Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students

Page created by Sandra Graham
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Getting Started
at UWA
The essential guide to successful study
for first year Undergraduate students
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Congratulations on being offered a place       three stages of Preparing for Enrolment,
at UWA. We’re delighted you’re joining us      Enrolment and Orientation.
this year.
                                               It complements the UniStart website
Now you’ve accepted your offer, your           (, which is your
journey at UWA begins.                         official guide through the process.

This guide is designed to give you essential   UniStart has four steps:
information to lead you through the next


  Accepting your offer                                                           1

  Preparing for enrolment                                                       2

  Enrolment                                                                     3

  Orientation                                                                   4

Make sure you log on to UniStart and follow each step. Use the tools available to create
your personal study plan and manage your timetable and orientation schedule.

2 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students 3
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Step 2 Preparing for enrolment
Activate your online UWA student               Check your UWA student email
account (Pheme)                                regularly
Before you can enrol you must activate         Your student email is where you’ll receive
your online student account (Pheme) at         important communications from the This gives you access        University about enrolment, fees, exams
to important online systems and services,      and library loans, as well as direct
including:                                     communications from University staff. To
• studentConnect – manage your                 check your student email, go to
    enrolment and personal details online and log in with
    and view your academic record and          your Pheme details.
    exam timetables
• Student email – the University’s official    Your student email address begins with
    means of communication with students;      your eight digit student number followed by
• My Library Loans – check when your , for example:
    library items are due, make renewals
    and requests
• Course Materials Online (CMO) –              The UWA Students Facebook page is
    access online course materials and         another useful way of keeping up-to-date
    resources                                  with events, programs and activities on
• Learning Management System (LMS)             campus.
    – access unit materials including online
    discussions boards, unit outlines and      Find us at:
• Lecture Capture System (LCS) – access
    online lecture recordings
• Class Allocation System (CAS)
    – nominate your preferences for               Remember to check your
    class times
                                                  student email regularly.
To activate your Pheme account you’ll
                                                  It’s UWA’s official way of
• your eight digit student number (in your        communicating with you!
   offer letter)
• your date of birth

4 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students 5
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Choose your units                                For domestic students a study load of
Before you enrol, you need to decide which       75 per cent or above is considered full-
units to take in Semester 1 and Semester 2.      time study.

A standard full-time enrolment is four units     If you’re unsure what to study and wish to
per semester (eight units per year).             delay nominating your major/s until second
                                                 year, you can design a first-year study plan
When choosing your units it’s important to       that will leave your options open and allow
consider:                                        you to experience a variety of different
• your degree requirements –                     interest areas before you make a decision.
  available in the University’s online
  Handbook:                Fill out a first-year study plan
  undergraduate                                  The University’s online Handbook provides
• your personal interests and career goals;      blank first-year study plans for you to fill
  careers advice is available from the           out, either online or in print. Each study
  Careers Centre:             plan is accompanied by a checklist to
• the availability of units (Semester            ensure you’re on track to meet your course
  1, Semester 2, or non-standard                 requirements.
  teaching periods)
• unit rules (including prerequisites,           The handbook provides many study plan
  co-requisites and incompatibilities)           examples for you to explore:
• when classes will be held (class     
  timetables are available at                    undergraduate/studyplans.
• what study load you want to take –             Remember, a study plan is only a planning
  full-time or part-time.                        tool, but it can assist you in completing
                                                 the enrolment process. If you are unsure,
International students are normally              take your draft study plan to an in-person
required to study full time (four units, worth   enrolment help session, or check with a
six credit points each) in order to meet their   student adviser.
visa conditions.
                                                 Course advice is available from your Faculty
You can contact International Student            student office or the Transition Services
Support for more information about               team. You can contact Transition Services
requirements for international students:         on 6488 6789 or

6 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students 7
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Step 3 Enrolment
Now you’ve done the preparation work,             If you need guidance, we’re here to help.
you need to lodge your enrolment through          Contact your Faculty Office or the Transition
studentConnect.                                   Services team – 6488 3988 or transition@
If you are a domestic or full-degree
international student, you’re encouraged to       Remember, if you haven’t accepted your
enrol online yourself. If you have difficulties   offer and activated your UWA student
enrolling, you can attend an enrolment            account you won’t be able to enrol. (See the
support drop-in session in person.                Preparing for Enrolment section).

