2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Page created by Beth Williamson
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada
                                                                                      A’Bunadh Seeds
                                                                                      Box 127, Cherhill AB, T0E 0J0

                                                                                      Heirloom seeds and plants grown in
                                                                                      Northern Alberta.

                                                                                      Adaptive Seeds
                                                                                      25079 Brush Creek Rd

                                                                                      Sweet Home OR 97386
                                                                                      Pacific Northwest grown, open-pollinated
                                                          ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON   organic seed.

                                                                                      Agrohaitai Ltd.
                                                                                      2764 Hwy 99, Box 45
Welcome to Small Farm Canada’s                                                        Lynden ON L0R 1T0
annual seed buying guide. You’ll                                                      agrohaitai.com
find seed suppliers from across                                                       Seeds for Oriental vegetables.
Canada and the U.S. who have
                                                                                      Annapolis Seeds
worked hard to supply                                                                 8528 Hwy 201, Nictaux NS B0S 1P0
whatever seeds, bulbs,                                                                annapolisseeds.com
                                                                                      Heirloom vegetable, grain, herb and
corms etc. your small farm                                                            flower seeds — all grown in the Mari-
needs. So put a log on the                                                            times by small-scale growers committed
                                                                                      to ecological farming methods. A living
fire, curl up with the cat
                                                                                      seed bank.
and start planning!
                                                                                      Aster Lane Edibles
                                                                                      Kinburn ON
                                                                                      Ornamental edibles and other
                                                                                      practical plants.

                                                                                      August’s Harvest
                                                                                      4727 E Perth Road 130
                                                                                      Gads Hill ON, N0K 1J0
                                                                                      Seed garlic: Porcelains (Music, Norquay),
                                                                                      Rocambole (Legacy), Purple Stripe
                                                                                      (Jachlo), Glazed Purple Stripe (Svea) and
                                                                                      Elephant garlic. Garlic livestock feed

                                                                                      Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
                                                                                      2278 Baker Creek Road
                                                                                      Mansfield MO 65704 USA
                                                                                      Heirloom vegetable, herb and flower

                                                                                      Berton Seeds
                                                                                      4260 Weston Rd.
                                                                                      Toronto ON M9L 1W9
                                                                                      Italian vegetable seeds.

