IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University

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IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
Leading the Dialogue
on Race P.14

The Big World of
Tiny Nanocrystals P.40
                         RESEARCH AT BROWN   2021

Student Focus:
Social Issues P.32


Responding to
the Pandemic                 P.18
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
STARTING OFF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONTENTS
                                          THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC is one   digital media: Dr. Ashish Jha, the new dean of the School of
                                                                                                                                                          RESEARCH BRIEFS
                                      of the most devastating            Public Health, is informing the nation on public health matters;
                                      public health challenges of        economist Emily Oster is providing data-driven advice for                        2 Saving “God’s Little Acre”
                                      modern times, but it has           parents of school-age children; and Dr. Megan Ranney rallied her                 4 Take the Sting Out of Mosquitos
                                      also given the world the           ER coworkers as she called for national health care changes and                  5 Alumni Impact: Suzanne Rivera
                                      most remarkable validation         became a regular contributor on a major national news network.                   5 The Dean of Urban Politics
                                      of the importance of                   Our research community successfully resumed most                             6 Immunotherapy Enhanced
                                      government-supported               operations over the summer, with rigorous new safety                             6	Innovation to Impact in Medicine
                                      university research that we        protocols and double shifts to accommodate reduced staffing                      6 Alumni Impact: Alina Moran
                                      have seen in our lifetimes.        densities. Brown faculty, staff, and students have been working                  7	A New Approach to Genetic Testing
                                          Across the United States       with dedication and innovation throughout the pandemic. As a                     8	Everything in Moderation, Even Sports
and the world, university laboratories closed for all but                result, we’ve garnered many highly competitive awards. As one                    9 Natural Language for Computers
essential activities as COVID-19 cases increased and hospitals           example, the National Science Foundation awarded Brown                           9	Alumni Impact: Nicole Alexander-Scott
and health care workers were overwhelmed. Yet, despite the               $23.7 million for renewal of the Institute for Computational                     10	
                                                                                                                                                             The Unique Identities of
uncertainty and losses, we have made extraordinary advances
in research and in our understanding of the human experience.
                                                                         and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM).
                                                                             In this issue of Impact, you will find stories about Brown                   10
                                                                                                                                                                Immigrant Activists
                                                                                                                                                                Research Honors
                                                                                                                                                                                                              10                                                      14
It has been an exceptional year for Brown research—one of                research achievements in numerous fields, including a special                    11    How Stimulants Really Work
resilience and accomplishment.                                           section devoted to COVID and a feature on the Center for the                     11    Alumni Impact: Jonathan Karp
    In mid-March 2020, non-essential research ramped down at             Study of Race and Ethnicity in America. Led by Tricia Rose,                      12    Short Takes
the same time most students left campus and the governor of              CSREA is one of most highly regarded academic centers                            13    Unpacking Lunar Ice
Rhode Island issued a stay-at-home order. The emergency                  focused on scholarship on race and ethnicity—a topic brought
reduction of laboratory research took only days to effect.               into sharp relief as the nation grappled with anti-Black racism
Almost immediately, researchers galvanized to assist Rhode               in 2020. This issue’s spotlight on undergraduate research
Island’s health care system, with donations of PPE and other             focuses on the work of our students in social issues.                            36 Mathematics, Reimagined
supplies to hospitals and frontline health care workers.                     It has been gratifying to see our University research                        38 Books Born Digital
    Just as quickly, our researchers turned attention to urgent          community respond to a challenging year so quickly, effectively,                 40	The Big World of Tiny Nanocrystals
questions related to the pandemic. The University’s COVID-19             and creatively.                                                                  41	School Discipline: The Race Gap
Research Seed Fund, announced in April, accelerated innova-
tive work of faculty and students on therapies, technology, and
                                                                                                                                                          BROWN RESEARCH INDEX
medical interventions. With this fund, 15 important projects
launched, including a statewide Biobank providing patients’                                                                                               43 Books
biological samples to researchers at Brown, as well as to Rhode                                                                                           46 Selected Faculty Honors
Island’s Lifespan and Care New England health systems.                                                                            Jill Pipher
    Throughout this global crisis, many Brown researchers have
been prominent voices in newspapers and in broadcast and
                                                                                                                  Vice President for Research
                                                                                            Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor of Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                          END NOTES                                           18
                                                                                                                                                          52	Ashish Jha and Megan Ranney:

                                                                                                                                                                Speaking Out
                                                                                                                                                                                                            14 A Community in Conversation
                                                                                                                                                                                                            A Brown center has carved out a critical role in racial
                                                                                                                                                                                                            research and dialogue. BY SARAH C. BALDWIN ’87

                       RESEARCH AT BROWN               2021                                                                                                                                                 18 Special Report: COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                          On the Cover: Amanda Jamieson, assistant          Brown faculty have launched a wide range of research and
Editor: Noel Rubinton                     Vice President for Research    Office of Research Development      Office of Foundation Relations               professor of molecular microbiology and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            other projects to fight the pandemic. BY NOEL RUBINTON ’77
Designer: 2COMMUNIQUÉ                              immunology at Brown, is working with
                                          401-863-7408                                                                                                    Graphene Composites (GC), a nanomaterials
Impact: Research at Brown is
published annually by the Office of the
                                          Brown University
                                          Box 1937
                                                                         Brown Technology Innovations
                                                                                                                       For ongoing news about
                                                                                                                       Brown research, follow
                                                                                                                                                          engineering company, to develop and test a
                                                                                                                                                          graphene and silver nanoparticle ink that has
                                                                                                                                                                                                            32 Independent Inquiries
Vice President for Research and the       350 Eddy Street                                                    us on Twitter @BrownUResearch.               the potential to reduce the spread of COVID-19.   Many undergraduates are succeeding in research related
Office of University Communications       Providence, R.I. 02912                                                                                          Image by Graphene Composites                      to pressing social issues. BY MAURA SULLIVAN HILL
                                                                                                          PHOTOGRAPH BY NICK DENTAMARO/BROWN UNIVERSITY                                                                                                       IMPACT 2021 1
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
BRIEFS                 A COMPENDIUM OF
                       RECENT HIGHLIGHTS
                       OF BROWN RESEARCH

                                                                      Saving “God’s
                                                                      Little Acre”
                                                                      Archaeology students are reviving the history of
                                                                      one of the oldest African-American cemeteries.
                                                                      FOR YEARS, STORIES of those buried in         cans, many of whom were enslaved. Few
                                                                      God’s Little Acre in Newport, Rhode           stories of people buried were preserved,
                                                                      Island, one of the oldest United States       and the only known cemetery map dated
                                                                      cemeteries for Africans and African           back to 1903 and was incomplete.
                                                                      Americans, had been slipping away                 Using three-dimensional images and
                                                                      despite a dedicated team of descendants       aerial drone footage, graduate students
                                                                      and volunteers.                               Alex Marko, Dan Plekhov, and Miriam
                                                                          Stories like that of Charity “Dutchess”   Rothenberg undertook an intense
                                                                      Quamino—who was brought to the                investigation, recording the extensive
                                                                      United States from West Africa as a slave     details on grave markers. They created
                                                                      in the 1700s and eventually became a          an interactive map and database they
                                                                      pastry chef and caterer, later serving        intend to make available to researchers
                                                                      George Washington for at least one            and tourists.
                                                                      event—have been in danger of disap-               “We know the bigger picture of the
                                                                      pearing as gravestones weather or recede      slave trade and how inhumane it was,”
                                                                      into the Earth.                               Plekhov said. “You learn even more when
                                                                          Then three Brown archaeology              you focus on individual people and
                                                                      graduate students were drawn into the         individual experiences.”
                                                                      project by a volunteer at Newport’s               Soon, Rothenberg said, “people can
                                                                      Historic Cemetery Advisory Commis-            use a map on their phone or tablet to
                                                                      sion, and they became a key part of           identify specific graves and interact with
                                                                      efforts to preserve and revive the history    this site and its history more personally.”
                                                                      through a long-needed site map.                   Said Plekhov, “Making people aware
Brown graduate                                                            The cemetery, founded in the late 17th    of this lesser-known history, telling these
students surveyed
hundreds of grave                                                     century, is the final resting place of at     stories . . . could drive us all toward a
markers on the site.                                                  least 500 Africans and African Ameri-         more inclusive future.” —jill kimball

2   IMPACT 2021                            PHOTOGRAPH BY ALEX MARKO                                                                                               IMPACT 2021 3
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University

                                                                                                                                                        ALUMNI                                                                                                                  Marion Orr specializes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in urban, racial, and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ethnic politics.

