Page created by Amy Woods
Friday, November 19th, 2021       The Federation’s Politically Independent News Source           I ssu e # 14 13


                         S    T    O   R       Y           O     N   P   A   G   E       1   1

                                                                                                   FOR HIS
STORY ON PAGE 13 ...                       STORY ON PAGE 14...                                     WALLACE
NEW COVID REGULATIONS                    SKN TO CO-HOST                                             PASSES
AHEAD OF ‘SUGAR MAS’                     U19 WORLD CUP                                             STORY ON PAGE 3...

                              CM Y K
P ag e: 2                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                                LOCAL NEWS

         Byron-Nisbett: Diabetes
           still a threat in SKN
By Loshaun Dixon           Diabetes Day, she noted    is the seventh lead-       by 603 cases over the
                           that on average, one in    ing cause of death         period 2016 to 2020,
                           10 adults are currently    worldwide.                 reflecting an average of
Diabetes continues to      living with diabetes                                  120 new cases per year.
be a threat to many in     globally, with 81 per-     The Health Minister
St. Kitts and Nevis,       cent of diabetics living   added that on the lo-      “Of the total, 60 percent
that is according to the   in low and middle-in-      cal scene, the number      are female and 95.8
Minister of Health,        come countries.            of registered cases at     per cent of registered
Akilah Byron-Nisbett.                                 the community-based        clients have diagnosed
Speaking on World          She added that diabetes    health centres increased   with type two diabetes,

                                                                                                                     Minister of Health, Akilah Byron-Nisbett

                                                                                                             with a 50 percent death      as insulin.
                                                                                                             increase from 2015 to
                                                                                                             2018.”                       The Minister said the
                                                                                                                                          Federation,      through
                                                                                                             She noted that it has        the Ministry of Health,
                                                                                                             been among the dead-         continues to invest in
                                                                                                             liest    non-communi-        the necessary resources
                                                                                                             cable diseases in the        to enable increased cli-
                                                                                                             Federation.                  ents’ access to the vital
                                                                                                                                          primary and tertiary
                                                                                                             “It is undeniable, there-    levels of care.
                                                                                                             fore, that among the
                                                                                                             noncommunicable              “The Ministry of Health
                                                                                                             diseases, diabetes re-       also persists in its ef-
                                                                                                             mains a threat to the        forts to counteract the
                                                                                                             Ministry of Health and       incidence and reduce
                                                                                                             the quality of life of the   the burden of diabetes,
                                                                                                             Federation’s citizens.”      associated       morbid-
                                                                                                                                          ity and mortality in
                                                                                                             Byron-Nisbett remind-        the Federation. The
                                                                                                             ed that persons with         Ministry’s SKN Moves
                                                                                                             multiple comorbidities       programme, which fo-
                                                                                                             are at an increased risk     cuses on the three pil-
                                                                                                             of contracting and dy-       lars of healthy eating,
                                                                                                             ing from COVID-19,           increasing physical ac-
                                                                                                             and that everyone must       tivity and regular health
                                                                                                             adopt measures to pre-       screening, is gaining
                                                                                                             vent and/or improve          momentum and con-
                                                                                                             the management of            siderable buy-in, to
                                                                                                             diabetes.                    contract the burden of
                                                                                                                                          NCDs in the health care
                                                                                                             She said the theme           sector, and the signifi-
                                                                                                             “Access to Diabetes          cant negative impact on
                                                                                                             Care”, amplifies the         individuals families and
                                                                                                             message regarding the        communities.”
                                                                                                             importance of increas-
                                                                                                             ing access to diabetes       She said the initiative
                                                                                                             care to improve diabe-       has been integrated
                                                                                                             tes management, pre-         into the prevention and
                                                                                                             vent complications, and      control of noncommu-
                                                                                                             enhance the quality of       nicable diseases pro-
                                                                                                             life of people living        gramme in the Health
                                                                                                             with diabetes by ad-         Promotion Unit, with
                                                                                                             dressing poor nutrition,     its main aim being to
                                                                                                             physical exercise and        foster a healthy lifestyle
                                                                                                             obesity, smoking and         culture, and empower
                                                                                                             alcohol abuse, as well       the people of St Kitts
                                                                                                             as providing access to       and Nevis to engage in
                                                                                                             safe and effective medi-     informed and calculated
                                                                                                             cine and treatment such      decision-making.
LOCAL NEWS                                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                       P ag e: 3

