Page created by Pedro Weaver
Tamborine Mountain, Canungra,Tamborine,Wongawallan, Upper Coomera

S c e n i c
                                           1507 – 24 July 2019   Established 1958 THE PAPER TO READ, KEEP AND SHARE


                                                                                   r e t h a n  7 100 copies
                                                                                every editio
                                                                                          t in g 6 0   y ears of
                                                                                      o k e n  p u b lication...

  Deidre Rasmussen and Arahia Mahanga harvest New Zealand flax, or Harakeke, on Main Western Road,
  Tamborine Mountain. Along with other members of the New Zealand Maori community living in South East
  Queensland and Northern New South Wales, they regularly tend and harvest the popular plant which is used
  extensively in traditional weaving and arts and crafts. The New Zealand Flax which forms a border along the
  front fence line of the property owned by Vanessa Bull is believed to have been planted by an expatriate
  Kiwi around 25 years ago. Vanessa is delighted that the plant, which has cultural significance for the Maori
  community, is also respectfully nurtured and harvested by it. “I think it is wonderful,” she said.
           Shop 3,16-20 Main Western Road, Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272.   
2 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Artists from across Queensland will        It also provides opportunities for           which help to change attitudes
offer 18 perspectives of ageing in the     community members to share their             towards ageing.
Elders exhibition opening on Saturday      stories and embrace changing attitudes       Meet the artists and join seniors and
27 July.                                   towards growing older.                       families to celebrate and honour
Presented by Scenic Rim Regional           Works featured in the exhibition and         what it is to be an older Australian at
Council at The Centre Beaudesert,          the accompanying public program              the exhibition launch at The Centre
this exhibition will feature paintings,    kit, Everyone Has a Story, will then be      Beaudesert at 10am on Saturday
photographs, works on paper and            toured to regional centres.                  27 July.
digital works that embrace, honour and     Everyone Has a Story is a shared story
celebrate what it means to be an older     project for youth and members of the
Australian.                                wider community.
Elders aims to promote positive            Where appropriate, these will be
perceptions of ageing and challenge        included within the exhibition as
stereotypes and age-related barriers       transcript panels.
that prevent community participation.
                                           A public program kit to be developed
                                           from the story project will be available
                                           with the exhibition to tour regional
                                           centres in South East Queensland and         As light refreshments will be provided,
                                           beyond.                                      RSVPs are required for catering
                                           This will enable other communities to        purposes. Phone 5540 5050 to join
                                           develop local partnerships and engage        this Age-Friendly Scenic Rim project,
                                           with their younger and older members         which is supported by the Queensland
                                           in creating similar collections of stories   Government.

Our YMCA Youth Parliament rep catches up with local MP
Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause,         The program is now accredited with
recently met with Lucinta Holmes,          the Queensland Studies Authority as
a Year 12 student from Tamborine           a Community Based Learning Unit,
Mountain who is the YMCA Youth             meaning that Year 11 and 12 students
Parliament representative for the          participating in it will receive credit
Scenic Rim State Electorate.               towards their Senior Certificate.
“We have been fortunate to have some
                                           Mr Krause said it was a great way
wonderful Youth Parliamentarians
                                           for secondary students, who were
representing our electorate over time
and I am always impressed with the         particularly interested in having a
dedication and enthusiasm that these       say in their future, to get involved in
young people demonstrate - Lucinta is      Queensland’s decision-making process
no exception to this.”                     and learn about and participate in the
                                           Parliamentary process.
“The YMCA Youth Parliament offers
an enormous opportunity and                “I want to encourage young people to
learning experience. These Youth           get involved in community life and learn
Parliamentarians, in their future lives,   about how our system of government
may well become involved in politics, no   works, and supporting Lucinta is one
doubt because of the experience gained     way to do this,” Mr Krause said.
through this program,” Mr Krause said.

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                                                                                        SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 3
Weighing can’t hold                                                         MOUNTAIN FILLS TEDDY
a candle to an egg                                                          BEAR DOCTOR SHORTAGE
People usually haven’t considered how or why supermarkets sell              Members of the Tamborine Mountain Creative Arts Handicraft
by weight, the smaller 60grams and the jumbo 70 grams weights.              Group have for some time been assisting the Gold Coast Hospital
Grading of eggs by weight began about 1900 as a way of selecting            by donating handmade items for sale.
the ideal size for hatching purposes. Early egg graders were preset to      When the fund-raising manager at the Gold Coast Hospital recently
select eggs of a certain size. During World War One the army bought         contacted Chris Davison seeking help for the hospital’s Teddy Bear
eggs in large quantities and paid for them based on size which was          Hospital fund-raising initiative at Australia Fair, Chris quickly organised
determined by weight. Since poultry farmers were paid a premium             a team of ‘Teddy Bear Doctors’ from the creative arts group.
for eggs sorted by size, the war created an immediate market for egg                                                 “We were only too happy to
scales. World War Two created an even greater demand for graded                                                      help out,” said Chris. “The
eggs to feed the troops overseas. Most egg scales were invented and                                                  Gold Coast Hospital provided
manufactured between 1920 and 1940.                                                                                  us with hospital scrubs and
The industry has moved on since then and now uses candling (the                                                      stethoscopes, and we took all
process of using light) to help determine the quality and weight of                                                  the necessary bits and pieces to
                                       an egg. Today automated mass-                                                 mend Teddies.”
                                       scanning equipment is used by                                                 Over the five days that the
                                       most egg packers to detect eggs                                               ‘hospital’ was open, some 170
                                       with cracked shells and interior                                              well-loved Teddy Bears were
                                       defects. During candling, eggs                                                attended to. Their young owners
                                       travel along a conveyor belt and                                              left with the assurance that
                                       pass over mechanical sensors                                                  all was well, and the ‘Teddy
                                       integrated with computerized                                                  Bear Doctors’ returned to the
                                       systems for segregation of                                                    mountain knowing they had
                                       defective eggs. Advanced                                                      done an excellent job.
                                       technology, utilising computerised
                                       integrated cameras and sound
                                       wave technology, is also being
                                       applied for the segregation of
                                       A Google search revealed a mix of
                                       facts and humor about eggs:
    An egg grader like those           Chickens can recognise each          Pauline Kalf
 used on Tamborine Mountain           other’s  faces and will avoid
                                      chickens they don’t know.             (above) carries
          in earlier days.
                                      Eggs are a perfect protein source     out some ‘minor
because they contain all the essential amino acids our bodies need in       surgery’.
the right amounts. They’re a natural source of key nutrients including
omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E and B12, antioxidants and choline.
For whatever reason, chickens and eggs have always been the fodder
of a lot of jokes. No one can be sure why but joke books all around the
world seem to be full of chicken/egg jokes.
For more interesting historical things, visit the Tamborine Mountain        Rose Siva (right)
Historical Heritage Centre at 53 Wongawallen Road, Eagle Heights            checks a Teddy
between 10am and 3pm, Saturdays and Sundays.                                Bear’s ‘heart.’
The kids will love it. It is wheelchair friendly too.
Tony Smallwood, Tamborine Mountain Historical Society

   We welcome
   all health funds.
    Not just the major health funds.
    The smaller ones, the industry ones, the
    local ones and the ones you choose to use.

