Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide

Page created by Jennifer Jacobs
Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Flexible Learning Options

Flexible Learning and
Accreditation Guide
Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide

The Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide             This involves a clear assessment process as well
assists educators and case managers who work              as a discussion between educator, case manager and
with Flexible Learning Options (FLO) students to          young person to ensure that the learning
connect assessment information and the needs              is relevant, reflective of the young person’s
of the young person with opportunities for                needs and that it supports their pathway to
learning.                                                 success. Student voice is critical in this process
                                                          and reflected in the students individualised, co-
The aim of the learning component for
                                                          designed learning and well-being timetable.
FLO students is the achievement of accredited
learning outcomes and development of an
authentic pathway based on SACE (or
comparable) attainment, within a supportive
learning environment that focuses on social and
emotional wellbeing.

      FLO students, case manager and school FLO co-ordinator

   Assessing Learning                     Determining the                      Curriculum and
   Needs                                  Learning Pathway                     Accreditation
   • PAT R/M                              • Interpreting Assessment            • Direct Instructional
   • BKSB                                   Data within context of                 Programs
                                            student wellbeing                  • Vocational Education
   • Existing education
     plans                                • Identifying interests                  and Training (VET)

   • Wellbeing issues                     • Determining possible               • SACE
     impacting on learning                  options for learning               • Vocational certificates
                                            documented in student
                                                                               • Reporting and
                                            case plan and timetable

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Assessing Learning Needs

When a student is referred to FLO, the FLO               The Core Skill Levels provide an indication of the
Coordinator should collect and provide the               learning pathway that may be appropriate and
following information to assist case managers to         ensures that young people are being supported
develop a clear understanding of student                 to succeed by having access to learning that
needs. The student’s learning program should             reflects and builds on the young person’s current
be designed with this information in mind.               capabilities.

Student information might include:                       Young people can be assessed to determine their
• Negotiated Education Plan (NEP) Summary                current level against the 5 Core Skills to ensure
• Individual Education Plan (IEP) Summary                that the most appropriate learning pathway
                                                         is developed to meet their individual needs.
• Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Summary
                                                         Assumptions cannot be made about a young
• Guidance Reports/Excerpts                              person’s achievement at a particular level for
• Psychological Assessment                               one Core Skill – that is, the assumption that this
 (eg: intellectual assessment, SDQ                       will be the same for all Core Skills.
                                                         Further information about the ACSF can be
• Speech Assessment (eg: language assessment)
                                                         accessed at:
• Medical information (if applicable)
• Health Plan (if relevant/available)
• COMPASS Report (if available)
  https://www.acer.org/compass                           A variety of assessment tools are available for use,
• PAT R/PAT M Reports                                    including those listed under ‘Assessing Learning
• Basic Key Skills Builder ( BKSB) assessment
• NAPLAN Report
                                                         Engagement Matrix
• Other diagnostic assessments
                                                         The Engagement Matrix is designed to provide a
• SACE Schools Online Report
                                                         snapshot of the levels of engagement of a young
• Any other documents or information                     person in areas that affect their ability to be successful
  that the school deems important                        in learning. It is used as part of the FLO referral process
Assessing the learning needs of FLO-enrolled             and assists in planning appropriate intervention and
                                                         support programs.
students is further supported by the Flexible
Learning and Transition Portfolio. A range of            This document can be accessed via:
assessment tools have been included to determine
the specific learning needs of young people and
these tools provide an indication of the Australian      engagement-matrix-guidelines
Core Skill Levels.                                       A self-assessment tool is also available for young
                                                         people to provide information about their
The Australian Core Skills                               perceptions of their wellbeing, relationships and
Framework (ACSF) describes                               involvement in learning.

levels of performance across 5                           The Engagement Matrix assesses the Core Skill of
skills:                                                  Learning, as well as wellbeing and relationships.
• Reading
• Writing
• Numeracy
• Communication
• Learning

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Determining the Learning Pathway

Interpreting Assessment Data                             Determining possible options for learning
This is a discussion that involves the young             The following diagram provides a guide to learning
person, the case manager and the school                  options that are available at various Core Skill     levels.
FLO Coordinator/educator.

Case managers may assist in accessing
and administering assessments however, it
is the responsibility of the school/educator                                  Direct instructional programs
to provide advice about the most
appropriate learning pathway and
strategies to meet identified learning                                        Certificate 1 Education and Skills
needs.                                                      el                Development or Foundation Skills

General information from the assessments of the
                                                            li l
Core Skill Levels can be used to inform potential            Sk                Certificate 2 Education and Skills
courses and learning opportunities. Every learning           e
                                                             r                  Development or Foundation Skills

option/certificate course has an identified Core Skill
                                                             C      3             SACE Personal Learning Plan
Level entry requirement. Specific information                n
                                                             ia                   SACE Stage 1
about certificate level entry requirements can               al
be obtained from TAFE SA or other enrolling
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
                                                                   4          SACE Stage 2

Identifying        Interests
Conversations about determining a learning
                                                                    5         Tertiary education

pathway need to include clear information about
the young person’s interests. It is recommended
that the young person completes the ‘My
Learning’ section in the FLTP to inform discussions
about their learning pathway.