         ‘Death before justice
          for his son’: ‘Raphie’
            Wallace Passes
By Monique Washington            he suffered a stroke.           the 17-year-old Philo was
                                                                 shot dead in a Charlestown
                                 Raphael Wallace was a for-      nightclub by an off duty po-
The father of slain teen         mer fast bowler for the Nevis   liceman, Constable Zaviel
Philo Wallace has passed,        senior team and also played     Jeffers.
a passing that Ruth Powell,      for the Leeward Islands on
the Chairperson for the          the regional level. He regu-    In March 2016, a Coroner’s
Foundation       for    Social   larly represented Nevis in      Inquest was conducted which
Concerns (FSC), says hap-        inter-island matches, playing   resulted in a 4-1 “justifiable
pened before he witnessed        from the late 1970s through     homicide” verdict, in favour
whether justice would be         to the late 1980s as a right-   of the Constable.
served for his son’s death.      arm fast bowler.
                                                                 However, the Director of
Raphael     Hugh     Oswald      His son followed in his fa-     Public Prosecutions Valston                          Raphael ‘Raphie’ Wallace
Wallace, fondly known as         ther’s footsteps in pursuing    Graham subsequently car-
‘Raphie’ passed away at the      a career in cricket. His life   ried out a review and, having    actions of Constable Jeffers     was scheduled for early 2020.
age of 64, on November 15,       however was cut short when      considered all material before   was, in fact, disproportionate
following complications after    on October 17, 2015, when       him, was satisfied that the      and could not be justified.      “A P.I. was scheduled just as
                                                                                                                                   the pandemic hit. They can-
                                                                                                  DPP Graham noted that he         celled it and never resched-
                                                                                                  wrote to then Commissioner       uled it,” she said.
                                                                                                  of Police Ian Queely and
                                                                                                  advised him that criminal        She opined that the stress of
                                                                                                  charges for the offence of       the now six-year-old case had
                                                                                                  manslaughter should be           likely taken a toll on Raphael
                                                                                                  brought against Constable        Wallace.
                                                                                                                                   “I believe that the stress of
                                                                                                  On February 19, 2018,            having his son shot and killed,
                                                                                                  Constable     Jeffers    was     and not having this matter
                                                                                                  charged with the death of the    brought to trial, contributed
                                                                                                  teenager.                        to his death. This is my posi-
                                                                                                                                   tion. Justice delayed is justice
                                                                                                  Speaking with The Observer       denied. He died without see-
                                                                                                  on Tuesday, Powell, who has      ing justice for his child.”
                                                                                                  been vocal and instrumental
                                                                                                  in the pursuit of justice for    Powell said that she will con-
                                                                                                  younger Wallace, revealed        tinue in the quest of seeking
                                                                                                  that a Preliminary Inquiry       justice for Philo Wallace.

                                                                                                                           Philo Wallace
P ag e: 4                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                                                LOCAL NEWS

                       EDITORIAL                                                  No arrest yet in
   INEXTRICABLY                                                                 shooting of National
                                                                                    Hero’s son
      LINKED                                                                    By Staff Reporter

                                                                                No arrest has yet been
                                                                                                             processed the scene
                                                                                                             and collected items of
                                                                                                                                                          evidential value.

The 38-year relationship between our country and Taiwan is unquestion-          made in the shooting
ably solid, and has been immeasurably fruitful. It is impossible to forget      incident that involved
that Taiwan was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with us     the son of former Prime
as a newly independent nation on September 19, 1983. We are inextricably        Minister and only liv-
linked.                                                                         ing National Hero of
                                                                                St. Kitts and Nevis, Sir
The Federation’s loyalty to its longstanding partner will remain unwaver-       Kennedy Simmonds.
ing. The safety and stability of Taiwan is of great importance to us - thus
our intense interest in the recent dialogue between U.S. President Joe          Police are investigat-
Biden and China’s Xi Jinping.                                                   ing a non-fatal shooting
                                                                                incident that occurred
There is little doubt that sharp differences over the self-ruled island of      last weekend in which
Taiwan remain. The related exchanges are therefore thoroughly scrutinized.      43-year-old      Kenrick
                                                                                Simmonds of Bird Rock
During a three–hour video call with Biden, Xi unequivocally warned that         was injured.
China would respond to provocations on Taiwan, according to official ac-
counts of the exchange.                                                         According to the Police,
                                                                                sometime around 1:00
The tête-à-tête was described by both sides as “frank and direct” as efforts    a.m. on November
were made to lower the temperature and avoid conflict.                          13, 2021, Simmonds
                                                                                was leaving a bar in
Xi compared the two countries to “two giant ships sailing in the sea” that      Buckley’s area when a
needed to be steadied so they didn’t collide, Chinese state media reported.     lone gunman fired sev-
                                                                                eral shots at him. He re-
“I hope that, Mr. President, you can exercise political leadership to return    ceived a gunshot wound
the United States’ China policy to a rational and pragmatic track,” Xi          to his arm, which also
told Biden, according to Xinhua News Agency, a reference to tough-on-           entered his chest. He
China policies that Beijing hoped would be rolled back after Biden came         was transported to the
to office.                                                                      JNF General Hospital
                                                                                where he is currently
Biden reportedly spoke of avoiding conflict as well.                            warded in a stable
“It seems to me our responsibility as leaders of China and the United
States is to ensure that our competition between our countries does not         Personnel from the                                        Kenrick Simmonds
veer into conflict, whether intended or unintended. Just simple, straight-      Forensic Department
forward competition.”

