MONSIGNOR J.J. O'BRIEN SCHOOL - Calgary Catholic School Board

Page created by Tommy Reid
MONSIGNOR J.J. O'BRIEN SCHOOL - Calgary Catholic School Board
                     99 Bridlewood Road S.W., Calgary, AB T2Y 4J5                        Phone: (403) 500-2104
                                                                                           Fax: (403) 500-2304
                     Mr. T. Desautels, Principal
                     Ms. A. Lyver, Vice Principal
                     Mr. D. Weisensel, Assistant Principal                

This is our first newsletter of the year and it is being sent home on Friday September 14th, 2018. All
future newsletters are sent home monthly on the first school day of each month. For your convenience,
they are also posted on our website the same day. Newsletters contain up-to-date information and
calendars and it is our hope that parents read them carefully and are aware of upcoming events. At any
time you may also contact us at 403-500-2104.
On behalf of all of the staff at Monsignor J.J. O’Brien School I would like to send out a big ‘Thank-You’ to
all of our school community who supported us and assisted us with our school start up this year. We have
42 teachers, 14 support staff, 777 students, and many parent volunteers that walk through our doors
every day. Our school is a bustling hub of activity, and a place where we take pride in teaching and
learning. The support and assistance we receive from the school community certainly makes what we do
Our faith theme this school year is “Search and You Will Find”(Matthew 7:7) and throughout the year we
will reference this theme and integrate it into classroom teachings. We officially introduced this theme to
our students at our opening mass in the gym on September 13th, and will continue to make reference to
it in many activities this school year. Please feel free to join us at our ‘Thanksgiving liturgy’ on October 5 th
at 9:00am where we will continue to celebrate this theme with our students. As a Catholic school we
have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for, and we look forward to another amazing school

All of that being said, we are excited to begin another school year. We would like to welcome our new
families, our new and returning teachers, and all who help make our school a true Catholic Community of
Caring. This is a great school with great teachers in a great community. We are once again excited for the
2018 – 2019 school year.
Mr. T. Desautels

MONSIGNOR J.J. O'BRIEN SCHOOL - Calgary Catholic School Board
Monsignor J.J. O’Brien Staff List 2018-2019

Tod Desautels       Principal   

Amanda Lyver        Vice Principal

Dean Weisensel      Assistant Principal

Division I
Laurel Pardy        KAM/KPM     

Lisa McCluskey      KAM         

Jennifer Arkison    1A          

Caroline Scott      1S          

Nicole Chimenti     1C          

Jennifer Morgan     2M          

Lisa Turpin         2T          

Melanie D’Sylva     2D          

Kathy Lengert       3L          

Julie Polczer       3P          

Division II
Cheryl Argento      4A          

Melissa Harris      4H          

Shannon Lemermeyer 4/5L         

Katelyn Reghenas    5R          

Monica Walz         5W          

Dannielle Korol     6K          

Candice Oliver      6O          

Chris Toltesi       6T          
Junior High
Robert Stroobant       7S                       

JR Boyle               7B                       

Brady Compton          7C CTS (shop)            

Paula Hatton           7H CTS (Foods & Fashion) 

Dan MacDonald          8M                       

Corey Palmer           8P                       

Alexandra Forsyth      8F                       

Peter Wing             8W                       

Philip Bird            9B                       

William Mosher         9M                       

Rui Reis               9R                       

Duarte Silva           9S                       

Erika Sterling         Math                     

Linda St Gelais        French                   

Darren Perizzolo       JH PE, Social            

Pamela Mosher          Math, Art                

Jennifer Wallace       Elementary PE            

Tamara Gordon          Counsellor               

Renee Mikkelson        DL CT                    

Cindy Layzell          DL                       

Donald Scott           DL                       

Support Staff
Roxanne Giesbrecht              Administrative Secretary

Laurel Warawa                   Office Assistant       

Janice Schmidt                  Office Assistant       

Suma Mathew                     Librarian              

Judy Bakalik                    Educational Assistant  

Michela Surani                  Educational Assistant  

Patricia (PJ) Dunphy            Educational Assistant  

Giuliana Perez                  Ed. Assistant/noon hour
Evelyn Hammond               Noon Hour Assistant 