Online enrolments                                 Your timetable
Once you’ve put together your study plan,         Working out your timetable is an important
enrolling in your units via studentConnect        part of managing your enrolment. Each
is easy!                                          unit you enrol in will require you to attend a
                                                  number of classes, which may include:
• Log on to studentConnect using your             • Lectures
    student number and Pheme password.            • Tutorials
•   Go to ‘Online Enrolment and Change            • Seminars
    of Enrolment’, then follow the prompts        • Workshops
    to add your units for the entire              • Labs (laboratory classes)
    academic year.                                • Information sessions

Enrolment help drop-in sessions
In-person help sessions are available
for any new student who needs
further assistance.

If you are going to attend a session in
person, please ensure that you:
• check the UniStart website to find out
    when the session is scheduled
• bring the required proof of identity and
    citizenship documents
• come prepared, having consulted with
    your Faculty regarding unit selection and
    course advice

8 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
CAS is the online system that allocates you         You can find out if a class is recorded
to classes and generates your timetable. In         and available online through earning
CAS you can:                                        Management System (LMS) by reading the
• lodge your preferred class times for each         Unit Outline.
   unit (if available)
• check which classes you have been                 Online recordings are useful if you’re unable
   assigned to once the allocations                 to attend class or have class clashes.
   are released
                                                    Remember, organising your timetable is
Visit the CAS website:              your responsibility!
student to find out how to register and the
important CAS dates. Just use your student          Changing your enrolment
number and Pheme password to log in.                You can change your unit enrolment up until
                                                    the end of the second week of semester via
Once class times have been allocated, you           studentConnect. If you’re not happy with
can change your allocations within CAS              your unit choices, or your interests change,
provided there is space available in the            contact your Faculty Office for further
classes you’d like to move into.                    advice on what’s best for you.

If a unit is not available for class registration   The Transition Services team can help
through CAS, you’ll be given instructions on        with any difficulties you have in managing
how classes will be assigned by your unit           your timetable and can refer you to other
coordinator or Faculty Office.                      services, if required.

For assistance with CAS:
• Check out the help videos for new
   students available at:
• Attend a drop-in session for hands-on
   assistance. Help sessions are run during
   Enrolment and Orientation Periods –
   visit the UniStart website for details.
• Ask for help at the Information Desk at
   your Subject Library or online via Ask
• You can also contact the Transition
   Services team – 6499 3988; transition@ for further assistance.

Getting Started at UWA - The essential guide to successful study for first year Undergraduate students - Current Students
Collect your Campus Card                      Domestic students are normally eligible
Your UWA Campus Card is important as          for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP loans to pay
it provides:                                  for their tuition fees. Information about
• proof of identification (compulsory for     HECS-HELP and FEE Help is available from
    examinations)                             Student Administration or at studyassist.
• library borrowing and electronic  
    database access
• cash storage for copying and printing       As part of the acceptance process, all
• cccess to buildings                         international students need to make their
                                              first payment in order to formally accept
Once you’ve activated your Pheme account      their offer. Thereafter, in subsequent
and enrolled in your units, simply upload a   semesters, international students will
photo of yourself through CaptureMe and       receive an electronic statement of account
we’ll provide you with the details of when    (eSOA) via their studentConnect account
and where to pick up your Campus Card –       under the Finance section for each fee
it’s that easy!                               period/semester. This is where you can
                                              also view your eSOA each semester for the
More information on obtaining your card       Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).
can be found at        For queries and assistance, contact Student
obtain-card/students                          Administration on 6488 3235 or via askUWA.

Make sure you bring a photo                   For further information on student fees and
identification and proof of citizenship       charges, including the fees calculator, visit:
when you come to collect your       
Campus Card!