While Biden reiterated long-standing U.S. support for the “One China”
policy under which it officially recognises Beijing rather than Taipei, he
also asserted that he “strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the
status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”.
                                                                                                       The Federation’s Politically Independent News Source

Xi said those in Taiwan who seek independence, and their supporters in
the United States, were “playing with fire”, according to Xinhua.
                                                                                   St. Kitts                                           Nevis
“China is patient and seeks peaceful reunification with great sincerity and        POB 657, Lower Market Street                        #1 Observer Plaza, Observer Drive
effort, but if Taiwan secessionists provoke, or even cross the red line, we        Basseterre, St. Kitts, W.I.                         Charlestown, Nevis, W.I.
will have to take decisive measures,” he said.                                     Tel.: (869) 466-4994                                Tel.: (869) 469-5907
                                                                                   Fax: (869) 466-4995                                 Fax: (869) 469-5891
China claims the island as its own. Beijing has vowed to bring it under                         Email:
Chinese control, by force if necessary, and tensions across the Taiwan
Strait have escalated in recent months.                                                        Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth Williams
Beijing strongly objects to Washington’s efforts to carve out more space                          Website:
for Taiwan in the international system, and recent comments by Biden
that the United States would defend Taiwan in certain cases also inflamed         Editorial Policy: The Observer reserves the right to edit, rewrite, summa-
tensions. Neither side is blinking.                                               rise or reject any unsolicited material. We will assume that all letters ad-
                                                                                  dressed to The Observer or its staff are intended for publication unless oth-
It is certainly not our desire to see these two superpowers collide, because      erwise stated. Letter writers are required to sign their names and are asked
as the old African proverb rightly points out: ‘When elephants fight, it is       to include a telephone number to allow verification. Views expressed in
the grass that suffers’. Our great partner and friend is in the middle of it.     letters, commentaries or personal columns do not necessarily represent the
We hope that good judgement will prevail.                                         viewpoint of this newspaper. Limit submissions to 1000 words
LOCAL NEWS   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021   P ag e: 5
P ag e: 6                         The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                                   LOCAL NEWS

                               Potential investors urged
                                   to “look at Nevis”
By Monique Washington                    prospective investors were also able
                                         to dialogue with the speakers.

Potential investors for Nevis were       Premier of Nevis and Minister of
given the opportunity this past week     Finance and Foreign Investments
to get a glimpse into all the invest-    in the Nevis Island Administration
ment opportunities the island of Nevis   (NIA), Mark Brantley, urged the au-
has to offer, at the Nevis Financial     dience to “look at Nevis”.
Services Conference, which this
year was hosted during Expo 2020 in      “As you look to expand your busi-
Dubai.                                   ness globally or to better preserve and
                                         protect personal and family wealth,
The conference which was held            I urge you to look at Nevis and the
in Nevis on Tuesday, under the           world class legal, regulatory and busi-
theme “Expanding Opportunity for         ness framework that Nevis provides.
Financial and Estate Planning”, was      We are a stable democratic jurisdic-
carried live during Expo 2020, and       tion with an independent court system

                                                                                         Premier Mark Brantley speaking at the Nevis Financial Services Conference

                                                                                   based on the English Common Law            financial service jurisdictions and this
                                                                                   and an abiding respect for the court       conference is intended to help us to
                                                                                   of law.”                                   achieve this objective.”

                                                                                   Brantley noted that the international      Permanent Secretary in the Ministry
                                                                                   financial service sector provides pro-     of Finance in the Nevis Island
                                                                                   fessional services concentrating on        Administration, Collin Dore, said
                                                                                   the formation, registration and man-       that as the COVID-19 pandemic con-
                                                                                   agement of international companies,        tinues to affect the world, the NIA has
                                                                                   corporations, trusts, foundations, in-     “created a way for you, our poten-
                                                                                   surance and banks.                         tial investors and businesses, to stay
                                                                                                                              buoyant during this difficult time”.
                                                                                   He said that the international financial
                                                                                   services sector “hosts competent reg-      “Today we afford you first-hand in-
                                                                                   istered agents capable of providing        formation about our products and
                                                                                   these services to international clients.   services that will allow you to effec-
                                                                                   The Financial Services Regulatory          tively make the best financial deci-
                                                                                   Commission has developed a regula-         sion for you, your business and your
                                                                                   tory environment that is committed to      family,” he said.
                                                                                   the adherence of international stan-
                                                                                   dards and has implemented a rigorous       He noted that for over 35 years the
                                                                                   risk-based supervisory framework to        financial services sector in Nevis has
                                                                                   monitor the compliance of regulated        offered and an array of services to
                                                                                   entities with anti-money laundering,       investors with relative ease of access,
                                                                                   counter terrorist financing and pru-       and it has become the primary driver
                                                                                   dential legislation”.                      of the Nevisian economy.