 22 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Bird & Bee                                       Brother Nature Organic Seeds                     D&H Newman
2530 Autumn Hill Cres.                           1159 Wychbury Ave., Victoria BC V9A 5L1          Ripley ON
Ottawa ON, K1B 4M7                               250-661-2255                                     dandhnewman.ca/garlic
613-601-9177                                     www.brothernature.ca                             50+ varieties of organically grown heritage
Birdandbee.ca                                    Organic, open-pollinated vegetable seed.         garlic.
Small organic urban seed house.
                                                 Canadian Prairie Garlic Escape                   DDC Dahlias
BC Eco Seed Co-op
                                                 306-736-8373                                     4558 Maple Guard Dr.
bcseedcoop@gmail.com                             www.saskgarlic.ca                                Bowser BC, V0R 1G0
                                                 Chemical-free seed garlic.                       1-778-653-9473
BC-based producer co-operative of 17 seed
growers providing BC-grown ecological and                                                         ddandc@shaw.ca
certified organic seed — vegetables, herbs,      Casey’s Heirloom                                 www.ddcdahlias.com
flowers and grains. From packets to bulk         Tomatoes of Airdrie                              Providing show-quality dahlias and many are
quantities, the BC Eco Seed Co-op has seeds      Airdrie AB                                       our own originations — we sell our tubers in
for all growers.                                 www.caseysheirloomtomatoes.ca                    the spring so watch for dates on the website.
                                                 Seeds from open-pollinated tomatoes.
BC’s Wild Heritage Plants                                                                         De Dell Seeds
604-858-5141                                     Chiltern Seeds                                   Incorporated
www.bcwildheritage.com                           Crowmarsh Battle Barns,                          7095 Century Drive
Native shrubs, ferns, bulbs and ground covers.   114 Preston Crowmarsh                            Melbourne ON, N0L 1T0
                                                 Wallingford OX10 6SL England                     519-264-2676
Blazing Star Wildflower                          chilternseeds.co.uk                              www.dedellseeds.com
Seed Company                                     Seeds for vegetables, herbs and ornamentals.     Non-GMO corn hybrids. Celebrating our
Box 382, Aberdeen SK S0K 0A0                                                                      20th anniversary.
306-253-4219                                     Choked Up
growwildflowers.ca                                                                                Eagle Creek Seed
Wildflower and tomato seeds.                     Salmon Arm BC
                                                 Jerusalem Artichokes.                            Box 70, Bowden AB, T0M 0K0
Botanus Inc.                                                                                      877-224-3939
PO Box 3184, Langley BC, V3A 4R5                                                                  Seedpotatoes.ca
1-800-672-3413 / 604-513-0100                    Cochrane Family Seeds
                                                                                                  Seed potatoes.
service@botanus.com                              5324 Hwy 289
www.botanus.com                                  Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0
                                                                                                  Eagleridge Seeds
Botanus is one of Canada’s most trusted mail-    902-671-2378
order suppliers of fine horticultural products   www.cochranefamilyseeds.com                      219 Eagleridge Drive
including flower bulbs, perennials, roses and    Certified organic, heirloom vegetable, herb      Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2L1
gardening accessories.                           and flower seed.                                 250-537-5677
Boughen Nurseries                                Corn Hill Nursery Ltd.                           Sustainably grown rare and endangered
Box 1955, Nipawin SK S0E 1E0                                                                      heirloom seeds including vegetables, herbs,
                                                 2700 Rte. 890, Corn Hill NB E4Z 1M2
306-862-5313                                                                                      flowers and tomatoes. A living seed bank for
www.boughennurseries.com                                                                          endangered seeds.
Hardy fruit and nut trees.                       Hardy fruit trees, roses and perennials.
                                                                                                  Edgebrook Farm Curated
Boundary Garlic                                                                                   Seed Company
                                                 Cowlitz River Dahlias
Box 273, Midway BC V0H 1M0                                                                        5130 6th Line Essa
250-449-2152                                     100 Chapman Rd., Castle Rock WA, 98611
                                                                                                  Cookstown ON, L0L 1L0
garlicfarm.ca                                    360-751-1280
Certified organic garlic for seed.               teresa@dahlias4u.com
Breck’s Bulbs                                    Specializing in unusual and hard-to-find dahl-
                                                                                                  With over 1200 varieties of flower, herb and
9353 Graham Road                                 ias. Tubers shipped to Canada and worldwide
                                                                                                  vegetable seed, we specialize in tried and true
West Lorne ON N0L 2P0                            (where allowed).
                                                                                                  blooms that provide long stems and long vase
800-644-5505                                                                                      life for the professional cut flower farmer and
brecksbulbs.ca                                   Creekside Growers Inc.
                                                                                                  passionate home gardener alike. Wholesale
Flower bulbs.                                    692 Windham Rd. 11                               quantities available.
                                                 Delhi ON, N4B 2W5
Brooks Gardens Peonies                           905-746-9253                                     Edible Antiques
6219 Topaz Street NE, Brooks OR                  www.creeksidegrowers.ca
                                                                                                  11 Spencer Street
brooksgardens@gmail.com                          Specializing in the cultivation and propaga-
www.brooksgardens.com                                                                             Picton ON K0K 2T0
                                                 tion of dahlia tubers, we ship Canada-wide
Peony roots for Canadian gardeners, land-                                                         www.edibleantiques.ca
                                                 and can accommodate any size order. We
scapes and cut flower growers.                                                                    Open-pollinated, heirloom seeds.
                                                 serve both the individual and wholesale