It’s your responsibility to ensure you’re
aware of the fee obligations that apply to
you. These may include:
• tuition fees
• student Services and Amenities Fee
    (compulsory for all students)
• administrative fees and charges

10 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Remember, outstanding

fees may prevent you from

enrolling, accessing your

results, graduating and

ordering transcripts.

Step 4 Orientation
Orientation is a vital part of your           Academic orientation (ACE, ISE
preparation for academic success.             and CARS)
Completing a comprehensive orientation        Your academic orientation also includes
will provide you with the skills, knowledge   three online self-paced units designed
and tools for a rewarding student             to make you aware of your academic
experience – don’t miss it!                   responsibilities and help you gain the
                                              skills for a successful start to your studies
O-Week                                        at UWA.
Orientation is held in the week before
semester starts. Key events include:
• The Welcome Event                             Complete these units within
• Academic Orientation                          your first semester in order
• Faculty orientation activities
• Campus tours                                  to record a pass (and avoid
• O-Day (Semester 1) or Club Carnival           a fail) on your academic
   (Semester 2) – days of celebration
   where you can sign up to clubs and           record.
   societies that interest you and meet
   other students                             These are not-for-credit units and do not
                                              count towards your semester study load.
All students are required to attend           It’s a good idea to complete them early in
Orientation. If you are unavailable during    semester to gain the maximum benefit.
the formal Orientation week, you’ll be
required to attend Late Orientation during    Academic Conduct Essentials
Week 2 of semester. Contact transition@       (ACE) for more information.              AACE4000 Academic Conduct Essentials
                                              (ACE) introduces you to the basic issues of
Follow the steps on the UniStart website      ethical scholarship and the expectations of to create your            correct academic conduct at this University.
personal Orientation schedule.                The fostering of academic integrity is given
                                              high priority at UWA and is supported by
                                              institutional policies and practices. You can
                                              find out more about ACE at student.uwa.

12 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Indigenous Study Essentials (ISE)               Textbooks are available from:
INDG1000 Indigenous Study Essentials            • the Co-op Bookshop in the Guild village
introduces you to the shared learning space        or online
that The University of Western Australia           (; 6144 5700);
embodies. This learning space includes          • the second-hand bookshop in the
both Western and Indigenous knowledge              Guild village
systems.           • the online textbook exchange –
resources/ise                                      (
                                                • the University Library – borrow books
Communication and Research                         for free and access your unit readings
Skills (CARS)                                      through OneSearch on the Library
CARS1000 Communication and Research                homepage:
Skills helps you develop the research and
writing skills that you need to express your    Course Materials Online (CMO) provides
ideas within an academic context.               a list of the resources required for your
                                                units which are available through the
You can find out more about CaRS here:          University’s subject libraries and online          catalogue, Onesearch. These may include
cars.                                           articles, book chapters, websites, as well as
                                                textbooks, DVDs/videos, CDs, ebooks and
You can access ACE, ISE and CaRS by             past examination papers. Log on to CMO
logging on to the Learning Management           using your Pheme password: library.uwa.
System (LMS):         

All students will be automatically
                                                Other unit materials, including calculators
enrolled in these units.
                                                can be purchased from the Co-op
                                                Bookshop. In order to use your calculator
Unit materials
                                                in exams and assessments, you’ll need to
Once you’re enrolled check your unit
                                                check the approved calculators list (ecm.
outlines to find out what materials
are required for your units (textbooks,
                                                and visit the appropriate student office to
recommended readings and study aids
                                                have your calculator approved and receive
such as calculators, lab coats and safety
                                                a sticker. Pre-approved calculators can be
glasses). Unit outlines are usually available
                                                purchased from the Co-op Bookshop.
( and/or
handed out in your first class. Once you’ve
                                                Each unit has its own methods of
enrolled, you can also access textbook
                                                assessment, usually involving a
lists online through studentConnect.
                                                combination of essays, smaller written

assignments or worksheets, exams, tutorial     Meet your subject librarian
presentations, attendance and/or practical     Your subject librarian is an expert on:
components. Check your unit outline for        • OneSearch
details. Your unit coordinator can answer      • key databases
any queries. Find unit details via the         • advanced search techniques
University Handbook handbooks.uwa.             • EndNote
                                               Just enquire at the library information desk.