                                                                                   He further urged potential investors       “Accountability, efficiency, integrity
                                                                                   to consider Nevis for expanding op-        and vigilance are the four pillars of
                                                                                   portunities for financial and estate       our Financial Services Regularity
                                                                                   planning.                                  Commission. We trust that the infor-
                                                                                                                              mation and the dialogue here today
                                                                                   “We seek to enhance our global vis-        will properly prepare you to invest
                                                                                   ibility as an attractive jurisdiction      in us with the many products that we
                                                                                   through the development of strate-         have readily available.”
                                                                                   gic partnerships with other reputable
LOCAL NEWS                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                          P ag e: 7

                NEVLEC secures vital power boost
By Monique Washington     is scheduled to come        Island Administration.    ensure that we give re-                     we keep the lights on
                                                                                                            generator is critical.
                          online by January 2022,     He said that the new      liable service,” he said.                   for the next 3-4 years
                          will join NEVLEC’s          machinery had to be                              “Right now at peak, when we can switch
Nevis         Electricity 3 . 8 5 - m e g a w a t t   purchased to supply       Tross lauded the work- the usage on the is- over to geothermal,”
Company (NEVLEC) Wӓrtsilӓ               generator,    Nevisians with reliable   ers at the NEVLEC land is 9.4 megawatts, he said.
has     increased     its purchased in 2017,          service.                  plant for their hard but we predict that
power capacity with plus several older gen-                                     work in keeping the this will be going up Gordon asserted that
the purchase of a new erators at the plant in         “There are some gen- lights on.                  soon. Right now (not the geothermal proj-
EC$16M 3.80 mega- Prospect.                           erators at the plant that                        including the most ect on the island is
watt Wӓrtsilӓ genera-                                 are over 30 years old. “I call these men mir- recent generator) the pushing forward.
tor that arrived on the The Observer spoke            Because of their age, acle workers. They are capacity of NEVLEC
island on November with the Chairman of               they burn more fuel, working tirelessly to is 11 megawatts. “ Geothermal is com-
12th, and is currently NEVLEC, Steadman               and they are not pro- ensure that Nevisians Now if we had to ing. We should begin
being installed by a Tross, who noted that            ducing at their capac- have electricity,” he take down our biggest drilling the wells next
team from Wӓrtsilӓ. the new generator was             ity. We had to purchase said.                    machine which is the year once the funding
This generator, which funded by the Nevis             a new generator to                               (2017) 3.85 Wӓrtsilӓ is secured. When it
                                                                                The Observer also generator, we would is here, then the gen-
                                                                                spoke with General not be able to meet erator will be there
                                                                                Manager of NEVLEC, the island’s capacity. to help us with the
                                                                                Albert Gordon, who This new unit is very power demand if need
                                                                                noted that the new critical to ensuring be.”

   General Manager of NEVLEC, Albert Gordon (L) and Chairman, Steadman Tross

           The new EC$16M Wӓrtsilӓ generator arrived on November 12
P ag e: 8   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021   AD LOCAL
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                 CM Y K
            NEWSENT            The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021   P ag e: 9

                      CM Y K
P ag e: 10                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                         AD LOCAL
                                                                                                                         V ER TI SEM

               Company:KTCS ltd                           Wanted by Islander                     TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE
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LOCAL NEWS                                      The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                                 P ag e: 11