Yvonne Bauer                 Noon Hour Assistant 

Honey Evans                  Noon Hour Assistant 

Maria Painaga                Head Caretaker      

Henry Palma                  Night Caretaker     

Adornado Garcia              Night Caretaker     

                                 Alberta is committed to creating an inclusive education system that
                                 inspires and enables all students to achieve success and fulfillment as
                                 engaged thinkers and ethical citizens, with an entrepreneurial spirit.
                                 Parents play an important role in shaping the way their children view
                                 learning. As a parent, you understand more than anyone else how
                                 your child learns and processes information. This resource will
                                 provide you with a better understanding of Alberta’s curriculum and
                                 related information for your child. This tool can help you discover
                                 what your child is learning, how they’re assessed and what resources
                                 are available to help them be successful from Kindergarten to

BELL TIMES 2018-2019

8:20am - Morning Entrance Bell
12:00pm - Lunch Bell
12:43pm - Afternoon Entrance Bell
2:50pm - School – Wide Dismissal Bell

We operate on a 6 day schedule consistent with all Calgary Catholic Schools.
We are once again pleased to be using the Monsignor J.J. O’Brien School Conference Manager to
schedule Parent-Teacher conferences.

Step 1 - Conference Manager Opens to Parents – Monday, September 17, 2018. You can simply access
the Parent Login Page by going directly to

Step 2 – Book your Parent-Teacher Conference
Select the teachers with whom you want to book conference. You will see each teacher’s schedule. After
booking your appointments you can print off your schedule. You will also receive an email containing the
teacher’s name, time and location of the conference. You can log into the system at any time to view
your bookings, print, cancel or re-schedule appointments. You have the option of submitting comments
or questions to the teacher as part of the booking process.

Step 3 – Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences
Important Dates:
Monday, Sept. 17, 2018 – Start scheduling your conference at 8:00am
Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018– Conference Manager closes at 12:00pm
Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018 - Conference times are 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 - Conference times are 8:30am-11:30 & 1:00pm – 3:00pm
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the school at 403-500-2104.

All newsletters are sent home electronically to all provided and valid email addresses. If you have not
already provided the school with an up-to-date email address please do so at your earliest convenience.
Newsletters will be sent electronically on the first school day of each month and posted on our school
website. If you do not receive your electronic version, please contact the office. If you require a paper
copy, please contact the office to make arrangements to have one sent home with your child.

As in the past, we at Monsignor J.J. O’Brien School try to ensure a safe school environment for all
students. This includes students who have severe, life-threatening allergies to peanuts, cashews,
almonds, tree nuts, etc. Because of these risks, we are requesting NUT FREE snacks for students. Please
read labels and take note of peanuts and nuts listed when you prepare snacks for the class or send in
packaged snacks. Many foods contain nuts, peanuts or sesame and products, such as peanut and sesame
oil. If your child is diagnosed with an allergy or medical condition anytime during the school year, it is
essential that you inform the school.
As we begin a new school year, it’s important to reflect on how students are expected to behave when on
the bus traveling to and from school. As you likely know, our main bus carriers have had a difficult time
hiring and retaining enough drivers to cover all of our routes. The Calgary Catholic School District wants
to ensure that inappropriate student behavior isn’t contributing to this challenge. The district’s Student
Conduct for bus regulation contains protocols for students to follow while travelling on district provided
transportation in order to ensure a safe and secure environment for riders and drivers. Adhering to these
guidelines is an important way to foster a positive atmosphere on the buses for students and drivers.
Please keep in mind:
    • The driver has full control of the bus and the driver’s directions must be obeyed.
    • While on the bus, students must conduct themselves in a quiet and courteous manner, showing
        consideration for the comfort and safety of others.
    • Scuffling, fighting, smoking, and the use of inappropriate language on the bus are prohibited.
    • Students must not distract the bus driver or move about the bus while it is in motion. Sitting on
        the bus seat facing forward is what provides protection to students if the bus has to stop quickly.
    • Continued student violation of rules for conduct on school buses may lead to loss of riding
        privileges or further disciplinary action. Principals determine the consequences.
    • It is also important that parents be aware of their own behavior around bus drivers, especially in
        front of children.
    • Bus companies do not permit adults to board the bus for safety reasons. The bus driver does not
        necessarily know if the adult is a parent of a child on the bus or not, so they are trained to not
        allow adults on the bus.
    • Parents should communicate any issues with a bus driver through the school principal or vice
    • School staff are responsible for cultivating a positive relationship with the school bus drivers. If
        there are issues which would benefit from consultation with the district’s Transportation
        department, the principal or vice-principal is invited to contact the transportation manager or
        other department staff. If everyone keeps these guidelines in mind, it will make for a pleasant,
        safe and secure environment in which to transport students to and from school.