University libraries
                                               Access online resources
Our libraries provide physical and online
                                               Sign in to OneSearch to find and access the
information resources, study spaces,
                                               full range of resources.
research assistance and IT support for your
study and research at UWA.
                                               Get started with a subject guide
                                               See the Library Expert Help Guides for
Find us online
                                               databases, websites, referencing and
The library website is your first stop for
                                               more. Download the EndNote referencing
library resources and information.
                                               software and book into a class from the
                                               EndNote guide.

Get your bearings
                                               Get connected
With six subject libraries on campus, you’re
                                               Connect your mobile devices to the UWA
sure to find a study space or group study
                                               wireless network, Unifi. It’s easy — log in
room to meet your needs.
                                               with your student ID and Pheme password.

Visit the information desk for advice and
                                               Print on the run
support, including help with Unifi, Pheme,
                                               A large number of computers are available
CAS, LMS, Turnitin, webmail, printing
                                               in subject libraries and computer labs. Print
and more.
                                               to any student printer; even from your own
Stay up-to-date by following us on
Facebook and Twitter @UWALibrary
                                               Make sure you’ve thought about how you’ll
Check the library website for tours of your
                                               get to and from campus each day.
library in the first weeks of semester.

14 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
First-year students are not normally eligible     • Take responsibility for your personal
for student parking permits, unless they              safety – walk in well-lit areas with a
need to travel a considerable distance.               friend or crowd; wait for buses in open
You are encouraged to use public transport,           populated areas; phone a taxi instead of
with a number of bus services available.              hailing, wait with a friend and record the
For more information:                                 taxi number.
• Visit the Transperth website:                   •   UWA Security can estcourt you after                             hours escort to car parks, colleges, bus
• Check out the UWA transport                         stops and accommodation immediately
    and parking guides for useful tips                adjacent to the University. If required,
    and resources, including a TravelSmart            contact Security 30 minutes before you
    map:                        want to leave, and a uniformed officer
                                                      will respond (6488 3020).
A Tertiary SmartRider will help you make
the most of concession fares for full-time        For more information, or to report a theft
students. You can buy a SmartRider from           or incident, visit the Security website:
UWA Campus News and Gifts in the Guild  
Village or from any authorised outlet
(see the Transperth website for details).         Health and well being
You need to register your SmartRider in           The University Medical Centre provides
studentConnect to receive your concession.        comprehensive medical care and is located
                                                  in the Guild Village (2nd floor, South Wing).
Safety and security                               Appointments can be made online or by
In the case of an emergency on campus             phone (6488 2118). For more information
immediately contact the 24-hour                   visit:
emergency number 6488 2222. UWA                   health/medical-centre
Security will respond appropriately.
                                                  International students are required to have
• Never leave your personal belongings            Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for
    (such as bags, wallets, laptops, bikes)       the duration of their student visa. See the
    unattended under any circumstances —          OSHC counter in Student Central for queries
    this includes in libraries, cafés and other   or assistance.
    University buildings or outside. Cars
    parked on campus are not covered by           A free counselling service is also available
    University insurance.                         to assist with any personal or academic
•   Keep your personal details secure,            concerns that may impact on your ability
    including passwords, Campus Card,             to study. Appointments can be made at the
    bank cards, Tax File Number, passport.        Health and Wellbeing Reception (first floor