 SKN in Dubai - Small nation, big ambitions
By Loshaun Dixon           St. Kitts and Nevis has    sustainability.
                           to offer as a leading
                           tourist destination.       “We are a small nation
The ambitions of St                                   with big ambitions. We
Kitts and Nevis were       “Expo 2020 is indeed       are resolved to reduc-
on full display Tuesday    a powerful symbol and      ing our dependency
at the Federation’s        a catalyst for bringing    on fossil fuels by re-
National Day ceremony      our peoples together; in   orienting our policies,
at Expo 2020 in Dubai,     recommitting to part-      our investments and
United Arab Emirates       nership to address com-    legislative agenda to
(UAE).                     mon cause; to explore      accommodate wind, so-
                           and harness new bound-     lar and geothermal en-
Among       government     aries of technology for    ergy. Currently, we are
officials in attendance    good; to showcase our      developing one of the
were Prime Minister        varied and yet similar     largest solar farms in
Dr Timothy Harris,         cultural expressions; to   the Caribbean and we
Minister of Human          give voice to our future   welcome partnership in
Settlement,      Eugene    ambitions and to ex-       these endeavours.”
Hamilton, St. Kitts        change ideas and create
and Nevis’ Permanent       opportunities to be-       The Prime Minister
Representative       to    come more connected        said      that     the
the United Nations,        partners. This is con-     Federation is commit-
Ambassador Ian Liburd,     sistent with the theme     ted to the Sustainable
and the Federation’s       of “Connecting Minds,      Development      Goals     PM Harris admires the Creative Arts section of St. Kitts and Nevis’ Pavilion at Expo 2020
Ambassador to the          Creating the Future.”      outlined by the United                                in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
UAE, Justin Hawley.                                   Nations.
                           He added that St. Kitts                              United Nations Agenda          COVID-19, with the             farm-to-table concept
Speaking at the cer-       and Nevis is work-         “Goal    number    17     2030. We look forward          support and partnership        hotel.” The Prime
emony,     Dr    Harris    ing towards becom-         speaks to partnership     not only to deepening          of several countries,          Minister said that the
said that St. Kitts and    ing a sustainable and      and the importance of     these partnerships but         like India, the United         health sector focuses
Nevis’ Pavilion at Expo    eco-friendly   tourism     developing    partner-    also to establishing           States, and sister coun-       on wellness and pre-
2020, situated in the      destination, hence its     ships to achieve sus-     new ones.                      tries of CARICOM;              ventative health care,
Sustainability District,   strategic focus dur-       tainable development                                     that St. Kitts and Nevis       and the hope is that
shows the world what       ing Expo 2020 on           as embodied in the        “We believe the Dubai          has     reopened     for       they will be able to
                                                                                Expo 2020 is an ideal          business.                      engage partners to de-
                                                                                place and catalyst for                                        velop and further ex-
                                                                                this. In the spirit of         “The pandemic, which           pand on the offerings.
                                                                                partnership, I delight in      has caused untold
                                                                                sharing that Republic          hardship, loss and             “We intend to intro-
                                                                                of China (Taiwan) like         tragedy across the             duce state-of-the-art
                                                                                the UAE, has been a            world had forced us            tools and first-class
                                                                                sterling partner of St         to close our borders,          service to transform
                                                                                Kitts and Nevis.               but we are now open            our national health-
                                                                                                               and ready to continue          care system to serve
                                                                                “Taiwan’s assistance           to fulfil our commit-          our people and visitors
                                                                                and cooperation are            ment to diversify our          to our twin islands of
                                                                                evident in the areas           economy across mul-            St. Kitts and Nevis.”
                                                                                of renewable energy;           tiple sectors such as
                                                                                environmental conser-          agriculture, technolo-         Dr Harris also hailed
                                                                                vation; public health;         gy, trade, creative arts,      the performance of the
                                                                                agriculture and food se-       and tourism.”                  art and cultural group,
                                                                                curity; education, and                                        who also gave a pre-
                                                                                technology to name but         Dr Harris noted that           sentation, headlined
                                                                                a few. We therefore            several of these are to        by the masquerade
                                                                                wish to register our ap-       be on display during           group that received
                                                                                preciation to the gov-         the expo.                      rave reviews after per-
                                                                                ernment and people of                                         forming at the Expo.
                                                                                Taiwan for their part-         “Our       eco-friendly
                                                                                nership, which contin-         tourism sector is one          “We were able to see
                                                                                ues to offer a pathway         that allows you to en-         the diversity in our cu-
                                                                                for St. Kitts and Nevis        joy nature, our superb         linary arts being pro-
                                                                                to meet or perhaps             hospitality, and an            vided here today in the
                                                                                to expedite progress           authentic twin-island          display of the National
                                                                                towards      sustainable       paradise experience.           Dish of St. Kitts and
                                                                                development.”                                                 Nevis - excellently
                                                                                                               “Our two islands, one          prepared by one of
                                                                                He told the gathering          paradise, sport a range        our renowned chefs,
                                                                                that St Kitts and Nevis        of boutique hotels as          Chef Gary; our arts
                                                                                has reopened to the            well as international          reflected in the works
                                                                                world for business.            luxury brands like the         of Dennis Richards;
                                                                                                               Four Seasons Resort            our music ably repro-
                                                                                “I can confirm, thanks         Nevis, Park Hyatt St           duced by Delly Ranks,
                                                                                to the diligence of our        Kitts and Belmont              among others. I com-
                                                                                national Task Force on         Farm, a one-of-a-kind          mend them all.”
P ag e: 12
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                                                Observer- Friday  November
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                                          CONCEPT TO

                                       A strong CBI Programme aims to:
                     • Create job opportunities
                     • Upgrade the interior airport terminal building
                     • Complete the construction of the Old Road Bay realignment project
                     • Install a new runway and lighting at the RLB International Airport
                     • Construct more hotels
                     • Construct better roads
                     • Construct the bus terminals
                     • Complete the second cruise pier

              Prosperity for our country, a bright future for our people.
                                 CM Y K
        V ER TI SEM
                NEWSENT                                   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                                P ag e: 13

           New COVID
          revealed for
By Loshaun Dixon                   for a resumption of entertain-
                                   ment, and this would be for
                                   fully vaccinated events at                                             Carnival in St. Kitts (File Photo)
New regulations will come          75% capacity. We want the
into effect, starting this week,   event organisers to note this.”
that will govern the safe host-                                       Chief of Staff, Dr Cameron         distancing                            events that are safe, and ap-
ing of ‘Sugar Mas’ and other       Co-Chair of the COVID-19           Wilkinson, said the protocols                                            proved by the task force and
activities.                        Task Force Abdias Samuel           and procedures are being put       “If you are vaccinated and            police force. There are a
                                   announced that the Federal         in place to make this carnival     adequately spaced, the risk of        number of stakeholders we
Chief Medical Officer Dr           Cabinet had agreed to ap-          safe, and to protect all.          you contracting and spread-           have to engage to host these
Hazel Laws on Wednesday            prove the carnival recom-                                             ing COVID-19 is significant-          Carnival events and are ask-
noted that with the approach-      mendations as stipulated.          ‘There are going to be a num-      ly reduced, and those events          ing the general public to be
ing Christmas/Carnival sea-                                           ber of virtual events and there    should be fairly safe.”               supportive.”
son, there are a number of         “I am pleased to inform you        are going to be a number of
events being planned               that the Cabinet has approved      in-person events, and for the      Carnival Chair Shannon                “We are going to have a lim-
                                   for the full lifting of the cur-   in-person events they would        Hawley recently announced             ited live audience for all of
“And so there is a document        few from the regulations.          mainly be for the vaccinated       that this weekend at calypso          our shows. The protocols and
that is being developed to         When you see the new itera-        persons, if it is in an enclosed   tent and other events will            regulations for entrance to
guide the operations in terms      tion of the regulations, there     space, and the capacity would      have a live audience.                 our shows will be released in
of the entertainment industry.     will be no more curfew in St       only be 75 percent so there                                              short order.”
There is a recommendation          Kitts and Nevis.” Medical          could be adequate social           “We are trying to produce