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2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Ellenberger Organic Farm                               Florabunda Seeds                                Golden Bough Tree Farm
1607 The Ridge Rd                                      Box 38, Keene ON K0L 2G0                        Box 29, 900 Napanee Rd.
Coe Hill ON, K0L 1P0                                   705-295-6440                                    Marlbank ON, K0K 2L0
613-337-8824                                           florabundaseeds.com                             www.goldenboughtrees.ca
www.ellenbergerorganicfarm.com                         Florabunda Seeds is dedicated to preserving     Bare-root trees and shrubs for mail order or
Certified organic, certified seed potatoes.            old species of flowers, vegetables and herbs.   pick up.
                                                       Most seeds are organic; all are untreated,
Eternal Seed                                           non-GMO and non-hybrid. Family-owned            Green Barn Farm
2309 Zilinsky Road                                     business.                                       2103 blvd. Perrot
Powell River BC V8A 0N8                                                                                Notre-Dame-de-l’Ile-Perrot QC, J7V 8P4
604-487-1304                                           Floret                                          514-951-9757
eternalseed.ca                                         PO Box 281, Mount Vernon WA, 98273              greenbarnfarm.ca
Seeds and plants for ​vegetables, flowers and          support@floretflowers.com                       Fruit plants and seeds.
herbs.                                                 www.floretflowers.com
                                                       Specialty cut flower seeds.                     Greta’s Organic Gardens
Eureka Garlic                                                                                          399 River Rd., Ottawa ON K1V 1C9
6 Rte 233 RR 6, Kensington PEI, C0B 1M0                Fraser’s Thimble Farms                          613-521-8648
902-836-5180                                           175 Arbutus Rd.                                 seeds-organic.com
al@eurekagarlic.ca                                     Salt Spring Island BC V8K 1A3                   Certified organic seed for vegetables and
Seed garlic.                                           250-537-5788                                    herbs.
Evergreen Seed                                         Pacific Northwest native plants.                Grimo Nut Nursery
Various sales reps in Ontario.                                                                         979 Lakeshore Rd, RR 3
evergreenseed.ca                                       Full Circle Seeds                               Niagara-on-the-Lake ON
Forage and cover crop seed.                            PO Box 807 Sooke, BC V9Z 1H8                    LOS 1JO
                                                       250-642-3671                                    See website for seed sales.
Ferme écomaraîchère                                    fullcircleseeds.com                             www.grimonut.com
La croisée des cultures                                Locally grown, organic, open-pollinated seed.   Hardy nut trees.
229 place du Platin
Sainte-Claire QC G0R 2V0                               Fungi Perfecti                                  Grim’s Organic Gourmet Garlic
www.croiseedescultures.com                             PO Box 7634, Olympia WA 98507                   Surrey BC
Open-pollinated seeds for short seasons.               800-780-9126                                    Gourmetgarlicfarm.ca
Certified Organic.                                     fungi.com                                       Seed garlic.
                                                       Fungal spawn and accessories.
Ferncliff Gardens                                                                                      Grow Wild Native
35344 McEwan Ave, Mission BC, V2V 6R4                  Gardens Plus                                    Plant Nursery
604-826-2447                                           136 County Road 4                               3784 Highway #7
info@ferncliffgardens.com                              Peterborough ON K9L 1V6                         Omemee ON, K0L 2W0
www.ferncliffgardens.com                               www.gardensplus.ca                              416-735-7490
Dahlia specialist — over 150 varieties. Top            705-742-5918                                    nativeplantnursery.ca
quality. 2020 is our 100th year!                       Hosta and easy-care perennials.                 Native plants.

                                                       General Seed Company                            Halifax Seed Company
                                                       Various dealers                                 5860 Kane St., Box 8026 STN A
                                                       generalseedcompany.ca                           Halifax NS B3K 5L8
                                                       Forage, corn and cover crop seed.               902-454-7456
                                                       Golden Acres Farm                               Vegetable, herb and flower seed.
                                                       2579 Line 47, RR #1, Gads Hill ON N0K 1J0
                                                       519-656-3152                                    Hardy Fruit Trees Nursery
                                                       goldenacresfarm@hotmail.com                     5094 Route 125
                                                       Certified organic seed garlic.                  Rawdon QC J0K 1S0
                                                       Good Earth Farms                                www.hardyfruittrees.ca
                                                       7636 Island Hwy., Black Creek BC V9J 1G6        Saplings for fruit and nut trees.
                                                       goodearthfarms@shaw.ca                          Harmonic Herbs
                                                       www.goodearthfarms.ca                           RR #3, Barrhead AB T7N 1N4
                                                       Amazing naturally grown open-pollinated         www.harmonicherbs.com
                                                       vegetable, herb and flower seed; 100 per cent   Offering gardeners seed for the finest veg-
                                                       grown by us since 2000. 70 varieties. See       etables, herbs and flowers you can grow in
                                                       catalog on website. Bulk available.             short season climates.

