The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News

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The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
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                         June 2020 • Volume 14 - Issue 6

The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty’s
        Temple Bar, Dublin
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
Inch by Inch, Row by Row                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Call TODAY                                    to be a part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               SAFE HOME
                 Editor’s                    including those that came to us
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                                                                                     advertiser driven newsmagazine. You
                                                                                     can pick up a print edition at any one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ohio Irish American News!
                 By John O’Brien, Jr.
                                             items, and things that have spurred
                                             discussion on our community.
                                             We have launched four episodes
                                                                                     of our 211 locations across Ohio, as
                                                                                     well as in Indiana, Kentucky, New
                                                                                     York, Pennsylvania and Michigan,          Publisher
                                                                                                                                        June 2020 Vol. 14 • Issue 6
                                                                                                                                                             John O’Brien Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                            JOHN J. COUGHLIN
                                                                                                                                                                                            September 11, 1931 - May 19, 2020
                                             so far and will continue to release     for free; you can view any of the         Editor 		                         John O’Brien Jr.                                           On September 11, 1931, the world was blessed
                                                                                                                               Design/Production		               Christine Hahn
                                Í     @Jobjr the podcasts every other week,          social media and website info, the        Website                           Rich Croft@VerticalLift                                    with the gift of John J. Coughlin, Jr. His humor,           FULL PAGE BLEED                     FULL PAGE                              Half PAGE
                                             alternating with our eBulletin, which   podcast, our Youtube channel, and                                   Columnists                                                         kind-hearted spirit, and Irish charm encompass who          11” WIDE X 12” TALL             9.75”WIDE X 10”TALL                     9.75”WIDE X 5”TALL
          Inch by inch, row by row,          has similar stories at times, and       the eBulletin, for free, thanks to the                  Akron Irish         Lisa O’Rourke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            he was. He was a man of great faith and dedication
       gonna make this garden grow                                                                                                    An Eejit Abroad            CB Makem
                                             immediate info. Best of all, it goes    support of our advertisers.                     At Home Abroad              Regina Costello                                            to his family. Proud son of the late John and Mary.
   All it takes is a rake and a hoe and a    out to 12,000 opted-in subscribers        Please follow our offerings,                Behind the Hedge              John O’Brien, Jr.                                          Devoted and loving husband to Joan (nee McDon-                  LIVE AREA
            piece of fertile ground                                                                                                           Blowin’ In         Susan Mangan                                                                                                           9.75”WIDE X 10”TALL
                                             twice a month.                          wherever they may be, and share,                                                                                                       nell) for 56 wonderful years. He was the apple of his
 Inch by inch, row by row, someone bless                                                                                           Cleveland Comhra              Bob Carney
                                                You can listen to the podcast        so we can keep a growin’. Suggest                 Cleveland Irish           Francis McGarry                                            two daughters’ eyes, Colleen (deceased) (Jim Neville)
               these seeds I sow             anytime, from your laptop, phone,       business owners, bands, artists                   Columbus Irish            Maureen Ginley                                             and Molly. A pot of gold at the end of their rainbow,
    Someone warm them from below,            car radio thru your phone, and more.    and schools, banks and businesses         Cooking Up a Hooley               Katie Gagne                                                he was adored by his grandchildren Dominic, Sean,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8th            8th PAGE Horiz.
    ‘til the rain comes tumbling down        All past and present podcasts are       everywhere advertise with us too.             Crossword Puzzle              Linda Fulton Burke                                         and Dena Neville, and John, Katie, Martin, and Co-                                                      Qtr. PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vert.            4.8125”W X 2.25”T
                                                                                                                                        Dublin Diaries           Margaret Mary Hicks                                                                                                                                                VERTICAL

                                             lodged on and our          They don’t have to be Irish, they                 Fields of Glory           Vincent Beach                                              letta Fanta. A proud Dayton Flyer, John lived a life                                                   4.8125” WIDE
      ongs, Stories & Shenanigans, that      own sites. Songs,        just have to want to be successful.                  Illuminations          J. Michael Finn            rooted in education. A Korean War Veteran, John took great pride in always fly-                        Half PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     X 5”TALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            X 5”T

      could probably be the name of this Stories & Shenanigans is free, so           We nurture our heritage, and our                         Kids Craic         Dottie Wenger              ing his flag. Known as the Mayor of West Park, he was a friend to all he encoun-                       VERTICAL
                                                                                                                                      Madigan Muses              Marilyn Madigan
      paper, rather than the Ohio Irish      is the OhioIANews, the eBulletin,       growth, through cultivation, and          Off Shelf/On This Day             Terry Kenneally
                                                                                                                                                                                            tered, lifting countless spirits at neighborhood gatherings from the Red Lantern                       4.8125 WIDE
American News. We gave that name to our social media pages of Facebook,              we need you to share our table, and           Out of the Mailbag            John O’Brien, Jr.          to the Public House and beyond. To know him was to love him, and he gave us                             X 10”TALL

our podcast, instead. Have you heard         Twitter and Instagram, our Youtube      make our garden grow.                                   Speak Irish         Bob Carney                 each a glimpse of heaven every time he made us laugh. He was, simply, the best.                                         Qtr. PAGE HorizontAL                   2.35”W Restaurant/Pub Ad
                                                                                                                                     Terry From Derry            Terry Boyle                                                                                                                                            9.75” WIDE X 2.5”TALL               X 3”T
it yet?                                      channel and all the info and                                                                                                                   There will never be another. Because of the current pandemic, the Funeral Mass is
                                                                                                                                            Toledo Irish         Maury Collins
   The Songs, Stories & Shenanigans          interactive issues on our website.        Thank you for all of your support                     Wise Craic          Maury Collins              private for the family. Obituary courtesy of
podcast features news and events,               How do we do that? We are an         as we try to put COVID19 to bed.
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The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
Notre Dame “Traveling Squad”                                                                                                                                                                                    Made in Ireland
                                                                                                                                               squad to the Toledo press.
                                                                                                                                                  The Notre Dame Traveling squad