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                          SKN to co-host ICC U19 Men’s
                             World Cup in January
By Loshaun Dixon                           and 31, with the Super League taking
                                           place in Antigua and Barbuda from
                                           January 26.
Fourteen years after co-hosting group
games during the ICC 2007 World            The semi-finals will be played on
Cup, another World Cup will be host-       February 1 across two venues; the Sir
ed in St Kitts and Nevis, this time with   Vivian Richards Cricket Ground and
the Men’s U19 event announced to be        Coolidge Cricket Ground on February
staged in the Caribbean, and three         2. The Final on February 5 will also be
venues in the Federation chosen.           held at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket
Minister of Sports Jonel Powell, in
September, had confirmed to the me-        Cricket West Indies President Ricky
dia that they were submitting a bid to     Skerritt in a statement said they were
host the tournament.                       looking forward to hosting “this im-
                                           portant global U19 cricket event”
“We would have had a delegation in
from the ICC doing inspections to-         “In partnership with host territorial         Warner Park will be one of three venues in the Federation to host matches in the up-
wards a bid we have submitted to host      boards, cricket clubs, and Ministries of                           coming ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup
the U19 World Cup in January,” he          Sports, we have been hard at work pre-
disclosed.                                 paring for this event over the past sev-    Kitts and Nevis are Warner Park,             Diego Martin Sporting Complex,
                                           eral months. However, amid so many          Conaree Cricket Center and the Sandy         Trinidad and Tobago
On Wednesday, Cricket West Indies          Covid-related challenges, it has not        Point Recreation Ground.
revealed the schedule for the 14th         been easy to finalise the venues and to                                                  January 17 – West Indies v Scotland,
                                                                                       ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup              Warner Park Cricket Stadium, St Kitts
edition of the ICC Under 19 Men’s          work out all the related logistics.”        Groupings:
Cricket World Cup that will be held in                                                                                              and Nevis; Australia v Sri Lanka,
the Caribbean for the first time ever.     He said the U19 head coach, Floyd           Group A – Bangladesh, England,               Conaree Cricket Center, St Kitts and
                                           Reifer, and his coaching staff have         Canada, United Arab Emirates                 Nevis
The tournament will feature 16 teams       been busy preparing the West Indies         Group B – India, Ireland, South Africa,      January 18 – England v Canada,
travelling to compete in 48 matches        team for competition.                       Uganda                                       Warner Park Cricket Stadium, St Kitts
from January 14 to February 5 across                                                                                                and Nevis; South Africa v Uganda,
four host countries.                       “West Indies has a proud under-19           Group C – Afghanistan, Pakistan,             Queens Park Oval, Trinidad and
                                           cricket history, with several bright tal-   Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe                   Tobago; Afghanistan v PNG, Diego
The sixteen teams competing will see       ents blossoming into international stars    Group D – Australia, Scotland, Sri           Martin Sporting Complex, Trinidad
current holders Bangladesh, England,       over the years. We, therefore, expect       Lanka, West Indies                           and Tobago
Canada and the United Arab Emirates        our current team of under-19 players        ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup              January 19 – Australia v Scotland,
form Group A, with debutants Uganda        to do us proud in the 2022 tournament.      Venues:                                      Conaree Cricket Center, St Kitts
placed in Group B alongside India,         I am also confident that our visitors                                                    and Nevis; India v Ireland, Brian
South Africa and Ireland. Group C          will experience the best of our world-      St Kitts and Nevis – Warner Park
                                                                                       Cricket Stadium , Conaree Cricket            Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and
comprises Pakistan, Afghanistan,           famous Caribbean culture and hospi-                                                      Tobago
Zimbabwe and Papua New Guinea              tality in Antigua & Barbuda, Guyana,        Center, (Sandy Point - Warm-up match
and Group D sees host West Indies,         St. Kitts & Nevis, and Trinidad &           venue only)                                  January 20 – England v UAE, Warner
Australia and Sri Lanka. Scotland          Tobago.”                                    Guyana – Guyana National Stadium,            Park Cricket Stadium, St Kitts and
complete the tournament line up in                                                     (Everest Cricket Club - Warm-up              Nevis; Bangladesh v Canada, Conaree
Group D after New Zealand withdrew         ICC Head of Events, Chris Tetley            match venue only)                            Cricket Center, St Kitts and Nevis;
due to the extensive mandatory quar-       described the U19 Men’s Cricket                                                          Pakistan v Afghanistan, Brian Lara
antine restrictions for minors on their    World Cup as an exciting and special        Trinidad and Tobago – Brian Lara             Cricket Academy, Trinidad and
return home.                               tournament                                  Cricket Academy, Queens Park Oval,           Tobago; Zimbabwe v PNG, Diego
                                                                                       Diego Martin Sporting Complex                Martin Sporting Complex, Trinidad
The four host countries have been          “So many of the best players have           Antigua and Barbuda – Sir Vivian             and Tobago
confirmed as Antigua and Barbuda,          competed at the U19 Men’s Cricket           Richards Cricket Ground, Coolidge            January 21 – West Indies v Sri Lanka,
Guyana, St Kitts and Nevis and             World Cup including Virat Kohli,            Cricket Ground                               Conaree Cricket Center, St Kitts and
Trinidad and Tobago with 10 ven-           Babar Azam, Joe Root and Shimron            ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup              Nevis; South Africa v Ireland, Brian
ues hosting matches. The format will       Hetmyer, and we are looking forward         match schedule:                              Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and
see the top two teams from each of         to the 2022 edition to see who emerges                                                   Tobago
the four groups advance to the Super       as the future stars.                        January 14 – West Indies v Australia,
                                                                                       Guyana National Stadium, Guyana;             January 22 – Bangladesh v UAE,
League while the remaining teams                                                                                                    Warner Park Cricket Stadium, St Kitts
feature in the Plate across 23 days of     “We are delighted that the West Indies      Sri Lanka v Scotland, Everest Cricket
                                                                                       Club, Guyana                                 and Nevis, India v Uganda, Brian
competition.                               will be hosting this event, and we wish                                                  Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad and
                                           all the teams the very best in their        January 15 – Canada v UAE, Conaree           Tobago; Pakistan v Zimbabwe, Queens
The 48-match schedule will begin with      preparations for the tournament, and        Cricket Center, St Kitts and Nevis;          Park Oval, Trinidad and Tobago
hosts West Indies taking on Australia,     to Cricket West Indies in organising        India v South Africa, Guyana National
with Sri Lanka facing Scotland in          the event.”                                 Stadium, Guyana; Ireland v Uganda,           February 1 – Semi-Final, Sir Vivian
Guyana on January 14. The group                                                        Everest Cricket Club, Guyana;                Richards Cricket Ground, Antigua and
stage will take place across Guyana,       It was also announced that there will       Pakistan v PNG, Queens Park Oval,            Barbuda
St Kitts and Nevis and Trinidad and        be 16 warm-up matches taking place          Trinidad and Tobago                          February 2 – Semi-Final, Coolidge
Tobago between January 14 and 22.          between January 9 and 12 in St Kitts        January 16 – Bangladesh v England,           Cricket Ground, Antigua and Barbuda
                                           and Nevis and Guyana.                       Warner Park Cricket Stadium, St Kitts
Trinidad and Tobago will host the                                                                                                   February 5 – Final, Sir Vivian Richards
                                                                                       and Nevis; Afghanistan v Zimbabwe,           Cricket Ground, Antigua and Barbuda
Plate competition between January 25       The venues chosen to be used in St
LOCAL NEWS                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday November 19th, 2021                                              P ag e: 15