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2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Hawthorn Farm                         Howard Dill Enterprises               La ferme coopérative               Le Jardin de Julie
Organic Seeds                         RR 1 400 College Road                 Tourne-Sol                         Box 1191
RR 3, 5961 5th Line                   Windsor NS, B0N 2T0                   1035 ch. St-Dominique              Rimouski (Bic) QC, G0L 1B0
Palmerston ON, N0G 2P0                902-798-2728                          Les Cèdres QC, J7T 1P5             Order online:
519-343-3375                          howarddill.com                        450-452-4271                       www.jardindejulie.com
www.hawthornfarm.ca                   Pumpkin seed.                         boutique.fermetournesol.qc.ca      info@jardindejulie.com
Certified organic open-pollinated                                           Certified organic vegetables and   Heirloom seeds for vegetables,
seeds.                                                                      flower seeds; garlic.              herbs and flowers, naturally
                                      Incredible Seed Company
                                      RR1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0                                             grown.
Helmers Organic Farm
                                      888-851-6620                          La Finquita
Pemberton BC                                                                                                   Le potager ornemental
                                      www.incredibleseeds.ca                Wallace NS
604-894-6618                                                                                                   de Catherine
helmersorganic.com                    More than 400 varieties of high       www.lafinquita.ca
Organic, certified virus-free seed    quality, open-pollinated vegetable    Seeds for wild plants.             678 Rang Bois Franc
potatoes.                             seed as well as seed for trees, ed-                                      St Apollinaire QC, G0S 2E0
                                      ible flowers, permaculture plants.    La Société des plantes             www.potagerornemental.com
Heritage Harvest Seed                                                       207 rang de l’Embarras             Seeds for open-pollinated veg-
Box 279, Carman MB R0G 0J0            Jardin des vie-la-joie                Kamouraska QC G0L 1M0              etables.
204-745-6489                          447 11e rang                          418-492-2493
heritageharvestseed.com                                                     www.lasocietedesplantes.com        Les Jardins de
                                      Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière QC
Rare and endangered heirloom/                                               Organic heirloom seeds.            l’Écoumène
                                      G0S 2A0
heritage vegetables, flowers, herbs   438-888-3032                                                             2855 ch. de l’Écoumène
and grain with over 700 varieties.
                                      vielajoie.com                         Laughing Swan                      Saint-Damien QC, J0K 2E0
The farm uses organic methods;                                              Farm Seeds                         450-835-1149
                                      Medicinal, ornamental and veg-
95 per cent of seed grown on                                                Near Kamloops, BC                  www.ecoumene.com
Canadian farms.                       etable seeds.
                                                                            www.laughingswanfarm.com           Organic open-pollinated veg-
                                                                            Award-winning tomatoes, veggies    etable, grain and herb seeds.
Heritage Seed & Produce               Jeremy Schuurman
                                      “The Dahlia Expert”                   and herbs.
192 Charlie Lane
Westport ON, K0G 1X0                  Flamborough Flowers LTD
613-273-2948                          906 6th Concession West
heritageseedandproduce.com            Millgrove ON, L8B 1M9
Heirloom seeds.                       289-439-3084
High Mowing                           Dahlia tubers for your farm
Organic Seeds                         garden! Shipped across Canada in
76 Quarry Road                        time for spring planting.
Wolcott VT 05680 USA
802-472-6174                          John Boy Farms
Seeds for vegetables, herbs and       Manitoba
                                                                             Seed Catalogue
Hole’s Greenhouses                    Garlic.
& Gardens Ltd
101 Riel Drive                        Johnny’s Selected
St. Albert AB T8N 3X4                 Seeds
780-419-6800                          955 Benton Ave
Seeds, saplings and plants.           Winslow ME 04901
Hope Seeds                            Helping growers succeed by