       Toledo Connection
                                                                                                                                               has 25 members from all regions of the
                                                                                                                                               country. Ten were from Toledo. Wives
                                                                                                                                               sometimes would accompany squad                                                            not to ask for Belleek since it was made
                                                                                                                                               members to road games by demand                            Akron                           in Northern Ireland, hence an “English”
                                           tation; “Maury, a lot of great memories.                                                            (Their demand).                                                                            product instead of an Irish one.
                   Toledo                  It truly was a special time. Tom                                                                       In Dallas, one of the wives asked Mr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Irish                             So, I have plenty of Royal Tara china,
                                              Before I highlight parts of the article,                                                         Loomis; “Well Mr. Writer, how badly                           By Lisa O’ Rourke            manufactured in Galway, thank you very
                    Irish                  let me tell you about the special cham-                                                             are the Irish going to smash Texas?”                                                       much. And, in some respects, this attitude
                By Maury Collins
                                           pionship Notre Dame 1977 Football                                                                   She was right, of course.                                                                  worked for the country, but in many
                                           season. It was coach Dan Devine’s third                                                                Notre Dame was the Cotton Bowl                                                          respects it did not. Ireland of the mid
                             @MauryCollins season. After a surprising loss to un-
                                  Í                                                                                                            handily and was voted the National              I think of toilet paper, paper towels and last century was a third world country in
                                           ranked Ole Miss, patience among the                                                                 Champion team. The article goes on to        all the by now cliché items that the snap     many ways.
   Tom King, R.I.P., used to tell me       fans was running thin, who considered                                                               mention a flagpole overlooking Tom           in normalcy caused people to hoard. Not          Part of Irish self-sufficiency might have
about the Notre Dame “Traveling            Devine’s previous 8–3 and 9–3 seasons                                                               King’s swimming pool. The Irish Flag         to worry though, the lines are forming        been that their tastes and ways did not
Squad.” The members of the squad           as lackluster compared to the team                                                                  flies from the flagpole made from the        to return those items in the same bulk        necessarily match the customs of the rest
use to wear white jerseys with green       success under Devine’s predecessor,                                                                 goalpost that students tore down after       in which they were purchased. The next        of the world. Hunger once led me to walk
“Traveling Squad” lettering and a big      Ara Parseghian.                                          Tom King                                   the Notre Dame Green jersey victory          wave of pandemic panic brought shortag- into a shop there, some thirty years ago,
leprechaun. They traveled to all Notre        Here is a recap of the first three                    Cal to Notre Dame stadium. This was        over Southern Cal. Tom King purchased        es of such simple things.                     on my first trip to Ireland. The small local fore they are served as a nice bag of chips.    there than we see here in the US. Gin has
Dame games home and away, by motor games: Notre Dame beat number 9 Pitt                             the famous “Green Jersey” game. The        it from those students and transported it       The shortage of protective gear for care shops at that time were crammed with all The hops used in Guinness are grown                   become very popular with the new distill-
homes provided by All American             in the opening game, mostly because                      Irish, inspired and motivated by the       via mobile home to his yard.                 workers caused me and many others with kinds of things.                                    in Belgium. Irish sugar, labelled Súicra,       ers, mainly because it is quick. But they
Coach Company in Toledo, and would Pitt’s starting quarterback went down                            surprise green jerseys were leading 22        There was a bronze plaque attached,       sewing machines to have a go at mask                     OVER THE COUNTER                  (Sugar) started off being manufactured in       are inserting their own botanical flavors
occupy a spot in the various stadium       with an injury in the first quarter. The                 to 7 at halftime. In the fourth quarter    which read, “Let it be so recorded on this   making. Except I can’t find elastic, I mean                                                the old “sugar” town of Tuam,and is now         like Beara Ocean Gin from Cork. Fish,
parking lots with a flag with “King’s      team then lost to unranked Ole Miss.                     the Irish were ahead by a 42-7 margin      day, Oct. 22, 1977 from the hallowed         anywhere.                                                   BLACK PUDDING                  imported from England.                          such a natural to Ireland, is also being
Island” lettered on it.                    The third game was against Purdue.                       and the reserves were playing. The final   ground of Notre Dame. This goalpost             I never thought that I would be waiting       Walking in, I can’t forget the sight of      Clothing can be made from Irish              marketed in new ways like at Goatsbridge
   The (Toledo) Blade ran an article on       The Irish trailed Purdue by 10 points                 score was 49 -19.                          was augured by the traveling squad and       over a month for elastic to be delivered.     black puddings coiled on wax paper like      tweeds, which was woven in other coun-          Trout Farm in Kilkenny, which makes
Tom Loomis’ “Mirrors of Sport” in the in Ross-Ade deep into the third quar-                           Notre Dame was victorious in the         transported to this spot in commemo-         Which led me to wonder, we don’t make         snakes, surrounded by loaves of brown        tries, and tailored in Ireland at ridiculous-   things smoked trout and trout caviar.
August 20, 1978 paper. Tom King made ter, 24 -14. Starting quarterback Rusty                        rest of the regular season games and       ration of the Fighting Irish victory over    that stuff here- anywhere- really? If we      bread and raw eggs, all sitting together     ly high prices. The same goes for leather           Ireland is not so different than any-
a copy of the article for me with the no- Lisch had struggled and was replaced                      was ranked number 5 going into the         USC 49-19.                                   can’t get it here in this big country, what   right on the counter by the register! My     goods like shoes. Tin whistles and flutes       where else in the world in that respect.
                                           by the ever popular second string quar-                  Cotton Bowl against Number 1 and              The word went out that the “Green         are other countries like? What is it like in American sensibilities got a bit of a shock are made in Pakistan, again unless you            People who were once bored and dissatis-

                                           terback, the vaunted Gary Forystek, but                  highly favored Texas, led by Heisman       Machine” was born and we were there.”        Ireland?                                      at the lack of refrigeration and wrapping, have deep pockets, and can afford the             fied with the old ways of doing things are
    Y          Z                           he swiftly suffered a year ending injury.
                                           It looked bleak for the Irish.
                                                                                                    winner Earl Campbell. Notre Dame
                                                                                                    outrushed the Horns 243-131, the Irish
                                                                                                                                               It was said that when the traveling squad
                                                                                                                                               would meet at Tom King’s residence,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HAPPINESS BELONGS TO THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          not to mention wondering what those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          black things were.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       handmade counterparts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          As good as it was, that show is twelve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       going back to them again. So, everything
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       old is new again.
    Irish Imports                             Devine resorted to third string quar-
                                           terback Joe Montana and somewhere,
                                                                                                    getting a comfy 4.6 yards per carry,
                                                                                                    while holding the ferocious Campbell
                                                                                                                                               “Coach” Finnegan would read the
                                                                                                                                               plague over and over followed by a              Aristotle said that “Happiness belongs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I don’t think that the world was crying years old at this point. Surely things have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          out for Irish goods at that time. Many       changed as much as they have here. Peo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This pandemic is showing us that while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       it is great to specialize, we had best be
    Stop by and see what we have for       a light bulb went on. Montana rallied                    and the rest of the Horns to just 2,6      drink.                                       to the self-sufficient.” I think that we are  of the things that I saw on that trip had    ple are tired of the mass-produced generic      prepared to do it all ourselves, to not need
       Dads, Grads, New Babies and
    Newlyweds this summer at Casey’s       the Irish to a 31-24 victory, with lots of               yards per carry. Notre Dame won by a          I was never a member of the Notre         all feeling that one, both personally and     the rough and ready quality that I saw in    products. Not only are they tired of them,      anything from the outside too much. Ar-
                                           Montana magic, including the go ahead                    38 to 10.                                  Dame Traveling squad, but I did attend       globally. Can anyone in any country get       those little shops. There are not too many they are a little suspicious of them too.         istotle is right, it is satisfying to make and
      Religious           Belleek          TD pass of 13 yards to Ken MacAfee.                        Ohio State, Michigan and Oklahoma        a few Notre Dame football games with         by with just native made goods?               of those shops left as they were at that        Way too many things that we use and          create your own. And hindsight is always
      Jewelry/Gifts       China               Game 6 brought number 5 Southern                      all lost their bowl games. Notre Dame      Tom King later in his life. I was always        Ireland had to have been historically      time; the European Economic Commu-           eat are full of artificial ingredients and      twenty-twenty. T
      Claddagh &          Turf                                                                      was voted the Division one National        surprised at how many people came            pretty self-sufficient, being a wet island in nity rules have cleaned them up. But that chemicals that are just bad on many lev-               Deanta in Eirinn can be found on
      Celtic Jewelry      Products                                                                  Champions.                                 up to say hello to Tom and share a few       the middle of the Atlantic. The exception was thirty years ago, what is happening          els. Even that shop with the snakey black       YouTube.
      Garden &            Irish meats                                                                 Now for the article. It was published    words. It takes a dynamic leader like        to that isolation being England, an obvi-     now?                                         puddings seems a lot more appealing now
      Home Decor          & Food                                                                    the following August, but the events       Tom King to bring together so many           ously messy story worthy of many books.          I found some answers in a program         than it did then.                                  Lisa O’Rourke is an educator from

         15 Off
                                                                                                    included were from the previous year.      people for a common cause. He was in         We can move on to when Independence           made for the Irish TV channel TG4,                    THE OLD IS NEW AGAIN                   Akron. She has a BA in English and a

