The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...

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The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

                                  The Internet of Things Gets Smarter
                                                                                    November 2017

                                                                                 Strictly private and confidential.
                            This presentation is for the attendees of the BNY Mellon Conference 2017 only and is intended for their internal information purposes only.
                   Not for further distribution in Singapore.. Any views and opinions are those of the investment manager, unless otherwise noted and is not investment advice.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

The Internet of (EVERY)Thing
                                                                                                    Consumer-stated interest in each of the following IoT Categories1

     IoT holds the promise of        a more efficient
                                                                                                                                                                         2016    65%
     world as corporations and consumers alike                                                  2015   68%
     embrace smarter cities, transportation, and                                                                                                                          2015     53%
     factories, with trillions of dollars of future
     economic value to be won or lost.                                                                                                                                    2016     62%

                                                                                                                                                                            2015   59%

               IoT Endpoint Spending Worldwide by Category ($B) 2                                              Forecast Economic Impact of IoT in 2025 ($B)2
                                                                                                           Human                                      1,590
    3000                                                                                                                    350
    2500                                                                     911             Retail Environments                             1,160
                                                                                                           Offices        150
    2000                                                                                                                 70
                                                                             566                                                                                                     3,700
                                                                                                        Worksites                       930
    1000                                                 667                                                                          740
                                    612                                                                  Vehicles
                  567                                    201                                                                                           1,660
    500                             155                                                                      Citis
                  115                                    546                                                                           850
                  257               416                                                                   Outside
      0                                                                                                                          560
                 2014               2015                2016*               2020*                                    0                1000              2000         3000                4000
           Consumer      Business: Cross-Industry          Business: Vertical-Specific                                                High Estimate       Low Estimate

1Source: USA edition, Deloitte Global Mobile Consumer Survey, July 2015; Base: All adults: 2,069; All Smartphone owners: 1,458; All tablet owners: 1,059.
pages/technology-media-and-telecommunications/articles/global-mobile-consumer-survey-us-edition.html. 2Source: Statista, Internet of Things, Worldwide; 2014-2015; *Estimates. Some
information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no
representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

IoT Will Affect All Facets of Our Lives

Source: Libelium. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by
TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Connected Things/Devices Worldwide Should More Than Double Over the Next 5 Years

                                                                                   Number of Connected Things/Devices Worldwide by Vertical
                                                                                                  2015 to 2021 (in millions)*


     Connected things in millions







                                                       2015                     2016                2017                 2018                   2019                2020                   2021

                                           Utilities   Consumer electronics**     POS/Vendong/ATM     Automotive   Smart cities   Smart buildings   Smart homes   Wearables   Healthcare    Other

Source: Statista, Berg Insight, August 2016. Note: Worldwide; 2015. *Forecasts figured for 2016 to 2021. **Including home appliances. Some information contained herein has been obtained from
third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness
of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Global Smart Home Growth Should Drive Further IoT Adoption

                                                                Market Size of the Global Smart Home Market
                                                                       2013 to 2025 (in million units)
                                                  Smart Buildings

                                    900                                                                                                                                  37


     Market size in million units


                                    500                                                                         22

                                    400                                                                                                                                 185

                                                          12                                                    113
                                            9             76                        86                                                      218
                                    100                   53                       127
                                           2013          2015                     2018*                        2020*                       2023*                       2025*

                                                                 North America     Europe       Asia/Pacific    Latin America

Image Source: Cisco; Smart+Connected Communities Canada, Smar+Connected Real Estate, Rick Huijbregts, June 2012. Graph Source: Statista, IDATE; June 2016. Note: Worldwide, 2013 to
2015. *Forecast. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by
TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

The Internet of Things Connects Everything

                                                   . . . .Even my chicken coop

The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Factory of The Future

                                                          15 Components of the Smart Factory of the Future

Source: IoT Analytics, Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be
reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Autonomous Driving Components Set For Explosive Growth

Source: Carvoyant. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by
TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Wearable Device Unit Shipments Worldwide by Category 2016-2018, 2021

                                                                     Forecast Unit Shipments of Wearable Devices Worldwide
                                                                      2016 to 2018 and in 2021 (in million units), by category

   Unit shipments in millions

                                400                                                                                                                                 63.9

                                300                                                                                       21.7
                                                   55.5                              21.4                                48.8
                                                   21.2                                                                  168.0
                                200                35.0                             150.0
                                                   128.5                                                                                                            5.6