Student Central; 6488 2423; student.uwa.       Services to help you throughout         your time at UWA
                                               There are many free services available to
For tips, resources and health and wellbeing   make your transition to university life easier
programs, check out the Fit for Study          and support you throughout your studies.
website:        If you need some advice or are concerned
health/fit.                                    about any aspect of life on campus, be sure
                                               to ask. Staff are here to help you.
The Chaplaincy in the Law Link Building
supports the spiritual life of students        Student services
on campus.                                     Located in Student Central (just north of
                                               the Guild Village), student services includes:
A 24-hour crisis care telephone service is     • STUDYSmarter – research skills, oral
also available for people in crisis who need      and written communication skills and
urgent help when University services are          numeracy skills
closed (before 9am, after 5pm, weekends        • careers advice
and holidays). Telephone: 9223 1111.           • transition programs to help you settle in
                                                  to campus life
Rights and responsibilities                       (Transition Services, ConnectMe and
Get to know your rights and responsibilities      UniMentor)
as a UWA student. It’s important to know       • Counselling and Psychological Services
the academic and personal expectations         • UniAccess – UWA’s Disability Service
that you’re expected to meet:
• The Charter of Student Rights and            All students, whether international or
   Responsibilities:                           domestic, can access all of the support             services listed above for free.
• Code of Ethics and Conduct:            The Scholarships and Prizes Office in
   conduct/code                                Student Central can provide you with
• Student rules:         advice around scholarships and help you
   rules?id=55183                              apply (Telephone: 6488 3862). Find out if
• Course rules: http://handbooks.uwa.          you’re eligible for scholarships:               
• Equity and diversity advisers are
   available for confidential advice with

16 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Student Administration in Student              If you’re an international student visit this
Central can help with issuing Campus           website for more information: student.
Cards, answering questions about     
fees, examinations, graduation and
issuing transcripts.                           Faculty Student Offices
                                               If you need to speak with a Student Adviser
If you have questions, don’t forget askUWA     in one of the Faculty Student Offices,
provides online answers 24/7 and can save      check which adviser you’ve been allocated
you waiting in a queue:        through studentConnect. You can also
askuwa                                         find information on the location of Faculty
Explore all the opportunities at the Current
Students website:           UWA Student Guild
                                               The Guild is an independent organisation
Study Abroad                                   run by elected student representatives.
Did you know you can travel, live and          It represents the students of UWA to the
study overseas while continuing to gain        University and the wider community and
credit towards your UWA degree? Consider       provides advocacy, financial support, and
including a Student Exchange or Student        social activities for students.
Abroad program in your course. All UWA
students can apply to study abroad,
including international students.

For more information visit the Study Abroad

International students
International Student Support in Student
Central (6488 2428) provides specialised
advice for international students on their
rights and responsibilities in relation
to their visa requirements, overseas
health cover and insurance, employment
entitlements and other aspects of studying
in Australia.

The Guild Volunteering Hub
( also
gives students the opportunity to gain
community service experience.

All students can elect to become members
of the Guild upon enrolment. If you decide
not to become a member of the Guild, you
may always sign up to become a member
later through studentConnect.

Visit the Guild Student Centre in the Guild
Village to get a free Guild Diary and Discount
Booklet with useful tips and information.

Make sure to check out the Guild-run cafés
across campus, and explore the many
facilities available in the Guild Village
• Bookshops
• Newsagent
• Banks and ATMs
• Pharmacy
• Optometrist
• Dentist
• Hairdresser
• Print and copying service
• Photographer
• Travel agent
• Boot maker
• Computer store

UWA Sport
UWA Sport offers a wide range of
recreation membership and participation
opportunities. Visit the Recreation and
Fitness Centre to build a healthy, active

18 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Important contacts
For all University email enquiries: log in
with your student ID to ask a question at

Faculty Student Offices                       International Student Support
If you need to speak with a Student Adviser   Student Central
in one of the Faculty Student Offices, you    Tel: 6488 2428
can find the location of the office at
detail/a_id/265                               Scholarships Office
                                              Student Central
Student Administration                        Tel: 6488 3736
Student Central
Tel: 6488 3235                                Student Guild
                                              Ground Floor, Guild Village
Student Wellbeing Reception                   Tel: 6488 2295
1st Floor, Student Central
Tel: 6488 2423                                University Medical Centre
                                              2nd Floor, Guild Village
Transition Services                           Tel: 6488 2118
Student Transition Adviser
Tel: 6488 3988                                University Counselling Service                         1st Floor, Student Central
                                              Tel: 6488 2423

 Adviser            A University staff member who specialises in giving course advice to students.

 askUWA             View answers or ask questions 24/7 about enrolments, fees, scholarships, exams, results,
                    graduation, timetables, parking, libraries, faculty information and more:

 Campus Card        Your student ID card, also used for library borrowing, printing and accessing buildings.