Box 460, 324 St. George Street        providing superior seeds, tools,
Annapolis Royal NS B0S1A0             service and information.
www.hopeseed.com                      Kitchen Table Seed
                                                                                  Call or write us.
Organic, open-pollinated seed for     House
                                                                                                     On t a ri o S e e d C o . , L i m i t ed
flowers, herbs and vegetables.                                                                       Box 7
                                      602 Hwy 95
                                                                                                     W a te r l o o , ON N 2J 3 Z 6
Horizon Seeds                         Wolfe Island ON, K0H 2Y0
Various dealers                       www.kitchentableseedhouse.ca                                   Te l . (5 1 9 ) 8 8 6- 0 5 5 7
                                      “Organic. Short seasons. Produc-
Field crop seeds.                     tivity. Flavour.”                                              seeds@oscseeds.com
                                                                                www.smallf armcanada.ca • NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2019 • 25
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Les Semences du Batteux                                      McKenzie Seeds
Lévis QC                                                     1000 Parker Boulevard                           Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds
www.lessemencesdubatteux.ca                                  Brandon MB, R7A 6E1                             PO Box 80, 118 1st Avenue West
lessemencesdubatteaux@gmail.com                              204-571-7500 / 1-800-665-6340                   Parkside SK, S0J 2A0
Seeds for vegetables, herbs and flowers.                     www.mckenzieseeds.com                           306-747-2935
                                                             Founded in 1896 in Brandon, Manitoba,           www.sprouting.com
Lindenberg Seeds                                             McKenzie Seeds is Canada’s largest packager     Certified organic seed for sprouting.
803 Princess Ave.                                            and distributor of packet seeds and lawn and
Brandon MB R7A 0P5                                           garden products.                                Naramata Seed Company
204-727-0575                                                                                                 5865 North Naramata Rd.
lindenbergseeds.ca                                           Metchosin Farm seed                             Naramata BC V0H 1N1
Flower and vegetable seeds.                                  542 Wootton Rd., Metchosin BC V9C 3Z4           www.naramataseedco.ca
                                                             metchosinfarm.ca                                Heritage vegetable seeds.
Matchbox Garden                                              Locally grown, adapted & open-pollinated
and Seed Co.                                                 seeds                                           Natural Seed Bank
1350 Haldimand Hwy 54                                                                                        www.seed-bank.ca
Caledonia ON N3W 1V9                                         Morgan County Seeds                             Non-GMO, untreated seeds.
226-920-4974                                                 18761 Kelsay Rd., Barnett MO 65011-3009
www.matchboxgarden.ca                                        573-378-2655                                    Norton Naturals
Certified organic seeds for vegetables, herbs,               MorganCountySeeds.com                           Eastern Ontario
and flowers.                                                 Organic vegetable and herb seeds.               www.nortonnaturals.com
                                                                                                             Planting stock for perennial vegetables.
Mapple Farm                                                  Mountain Grove Seed Company
129 Beech Hill Road                                          Parham ON                                       Norwegian Creek Farm
Weldon NB E4H 4N5                                            www.mountaingroveseedcompany.com                Box 45, Midway BC V0H 1M0
mapplefarm.com                                               613-876-8383                                    www.norwegiancreekfarm.ca
Seeds and plant stock for interesting edibles.               Organically grown, open-pollinated vegetable,   Certified organic garlic bulbs and bulbils.
                                                             herb and flower seeds. Since 2008.              Over 75 varieties, well adapted to Canada’s
                                                                                                             varied climate. Grown only on the family