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Curriculum and Accreditation

Young people need to access support – for both             subject to agreement by all stakeholders
learning and case management that is delivered             and eligibility criteria throughout the school
by appropriately qualified staff. Case managers            year including regular ongoing review and
support the social and emotional wellbeing of              monitoring.
students which can include ‘hands on’ engagement         • Supports the assignment of students to
programs, whilst educators/facilitators deliver            appropriate case management and learning
learning.                                                  program services and oversees the Services
If a Flexible Learning Centre wishes to support            Agreement between the school and members
the facilitation of curriculum with FLO students,          of the Approved Panel of Providers providing
they must first have a discussion with the FLO             advice to the site leadership regarding any
Coordinator in the students’ school of                     issues that may arise.
enrolmentto ensure that the school is in                 • Conducts an ongoing review of each
agreement about the Learning Centre                        FLO enrolment.
facilitating this learning.
                                                         • Develops a timetable for each student and
As a part of the Service Agreement between the             ensures parents are updated every time the
school of enrolment and Flexible Learning Centre,          timetable changes and the school records
outline the SACE subject(s) that the Learning              reflect same.
Centre is seeking approval to facilitate.                • Ensures that consent forms are understood
The school must be in agreement to submit                  and signed by parents/caregive rs of all FLO
the Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP), enrol              students prior to their commencing in any
students in the subject(s) and identify a                  programs concerning their participation; travel
teacher to assess the tasks.                               arrangements; duty of care responsibilities
It is expected that Learning Centre staff will             when off campus, as well as the right to share
regularly assist students to communicate with              information with all learning program and/or
the assessing teacher and help them to submit              case management providers.
the evidence for each assessment task as they            • Conducts a formal meeting at commencement
complete them. This will enable the assessing              of FLO enrolment with the student, their family
teacher to assess the work in a timely manner              and their Case Manager to develop, monitor and
and provide useful feedback for students to                review the FLO student’s FLTP and again
incorporate into their next assessment task(s).            in Semester two.
                                                         • Ensures all accreditation requirements are met
FLO Coordinator Role                                       and documented in the FLTP.
The School FLO Coordinator is the primary school         • All learning achievements must be accredited
contact person and is responsible for the                  and recorded on EDSAS/Schools online for
management and coordination of FLO within that             uploads into DATEX.
school. The School FLO Coordinator might be a            • Complies with SACE and SSABSA processes.
coordinator or an assistant or Deputy Principal who
                                                         • Attends FLO network meetings to share
has access to background knowledge of a
                                                           expertise, skills and knowledge with other
young person who is being considered for a FLO
                                                           School FLO coordinators and work with the
enrolment. The local Department for Education
                                                           network to review and receive updates on
Flexible Learning team member can support the
                                                           all programs.
School FLO Coordinator in implementing the
referral process.                                        • Reports to FLO students and their families on
                                                           their learning and personal achievements and as
The FLO Coordinator:                                       they apply to their FLTP in school reports which
• Works with the school based team and FLO                 follow the school’s usual reporting timeframes.
  networks to identify and refer FLO students,

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Curriculum and Accreditation

• Provides specific support to FLO students              Vocational Education and Training (VET)
  throughout the year, including assisting them to       VET is education and training that gives students
  access facilities and services available to all        skills and knowledge for work. VET operates through
  other students at the school, such as specific         a national training system. It is delivered, assessed
  school site curriculum, co-curricular activities       and certified by Registered Training Organisations
  and pastoral services.                                 (RTO’s) through a VET in Schools Agreement with
• Monitors and documents all FLO student’s               TAFE SA or through a partnering arrangement with a
  program participation, including attendance            registered RTO. The SACE enables students to
  records in partnership with community based            include a significant amount of VET (up to 150
  partners, recording on EDSAS and other relevant        credits) in their SACE studies.
  school records data systems.
                                                         VET can only be delivered by appropriately
• Allocates all equity resources, including              qualified staff and each VET course has very
  personnel, to which individual students are            specific requirements for qualifications (see
  entitled, such as special education support as         individual course outline documents).
  identified under the Negotiated Education
  Plan for students with disabilities; Aboriginal        There are several ways that students can
  Education staff support for Aboriginal students;       engage in VET:
  and any relevant ESL support.
• Completes, in conjunction with Case Managers,          VET in Schools Agreement (VISA)
  reporting that includes attendance, participation,     Schools can enter into a VISA with TAFE SA so
  learning outcomes and destination data.                that appropriately qualified teaching staff
• Identifies any learning or well-being needs for        employed by the school can deliver certificate
  FLO students and develop an appropriate site or        level courses in either on-site or off-site
  regional response with the support of the              programs. The VISA needs to be negotiated via
  Department for Education Flexible Learning             the school’s VET Coordinator.
  Team.                                                  A VET in Schools Agreement between a school
                                                         and TAFE SA is granted on the condition that it
Direct Instructional Programs                            is mandatory for a teacher employed by the
There are a variety of programs and resources that       school and listed on that VISA Schedule to both
support the specific literacy, numeracy and ICT          deliver and assess the program content. Non-
needs of learners. These are particularly relevant for   school staff are not able to be listed on a VISA
those young people who have significant gaps in          Schedule between a school and TAFE SA (this
their learning or specific learning needs (eg: low       includes registered teachers and/or trainers
ASCF 1). This may also include a range of                employed by a community organisation or
engagement programs. The direct instructional            another RTO). Any deviation from this practice
programs can be delivered by SSO’s or other support      can jeopardise both the school’s VISA
staff however, some specific training may be             Arrangement with TAFE SA and the accreditation
required in order to use the program resource(s).        outcomes for young people.
Information about the programs and                       There are a range of practical tools and guidelines for
resources can be found at :                              Department for Education schools and these are
                                                         available to teachers on the Department Intranet
                                                         site. This includes information and template
learning-option-flo-resources                            documents related to a range of matters, such as
                                                         working with RTO’s to auspice or purchase VET.

                                                         Schools can access this information at :

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s)

RTO’s are training providers registered by                 Training Guarantee for SACE Students
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver      (TGSS)
vocational courses. RTO’s are recognised as                Through TGSS, the SA Government will fund a
providers of quality-assured and nationally                WorkReady training provider for selected SACE
recognised training and qualifications.
                                                           students who are 16 years of age or older.
A complete list of RTO’s can be found at:                  Students must be working towards completing
http://training.gov.au                                     the SACE and the enrolment process must be
                                                           undertaken through the school of enrolment.
Young people can access learning at the RTO site or
                                                           TGSS students have access to selected courses
RTO’s can be approached to deliver training                on the WorkReady funded training list.
programs for FLO students under 16 years of age
(fee for service) or for young people aged 16+             FLO enrolled students can access WorkReady
(funded through WorkReady, where possible,                 through either FLO or TGSS.
or through fee for service).