       Three cruise ships on same day
           momentous in rebound

             Tuesday was the first three cruise ship day since March 2020, with the vessels anchored at Port Zante

                                                                By Loshaun Dixon              said Lindsay Grant,          continued confidence
                                                                                              Minister of Tourism,         that our Cruise Line
                                                                                              Transport and Ports.         Partners have in this
                                                                Tuesday marked a                                           beautiful Federation.”
                                                                momentous occasion            Grant said November
                                                                for the tourism sector        has started off strong       Richards          said
                                                                in St Kitts and Nevis,        with the rebound of          COVID-19 has posed
                                                                when three cruise ships       cruise calls to St. Kitts.   significant challenges
                                                                docked at Port Zante si-                                   globally, and in the
                                                                multaneously – the first      “We are excited to con-      federation the impacts
                                                                time since the onset of       tinue welcoming back         have been magnified.
                                                                the pandemic - with the       ships to Port Zante
                                                                AIDAperla making its          throughout the year,         “With the increase
                                                                inaugural call.               as we steadily get back      in cruise ship visits,
                                                                                              on pace to pre-COVID         we have begun the
                                                                The           AIDAperla,      levels.”                     rebuilding     process.
                                                                Celebrity Equinox and                                      As a government, we
                                                                Explorer of the Seas all      Tourism      authorities     continue to make de-
                                                                berthed at Port Zante         have indicated that          cisions that balance
                                                                -the first time the island    cruise ship passen-          lives and livelihoods,
                                                                welcomed three cruise         gers are invited to          but it must be noted
                                                                ships together since          explore the destina-         that the health and
                                                                March 2020.                   tion through “Travel         safety of our nationals
                                                                                              Approved”        bubble      and residents remain
                                                                The three cruise ships        vaccinated tours and         top priority.” He cau-
                                                                brought a total of more       attraction sites, where      tioned, however, not
                                                                than 5,000 passengers,        passengers        inter-     to take eyes off pres-
                                                                who are part of the           act solely with fully        ent reality.
                                                                more than 78,000 an-          vaccinated taxi/tour
                                                                ticipated in November         operators, attraction        “COVID -19 is still
                                                                and December.                 tour guides, seaport         prevalent globally, and
                                                                                              officials and cruise-        while we embark on
                                                                “We are thrilled to host      related personnel.           the journey to rebuild,
                                                                three cruise ships on the                                  we must do so safely.
                                                                same day, as it exempli-      Acting Prime Minister        No report of cruise-
                                                                fies the rebound of our       Shawn          Richards      related Covid cases is
                                                                cruise sector, and the        in welcoming the             a testament to the fact
                                                                hard work we’ve been          AIDAperla said it was        that the protocols are
                                                                doing on the island to        a momentous occasion         working. I want to en-
                                                                ensure a safe and wel-        for the entire country.      courage us to continue
                                                                coming environment                                         to do our part.”
                                                                for cruise passengers,”       “It      reflects     the
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        Nevisian man
                                                                            arrangements,” he said.

