The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library

Page created by Curtis Hayes
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
The Ford Connection
                                                               The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
                                                                                                           SPRING 2022


                                            of Thomas Ford Memorial Library


  Thursday, March 24, 7 p.m.
  Holistic (& realistic!) ways to improve your daily life.


                                             Starts March 1
                                             Design a one-of-a-kind bookmark to help incarcerated youth across Illinois.

Youth & Families

  Wednesday, April 13, 4:30 p.m.
  Everyday is Earth Day when you learn to how to appreciate nature!

  Please refer to our online calendar for the most up-to-date program details due to changing COVID-19 protocols.

                          800 Chestnut Street | | (708) 246-0520
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Registration opens on Friday, February 25 at 9:30 a.m. for all Adult programs.
Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. Register online,
in person, or by calling (708) 246-0520.
                                                 DIY Paper Bouquet
R   Registration required
                                                 Tuesday, March 29, 7 p.m.
                                                 Create a beautiful floral bouquet using pre-
                                                 cut flower templates along with guidance
                                                 from an instructor. All supplies except a vase
                                                 or container to put the finished flowers in
                                                 will be provided.

                                                 Spring Paint & Sip
                                                 Monday, April 11, 7 p.m.
                                                 Create a spring-inspired painting in this
 Thursday, March 24, 7 p.m.                  R   instructor-led art class. Non-alcoholic
                                                 beverages and all materials will be provided.
The time to practice self-care is now. Bring
 balance to the busyness with inspirational
                                                 A Peek into the Native American
  practices from Julie M. Gentile's award-
  winning books 108 Yoga and Self-Care           Way of Life R
                                                 Monday, April 25, 7 p.m.
   Practices for Busy Mamas and How to
                                                 Join Illinois Road Scholar Kim Sigafus as
                                                                                                   Wednesday, May 18, 7 p.m.              R

Stay Calm in Chaos: An Everyday Self-Care
                                                 she invites people into the world of the            Remember Jell-O salads and cheese
Guide. You will learn how to start journaling,   American Indian to discover what it once
    an everyday meditation, a grounding                                                           sprayed out of a can? Take a nostalgic look
                                                 was to be Native, and what it means to           back at the food innovations and marketing
 breathing exercise, and stay motivated to       be Native now. An Ojibwa, Kim will be
    make self-care a daily, lifelong habit.                                                        approaches that transformed how we eat.
                                                 dressed in her traditional Native regalia
                                                                                                    Using classic cookbooks, mass-market
                                                 and will present on Native culture through
                                                                                                    advertisements, and family magazines,
                                                 oral traditions, language, and history. She
                                                                                                     historian and author Leslie Goddard
                                                 will discuss Native encampment life, as
                                                 well as drum and sing an Ojibwa lullaby. A         will explore how society and technology
                                                 traditional recipe handout will be available,             shaped American food from
                                                 and there will be a Q&A at the end of the                  the 40s through the 60s.
                                                                                                  The Glamour of Chicago in the
                                                 Be Green When You Garden           R
                                                                                                  Gilded Age R
                                                 Tuesday, April 26, 7 p.m.                        Tuesday, May 24, 7 p.m.
An Evening with Jenny Lawson             R       Learn simple ways to garden while                In this lecture, we’ll travel back in time to
Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m.                      conserving water and using fewer chemicals,      late nineteenth-century Chicago to witness
Join us for an evening with award-winning        and how to incorporate environmentally-          an incredible moment of revival. Despite
humorist Jenny Lawson as she discusses           friendly gardening practices, including          being left scarred from the Great Fire of
her most recent bestseller, "Broken (in          proper plant selection, water conservation,      1871, the city had been reborn from the
the best possible way)" and her brilliantly      and composting. This presentation is given       ashes in a position to become a beacon of
funny body of work. Jenny is an American         by horticulturist Sharon Yiesla, owner of        both industry and art. We'll visually stroll
journalist, author, and blogger known for        “Sharon Yiesla, Horticultural Services.”         through some of the best works from
her great candor in sharing her struggle with                                                     the museum's holdings that help to tell
mental illness. She has previously written       Quilted Flower Magnets                           the story of some of the key contributors
"Let’s Pretend This Never Happened" and          Monday, May 9, 7 p.m.                            to Chicago's renaissance and the art
"Furiously Happy," both of which were #1         Learn to make flower shaped magnets using        collections they fostered. This lecture is
New York Times bestsellers. This event is        quilling, the art of strategically rolling       presented by Alexis Culotta, a Professor
made possible by Illinois Libraries Present,     strips of paper to make creative designs.        of Practice in Art History at Tulane
a statewide collaboration between public         All materials will be provided for each          University and specializes in the art and
libraries offering high-quality events.          participant to make 3 magnets.                   architecture of sixteenth-century Rome.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Library book club discussion groups are                                                   A series of independent, foreign, and
open to anyone who enjoys good books!                                                      documentary films with optional
   Extra copies are available at the                                                         discussion after each screening.
      Library one month before                                                                Registration required due to
                                            These ongoing Library groups are free for
            the discussion.                                                                       room capacity limits.
                                             all to attend. No registration required.