                          %                                                                         Tom Loomis’s friend and neighbor was
                                                                                                    Jack Finnegan, the traveling squad’s
                                                                                                    “coach.” Jack received that designation
                                                                                                                                               constant contact with many people and
                                                                                                                                               he made each person, he was speaking
                                                                                                                                               with, feel like the most important per-
                                                                                                                                                                                            came to Ireland, a hundred years ago.         called “Déantanin Éirinn”(Made in Ire-
                                                                                                                                                                                               Part of throwing off the shackles of En- land). The protagonist set out to discover
                                                                                                                                                                                            glish oppression was the defiant insistence if it is possible to eat, drink, dress, travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The rise of artisanal simple products;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the non-GMO, free-range, grass-fed ones,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Master’s in Reading/Elementary Educa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tion. Lisa is a student of everything Irish,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       primarily Gaeilge. She runs a Gaeilge
                                                                                                    when fans at an “away” game mistook        son in the world. T                          of Irish people to have everything Irish.     and indulge in hobbies, while using only     have been a godsend for Irish exports.          study group at the AOH/Mark Heffernan
        Any One regular                                     Coffee Bar & Bakery                     him for a member of the Notre Dame                                                      Anything and everything that the native       Irish products.                              They never stopped doing simple. Ker-           Division. She is married to Dónal and has
                                                           Mini Donuts            Rising Star
       priced in-stock item                                                                         coaching staff. Jack gave autographs         Maury Collins is a Charter Member          culture could provide; sports, dress, lan-       Travel was the first topic that was       rygold butter is a great example and has        two sons, Danny and Liam. Lisa enjoys
           with this ad                                    Home Made               Roasters         willingly and was called “coach” by the    and past president of the John P. Kelly      guage, really everything should be Irish.     covered, and I have to say, I saw that one   profited handsomely around the world as         art, reading, music, and travel. She enjoys
     Excludes food, gift cards, & previous purchases.         Bagels               Chill Pop        squad after that.                          Division AOH. Contact him at maury-          To not make a concerted effort to be all-in coming, and yes, he drove around Ireland consumers catch up to the old ways.                   spending time with her dog, cats and fish.
                Coupon expires 8-31-20.
                                                             Mitchells           Great Harvest        Mr. Loomis was in Dallas for the Web https://mau-         with the nationalism at that time was a       for the rest of the series in a gray DeLo-      Internally, there are other places where     Lisa can be contacted at olisa07@icloud.
                                                            Ice Cream             Bread Co.         Cotton Bowl. The squad quarterback,                minor act of treason, you were a “West        rean. Food demonstrated some of the          Irish makers are doing it right and creat-      com.
       19626 Center Ridge Rd                            4148 Erie St. in Downtown Willoughby        Tom King, escorted him to a “water-                                                     Britain”.                                     biggest ironies in the series. Potatoes, the ing their own brands and markets. Just
       Rocky River, OH 44116                                  (Located next to The Wild Goose)
                                                                                                    ing Hole.” King, a prominent Toledo               Get More to the Story                    This way of thinking has persisted to      most Irish of foods, surely those are Irish, like here, there are breweries popping up,              Get More to the Story
             440.333.8383                                           440.571.4226                    attorney, told Mr. Loomis that he had          More pics, and larger print too!         a degree. My husband was scolded as a         right? No, the potatoes served in Ireland    making their own local beers, like Black              More pics, and larger print too!
     www.c                                          subpoenaed him to explain about the                        young man for playing soccer instead of       are grown mainly in England and the          Donkey in Roscommon.                          
                                                                                                                                                                                            Gaelic football. As a newlywed, I was told Netherlands and imported to Ireland be-            There are more distilleries appearing

4                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                                      WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                   JUNE 2020               JUNE 2020                                         WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                       5
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
A Dessert Dad Will Love
                                                                                                                      into a theatrical family, which was part        Katherine refuses to divulge to her.
                           Off the 		                                                                                 of touring companies often called road-
                                                                                                                      shows or fit-ups, which went from town
                                                                                                                                                                         Norah is never told who her father
                                                                                                                                                                      is. She knows that while Katherine
                            Shelf                                                                                     to town putting on sketches and plays.          was a star of a hit film in Hollywood,
                           By Terry Kenneally                                                                            Her ascendance, Norah insists, was           she became pregnant out of wedlock
                                                                                                                      instantaneous. “A star is not made,” she        and was forced to retreat from the
                                                                                                                      aphorizes. “Whatever a star has, they           public eye. She gives birth to Norah in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cooking Up
                                      Í    @TerryKenneally
                                                                                                                      had it all along.”                              Brooklyn, then travels incognito with                         a Hooley
                                                                                                                         Norah and Katherine form a tragic            her daughter back to Ireland, where                          By Katie Gagne
       Actress, A Novel                                                                                               mother-daughter pair - their tragedy
                                                                                                                      heightened by their proximity to the
                                                                                                                                                                      the rest of her career takes place on
       By Anne Enright                                                                                                stage. From the start the reader is told           Norah never becomes a resent-
       W.W. Norton & Company Inc.                                                                                     that Katherine’s drama will end in a            ful victim of her mother’s refusal to
       ISBN 9781324005629 2020 264 pp.                                                                                mental institution, after a strange and         divulge her father’s identity. Neither of       My brother-in-law, Matt swears these are the best cupcakes he has ever had and
                                                                                                                      salacious incident in which she shoots a        them seems to have a great need of a          so this lucky guy gets them for birthdays, anniversaries, and all sorts of special
         Actress, by Anne Enright, is the third                                                                       well know producer in the foot.                 father in the flesh.                          occasions. With Father’s Day just around the corner, what better thing to get that
      book reviewed in this column by the                                                                                The man she shoots is the “movie                The book succeeds as a good novel          wonderfully, important man than something made with love. These cupcakes are
      highly acclaimed Irish novelist. The                                                                            impresario” Boyd O’Neill; he survives           involving the theater, and although           worth the effort and smell and taste heavenly.
      other two were The Forgotten Waltz                                                                              though he never quite heals. Once she           at the end it runs away with itself, the
      and The Green Road. In 2015 she was                                                                             is found guilty and sent to an asylum,          mother-daughter relationship ,which is         Banana Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Chocolate Cream
      named the inaugural Laureate for Irish                                                                          the real Katherine disappears com-              the most fraught of all familial rela-        Cheese Buttercream
      Fiction.                                     actress - we did not use the term star.”                           pletely, as if she never existed at all.        tionships, is its strength. I rate it a TOP   Makes 12-14 standard size cupcakes or one two-layer 9” round cake.
         A caveat to the reader of this book,        Norah is the daughter of Katherine                                  As the mother’s life is unraveling,          SHELF read. T
      you have to keep reminding yourself          O’Dell, who died at the age of fif-                                Norah’s is taking shape. She mar-                                                             Ingredients: Cupcake Batter
      that the story is fictional. It opens with ty-eight, the same age as her daughter,                              ries, has two children and becomes                     Get More to the Story                     2 cups AP Flour
We area your  connection
        question:  “People askto me,
                                 Ireland  and
                                      “What wasthe the
                                                       story’s narrator, after a four-de-                             the author of five books. Despite this              More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 teaspoon Baking Soda
      she like?” and try to figure out if they     cade-long career, which began in the                               apparent success, there is one secret                                                            1 teaspoon Cinnamon                                                                  2 teaspoons Vanilla
                    2019 Group Tours
      mean as a normal person: what was she nineteen forties, and brought her to
      like in her slippers, eating toast and       Broadway, to Hollywood and finally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ¾ teaspoon Kosher Salt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3 large, ripe Bananas -- mashed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1/3 cup Heavy Whipping Cream