Partnering Arrangement
Program providers who are not RTO’s can enter into
a partnering arrangement with a registered RTO
(which has the relevant qualification on scope).
The appropriately qualified learning program staff
deliver the training and conduct the assessments.
The accreditation, moderation and parchment
issuance is then done by the partnering RTO.
However, organisations which deliver Learning
Programs to FLO students and are not RTO’s must
be on the Department for Education Approved
Panel of Providers. A partnering arrangement does
not provide exemption from this Panel.

WorkReady is a SA Government initiative that
encourages people to enter training, complete
training and gain employment. It is a scheme that
provides funding for courses from Certificate I
to Advanced Diploma levels for young people
(aged 16+) who meet course entry requirements.

Access to WorkReady for all secondary school
enrolled students is only through a FLO enrolment
or Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS).

WorkReady FLO is only available for FLO students
and is designed to provide students with access to
WorkReady and an equitable pathway into full VET
qualifications for those FLO students who are not on
a SACE pathway. FLO students have access to all
courses on the WorkReady funded training list,
provided they meet the eligibility criteria for specific

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Flexible Learning Options Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide
South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)

The SACE Board website can be                            A Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP)* must
accessed via :                                           be submitted by the school for all subjects
http://www.sace.sa.edu.au                                taught (excluding the Research Project and
                                                         Stage 2 Community Studies). The school
The SACE is the South Australian qualification for       of enrolment is also responsible for enrolling
secondary students. The SACE is completed in             students into subjects, assessing student learning
two stages: Stage 1 and Stage 2. Most students           and recording all SACE and VET results in school
undertake Stage 1 in Year 11 and Stage 2 in Year         systems (Schools Online) within SACE Board
12. Students can undertake Stage 1 or 2 at any year      timeframes.
level, provided they are ready to commence SACE
                                                         * A LAP shows the intended learning and
studies. Students generally commence their SACE
                                                           assessment activities for a subject.
in Year 10 through the Personal Learning Plan
(PLP).                                                   Appendix 1, 2 and 3 in this guide provide
                                                         checklists for schools and service providers that
Young people need to obtain 200 credits
                                                         outline the actions to be taken for accrediting a
to achieve the SACE through a
                                                         SACE subject where this is supported and/or
combination of compulsory and free-
                                                         delivered by a registered teacher employed by
choice subjects and courses. Student work is
                                                         the service provider.
assessed using an ‘A to E’ grading system in
Stage 1 and an A+ to E- grading system in
                                                         The following checklists are available:
Stage 2. These systems are supported by
rigorous quality assurance processes.                    • Appendix 1 – Stage 1 Personal Learning
                                                           Plan (PLP)
To be awarded the certificate, students need to
                                                         • Appendix 2 – Stage 1 Compulsory Subjects
achieve a C grade or better for the compulsory
Stage 1 subjects (ie: PLP, English and Mathematics       • Appendix 3 – Stage 1 – All Other Subjects
subjects). Students also need to achieve a C- grade or   Please note: There are two checklists in
better in 60 credits in Stage 2 subjects and/or          each appendix - one that is applicable
courses and 10 credits for the Research Project.         where a case manager is supporting the
VET provides an authentic SACE pathway and               delivery of the subject and another where
young people can gain recognition for up to              a registered teacher, employed by the
150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for           service provider, is delivering the subject.
successfully completed VET.

Flexibilities in the SACE include recognition
of community learning.

SACE can be supported by Case
Managers through the collection of
evidence and this can be done effectively
through communication with FLO
Coordinators and teachers. SACE should
be delivered and assessed under the
guidance of a registered teacher.

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South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)

The requirements for SACE                               Please note: VET is recognised at either
                                                        Stage 1 or Stage 2 in the SACE,
completion are:                                         depending on the qualification. Please
• Personal Learning Plan – 10 credits at Stage          see the section in this guide on
  1                                                     recognition of VET in the SACE for more
• Literacy – 20 credits from a range of                 information.
  English subjects (Stage 1 or Stage 2)
• Numeracy – 10 credits from a range of
  mathematics subjects (Stage 1 or Stage 2)
• Research Project – 10 credits at Stage 2
• 60 credits – other Stage 2 subjects
  (including VET*)
• 90 credits – additional Stage 1 or Stage 2
  subjects or SACE Board recognised courses
  (such as VET* or community learning)

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Flexibilities in the SACE

The SACE allows students to develop capabilities                      SACE Planner
needed for life and further learning in today’s world.   The SACE Planner (available on the SACE
The SACE recognises learning both in and outside         Board website) is a tool that can be used to
of school. Each SACE subject outline includes the        assist students to plan their SACE.
statement: “…build their knowledge, skills and
understanding, in a variety of contexts,
for example, schools, workplaces and training
and community organisations”. This statement
acknowledges that learning may occur in contexts
other than the mainstream school environment.