                                                   0.2                                                                   28.3                                       81.0
                                                                                     41.5                                48.2
                                                   2016                             2017*                               2018*                                       2021*

                                      Smartwatch      Head-mounted display   Body-worn camera   Bluetooth headset      Wristband       Sports watch        Other fitness monitor

Source: Statista, Gartner, August 2017. Note: Worldwide, 2017. *Forecast. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but the
information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
The Internet of Things Gets Smarter - November 2017 - BNY Mellon Investment ...
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

The Many Applications of AI

BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Internet of Things Spending Worldwide by Vertical

                                                                                     Spending on Internet of Things Worldwide by Vertical
                                                                                           in 2015 and 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)

                                                 40             40             40

 Spending in billion U.S. Dollars




                                                                                                         15                  15
                                                                                                                                        12         12         12
                                           10             10
                                    10                                                                                                                                             8
                                                                                        5           5                                                     5                5
                                    5                                                                                  4
                                                                                                                                               2                      2

                                           Discrete    Tranportation &   Utilities          B2C    Healthcare          Process     Energy &    Retail   Government   Insurance     Other
                                         Manufacturing    Logistics                                                                 Natural

                                                                                                                2015       2020*

Source: Statista, BCG, January 2017. Note: Worldwide; 2014-2015. *Forecast. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are believed to be reliable, but
the information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Fundamental Characteristics Remain Attractive for IoT Universe
As of September 30, 2017

                                                                                Price/Earnings Ratio







                                                                                 IBES LTG Estimate

                 Percent Growth





Source: Compustat/Worldscope, IBES and IDC. Based on the Internet of Things custom benchmark. Some information contained herein has been obtained from third party sources that are
believed to be reliable, but the information has not been independently verified by TBCAM. TBCAM makes no representations as to the accuracy or the completeness of such information. Past
performance is not a guarantee for future performance. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. [21095]
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

                                                   Internet of Things

BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                                   Internet of Things

Representative Portfolio Strategy

                Investable                                        Buy
                 Universe                                       Candidate                                   Portfolio
                                                                 Criteria                             Construction Process                       Internet of Things
    ACWI Index constituents in
     IoT-related industries
                                                    Most attractive alpha model
    Qualitative assessment for
     consistency with theme
                                                                                                    New positions only from Buy
                                                    Market cap and liquidity
    Xx platform identifies                                                                          candidate list                         Qualitative review
     companies benefiting from
                                                                                                    Maximize portfolio                     Risk management
     growth in IoT                                  Fundamentally recommended
                                                                                                     alpha subject to
                                                     by TBCAM analysts                                                                      Implementation and trading
                                                                                                     predicted volatility
                                                                                                    Rules-based sell discipline
                                                     Investment                                                                                         30-40
                                                      Universe                                     Buy Candidate
                                                                                                                                           Optimized Portfolio

No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                                              Internet of Things

Representative Portfolio Strategy: Stock-Selection Disciplines

                                     TBCAM                                       Global Research Rating                                                   TBCAM
                                      Long                                                                                                                 Shorts
                                     Holdings        Buy              Overweight                 Hold           Underweight               Sell            Holdings
                                2                               New Buy Candidates
           Alpha Model Decile

                                7                                                                         Sell Candidates
                                9                                                                                                      Required Sales to Zero*

                                                      = Investment Universe

*Subject to overall portfolio exposure to theme. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                               Internet of Things

Systematic Portfolio Management Drives Consistency

                          Daily                                                       Bi-Weekly                                            Monthly

   Performance monitoring                                         Quantitative model review                             Attribution review
   Trading update                                                 Fundamental rating review                             Quantitative factor review
   Dedicated team meeting                                         Risk exposure review                                  Optimized portfolio review
   Global Research team meeting                                   Rules-based portfolio rebalance                       Global sector team meetings
   Outlier review

    Key Benefits
     Efficiently blends fundamental and quantitative stock insights
     Upgrades alpha profile at individual security level
     Identifies, assesses and mitigates risks
     Bi-weekly cycle optimizes trading and execution impacts

No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                                                       Internet of Things