      marmalade, or what was she like as an        back to Dublin. Katherine was born                                                                                                                                  ½ cup Unsalted Butter – room temperature                                          • In mixing bowl with a stand or hand mixer - cream the butter for
  England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland August 15 – 26                                                                              ON THIS DAY IN IRISH HISTORY - JUNE                                                       ½ cup White Granulated Sugar                                                        approximately 1-2 minutes, add in the cream cheese and mix until creamy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ½ cup Light or Dark Brown Sugar                                                   • Add in the melted and slightly cooled chocolate and mix until creamy
      West Side Irish American Club Tour of Italy                                                                                                                                                                      2 large Eggs – room temperature                                                   • In small batches add in the confectioners’ sugar until combined. This will take
                                                                                                                        7 June 1899 -Birth in Dublin of                 James Joyce first went walking with            ¼ cup Sour Cream or Vanilla Yogurt                                                  a few minutes.
                   October 19 – 30                                                                                         Elizabeth Bowen, novelist and short-         Nora Barnacle; it becomes the date
        We are your connection to Ireland and the World
                                                                                  GROUP TOURS!                             story writer, best known for her novel       on which everything takes place in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 teaspoons Vanilla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ½ cup Buttermilk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Add in the salt, vanilla and heavy cream and mix until smooth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Add in the cocoa powder and beat for 2 minutes.
         We are your connection to Ireland and the World                                                                   The Last September.                          Ulysses and is known as “Bloomsday.”           1 ½ cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
        Medjugorje Pilgrimage October 29 - Nov 7                                                                        9 June 1886 -The Belfast Riots: The day       18 June 1994 - The Loughinsland, Co.                                                                                               • Add additional heavy cream to get the desired medium consistency.
                             2019 Group Tours                                                                                                                                                                       • Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a                            • Using a pastry bag and tip or a large storage/freezer baggie, pipe the frosting
                                                                                                                           after the Home Rule Bill had been            Down, massacre. Six local men were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      medium bowl and set aside.                                                           onto cooled cupcake.
             Luxury Golf Tours May - September
                                           August 15 – 26                                                                  defeated, a mob of 2000 Protestants          killed in a loyalist gun attack on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Peel three bananas and place in a medium bowl and mashed with a
                                                                                                                           drive back members of the Royal              public house in the village.
                   West Side Irish American Club Tour of Italy
                                                                                                                           Irish Constabulary. Battles between                                                        potato masher or heavy spoon. Set aside.
    **Now Booking for Notre Dame/
                                October 19 – 30
                                                                                                                           loyalists and police continue to rage
                                                                                                                                                                      21 June 1877 - Ten members of the
                                                                                                                                                                        Molly Maguires are hung at Pottsville       • Cream butter in a mixing bowl with a hand or stand mixer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ingredients Chocolate Ganache
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ½ cup Heavy Whipping Cream
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Add sugars and mix until creamy.
      Navy Game     August 2020**
           Medjugorje Pilgrimage October 29 - Nov 7                                                                        all through the summer.
                                                                                                                        12 June 1786 - Hanging of George
                                                                                                                                                                        and Mauch Chunk, Pa. The day is
                                                                                                                                                                        remembered as “Black Thursday”,             • Add in eggs, yogurt, and vanilla and mix for 2 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 cup Dark Chocolate Chips
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In a saucepan, over medium heat, warm the heavy cream until it just begins to
                  Ireland Luxury Golf Tours May - September
                            Patricia Hollywood                                                                             Robert Fitzgerald, “The Fighting             the largest mass execution ever on          • Beat in the mashed bananas.                                                        simmer. Pour cream over the chocolate which should be in a heat-proof bowl. The
                  **Now   TheBooking         for Notre Dame/
                               Travel Connection                                                                           Fitzgerald.” Notorious for his excessive     American soil.                              • Add in the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Do not overmix.            cream should just cover the top of the chocolate. Allow it to sit for 2 minutes and
                      Navy   Game         August
                         199 South Chillicothe        2020**
                                                     Rd                                                                    dueling and his many eccentricities;       25 June 1919 - William Martin Murphy          • Add in the buttermilk and blend until combined.                                    with a spoon, stir until completely smooth and blended. This takes a minute or
                     Highlights:       Zurich, Lucerne,  Rhine River, Strasbourg, Speyer, Mannheim, Rüdesheim,
                                                                                                                           it is said he captured his father and        (75), founder of the Independent                                                                                                 two. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes.
            Siegfried’s Mechanical     OHMuseum,
                                    Music    44202 Koblenz, Moselle River, Cochem, Wine Tasting, Cologne, Amsterdam
                                     Patricia Hollywood                                                                                                                                                             • Fold in chocolate chips by hand.
                                   The Travel Connection                                                                   imprisoned him in a vacant cave for          Newspapers and leader of the                • Fill prepared cupcake tin ¾ full with batter for each.                               Drizzle the ganache over each cupcake and sprinkle with chocolate chips and
                                 199 South Chillicothe Rd
                        Now Booking for                                                                                    fifteen months, guarded by his pet           Employers’ Federation during the                                                                                                 top with a banana chip (optional)
                                                                      SEAN GORMLEY’S
                                   Aurora, OH 44202
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Bake at 350* for approximately 12-15 minutes.
                     Notre Dame      330-562-3178
                                                                                                                           Russian bear. He was convicted of the        lockout of 1913-14, died.                                                                                                          Garnish : Mini Chocolate Chips and Banana Chip
                      Navy Game
                                 IRISH PUB TOUR                                       murder of a local attorney.                26 June 1963 - U. S. President John F.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Cool completely
                        August 2020                                                                                     13 June 2006 - Death of Charles                 Kennedy arrives in Ireland on a four-       Ingredients: Frosting                                                                                            Get More to the Story
                                                                            OCT 4 - OCT 11, 2020                           Haughey, Taoiseach of Ireland,                                                              3 sticks Unsalted Butter – room temperature                                                                 More pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                                                                                                        day visit.
                                                                                                                           serving three terms in office and one                                                       1 8oz block Cream Cheese                                                                            
                                                                Patricia Hollywood, The Travel Connection                                                             27 June 1939 - Kathleen Clarke (Caitlin
                                                                199 South Chillicothe Rd., Aurora, OH 44202                of the most controversial politicians of     Bean Ui Chlerigh), widow of executed           8 cups Confectioners or Powdered Sugar
                                                                                                                           his time.                                                                                                                                                                       Katie Gagne teaches English at Trinity High School in Garfield Heights. She is
                                                                            330-562-3178                                                                                Easter Rising leader Tom Clarke, was           1 4oz Baking Bar – Semi-sweet Chocolate -- melted and cooled slightly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ¾ cup Dark Cocoa Powder                                                           also the owner of her in-home bakery Sassy’s Sweets and Oh So Much More. You
                                                                                                                        16 June 1904 - Today is the day when            elected mayor of Dublin.
                                                                                                                                                                                  ½ teaspoon Kosher Salt                                                            can contact her at (440) 773-4459 or at