How can we achieve success in SACE for
our most vulnerable students?
While a student is at school or connected to the
school in any way through any combination of
programs, learning and development should be the
primary aims and these should, where possible and
appropriate, contribute to the achievement ofthe

This can be achieved via:
• working in partnership to provide an opportunity for
  every student to achieve the SACE
• understanding the SACE and the flexibilities –
  know how students can achieve their 200 credits in
  a flexible way using subjects, recognised learning
  and courses
• recognising and capturing learning – ensure that
  learning is valued and valuable
• embedding learning in subjects, where
• recognising community-based learning

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SACE Subjects and Recognised Learning/Courses

There are a range of SACE subjects that students        Some ideas for community activities
may undertake to achieve their SACE in addition         include:
to the compulsory subjects.                             • Making a movie/documentary
The SACE also recognises that learning                  • Writing and illustrating a book for children
happens both in and outside school. The latter          • Developing an exercise program
may, for example, include VET and volunteer
                                                        • Writing a cook book
                                                        • Organising an event, such as an 18th
The following subject-specific and recognised             birthday party
learning information is provided to give a basic
                                                        • Planning, organising and implementing a
overview of some of the subjects FLO students
                                                          fundraising activity
may access in a more flexible way.
                                                        • Organising a sporting event/competition

Community Studies                                       • Writing lyrics, editing and recording songs

Students learn in a community context, both             • Caring for a child/sibling/parent
within and beyond the school environment.               • Building a car engine
The community provides the framework in which           • Participating in sport and developing skills
students develop capabilities that enable them to         and knowledge
contribute actively and successfully to community
                                                        • Volunteering at an aged care facility and
activities. They interact with teachers, peers and
                                                          organising activities
community members.
                                                        • Designing and constructing a skateboard
Starting from a point of personal interest, skills or     or surfboard
knowledge, students choose the focus of their
                                                        • Designing and painting a community mural
community activity. This provides autonomy for the
student in deciding the focus and direction of their    • Researching, planning and constructing a
community activity.                                       community garden
                                                        • Participation in work experience to develop
By setting challenging and achievable goals in their
                                                          employability skills
community activity, students enhance their
knowledge and understanding through a guided            Community Studies allows for flexible delivery
and supported learning program. They develop            because it is a project-based subject. Students, in
their capacity to work independently and to apply       collaboration with a registered teacher, develop a
their skills and knowledge in practical ways in their   Community Studies contract that outlines the steps
community.                                              students will take to complete their community
Community Studies may be undertaken as a
10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject at Stage 1,    The contract must be completed in consultation
and as a 10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject       with, and be assessed by, a registered teacher.
at Stage 2.                                             However, case managers can support the student
                                                        to collect the evidence they require for the
Students prepare a contract of work to
                                                        completion of their activity. This could be done
undertake a community activity in one of the
                                                        through regular case management meetings.
follow six areas of study:
• Arts and the Community                                Please note: This subject does not provide a
                                                        score or grade that contributes to the
• Communication and the Community
                                                        Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or
• Foods and the Community                               TAFE Selection Score, however it does count
• Health, Recreation and the Community                  towards completion of the SACE. Students
• Science, Technology and the Community                 may still choose other subjects that provide a
• Work and the Community                                or grade, particularly if students wish to
                                                        attain an ATAR or TAFE Selection Score.

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SACE Subjects and Recognised Learning/Courses

Community Learning                                      • officiating at a series of sporting events
The SACE Board recognises that learning happens         • performing in sport at an élite level
not only in the classroom, but in all kinds of
                                                        • planning and coordinating community or
settings. SACE students can earn credits for
                                                          recreational events
community service or activities through
recognised Community-developed Programs or              • taking a leadership role in community
Self-directed Community Learning.                         land-care or conservation groups
                                                        • taking a leadership role in community
Community-developed Programs                              theatrical productions
Many community organisations develop and                • taking a leadership role in volunteer
accredit their own programs and many of these             organisations
are eligible for recognition towards the SACE.
                                                        • taking a leadership role in the workplace
Examples of such programs include the Duke of
                                                        • taking responsibility for the care of an elderly
Edinburgh Award, Operation Flinders and the SA
                                                          or invalid person
Country Fire Service.
                                                        • teaching others specialised skills (e.g. dance).
Students who have received an award or
certificate from one of the organisations detailed      The process for students to have their Self-
in the SACE Board Recognised Programs table             directed Community Learning considered for
(available via                                          recognition as part of their SACE involves the
https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/studying/recognised-         student submitting an application form to their
learning/community-learning) may be eligible for        school and attending an interview with a SACE
                                                        Board-trained Community Learning Assessor
SACE credits.
                                                        (registered teacher). Most schools will have
Students can apply for recognition of a                 at least one person trained as a
Community-developed Program by completing the           Community Learning Assessor.
required application form and submitting the form
to their school’s SACE Coordinator.                     At the interview the student provides evidence
                                                        (through discussion) of his or her learning to a
FLO students are able to access the, The Duke           community learning assessor(s) . The student is
of Edinburgh’s Award as a community developed           assessed against two assessment criteria:
program at a reduced rate and with special              knowledge and application, and reflection
accommodations for the Adventurous Journey              and critical thinking. The community learning
requirement.                                            assessor(s) will make notes, record the interview
                                                        electronically, and make a written record of
Self-directed Community Learning
                                                        evidence. Assessment judgments about the
Credit for Self-directed Community Learning may be
                                                        evidence are made using the assessment criteria
gained through learning experiences that do not
                                                        and Performance Checklist.
follow a formal, accredited curriculum.
                                                        Satisfactory achievement is deemed to have been
Individual students may participate in a range of       reached if the student has provided evidence that
programs or sets of activities that are not formally
                                                        addresses the nature, scope and level of complexity
                                                        of their community learning at 10 or 20 credits.
Examples of this type of learning
                                                        Students who are applying for credits at Stage 1
                                                        may be interviewed by a school-based
• parenting                                             assessor; however schools may also request a
• taking responsibility for the care of a sibling       SACE Board assessor to undertake the interview .
• creating media productions (e.g. films, websites)
  outside school

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SACE Subjects and Recognised Learning/Courses

Students who are applying for Stage 2 credits, or       • one or more key areas of study (each key area is
a combination of credits at Stage 1 and                   based on one of the capabilities) that are
Stage 2, will be interviewed by both a SACE               chosen to support and guide the exploration
Board-trained school-based assessor and                   and development of the program focus through
a SACE Board assessor.                                    guiding questions