                                                                                                                                                                  SUZANNE RIVERA ’91
                                                                                                                                                                  became president of
                                                                                                                         Experiments showed                       Macalester College in June
                                                                                                                           graphene, a carbon
                                                                                                                                                                  2020, the school’s first
                                                                                                                          nanomaterial, could
                                                                                                                          be a potent defense                     female and Latinx president.
                                                                                                                           against mosquitos.                     She concentrated in
                                                                                                                                                                  American Civilization
                                                                                                                                                                  at Brown.
                                                                                                                                                                  “The best research

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Dean of
                                                                                                                                                                  experience I had at Brown
                                                                                                                                                                  was a summer fellowship with
                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Greg Elliott in
                                                                                                                                                                  sociology, developing a new
                                                                                                                                                                  course on poverty in the
                                                                                                                                                                  United States. That research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Urban Politics
                                                                                                                                                                  experience demystified the                             A veteran scholar brings the “hidden”
                                                                                                                                                                  work of academia and
                                                                                                                                                                  fostered in me the joy of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         into the open in his examinations of
                                                                                                                                                                  discovery. I’d never have been                         race and ethnicity.
                                                                                                                                                                  capable of serving in this role
                                                                                                                                                                  at Macalester College                                  WHEN HE WAS AN UNDERGRADUATE student at Savannah State University,

Take the Sting Out of Mosquitos
                                                                                                                                                                  without the excellent                                  Marion Orr was inspired by a professor who “made political science come
                                                                                                                                                                  preparation and the courage                            to life.” Thirty-five years after he graduated, the American Political Science
                                                                                                                                                                  of convictions I got at Brown.”                        Association (APSA) made Orr, a Brown professor, the recipient of the 2019
Engineering researchers find a promising new tool to stop bites: graphene.                                                                                                                                               Hanes Walton Award, which honors political scientists who have made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         significant contributions to the study of racial and ethnic politics—named
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         after the man who compelled Orr to pursue his field of study.
SOMETIMES, SCIENTIFIC breakthroughs are    graphene can provide a two-fold defense      cheesecloth. Cintia Castillho PhD ’20,                                                                                               Orr has authored or edited seven books, and his pioneering research
made when researchers are looking for      against mosquito bites. The ultra-thin       the study’s lead author, said the graphene                                                                                       in urban politics and racial and ethnic politics has been widely recog-
something else.                            material acts as a barrier that mosqui-      material “was a chemical barrier that                                                                                            nized by experts in his field. His book The Color of School Reform: Race,
    Robert Hurt, professor in Brown’s      toes are unable to bite through.             prevents mosquitoes from sensing that                                                                                            Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education was named the best book
School of Engineering and leader of the    Experiments also showed that graphene        someone is there.”                                                                                                               in the ASPA’s Urban Politics Section. He has chaired the governing
university’s Superfund Research            blocks chemical signals mosquitoes use          Within days of its release, the                                                                                               board of the Urban Affairs Association, and at Brown has served as the
Program, had been working with his         to sense that a blood meal is near,          study—funded by the National Institute                                                                                           director of what is now known as the Taubman Center for American
team on fabrics that incorporate           blunting their urge to bite.                 of Environmental Health Sciences, the                                                                                            Politics and Policy and as chair of the political science department.
graphene as a barrier against toxic            The study was based on research with     Superfund Research Program, and the                                                                                                  For the past several years, Orr has been working on an upcoming
chemicals. “We started thinking about      participants who placed their arms in a      National Science Foundation—drew a                                                                                               biography of former U.S. Representative Charles Diggs, the first African
what else the approach might be good       mosquito-filled enclosure so that only a     large amount of international media                                                                                              American in Congress from Michigan, a staunch civil rights activist, and
for,” he recalled.                         small patch of their skin was available to   and scientific attention. Hurt said                                                                                              founder and first chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Orr has
    A novel idea emerged from the          the mosquitoes. Researchers compared         properly engineered graphene linings                                                                                             interviewed dozens of Diggs’s family members and former colleagues and
brainstorming: mosquito bite protection.   the number of bites participants received    could be used to make mosquito-pro-                                                                                              has visited the six libraries of the presidents who served during his tenure.
    In a paper published in Proceedings    on their bare skin, on skin covered in       tective clothing, and “there’s a lot of                                                                                          While Diggs is often mentioned in histories, “no one has brought him
of the National Academy of Sciences,       cheesecloth, and on skin covered by a        interest in non-chemical mosquito bite                                                                                           together in one place,” Orr said. “My book, I hope, will bring this hidden
Hurt’s lab showed that multilayer          graphene oxide film sheathed in              protection.”—kevin stacey                                                                                                        figure out into the open.” —li goldstein ’22