    Book an eye test today.
                      Scenic Rim Optometrists
                      Beaudesert Medical Centre
                      47 William St, Beaudesert QLD
                      Phone: 5541 9510

4 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Scenic Rim residents who are looking forward to next month’s
Ekka day off can mark their calendars for next year’s Royal
Queensland Show public holiday.
At its Ordinary Meeting last week, Council nominated Monday
10 August 2020 for the Scenic Rim’s public holiday for next year’s
Royal Queensland Show, better known as the Ekka.
Mayor Greg Christensen said the Ekka has special significance for
the Scenic Rim region, where agriculture underpins the region’s
identity and local economy.
“The Ekka is renowned for bringing rural Queensland to Brisbane        DESIGNER BRANDS
city and for many of our farmers, graziers and equestrians who are
involved with the show, as well as families and school children, it
is a highlight of the year,” he said.
                                                                      MAKEUP PROMOTION
“It also provides a showcase for the Scenic Rim’s tourism and         *FREE SHOW BAG WITH ALL
agriculture industries which contribute more than $630 million
collectively to our regional economy, and the annual show holiday       PURCHASES OVER $10*
allows families to enjoy the show together and to connect with
members of our rural community who grow our produce.”                        (while stocks last)
This year’s Royal Queensland Show runs from 9 to 18 August,
with Scenic Rim’s public holiday to be taken on Monday                   All Designer Brands products
12 August 2019.
                                                                         are certified cruelty-free and
Once again, Scenic Rim Regional Council will be showcasing the
region’s tourism industry and produce at its Ekka stand, featuring          certified vegan products.
Visit Scenic Rim and Eat Local Scenic Rim.
“I hope everyone who visits the Ekka drops by our colourful
display in the Agriculture Hall to say ‘gidday’ to our staff and to
pick up some of our great give-aways,” Cr Christensen said.
“In addition to the perennially popular carrot shopping bags, we
will be giving away eco-friendly cow and tomato-shaped bags,
although you will have to be quick as stocks are limited.”

                                                                             SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 5
     There is an old saying, ‘You are what you eat’.                             (a major breach of trust in God for the Israelites
     I’m sure there is some truth in that saying but it                          wandering in the desert), gossip (bad talk),
     certainly doesn’t explain all of what it means to be                        backbiting, slander, cursing, filthy joking and lying
     ‘are’. I’d like to tweak that saying a bit to ‘You are                      are all spoken of in the Bible as the wrong use of the
     what you say’ while realising that I’m not saying                           gift of language that God has given us.
     everything about what it means to be ‘are’.
                                                                                 The tongue is compared to a bush fire that
     What we say vocally, outwardly, audibly and in public                       consumes all in its path and cannot be easily put out.
     does reveal a great deal of who we are on the inside                        The tongue is compared to a rudder on a ship that
     where the public can’t see. Of course, we can hide a                        steers the whole person in a particular direction. The
     lot with our words as well.                                                 tongue is spoken of as the hardest organ of our body
                                                                                 to bring under control. We are, to a great degree,
     Jesus said that we are to be very careful with our                          what we say. If we speak vile words we reveal what
     language; that things said in secret will be revealed;                      is in our hearts. Out of the heart flow the issues in
     that we will be held accountable for words spoken                           our lives that we are living in.
     carelessly; that we should answer with integrity
     letting our ‘yes’ be a real ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ a real                       The flip side of all this ‘negativity’ is that we can also
     ‘no’ and that anything else comes from the devil.                           use language to encourage, strengthen, build up,
     That’s strong language. And that is the kind of                             give thanks, heal, restore, reconcile, make peace and
     language that Jesus spoke. He wasn’t misleading or                          all kinds of other things that make for a better life
     deceptive in his use of language. He spoke the truth,                       with God and people.
     although many times the truth was not understood or
     welcomed.                                                                   How do you speak? Have you listened to yourself
                                                                                 recently? Do you like what you hear? Is your heart
     That is the way we should speak. No doubt we often                          right before God and are you speaking that to
     fall far short, but as in other areas of life, we are to                    others?
     keep working at it by God’s grace.
                                                                                 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue
     Some people seem so miserable in their lives                                of the wise brings healing (Proverbs 18:12).
     because whenever they talk it is misery and
     discontent that they speak. Complaining, murmuring                          Kim Dale, Pastor

                                                          Kim Dale, Minister TM Presbyterian Church.

                                                              Council Notices
                                                                                 QUEENSLAND BALLET SENIORS’WEEK                        @ THE LIBRARY
       POSITIONS VACANT                           LIVE @ THE CENTRES
                                                                                 Tues 20 August 9am and 12.30pm
 TECHNICAL OFFICER                         ON STAGE                              @ Boonah Cultural Centre. Free but           FAMILY HISTORY MONTH
 Temporary Team Leader                     MORNING CONCERT SERIES                registrations essential Ph: 5540 5050        Beaudesert Library
 Compliance Services (17 July 2020)        PRACTICALLY PERFECT                   or go to      For those wanting to start or are in the
 Temporary part-time landfill operator     The Music of Julie Andrews            GLADS GIRLS PERFORMANCE                      process of discovering their family tree,
 (12 months). To apply visit http://www.   Fri 9 August 11am $16; Groups         Tues 13 August 10am @ The Centre             August is the month to explore different    10+ $12.50 Morning tea served from    Beaudesert – Tickets at the door             aspects of family history.
                                           10am @ Boonah Cultural Centre                                                      Wednesday 7 August @ 10am
                                           Boonah Cultural Foundation presents   RITCHIES BOONAH ARTS FESTIVAL
          ROAD CLOSURE                                                                                                        Exploring library collection
                                           LAZARUS STRING QUARTET                31 August – 7 September
 Scenic Rim Regional Council is                                                  @ Boonah Cultural Centre                     Wednesday 14 August @ 10am
                                           Sat 10 August 7.30pm; $15 – $40                                                    Researching and writing local history
 undertaking the replacement of            @ Boonah Cultural Centre              ARTS ABLAZE
 Josephville Bridge, Josephville Road,                                           Part conference and part festival – a        Wednesday 21 and 28 August @10am
                                           ON EXHIBITION (free entry)                                                         Beaudesert Genealogy Society of
 Josephville. The works are funded by                                            celebration of regional arts in Queensland
 a combination of funds from Council’s     ELDERS PERSPECTIVES OF AGEING                                                      Queensland workshop and discoveries
                                           @ The Centre Beaudesert               @ Ramada Resort Kooralbyn Valley 2 – 6
 capital budget and the Australian                                               October. Register: www.artsablaze     Boonah Library
 Government’s Bridge Renewal               27 July – 4 September Opening
                                           Sat 27 July 10am RSVP Ph: 5540 5050   CALL OUT FOR UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS            Join the team from U3A in a discussion
 Programme.                                                                                                                   on genealogy and family history.
                                           or     Call for entries from artists and the
 Works will begin in July 2019 and         CHILDHOOD ZEN                         community. Get involved in the Artists       Tuesday 6 August 9:30am – 11:30am
 are anticipated to be completed in        Mixed media by Doug Wakefield         in Studios program. Celebrate your           Exploring library collection
 December 2019, weather permitting.        Continues until Sun 4 August          family pet in the Pets Exhibition.
 Please be aware that a temporary                                                                                             Tamborine Mountain Library
                                           @ Boonah Regional Art Gallery         Want to exhibit? Enquire about               Thursday 8 August @ 2pm
 closure of Josephville Bridge will be                                           Community Access Program. All enquiries
                                           FRIDAY FLICKS                                                                      Local street signs and their meaning
 required for the duration of these                                              email:
                                           @ Boonah Cultural Centre $10;                                                      – Local identity Vanessa Bull discusses
 works. As a result, through access will
                                           Conc $7.50 10am, 1pm and 7pm          CENTACARE – MEMORY CAFÉ                      local street signs and their significance
 not be available during this time.
                                           Colette (M) 2 August                  First Friday of the month 10am – 12 noon     Wednesday 14 August @ 2pm
 Alternative access to the western side    The Upside (M) 16 August              @ The Centre Beaudesert Ph: 5541 1653        Tamborine Mountain Family History
 of the bridge will be via Sandy Creek     SPECIAL FILM SCREENINGS:                                                           Group – Explore your family history
                                                                                 VENUES AVAILABLE FOR HIRE
 Road or Round Mountain Road. Please       2040 (G) – 10am Wednesday 21 August                                                and find out how to delve deeper
                                                                                 Beaudesert, Boonah and
 be aware of the 3.8-metre clearance       (Tickets @                                                          Thursday 22 August @ 2pm
                                                                                 Tamborine Mountain.
 under the railway line on Sandy Creek     Mountainfilm on Tour                                                               Streets on the Mountain – Stories about
 Road. Note that access to all private                                           For more information and bookings
                                           6.30pm Thurs 22 August                                                             families on the mountain which are
 driveways and accesses on either side                                           visit
                                           Tickets @                                                   associated with local streets.
 of the bridge will be maintained.