Please note: Students can count up to 90                Students develop and apply skills and knowledge
credits of Self-directed Community Learning             through their program focus, which is linked
at Stage                                                to a study of key areas, organised around the
1 and/or Stage 2 towards the completion                 capabilities.
requirements of the SACE. However,
recognition of community learning is not                Some ideas for program focus include:
granted against the compulsory                          •   arts/music activities
requirements for 60 credits at C- grade or              •   agricultural programs
better at Stage 2. This recognition does not            •   career-related programs
provide a score or grade that contributes to            •   young parenting programs
the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank                  •   civics and citizenship activities
(ATAR) or TAFE Selection Score, however it              •   construction projects
does count towards completion of the SACE               • community service
and students may still choose other subjects
                                                        • cultural programs
that provide a score or grade if students
                                                        •   environmental endeavours
want an ATAR or a TAFE Selection Score.
                                                        •   film-making
                                                        •   fitness and physical activity
Integrated Learning                                     •   health and lifestyle
Students apply their knowledge and skills to a
                                                        • health-related programs
real-world task, event, learning opportunity, or
                                                        • Indigenous enterprise
context, which leads to a specific purpose,
                                                        • integrated health and wellbeing programs
product or outcome.
                                                        • local history projects
Students develop and demonstrate collaboration,         • marine activities
teamwork and self-awareness, and they evaluate          • marine biology
their learning.
                                                        • mechanical projects
Integrated Learning may be undertaken as a              • outdoor activities
10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject at Stage 1,    • peer support programs
and as a 10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject       • performing arts programs
at Stage 2.                                             • personal development programs
Integrated Learning is undertaken as a class            • science/environmental projects
or group and may involve a community-                   • scientific endeavours
based project. Integrated Learning is designed to       • social action programs
facilitate collaborative learning through practical     • sports/coaching programs
work and a group activity(s). Through                   • travel activities
collaboration and teamwork, students learn to
                                                        At Stage 1, students can complete up to 90 credits
plan and organise activities and to develop their
                                                        of Integrated Learning.
understanding of, and empathy for, others.
                                                        At Stage 2, students can complete up to 40 credits
Integrated Learning has:                                of Integrated Learning.
• a program focus (which could, for example, be a       Please note: Only 20 credits of Stage 2
  topic, an activity, or a group project) decided by    Integrated Learning contribute to the Australian
  the teacher or by the teacher in consultation         Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or TAFE Selection
  with students                                         Score.

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SACE Subjects and Recognised Learning/Courses

Workplace Practices                                     Vocational learning may, for example,
This is a relevant subject for students who work        include:
part time, undertake work experience, volunteer         • casual or part-time employment
work or even caring for another person.                 • student business, enterprise (actual or virtual), or
Students develop knowledge, skills and                    project-based employment
understanding of the nature, type and structure         • work experience, including work-shadowing or
of the workplace. They learn about the value of           observation
unpaid work to society, future trends in the world of   • worksite visits
work, workers’ rights and responsibilities,
                                                        • voluntary participation in a community
and career planning.
Students can undertake learning in the workplace        • formal high-level training/performance programs
and develop and reflect on their capabilities,            (e.g. sporting or dance)
interests and aspirations. The subject may include      • events coordination or management
undertaking Vocational Education and Training
                                                        • the provision of primary caregiving or parenting
(VET), as provided under the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF).                         Please note: If VET units of competency are
                                                        used as part of the assessment for Workplace
Workplace Practices may be undertaken as a 10-
                                                        Practices, these units of competency cannot
credit or a 20-credit subject at Stage 1, and as a
                                                        also be used to receive SACE credits through
10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject at Stage
                                                        the recognition arrangements for VET in the
‘Work’, as outlined in the subject outline, is
                                                        At Stage 2, students can complete up to 40 credits
defined as all fields of paid and unpaid activity.
                                                        of Workplace Practices.
‘Workplace’ or ‘work-related context’ is defined
as any environment in which an individual               Please note: Only 20 credits of Stage 2
operates to produce a service and/or product.           Workplace Practices contribute to the
                                                        Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
There are three areas of study within                   or TAFE Selection Score.
Workplace Practices:
• Industry and Work Knowledge
• Vocational Learning
• Vocational Education and Training (VET)

At Stage 1 and Stage 2, all students
undertake Industry and Work Knowledge
and one of the following options:
• Vocational Learning
• Vocational Learning and VET

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                            13
SACE Subjects and Recognised Learning/Courses

How is VET recognised in the                            In addition to the SACE stage, the register
SACE?                                                   provides information about the maximum/
                                                        minimum SACE credits students can earn if they
The SACE Board recognises VET that:                     complete the entire qualification.
• is listed on the www.training.gov.au website          Please note: If a qualification is not on the
• is delivered and assessed by, or under the            VET Recognition Register, as long as it meets
  auspices of, Registered Training Organisations        the criteria outlined above it can be
  (RTOs), which are registered to deliver and/or        recognised toward the student’s SACE. The
  assess the VET that is to be recognised               schools VET Coordinator will be able to
                                                        provide more information regarding this.
• is delivered and assessed in accordance with
                                                        Students can count a maximum of two
  the VET Quality Framework
                                                        completed Certificate I qualifications
• can be certificated on a transcript, statement of
                                                        towards their SACE.
  attainment, or qualification issued by an RTO
                                                        All VET results must be entered by the school
The recognition arrangements for                        into Schools Online(the SACE Board’s data entry
VET in the SACE will include:
                                                        and reporting system for schools) prior to SACE
• recognition of completed qualifications               deadlines.
• partly completed qualifications (for which a
  student has completed one or more units               See Appendix 4 flow chart for Case
  of competency)                                        Managers and educators, detailing how
                                                        accredited learning outcomes are
Students will earn 5 SACE credits for the               recorded for FLO students.
successful completion of 35 nominal hours of
VET and 10 SACE credits for the successful
completion of 70 nominal hours of VET, up to the
maximum credit allocation for a qualification.