 CAS                Class Allocation System – nominate your preferences for tutorial, lab and seminar times.

 Census date        The last day to withdraw from units without having to pay for them. If you withdraw after
                    the census date, you will be liable for any course fees.
                    (See Important dates.)

 Course Materials   Find materials and resources for your units through the CMO tab in OneSearch:
 Online (CMO)

 Domestic student   A student enrolling at university who belongs to one of the following categories:
                    Australian citizen; New Zealand citizen; holder of an Australian permanent visa; holder of
                    a permanent humanitarian visa.

 Facebook           Facebook is a useful way of keeping up-to-date with events, programs and activities on

 Handbook           Find comprehensive information on courses, majors, units and access study plans.

 Important dates    Key dates in your academic year:

 International      A student who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, nor a New Zealand
 student            citizen, and is enrolled or proposes to enrol at an educational institution in Australia.
                    Temporary residents of Australia are classified as international students.

 LCS                Lecture Capture System. Allows you to listen to and/or watch lecture recordings online
                    via the University’s Learning Management System (LMS).

 Lab                A class that takes place in a laboratory. Labs are practical classes involving experiments,
                    investigation, construction, observation or testing.

 Lecture            A class which involves the presentation of a particular topic, idea or subject to a large
                    group of students. Lectures normally run for about 45 minutes and many are recorded so
                    you can revise later.

 Level              A ranking applied to a unit which indicates the amount of prior knowledge or maturity of
                    learning required to study a unit successfully. A three-year undergraduate degree consists
                    of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 units.

 LMS                Learning Management System. Access online unit materials, lecture recordings,
                    discussion boards and more:

20 Undergraduate Getting Started Guide 2018
Major              A disciplinary specialisation consisting of a sequence of at least eight units from Level 1
                   to Level 3.

My Library Loans   Check the library items you have borrowed and their due dates, make requests and

OSHC               Overseas Student Health Cover.

Pheme              Use your Pheme credentials to access most UWA online systems.

SmartRider         A cash-free payment method for travel on Transperth services.

studentConnect     The online student system where you manage your enrolment and personal details, view
                   your assigned Student Office, fees information, exam dates and academic record.

Student Office     Contact your assigned office for course advice and assistance with planning your
                   enrolment. Find your assigned Student Office on studentConnect.

Transperth         Perth’s public transport system – buses, trains, ferries:

Tutorial           A small class involving discussion facilitated by a tutor on a particular topic or idea
                   (usually what has previously been presented in a lecture).

Twitter            Follow @UWA_students for updates on events, programs and activities for students at

Unifi              UWA’s wireless internet network:

Unit               A subject usually studied for the duration of one semester. Units normally involve
                   different classes – lectures, tutorials, seminars, labs etc. Standard semester units are
                   worth 6 credit points, but there are some project units worth 12 credit points.

A                      B                     C                       D                      E                             F                                        G                       H                        I                            J                    K                          L                      M                   N                                    O                   P            Q

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 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Recreation & Fitness Centre

                       on S t    10                                                                                                             IR                                                  Vice-Chancellery
               Clift                  Hew                                                                                                                                                       SUNKEN                                                                                                                                                                                          Water Sports

                                      Roberts LLT                                                                                          ST                                                   GARDEN
                                                                                                                                ds            Fairway                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Complex
                                                                                                                            lan              Underpass

                                           Gallery                                                                      Ned                                                   Lawrence                                                                                                                     Dolphin
                                 Cullity       G22