                Council correspondence should be addressed to: Jon Gibbons, Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 25, Beaudesert, QLD, 4285
                              For more information, visit or phone 5540 5111 or 1300 360 555

6 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
TRAVELLING PLACES                                            with Lyn
A luxurious cruise means many                    sail to remote ports in more than 900           Travellers looking for more action-packed
things to many people, but Silversea’s           destinations across the globe, enabling         adventures should book a cruise on
owners, the Lefebvre family of Rome,             you to choose unique excursions like a          one of the Silversea Expedition vessels.
and countless numbers of delighted               guided tour of Ephesus or a train journey       Excursions from these ships are included
guests feel that Silversea’s small ship          to Moscow.                                      in the cruise fare and offer guests the
cruises personify the true meaning               2020 will see the sister ship of the Silver     opportunity to explore the wildlife, geology
of comfort and intimacy. Their ships             Muse launched. The Silver Moon will be          and landscape of each destination in a
are small enough to visit exceptional            the epitome of 21st century luxury travel.      more physical way. Silversea Expeditions
destinations, yet large enough to make           There will even more immersive itineraries      cruises have an additional secret weapon:
sure that you experience everything              in the Galápagos on the new Silver Origin       the ships’ expedition staff of highly trained
you could dream of. That’s real luxury.          and the first world cruise ever to offer        guides and naturalists. They give lectures
Founded in 1994, with its headquarters in        its guests the chance to set foot on all        and accompany shore excursions so
Monaco, Silversea Cruises pioneered all-         seven continents, including bucket-list         they can impart everything you need to
inclusive cruising with its first ship, Silver   destination Antarctica. Leaving Fort            know about the region’s flora, fauna and
Cloud. Twenty five years on, the fleet of        Lauderdale for Amsterdam, this 140-day          indigenous culture.
soon to be 10 small luxury ships carrying        journey onboard Silver Whisper is selling       You can attend expert lectures covering
between just 100 and 596 guests, has             out quickly.                                    topics like history and science,
built a reputation for exclusivity and           Silversea has a dedicated Silver Shore          photography on Antarctic departures
exemplary service. You will enjoy spacious       concierge to help you find shore                or cuisine on select cruises that cater
suites, all featuring ocean views and            excursions that meet your interests.            to foodies and wine lovers. In addition,
many with a private teak veranda, diverse        Land-based excursions can include               voyages are often built around visiting
onboard activities, gourmet cuisine, free-       picturesque nature hikes, walking trails,       experts, such as dancers Daria Khokhlova
flowing premium wines and spirits, plus          bicycling, birdwatching, horseback riding,      and Artemy Belyakov from Russia’s
full butler service for every guest; even        golf, kite-flying, and flightseeing. Seal and   Bolshoi Ballet. It’s this level of access to
gratuities are included.                         whale-watching, mariculture, canoeing,          experts that typifies Silversea voyages.
2019 has offered a plethora of itineraries,      sea-kayaking, surfing, windsurfing and          So, whether it’s a luxury or an expedition
many with overnight stays. Whether you           kitesurfing, fishing, boating, Zodiac tours,    voyage, you can be certain Silversea
dream of snow-filled plains or iconic            snorkelling, scuba diving, sailing …. there     will change the way you look at cruising
cities, these small-scale vessels can            is just so much to choose from.                 forever.

                                                               FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, INDULGE
                                                              IN ULTIMATE LUXURY ON AN ASIAN OR
                                                                 AUSTRALIAN CRUISE ITINERARY.

                                                                     Bookings made between
                                                                 17 June – 31 July 2019 on select
                                                                       voyages will receive:
                                                           • INCLUDED BUSINESS CLASS AIR ROUND TRIP
                                                           • TRANSFERS TO AND FROM THE SHIP INCLUDED
                                                           • SINGLE OCCUPANCY SUPPLEMENTS AT ONLY 25%
                                                           • EARLY BOOKING BONUS SAVE 10% ON SELECT VOYAGES