The VET Recognition Register, available on the
SACE Board website, lists over 300 of the most
popular VET qualifications that students may
undertake as part of their SACE and provides
information about which SACE stage (Stage 1 or
Stage 2 or a combination (hybrid courses) of both)
the VET will be recognised.

The VET Recognition Register can be accessed
via the following link :


Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                     14

Students Online
Students can access their SACE results by
logging on to Students Online from the SACE
Board website, using their SACE registration
number and PIN.

Students need to apply for a registration number for
the SACE through their school.

The PIN is set by default to the student’s date of
birth (in the format DDMM), however, the
student may have chosen to change it within
Students Online.

If a student has changed their PIN and forgotten it,
they can fill out an online form (on the SACE Board
Students Online portal) and the SACE Board will
reset the PIN to their date of birth (DDMM).

See Appendix 5 for a step by step guide
about how to access Schools Online.

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018   15
Reporting and Accountability

Learning outcomes achieved by FLO students
must be reported to the FLO Coordinator who
ensures that outcomes are recorded in the
appropriate school system (Schools Online)
via the appropriate subject teacher and VET
or SACE Coordinator.

See Appendix 4 flow chart detailing the
process for recording accredited
learning outcomes for Vocational
Education and Training (VET).

School Report

It is a requirement of DECD to provide students
with two written school reports each year.
For FLO students, this could consist of a Home
Group comment (this can include the student’s
off-site learning and participation in extra-
curricular activities) and subject reports, if
relevant. The school will determine if the
school reporting system will be used or a
FLO-specific report will be used.

A template, ‘FLO Student Term Report’ that can be
used for FLO students is available at:


Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018   16

The Flexible Learning Team has developed a              Recording Accredited Learning
range of resources to support young people’s            Outcomes – Flow Chart
engagement in learning and the achievement              Learning outcomes achieved by FLO students
of learning outcomes.                                   must be reported to the FLO Coordinator who is
These resources can be found at:                        required to record outcomes via the appropriate
                                                        school personnel and systems (EDSAS/Schools
                                                        Online). Please see Appendix 4.
                                                        Department for Education
Flexible Learning and Transition                        Flexible Learning Rubric
Portfolio (FLTP)                                        The purpose of the Flexible Learning Rubric is
                                                        to provide clear expectations about the provision
The FLTP represents an ongoing process that is
                                                        of flexible learning programs for FLO students.
documented through the Case Manager’s work
                                                        Its purpose is to provide a framework for the
with the student. The document is kept current
                                                        holistic review and evaluation of programs to
throughout the FLO enrolment. The FLTP offers the
                                                        support a model of continuous improvement.
student an opportunity to connect with and
reflect upon his/her self-development and
learning, incorporating goal setting, reflection
and learning records that can be monitored
regularly by Case Managers and FLO
The FLTP is aligned to the FLO PLP. Task 2 andTask
3 require the student to reference the FLTP
directly. Therefore, the FLTP is linked to SACE
Stage 1 PLP, if and when the student enrols and
undertakes this course of study.

FLO Personal Learning Plan
The FLO PLP provides opportunities for students
to meet the PLP requirement of the SACE (10
credits Stage 1 subject). The subject material is
scaffolded and provides assessment tasks and
relevant resources. Case Managers can
support the delivery of PLP with reference to the
checklist provided in Appendix 1.

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                       17
Appendix 1
Stage 1 FLO PLP - Checklist for Case Managers/Service Providers
Where Case Managers are supporting the delivery of the PLP
 Action                                                                                  Manager      School
                                                                                            P           P
 Eligibility Requirements
 Student has completed FLTP modules MY PROFILE and MY LEARNING
 Student achieves ACSF 3 or above
 SACE identified as a goal in MY GOAL SETTING AND TERM TIMETABLES module
 of FLTP
 Enrolment Process
 Service Provider/Case Manager meets school based FLO Coordinator to
 discuss enrolment in PLP. Points to consider:
 • Proposed program of learning (including resources/materials to be used)
 • Which Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) will be used?**
 • Who will facilitate the learning and how?
 • What student work/evidence will need to be collected for teacher to assess
  student work?
 • SACE and school deadlines for SACE enrolment, resulting and LAP
 School develops a Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) to be used for the
 program of learning – this may be the FLO PLP LAP or a school’s mainstream
 PLP LAP along with the school-developed tasks
 Develop shared understanding of the learning program and assessment
 Agree on school deadlines required to meet SACE deadlines
 School submits Learning and Assessment Plan by SACE           deadlines
 FLO Coordinator completes SACE enrolment process

 PLP Completion Process
 Students complete work with support of Case Manager and in consultation
 with FLO Coordinator, as appropriate (this may include remaining modules in
 FLTP , depending on the LAP used)
 Student, with support from their Case Manager, compiles a PLP folio for

 Assessment Process
 Student, case manager and school based FLO Coordinator or PLP teacher
 participate in ‘three-way assessment conversation’ (if this is part of the
 Learning and Assessment Plan)
 Teacher assesses work and allocates A-E grade for each of the Assessment
 Tasks, using the Performance Standards
 Teacher allocates A-E grade for PLP
 School keeps a copy of the assessment(s) for moderation purposes

 Student awarded A-C grade
 PLP is accredited to student
 FLO Coordinator ensures that results are provided to relevant school personnel
 (eg: SACE and/or VET Coordinator) for submission to the SACE Board via
 Schools Online for certification, by SACE Board deadlines

 Student awarded D-E grade
 PLP is not accredited
 Student receives a ‘pending’ grade
 Student continues to work toward PLP accreditation