                                          Knitting Circle
                                          Every other Thursday: March, 3, 17, 31;
                                          April 14, 18; May 5, 19 1 p.m.
                                          Join us for knitting, conversation, and light

                                          Western Springs Writers' Society                The Lost Leonardo (2021)         R
                                          Second Thursdays & Last Mondays                 Thursday, March 10, 2 p.m.
                                          March 10, 28; April 14, 25; May 12, 30,         The Lost Leonardo explores the
                                          7 p.m                                           mystery surrounding the Salvator
                                          Have a writing itch? The WSWS welcomes          Mundi, the first painting by Leonardo
                                          all writers from the community to discuss       da Vinci to be discovered for more
                                          and hone their craft with other local           than a century, which has now
                                          writers. Whether this is your career or         seemingly gone missing.
                                          hobby, all levels and genres are invited.
   The Personal Librarian
   by Marie Benedict                      Investment Discussion Group
   Historial Fiction                      Second Tuesdays: May 8, April 10,
   Wednesday, April 6, 7:30 p.m.          May 12, 7:15 p.m.
                                          Local amateur investors meet to discuss
                                          trends in stocks, bonds, and more.

                                          Italian Conversation Group
                                                                                          Never Rarely Sometimes
                                          March 9, April 13, May 11, 7 p.m.
                                          All ages welcome                                Always (2020) R
                                          Italian conversation group for all levels.      Thursday, April 14, 2 p.m.
                                                                                          A pair of teenage girls in rural
                                          Develop or share your knowledge of
                                                                                          Pennsylvania travel to New York
                                          Italian. Join us to supplement existing
                                                                                          City to seek out medical help after an
                                          classwork, use for travel purposes, or
                                                                                          unintended pregnancy.
                                          general practice.

   The Day the World
   Came to Town                                                                           Blue Bayou (2021)       R

   by Jim Defede                                                                          Thursday, May 12, 2 p.m.
   Travel & History                                                                       As a Korean-American man raised
   Wednesday, May 4, 7:30 p.m.                                                            in the Louisiana bayou works hard
                                                                                          to make a life for his family, he must
                                                                                          confront the ghosts of his past as he
                                                                                          discovers he could be deported from
                                                                                          the only country he has called home.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Registration opens on Friday, February 25 at 9:30 a.m. for all Teen & Tween programs.
Registration is required for all Teen & Tween programs unless otherwise noted.
Teen programs are open to those in grades 6–12.
R    Registration required

                                                                                            Neon Lights    R

                                                 Our Teen/Tween Room is available           Wednesday, March 16, 4:30 p.m.
                                                 any time school is out. Drop in to         Make your own custom "neon" light
                                                   play a game, do a project, or just       using LEDs and fishing lures! Pick up
                                                                                            your supplies on March 15, then follow
                                                  hang out. Plus: snacks on the first
                                                                                            along with an instructional video
                                                     school day of every month!
                                                                                            posted on our Instagram (@TFMLYA)
                                                                                            and our YouTube channel (TFMLYA)
                                                                                            the next day. Registration required.
                                                 STEAM: Paper Roller Coasters           R

                                                 Thursday, April 21, 4:30 p.m.
                                                 Give mechanical engineering a              Rainbow Soap       R
                                                 try by designing and building a            Wednesday, May 18, 4:30 p.m.
                                                 roller coaster out of paper! Pick          Create your own bar of rainbow layered
                                                 up your supplies on April 20, then         soap to keep your hands clean! Pick up
                                                 follow along with an instructional         your supplies on May 17, then follow
                                                 video posted on our Instagram              along with an instructional video
                                                 (@TFMLYA) and our YouTube                  posted on our Instagram (@TFMLYA)
                                                 channel (TFMLYA) the next day.             and our YouTube channel (TFMLYA)
                                                 Registration required.                     the next day. Registration required.