                                                                     EN RO

                                                                                                                      To mpus                                                   Wilson Berndt                                         Winthrop Hall                                                        Theatre
                                                     Educa                                                             Ca                                                                                                             & Undercroft

                                                                                                                                                                              Art Gallery Museum
 8              Studio                                                                                                                                                                         E. de C. Clarke                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
                                                                                                                                                                                               Earth Science Museum                                                                                                       AUDITORIUM
                                                                                                          P34                                                                                                                                                                                       Octagon

               27                                                               Broadway                                                                                                                                                                                                 15         Theatre
                                                                                 Building                                    P40                                                                     Geology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          24                                                                                                                P2
               Cafeteria                          HWAY                                                                                                                              P20                                              G R E A T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  E R V

                                            NG HIG                                                                        Ken & Julie                                                                                                                                                                           P28
                                      STIRLIN                           Masonic                                         Michael Building                                          Computer           P19                             C O U R T
 9                                                                        Hall                                                                                                    Science                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            R E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            R I L E Y
                                                                                                Love                                                                                                       21
                                                                                                House                                                                         Robert St                                                                                                                      O V A L
                                                                                                        E                   ET                                                                                                        TROPICAL
                                                                                                    STR                                                                                                                                GROVE
                                                                                                PER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              P35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B A Y

10                                                                                          COO                                                                                                                                                                                  Arts                                                                                                                                             10
                                                                                                                                         FAIRWAY                                     P18                                             G R E A T
                                                                                                                                         ENTRY 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     C O U R T
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Physics       16                                                    2
                                                                                                                                                                                                      6                                                                                                                  Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 14         4        9        3
11                                                                                                                                       FAIRWAY                               Electronic &                                             Reid
                                                                                                                                         ENTRY 2                               Electrical           P16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M A T I L D A

                                                                                                                              EET                                              Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                       20                                                                                                                P3                          HACKETT
                                                                                    P46                             RK                                                                                                                                                                                     Law                                       ENTRY 1

                                                                                                                 CLA                                                                                Mathematics                                                                                            Link
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Building     13
12                                                                              55
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         25                                                                                                                                       12




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Social Sciences

                                                                                                                                     Irwin St.                                                             17
13                                                 P44-45                                                                            Building           J A M E S                                                                                                                       Matilda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i                     13
                                                                                        T                                                                                                       35    Student Central                                                     P35
                                                                                  REE                                                                     O V A L                                                              OAK
                                                                            RD ST                                                                                                                                             LAWN                    P4
     Main lecture theatres                                             EDWA                                                      7                                                                                                                                                       Bay
                                                                       39 Fairway
         1   Agriculture Lecture Theatre                    L18                                                                                                                                                          Guild Village
                                                                                    FAIRWAY                                                                                                                              Student Centre
14       2   Alexander Lecture Theatre                      K10                     ENTRY 3             Civil & Mechanical                                                                                                                                                                                       14
                                                                                                                                     28                                                                                    29 The
         3   Arts Lecture Rooms 4-6                         K11                                            Engineering                                                                                                   Medical
                                                                           P21                                                                                                                             Guild              31       The Tavern

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Village       Centre
         4   Austin Lecture Theatre                         K11                                                                      Engineering
                                                                                                                                     Centre                                                                                                   Shenton
         5   Bayliss Building Lecture Theatre               K16                                                                                                                                                                               House