** Teachers develop a Learning and Assessment               Please Note: If a LAP has not been submitted
Plan (LAP) for their student cohort that shows              by the school and approved by the SACE Board
their intended learning and assessment activities           (within the timelines set out by the SACE Board),
for a subject. For a student to be resulted for a           then schools are unable to report student results
SACE subject, schools are required to have an               for that subject.
approved Learning and Assessment Plan.
                                                            Schools are responsible for enrolling

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – Nov 2018                                1
Stage 1 FLO PLP  - Checklist for Case Managers/Service Providers
Where a Registered Teacher is employed by the Service Provider to deliver the PLP

 Action                                                                               Manager      School
                                                                                         P           P
 Eligibility Requirements
 Student has completed FLTP modules MY PROFILE and MY LEARNING
 Student achieves ACSF 3 or above
 SACE identified as a goal in MY GOAL SETTING AND TERM TIMETABLES module
 of FLTP
 Enrolment Process
 Registered teacher meets school based FLO Coordinator to discuss enrolment
 in PLP. Points to consider:
 • Proposed program of learning (including resources/materials to be used)
 • What Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) will be used?**
 • How will the teacher facilitate the learning and assessment?
 • Who will undertake the marking of assessment tasks – schools based staff or
   registered teacher from service provider?
 • SACE and school deadlines for SACE enrolment, resulting and LAP
 Registered Teacher from service provider or school develops a Learning and
 Assessment Plan (LAP) to be used for program of learning – this may be the
 FLO PLP LAP or a school’s mainstream PLP LAP and the school-developed
 mainstream tasks
 Registered Teacher from service provider provides LAP to school FLO
 Coordinator via email
 Agree on school deadlines required to meet SACE deadlines
 School submits Learning and Assessment Plan by SACE deadlines
 FLO Coordinator arranges SACE enrolment process (in consultation with
 relevant subject teacher/leader and SACE Coordinator)

 PLP Completion Process
 Students complete work with support of teacher in consultation with FLO
 Coordinator as appropriate (this may include remaining modules in FLTP – this
 will be based on the Learning and Assessment Plan used)
 Student with the support of their case manager compiles a PLP folio for

 Assessment Process
 Student, case manager/teacher and school based FLO Coordinator or PLP
 teacher participate in ‘three-way assessment conversation’ (if this is part of the
 Learning and Assessment Plan)
 Agreed assessor (Registered Teacher from service provider or school based
 teacher) allocates A-E grade for each of the Assessment Tasks using the
 Performance Standards
 Assessor allocates A-E grade for PLP
 Assessor provides grade to school along with package of evidence

 Student awarded A-C grade
 PLP is accredited
 FLO Coordinator ensures that results are provided to relevant school personnel
 (eg: SACE and/or VET Coordinator) for submission to the SACE Board      via
 Schools Online for certification, by SACE Board deadlines

 Student awarded D-E grade
 PLP is not accredited
 Student receives a ‘pending’ grade
 Student continues to work toward PLP accreditation
** Teachers develop a Learning and Assessment            Please Note: If a LAP has not been submitted
Plan (LAP) for their student cohort that shows           by the school and approved by the SACE Board
their intended learning and assessment activities        (within the timelines set out by the SACE Board),
for a subject. For a student to be resulted for a        then schools are unable to report student results
SACE subject, schools are required to have an            for that subject.
approved Learning and Assessment Plan.                   Schools are responsible for enrolling students
                                                         in subjects by the SACE Board due date.

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – Nov 2018                             2
Appendix 2
Compulsory SACE Stage 1 Subjects
Checklist for Case Managers/Service Providers
Where Case Managers are supporting the delivery of a          subject

 Action                                                                                 Manager   School
                                                                                          P        P
 Eligibility Requirements
 Student has completed FLTP modules MY PROFILE and MY LEARNING
 Student achieves ACSF 3 or above
 SACE identified as a goal in MY GOAL SETTING AND TERM TIMETABLES module
 of FLTP
 Enrolment Process
 Service Provider/Case Manager meets school FLO Coordinator to discuss
 enrolment in appropriate SACE subject. Points to consider:
 • Proposed program of learning (including resources/materials to be used)
 • Which Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) will be used?**
 • Who will facilitate the learning and how?
 • What student work/evidence will need to be collected for teacher to assess
   student work?
 • SACE and school deadlines for SACE enrolment, resulting and LAP
 SACE subject approved as appropriate accreditation pathway for student
 School develops Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) to be used for program
 of learning
 Develop shared understanding of the learning program and assessment
 Agree on school deadlines required to meet SACE deadlines
 School submits Learning and Assessment Plan by SACE deadlines
 FLO Coordinator arranges SACE enrolment process (in consultation with
 relevant subject teacher/leader and SACE Coordinator)
 Subject Completion Process
 Students complete work with support from case manager and in consultation
 with FLO Coordinator, as appropriate
 Student, with the support from their case manager, compiles e vidence/work
 for assessment

 Assessment Process
 Assessment/evidence of completion of assessment submitted to school/
 teacher for assessment
 Teacher assesses work and allocates A-E grade for each of the Assessment
 Tasks using the Performance Standards
 Teacher allocates A-E grade for subject
 School keeps copy of the assessments for moderation purposes
 Student awarded A-C grade
 Subject is accredited to student
 FLO Coordinator ensures that results are provided to relevant school personnel
 (eg: SACE and/or VET Coordinator) for submission to the SACE Board via
 Schools Online for certification, by SACE Board deadlines

 Student awarded D-E grade
 PLP, Numeracy, Literacy and Research Project are not accredited to meet
 compulsory     requirements
 Student receives a ‘pending’ grade
 Student continues to work toward accreditation for compulsory subjects

** Teachers develop a Learning and Assessment          Please Note: If a LAP has not been submitted
Plan (LAP) for their student cohort that shows         by the school and approved by the SACE Board
their intended learning and assessment activities      (within the timelines set out by the SACE Board),
for a subject. For a student to be resulted for a      then schools are unable to report student results
SACE subject, schools are required to have an          for that subject.
approved Learning and Assessment Plan.
                                                       Schools are responsible for enrolling students
                                                       in subjects by the SACE Board due date.