         walks again
                                                                            Huggins began receiv-
                                                                            ing physical therapy at
                                                                            the Alexandra Hospital
                                                                            to ensure that he con-

       after successful
                                                                            tinued moving his legs
                                                                            and fingers before the

                                                                            The Observer under-
                                                                            stands that the surgery
                                                                            was performed in the
                                                                            British Virgin Islands.
                                                                            Dr. Liburd, the Surgeon,
By Monique Washington                 sneaked up on him without any pain.   was born in Nevis and
                                                                            raised in Gingerland
                                    “I had a limp and shortly after I was   ( he currently lives in
Gingerland resident Bernard Huggins unable to walk. I was never in pain,    Jamaica) and is the
has been given a second chance at   and because of that I never under-      first neurologist from
walking after a life-changing sur-  stood the extent of the injury and      Nevis. In 2016, he
gery was performed by Nevisian      what I was going through. Once I        created a partnership
Neurosurgeon Dr Geoffrey Liburd.    got the MRI, I reached out to Doctor    with the Nevis Island
                                    Liburd. He explained everything to      Administration which
Liburd said that his near paralysis me, and from there we started making    would allow Nevisians                       Neurosurgeon Dr Geoffrey Liburd
                                                                            to access neurology.
                                                                            Dr. Liburd said that it       paralysis.”               Huggins has improved
                                                                            was his dream to come                                   significantly. He said
                                                                            back to Nevis and to          Dr. Liburd stressed that Huggins has gone
                                                                            contribute, and to even-      how necessary it was from not walking to be-
                                                                            tually perform neuro-         for Huggins to have the ing able to walk. Liburd
                                                                            surgeries on the island.      surgery when he did.      is currently receiving
                                                                            He meets with his pa-                                   physical therapy at the
                                                                            tients in Nevis a number      “We were able to get to Alexandra Hospital.
                                                                            of times per year.            him in a relatively time-
                                                                                                          ly fashion. A few more “We are indeed quite
                                                                            According    to    Dr.        weeks and he probably happy that we were
                                                                            Liburd, Huggins’ spine        would have been total- able to do that,” Dr
                                                                            was 95% compressed,           ly paralyzed. I would Liburd said.
                                                                            and without surgery he        have not been able to
                                                                            would have been fully         help him. We are quite Huggins expressed his
                                                                            paralyzed.                    thankful that we were gratitude to Dr Liburd,
                                                                                                          able to do that,” he his therapist and fami-
                                                                            “He essentially pre-          said.                     ly, and was particularly
                                                                            sented to us having                                     thankful to Dr Liburd
                                                                            difficulty walking, and       Dr Liburd said that for “giving me a sec-
                                                                            he eventually was un-         since the surgery, ond chance”.
                                                                            able to stand. Things
                                                                            were falling from his
                                                                            hands, so he wasn’t
                                                                            able to grasp simple ob-
                                                                            jects like a cup to feed
                                                                            himself, brush his teeth
                                                                            - those kinds of basic
                                                                            things that we all take
                                                                            for granted. And even-
                                                                            tually he ended up being
                                                                            in a wheelchair. He had
                                                                            significant spinal cord
                                                                            compression. He had
                                                                            about 95% of his spinal
                                                                            cord compressed. Now
                                                                            that is quite significant.
                                                                            “And the majority of
                                                                            patients, actually, if they
                                                                            have that significant
                                                                            amount of compression,
                                                                            it does not take much to
                                                                            make them paralyzed. A
                                                                            patient might slip while
                                                                            walking or you might
                                                                            be in a car and you get
                                                                            in an accident and you
                                                                            get a sort of whiplash
                                                                            injury, and that would             Bernard Huggins walking after spinal surgery
                                                                            essentially cause total
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