4   IMPACT 2021                                                                         PHOTOGRAPH BY ISTOCK PHOTO; HURT LAB/BROWN UNIVERSITY (INSET)   PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID J. TURNER (RIVERA); BROWN UNIVERSITY (ORR)                                                                  IMPACT 2021 5
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
Immunotherapy                                                                                              Innovation                                        “We have been focused on supporting
                                                                                                                                                         and building capacity for translational            A New Approach to
Enhanced                                                                                                   to Impact                                     science,” said Dr. Jack A. Elias, senior
                                                                                                                                                         vice president for health affairs and dean         Genetic Testing
                                                                                                           in Medicine
                                                                                                                                                         of medicine and biological sciences. “The
Scientists are working to block                                                                                                                          BBII awards have been a great tool to help         Two biomedical engineers are teaming up
                                                                                                                                                         researchers move their discoveries along
a key tumor-promoting protein.                                                                                                                           that pathway toward commercialization.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to make procedures less invasive.
                                                                                                           Five teams receive                                Part of the Brown and the Innovation
                          IMMUNOTHERAPY—an important form of medical                                       grants to make                                Economy initiative, BBII was started with          GENETIC TESTS are the only way to           The labs of Tripathi, an
                            treatment that uses the body’s immune system to                                advances into                                 $8 million in philanthropic gifts from             definitively diagnose a range of        engineering professor who focuses
                              recognize, attack, and kill cancerous tumor                                                                                Brown donors and is run by the                     medical conditions in developing        on molecular diagnostics, and
                               cells—has successes, but still fails with a
                                                                                                           commercial products                           University’s Division of Biology and               fetuses, but getting samples is         Shukla, an assistant professor of
                               significant proportion of patients.                                         benefiting patients.                          Medicine in collaboration with Brown               invasive and risky. That has driven     engineering who specializes in
                                   Now Brown scientists have found evidence                                                                              Technology Innovations, part of the                Brown researchers, led by biomedi-      smart biomaterials, are collaborat-
                             of a way to block a key tumor-promoting                                       IN ITS PROGRAM to accelerate medical          Office of the Vice President for Research.         cal engineering professors              ing on a new technique. They have
                           protein, MDM2, that has been a significant                                      discoveries becoming commercial                   “BBII is a cornerstone of Brown’s              Anubhav Tripathi and Anita              found a way to enrich trophoblasts
                        roadblock to greater effectiveness in immunotherapy.                               technologies, Brown Biomedical                efforts to inspire and support innovative          Shukla, to advance a less invasive,     from simple cervical swabs using a
   “Immunotherapy has been one of the biggest breakthroughs in                                             Innovations to Impact (BBII) gave five        research that will improve people’s lives,         equally reliable alternative.           low-cost and rapid methodology.
biomedical science and medicine of the last two decades,” said Dr. Wafik                                   awards to faculty research ranging from       including treatments and cures for                     Currently, the most common          The technique could enable doctors
El-Deiry (pictured), a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and                                  analyzing infant cries for signs of opioid    diseases,” said Jill Pipher, vice president        way to diagnose genetic disorders       to diagnose a wide range of genetic
associate dean for oncologic sciences, and his lab’s finding could enhance                                 withdrawal, to developing anti-malaria        for research.                                      during pregnancy is by retrieving       disorders without using needles to
immunotherapy.                                                                                             treatment, and more.                              Project proposals were reviewed by an          trophoblasts—cells found in a           harvest cells from the placenta.
   El-Deiry’s team found a drug that appears to be inhibiting the MDM2                                          Each research team was awarded           advisory committee including venture               mother’s placenta that carry the            One of the project’s researchers,
protein. “It’s tapping into a vulnerability within tumors to help immuno-                                  $100,000 to help translate their scientific   capitalists and pharmaceutical experts.            complete fetal genome—through           Christina Bailey-Hytholt PhD ’20 in
therapy work better,” he said. Results of the study were published in the                                  discoveries into commercial products                                                             amniocentesis or chorionic villus       biomedical engineering, said,
Nature journal Cell Death Discovery, and the research continues.                                           benefiting patients. “The goal of the         Project awardees are:                              sampling, both of which are             “There is a large need for biomedical
   El-Deiry is inaugural director of the recently launched Cancer Center at                                program is to support biomedical              QIAN CHEN, a professor of orthopedic               invasive procedures that carry a        engineering techniques toward
Brown University, which in June became part of the highly selective                                        technologies that need additional work        research and medical science, to develop a gene    risk of miscarriage. A less invasive    advancing prenatal and women’s
Association of American Cancer Institutes. The center builds on Brown’s                                    to become products that have commer-          therapy treatment for post-traumatic               alternative involves blood tests that   health.” A study about the new
growing focus on translational science, aiming to have breakthroughs in                                    cialization potential,” said Karen Bulock,    osteoarthritis.                                    look for fetal genetic material in a    procedure was published by the
basic research advanced to the point where they can make a meaningful                                      the managing director of BBII, “includ-                                                          mother’s bloodstream. But those         team in the journal Scientific
medical difference for patients. “Establishing the Cancer Center at Brown                                  ing navigating the gap between the time       The team of KAREEN COULOMBE, an                    tests can’t be used for definitive      Reports, and the work has been
will support the programmatic integration of innovative cancer-relevant                                    when federal research funding ends and        assistant professor of engineering and medical     diagnoses, and there’s a limited        funded by the National Science
research,” said El-Deiry.                                                                                  private investors are ready to invest.”       science; BUM-RAK CHOI, an associate                range of disorders that can             Foundation and PerkinElmer Inc.
                                                                                                                                                         professor of medicine (research); and ULRIKE       be screened.                                                 —kevin stacey

                                                                                                                                                         MENDE, a professor of medicine, to design a
                                                                                                                                                         test to make new therapeutic drugs that are
                                                                                                                                                         safer for the heart.                                 New technique could
                                                                                                                                                                                                              avoid using needles
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to harvest cells.
                                                                                                                                                         JONATHAN KURTIS, chair of pathology and
                                                                                                                                                         laboratory medicine, to develop antibody-
           ALINA MORAN ’93 was named president of Dignity Health–California Hospital Medical                                                             based therapeutics for malaria.
           Center in Los Angeles in February 2020. At Brown, she was an engineering concentrator.
           “Growing up in the Bronx, I did not have many opportunities to learn about how research can inform                                            BARRY LESTER, director of the Brown Center
           action or prove a theory. As an engineering student, I was exposed to scientific observation—                                                 for the Study of Children at Risk, to search for
           identifying the problem, reviewing information, developing my hypothesis, and analyzing results.                                              signs in newborn infants of opioid withdrawal.
           I used this in all aspects of life, in class, with my Hermanas sorority sisters, and with family. Decades
           later, research plays a prominent role in my profession.”                                                                                     ANITA SHUKLA, an assistant professor of
                                                                                                                                                         engineering, to develop treatments to reduce
                                                                                                                                                         dangerous fungal infections.
                                                                                                                                                                                   —noel rubinton ’77

6   IMPACT 2021                                                                                                                                          PHOTOGRAPH BY ISTOCK PHOTO                                                                                      IMPACT 2021 7
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
                                                                                                                                                 Natural Language
                                                                                                                                                 for Computers                                             ALUMNI
                                                                                                                                                 Communication is key to better
                                                                                                                                                 interaction between humans
                                                                                                                                                 and computers.                                             DR. NICOLE ALEXANDER-SCOTT MPH ’11
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is director of the Rhode Island Department
                                                                                                                                                                       WHEN A COMPUTER program              of Health. At Brown, she completed a
                                                                                                                                                                           encounters a word like           four-year fellowship in adult and pediatric
                                                                                                                                                                             “apple,” explains Ellie        infectious diseases at the Warren Alpert
                                                                                                                                                                              Pavlick (pictured), an        Medical School and earned a master’s
                                                                                                                                                                              assistant professor of        degree in public health.
                                                                                                                                                                              computer science at Brown,     “COVID-19 is challenging us in unprecedented
                                                                                                                                                                            it will often comprehend        ways. I am thankful that I can rely upon the tools
                                                                                                                                                                          it as a string of symbols—        and values I developed as an infectious disease
                                                                                                                                                                      a-p-p-l-e—to be encoded into          fellow and public health student at Brown to
                                                                                                                                                 bytes. The driving question is: “What does the             help me understand and respond to this
                                                                                                                                                 computer actually need to know about the word              pandemic. I draw upon these tools to ensure
                                                                                                                                                 ‘apple’ to know what an apple is?”                          that every Rhode Islander has an equal
                                                                                                                                                     Through her research in the area of natural            opportunity to be healthy and safe.”
                                                                                                                                                 language processing, Pavlick is working to answer
                                                                                                                                                 that question by teaching computers to encounter
                                                                                                                                                 language as a human might, in order to facilitate more
                                                                                                                                                 versatile and meaningful interactions between
                                                                                                                                                 humans and systems. Ever since her PhD, Pavlick has
                                                                                                          Risks of injuries for girls and
                                                                                                         boys in sports can be reduced.          studied how to represent the nuances of language in
                                                                                                                                                 computers, studying what a computer may need to
                                                                                                                                                 know about a particular word in order to fully