        6                  OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                                              WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                           JUNE 2020               JUNE 2020                                     WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                             OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                 7
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
A Day in the Life                                                                                                                                                       Breaking Barriers
                                                                                freedom on the bars of reality, we’re        knows he has me in the bag already.                                                                                            attend Irish History Lectures because      Hopefully history will remember us
                                                                                ready to think about how we might                I’m still outside, my mind is wan-                                                                                         of physical distances. One benefit         in a positive way. We have faced many
                                                                                fill our day without leaving the house.      dering as it usually does, and now I                                                                                           of Irish Historians staying safe at        barriers. Thank God that we live in a
                                                                                Suddenly, all those domestic chores          wish I’d brought my phone. Why do I                                                                                            home was the introduction of the           time with great technology.
                                                                                that could be put off in favour of a         torture myself this way?                                                                                                       group Trasna na Tire. Trasna na Tire         This technology has helped to keep
                                         to be friendly with mine. Without a    more pressing meeting, or something             But when I read the news, I’m faced                                               markable. These students are our future is a group dedicated to sharing Irish        us connected. Let us remember the
             Terry From                  phone, I reflect on my conversations.  more interesting, refuse to go away.         with exactly the same question. When
                                                                                                                                                                                      Madigan                     in promoting History. Shortly after the history by hosting nightly lectures on       historic lessons from the 1918 Spanish
              Derry                         For once, my family in the UK and      My reasoning to engage with these         I read about the same culprits doing                     Muses                       local contest in Cleveland was complet- ZOOM.                                        Flu. Let us not repeat the mistakes.
                By Terry Boyle           Ireland is faced with exactly the same chores is, if I have to be housebound,       the same bloody stupid things, I’m                         By Marilyn Madigan        ed, the Ohio History Contest was faced      I have had the privilege of attend-      Yes, we have to get on with our lives,
                                         challenges as I am even though they    I may as well pretty up the cell. Who        uptight again. My anxiety levels would                                               with the challenge of continuing in the ing many of these lectures. With this        but we need to do it safely for all. Let
                                         are thousands of miles between us. My would have thought that redecorat-            soar through the roof and into the                                                   face of the barrier of stay home and stay format, you feel as if you are at the      history look back at this period as a
                                         sisters are finding the lockdown, with ing has become the substance of my           heavens if they could get that far with-                                             safe.                                     lecture in person. I highly recom-         time when we cared for one another,
                                         its restrictions, hard to escape from. conversations? Who knew that I’d be          out touching a hard surface.                                                           Ohio History Contest and the            mend anyone with a interest in Irish       above all. T
  Each day starts with the same rou-     And, invariably, our messages are      reduced to discussing the right colour          Have you noticed that as our outer         This year, the theme for National      National History Day has decided to       history to check this out. Many of
tine; catch up with family and friends, interwoven with a common thread of      for bathroom cabinets. Sadly, my             spaces have decreased, our emotions         History Day was Breaking Barriers in     continue the contest virtually. Please    these lectures can also be viewed on             Get More to the Story
check FaceBook, Whatsapp, and avoid futile hope and guilt.                      world has shrunk to a paintbrush and         have increased in intensity? For in-        History. I am sure when this theme       visit National History Day on Face-       YouTube.                                       More pics, and larger print too!
the news, at least first thing in the       Each day we wake up hoping that     pot.                                         stance, who knew I could be so petty?       was chosen, no one could anticipate the book. There you will able to see some of     We are living in a very historic time.
morning. When we take the dogs out       someone, somewhere, has found the         Right on time, the guilt kicks in and        If only I could meditate. I’m praying,   barriers that everyone would be experi- the students’ entries from the different
for their walk, I deliberately leave the miracle cure. Instead, we find the     I think of how easy I have it. There         even though it’s against my religion,       encing this year.                        states. I look forward to joining with
phone at home because it’s too tempt- world-changing virus continues to         are those who cannot go outside at           that I’m not the only one who finds the       For the past seven years, I have had   the Ancient Order of Hibernians and
ing, and, as Oscar Wilde puts it, I can act as our prison guard. We bemoan      all. Those who cannot go to a store,         thought of meditation depressing. The       privilege of judging at both the local   the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians             Check out archive issues of the
avoid anything but temptation.           our loss of freedoms and quickly feel  walk their dog, or talk to family and        mere thought of trying to empty my          and national levels for National History in judging the virtual entries for the            Ohio Irish American News online at

  It feels good to be outside but being guilty. After all, we could be infect-  friends. I’m now beginning to appreci-       cluttered mind would drive me to want       Day. On Saturday March 7, I was able to Irish and Irish American Award.
outside these days is never a simple     ed. We could be on a ventilator. We    ate a Catholic education motivated by        to eat greens for the rest of my life.      judge in person the documentaries in                 TRASNA NA TIRE
thing. Have I got my mask on? Keep       should be grateful for what freedom    guilt.                                          I’d prefer to live and die in my         Cleveland.
6 feet between me and someone else,      we have. There are others no so well      The nuns were right to force fed us       religious guilt than try to escape the        The students’ research and work in       As a history buff, I was always faced
which is sometimes hard to do when       off. And, so on and so on.             our greens while torturing us with sto-      random inconsequential thoughts of          producing these documentaries was re- with the barrier of not being able to
that ‘someone’ has a dog who wants          Having choked the inner bird of     ries of starving black babies in Africa.     my everyday life. I love my stream of
                                                                                Our parents were right to reign in our       consciousness. It takes me to all sorts
                                                                                childish need for chaos and trouble by       of weird and wonderful places. While
                                                                                reminding us of the omnipresent eyes         the sacred heart might see into our
                                                                                of the sacred heart picture.                 hearts and minds, I am truly thankful
                                                                                   You might not see him, but his eyes       other people are blind to our thoughts.
                                                                                were never off you. Now, free of nuns,          The walk back to the house has
                                                                                and parents, I’m still careful not           moved up a gear. Who said that de-
                                                                                to leave anything on my plate and,           layed gratification was a good thing? It
                                                                                whether I like it or not, I feel as if I’m   must have been some sad masochist.
                                                                                being watched when I do something               My phone has never left my mind
                                                                                wrong.                                       since I left it in the house. I keep
       See all the shenanigans this month @Hooley on pages 26 & 27                 Ah, it’s good to be outside. Where        reaching into my pocket in the hopes
                                                                                did everyone go? Traffic has been            that it’s there, but, no, the hand
                                                                                reduced to almost a standstill, and          returns empty. My connection to the
                                                                                there’s hardly anyone walking. Ev-           outside world lies at home on a shelf

       MENTOR BROOKLYN                                                          eryone’s at home at their computers
                                                                                enjoying the usual jokes, memes, that
                                                                                make our lives more bearable. Where
                                                                                                                             screaming out my name. And, as if by
                                                                                                                             osmosis, the dog senses my neurotic
                                                                                                                             need for information and speeds up.
         7861 Reynolds Road 10310 Cascade Crossing                              would we be if this virus didn’t stim-       I think he’s determined to get away
              440-942-6611                      216-362-7700                    ulate the imaginations of very bored         from the person talking to himself,
                                                                                individuals? What else can they do?          and back to a dish with his name on it.
                                                                                   If you’re stuck in the house, you’re         We’re home. The news is not good.
                                                                                either a viewer of these witty satires,      With a heavy heart, I take up the

                                                                                or you’re selling your soul to the devil     paintbrush and consider painting the
                                                                                for a meme that will go viral. And,          dog blue. Of course, no sooner do I
                                                                                since I haven’t got the patience or mo-      think this than I find myself being
          24940 Sperry Drive 145 Montrose West Ave.                             tivation to seek such virtual recogni-       watched by someone out there on a
                                                                                tion, I’m the voyeur.                        higher plane. T
             440-835-2890                       234-466-0060                       Besides, my soul has depreciated in
                                                                                value since I gave up believing in the              Get More to the Story
                                                                                devil. Anyway, if he really exists, he           More pics, and larger print too!