Cell Phone Usage
Cell phones in the classroom can be a great tool for learning. Many students use them as a dictionary,
calculator or to access content from Bright Space. However, in the past they have been a great distraction
for our students. Many of our students are accessing apps such as Snapchat, Instagram and texting
friends during class time instead of listening and working. We would like to remind students that the use
of cellphones in the classroom is at the discretion of each teacher. Teachers will be reviewing cell phone
expectations with each of their classes. However, Snapchat, taking selfies and texting friends are not
appropriate in any class. The expectation is that students are listening and working on assigned work.
Those students using their cellphone inappropriately will have it taken away by the teacher. If a cellphone
is taken away 3 times for inappropriate use, the student will no longer be able to have it in class and the
phone must remain in their locker. We are asking for parents to support us in this by talking to your
children about appropriate use. If you need to get in touch with your child during the day for emergency
purposes you can always phone the office at 403-500-2104. We will pass the message along, as students
may not be able to view or text you back during class time. Students can check for messages at nutrition
break and lunchtime. Thank you for your support as we strive to provide the best possible learning
environment for your child.

Celebrating Birthdays
Birthdays are an exciting day for young ones and they often want to share their birthday celebrations
with classmates. We would ask that celebrations are done at home, or another location, but not at
school. Parents have raised concerns about nutrition and healthy eating habits, and in keeping with our
District’s healthy eating directives, we ask that parents do not send any birthday treats for classes this
year. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Student Absences
Students are expected to be on time for school. A parent must notify the office before 8:20 am. or 12:43
p.m. when a child is absent or late. If a parent has not informed the school, our automated calling system
will call all phone numbers we have on file until we receive confirmation that the call has been received.
As some parents find this rather annoying we request that you call us prior to these times. Feel free to
use the school answering machine to leave a message leaving the reason for absence. Thank you in

Parking - “Safety over Convenience!”
Parking at Monsignor J.J. O’Brien School has been and will continue to be a source of concern for all of us
– administration, staff, parents and visitors. We have approximately 65 staff and only 44 parking stalls.
Some school personnel and all volunteers and visitors will be required to park on the side streets.
Please take care to park in designated spots as some areas are bus stops and drop off areas only.
On behalf of the staff we again ask that you do not use the staff parking lot as a drop off or pick up area
for your child, as the safety of your child is at stake.
We also ask that you do not stop in the middle of the road to drop off a child. Please take the time to pull
to the side of the road, (not the crosswalk) before your child gets out of the car.

Student Medications
Parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible of any medical concerns regarding their child.
School personnel are not authorized to administer any medication without the approval of our District
office. Therefore, should your child require medication during the day, please contact the school so that
an Administration of Medication to Students form may be sent home to be completed by you and your
child’s physician. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or our Assistant Principal Dean
Weisensel ( if you have not yet received these forms. Thank you for your
We appreciate your understanding and support in meeting these important accommodations. We
anticipate a safe and healthy school year for all of our students. Thank you!
From the Counsellor 2018-2019
Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Tamara Gordon and I’m the new
School Counselor at JJ O’Brien. I am so happy to be here and to be a part of such a wonderful school and
community! As the Counselor, I have the privilege to work with every single student in the school. My
primary responsibility is to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. I
look forward to offering support to the students, staff, families and community. Ms. Browne has
expressed that it was a pleasure serving the students and their family, and extend a warm goodbye. I look
forward to getting to know you and your children! Please feel free to call me, or stop in so that we may
meet face to face.