Everything in Moderation, Even Sports
                                                                                                                                                 comprehend its meaning, on its own and in composi-
                                                                                                                                                 tion with other words.
                                                                                                                                                     At Brown, she conducts much of this research in
                                                                                                                                                 collaboration with the Cognitive, Linguistic, and
Intense, specialized training can hurt children.                                                                                                 Psychological Sciences department. “We’re trying to
                                                                                                                                                 figure out how humans represent language so that we
“IT’S WONDERFUL for a child to love a           Field said a common fear among                  Risk patterns differed for girls versus          can reverse engineer it and implement it in computers,”
sport and to want to engage in it,” said    parents is that, if their children don’t play   boys. For girls, no particular sport stood           Pavlick said.
Alison Field, professor of epidemiology     more, they’ll fall behind in their sport.       out as being extra risky to specialize in.               Two recent grants, from the Defense Advanced
and pediatrics. “But we must keep in        “But it may actually be the opposite,” she      However, specialization in general                   Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Intelli-
mind the number of hours spent playing.     said. “If children do too much, they may        increased girls’ risk of injury by about             gence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA),
They add up pretty quickly.”                get injured and fall behind.”                   30 percent. In contrast, specialization              are enabling Pavlick to deepen her research. The first
    Field, who is affiliated with Brown’s       Her findings, drawn from a multi-year       in general did not significantly increase            is tackling grounded language acquisition, an attempt
School of Public Health and Warren          study of 10,138 older children and teens        boys’ risk of injury, but certain sports—            to mimic in a computer how young children learn and
Alpert Medical School, found in a study     throughout the United States, suggest           such as baseball and gymnastics—                     master language. With the IARPA grant of $6
published in the Orthopaedic Journal of     that, although activity is good for health,     increased risk.                                      million—the largest received by the computer science
Sports Medicine that injury dangers are     there can be too much of a good thing.              Field hopes the study’s conclusions              department to date—Pavlick is teaming up with
significantly higher for children who       The youth engaging in the most hours of         will help lead to less intense, less                 colleagues at Ohio State and the University of
specialize in a sport from a young age      intense activity per week, often involving      specialized training, and include more               Pennsylvania to design “cross-lingual search engines”
and practice more frequently and            specializing, are most likely to be             cross-training and conditioning.                     that can return highly specific results and can
intensely.                                  seriously injured.                                                          —kerry benson            function in any language. —li goldstein ’22

8   IMPACT 2021                                                                                                     PHOTOGRAPH BY ISTOCK PHOTO                                                                                                            IMPACT 2021 9
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
                                                                 Kevin Escudero’s goal:     Research                                  artificial intelligence,
                                                                                                                                                                            How Stimulants Really Work
                                                          “Texturing the narratives that                                              machine learning, and human-
                                                          I present about the activists.”                                             computer interaction.
                                                                                                                                                                            Neuroscientists find that drugs like Ritalin operate
                                                                                            Seven professors
                                                                                                                                      PETER MONTI (alcohol and
                                                                                                                                      addiction studies) for building
                                                                                                                                                                            by the brain doing a cost-benefit analysis.
                                                                                            receive Brown’s                           understanding of the bio-
                                                                                                                                                                            THE COMMON ASSUMPTION has long been                Brown postdoctoral researcher
                                                                                            top awards.                               behavioral mechanisms that
                                                                                                                                      underlie addictive behavior as        that Ritalin, Adderall, and other drugs         Andrew Westbrook, the study’s lead
                                                                                                                                      well as its prevention and            for the treatment of attention deficit          author, added, “Our brains have been
                                                                                            IN ITS ANNUAL program to                  treatment.                            hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) work by           honed to orient us toward the tasks that
                                                                                            honor exceptional scholars                                                      helping people focus. It turns out there’s      will have the greatest payoff and the least
                                                                                            across a wide variety of                  JOHN SEDIVY (molecular                more to it.                                     cost over time.”
                                                                                            disciplines, Brown awarded                biology, cell biology, and                A study from researchers at Brown              Westbrook and Frank hope their study
                                                                                            Research Achievement                      biochemistry) for making              marked the first time scientists examined       will help future researchers and medical
                                                                                            Awards to seven faculty                   advances in basic research on a       precisely how stimulants such as Ritalin        professionals better understand cognitive
                                                                                            members.                                  form of cellular aging and death      alter cognitive function. They discovered       mechanisms, allowing them to identify
                                                                                                “It is a great pleasure to            known as cell senescence.             something new: The drugs actually work          connections between levels of the
                                                                                            recognize the singular                                                          by directing the brain to fix its attention     neurotransmitter dopamine and disorders
                                                                                            accomplishments of these                                                        on the benefits, rather than the costs, of      such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

The Unique Identities of
                                                                                                                                      The winners of 2020
                                                                                            seven researchers,” said Vice             Early Career Research                 completing difficult tasks.                        “Our research is focused on disentan-
                                                                                            President for Research Jill               Achievement Awards are:                   Study author Michael Frank, a               gling neural and cognitive functions to

Immigrant Activists                                                                         Pipher. “Beyond exceptional
                                                                                            achievements, these awards
                                                                                            are about something larger—
                                                                                                                                      SILVIA CHIANG (pediatrics) for
                                                                                                                                      clinical and epidemiological
                                                                                                                                      research on pediatric and
                                                                                                                                                                            professor of cognitive, linguistic, and
                                                                                                                                                                            psychological sciences and director of the
                                                                                                                                                                            Carney Institute’s new Center for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            understand people’s different thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            processes and evaluate what’s best for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            their needs,” Frank said.
A researcher digs deep to show the multifaceted                                             Brown is truly making a                   adolescent tuberculosis.              Computational Brain Science, said the              The study, published in the journal
                                                                                            difference in the world,                                                        study shows the drugs “increase your            Science, was done in collaboration with
world of youths.                                                                            through both fundamental                  NICOLAS FAWZI (molecular              cognitive motivation: Your perceived            Radboud University in the Netherlands
                                                                                            and translational research.”              pharmacology, physiology, and         benefits of performing a demanding task         and funded by the National Institutes of
WHEN KEVIN ESCUDERO began the research process for his book “Organizing While                   Provost Richard M. Locke              biotechnology) for research           are elevated, while the perceived costs are     Health and the Netherlands Organiza-
Undocumented: Immigrant Youth’s Political Activism under the Law,” he knew he               said, “With its culture of                centering on increasing under-        reduced. This effect is separate from any       tion for Scientific Research.
faced a stiff challenge. With a renewed national focus on immigrant activism and the        collaboration and excellence,             standing of a class of RNA            changes in actual ability.”                                                      —jill kimball
federal government’s emphasis on creating “deserving” and “underserving” distinc-           Brown is uniquely positioned              processing assemblies whose

                                                                                                                                                                            ALUMNI IMPACT
tions within the immigrant community, he needed to bring a fresh perspective to an          to address critical societal              dysfunction has implications
area that had already been extensively researched and discussed.                            issues through rigorous                   for several neurodegenerative
    The difference, he decided, would come through his research approach and the            research, teaching, and                   diseases.
book’s overarching argument. Over the next five years, Escudero, an assistant               service. Our faculty are
professor of American Studies and ethnic studies at Brown, conducted a close                central to these efforts.                 RAMELL ROSS (visual arts) for
ethnographic study in San Francisco, Chicago, and New York, epicenters of immi-             Research helps us understand              his creative work as a writer,
grant political activism.                                                                   and mitigate great challenges,            photographer, and filmmaker,                                        JONATHAN KARP ’86 became CEO of Simon
    Escudero worked hard to honor his subjects’ unique identities in the book published     and this year’s winners are               including his film Hale County This                                 & Schuster in May 2020. He concentrated in
in March 2020, “texturing the narratives that I present about the activists.” He            outstanding examples.”                    Morning, This Evening, nominated                                    American Civilization at Brown.
emphasized their multi-faceted identities as immigrants, people of color, and queer             Nominations for the                   for a 2018 Academy Award for Best                                   “When I wasn’t at the Brown Daily Herald learning to
individuals, and the impact on the movement’s political strategies.                         awards were reviewed by                   Documentary Feature.                                                ask ‘Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?’
    UCLA Chicana/o studies professor Leisy Abrego, who spoke at a Brown sympo-              panels of distinguished                                                                                       (essential questions for any manager), I was at the
sium about Escudero’s book, praised his approach, saying, “Working honestly                 Brown faculty.                            ANITA SHUKLA (engineering),                                         Rock, omnivorously browsing. Once, I discovered an
through discussions on privilege, race, homophobia, transphobia, and inequalities                                                     for research focusing on                                            obscure study of popular fiction. Years later, as an
ultimately builds more trust and allows people to show up as their whole selves.”           The winners of 2020                       designing responsive and                                            editor evaluating new works, I would think of that
    Also in 2020, Escudero received a CAREER award from the National Science                Distinguished Research                    targeted biomaterials for                                           musty book and its archetypes. I still carry my Rock
Foundation, a highly selective early career honor. With the award’s five years of           Achievement Awards are:                   applications in drug delivery                                       ID in my wallet, in case I’m ever in the neighborhood.”
funding, he will set up a research lab studying educational career pathways of immi-        MICHAEL LITTMAN (computer                 and regenerative medicine.
grant students, from college to graduate school to the workforce. —li goldstein ’22         science) for research focusing on                    —noel rubinton ’77