                                                                                                             Ontario Seed Company (OSC)
                                                                                                             Box 7, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z6
                                                                                                             Seeds for vegetables, flowers, forages, cover
                                                                                                             crops, grasses, native plants, trees and wild-
                                                                                                             flowers. Sells Aimers certified organic seed and
                                                                                                             native custom seed mixes. Fifth-generation
                                                                                                             family business.

                                                                                                             Seeds, plants and fungal spawn.

                                                                                                             Parkland Peonies
       PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL VARIETIES                                                                     Adam Yakabuskie
                                                                                                             235 Prestwick Mews SE, Calgary AB, T2Z 3X7
                Over 1100 Vegetable, Herb, Flower, Fruit,                                                    1-403-819-3881
               Cover Crop, Microgreen and Sprouting seeds.                                                   www.parklandpeonies.com
                                                                                                             Featuring 500 varieties of peony. We sell
          All seeds are untreated and suitable                                                               peony roots, peony cut flowers and martagon
             for Organic growing, Non-GMO
                                                                                                             Peony World
                       Organic Cover Crops Now Available                                                     2221 Bloor St., Bowmanville ON, L1C 1L7
                     REQUEST A FREE CATALOGUE ONLINE                                                         peonyworld@hotmail.ca
                                                                                                             Bare peony roots shipped in the fall.
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2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Perfectly Perennial Herbs                        Renee’s Garden Seed                              Select Seedling
and Seeds                                        6060 Graham Hill Road                            Nursery Ltd.
Box 675, Pouch Cove NL, A0A 3L0                  Felton CA, 95018                                 Box 92A RR# 3
www.perfectlyperennial.ca                        1-888-880-7228                                   Saskatoon SK S7K3J6
Seeds for perennial and self-seeding vegeta-     Reneesgarden.com                                 306-978-1940
bles, herbs and flowers.                         We specialize in vegetable, herb and flower      seedling@lshore.com
                                                 packets, especially for kitchen gardeners,       Saskatoon berries, shelterbelts, budding
Prairie Garden Seeds
                                                 chosen for flavour and productivity, including   understock.
Box 2758, Humboldt SK S0K 2A0                    a full line of organics and diverse heirloom
306-682-1475                                     flower varieties.                                Semences du Portage
Open-pollinated vegetable, flower and grains.                                                     3476 rue Ste-Catherine Est.
                                                 Rhora’s Nut Farm & Nursery                       Montréal QC, H1W 2E2
Quality Seeds Ltd.                               RR 1, 33083 Wills Rd.                            438-384-4341
8400 Huntington Road                             Wainfleet ON, L0S 1V0                            semencesduportage.com
Vaughan ON L4L 1A5                               905-899-3508                                     Vegetables, medicinal herbs and flowers.
905-856-7333 or 1-800- 856-7333                  nuttrees.com
qualityseeds.ca                                  Edible Pine nut trees and other nut trees,       Siloam Orchards
Forage, turf, cover crop and wildflower seeds.   hybrid oak trees.                                (Slabtown Cider Co.)
                                                                                                  Uxbridge ON
Quality Seeds West                               Richters Herbs                                   Siloamorchards.com
464 Riverside Road                               357 Hwy 47, Goodwood ON L0C 1A0                  Heirloom fruit trees.
Abbotsford BC V2S 7M1                            905-640-6677, 800-668-4372
604-574-7333/1-888-770-7333 (BC/AB)              richters.com                                     Silver Creek Nursery
support@qualityseedswest.ca                      Seeds and plants for herbs and vegetables.
www.qualityseedswest.ca                                                                           2343 Gerber Rd.
Forage, turf and reclamation seed.                                                                Wellesley ON N0B 2T0
                                                 Rupp Seeds                                       519-804-6060
Railway Creek Farm                               17919 County Road B                              silvercreeknursery.ca
2601 Cooper Rd., Madoc ON, K0K 2K0               Wauseon OH 43567-9458                            From apples to apricots, from pears to peach-
613-813-3918                                     800-700-1199                                     es, from quince to cherries, bare root fruit
www.railwaycreekfarms.com                        Ruppseeds.com                                    trees for home gardeners and small orchards.
Garlic.                                          Vegetable seed.                                  No synthetic fertilizers or pesticides used.