             March 1-31
     Drop by the Teen/Tween room
     any day in the month of March
      to decorate a bookmark that
      will be donated to Liberation
       Library, an organization that
      sends books to young people
        in Illinois prisons and jails.

    Teen Board
    Third Sundays: March 20, April 17,                         Wednesday, May 4, 4:30 p.m.                         R

    May 15, 4 p.m.
    Have ideas you want to see at the library?      Celebrate Star Wars Day by making your own miniature lightsaber
    Join the Teen Board! The Teen Board
    implements programming suggestions
                                                    using LED lights and straws! Pick up your supplies on May 3, then
    and recommends materials like fiction,           follow along with an instructional video posted on our Instagram
    graphic novels, and music. It also gives           (@TFMLYA) and our YouTube channel (TFMLYA) the next day.
    input for ways to entice other teens to                                Registration required.
    visit the library. Open to students in
    grades 5-12. Meet in the Teen/Tween
    Room. Snacks will be provided.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
The generosity of the donors listed below will enable the Thomas Ford Library Foundation to financially support some of the exciting projects
      that the Library Board and staff have planned for 2022. We are grateful for the strong response to the 2021 Annual Appeal and
                          the appreciation for the Library’s important place in our community that your gifts reflect.

Nina Adams                                                                             Mary Lee & Jim Larsen
Gregg W. Anderson & Family                                                             John & Marinne Leonard, in memory of departed family members
Pete & Joan Ayres                                                                      Charles Macke
Bodewes Family                                                                         Romelle & John Marshall, in memory of Louise Johnson
Brandstedt Family, in memory of Jeanette Brandstedt                                    Marlene McAuliffe
Mary & Marty Brown                                                                     Jessica & Charles McGinnis, in honor of Breeda O'Keeffe
Marcia Buell                                                                           William & Gayle Merritt
Mary & Bill Burke                                                                      Joanne Miller, in memory of Rick Miller
Liz Burns                                                                              Lori Mitchell & Scott Edwards
Marilyn & Tom Cahill, in memory of Frances Green                                       Jenny & Bob Morgan
Jason & Amy Capone                                                                     Dan & Marilyn Montgomery
Jim & Amy Casey                                                                        Mary Jo & Tom Mulcahy, in honor of District 101 teachers
Bob & Linda Daman                                                                      Linda & Win Murray
Peter & Barbara De Berge                                                               Maureen Nash
Donna Buckley                                                                          Roseanne & Gordon Nash
Linda Dolezal                                                                          Edward J. Neafsey
John & Diane Doyle                                                                     Kay Nelson, in memory of John Nelson
Mary Ann Duda                                                                          Janice V. Nowak
Bonnie Engel                                                                           Josh & Jacquie Odelson
John Ericson & Lisa Den Besten                                                         Barbara & Tom Pfendler
Susan & Paul Eck                                                                       Lois Phelps
John & Mary Lynn Economou                                                              Daniel & Carolyn Pihera
Peggy M. Fahrenbach & Richard T. Sikes                                                 Melissa Pinney
Randy & Joyce Ferrari, in appreciation of library staff                                Mary Pirman, in memory of Margaret Pirman
Carol & Rob Foster                                                                     Anne & John Purdy
Catherine & Woody Forns                                                                Mark Pusinelli, in memory of Deb Pusinelli
Fuelleman Family                                                                       Gwen Quackenbush, in honor of Liz Burns & Anne Purdy
Chris Gavlin                                                                           Jim & Beth Reynolds
Ileene Giering                                                                         Tom Rohan
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gore, in honor of Bonnie Engel                                       Muriel M. Rooney
Kersten Gorski                                                                         Marcia Sammons
Grabowski Family                                                                       Terry & Kerry Sheehan
Graziano Family                                                                        Carol Solomon
Robert & Virginia Grecco                                                               Peggy Spagnola
Mary and Steve Greska                                                                  Paula & Dean Stahnke, in memory of Ed Braunstein
Anita & Gerald Gustis                                                                  Christine Scriba, in honor of Kristie Scriba
Nancy Long & Randy Hackbarth                                                           Mary Shafer, in memory of Robert Shafer
Haeske Family                                                                          Anne & Peter Shannon
Libbie Hagan                                                                           Donna Strunk, in memory of Henry Strunk
Susan Morrow & Todd Halamka                                                            Tom & Beth Sullivan
Jodie Distler Hanzlik                                                                  Nancy Sutherland
Bruce & Diane Harken                                                                   James & Karen Swinehart
Shelley Hebert                                                                         Karen & Tom Teegarden
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Helin                                                               Kathleen Thometz
Paula & James Hellige                                                                  Anne Valentin, in memory of Richard Valentin
Rose & Jim Horvath                                                                     Charles & Ruthann Vihon
Barbara S. Hultman, in memory of Jon E. Hultman                                        Lynn & George Voss
Hugh Ingrasci, in memory of Jeanette Ingrasci                                          Dr. Daniel & Mirjana Vukas
Karin & Tim Janowski                                                                   Maureen White
Michael & Tracy Jurusik                                                                Nancy Kidston Wilson
Harry & Karen Kannry                                                                   Jim Ols and Mamie Yee
Leslie & Paul Karas                                                                    Bernadette Zaczek
Ann Marie Kartsounes                                                                   Zika Family
John & Susan Kienzle                                                                   Anonymous
Sue & Gary Klein
Kathleen & Michael Krepps                                                              We are grateful for these special gifts:
Renee Lantner                                                                          Jean Sobek Estate
                                                                                       Matching gifts from UBS Americas Inc. & Visual Marketing Inc.