8            OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                       WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                      JUNE 2020              JUNE 2020                                    WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                            OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                9
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
Foxglove and Fuchsia                                                                                                                                                                       Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   attend one of John’s performances,          extended family or any of the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and with their introductions he soon        things we never seem to have time for?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   signed his first record deal.               Or do we let our teachers and coaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In 1988, John was in Ireland, where       raise our children as we rush to get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   he met a Dublin recording studio busi-      back to work?
                                              modern life. In fact, I have never seen                                                                                                                                     were “Sam Stone” and “You’re Flag        ness manager, Fiona Whelan. She re-           Will we look the other way as envi-
               At Home,                                                                                                                                                                       Cleveland
                                              him in a bad mood.
                                                With the lockdown in place and                                                                                                                      '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   turned to Nashville with him and they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   married in 1996. A small growth was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ronmental protections are bypassed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to build up the economy? Will we
               By Regina Costello             making do with less, I think about how                                                                                                            By Bob Carney                “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where discovered in John’s neck the follow-        allow the pandemic to be used as an
                                              far removed my life is from that of my                                                                                                                                      the money goes” a line in “Sam Stone”    ing year, tests found it to be stage four   excuse to promote xenophbia? Are we
                                              uncles’ and it makes me somewhat                                                                                                                                            a story of a Vietnam Vet that comes      cancer. A small tumor was removed           capable of finding balance? I just keep
                                              envious of his lifestyle. In his younger                                                                                                                Í     @BobCarneyGTR home with a purple heart and an addic- altering his appearance and speech.           thinking about what John would have
                                              day, he had no need of a gym. Swag                                                                                                                                          tion. PTSD had not even been recog-        His future in music was doubtful, he      written about our opportunity.
   Like many of you, the recent weeks         styles, beyond a Sunday suit were never                                                                                             I can’t recall the exact year, sometime nized yet.                               didn’t think he’d ever sing again, but a      SÍOCHÁIN agus GRÁ T
of living in a vacuum exacerbates my          of interest to him.                                                                                                               in the early seventies, a friend played      The second song was about misguid- year and half later he was back on the
yearning to be on Irish soil. I try to          He wouldn’t know what do with our                                                                                               an album for me he had just purchased. ed patriotism. John didn’t play this        road. A spot on his lung was discov-              Get More to the Story
remind myself to be deeply grateful           kindle, IPod or smart phone. I doubt                                                                                              A singer-songwriter, his lyrics could     song for many years, but brought it      ered in 2013 and six months after the           More pics, and larger print too!
for good health, our comfortable              he ever watches a movie and so Netflix                                                                                            make you laugh or if you really stopped back in recent years, citing the political cancer was removed he was perform-      
home, fresh food and clean water              would probably be anathema to him.                                                                                                to think about them, in some instances climate that has arisen of late. These are ing again.
– necessities of life that are sadly                  AN IDEAL IRISH DAY                                                                                                        would make you cry.                       only a few of the songs on that debut      In April of this year, John Prine
non-existent in too many parts of this                                                                                                                                            John Prine’s self-titled debut album    album.                                   passed away at a hospital in Nashville
modern world.                                    I’m guessing that mornings spent                                                                                               released in 1971 revealed the scope of              SINGING MAILMAN                from COVID19, leaving behind his
   We can travel to the moon, but             reading the paper with a pot of tea                                                                                               his writing ability that continued right                                           wife Fiona, his family and millions
we cannot provide sufficient clean            brewing on the stove; a chat over the                                                                                             up to his final album, “Tree of Forgiv-      After a stint in the army, where he   of fans. Social media has been full of
water for all mankind on earth. Too           wall with a passing neighbor; an after-     of discombobulation, that are further       the bosom of my family. This is what      ness,” released in 2018. That first album served stateside, John went to work as tributes from musicians of all genres
many ponderings these days dampen             noon stroll across the fields; a hearty     exacerbated by our bidding farewell to      it takes to survive a new life at home    gave us “Paradise”, a song that would     a postman. People remember him be- whom he had affected. Many sharing
our moods, but as I strive to get on          evening dinner followed with lounging       what was our way of living. The future      abroad.                                   become an enviromental anthem for         ing followed by children on his route,   personal stories of this talented, kind
with my days, attempt to accept a new         in a favorite armchair in front of a        is using a battering ram to break down                                                many.                                     he’d give them rides in his mail bag.    and humble man.
way of life, thoughts of home and of          roaring turf fire as night beacons, are     the door into our lives and thrust us         Sources Consulted:                        “Angel From Montgomery” has             He’d been writing songs since he was       Originally, my thought for this
a less embellished life creep into my         prime elements of a perfect day for         into a new age.                               1
                                                                                                                                          O’Brien, Barbara. “Shakyamuni         been covered by countless musicians, a fourteen and performed at small clubs column was to offer up the possibil-
thoughts.                                     him.                                           But, we are prepared in some re-         Buddha.” Learn Religions, Feb. 11,        song written from the perspective of a    and coffee houses in Illinois. One eve- ities or opportunities we have before
   My last living uncle lives on a farm          I have no doubt that these times are     spects for new lives. Technology has        2020.                                     woman stuck in an unloving marriage. ning, Chicago Sun-Times film critic           us now that we are trying to find a
in Loughlynn, just outside Castlerea          both scary and difficult for him too.       allowed some aspects of life to contin-       2
                                                                                                                                          Van den Bos, K. (2001). Uncer-        He could see other’s point of view well   Roger Ebert caught one of his shows.     new normal. We’ve experienced every
in County Roscommon. Joe is 87 years          While things are improving in many          ue – with access to the internet, many      tainty management: The influence of       enough that when he wrote a song you         Ebert’s headline, “Singing Mailman human emotion and shortcoming as a
old. Though plagued with back pain            countries and much advancement              employees and students can work             uncertainty salience on reaction to       could feel the pain.                      Delivers a Powerful Message in a Few species we possibly could have in the
and arthritis, he maintains an optimis-       has been made in a very short time          from home. Some individuals who             perceived procedural fairness. Journal      “Hello in There” written when John      Words,” would change John’s life.        past months. What now?
tic demeanor.                                 to produce drugs and a vaccine, the         traditionally traveled as part of their     of Social Psychology, 80, 931-941. T      was a very young man, is an old man’s     Prine’s friend and musical partner,        Do we embrace the positive things,
   His life is effortlessly organic, and      black cloud continues to loom over-         job are now successfully working                                                      story of lonliness. Being the seventies,  Steve Goodman was able to convince       the time with our children, the walks
his lifestyle is probably the safest in       head somewhat because we are still          from home.                                     Regina is a graduate of History and    the two tunes that hit me the hardest     Kris Kristofferson and Paul Anka to      with our dogs, reaching out to our
this rapidly changing world. His home         unsure of the future and what form it          Right now, little of this seems ideal,   Philosophy from the National Univer-

                                                                                                                                                                                                               DID YOU KNOW...
is surrounded by lush green fields and        will take. But if we think about it, even   but at least it is functional to some       sity of Ireland, Galway and a post-
a few neighbors that are well spaced          under normal circumstances, we never        degree. And most importantly, tech-         graduate of Library and Information
out. His property is adorned with             know what tomorrow will bring – nev-        nology is enabling scientists to hope-      Studies from the National University
hawthorn bushes, tall sycamores and           er mind the future.                         fully produce a vaccine in two years        of Ireland, Dublin. She is a former
majestic horse chestnuts speckled with           Life as described by Shakyamuni          which to date has been unheard of.          Assistant Librarian of the Economic
hydrangeas and gorse bushes. Joe has          Buddhain, is a state of impermanence1          Amidst all this, with the only cer-      and Social Research Institute, Dublin;                                                                                              We have a FREE TWICE A MONTH