10   IMPACT 2021                                                                                     PHOTOGRAPH BY BROWN UNIVERSITY   PHOTOGRAPH BY GETTY IMAGES (PILLS)                                                                                   IMPACT 2021 11
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University

A long-lost city from ancient Maya                                   When organizations take a stand against actions to
                                                                     combat climate change, they get more news coverage
civilization, Sak Tz’i’, was uncovered                               than their pro–climate action peers, according to a
in a Mexican backyard by a research                                  study from Assistant Professor of Environment and
                                                                     Society and Sociology Rachel Wetts.
team including Associate Professor
of Anthropology Andrew Scherer.
                                                              New Rhode Island high school hockey safety
Painter Jackson Pollock’s “drip” technique was geared         guidelines were based on the concussion
to avoid a classic fluid mechanical instability, whether he   research led by Dr. Peter Kriz, clinical
was aware of it or not, according to a study by Professor
of Engineering Roberto Zenit.
                                                              associate professor of orthopaedics and
                                                              pediatrics at Warren Alpert Medical School.

Research from Dr. Rebekah Gardner,
associate professor of medicine, and                               Proving Einstein Right, a book by                                                                                                                                                    The Moon’s Shackleton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Crater appears to be home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to deposits of water ice.
colleagues at UC San Francisco, showed                             Professor of Physics S. James
that the narrative evaluations of medical                          Gates Jr. about the theory of
students used for clerkships contained                             relativity, won the Brown Univer-                                       Unpacking Lunar Ice
significant gender and minority bias.                              sity Book Award and was given
                                                                                                                                           A surprising discovery on the Moon’s south pole could assist future astronauts.
                                                                   to high-achieving high school
                                                                   juniors around the country.                                             FUTURE EXPLORERS ON the Moon will need more information             sources and distribution of water in the inner solar system,”
                                                                                                                                           about resources available for fuel and other purposes, and new      Deutsch said. “We need to understand the distributions of these
                                                                                                                                           research from planetary scientists at Brown could provide           deposits to figure out how best to access them.” After receiving
                                                                                                                                           important clues.                                                    her PhD, Deutsch became a postdoctoral fellow at the NASA
                                          Victoria Almansa-Villatoro, a PhD student in                                                         The research’s discoveries about the age and sources of         Ames Research Center to help further study the ice deposits.
                                                                                                                                           water ice on the Moon are expected to help both basic science          The study, published in the journal Icarus, continues Brown’s
                                          Egyptology, worked with learning designers                                                       and exploration planning. The majority of the reported ice was      long ties to NASA and planetary research. Deutsch worked with
                                                                                                                                           found within large craters dating back about 3.1 billion years or   Brown professor James Head PhD ’69 and Gregory Neumann
                                          at Brown to create an interactive online                                                         longer, but the researchers also found evidence of ice in smaller   PhD ’93 from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
                                                                                                                                           craters that appear to be relatively recent.                           Head said, “When we think about sending humans back to
                                          course about the pyramids, kings, and                                                                “That was a surprise,” said Ariel Deutsch PhD ’20, the          the Moon for long-term exploration, we need to know what
                                                                                                                                           study’s lead author. “There hadn’t really been any observations     resources are there that we can count on, and we currently
                                          societies of the third millennium B.C.,                                                          of ice in younger cold traps before.”                               don’t know. Studies like this one help us make predictions
                                                                                                                                               “The ages of these deposits can potentially tell us something   about where we need to go to answer those questions.”
                                          based on her fieldwork in Egypt.                                                                 about the origin of the ice, which helps us understand the                                                            —kevin stacey

12 IMPACT 2021                                                                            PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY VICTORIA ALMANSA-VILLATORO   PHOTOGRAPH BY NASA/GSFC/ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                     IMPACT 2021 13
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
Brown’s Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America
                                                   has carved out a crucial role in dialogue and research.

                                               A Community
                                                 in Conversation
                                                        BY SARAH C. BALDWIN ’87 | PHOTOGRAPH BY ALEX GAGNE