                                                                                                 SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 7
At last, extra vehicles
                                                           for police at Tamborine
 BACK TO BUSINESS                                          Mountain and Canungra
  There’s a chill in the air but aren’t the days
  fantastic of late. Clear skies, fantastic views
  being enjoyed by many, and our visitors to
  Tamborine Mountain have been generally well
  There has, however, been a myriad of offences
  reported on the Mountain during the past 28 days
  which includes the school holiday period. My staff
  have been busy dealing with some drug offenders,
  drink drivers, traffic crashes, domestic issues and
  some proper nuisance persons. A reminder also
  to be aware of the school zones for the safety of
  our families.
  It’s probably a good opportunity for me to get it
  out there that Facebook and social media aren’t
  really appropriate sounding boards to air your
  grievances and dirty laundry, particularly when
  it’s full of tripe - all in the name of garnering some
  sympathy. This sort of activity can land you in          Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause, with Sgt Mark
  trouble with the law, so think before you link. A        Shields of North Tamborine Police Station and new
                                                           police vehicle.
  lack of thinking though could probably be what
  caused that spot of bother in the first instance ...     After years of fighting for extra vehicles for police
  food for thought.                                        officers on Tamborine Mountain and in Canungra,
                                                           Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause, said he was
  I always enjoy getting feedback from the                 glad to finally receive the news that an additional
  community. We have had some amazing things               vehicle had been delivered to both stations.
  happen recently including some valuable property
                                                           “The dedicated men and women in our police force
  being found and returned to its rightful owner by        who work to keep our communities safe on Tamborine
  way of an honest person through the Police.              Mountain and in Canungra need basic equipment to
  Let’s just say I’ve never seen such a grateful           do their job - it’s that simple.”
  person receive the news that their valuables could
  be returned.                                             “A police vehicle is one of those base-level resources
                                                           - having one for eight officers, or sharing one between
  It’s truly a great experience to be able to help         the Mountain and Canungra, like the Government
  people without any expectation of something              previously let happen, is not good enough.
  in return. A far better experience than to have
                                                           “Our police should not be expected to use their own
  a rotten crook cause detriment merely because            private vehicles to attend police incidents.”
  you mislaid an item, or worse, they came and
  took your possessions from your home, business           Mr Krause said that it was a disgrace that it took
  or vehicle. Please lock up though; dishonesty            more than three years of lobbying by him, while police
  unfortunately does exist amongst elements on             were forced to sometimes use their private vehicles
  the Mountain.                                            to attend incidents or not attend at all, before the
                                                           Government accepted that the lack of resources was
  Having said that, it’s back to business for the          a problem.
  crew. We now have a full complement of staff
                                                           “Police officers and members of the community
  on board and they are only too willing to help
                                                           had continually contacted me because they were
  those in need and deal with those who can’t help         concerned about the lack of resources for our men and
  themselves.                                              women in blue.”
  As always, report matters that might seem                Mr Krause said the allocation was a good result for the
  suspicious, your information is just a phone call        community and he would continue lobbying to have
  away and may help save someone’s life or protect         the Government get on with delivering an upgraded
  their property – you never know.                         Beaudesert Police Station that is desperately required
                                                           for the region.
  Sergeant Mark Shields
  Officer in Charge                                        “On weekends and at night, Beaudesert Police have
                                                           a key role in supporting the Canungra and Tamborine
  North Tamborine Police Station                           Mountain area and it is vital they have modern, up-to-
                                                           date facilities to work from.”

8 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Winter Warmers

Manufactured in Brisbane by Mr Stoves

                                            ONLY          $
Proudly installing on Tamborine Mountain
       and surrounds for 28 years


                                             VOGUE HEATING
 We can quote, supply and install
       all of our products                     ALSO OPEN SATURDAY
 3375 1464                                      Open Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm
    8 Machinery St, Darra                                 Sat 8am - Noon                     FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED
                                                  SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 9
Councillor’s Comment                                                                        Councillor’s Comment
   NADIA O’CARROLL - DIVISION 2                                                                         NIGEL WAISTELL - DIVISION 1

COUNCIL FACILITIES AND SERVICES:                                                              HOW ARE YOUR RATES SPENT?
Residents of Tamborine Mountain have                                                          As residents peruse their rates notice, they
access to services beyond their local                                                         may be asking the questions: why so high
area and conversely, as one of the                                                            and what do I get for them? The following
region’s main population centres, the council facilities                                      information is aimed at providing some
and services here are intended for a wider population                                         explanation.
catchment. The following list only includes infrastructure
located on Tamborine Mountain plateau (in addition to                                         Council has two streams of revenue - capital and recurrent. Capital
local roads, footpaths, drainage) and only lists services                                     revenue is received mainly from government grants whilst recurrent
which may be of interest for the purpose of this exercise; it                                 revenue is received mainly from general rates. So, your rates go to
is not intended to be fully comprehensive.                                                    recurrent revenue.
WASTE TRANSFER STATION - 6 days week,                                                         Recurrent revenue is used to pay for recurrent expenses, and this is
Closed Wednesdays and Christmas, Good Friday and                                              made up of:
ANZAC Day. Wide range of waste and recycling including                                           • Net Employee Expenses
green waste.
                                                                                                 • Depreciation
Vonda Youngman Community Centre, swimming pool,                                                  • Finance Costs; and
library Monday to Friday 9.00-5.30, Saturday 9.00-12.00;
Customer Service Centre Monday to Friday 9.00 to 4.30;                                           • Material and Services.
Call Centre 24/7 for business and after hours;                                                Employee Expenses and Material and Services represent the day
Main Street Precinct (VAVT), war memorial, cemetery,                                          to day costs of running Council and the main public services that
parks and lookouts with a range of facilities including                                       Council provides which include:
playgrounds, picnic tables, BBQ, public toilets; skate
park, sports oval (Geissmann Oval), two off-leash dog                                            • animal control and regulation
parks, two environmental conservation parks (Esme                                                • building and plumbing inspection services
St. and John Dickson); public art Installations, nature                                          • cultural centres
conservation reserves.
                                                                                                 • customer service centres
Leased council property and levels of support and                                                • disaster management functions
assistance provided for Botanic Gardens, Heritage
Centre, Creative Arts Centre, Tennis Club, Men’s Shed,                                           • economic development and tourism
two community nurseries (TML and TBV), Information                                               • healthy and active programs
Centre, large multi-sport precinct (TMSA); activities                                            • maintenance of parks, reserves, sporting areas and cemeteries
and programs (refer to JOin program) a wide range
of exhibitions, performance, workshops, school holiday                                           • planning and development services
activities, free family and civic events; Healthy and                                            • public libraries, mobile library and public pools
Active program - Council acts as part facilitator and                                            • regulatory control enforcement
part provider to support a program which includes a
                                                                                                 • street cleaning and waste management.
diverse range of activities, recreation, sports, education
such as tech savvy kiosks; grants and funding program                                         There are also the costs of running the sections of Council including
- community grants, sport and recreation grants,                                              finance, information technology and human resources.
environmental grants, Regional Arts Development Fund;                                         The finance part of recurrent revenue pays for our loans. The
Youth Leadership Program, Million Trees Program,                                              depreciation part of recurrent revenue is transferred to capital
Habitat Protection Program and Land for Wildlife,
                                                                                              revenue to assist with the funding of the capital works program.
disaster management and recovery (a useful up to date
information resource refer disasterdashboard.scenicrim.                                       Council is required to have an operating surplus i.e. we spend less; school immunisation clinics.                                                     than we receive. That operating surplus is also transferred to capital
Traffic Information for Queensland State Roads
13 19 40; for SRRC roads update www.scenicrim.qld.                                            Capital revenue is used to fund public infrastructure maintenance and                                                                           construction including roads, bridges, footpaths and drainage.
                                                                                              Council publishes a Community Budget Report and I urge interested
   Wildlife Emergency Hotline 1300ANIMAL (1300 264 625)                                       residents to have a look at it. I am happy to answer individual
   Wildcare 5527 2444                                                                         questions and my contact details are below.
                                                                                              REPAIRS TO MAIN WESTERN ROAD
   Council website:
                                                                                              The longevity of the repairs to the potholes at the junction of
   My contact details: Email:                                    Main Street and Main Western Road is an area of concern. I have
   Phone: 5540 5402                                                                           consulted with Main Roads over the recent repairs and they have
   Mobile: 0418 221 453                                                                       advised as follows:
                                                                                              “That the repairs that commenced on 8 July were temporary patches
                                                                                              with permanent repairs scheduled to be completed within the next
                         ADVERTISEMENT                                                        three weeks, weather and contractor conditions permitting.”