lived here all his life.                      that is usually obscured by normal          tainty that our lives will change for-      former Curator of Irish American Ar-
   He has had a life of fresh air, and        routines and schedules. An upheaval         ever, some things for now remain the        chives of the Cleveland History Center;
locally grown food. Up at the crack           in one’s life, or a cataclysm of a global   same. The sun will continue to shine.       former Executive Director of the Sol-
of dawn, he spent countless days on           scale, like the current pandemic, can       The road will rise to meet us. And the      diers’ and Sailors’ Monument Com-
his feet tending his cattle, manning          catapult this state to the forefront of     foxglove and the fuchsia will continue      mission and former Executive Director                                                                                                   that goes out to 16,000 opted-in
his land, fixing stone walls and fences       our minds, which can shake our very         to adorn the Irish countryside.             of the Northern Ohio Rose Centre. She
with his faithful sheepdogs forever at        core.                                          To embrace our new reality, we           serves on the Board of Directors of the                                                                                                       OhioIANews fans?
his side. I don’t believe he ever owned          Professor Kees Van den Bos writes,       need to work hard to rise to the            Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland.                                                                                                     It contains updates and reminders, or for events
a car.                                        “people have an inherent need to feel       occasion. Each day I am trying to           She can be contacted at rcostello@                                                                                                            that came in after we went to print!
   To this day, he takes his tractor into     certain about their world, their place      make a bigger effort to greet the sun
the village to run errands and to attend      and their future in it and try to avoid,    with a smile; take my wheaten terrier
Mass. I never asked him, but I don’t          eliminate or at best manage the un-         on longer walks that she so deserves,             Get More to the Story                                                                                                         Sign up at or our Facebook page, OhioIANews,
think he feels that he has lost out of life   certainty in their lives”.2 Perhaps this    and to take delight in a summer that           More pics, and larger print too!                                                                                                              to get yours. We NEVER spam or sell our list!
by not travelling or engaging in a more       is one explanation for recent feelings      is showing lovely signs of bloom in

10             OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                            WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                       JUNE 2020             JUNE 2020                                    WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                            OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                 11
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
Brave the Sea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dogwood Road

                                                     And the Bands Play On                                                                                                        ble. When we’re not playing our music,
                                                                                                                                                                                  though, all of us are all pretty into metal.
                                                                                                                                                                                  A typical band bus ride contains a good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I think each of us would be tickled to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 be even in the same venue as Flogging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dogwood Road formed as an offshoot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of the band Two2Many. Tyler Moore and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Karl Wohlwend both live in Columbus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        more sense for a duo to play and that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sparked the idea of putting something
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        more permanent together.
                                             Sea formed, how long have you been          including Black Dove, Vile Gash, and       show related?                                 portion of bands like Unleash the Ar-          Molly or Dropkick Murphy. In a genre         OH, while the other members lived in        The two bands, Two2Many and
               COLUMBUS                      together?                                   Nukkehammer. Will and Ryan both               We had a Baltimore, MD gig close           chers, Iron Maiden, and Blind Guard-           as niche as ours, it’s clear who the top     Cincinnati. There were several small      Dogwood Road, coexisted very well, and
                IRISH                          In the summer of 2015, Matt Toskin        used to be in a Rock band called New       to Christmas one year and four of us          ian. A few members are also really into        dogs are and what the “dream gig” defi-      performance opportunities that made       even though Two2Many disbanded offi-
               By Molly Truex                got together with Will John, Matt Bibler,   Contagion.                                 decided to drive there and back the same      90s Country. I can’t vouch for it, but I’ve    nitely looks like.                                                                              Continued on facing page
                                             and Nick Phillips and started A Pirate’s      What has been your most memora-          day (yeah we know, yikes). The four of us     heard it enough on road trips.                    If people want to come to see you
                                             Life, which was a Celtic Rock cover band    ble gig?                                   who headed home still stayed for most            How have you all been staying busy          where can they find listings of your
                                             with a pirate theme. After writing some       There have been a lot of amazing         of the show, but that meant we didn’t         during the Stay at Home order?                 shows?

   Ohio is filled with great music; the
                                             original material and treading further
                                             away from the pirate theme, the band
                                                                                         shows that we’ve played over the years;
                                                                                         I’m sure each member would have a
                                                                                                                                    depart until after 10 PM.
                                                                                                                                       We were all starving and “hangry”
                                                                                                                                                                                     I think we’re each focusing on our
                                                                                                                                                                                  own things for now. We hesitate risking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We keep our Facebook up to date with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 shows, but they can also visit our website
Irish that we love, and ties to just about
every other form too. Country, Rock,
                                             recruited Vito Gambil on vocals, Ryan
                                             Boggs on bass, and Dennis Berendts,
                                                                                         different answer. One that sticks out to
                                                                                         me (Matt T) was being able to play our
                                                                                                                                    at each other. I had just missed an exit
                                                                                                                                    which made things worse, but it luckily
                                                                                                                                                                                  practicing together too much and our
                                                                                                                                                                                  inconsistent technology across members
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 at                   Creative.
Blues, Jazz … the connections are now        who stepped in to replace Nick on           hometown, Newark Ohio’s, first annual      lead us to a specialty pizza place that       makes it hard to do quality group live                    DOGWOOD ROAD                       Successful.
worldwide. Following, we continue our        drums. The first album is named after       LGBTQ Pride celebration. We’re all pret-   was the only open restaurant we had           streams. It seems like each of us have                                                                                              Patrick T. Murphy, Esq.
peak at Central Ohio area bands worth        the old band’s name.                        ty passionate about our hometown and       seen since leaving downtown, and it was       had a lot of time and have written some          How was Dogwood Road formed,
seeing, with Brave the Sea, and Dog-           Have each of you always been musi-        also try and be advocates for love and     so delicious. We never go to Baltimore        cool things.                                   how long have you been together?                          Cleveland Office                      Painesville Office
wood Road.                                   cians or just started?                      equality. Being able to be a part of our   without getting Pasta Mista now.                 Things suck right now, but I really do        Under the name Dogwood Road, we                   1468 W. 9th Street • Suite 135             60 South Park Place
                                               Each of us have always played music       town’s history in that way and seeing so      What genre of music do you play the        think we as a band are going to have           have only been around since late 2017.                 Cleveland, Ohio 44113                 Painesville, Ohio 44077
            BRAVE THE SEA                    in some capacity. Dennis has the longest    many people come together was super        most?                                         some of the most creative and collabora-       Prior to that we performed under the                      216.861.4211             440.352.3391
                                             tenure in the band, having played in        cool.                                         As a band, we try and keep everything      tive music coming out of this.                 name Wohlwend & Moore and that
  OhioIANews: How was Brave the              several hardcore bands over the years,        What is your best memory, non-           close to some sort of Celtic feel as possi-      OhioIANews: What is your dream              started in 2014.                                         