15                                                                                                                                                                            23         19                                   P5 32
         6   Clews Lecture Theatre                          H12                               P15                                                                              Chemistry                                                               ENTRY 2
                                                                                                        Indian Ocean Marine                                                     Building                                      30       CTEC
         7   Engineering Lecture Theatres 1 and 2           H13                                         Research Centre                                                                                                        Anatomy
                                                                                                                (IOMRC)                                                                                Psychology
                                                                                                                                                                                          5                                    Physiology
         8   Ernst & Young Lecture Theatre                  M23                                                                                      P43                                                                       & Human
                                                                                    FAIRWAY                                                                                        Bayliss                                     Biology
16                                                                                  ENTRY 4                                                                                        Building
         9   Fox Lecture Theatre                            K11                                                                                General Purpose                                                                                         P6
     10      Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre                    B7                                                 P47
     11      John Bloomfield Lecture Theatre                K22                                              Myers Street Building
                                                                                                                                                 Sanders Building
                                                                                                            P27      12
17   12      Myers Street Lecture Theatre                   H17                     MYERS STREET
                                                                                          S                                                                                                                                                                                                                      17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRESCOTT                                           Old Pharmacology
     13      Law Lecture Theatre                            L12                                                                                                                                                    COURT
     14      Murdoch Lecture Theatre                        K11                                                                                        ENTRY 1                                                                                                                  P35
                                                                                                                                                                          P12       Barry J                          1
     15      Octagon Theatre                                K8                                                                                                                      Library                      Agriculture NW
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Botany                                         18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Annexe 2
     16      Ross Lecture Theatre                           H10
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Agriculture Central          T
     17      Social Sciences Lecture Room 1                 L13                                                                                                                                                                         GREEN
                                                                                                              NORTH                                                                                                                                    Botany
     18      Social Sciences Lecture Theatre                L12                                                                                                                                                                                        Annexe 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      33                                                                               HACKETT
19                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Soil Science                                            P8     ENTRY 3                   19
     19      Tattersall Lecture Theatre                     K15                                                                                                                                                                                                 THURLING
                                                                                              Map Symbols                                             PARKWAY                                                                                                    GREEN
             Weatherburn Lecture Theatre                                                                                                              ENTRY 2                                                              TAXONOMIC
     20                                                     H11                                                                                                                                                                                                 Botany

     21      Webb Lecture Theatre                           H9                                      Public Toilets                                                                              P7

20   22      Wesfarmers Lecture Theatre                     N22                                     Yellow Permit Parking                                                                                                                                       Biology                                          20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Green Houses
     23      Wilsmore Lecture Theatre                       J15                                     Red Permit Parking
     24      Woolnough Lecture Theatre                      I8                                      Restricted Parking                                                             Child Care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Glass House
21   Student support and services                                                                   Paid Parking                                                                                                                                                                                                 21
                                                                                                                                                               Unigym                                                                                                                   Zoology
     25      Arts and Law Student Office                    K12                                     ATM                                                                                                                                                                                           HACKETT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENTRY 4
     26      Business School Student Office                 M23                                     ACROD Parking                                     PARKWAY                      P10
                                                                                                                                                      ENTRY 3
     27      Design and Education Student Office            A8                                      Information/Help Point                                                                                 LAF
22                                                                                                                                                                                               11                                                                                                    PELICAN   22
     28      Engineering Student Office                     I14                                                                                                                                                                                                                        P9               POINT
                                                                                                    Food and Drinks                                                                                                                                                22
                                                                                                                                                              Sport Science,
     29      Guild Village Student Centre                   L14                                                                                            Exercise & Health
                                                                                                    Public Transport                                                                                                                                       8
     30      Health and Medical Science Student Office      L15                                                                                                                                         UniSwim                  SPORTS                          Business School
23                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SCIENCE OVAL                                                                      23
                                                                                                                                                                                   Exercise                                                                26
     31      Medical Centre                                 L14                                                                                                                    Performance
                                                                                                                                                      PARKWAY                      Centre                                                                   P41
     32      School of Indigenous Studies Student Office    L15                                                                                       ENTRY 4                              P33
     33      Science Student Office                         K19
24   34      Security and Parking Office                    K6                                                                                                                                                                                                  HACKETT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  C     DRIVE                                    24
     35      Student Central                                K13

     A              B               C           D              E                    F               G                    H                 I                     J                              K                         L                           M                     N               O     P          Q

Contact Us                                            UWAstudents
Student Central                                       UWA_students
Tel: 131 UWA or +61 8 6488 3988
Email:                          uwastudents



UWA is a smoke-free campus                             uwainternational
The information in this publication is correct at
time of printing, but may be subject to change.       UWA-Perth-WA

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