               Jon KRAUSE MP
                                                                                              I shall await with interest the permanent repairs.
               Member for Scenic Rim                                                          The next consultation in the Tamborine Mountain Library will be on
                                                                                              Monday 12 August, 4pm to 5pm. I am also available for consultations
                   Fighting for our fair share
                                                                                              at your convenience. My contact details are:

                                                                                                Council website:
                         07 5515 1100 JonKrauseMP                                               • Mobile: 0423 931 075; and
                           Authorised by J.Krause. 91 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert QLD 4285.
                                                                                                • Email:

10 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Letters to the Editor
                                   Readers are reminded that letters to the editor
                                   must show full name of writer for publication.

SOME PITFALLS IN                                   of staff and students have held sway                 the community no service, and Paul has
DEREGULATED TRAVEL                                 promoting their own brand of management              shown himself once again to be a talented
                                                   of our society. It is fair enough to promote         upholder of authority. If he is not already
I write in response to Gina’s Travelling                                                                in PR, he is a huge loss to that insipid
                                                   but it is totally unacceptable to actively
Places column in your 10 July 2019                                                                      profession.
                                                   suppress other viewpoints.”
edition, in which she highlighted some of
                                                   In response on 10 July, Paul Burton attempted        John Leisten
the pitfalls of the now de-regulated travel
industry.                                          to claim such a problem did not exist. To            2019 MEAN SEA LEVEL
                                                   support his view, he quoted an extract from
It is not only fly-by-night operators who can                                                           LOWER THAN IN 1914
cause grief and expense to unsuspecting            the report by retired High Court Justice Robert
                                                   French who had been commissioned by the              A recent report from a hydrographic
travellers. In 2018, elderly friends booked                                                             surveyor on mean sea levels at Fort
an $18,000 holiday of a lifetime through an        Federal Government to review such matters:
                                                                                                        Denison, Sydney Harbour, shows the mean
IATA accredited and Cruise Lines International     “Reported incidents in Australia in recent
                                                                                                        sea level in 2019 being 6cm lower than it
Association registered company on the Gold         times do not establish a systemic pattern            was in 1914, more than 100 years ago:
Coast.                                             by higher education providers or student
                                                   representative bodies, adverse to freedom            1914 – 1.11 metres
This is what they now say about that trip:         of speech or intellectual inquiry in the higher      1924 – 0.98 metres
“We expected that in years to come, we             education sector.”                                   1934 – 0.98 metres
would fondly remember all the exciting places                                                           1944 – 0.97 metres
                                                   However, it seems that Paul has overlooked
we were privileged to see from a cruise that                                                            1954 – 1.00 metres
                                                   the significance of the word “systemic”. This
took us places we never dreamed we would                                                                1964 – 1.09 metres
                                                   indicates Justice French’s conclusion applies
visit. Instead, our memories are filled with the                                                        1974 – 1.09 metres
                                                   to the system or body as a whole. As I made
drama and bitter disappointment of a dream                                                              1984 – 1.02 metres
                                                   very clear, my concern was with the influence
that turned into a nightmare.”                                                                          1994 – 1.04 metres
                                                   of activist groups within the whole.
Upon arrival in New York to watch the                                                                   2004 – 1.08 metres
New Year’s Eve fireworks in 2018, it was           It is also relevant that he fails to mention a
                                                   further statement by Justice French: “The            2014 – 1.12 metres
found that the agent had booked their                                                                   2019 – 1.05 metres
accommodation for 2019 rather than                 principal recommendation emerging from
                                                   this report is that protection for the freedoms      Sydney Harbour sea level is a great indicator
2018. Given the time of year, there were no                                                             for Pacific Ocean sea levels and if they are not
rooms available anywhere and they ended            be strengthened, within the sector, on a
                                                                                                        rising then all we are experiencing, climate-
up sleeping in a box room. The arranged            voluntary basis by the adoption of umbrella
                                                                                                        wise, is natural variability.
transport to the cruise ship took them to the      principles embedded in a code of practice
                                                   for each institution.“ This acknowledges the         Jim Inglis
wrong port. The $700 tips and gratuities paid
upfront never made it to the USA and they          existing need for measures to defend freedom
                                                                                                        “THE KINDNESS OF
were forced to pay again. The transport to get     of speech and intellectual freedom.
them to the airport for their flight home was      Paul also cast doubts on the source of my            “The kindness of strangers” … last week
never booked.                                      information, inferring that I was incorrect. The     I was posting a gift to my grand-daughter
After my “assertive” advocacy, the couple          identification of any such flaws was lacking         and paying a bill at the North Tamborine
were eventually compensated:                       which doesn’t add much to informed debate.           Post Office when I found my NAB card
                                                   However, he was a little unlucky. After my           had expired (they hadn’t sent me a new
A refund of hotel booked for 2019 instead of
                                                   first letter, a stark example of intrusion on        card). A lady I had never met before,
2018 - $266.41
                                                   intellectual freedom had surfaced. I reported        stepped forward and offered to pay for
A refund of the transfer to the incorrect port -   this in a letter published in the same issue as      the postage. It was OK (Brendan sorted
$152.59                                            Paul Burton’s. A University of NSW Working           it). The lovely folk at the Post Office told
A full refund of the pre-paid gratuities - $700    Group advised lecturers in the Faculty of            me this was not an unusual occurrence
                                                   Science that it was inappropriate to tell            – what a special community we live in.
An ex gratia payment to the value of - $3500                                                            Thank you, Collette
                                                   students that aborigines had been in Australia
Total refund: $4619                                                                                     Elizabeth Stirling
                                                   for 40,000 years. Those believing that the
I have suggested they use some of these            presence dated from the Dreamtime might
funds on a 2-for-1 Tripadeal trip to China.        be distressed. Science will grind to a halt or
From personal experience, this really was the      even regress if fresh ideas can’t be expressed
trip of a lifetime.                                since these might offend holders of earlier
If you experience similar unsatisfactory           notions. What more is there to say?
service in any industry, stand up for your         Phil Giffard
rights. It is amazing what a few well-placed
phone calls can achieve!                           FREEDOM TO MISLEAD?
Amanda Hay                                         Phil Giffard draws attention to types
                                                   of political interference that were
STARK INTRUSION                                    unimaginable in the years I was a
INTO INTELLECTUAL                                  university teacher, and he does well by
FREEDOM                                            trying to raise steam. A response by
In the Scenic News of 26 June, my                  university administrators to criticism
letter expressed concern about loss of             shows no change of heart, and Paul
intellectual freedom and freedom of                Burton gives too rosy an interpretation of
speech in our universities: “Activist groups       it. Taking the heat out of this issue does