12             OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                          WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                                         JUNE 2020               JUNE 2020                                         WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM                                               OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                           13
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
Bands Played On                              the very start. We both started playing                         of Classical repertoire, but we have both                                                    returned to being an investment bank-        ror he saw that a lovely young lass had     Mary Murphy’s husband died and
                                             Continued from previous page                 our respective instruments in grade                             also performed with several other bands:                       Wise                          er.” “Listen”, her friend said. “These       been hit by a speeding motorist. In fact  she was speaking with Father Sullivan
                                                                                          school and continued through college                            Rock, Celtic Rock, Klesmer, Flamenco,                                                        days a talking frog is worth a lot more      she had been hit so hard she had all of   about the eulogy for the Mass. Mary
                                             cially at the Dublin Irish Festival in 2018, earning degrees in Music Performance,                           Jazz. Most of our teaching is Classical in                     Craics                        than an investment banker.”                  the clothes knocked off. Father Flana-    said; “He was a very good man. He
                                             Dogwood Road has been honored to have though not at the same time or in the                                  nature; technique and repertoire. So on                        By Maury Collins                                                           gan being a gentleman placed his hat      belonged to the Knights of Columbus
                                             their former band mates join them from same place. We have both played profes-                               a daily basis it’s possible we play more                                                       An elderly woman died last month.          across her privates. Meanwhile Michael    and the AOH. He volunteered at the
                                             time to time.                                sionally in other groups and genres, from                       Classical material, but it’s fair to say that                                                Having never married, she requested          was just inside a pub. He’d been having   hospital and at the soup kitchen.” Fa-
                                               Have each of you always been musi-         Classical to Jazz to Rock and of course                         the lion’s share of our performing is Irish                             Í@MauryCollins       no male pallbearers. In her handwrit-        several pints when he decided enough      ther Sullivan said; “I heard the he was
                                             cians or just started?                       Irish or Celtic. Aside from Two2Many,                           and Original compositions.                                                                   ten instructions for her funeral service,    was enough and he stepped outside         also a member of the KKK.” ‘Father
                                               Both of us have been musicians from        Karl and Tyler have also performed with                            How have you all been staying busy               Father McCarthy; “Ah, good morn-         she wrote, “They wouldn’t take me out        to the accident. “Christ” says Michael    what is this KKK?” questioned Mary.
    Celebrating over 30 years
                                                                                          other Celtic bands; Knot Fibbin and                             during the Stay at Home order?                   ing, Mrs. Murphy, and how is every-         while I was alive, I don’t want them to      “The first thing we got to do is get that Father replied; “you know, Mary. It’s
  as “Official Sound Company of                                                           Homeland, respectively.                                            Practicing, putting together online           thing?” “Sure and I’m having a great        take me out when I’m dead.”                  man outta there.”                         those devils beneath the sheets.” “Oh
 Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival.”                                                         What has been your most memorable                            shows, playing outside for people to hear,       time of it between me husband and the                                                                                              Father” said Mary, “He was a charter
                                                                                          gig?                                                            as well as continuing to teach private           fire. If I keep my eye on the one, the         O’Toole worked in the lumber yard            A Sunday school teacher was discuss- member of that.” T
                                                                                             It’s to say that the most memorable                          lessons. We both teach lessons and have          other is sure to go out.”                   for twenty years and all that time he’d      ing the Ten Commandments with her
 Call Sheer Sound for all of your Concert,                                                gig as Dogwood Road would be our first                          moved to online formats during all of                                                        been stealing the wood and selling it.       five and six year olds. After explain-      Maury Collins is a Charter Member
  Festival and Special Event sound needs                                                  CD Release party at Byrne’s Pub. It was                         this, though we look forward to actually           One day a lawyer was riding in his        At last his conscience began to bother       ing the commandment to ‘honor’ thy        and past president of the John P. Kelly
                                                                                          a fantastic gig, members of Knot Fibbin’                        seeing our students again. It’s not easy, or     limousine when he saw a guy eating          him and he went to confession to re-         Father and thy Mother, she asked, ‘Is     Division AOH. Contact him at maury-
                                                                                          came up on stage with us, and we were                           as much fun, to teach through a screen.          grass. He told the driver to stop. He       pent. “Father, it’s 15 years since my last   there a commandment that teaches us Web https://mau-
                                                                                          surrounded by some of our best friends                             What is your dream gig?                       got out and asked him, “Why are you         confession, and I’ve been stealing wood      how to treat our brothers and sisters?’
                                                                                          and fans.                                                          The next one? Ha! We would love the           eating grass?” The man replied, “I’m so     from the lumber yard all those years,”       From the back, one little boy (the oldest
                                                                                             What is your best memory, non-show                           chance to play in Milwaukee. We’d also           poor, I cannot afford anything to eat.”     “I understand my son,” says the priest.      of a family) answered, ‘Thou shall not            Get More to the Story
                                                                                          related?                                                        love the chance to open for other larger         So the layer said, “Poor guy, come back     “Can you make a Novena?” O’Toole             kill.’                                         More  pics, and larger print too!
                                                                                             Not on stage, I think we can agree that                      groups here in Columbus, or anywhere             to my house.” The guys say, “I have a       said, “Father, if you have the plans, I’ve
                           Dedicated                                                      our best memories come from the trips to                        really. The real dream is to have regular        wife and three kids.” The lawyer told       got the lumber.”
                          to providing                                                    the gigs. Being on the road, stuck in a car                     gigs that allow us to grow as a group and        him to bring them along. When they
                          competent,                                                      for hours could be dreadful, but we do                          further the excitement for the genre. One        were all in the car, the poor man said,       Casey married a rich widow, but they
                            prompt,                                                       a lot of talking and brainstorming then.                        big gig would be nice, but steady gigs are       “Thanks for taking us back to your          didn’t get along. One day she said to
                           economical                                                     We’ve had some of our best conversations                        the goal.                                        house; it is so kind of you.” The lawyer    him, “If it wasn’t for my money, that
                          and efficient                                                   and said some of the dumbest things we                             If people want to come to see you             replied, “You’re going to love it there …   new television wouldn’t be here. If it
                         legal services.                                                  ever hope to forget while in the car on the                     where can they find listings of your             the grass is a foot tall!”                  wasn’t for my money, that grand piano
                                                                                          way to a gig.                                                   shows?                                                                                       wouldn’t be here. If it wasn’t for my
                                                                                             What genre of music do you play the                             We post all of our shows online on our           Two Irish women walking through          money, this house wouldn’t be here.”
Thomas J. Scanlon                                                                         most?                                                           Facebook page, including our regular             the forest one day hear a voice com-        Casey mumbled, “If it wasn’t for your

Of Counsel | Attorney-at-Law
Parade Grand Marshal 2020                                                                    Dogwood Road is obviously an Irish                           Friday Happy Hour, 6pm on Facebook               ing from near a log. “Help me.” They        money, I wouldn’t be here.”
                                                                                          group, so that’s easy there. As individuals                     Live. T                                          lifted the log and underneath found a         The nurse called back to the doctor,
Hawkins and Company, LLC
1267 West Ninth Street, Suite 500                                                         it’s tough to say. As mentioned earlier,                                                                         frog. “Help me” said the frog “I am an      saying there was a man in the waiting
Cleveland, Ohio 44113                                                                     both of us have degrees in music per-                                   Get More to the Story                    investment banker turned into a frog        room, who claimed that he was invis-

                                                                                          formance, Classical performance, and                                 More pics, and larger print too!            by an evil curse. I need to be kissed by    ible. The doctor replied; “Tell him, I
                                                                                          we have both performed our fair share                                               a woman and I will turn back into an        can’t see him today.”                                                                    “Bringing a bit of Ireland to the 5 points”
May the luck of the Irish be with you!                                                                                                                                                                     investment banker.” One of the women                                                                                                   3600 west park rd, cleveland, ohio
                                                     Funeral Homes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            bit of Ireland to the 5 points”
                                                                                                                                                                                                           grabbed the frog and stuffed it into her      Father Flanagan was walking down                                                         3600 west park rd, cleveland, ohio
                                                                                                                                                                                                           handbag. Aghast, her friend said, “Did      the street when suddenly he heard a

                                                  Full Service and Cremation
                                                                                                                                                           Gaelic Imports                                  you not hear the frog? He needs to be       scream followed by a thud. To his hor-

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                                                                                  • www.Facebook/Gandalf’sPub                   Black Pudding, Sausage Rolls, Pork
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              OHIO IRISH AMERICAN NEWS                                             WWW.OHIOIANEWS.COM
                                                                                                                                                              Groceries, Flags, Buttons, Jewelry,
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                                                                                                                                                                   Music and much more!
The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News The Historic Oliver St. John Gogarty's Temple Bar, Dublin - June 2020 Volume 14 - Issue 6 - Ohio Irish American News
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