Representative Portfolio Strategy
As of June 30, 2017

                                                  Characteristics                                                                                       Industry Allocation (%)
                                                                                                 Internet of Things
                                                                Internet of Things
                                                                                                   Custom Index
                                                                                                                                      Electronic Equip. Inst. & Comp.                                  21.0
 Price/Earnings                                                        21.3 x                            19.9 x
                                                                                                                                                               Software                           17.4
 Est 3-5 Yr EPS Growth                                                 16.8 %                            17.6 %
                                                                                                                                                  Electrical Equipment                        14.2
 ROE                                                                      5.4 %                          11.5 %
                                                                                                                                     Semiconductors & Semi. Equip.                     7.3
 Wtd. Avg. Market Cap ($)                                              33.5 B                              6.6 B
                                                                                                                                                  Household Durables                   7.1

                                              Top 10 Holdings (%)                                                                        Communications Equipment                      6.8

                                                                                                           Internet of                   Internet Software & Services                 5.8
 Company                                 Country               Industry
                                                                                                                                                                  Media              4.9
 Garmin Ltd.                              Switzerland          Household Durables                               6.1
 LogMeIn, Inc.                            United States        Internet Software & Services                     5.8                                  Auto Components                4.7
 Nuance Communications, Inc.              United States        Software                                         5.4
 OMRON Corp. Sponsored ADR                Japan                Electronic Equip. Instruments & Comp.            5.3                          Industrial Conglomerates            3.4
 Zebra Technologies Corp. Class A         United States        Electronic Equip. Instruments & Comp.            5.0
 Comcast Corporation Class A              United States        Media                                            4.9               Health Care Equipment & Supplies              2.4
 ABB Ltd.                                 Switzerland          Electrical Equipment                             4.6
                                                                                                                                    Internet & Direct Marketing Retail          2.1
 Schneider Electric SE                    France               Electrical Equipment                             4.1
 HubSpot, Inc.                            United States        Software                                         3.9                Health Care Providers & Services            1.9
 Lumentum Holdings, Inc.                  United States        Communications Equipment                         3.8
                                                                                                                                          Construction & Engineering          1.1
 Total                                                                                                         49.0

Representative Institutional Account – where applicable, excludes cash, ETFs and futures. There may be material differences between the representative account and other accounts managed
with the same strategy. Because of these differences, the information based on the representative account should not necessarily be relied upon. It should not be assumed that securities
identified were or will be profitable or that decisions we make in the future will be profitable. Certain securities may not remain in the portfolio at the time that you receive this report. No investment
strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. The information shown above is supplemental to the GIPS presentation that can be
found at the end of this book along with other important disclosures. Variation in totals due to rounding.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                                               Internet of Things

Representative Portfolio Strategy Holdings by Country (%)
As of June 30, 2017

United States                                                            64.5                    Japan                                                                      9.8
LogMeIn, Inc.                                                              5.8                   OMRON Corporation Sponsored ADR                                             5.3
Nuance Communications, Inc.                                                5.4                   Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR                                   3.5
Zebra Technologies Corporation Class A                                     5.0                   Sony Corporation Sponsored ADR                                              1.0
Comcast Corporation Class A                                                4.9
HubSpot, Inc.                                                              3.9                   France                                                                     5.7
Lumentum Holdings, Inc.                                                    3.8
                                                                                                 Schneider Electric SE                                                       4.1
Itron, Inc.                                                                3.0
                                                                                                 Valeo SA                                                                    1.7
Splunk Inc.                                                                3.0
NETGEAR, Inc.                                                              2.9
Proofpoint, Inc.                                                           2.9                   Netherlands                                                                2.0
iRhythm Technologies, Inc.                                                 2.4                   Philips Lighting NV                                                         2.0
Silicon Laboratories Inc.                                                  2.3, Inc.                                                           2.1
                                                                                                 Swededn                                                                    1.8
Honeywell International Inc.                                               2.1
                                                                                                 Hexagon AB Class B                                                          1.8
Cognex Corporation                                                         2.0
BioTelemetry, Inc.                                                         1.9
Brooks Automation, Inc.                                                    1.7                   Germany                                                                    1.3
Visteon Corporation                                                        1.6                   Siemens AG                                                                  1.3
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.                                                   1.5
Amphenol Corporation Class A                                               1.4
                                                                                                 United Kingdom                                                             1.3
Delphi Automotive PLC                                                      1.4
                                                                                                 AVEVA Group plc                                                             1.3
Control4 Corporation                                                       1.2
Keysight Technologies Inc                                                  1.2
Comfort Systems USA, Inc.                                                  1.1                   Canada                                                                     1.0
                                                                                                 Kinaxis, Inc.                                                               1.0