Kindest Regards,
Tamara Gordon

The district is providing single stream recycling to all school sites; which include paper, cardboard,
plastics, glass, and metal. The school has received a large blue bin for recyclable materials (paper,
cardboard, plastics, glass, and metal).
The procedures for recycling at the school will be the following:
        - Each class will be responsible for sending their recycling (paper, cardboard, plastics, glass and
             metal) regularly to the large blue bin . Each class will be responsible for emptying their
             recycling in the blue bin that is located in the school.
        - At lunch, students will be asked to put their juice boxes (bottle containers) and recyclable
             waste (large blue bin) into respective recycling bins. We will be looking for classes/groups to
             take on this recycling initiative.
        - Bottle recycling containers will be distributed around the building.
The key philosophy is to reduce the total amount of material being sent to landfill and reducing out
impact overall at Monsignor JJ O’Brien.

Lions Athletics - Junior High PE
JJOB’s Junior High Physical Education is underway now. We will be starting our first units this week.
Students will be participating in Volleyball and Cross Country. Students are reminded to bring appropriate
                            gym strip as this is a requirement in Phys. Ed. Due to some of our classes taking
                            place outside, please pay attention to the weather forecast on a daily basis and
                            dress accordingly. Course outlines will be posted on D2L once it is up and
                            running for the year.
                            Your Junior High Phys. Ed. Team
Terry Fox Run
Msgr. J.J. O’Brien’s Terry Fox Run will be held on Thursday, September 27th. We are currently looking at
new routes for each Division (K-3, 4-6, and 7-9). A permission slip and letter with all of the confirmed
details will be sent home soon. We will need the help of parent volunteers so please circle this date on
your calendars. Please keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the conditions.
We look forward to honoring Terry Fox’s legacy within our JJOB Community. For further information
about Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope, please visit the website below.

PICTURE DAY September 28, 2018
 RETAKE DAY October 26, 2018
The envelope your child will bring home from school approximately 10 days after photo day will contain
your child’s proofs and important order information.
Your completed photo order must be returned to the school your child attends by the “IMPORTANT
ORDER DUE DATE” stamped in red on the order portion of the form.
Mail LATE ORDERS directly to Lifetouch Canada Inc. or call 1.866.443.9648 to place the order over the
Please contact Lifetouch if you have questions regarding proof order forms and picture packages.
Lifetouch Canada Inc. - 1.866.443.9648

Student Accident Insurance
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your summer making memories with family & friends.
You may be wondering where your student accident enrolment (Kids Plus) forms are? Good news …
everything is on our district website now!
Here is where you will find a copy of our Student Accident Insurance policy (available to all students –
with the exception of international / exchange students). You will also find a copy of the claims form, our
policy number and contact information for the insurance company.
Here is a link to the marketing resources available for your use.
Dental Information – Grade 1 Families
Alberta Dental Association and College's (ADA&C) Start School Smiling campaign!
Start School Smiling is designed to promote dental health to all Grade One students. Volunteer ADA&C
member dentists will provide a free examination, with bitewing x-rays if needed, from September 15 to
October 31, 2018.
There is no cost to participate in Start School Smiling — simply book an exam for your Grade One child
with a participating practice from September 15 to October 31, 2018. Go to the following link to find
participating dental offices in your area.

