RULES - 21st EDITION - Oxfam-Québec

Page created by Paul Bowers
RULES - 21st EDITION - Oxfam-Québec

Photo : Éric St-Pierre/Oxfam-Québec

                                           IN COLLABORATION WITH :

    International Contest Featuring Toys
    Made from Reused Materials

                 Votre titre
RULES - 21st EDITION - Oxfam-Québec
International contest featuring toys made from
reused materials (ICFT)

Deadline for receiving the toys in Canada : February 1st, 2017
Awards Gala : February 20th, 2017
Exhibition from February to May, 2017, at the Planetarium Rio Tinto Alcan

For further information: contact us at 514-940-7703 or visit

                           Was your ICFT successful?
          Do you have great stories to tell and colourful photos to share?

                        TELL US ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS!
                     We will share your stories on our web site.


Each school1 is responsible for organizing the local component of the ICFT. Each of
them is free to decide how the ICFT will be organized, based on their objectives, the
local realities and on the educational project it supports.

Key steps of your participation to the ICFT :

         Presentation of the ICFT to professional practitioners 2 of your team /
          school3 : it is more stimulating when the participation to the ICFT comes to be a
          project in your milieu, although it could be only one or more than one group that
         Carrying out a Teaching and Learning Context for Elementary School
          Educators (TLC) activity prior to the ICFT : present the contest and raise
          students’ awareness on cultural, historical, social and environmental realities
          linked to the function of toys4!
         Toy-making activity : individually or in team5, it can take place in a class or
          open to all students in the school. In the latter case, we encourage you to hold
          the activity in a common area and to invite the participants to register on a
          voluntary basis.
         Toy Registration Form : each selected toy must be sent with the Toy
          Registration Form, duly filled; the form can be found at the end of this document.
         Local exhibit of the toys : make known the achievements of your youngsters
          and encourage them to share this involvement with their families and peers in the
         Selection of 3 toys : a Selection Committee will choose the three best works6.
         Sending the 3 toys selected to Oxfam-Québec before February 1st, 2017.
         Awards Gala on February 20th, 2017 : hand out of prizes and presentations at
          the Planetarium Rio Tinto Alcan in Montreal.
         Launch of the exhibit « The Universe, a playground without limits! », at the
          Planetarium Rio Tinto Alcan : from February to May 2017, a wonderful visit to
          organize with your students and hundreds of toys to discover!

  By «school» we mean any educational institution, association or group of youngsters.
  By «professional practitioners» we mean the teachers as well as the spiritual or community animators.
  You can use the video presenting the ICFT, which can be found at, the actual guide as well
as the TLC.
  To ensure a personalized monitoring, you can invite your mobilization officer.
  Team submissions are encouraged, given than team work is an essential element of international cooperation.
  You can find the Evaluation Criteria in this document. It could be interesting to organize a local Awards Gala or taking
advantage of a local event to highlight the participants’ work and to hand out prizes to the youngsters which toys have
been selected (this is at the discretion of the local organizers).


We suggest to the ICFT organizers to download :
   the TLC;
   the actual document Rules and the annexed Toy Registration Form;
   another TLC activity, such as a story, that you can use prior to the ICFT, of your
      choice, or as a complementary activity;
   the promotional video presenting the ICFT;
   the Certificate of participation.

                                   Participation criteria

      The ICFT is open to all students aged 6 to 12, as well as to all members of an
       association or youth group who fall in the same age group.
      Young people from all countries can take part in the ICFT.
      Toys can be made individually or by a team. Team submissions are encouraged,
       given that team work is an essential component of international cooperation.
      An individual or team can only submit one toy for the actual edition of the ICFT.
      A maximum of three toys can be submitted for the actual edition of the ICFT by
       any given school, association or youth group.
      All submitted toys must be received by Oxfam-Québec before the deadline :
       February 1st, 2017.


Participants MUST :
    produce a toy that is made only of reused materials;
    use glue, tape, string or wire sparingly, while still ensuring that the toy is sturdy;
        another TLC activity, such as a story, that you can use prior to the ICFT, of your
        choice, or as a complementary activity;
    create a toy that does not refer to war or arms, given that the ICFT is meant to
        promote peace and solidarity among individuals and peoples of the world;
    make a toy whose size does not exceed 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm;
    fill out the Toy Registration Form and affix the identification tag to the toy. The
        tag should not be glued onto the toy.
Participants MUST NOT :
    use new parts or materials, paint (new or reused) or batteries (non-reusable or
        rechargeable), since paint and batteries generate highly toxic waste.

A toy that breaks one of these rules will be disqualified for the contest.

Beyond the illustrated thematic, the participants are invited to give free rein to
their imagination.

        Respect the rules, be creative and have fun!

Sending the toys

A maximum of three toys can be submitted by any given school before February 1st,

The toys must be packaged solidly and sent to the following address :

2330 Notre-Dame Street West
Montreal (Quebec) H3J 2Y2

We are not responsible for any toys that are lost or damaged, or for any submissions
received after the deadline, regardless of the reason.