                                                                         LAST SUMMER, DEMONSTRATIONS against police brutality, racism,
                                                                         and white supremacy rocked cities and towns from coast to
                                                                         coast. For many white Americans, the mobilization represented
                                                                         an awakening. For people of color—not to mention scholars of
                                                                         this country’s history—the moment felt all too familiar. But
                                                                         this time one thing was different: for many people, denying
                                                                         that racism is a foundational feature of the United States had
                                                                         become all but impossible.
                                                                            As Brown moved to advance understanding of this
                                                                         profoundly teachable moment, the Center for the Study of Race
                                                                         and Ethnicity in America (CSREA) became the heart of
                                                                         campus efforts. Based on its history, it was natural that,
                                                                         starting in September 2020, the center would host, along with
                                                                         other programs, “‘Race &’ in America,” a year-long series of
                                                                         panel discussions with distinguished researchers from around
                                                                         the university.
                                                                            Established in 1986, the CSREA was one of the earliest
                                                                         academic centers in the country focused on scholarship on race
                                                                         and ethnicity; at Brown, it is a site for research and dialogue
                                                                         about a topic that has arguably never been more urgent. Its
                                                                         move in 2016 to its current location in Lippitt House, in the
                                                                         heart of campus, mirrors the growing centrality of race and
Tricia Rose, CSREA’s
                                                                         ethnicity in American academic and popular discourse.
director: “Race is at the
heart of whatever
happens in our14country.”
                    IMPACT 2021   ART CREDIT                                                                                               IMPACT 2021 15
IMPACT2021 - Responding to the Pandemic P.18 - Brown University
In January 2020, the CSREA, along with centers at Yale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                University, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Tricia Rose led a conversation   received a $4 million grant from the Mellon Foundation to
                                                                                                                                                                                              with Trevor Noah, host of “The
                                                                                                                                                                                              Daily Show,” at Brown in 2017.    expand the study of race in the humanities across all four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                campuses. In addition to creating a faculty fellows program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that will bring humanities scholars to the center for race-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                research, the grant will make possible new multi-campus
                                                                                                                                              in 2019 that helped her refine an edited volume she’d been                        courses, free public events, exhibits, and conferences. One of
                                                                                                                                              working on with colleagues around the world. The event brought                    the signatures of Brown’s contribution is a humanities lab, a
                                                                                                                                              scholars from Jamaica, Brazil, and Ghana to the center—as well                    seminar-like space in which faculty and students can collabo-
  Providence, like elsewhere                                                                                                                  as others who joined via technology—for two days of workshops.                    rate in innovative, boundary-pushing ways and engage in what
  in the United States, was                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rose calls “disciplined freestyling.” She says the lab will be a
  the site of many racial
  justice protests in 2020.                                                                                                                   CENTRIPETAL FORCE                                                                 highly creative space in which to ask, “What if?”
                                                                                                                                              Reflecting her own multidisciplinary approach, Rose says the
                                                                                                                                              center invites people from within and beyond the humanities                       IT’S NEVER OVER
                                                                                                                                              and social sciences to contribute to the conversation. “If we were                The CSREA records the vast majority of the events it convenes,
    “Race is at the heart of whatever happens in our country,”      tion—through lectures, discussions, and workshops—of the                  just a center that’s a subset of a given discipline, we wouldn’t need             and the nearly 200 videos in its ever-growing library can be
says Tricia Rose AM ’87, PhD ’93, professor of Africana Studies     range of normalized and interconnected policies, practices, and           to be able to talk across lots of spaces. We’d have a specialized                 accessed for research purposes by anyone at any time because
and, since 2013, director of the CSREA. “If we do not develop a     attitudes that drive racial inequality in this country.                   language, and we would go deep instead of wide. But I think it’s                  race-related issues tend to be cyclical, receding and recurring
more sophisticated understanding of how race works in                   When Rose accepted the CSREA directorship, she envi-                  much more important to create an interdisciplinary hub for                        across time.
American society, we will not be able to produce a just,            sioned the center as an “ideas hub” that would spawn new ways             research and learning. Sociologists have to be able to talk to                        “The conversation evolves,” Rose says, “but it also continues
multiracial democracy.”                                             of thinking and talking about race, and a widely valued campus            people in public health, who have to be able to talk to historians,               to revolve around a set of issues. You can’t [look at the protests]
    What distinguishes racism in America, she says, is the          asset: productive for faculty, important for students, engaging           who have to be able to talk to people who work in biomed and                      of summer 2020 and suddenly say, What’s all this racial talk?
enduring myth that it’s going away. In the post-civil rights era,   for the public.                                                           genetics,” she says. “A center should bring people together.”                     What’s going on? You have to know there’s a long-term
the fallacy of colorblindness—the idea that if, we refuse to            “I have always been invested in making complicated ideas                  The center also supports fellowship programs to further the                   conversation about these issues. It’s important to be able to see
acknowledge race and racial inequality, discrimination will         that matter in the world interesting, relevant, and engaging.             work of graduate students and faculty, and, with the Watson                       the conversation unfolding.”
vanish—became entrenched across the political spectrum. The         That to me is the point of being a teacher and a researcher,”             Institute for International and Public Affairs, co-sponsors a                         Case in point: the “‘Race &’ in America” series draws on
center is using scholarship and discussion to close the gap         Rose says. It’s also the spirit that animates the CSREA.                  postdoctoral research associate in race and ethnicity. Ronald                     Brown scholars to probe the effects of race and anti-Black
between the notion that racial and ethnic inequalities are a            Through programming and rigorous research, she set about              Aubert, current visiting professor of the practice, appreciates                   racism from a variety of perspectives, such as public health,
thing of the past and the glaring truth that they are not.          “building a community in conversation about race.” The                    the CSREA’s “unparalleled exposure to senior thought                              media depictions, and incarceration rates. In her virtual
    “Racism has been at the root of our darkest periods, and        conversation would be both informed by scholars and accessi-              leadership as well as the exciting intellectual energy of                         conversation series “Underlying Conditions,” also launched in
despite the efforts of many across generations—including civil      ble to all. The center has since convened many prominent                  emerging scholars across multiple disciplines.” Former postdoc                    2020, Rose engages experts to explore the disproportionate
rights activists, students and scholars—we know that racism is      intellectuals, activists, and artists. One of the first public            Mariaelena Huambachano credits the support she received                           impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities of color
pervasive today, and remains an obstacle to achieving true          programs Rose organized, in 2014, took place shortly after a              from the CSREA with encouraging her to continue her                               through a variety of lenses, including health disparities and the
peace and justice for all,” says Provost Richard Locke. “At         jury declared George Zimmerman not guilty of the murder of                research and her work with the United Nations as an advocate                      effects on black businesses.
Brown, we are committed to revealing and addressing legacies        unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin: a teach-in featuring               of indigenous people’s rights. Participating in a round table                         To maintain connections—and conversations—during the
of structural racism and discrimination in our society, and we      experts on the targeting of young people of color.                        discussion as part of “How Structural Racism Works,” says                         pandemic, the center created the e-newsletter “The Art of the
are fortunate to have significant scholarly resources to draw           That same year, as its public programming found its                   former Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow Yalidy                          Matter,” and started another that features a video pulled from
upon in our work. Chief among these is CSREA, which brings          audience on campus and beyond, the center began designing                 Matos, helped her expand her thinking about how structural                        its archive. And in June 2020 Rose partnered with another
together thought leaders to investigate history and reflect and     programs to support scholars in myriad ways—eventually                    racism interfaces with immigration, her area of study.                            public intellectual, Harvard scholar Cornel West, to create “The
shape contemporary thought, policy, and practice.”                  offering manuscript workshops, writing retreats, course                       Notable among the CSREA’s extensive menu of research-fo-                      Tight Rope,” a virtual conversation/podcast on subjects
                                                                    innovation grants, and CSREA Faculty Grants. Intended to                  cused initiatives, which includes first-book events and informal                  ranging from pop culture to peace and justice.
TIMELY, RELEVANT, AND SUPPORTIVE                                    cultivate an intellectual community drawn from across Brown,              workshops on current projects, are programs that support and                          Rose, who signs emails and letters “joy + justice,” admits to
Rose, whom Ms. magazine called a “legendary Black feminist          Faculty Grants provide funding and staffing for campus events             showcase writers, artists, and performers. Past art exhibits have                 becoming weary at times in the battle for justice and its
scholar,” has spent her career studying Black history, culture,     and research groups that faculty members themselves devise                explored microaggressions, appropriation of indigenous                            backlash. These, she says, are “bigger than the human spirit, if
and sexuality in the post-civil rights era. She is perhaps best     according to their academic interests. Over the years, these              culture in modern media, and resilience, among other topics.                      you let them be.” But she’s also heartened by the speed with
known for her pioneering 1994 book, Black Noise: Rap Music          have included performances, films, seminars, and lectures on                  “Artists have always been the most powerful of voices for                     which things that were impossible to change five years ago
and Black Culture, which helped establish hip-hop as a topic of     topics as timely and diverse as school segregation, Latina                helping us see things around us in ways that are often invisible                  seem to be changing today.
scholarly focus. In 2015, she was tapped to direct the new “How     feminism, indigenous language revival, the whiteness of food              to those of us who don’t have that gift,” Rose says. “They have                       Of joy and justice, she says, “You can’t have one without the
Structural Racism Works” series, another collaboration between      movements, and refugees and immigration.                                  the capacity to get at the heart of something in a way that                       other. We need a joyful approach to create justice. And joy can’t
the Office of the Provost and the CSREA. Based on her ongoing           Such a grant enabled Elena Shih, assistant professor of               engages your spirit and soul as well as your intellect. They help                 happen in its full sense until we’re really invested in trying to
research project, the initiative offers a campus-wide examina-      American Studies, to hold a manuscript development workshop               us connect in ways that words don’t.”                                             produce a just world. Right?”