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                      22
Compulsory SACE Stage 1 Subjects
Checklist for Case Managers/Service Providers
Where a Registered Teacher employed by a Service Provider is delivering the subject

 Action                                                                                 Manager   School
                                                                                          P        P
 Eligibility Requirements
 Student has completed FLTP modules MY PROFILE and MY LEARNING
 Student achieves ACSF 3 or above
 SACE identified as a goal in MY GOAL SETTING AND TERM TIMETABLES module
 of FLTP

 Enrolment Process
 Registered teacher meets school based FLO Coordinator to discuss enrolment
 in a ppropriate SACE subject. Points to consider:
 • Proposed program of learning (including resources/materials to be used)
 • Which Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) will be used?**
 • How the teacher will facilitate the learning and assessment?
 • Who will undertake the marking of Assessment Tasks – school-based staff
   or registered teacher from service provider?
 • SACE and school deadlines for SACE enrolment, resulting and LAP submission
 SACE subject approved as appropriate accreditation pathway for student
 Registered teacher from service provider or school develops Learning and
 Assessment Plan (LAP) to be used for program of learning
 Registered teacher from service provider provides LAP to school FLO
 Coordinator via email
 Agree on school deadlines required to meet SACE deadlines
 School submits Learning and Assessment Plan by SACE deadlines
 FLO Coordinator arranges SACE enrolment process (in consultation with
 relevant subject teacher/leader and SACE Coordinator)
 Subject Completion Process
 Students complete work with support of teacher in consultation with FLO
 Coordinator, as appropriate
 Student with support from their teacher/case manager compiles evidence/
 work for assessment
 Assessment Process
 Assessment/evidence of completion of assessment submitted to school/
 teacher for assessment (if teacher from school is assessing)
 Agreed assessor (registered teacher from service provider or school based
 teacher) assesses work and allocates A-E grade for each of the Assessment
 Tasks using the Performance Standards
 Assessor allocates A-E grade for subject
 Assessor (if registered teacher from service provider) provides grade to school
 along with package of evidence)

 Student awarded A-C grade
 Subject is accredited to student
 FLO Coordinator ensures that results are provided to relevant school personnel
 (eg: SACE and/or VET Coordinator) for submission to the SACE Board    via
 Schools Online for certification, by SACE Board deadlines

 Student awarded D-E grade
 PLP, Numeracy, Literacy and Research Project are not accredited to meet
 compulsory   requirements
 Student receives a ‘pending’ grade
 Student continues to work toward accreditation for compulsory     subjects

** Teachers develop a Learning and Assessment          Please Note: If a LAP has not been submitted
Plan (LAP) for their student cohort that shows         by the school and approved by the SACE Board
their intended learning and assessment activities      (within the timelines set out by the SACE Board),
for a subject. For a student to be resulted for a      then schools are unable to report student results
SACE subject, schools are required to have an          for that subject.
approved Learning and Assessment Plan.
                                                       Schools are responsible for enrolling students
                                                       in subjects by the SACE Board due date.
Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                      23
Appendix 3
All other SACE Stage 1 Subjects (non-compulsories)
Checklist for Case Managers/Service Providers
Where Case Managers are supporting the delivery of a subject

                                                                                        Manager    School
                                                                                          P          P
 Eligibility Requirements
 Student has completed FLTP modules MY PROFILE and MY LEARNING
 Student achieve ACSF 3 or above
 SACE identified as a goal in MY GOAL SETTING AND TERM TIMETABLES module
 of FLTP
 Enrolment Process
 Service Provider/Case Manager meets school FLO Coordinator to discuss
 enrolment in appropriate SACE subject. Points to consider:
 • Proposed program of learning (including resources/materials to be used)
 • Which Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) will be used?**
 • Who will facilitate the learning and how?
 • What student work/evidence will need to be collected for teacher to assess
   student work?
 • SACE and school deadlines for SACE enrolment, resulting and LAP
 SACE subject approved as appropriate accreditation pathway for student
 School develops Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) to be used for program
 of learning
 Develop shared understanding of the learning program and assessment
 Agree on school deadlines required to meet SACE deadlines
 School submits Learning and Assessment Plan by SACE deadlines
 FLO Coordinator arranges SACE enrolment process (in consultation with
 relevant subject teacher/leader and SACE Coordinator)

 Subject Completion Process
 Student completes work with support of case manager and in consultation
 with FLO Coordinator, as appropriate
 Student, with support from their case manager, compiles evidence/work for

 Assessment Process
 Assessment/evidence of completion of assessment submitted to school/
 tea cher for assess ment
 Teacher assesses work and allocates A-E grade for each of the Assessment
 Tasks using the Performance Standards
 Teacher allocates A-E grade for subject
 School keeps copy of the assessments for moderation      purposes

 Student awarded A-E grade
 Subject is accredited to student (please see separate checklist for Stage 1
 compulsory subjects)
 FLO Coordinator ensures that results are provided to relevant school personnel
 (eg: SACE and/or VET Coordinator) for submission to the SACE Board via
 Schools Online for certification, by SACE Board    deadlines

** Teachers develop a Learning and Assessment            Please Note: If a LAP has not been submitted
Plan (LAP) for their student cohort that shows           by the school and approved by the SACE Board
their intended learning and assessment activities        (within the timelines set out by the SACE Board),
for a subject. For a student to be resulted for a        then schools are unable to report student results
SACE subject, schools are required to have an            for that subject.
approved Learning and Assessment Plan.
                                                         Schools are responsible for enrolling students
                                                         in subjects by the SACE Board due date.

Flexible Learning Options | Flexible Learning and Accreditation Guide – November 2018                        25
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