Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

Page created by Clyde Ortega
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
                                Bedford, Texas
                              Sunday May 30, 2021

                               Mission Statement

          Courageously proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we:
         ● worship and glorify God,
         ● grow in faith as disciples,
         ● seek justice and mercy,
         ● and nurture those in need while embracing all humanity.

Welcome to this service of worship. The Emmanuel congregation invites all ages to
worship God together. Children’s bulletins and activity bags are available from the
ushers. A “Fidgety Friends” room is available upstairs behind the sanctuary if
children become restless and parents would like a comfortable place to continue to
participate in worship.
Celebration of Worship
                                         Trinity Sunday
10:00am                                                                             May 30, 2021
  [Currently from CDC: If you are fully vaccinated you do not need to wear a mask or practice
social distancing either inside or outside while on campus; those who are not fully vaccinated are
                                       asked to wear a mask;
 Your Covid Task Force believes group singing to be of little risk given local vaccination rates.]

We Gather in Worship
Prelude                        Oh, How He Loves You and Me                       arr. Mark Hayes
Greeting and Announcements                                                 Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
[Remember to add your prayer requests for inclusion in the Prayers of the People at
https://forms.gle/SYTJ4pe93vk16CDx6 or on the paper forms in the friendship pads. Place the
paper forms in the offering plate.]
Centering Words
   Come now into sacred space...to breathe in Love's breathing...to be fed Love's feast...to be
   calmed and reassured in Love's peace...feel now warmth, the welcome of Love's arms...hear
   now Love's whispering, settling your mind, tending your heart...see now Love's trustworthy
                    beacon lighting your path...be centered now in Love.
*Call to Worship
  Blessed is every creature and creation - unique and particular.
  Each, a testimony to God.
  Through our diversity and differences, divinity is encountered.
  The glory of God is revealed in our midst.
  Extravagant and expansive is the image of God.
  Holy is the collage of life.
*Hymn (GTG) No. 1                        Holy, Holy, Holy                                   NCAEA

                                        (verses 1 and 4 only)

We Are Renewed in Grace
Remembering Baptism (Liturgist)
Prayer of Confession
    Holy and triune God, You alone live in perfect relationship, one God in three
    persons, mutual and loving, ever seeking reconciliation and unity. You have
called us to live in your completion, yet we confess that our relationships are
    imperfect and we are incomplete without you. We are selfish and greedy. We are
    anxious and resenting. We feel the shame of our foolish behavior and
    brokenness. We have allowed sin to drive us apart from one another and from
    you. Forgive us and restore us, draw us close and bind us together in your mercy.
    May we long for wholeness and peace, may we strive toward gratitude and grace
    in the saving name of your son, Jesus Christ, by the working power of your Holy
    Spirit. Amen.
                  (Worshippers are invited to offer silent prayers of confession)
Declaration of Forgiveness
  How much does God love us?
  Enough to send the divine heart, hope, and spirit to us,
  not to condemn us, but to save us.
  Not by our speaking or doing,
  but by God's good and precious grace are we saved.
  Thanks be to God! Amen.
*Sung Response (GTG) No. 595            Holy, Holy, Holy                       LIVING GOD

We Receive God’s Word
Children’s Gathering                                                Jim and Laura Mahon
Epistle Reading          Romans 8:12-17 (page 1030, red Bible)
Anthem                                  Ancient Words                   Michael W. Smith
                                   (Emmanuel Chancel Choir)
Hebrew Reading            Isaiah 6:1-8 (page 1092, red Bible)        Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
Leader: The Word of God for the People of God.                  People: Thanks be to God.
Sermon                            “Come Join the Dance”             Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker

We Experience God’s Grace
Litany to Begin the Transitional Journey
Leader: A church family is constantly changing. Individuals come and go in our church
life. It is important and right that we recognize these times of passage, of endings and
beginnings. Even though he has been with us already in the pandemic, today is our in-
person opportunity to welcome Pastor Kyle officially as our Transitional Pastor.
Leader: Pastor Kyle, in the presence of this congregation will you commit yourself to
this new trust and responsibility, and promise to discharge your duties in harmony
with the Constitution and by-laws of this church?
Pastor: I will, and I ask God to help me.
Leader: Will you love, serve and pray for these people of God, nourishing them with
the Word and the sacraments and lead them forward during this important time of
Pastor: I will, and I ask God to help me.
Leader: Will you lead this people of God in giving faithful witness to the Word and
making known the love of God through loving service both in the congregation and in
this community?
Pastor: I will, and I ask God to help me.
Leader: May Almighty God, who has given you the will to do these things, give you the
power of his Spirit so that you may perform them with strength and compassion.
Congregation: AMEN.
Leader: I ask all of you, now, people of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, will you
receive this messenger of Christ, Pastor Kyle, who continues the work of bringing the
Gospel of hope and salvation? Will you regard him as a fellow servant of Christ and
work with him in the ministry of this congregation?
Congregation: WE WILL.
Leader: Will you pray for him and honor him for his work’s sake and in all things strive
to live together in the peace and unity of Christ?
Congregation: WE WILL.
Leader: By your statements of commitment and the affirmation of this congregation, we
officially welcome you Pastor Kyle as Transitional Pastor of Emmanuel Presbyterian
Church in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Congregation: AMEN.
Prayers of the People                                                    Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
The Lord’s Prayer (with debts)                                           Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
   Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will
   be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive
   us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but
   deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
   forever. Amen.
Offering our Gifts to God
   [Note: A basket is available in the sanctuary for you to walk to and drop your offering and
prayers into. You may also contribute online at emmanuelpc.org]
Invitation to the Offering
Offertory                             Interlude                                  Mark Hayes
Prayer of Dedication
   Mysterious One, you are beyond control or consumption. Over and over, you
   reveal yourself in new ways: Surprising us. Transforming us. Freeing us from
   forces that limit our sense of what’s possible. We offer these gifts in thanks and
   praise of the wonder of your love. Amen.

We Leave to Serve
*Hymn (GTG) No. 361            O Christ, the Great Foundation                       AURELIA

                                    (verses 1, 2 and 4 only)
*Charge and Benediction                                               Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
[You are invited to sit and enjoy the postlude. Please respect distance and the masking
                       preferences of others as you depart.]
Postlude                            Toccata in F                        Dietrich Buxtehude
*Sharing Peace and Fellowship in the Parking Lot
*please stand, if able
(GTG) – Glory to God Hymnal
Words in bold print are said in unison by the congregation.
Sources for this service: Centering words by Rev. Ilene Dunn; Call to Worship and
Offering liturgy adapted from Enfleshed 2021; Confession by Katherine Lee Baker;
Words of Forgiveness by Thom Shuman; Affirmation of Faith from A Declaration of
Faith, PCUS.

                                    Worship Leaders
                         Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker, Transitional Pastor
                            Susan LaPointe, Director of Music
                              Tak Yan Yeung, Accompanist

                                  Jim and Laura Mahon
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