St. Patrick’s Church Used Toy & Kid’s Clothing Sale
Saturday, October 13, 2018
11am - 2 pm
1414 Shawnessy Blvd. SW

Admission $1.00 (children and seniors FREE)
Strollers welcome after 12pm please
For more information or table registration call Lara (403) 988-2252 or email
Check us out on Facebook: St. Patrick's Used Toy & Kid's Clothing Sale

Thank you for your consideration of our request!
Aeron Lucas Tesarek
St. Patrick's Parent & Tot Group
Saint Patrick's Church
                                 1414 Shawnessy Blvd. S.W., Calgary, AB T2Y 2L7
                                    Phone: 403-254-6878                 Fax: 403-
                                        256-0963 e-mail:
                      For children in Grade 2 and up (as of September 2018)
                            who are baptized Roman Catholic and who live within St. Patrick’s
                                  boundaries (South of Fish Creek & West of Bow River)
•      ** NEW THIS YEAR Children in Grade 2 and up will register for both First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
       Children must prepare for and receive First Reconciliation before First Eucharist. ** NEW THIS YEAR Parent and
       child must attend ALL sessions and the retreat. Registration begins Friday, June 29th. The registration deadline is
       Friday, September 14th.
•      Complete the attached registration form and return it with a copy of your child’s Roman Catholic baptism
       certificate, a copy of your child’s birth certificate and the registration fee of $50 to the Parish Office (cash or
       cheque, cheque payable to St. Patrick’s Parish).

           Parish office summer hours: June 19 to August 10 Tuesday to Friday 9:30 am to 1 pm
           Parish office normal hours resume Monday August 13: Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

•     Additional registration forms are available from the Parish Office or beside the bulletin board near the Parish Office.
    Due to the number of parents and children involved, we offer two sets. You must choose Set #1 OR Set #2. Registrations
                  will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis to a maximum of 110 children per set.

                                                               Set #1                                        Set #2
Parent Information                          Tues. Sept 25         6:00 pm In              Tues. Sept. 25         6:00 pm In
     Session                                the church                                    the church
                                            Sat. Oct. 13/ Sun. Oct. 14                    Sat. Oct. 13/ Sun. Oct. 14
                                            Attend any mass                               Attend any mass

First Reconciliation     Session 1          Sat. October 20      9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. October 20      11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 2          Sat. November 10     9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. November 10     11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 3          Sat. December. 1     9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. December 1      11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 4          Sat. January 12      9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. January 12      11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Retreat            Sat. January 26      9 am – 10:10 am          Sat. January 26      11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Celebration        Fri. February 8          6 pm                 Sat. February 9         10 am

    First Eucharist      Session 1          Sat. February 23     9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. February 23      11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 2          Sat. March 9         9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. March 9         11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 3          Sat. April 13        9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. April 13        11:30 am – 1 pm
                         Session 4          Sat. May 4           9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. May 4           11:30 am – 1 pm

Due to the number of parents and children involved, we offer three sets for the First Eucharist Retreat and First
Eucharist Celebration. You must also choose Set A OR Set B OR Set C for you and your child to attend (maximum
of 85 each set).
Set A                                Set B                                  Set C

Retreat                    Sat. May 25 9 am – 10:30 am          Sat. May 25   11:30 am – 1pm          Sat. May 25     2pm – 3:30 pm

Celebration of First       Sat. June 1    2 pm                  Sat. June 8      2 pm                 Sat. June 15        2 pm

                    St. Patrick’s Parish
                                                   Registration Form

            Return this form with a copy of your child’s Roman Catholic baptism
            certificate, a copy of your child’s birth certificate and the registration
              fee of $50 to St. Patrick’s Parish Office, 1414 Shawnessy Blvd. S.W.,
                               before Friday, September 14, 2018.
                              No late registrations will be accepted.

 ____________________________                                   ____________________________________________
 Candidate's Last Name (as on birth certificate)                 Candidate’s First & Middle Name(s) (as on birth certificate)

 Father's First, Middle & Last Name (as on birth certificate)      Mother's First, Middle & Maiden Name (as on birth certificate)

 Address (include the postal code)
 Home phone:
 Daytime phone: _________________________________

 School: ___________________________________ Grade: _______                                        Male / Female (circle one)
                                                                              (as of Sept. 2018)

 Candidate’s Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year): _____________________________________

 Candidate’s Place of Birth (City/Province/Country):

 Parent’s E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________
  (for reminder notices)