                                                                                                      SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 11
Maaike Doorman recently caught up with Ocean Robinson, owner and manager of
                                            Horse-Riding Hinterland, located at Thunderbird Park. She lives in Cedar Vale with her
                                            husband and two children and her passion is rescuing unwanted and unloved horses
                                            and transforming them into relaxed tourist-riding mounts. Ocean, who has been
                                            riding horses since she was five, grew up in the countryside of New Zealand where
                                            she always rode her horse to school. ‘’I am often asked why I own only brown horses,
                                            and my answer is always: When I buy a new one, my husband doesn’t know,” she says
                                            with a laugh.
    TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN                      How long have you lived or worked in this area and where were you before you
          DENTAL                            came here?
  Proudly maintaining the smiles of the     I’m originally from New Zealand. Moved over here
                                            seven years ago with just one suitcase. I was working
    Tamborine Mountain Community            in an office in the city but was made redundant two
           for over 25 years!               weeks before we bought this business. So, it worked
                                            out perfectly. Now I’ve turned my hobby into my work
                                            and I just love the work environment at Thunderbird
              OUR TEAM                      Park. The girls who work here are great and we all
                                            have the same passion: horses, horses and horses.
  Dr SANDEEP GUPTA B.D.Sc                   What attracted you to Cedar Vale?
   Sharon Hope (Hygienist)                  The area where I live in reminds me of my home
                                            country. The community is very welcoming and warm.
                                            There is a family vibe around there.
                                            How did you come to be in this business?
         Whitening                          I never had a business that included horses, but I
                                            always dreamt of having my own animal shelter or have a job as a horse trainer. And at the
                                            time I was made redundant I saw on Facebook that this business was for sale. It was a no
                                            brainer – we bought it as soon as we could. I was always surrounded by horse communities
                                            but was never in the business of owning horses. It just all came so naturally and I’m loving
                                            it every day. I love the fact that I’m sharing my horses with so many people and see the
                                            happy faces of customers. I have owned the business almost two years now. I bought
                                            my first local horse, which is still in the stables here, around five years ago. He was very
                                            naughty and huge, BUT he was my first one and we have that special bond. He persuaded
                                            me to get back into the horse business after my son was born.
          The difference is                 Who is your typical customer?
          confidence – and a
          smile you want to                 A lot of couples, a lot of tourist groups, and at the moment we have the defence force
          show off                          doing what they call a ‘resistance program’. It’s aimed at getting them out of their comfort
                                            zone and attempting something that they don’t usually do. When they are out in the field
                                            it’s hard for them to have concerns because they are trained not to have fear. So, when
 Professional Teeth Whitening Special       they participate in a program like this, they learn how to cope with discomfort and feelings
            $750 INCLUDING                  of initially not being fully in control. They will also camp with their horses on top of the
           Check Up and Clean               Mountain, so that is a really cool experience. Also, we get a lot of school holiday bookings,
                                            and Asian tourists and locals who are interested in a picnic hike with horses.
       Please call 07 5545 2788
                                            What products or services of your business are you most excited about?
 (NB Does Not include X rays or Fillings)
                                            Trail riding - we try to give what the customer is asking for. For example, an overnighter. We
                                            have the standard timeframe rides but are more than happy to custom make the trail riding
   FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY              experience. It’s also good to challenge my team and my girls to handle stress with different
                                            trail rides instead of just the basic rounds.
   • We offer a comprehensive
     dental service covering all            Do you have a favourite local place to have coffee and eat?
     areas of dentistry.                    Every Tuesday night we go to the sushi place near IGA. The children have riding classes on
                                            the Mountain and afterwards we always go to the sushi place. We also really love DRIFT.
                                            Do you manage to take holidays? If so, do you have a favourite destination?
                                            We don’t really take holidays, but we have had some friends and family coming over from
                                            New Zealand. We just enjoy it here so much and my work feels like by hobby, so it’s always
                                            a holiday. I really like for friends and family coming over and spend time here with us and
                                            the kids. We do fly to New Zealand every now and then, visiting friends and family but we
                                            do not really count that as a holiday because we are so busy visiting everyone then. This
                                            year, however, we are planning to go to Phuket for my 30th birthday.
                                            Any amusing stories about your time in the business?
                                            We tried to get all the horses in the dam one day for a swim. Didn’t really work, but it was
                                            good fun. We have something going on every day; horses have different personalities and
                                            my horses really like to show theirs.
                                            Last word: We are located at Thunderbird Park. Come by and have a look at our horses.
                                            We’d love to take you for a trail ride and enjoy the nature tracks. It’s a great holiday activity.
                                            We treat our horses very well and they are all in A+ condition.
12 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Cold weather kills batteries ...
Don’t risk getting stranded or being late when your car battery fails!
Signs that your battery is nearing the end of its life                        You shop at
include corroded terminals, hesitant starting or                            Supacheap Auto
random electrical system issues.                                           because you need
If in doubt, come in for a free battery and alternator                      to save money?
health check!
                            • If your battery is dead, get a jump            Our prices are
                              start, drive in to see us.                   often significantly
                            • Free fitting of new battery                 less, especially on
                            • Replacement warranty up to three            quality brand name
                              and a half years                                 products.
                            • Batteries for cars, motorcycles,
                              trucks, tractors, mowers and boats           Next time, try us!
                            • Deep cycle and AGM for motor
                                                                                                          WINTER DRIVING
                              homes and golf buggies                                                    • 2 x brighter than
                            • Good range of battery charging                      We’ll                   standard headlight globes
                              systems                                      shout yo
                            • Batteries for car and garage               coffee o u a free              • Quality German globes
                                                                                  r juice fr
                              remotes sold and fitted.                   CJ’s nex           om
                                                                                 t door w
                                                                                            hile        • Fitting to most vehicles by
                            • Range of small rechargeable                 we fit yo
                                                                                     ur ne                appointment
                              batteries in stock for torches etc.             battery.. w

                      Phone 5545 1988                      24 Main Street, North Tamborine           Personalised, expert advice ...

                                            H ORSE R IDING
                                                           H        I N T E R L A N D

                                                                    at                  TM

                                             Horse Riding Hinterland offers a range of options
                                             for adults and children.
                                             Everyone can enjoy this simple pleasure!
                                             It doesn’t matter if you have never been on a horse before
                                             or if you are an experienced rider – this will be a new, safe and
                                             thrilling experience.
                                             Take our trail ride for $60pp – best suited for the younger members
                                             of the family ...
                                             The 1 hour Bush Ride at $85pp takes riders on a scenic trek to
                                             Thunderbird Park’s woodland mountain ridge.
                                             The Hill Top Ride – at $115 for around an hour and a half – follows
                                             the forest tracks to the highlands. Great for the seasoned rider!

