                                 Readings for February 8/9:
                                                 Is. 58:3-9a
                                                 1 Cor. 2:1-16
                                                 Ma . 5:13-20

     Ruby Trebing, Leone Schonack,
     Muriel Heller, Norbert Strecker,
     Ellen Stumer, Dale Kletke,                           2019 Contributions
     Shirley Becker, Dottie Gravning                         Statements
     Strength and healing for Gerry              If we have an email address on file in
     Sudan, in the hospital                      our Realm membership database, the
                                                 2019 Contributions Statement will be
     Prayers for our government                  sent out via email the week of January
     Thank God for our safety and                20th. If you do not receive an email by
     continuous guidance in our lives            the end of that week, please contact
     Thanksgiving for the blessing of            the church office so we can verify your
     two new grandchildren, Olive                email address and resend or we can
     and Silas, to Joe and JoAnn                 mail you one. In addition, if you have
     Stibrich                                    already set up your Realm account,
                                                 you can sign in and you'll be able to
     Safety for Edie Brady as she                print your own statement.
     travels to the Philippines                  Those individuals without email, will
     Healing for Gary, son of Marilyn            receive their statements through the
     Eisenach                                    mail by January 31.
     Healing for Roy Sande, in the
     hospital with congestive heart
The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Praises for a successful surgery
    for Gabriel, son of Joe Clifton
    Healing for Shirley Knapper,
    mother of Carol Sudan, in the
    Strength and healing for Cindy
    Marschner, having hip                Come join us for a fun and engaging
    replacement surgery on Jan 21        evening on
                                         Friday, January 31 from 6:00-7:30
                                         pm as we paint a winter snowman
                                         picture. This is an ECEC fundraiser to
                                         help support our tuition assistance
                                         fund and allow more children to learn
                                         about Jesus Christ. We look forward to
                                         seeing you all. The cost is $15 per
                                         painter and cookies will be provided.
                                         You may register in advance at
                                or call 303-
                                         750-9856 and letting us know how
Thank you to everyone who is             many you are reserving a spot for.
participating in the King Soopers        Please pay with cash or check at the
Community Awards Program. Our            door.
quarterly report shows that with 7
households participating between
October 1 and December 31 2019 we
earned $82.11. If you are not
participating and would like to please
go to the King Soopers website and
go to the community awards program
to link your rewards card. Our
community code is NL518 or you can
search for Mount Olive Lutheran

                                             Town Hall Meeting
                                           Sunday, February 2 at
                                                   12 PM
                                          Light Lunch to be served/
The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Lutheran High School Choirs
                                     The Bel Canto (Women's Choir)
                                     and the Men's Choir from
                                     Lutheran High School in Parker
New Adult Sunday Morning             will be singing at the 8:00 a.m.
Bible Class                          service on February 2, 2020.
in Skidmore Hall.                    Please plan to come and hear
St Paul's letters to the churches    these amazing choirs enhance
of Ephesus and Thessalonians         our worship.
proclaim God's Grace in our
salvation and His work to
maintain unity in the body of
Christ. Join us as the Holy Spirit
leads us to grow and mature in
faith through the Holy Scriptures.

                                     February 5, 2020 - Stranger in
                                     the Woods by Michael Finkel

The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
March 4, 2020 - Casual Vacancy
                                                        by J.K. Rowling

                                                        April 1, 2020 - Where the
                                                        Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

February 3 - 12 noon, no meal                               Saturdays at 4 PM!

March 4 (Wednesday) After the 10:30
Lenten Service, at around 11:15 with
meal served.

April 6 - 12 noon, no meal

No sign up needed.

Aurora Interfaith

           Needs for January are:
              peanut butter, jelly
Place all donations in the blue container in the coat
closet by the Narthex. (You don't need to give                June 29- July 2, 2020
every month. Please give when you can, what you           CSU Campus, Fort Collins, CO
can.) Thank you for all your donations.
                                                                Higher Things Youth
The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
for 2nd year Confirmation students
                                                 through High School. Partial
                                                  scholarships are available!
                                            Contact the Church Office for details
                                            "Baptism now saves you." (1 Peter
                                            1:21) You were born to die. You're a
                                            sinner, and sinners are marked for
Young at Heart                          death. Jesus took your sins as His own.
Wednesday, February 12, 11:30 a.m.        "He became sin" (2 Corinthians 5:21),
Potluck Lunch in the Fellowship Hall      your sin, and "He died to sin once for
                                            all" (Romans 6:10), for you, too. He
The "Accordion Soundscape Duo"                  gives what is His to give you-
with accordion players Madalynn and     "righteousness and purity forever." You
                                           are no longer marked and sentenced
John Neu, will entertain us with
                                        and left to die. You are marked for life in
classical music, show tunes, etc. (no        Jesus. Jesus marked you with the
polkas). Come enjoy the program,        Water of Life in Holy Baptism. His water
good food and fellowship.               and Word splashed over your forehead,
                                           washing you with the rosy-red water
Newcomers are most welcome!                   from His spear-pierced side and
                                         clothing you with His own resurrection.
                                        In Holy Baptism Jesus re-created you to
                                          be what He has forever wanted you to
                                           be: His disciple and friend, a child of
                                             His Father and His own brother or
                                         sister, that is, "an heir, having the hope
                                          of eternal life" (Titus 3:7). At the 2020
                                        Watermarked Conferences we rejoice in
                                              and cherish all the promises and
                                         blessings Jesus makes and delivers to
                                          each of us in Holy Baptism. You really
                                             are what He says you are: marked
                                                     forever as His own.
 Volunteer sign up for VBS is
 open! Sign up to help! VBS
     will be June 15-19.

The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
To all Ushers, Greeters, and Elders,
                                            Lenten Lunch/Dinner
The Security and Safety Team is              Volunteers Needed
pleased to announce the creation
of a First-Class, First Aid Cart,      Lent begins on Wednesday,
thanks to generous donations from
several church members. It will        February 26 (Ash Wednesday)
be located in the Ushers closet.       and we are once again offering
We will be able to handle minor        lunch after the morning Lenten
falls, cuts, burns, and minor          service and dinner prior to the
emergencies. In ALL instances we
                                       evening service
will still call 911 regarding chest
pain, breathing problems, and          on February 26, March 4, 11,
threatening and suspicious             18, 25 and April 1.
activity. The committee is also in     Would your family, or several
the process of updating security       families or group like to sponsor
measures at Mt Olive, "through the
                                       one of these meals? It can be as
eyes of a nonviolent predator",
taken from an online DVD, put out      simple as soup and salad and
by Shepherds Watch Webinar.            your expenses will be reimbursed
                                       through a free will offering, taken
Office Hours:                          at the meal. If your expenses are
M-Th: 8-4                              not completely covered, you can
Fri: 8-1                               turn in your receipts to the
                                       church office for reimbursement
                                       for up to $50. Likewise, if you
                                       receive more through free will
                                       offerings than you paid, you can
                                       turn in the extra to the church
                                       office to be used to help with the
                                       next meal, if necessary.
303-755-9123                           If you feel like this is something
Mount Olive Lutheran Church            that you and your family, friends/
The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church   or group would like to do, please
                          contact June Elmshauser at (303)
                          770-8437 for more details or
                          help with a menu. You can plan
                          on approximately 35 people for
                          lunch and 50 for dinner. Thanks
                          for serving our Lord in this
                          special way!

The Loop - Mount Olive Lutheran Church
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