16 IMPACT 2021                                                                                                  PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID DELPOIO   PHOTOGRAPH BY NICK DENTAMARO/BROWN UNIVERSITY                                                                                       IMPACT 2021 17

                                                                                                      “Our faculty and their research are

Bring in
                                                                                                        defined by extraordinary resilience,
                                                                                                        creativity, and generosity. I always knew
                                                                                                        these were characteristics of Brown, but
                                                                                                        to witness their impact in the context of
                                                                                                        this pandemic is amazing.”
                                                                                                                  —Vice President for Research Jill Pipher

  the Sc ientists                          Dozens of Brown faculty launched COVID-19 research in
                                           the weeks and months after the pandemic started,
                                           attracting internal and external funding for projects
                                           stretching from biology and medicine to public health,
                                           engineering, computer science, economics, and more.
                                           While the recently started research is in its early stages,
                                           Brown’s COVID projects have already generated hundreds
                                           of published papers in respected journals, multiplied initial
                                           funding through additional sources, and grown through
                                           new collaborations within Brown and externally.

18   IMPACT 2021           ILLUSTRATION BY ISTOCK PHOTO                                                                            IMPACT 2021         19

                                                         For four researchers,
                                                      COVID-19 provided immediate
                                                           new possibilities.

                                                         BEFORE COVID, VINCENT MOR   was engaged                                                                  Vincent Mor: “This is the
                                                         in a broad range of research, including                                                                  epitome of what applied
                                                                                                                                                                  research is all about.”
                                                         co-leading the largest federal grant in
                                                         University history, a $53.4 million award
                                                         from the National Institute on Aging to
                                                         help people with Alzheimer’s and their
                                                         caregivers. At the end of January 2020,
                                                         Mor, professor of health services, policy,
                                                         and practice at Brown’s School of Public
                                                         Health, chaired an Alzheimer’s meeting in
                                                         Washington, D.C., with about 80 col-
                                                         leagues from around the country, and
                                                         COVID wasn’t a topic of any conversation.
                                                            That quickly changed.

A COMMUNITY RESPONDS                                                “Right now there are already hundreds of millions of people in
Brown faculty have become prominent voices during                     China whose lives have been completely turned upside down by
                                                                                                                                                                    BY NOEL RUBINTON ’77
the pandemic. Here are selected highlights of their                   the response to the virus.”
                                                                                        —Katherine Mason, assistant professor of anthropology,                  PHOTOGRAPHS BY ALEX GAGNE
expert commentary.
                                                                                                            The Scientific Inquirer, February 18

20   IMPACT 2021                                                                                                                                   ART CREDIT                     IMPACT 2021   21

                              Little information about the effects of the virus          week, on initiatives and to disseminate the results                                                                                                           Harris describes the early weeks as a “sprinted
                          on people in nursing homes had been released by                of their research.                                                                                                                                        marathon,” with work often going through the
                          China, but it was clear that it was devastating                    Mor said an important goal of his research is to                                                                                                      night, seven days a week. He and others got the
                          residents of long-term facilities in Italy. “We knew           build a counter-narrative, setting the record straight                                                                                                    model ventilator operational for the first time at 4
                          that all hell was breaking loose in Italy and it was           and informing future action. Many people have                                                                                                             a.m. one night in late March.
                          just a matter of time before it hit the United States,”        accused nursing home companies, especially                                                                                                                    The Brown-designed ventilator went far in the
                          Mor said. His team knew the window for action                  for-profit ones, for not taking enough care to mitigate                                                                                                   challenge competition, getting to the top 65 of the
                          would be brief: “I knew that nursing homes were                the havoc of COVID. But Mor believes a more                                                                                                               more than 1,000 entries worldwide, and the team
                          going to feel the brunt of this.”                              accurate picture is that most nursing homes “are                                                                                                          decided to refocus for the longer term. It combined
                              By mid-March, Mor was talking to his program               doing their very best” with little financial or scientific                                                                                                its work with two bio-engineering labs, one at
                          officer at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to          support, facing waves of community transmission of                                                                                                        Stanford University and one at the University of
                          see what research would be most helpful. “He                   the virus that are not under their control. He said                                                                                                       Utah. The expanded team then gained core
                          impressed on us the importance of having data in               solutions need to be on a broader scale: “Our data is                                                                                                     international partners in India, Nepal, and Kenya.
                          real time as quickly as possible,” Mor said. He                pretty compelling, and outbreaks are not due to the                                                                                                       The team’s communication network expanded from
                          turned to Genesis HealthCare, a company he’d                   nursing homes’ behavior as much as they are                                                                                                               one Slack channel to 20 different channels, on top
                          worked with before and one of the largest nursing              attributable to prevalence in the community.”                                                                                                             of frequent Zoom calls. The research has had
                          home providers in the country, with nearly 400                                                                                                                                                                           unexpected offshoots too. “This crisis has
                          homes in 26 states.                                                                                                                                                                                                      unearthed a lot of inequities in the medical device
                              Quickly, Genesis agreed to give Mor’s team huge                                                                                                                                                                      market globally,” Harris said, and the project
                          data files on a daily basis in return for Brown                                                                                                                                                                          leaders hope to spin off a foundation to help reduce
                                                                                                                                                         Daniel Harris:
                          researchers’ help in unraveling the many mysteries             JUST BEFORE THE PANDEMIC, Daniel   Harris, an assistant         “I didn’t want to sit                                                                     these inequities.
                          of COVID, including its transmission and possible              professor of engineering, was running a busy fluid              on the sidelines.”                                                                            As summer turned to fall, Harris’s research
                          treatment at nursing homes. “We threw lots of                  mechanics lab in the new Engineering Research                                                                                                             work shifted backed toward fluid dynamics projects
                          resources at designing a system to receive nightly             Center, including many graduate and undergradu-                                                                                                           after his lab reopening plans were approved. Yet he
                          downloads of data,” Mor said. It rapidly grew into a           ate students. Suddenly all the work stopped in                                                                                                            expects that his research trajectory will be forever
                          large research initiative that is generating new ideas         mid-March when Brown ramped down all but                                                                                                                  changed by the COVID experience: “I see a huge
                          and knowledge about the effects of COVID in                    essential research. “It was a sad moment to leave a                                     few weeks, even though they initially lacked a                    opportunity to use some of these skills for a very
                          nursing homes. “This is the epitome of what applied            vibrant lab and community,” he said.                                                    physical lab headquarters. But the group’s work                   different cause.” What has he learned about Brown
                          research is all about,” he said.                                   But the inactivity didn’t last more than a few                                      quickly required a place for assembly and testing of              from the experience? “How inter-disciplinary the
                              Mor’s Alzheimer’s Collaboratory group found                days. An engineering colleague, Roberto Zenit,                                          equipment. Harris’s lab was allowed to reopen as a                program is at Brown, with very few barriers . . . ,
                          additional ways to address COVID, receiving seven              contacted Harris about the “Code Life Ventilator                                        site for essential research, and he and some students             and the passion and the capability of our under-
                          supplemental awards from the NIH totaling over                 Challenge,” a global innovation effort to inspire                                       started working in a deserted engineering building.               graduate students.”
                          $10 million. New project aims include advance                  teams to rapidly design a more efficient and easier to                                  “It was an eerie feeling,” Harris said.
                          care planning in assisted living facilities, strength-         produce ventilator, a critical piece of life-saving                                         At the same time, Harris took on another job,
                          ening infection control, enhancing testing for                 equipment for many COVID patients. Harris joined                                        unusual for a faculty researcher: delivery person. It
                          historically underserved populations in nursing                right away. “I didn’t want to sit on the sidelines,” he                                 was temporarily impossible to deliver needed
                          homes, messaging strategies to increase COVID                  said, even though he had never worked on medical                                        equipment to the lab, and many on the team                        WHEN AMANDA JAMIESON went to Galveston, Texas, at
                          vaccination uptake among nursing home residents                devices before.                                                                         couldn’t go into the restricted lab space anyway,                 the end of February for an international conference
                          and staff, and monitoring incidence of adverse                     A rapid round of emails and phone and Zoom                                          forcing them to build at home. The workaround                     on the Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection, she
                          reactions to COVID vaccinations in nursing homes               calls generated a Brown team, including faculty,                                        was that Harris had packages delivered to his                     heard a lot about the dangers of COVID and its
                          and the general population of older persons. His               students, clinicians, and industry consultants. The                                     house, and then he drove them to dorms and                        exponentially increasing spread. Back at Brown, she
                          group has worked “flat out,” often seven days a                team designed the Brun02 ventilator prototype in a                                      apartments so teammates could use them.                           heard people talking about having a few more weeks