                                                                                              Corner Cedar Creek Falls Road
                                                                                                  Tamborine Mountain 4272
                                                                                                              (07) 5545 7963
                                                                                             SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 13
State Member for Scenic Rim

MOBILE OFFICE                                                                                    WRIGHT COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION AWARDS
It was great to hear from you when I had my mobile office at                                     Before we head back to Canberra for more Parliamentary
Tamborine Village and on Tamborine Mountain on Saturday                                          sittings, we celebrated our wonderful volunteers at the
morning. I will continue to lobby on your behalf for the                                         Wright Community Contribution Awards. This year we are
matters that are most important to you, such as improving                                        holding three ceremonies: Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley and
local roads and highways, tackling crime in the community                                        Gold Coast.
and fighting for the infrastructure we need.                                                     Across the electorate of Wright there are thousands of people
I will keep you updated on the issues you raised with me, and                                    giving to their local community - through time at the raffle
if you weren’t able to make it to my mobile office, please don’t                                 stand, in the local community centre, helping at a hospital,
hesitate to contact me with any issues or ideas for your local                                   assisting someone with a disability, cleaning up rubbish,
area in the Scenic Rim.                                                                          writing for grants, or co-coordinating a sporting or recreation
                                                                                                 These wonderful people are simply invaluable, and we
Community organisations have until 31 August to apply                                            acknowledge their hard work and thank them, sincerely.
for grants up to $35,000 from Round 102 of the Gambling                                          Locally, I want to specifically acknowledge the hard work,
Community Benefit Fund. I have provided letters of support for                                   dedication and ongoing commitment to the following people:
numerous community groups, and in the last round, Scenic Rim
groups received more than $150,000 in grants. Together with                                        •   Wayne Lampard
other grant initiatives, our region has received more than                                         •   Wayne Reiser
$15 million in grant funds for community organisations since                                       •   Sarah Martin
I was elected as your representative in 2012. I certainly                                          •   Ellen Logan, and
encourage clubs and community organisations to apply for                                           •   Sandy Paley
assistance. Please contact my office for more information or                                     In total from the Scenic Rim, there were 24 recipients!
to request a letter of support and visit                                 TREASURER’S VISIT
grants to apply.
                                                                                                 I recently hosted the Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, in Wright.
QUEENSLAND VETERANS’ MEMORIAL GRANTS                                                             He spent the entire day in the electorate of Wright, travelling
Funding for the first round of the Queensland Veterans’ Memorial                                 with me from place to place. Our first point was Moffatt
Grants has been announced and the Boonah RSL is one of nine                                      Fresh Produce, meeting with the Moffatts, touring their site
recipients sharing in $200,000 to restore numerous veterans’                                     and providing the Treasurer with a deeper understanding of
memorial sites across Queensland. Memorial sites are an                                          agricultural production and processing. It was his birthday,
important part of any community in Queensland and play a vital                                   so an ice cream carrot cake was the perfect treat. We then
role in honoring the contributions of servicemen and women in                                    continued on to meet with farmers and volunteers from the
our Australian Defence Forces.                                                                   Salvation Army in Kalbar, before moving on to the Lockyer
Around the state restoration will occur to war memorials to                                      Valley to discuss water security issues.
conserve a lasting legacy for future generations. Veterans’                                      DEMENTIA RESEARCH
groups and other eligible community organisations can apply                                      The Morrison Government will provide $21 million for 13
for grants of up to $30,000. Applications are open now and close                                 research projects that will focus on risk reduction, prevention
on 20 October 2019. To apply for the grant visit:                                   and tracking of dementia, Australia’s second leading cause
au/memorialgrants or for more information contact my office.                                     of death. This brings the total investment under the National
HOW CAN I HELP?                                                                                  Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Boosting
                                                                                                 Dementia Research Grant scheme to $200 million. The need
If you need any assistance with Queensland Government                                            for investment in research to develop new treatments and to
matters, or to raise concerns with me, please do not                                             improve dementia care is powerfully evident.
hesitate to contact my office at scenicrim@parliament.qld., phone 1800 813 960 or by SMS on 0401 63 44 88.


                   “I am happy to provide assistance                                                                           Ian MacAllan
                   with any federal issue.                                                          IML                               LAWYER
                   Please feel free to call my office.”

                                                                                                  5545 4303
                                                                                                  40 Southport Ave
                               Ph (07) 5541 0150                                                  Eagle Heights
                               21 William St, Beaudesert 4285
                                                               Wills. Estates. Conveyancing. Business. Family Law
                               Authorised by S Buchholz, 21 William St Beaudesert.

14 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
Tamborine Mountain’s 20th Wedding Expo will be held this
Saturday and to celebrate this milestone one lucky expo
visitor will win $500 to be used with any exhibitor of their          Mon–Fri 8.30am – 6.00pm
                                                                      Saturday 8.30am – 3.00pm
Eleven years ago, three members of the Tamborine Mountain
                                                                      Sunday 9.00am – 12.00pm
Weddings Group recognised that the mountain was increasingly
becoming a desirable wedding destination. Di Anderson, Lynda
Brownen and Suellen Bayly realised there was an opening to
showcase this beautiful area on home ground - and from there
the biannual expos began.
                                                                       • Expert Advice on Your Medicines
Not only have they become a great resource for brides and
grooms, they bring a financial boost to a wide array of local
                                                                         and Health Needs
businesses - tourist and otherwise - when more than 600 people         • Free Blood Pressure Testing
visit the mountain for the expos. And there are the financial          • Free Prescription SMS Reminder Service
benefits when the actual weddings are held, with guests
generally booking for a two-night stay. The expos are now run          • Vaccination Service
wholly by the local weddings group, are growing in popularity          • Medication Packing Service
and style and yet are still presented as a free public event.
                                                                       • Hire – Crutches and Wheel Chair
Tamborine Mountain has a wide variety of locations to stage a
wedding. - rainforests, western and coastal views, waterfalls          • Ear Piercing
and creeks, gardens, chapels, wineries. The list is virtually          • Quality Vitamin and Mineral Ranges
endless, so it’s not hard to understand why these three ladies
are justifiably proud, witnessing how their initial idea has           • Loyalty Discount Club
developed and grown with such success, and enjoyed equally             • NDSS Access Point
by exhibitors and guests.
Those attending the expo are welcome to discuss ideas for
their big day, check availability and make bookings with the
seasoned wedding professionals. They will receive a full
directory at no cost on arrival to assist them with their planning.
Entry to the expo which will be open from 10am to 3pm
(Sunday 28 July) at Vonda Youngman Community Centre, Knoll
Road, North Tamborine is free.

      GIVEAWAY                TO CELEBRATE OUR
      ENTER ON THE DAY FOR   EXPO'S 20TH BIRTHDAY!                                          SUNDAY

                                                                                         28th JULY 2019
                                                                                         10am - 3pm
                                                                                          Free Entry
                                                                                  VONDA YOUNGMAN CENTRE
                                                                                    TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN


                                                                                SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 15
   COMMUNITY TREE PLANTING                                     NATURE A HELPING HAND
                                                               Each year on the last Sunday of July, Tamborine
      Tamborine Mountain Landcare                              Mountain Landcare hosts a National Tree Day planting.
                                                               This community event is a great opportunity for
                                                               families and people of all ages and strengths to have
        invites the community to our                           fun together and help enhance the mountain’s unique
             annual tree planting                              natural environment.
                                                               This year our National Tree Day event will be held at a
         NATIONAL TREE DAY                                     very accessible, family-friendly site at Guanaba Park
                                                               (see the accompanying advertisement for event details).
                                                               The planting will extend the area that was planted at last
                  SUNDAY 28 JULY                               year’s event. The accompanying before and after photos
                                                               show how much the trees have grown in just one year.
        Guanaba Park Mount Tamborine                           National Tree Day is Australia’s largest community tree
                                                               planting and nature care event. Since 1996, four million
                      9am – 11am                               volunteers have planted 25 million trees, donating 10
                                                               million hours of their time. The benefits are enormous -
    * No experience required * Plant a tree or two             for communities and for our air and land and waterways.
                                                               While we may think that trees just stand around doing not
       * Meet up with friends * Coffee and cake                very much, they actually do an amazing job.
      * Family friendly – playground, picnic areas             Each tree absorbs as much as 22kg of carbon a year,
                   * Tools provided …                          amounting to up to 455kg by the time it is 40 years old.
                                                               Trees also help combat wind and water erosion, enhance
          bring drinking water, sturdy shoes                   biodiversity and restore habitat for our native animals.
                                                               Join other residents and visitors in rolling up your sleeves
                                                               and getting your hands dirty in a very good cause. By
                                                               taking part in one morning’s pleasant activity, you can
                                                               help benefit our natural environment for years to come.
                                                               Wendy Morgan

               Friday 13th September
             Scarecrow trail opens to the public
               and scarecrows will be judged
             Saturday 14th September
     Roving buskers all day and the Scarecrow Festival
       Lantern Parade from 5pm on Main Street for a
     6pm start. The parade will include 100 hand-held
        lanterns made by kids from our community,
     25 animated scarecrow puppet lanterns made by
      kids from local groups and associations, and 3
         themed mega lanterns: Dirt Girl, Scrap Boy
                  and Costa the Gardener.
        Enjoy live music, the stilt walker and carnival
      drummers. Food on Main Street will be available.
              Sunday 15th September
      Scarecrow Trail is open and the entertainment on
          Main Street & Gallery Walk will continue.
              Scarecrow Trail Registration Forms and
                Poetry Entry Forms will be available
         Wednesday 31st July at the following locations:
       IGA, Professionals, Library, Granny Macs Fudge Store,
                 and the Visitor Information Centre.

16 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019 – 17
                                                       with Witches Falls Winery

                                                       Why do a wine tasting?
                                                       Wine tasting involves concentration and
                                                       consideration. Whether you are new to
                                                       the world of wine and want to find out
                                                       what you like or an experienced wine
                                                       drinker wanting to broaden your tastes,
                                                       wine tasting is the ideal way to achieve this.
                                                       Tasting a variety of wines in one place will help you work out what you like faster. There is
     MEDICAL PRACTICE                                  no right or wrong answer and only you can decide what suits your palate. The purpose of
       14 Main Western Road                            the tasting is to help you discover this in a relaxed and friendly environment. At Witches Falls
          North Tamborine                              there is nothing we love more than helping people find their perfect wine match!
                and                                    Having said this, wine tasting is a sensory experience and to make the most of this there are
     Shop 1/17 Southport Avenue                        a few basics steps you should follow. These steps are the same if you are a beginner or wine
            Eagle Heights                              master and include the senses of sight, smell, and taste.
                                                       Just like food, our first impression of a wine is gained by sight. The colour of a wine will give
          Phone: 07 5545 1222                          an indication of the variety and style and perhaps the age and alcohol content. Generally
                                                       speaking, white wines deepen in colour as they age whereas red wines lose colour and get                 lighter with age.
   online booking service available on this website    Incredibly as much as 85 per cent of the taste of wine is derived from your sense of smell.
                                                       Smell occurs when volatile aromas reach the olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity.
                                                       This happens in two ways – by sniffing directly through the nostrils and retronasally through
 50 years of continuous service to the                 the back of the mouth as you chew and swallow. It’s for this reason you should swirl and
   Tamborine Mountain community                        sniff the wine in your glass before tasting. Swirling the wine oxygenates it, encouraging
                                                       the aromatic compounds to vaporise. Remember not to wear perfume or aftershave when
   Affiliated with three universities                  tasting as this can compete with the smell of the wine.
                                                       After you’ve had a good swirl and sniff it’s time to taste. Tasting is the only way to gain
       COMPREHENSIVE                                   information about the mouthfeel of the wine including its texture and weight. Never judge
        HEALTH CARE                                    a wine on its first sip – you will need at least three tastes to give the wine a good chance.
          SERVICE                                      We believe the first sip cleanses your palate, the second gives you a chance to consider the
                                                       flavours, weight, texture and length, while the third confirms whether you like it or not. When
     Opening Hours:                                    sipping, be sure to suck in air by opening your mouth slightly as this will further oxygenate
     Mon – Tues 8.30am – 7pm                           the wine, drawing out more flavours.
     Wed - Thur 8.30am – 6.30pm                        The final step is to think about the wine you have just tasted. Questions to ask yourself are:
     Friday 8.30am – 5pm                               Did you like it? Is it balanced? Was it unique or unmemorable? Did anything shine through
     Saturday 8.30am – 12 noon                         and impress you? Each person may have a different opinion but no matter what your palate,
                                                       doing a wine tasting is the ideal way to discover what you like and what you don’t.
     Sunday 8.30am – 10.30am
                                                       Happy tasting!
                    Dr Ann Bennett                     The Witches Falls Winery Crew
             Dr Leeann Carr-Brown
                  Dr Jan Zomerdijk
       Dr Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers
                  Dr Henri Coombs
                    Dr Joe Gambin
                   Dr Cobie Powell                    1. APPROXIMATELY WHAT PERCENTAGE OF AUSTRALIA RECEIVES SO LITTLE
                                                          RAIN IT IS EFFECTIVELY DESERT?
                    Dr Hok-Yee Siu                        A) 25% B) 35% C) 45% D) 55%
                    Dr Justin Wong                    2. WHAT IS A YACHT WITH TWO HULLS CALLED?
                   Dr Christina Jiao                  3. WHICH EUROPEAN COUNTRY HAD COLONIES AT MACAU IN CHINA AND
                Dr Marije Dalebout                        GOA IN INDIA?
                                                      4. IN HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN WHAT WAS DONALD TRUMP’S
                     Dr Jardin Taha                       CAMPAIGN SLOGAN?
                                                      5. STEVE SMITH AND GLENN MAXWELL EXCEL IN WHICH SPORT?
                                                      6. WHICH TV CHANNEL WOULD YOU BE WATCHING THE TV SHOW NCIS: LOS
                                                          ANGELES? A) 7 B) 9 C) 10 D) GEM
                                                      7. IN BASEBALL, THE SHORTSTOP STANDS BETWEEN WHICH TWO BASES?
                                                      8. WHAT COLOUR IS THE CAP WORN BY A GOALKEEPER IN WATER POLO?
                                                      9. HEATH LEDGER WON THE BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR OSCAR FOR HIS
                                                          ROLE IN WHICH FILM?
                        Nationally Accredited         10. IF YOU WERE BORN ON HALLOWEEN, WHAT WOULD YOUR STAR SIGN BE?

                                                         Aussie Trivia Chris Blair: 0416 007 985 Answers on page 27

18 – SCENIC NEWS VOL. 1507 – 24 July 2019
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