Rainbow Seeds                                    Sage Garden                                      Soggy Creek Seed
5763 King St., Rte 114                           3410 St Mary’s Rd.                               c/o Piebird Bed & Breakfast/FarmStay
Riverside-Albert NB E4H-4A7                      Winnipeg, MB R2N 4E2                             113 Chapman’s Landing Rd.
506-882-0913                                     204-257-2715                                     Nipissing Village ON, P0H 1W0
rainbowseeds.ca                                  sagegarden.ca                                    705-724-1144
Non-GMO seeds.                                                                                    Seeds.soggycreek.com
                                                 Certified organic seeds.
Rasa Creek Farm                                                                                   Re-named heirloom seeds for vegetables and
                                                 Salt Spring Seeds                                herbs.
1871 Trinity Valley Rd. Lumby BC V0E 2G4
250-547-2077                                     Box 444 Ganges
                                                 Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2W1                    Solana Seeds
50+ varieties of seed garlic.                    250-537-5269                                     17 place Leger
                                                 saltspringseeds.com                              Repentigny QC J6A 5N7
Ravensong Seeds & Herbals                        Open-pollinated vegetable, grain and herb        solanaseeds.netfirms.com
Box 169, Saanichton BC V8M 2C3                   seeds and garlic.                                Vegetable, flower and exotic plant seeds.
Medicinal herb seeds.                            Seeds for Food                                   Somerville Seedlings
                                                 222 Route 112 Ouest                              5884 County Road 13, Box 1445
Rebecca’s Garden                                 Bishopton QC J0B 1J0                             Everett ON L0M 1J0
British Columbia                                 819-832-4969                                     1-877-708-7337
250-727-3788                                     Farm seeds grown with integrity.                 treeseedlings.com
rebsgarden@shaw.ca                                                                                Seedlings for trees and bushes.
Certified organic heirloom seeds.                Seeds of IMBOLC
                                                 495 Anderson St S                                Stokes Seeds
Red Lion Farm
Box 473, 8997 North Highway 6                    Fergus ON, N1M 1Z8                               296 Collier Rd S, Box 10
Salmo BC V0G 1Z0                                 519-820-2806                                     Thorold ON, L2V 5E9
250-509-2300                                     www.seedsofimbolc.ca                             800-396-9238
www.redlionorganic.com                           Locally grown, authentically organic seeds and   stokeseeds.com
Certified organic seed garlic.                   plants.                                          Vegetable, herb, flower seed.