Switzerland                                                              12.5
Garmin Ltd.                                                                6.1
ABB Ltd.                                                                   4.6
STMicroelectronics NV                                                      1.8

Representative Institutional Account – where applicable, excludes cash, ETFs and futures. There may be material differences between the representative account and other accounts managed
with the same strategy. Because of these differences, the information based on the representative account should not necessarily be relied upon. It should not be assumed that securities
identified were or will be profitable or that decisions we make in the future will be profitable. Certain securities may not remain in the portfolio at the time that you receive this report. No
investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. The information shown above is supplemental to the GIPS presentation that
can be found at the end of this book along with other important disclosures. Variation in totals due to rounding.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017                                                                                                Internet of Things

 Representative Portfolio Strategy Holdings by Industry (%)
 As of June 30, 2017
Electronic Equipment Instruments & Components                            21.0                    Communications Equipment                                                   6.8
OMRON Corporation Sponsored ADR                                             5.3                  Lumentum Holdings, Inc.                                                     3.8
Zebra Technologies Corporation Class A                                      5.0                  NETGEAR, Inc.                                                               2.9
Itron, Inc.                                                                 3.0
Cognex Corporation                                                          2.0
Hexagon AB Class B                                                          1.8
                                                                                                 Internet Software & Services                                               5.8
Amphenol Corporation Class A                                                1.4                  LogMeIn, Inc.                                                               5.8
Control4 Corporation                                                        1.2
Keysight Technologies Inc                                                   1.2                  Media                                                                      4.9
                                                                                                 Comcast Corporation Class A                                                 4.9

Software                                                                 17.4
Nuance Communications, Inc.                                                5.4                   Auto Components                                                            4.7
HubSpot, Inc.                                                              3.9                   Valeo SA                                                                    1.7
Splunk Inc.                                                                3.0                   Visteon Corporation                                                         1.6
Proofpoint, Inc.                                                           2.9                   Delphi Automotive PLC                                                       1.4
AVEVA Group plc                                                            1.3
Kinaxis, Inc.                                                              1.0
                                                                                                 Industrial Conglomerates                                                   3.4
                                                                                                 Honeywell International Inc.                                                2.1
Electrical Equipment                                                     14.2
                                                                                                 Siemens AG                                                                  1.3
ABB Ltd.                                                                    4.6
Schneider Electric SE                                                       4.1
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR                                   3.5                  Health Care Providers & Services                                           2.4
Philips Lighting NV                                                         2.0                  iRhythm Technologies, Inc.                                                  2.4

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment                                   7.3                   Internet & Direct Marketing Retail                                         2.1
Silicon Laboratories Inc.                                                   2.3         Inc.                                                             2.1
STMicroelectronics NV                                                       1.8
Brooks Automation, Inc.                                                     1.7
                                                                                                 Health Care Providers & Services                                           1.9
Skyworks Solutions, Inc.                                                    1.5
                                                                                                 BioTelemetry, Inc.                                                          1.9

Household Durables                                                         7.1                   Construction & Engineering                                                 1.1
Garmin Ltd.                                                                 6.1
                                                                                                 Comfort System USA, Inc.                                                    1.1
Sony Corporation Sponsored ADR                                              1.0

 Representative Institutional Account – where applicable, excludes cash, ETFs and futures. There may be material differences between the representative account and other accounts managed
 with the same strategy. Because of these differences, the information based on the representative account should not necessarily be relied upon. It should not be assumed that securities
 identified were or will be profitable or that decisions we make in the future will be profitable. Certain securities may not remain in the portfolio at the time that you receive this report. No
 investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. The information shown above is supplemental to the GIPS presentation that
 can be found at the end of this book along with other important disclosures. Variation in totals due to rounding.
BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017   Internet of Things


BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017   Internet of Things


BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC (“TBCAM”) and its affiliates (collectively, “We”) are providing the information in this presentation at your request based on our
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BNY Mellon Investment Conference | November 2017

Important Information Singapore
The information contained in this document is confidential and is provided solely for presentation at BNY Mellon Conference 2017.
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AP2730-02-11-2017 (3M)

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