 To learn more about becoming an Oak Leaf Society member and/or investing in the Library's future by leaving a gift in your will,
                                 contact us at or (708) 246-0520.
             The Foundation is an independent 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Registration is required and begins on Tuesday, March 1 at 9:30 a.m.                            Recycled Papermaking            R

online at for ALL programs unless otherwise noted.                              Grades K-4
                                                                                                Thursday, April 21
Have your library card ready to register online, in person, or by calling (708) 246-0520.
                                                                                                4:30–5:15 p.m.
First preference will be given to Western Springs residents.                                    This program is an exciting, hands-on way
 R    Registration required                                                                     for kids to learn how recycled-content paper
                                                Critter Collectors by Andertoons            R   is made. Each participant will make their
                                                Grades K-4                                      own recycled paper to take home, color,
                                                Thursday, March 17                              and decorate as they please. Presented by
                                                4:30–5:15 p.m.                                  SCARCE, an award-winning environmental
                                                We’re going to create and draw our very         education non-profit organization dedicated
                                                own collectible cartoon critters based on       to creating sustainable communities.
                                                your suggestions! 14 legs? Sure! 7 tails?
                                                Why not! 3 glow in the dark hypnotizing         Spanish Storytime by Language Labs                R

                                                laser eyes?! OK, that seems like a bit much,    Ages 3-6 w/ adult
                                                but you’re the boss! Then (and this is the      Tuesday, May 3
                                                best part), you get to decide who would         10–10:25 a.m.
          Wednesday, March 9         R
                                                win in a cartoon critter clash!                 Come join Ms. Alejandra from Language
            10–10:30 a.m.                                                                       Labs and her doll Maria while they talk about
           Ages 2-6 w/ adult                    R.E.A.D. to a Therapaws Pet          R
                                                                                                spring colors in Spanish and their trip to the
                                                Recommended Grades K-3                          Chicago Botanical Garden to learn about
     A guest presenter from The Morton          Mondays: March 21 OR April 18 OR                the different flowers, trees, and plants there!
     Arboretum will join us for some fun        May 9                                           Together we will create a surprise spring-
      nature stories that help us notice         6:30–7:30 p.m.                                 themed craft for the children to take home
      how weather, trees, and animals           Beginning or independent readers love           and enjoy.
         change with the seasons!               to practice reading aloud to one of the
                                                dogs from Hinsdale Humane Society’s             Paper Engineering        R

                                                Therapaws Program because it’s pressure-        Grades 2-4
                                                free! Reading time is a one-on-one              Wednesday, May 4
Pajama Storytime         R
                                                                                                4:30–6 p.m.
                                                experience; no parents or siblings allowed.
Best suited for ages 2+                                                                         Investigate the fine art of cutting and folding
                                                Each child will have a 10-minute slot.
Thursdays: March 10, April 28                                                                   shapes into a 3-dimensional shark pop-up
                                                We will advise you of your time slot via
6:30–7 p.m.                                                                                     card. Finish it off by creating a background
                                                email prior to the session. Time slots
Join us as we read stories and sing songs in                                                    scene using markers and colored pencils.
                                                will be allotted on a first-come, first-
this special evening storytime for families.
                                                serve basis. Due to the popularity of this
Kids are welcome to dress in comfy clothes
                                                program, we request that you register your
or jammies!
                                                child on one day only.