“W hen it pops [in prisons], and it’s about to, it’s going to be             “My experiences in Liberia [during Ebola] taught me that courage is       “This pandemic is a wake-up call from the future. It tells us that we        “The crisis has made clear that the United States has welcomed the
  really ugly.”                                                                not the absence of fear—it is doing what you know you must even             need to re-imagine what we mean by the term ‘security threat.’”               benefits of planetary interconnection but avoided the responsibili-
                      —Josiah Rich, professor of medicine and epidemiology,    when you are terrified.”                                                                          —Stephen Kinzer, senior fellow at Watson Institute,     ties that would help us weather the disasters that spread across
                                                  Huffington Post, March 10                   —Adam Levine, associate professor of emergency medicine,                                                      Boston Globe, March 18       the same global networks.”
                                                                                                                                        STAT, March 21                                                                                     —Samuel Zipp, associate professor of American studies and urban studies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Washington Post, March 27

22 IMPACT 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IMPACT 2021        23

                                                                   Amanda             before any possible shutdown. Jamieson, an assistant                THE APPLIED MICROECONOMICS work    of economics
                                                                                      professor of molecular microbiology and immunol-                    professor John Friedman involves analyzing huge
                                                                 “Being an
                                                             immunologist,            ogy, was ready to start ramping down right away.                    amounts of data. “When the pandemic hit, we lost
                                                            there had to be               While shutting down many projects was painful                   access to some data sets,” Friedman said, and
                                                              something we
                                                                                      and caused significant research losses, Jamieson was                progress on his work was greatly slowed. But before
                                                                 could do.”
                                                                                      already looking forward: “Being an immunologist,                    long, he said, “We were trying to think about what
                                                                                      there had to be something we could do.” She talked                  we could do to be helpful.”
                                                                                      with members of her lab team and others, and, after                     Friedman does much of his research through
                                                                                      the university announced its COVID-19 Research                      Opportunity Insights, a nonprofit that he is a
                                                                                      Seed Fund in April, Jamieson applied for and                        codirector of and which is dedicated to using “big
                                                                                      became the only researcher to be funded by two                      data” to turn its findings into policy change. He
                                                                                      Seed awards.                                                        brainstormed with his fellow directors, Raj Chetty
                                                                                          Working with Graphene Composites (GC), a                        and Nathaniel Hendren of Harvard, and soon a new
                                                                                      nanomaterials technology company whose CEO is                       idea came up: to develop a real-time economic
                                                                                      Brown alumnus Sandy Chen ’88, Jamieson is testing                   activity tracker. During the pandemic, they believed                                                                              John Friedman:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Now this is a tool
                                                                                      a graphene/silver nanoparticle ink formulation to be                that businesses and others would especially want the                                                                          that is out there for
                                                                                      used in personal protective equipment as a way of                   most up-to-date statistics on income and spending                                                                                 policymakers.”
                                                                                      reducing virus transmission rates. She said initial                 to help make policy decisions and adjustments.
                                                                                      results have been promising.                                            By May 7, the tracker was in operation and
                                                                                          In her other Seed project, Jamieson teamed up                   publicly available, following successful negotiations
                                                                                      with faculty from pathology and laboratory                          with many private companies to allow use of their
                                                                                      medicine, as well as economics, to try to map the                   data on an anonymous basis. “It has been quite a bit               At first, it was “an all-hands-on deck moment,”
                                                                                      spread of COVID in the Rhode Island population                      of work on our part but a testament to the public-             Friedman said. After a couple of months, he and
                                                                                      and assess the role of asymptomatic cases.                          mindedness of these companies,” Friedman said.                 others have been able to get back to other research,
                                                                                          Buoyed by her seed success, Jamieson applied for a                  A month later, Friedman and his colleagues                 but the tracker has continued to be a major project.
                                                                                      highly competitive COVID Fast Grants opportunity,                   published a major research paper based on the                      He thinks the tracker is headed toward “chang-
                                                                                      a program from Emergent Ventures in the Mercatus                    tracker, showing its ability to document—faster than           ing things in a few different ways for economic
                                                                                      Center at George Mason University. She won a                        had been done before—consumer spending, business               research and policy.” The idea of a real-time tracker
                                                                                      $300,000 award that she can use for anything related                revenues, employment rates, and other key indica-              had been talked about in the past, but never
                                                                                      to COVID and which she plans to use for bioinfor-                   tors. By tapping into private companies’ data,                 accomplished. “What we capitalized on here was
                                                                                      matics-related research to look at possible causes of               important information and insights that previously             that we are in a pandemic,” he said, “and it moti-
                                                                                      blood coagulation defects in COVID patients.                        were not available for months through usual                    vated companies to do things they wouldn’t
                                                                                          For several months, Jamieson’s whole team                       government sources were now possible within days               ordinarily do. Now this is a tool that is out there for
                                                                                      concentrated on COVID work, but was subsequently                    or a few weeks. Government websites became among               policymakers.”
                                                                                      able to resume its previous grant-funded research.                  the users of the data from Friedman and his team.                  Friedman added, “This is going to affect the way
                                                                                          “In terms of techniques, it’s things we do a lot,”                  The response to the tracker was tremendously               policy is made,” explaining that real-time data could
                                                                                      Jamieson said of the COVID work. “But the subjects                  positive. Policymakers started using it, as did private        allow for more targeted decisions, including by
                                                                                      are completely new. It’s been really interesting                    companies and other academics. Media around the                government. “We’re not going to give up on
                                                                                      learning a new field. I have always felt that how                   world wrote about the tracker and its results and              thinking about long-term upward mobility,” which
                                                                                      people can survive respiratory disorders is impor-                  used the newly public data to do their own analysis.           had been Opportunity Insights’ previous largest
                                                                                      tant, and people are appreciating it more. It is more               Friedman and colleagues started briefing U.S.                  research niche, “but we will keep going on this. This
                                                                                      urgent now.”                                                        senators and House members using the tracker.                  is a space we are going to continue on.”

“Counting on people’s memory [for COVID contact tracing] is less         “Oil fields are not like wine bottles, where you can put in a cork             “As a liberal, a 72-year-old, a bioethicist, and most of all as a human    “If there’s one thing we learned in this crisis it’s that we can’t fall
 than perfect, especially when you have a really busy life.”               [because of COVID] and return to it later. Shutting an oil field                being, I am appalled that some states have set forth guidelines . . .        behind the information curve. We need the most up-to-date
                     —Anna Lysyanskaya, professor of computer science,     down can damage it.”                                                            that call for discrimination against people in my age group in the           information to make decisions.”
                                                      WPRI-TV, April 17                          —Jeff Colgan, associate professor of political science    event of a shortage of ventilators or ICU beds.”                                                             —John Friedman, professor of economics,
                                                                                                                  and international and public affairs,                           —Felicia Nimue Ackerman, professor of philosophy,                                                MSNBC “Morning Joe,” May 7
                                                                                                                                 The Guardian, May 8                                                       New York Times, April 23

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