 Parent and child will be attending:                 Set # 1    Set # 2    (circle one) AND we will be
 attending retreat and celebration:       Set A       Set B       Set C     (circle one)
  PARENTAL CONSENT: I give permission to St. Patrick’s Parish to inform the Catholic school
 my child attends that my child has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
  PARENT’S Signature:
Saint Patrick's Church
                              1414 Shawnessy Blvd. S.W., Calgary, AB T2Y 2L7
                               Phone: 403-254-6878                  Fax: 403-
                                              256-0963 e-mail:

                                   St. Patrick’s Parish invites students in
                                  Grade 3 and up (as of September
                                   2018) who have received First
                                              are baptized Roman
                and live within St. Patrick’s boundaries (South of Fish Creek & West of Bow River)
                     to prepare for and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the
                                                   first time.
     In the Sacrament of Reconciliation our sins are forgiven and we receive God’s grace.
• ** NEW THIS YEAR            Parent and child must attend ALL sessions and the retreat.

•    Registration begins Friday, June 29th. The registration deadline is Friday, September 14th.
•    Complete the attached First Reconciliation Registration form and return it with the registration fee of
     $25 to the
     Parish Office (cash or cheque, cheque payable to St. Patrick’s Parish).
        Parish office summer hours: June 19 to August 10 Tuesday to Friday 9:30 am to 1 pm.
        Parish office normal hours resume Monday August 13: Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

•    Additional registration forms are available from the Parish Office or beside the bulletin board near the Parish

Parent Information Session: Thursday, September 27th at 6:00pm
Parents must attend this information session to receive their child’s book and learn about the preparation sessions for
the parent and child. IF YOU DO NOT attend, your child’s First Reconciliation will be deferred.

Preparation Sessions, Retreat and Celebration of First Reconciliation

Due to the number of parents and children involved, we offer two sets. Parent and child will attend one SET
consisting of 4 preparation sessions, a Retreat and a Celebration of the Sacrament. Choose the Set you and your
child will attend on the registration form. Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis to a
maximum of 110 candidates per set.

                              PLEASE KEEP THIS PAGE FOR REFERENCE.
             For further information contact: Mary Rowan or Sofia Balcorta 403-254-6878 ext 102
Set #3                                        Set #4

         Session 1                 Sat. October 27       9 am – 10:30 am         Sat. October 27          11:30 am – 1 pm
         Session 2                 Sat. November 17      9 am – 10:30 am         Sat. November 17         11:30 am – 1 pm
         Session 3                 Sat. December 8       9 am – 10:30 am         Sat. December 8          11:30 am – 1 pm
         Session 4                 Sat. January 19       9 am – 10:30 am         Sat. January 19          11:30 am – 1 pm
         Retreat                   Sat. February 2       9 am – 10:30 am         Sat. February 2          11:30 am – 1 pm
         Celebration               Tues. February 5           6:00 pm            Tues. February 12            6:00 pm

                                      St. Patrick’s Parish
                                FIRST RECONCILIATION 2019
                                                  Registration Form

  For children in Grade 3 and up (as of September 2018) who have received First

                          Return this form, along with the registration fee of $25 (cash or
                          cheque only) to St. Patrick’s Parish Office, 1414 Shawnessy Blvd.
                                    S.W., before Friday, September 14, 2018.
                                        No late registrations will be accepted.


____________________________                                   ____________________________________________
Candidate's Last Name (as on birth certificate)                 Candidate’s First & Middle Name(s) (as on birth certificate)

Father's First, Middle & Last Name (as on birth certificate)     Mother's First, Middle & Maiden Name (as on birth certificate)

Address (include the postal code)

Home phone:
Daytime phone: _________________________________

School: ___________________________________ Grade: _______                                       Male / Female (circle one)
                                                                            (as of Sept. 2018)
Candidate’s Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year): _____________________________________

Candidate’s Place of Birth (City/Province/Country): _______________________________

Parent’s E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________
 (for reminder notices)
Candidate has received First Eucharist:                  Yes / No (circle one)

                       Parent AND child will attend one SET to receive the Sacrament.

Parent and child will be attending:               Set #3           Set #4      (circle one)
You can also read