                                                                                                      If you are a Thomas Ford cardholder,
                                                                                                        please be sure to enter the library
                                                                                                      card number while registering. If you
                                                                                                     do not enter the card number, you will
                                                                                                       be put on a pending waitlist and are
                                                                                                     not guaranteed a spot in the program.

                                                       Wednesday, April 13 4:30–5:15 p.m. Families Welcome                            R

                                                     In Miss Jamie’s Green Planet Music Show, kids explore ideas on how to help the
                                                   environment. We will sing and dance about pollinators and the seed cycle, and in the
                                                 process, we will learn to celebrate Earth Day every day! This show is perfect for ages 3-7,
                                                                but younger and older children will enjoy the show as well.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
B I N G O                                                                   Starts May 1
                                                                    Begin your bingo adventure at the Youth Services
                                                                 desk! During the month of May, search throughout the
                                                                department for objects on your bingo card to earn a prize!

                                                                     March 14 - April 22
         Registration is required for all storytimes and begins on Tuesday, March 1 at 9:30 a.m. online at
                                    First preference will be given to Western Springs residents.

                   Due to the popularity of our storytimes, we request that you register your child on one day only.
  Sessions fill up quickly. Please help us by attending those programs for which you are registered. If you cannot attend all of the
                     dates in one session, let us know. We will put your name on the waiting list for open spots.

Lapsit Storytime      R            Toddler Time     R                 Preschool Pals     R                 Siblings & Stories     R

3-23 months w/ adult               2-3.5 years w/ adult               3.5-5 years                          Babies to Pre-K w/ adult
Tuesdays or Thursdays              Mondays or Wednesdays              Tuesdays                             Fridays
10–10:30 a.m.                      10–10:30 a.m.                      1–1:30 p.m.                          10–10:30 a.m.
Help your baby grow up to          Introduce your toddler to          Hear stories, sing songs, and        The perfect storytime for
love books! Share stories,         early literacy which helps         have fun with your friends!          families with children
songs, and rhymes with             in building the foundation         Storytime will highlight early       of different ages! Enjoy
your little one in this lapsit     of reading. We pair short          literacy skills that children        books, rhymes, and songs
program and introduce them         books with songs and               need to learn before they            that are fun for babies,
to a lifetime of reading and       rhymes to engage them.             can read. Children attend            toddlers, and preschoolers.
language enjoyment. This           Toddlers love to wander            this storytime without their
program works best if there        and listen during our time         grown-ups so that they can
is one adult with one baby.        together.                          practice independence.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Thomas Ford
Memorial Library
                                                                                                               NON-PROFIT ORG.
800 Chestnut Street
Western Springs, IL 60558
(708) 246-0520
                                               POSTAL CUSTOMER                                                   U.S Postage                                Western Springs, IL 60558                                             PAID
                                                                                                                Permit No. 33
Library Hours                                                                                                 Western Springs, IL
Monday - Thursday
9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday                                                                                       Ted Bodewes, Library Director
9:30 a.m - 5 p.m.
Sunday                                                                                                   Library Board of Trustees
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.                                                   Margaret Fahrenbach, President:
                                                                                   Carol Foster, Treasurer:
Library Closings                                                                   Jean Carroll, Secretary:
The Library will be closed on Sunday, April 17 for Easter                               Stephen Baker:
and Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day.                                                   Cheryl Hanson:
                                                                          Ann Marie Kartsounes:
                                                                             Daniel Montgomery:

Our 90th Anniversary
2022 marks the 90th anniversary of our Thomas Ford Memorial Library building!
We are excited to celebrate this important milestone all year long with you, and
we can't wait to create even more memories together. Thank you for your continued
support over the years, and stay tuned for some upcoming anniversary surprises!

                                                  Everyday Resources
        Our digital magazine                    A friendly reminder that Thomas Ford           Learn a new skill with video
        collection has moved                    Memorial Library offers so much more
                                                beyond books and community
                                                                                               classes taught by recognized
      to Libby - and it's grown!                programming. From high-speed internet,          design experts and artists!
                                                computer, and printing access to meeting
         Use the Libby app or visit             room reservations and more, we're here to gives you
          the Media on Demand                   be your convenient one-stop destination          unlimited access to thousands
          website to choose from                for all things learning, connecting, and        of creative courses. All you need
         thousands of magazines.                growing. Ask us about our services to
                                                                                                       is your library card!
          No waiting, no limits!                make sure you're taking advantage of
                                                every resource you need.
The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library The Ford Connection The Thomas Ford Memorial Library
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