             Exhibition « The Universe, a Playground without Limits! »

The three toys submitted will become part of The Universe, a Playground without Limits !
exhibit, held at the Planetarium Rio Tinto Alcan from February to May 2017. Close to
60,000 people attend the exhibit and are moved by the imagination, creativity and
resourcefulness of the young participants, from here and abroad. The exhibit is a simple
but very effective way to draw attention to and praise for the work of the young

                    Can I retrieve my toy once the exhibit closes?

The toys become the property of Oxfam-Québec. It is important to inform the participants
that they will not be able to retrieve their submission at the end of the ICFT. We advise
you to post the rules in the toy-making area.

                     What happens to the toys after the exhibit?

We use the toys as part of events that support our mission, such as exhibitions where a
broader public can witness the creativity of the participants, both from here and abroad.
We occasionally send the toys to countries in the South, so that their populations may
also enjoy seeing toys that were made in all corners of the Earth.

Evaluation criteria

The selection committee formed to choose the three toys that will be submitted to
Oxfam-Québec can be made up of young people, staff, parents and other members of
the community. We recommend that a mention be given to the participants whose work
is selected (at the discretion of the local organizers).

The judges on the international panel rely on values of international solidarity, social
justice and respect for the environment to evaluate the toys and the participants’
learning. Judges conduct their evaluation anonymously, using the following criteria :

       CRITERIA                                      DESCRIPTION

                          (the toy is attractive, artistic and reflective of its country’s

  Physical aspects of Practical aspects
        the toy       (manual skills, toy sturdiness)

                          Recreational aspects
                          (playing style: toy that invites group play or not)

                          Varied and original use of salvaged materials

 Toy-making process Creativity (ingenuity, imagination, originality, inventiveness)


                          Promotion of international solidarity values; construction of a
                          more accurate, realistic and positive image of youth in the
                          world (answer to question 7 of the Toy Registration Form).
 Values conveyed by
       the toy
                          Promotion of environmental values (answer to question 8 of the
                          Toy Registration Form).

Certificates of participation

We encourage ICFT organizers to duplicate and fill out the Certificate of Participation
and to give it to all youngsters who participate to the ICFT. To that end, the Certificate of
Participation is available online, at the ICFT page on our website.

                                            Excellence Awards

Each year, we appoint a panel of judges composed of persons coming from a variety of
backgrounds, all connected to the ICFT: they can be educational, environmental or art
specialists, sponsors, board members, partners, Oxfam-Québec ambassadors, etc.

As a first step, the panel of judges selects twelve toys among those submitted in
Canada :

        six Merit Awards in the 6 to 9 age category;
        six Merit Awards in the 10 to 12 age category.

The 12 selected toys then move on to the international component of the contest.

As a next step, the panel of judges chooses 12 Excellence Award winners from the toys
received from all countries – including the 12 Canadian toys selected in the previous
round :

        four Excellence Awards in the 6 to 9 age category;
        four Excellence Awards in the 10 to 12 age category;
        four Special Excellence Awards.

                            Have a great contest!

Our public engagement program is financed
by Global Affairs Canada.

International Contest Featuring Toys
Made from Reused Materials
You must fill out all requested information and send this form along with the toy
submitted for the contest.

1) School or group name : _____________________________________________________

2) School or group address : ____________________________________________________

3) Contact person : ____________________________________________________________
       Telephone number : ______________________________________________________
       Email : ________________________________________________________________

4) Name of the toy : ____________________________________________________________

5) Names of the participants who made this toy :            Age :       Scholar level :
       a) ________________________________________         _____       ____________
       b) ________________________________________         _____       ____________
       c) ________________________________________         _____       ____________
       d) ________________________________________         _____       ____________

6) Materials reused for this toy : __________________________________________________

7) If your toy could speak, how would it describe a typical day in your life to a young
person living in another country?


8) Now that you have made your toy as part of a project on international solidarity and
the environment, please answer one of the following questions. Make sure to check the
question you are responding to :

      Why did you want to take part in this contest?
      What can young people do to protect and improve the environment?
      What would a perfect world look like?

IMPORTANT!!! This registration form must be filled out and submitted
along with your toy; otherwise your toy will NOT be entered in the contest.

N.B.: We would like to receive a picture of the toy-making session.

(Detach this portion and affix it to the toy)

                                 Toy identification tag
1. Name of the toy :
                                                       My toy :
                                                           □   promotes peace and solidarity among
                                                               individuals and peoples;
2. Name and surname of each participant :
                                                           □   is only made from reused materials;
                                                           □   contains no new parts or paint;
___________________________________________                □   is smaller than 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm
                                                           □   is sturdy.

3. School or group name :
                                                       I have answered all of the questions on the Toy
                                                       Registration Form.
                                                       I have cut out the toy identification tag, I have
                                                       checked all the boxes on the checklist, and I
4. Country :
                                                       have attached the tag to my toy.

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