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2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Sunshine Farm                                          The Cutting Veg                                  Warwick Dahlias
2225 Saucier Rd, Kelowna BC V1W 4B8                    Jackson’s Point ON L0E 1L0                       1672 Constitution Road
250-448-1826                                           647-388-7444                                     Black Creek BC, V9J 1G2
sunshinefarm.net                                       www.thecuttingveg.com                            250-337-8985
Certified organic seeds for heirloom and               Organic garlic.                                  warwickdahlias@gmail.com
unusual vegetables, herbs, grain and flowers.                                                           warwickdahlias.com
Home to Vocational Services for Adults, Sun-                                                            A small cut flower farm specializing in dahlia
shine Farm aspires to epitomize a sustainable          The Market Garden
                                                                                                        blooms and dahlia tubers.
family farm which also serves its community.           810 Catherine St.
                                                       Victoria BC V9A 3V1                              West Coast Seeds
Swan Island Dahlias                                    250-384-7023
PO Box 700, Canby OR 97013                                                                              5300 34B Ave.
503-266-7711 / 1-800-410-6540 (US only)                                                                 Delta BC V4L 2P1
                                                       Organic heirloom seeds.
info@dahlias.com                                                                                        604-952-8820/1-888-804-8820
dahlias.com                                                                                             Untreated and non-GMO seeds for 1,100+
                                                       The Seed Company                                 varieties of vegetables, fruit, herbs, cover
The largest grower of dahlias in the United
States with over 370 varieties.                        by E.W. Gaze                                     crops, sprouting, microgreens and wildflow-
                                                       138 Harbour Drive                                ers. Committed to sustainable agriculture.
T&T Seeds Ltd.                                         St. John’s NL, A1C 5K8                           Supplying customers with the freshest, fattest,
Box 1710, Winnipeg MB R3C 3P6                          709-722-4590                                     high-germination seed available.
204-895-9962 or 204-895-9964                           theseedcompany.ca
ttseeds.com                                            Seeds for vegetables, herbs and flowers.         Whiffletree Farm
Seeds or rootstock for vegetables, shrubs and                                                           and Nursery Inc.
fruit trees.                                           TreeTime.ca                                      6987 8th Line West
                                                       3464 78 Avenue NW                                Elora ON, N0B 1S0
Tasty Acres
                                                       Edmonton AB, T6B 2X9                             519-669-1349
4360-30th St NE, Salmon Arm BC V1E 2A3                                                                  Info@whiffletree.ca
250-833-4821                                           1-844-873-3700
tastyacres.ca & tasty acres on Facebook                Woody plants, native plants and shrubs.
                                                                                                        Wholesale (and retail) cold hardy and disease
Certified organic nursery for edible & fruit
bearing plants: strawberries, asparagus, rasp-                                                          resistant fruit and nut trees in Ontario.
                                                       Unicorn Blooms
berries, aronia (chokeberry), blueberries, rhu-
barb, blackcurrants, blackberries, gooseberries,       528 Weller St.                                   Wild Garden Seed
goji berry and horseradish.                            Peterborough ON                                  Box 1509, Philomath OR 97370
                                                       contact@unicornblooms.com                        541-929-4068
Terra Edibles                                          unicornblooms.com                                wildgardenseed.com
Box 164, 535 Ashley St., Foxboro ON, K0K 2B0           Offering wholesale Italian Ranunculus and        Certified organic seed for vegetables, herbs,
613-961-0654                                           Mistral Anemones, Colibri poppy seeds, sweet     flowers and grain.
terraedibles.ca                                        pea seeds, dahlia tubers, specialty fall bulbs
Organically grown seeds for heirloom veg-              including tulips and narcissus.                  Wildrose Heritage
etables and herbs. Also lavender products,                                                              Seed Company
wild-crafted teas and gardening books. Visit           Veseys Seeds Ltd.                                Box 355, Station Main
our shop, the Village Green in Foxboro.
                                                       Box 9000, Charlottetown PEI C1A 8K6              Lethbridge AB, T1J 3Y7
                                                       800-363-7333                                     403-380-0098
                                                       veseys.com                                       www.wildroseheritageseed.com
                                                       Since 1939, Vesey’s have provided the garden-    Vegetable, herb and flower seed.
                                                       ers of Canada with an extensive selection of
                                                       vegetable, flower, herb and organic seeds.       William Dam Seeds
                                                                                                        279 Hwy 8, RR1
                                                       W. Atlee Burpee & Co                             Dundas ON, L9H 5E1
                                                       300 Park Ave
                                                       Warminster PA 18974                              Seeds for vegetables, flowers, cover crops and
                                                       Burpee.com                                       small fruit.
                                                       Vegetable, herb and flower seeds.
                                                                                                        Wylie Mycologicals Ltd.
                                                       W.H. Perron
 Celestial Planting Calendar                           (Dominion Seed House)
                                                                                                        166 South Bass Lake Road
                                                                                                        Georgian Bluffs ON, N0H 2T0
            Informative articles                       2914 Curé-Labelle Blvd.                          519-534-1570
      Biodynamic recommendations                       Laval QC, H7P 5R9                                www.wyliemycologicals.ca
                                                       450-682-9071/1-800-723-9071                      wylie@interlog.com
   Plant & harvest by sun, moon & stars
                                                       www.dominion-seed-house.com                      Specialty mushroom grow blocks.
                                                       Seeds for flowers, vegetables and herbs. Mail
   earthhavenlearning.ca                               orders only.

28 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Seed saving libraries and
                                         International Seed Saving Insti-                Saskatoon Seed Library
networks                                 tute                                            www.saskatoonseedlibrary.ca
                                         PO Box 4619, Ketchum ID, 83350
Atlantic Canada Regional Seed            Seedsave.org/issi/issi.html                     Seeds of Diversity Canada
                                         J.L. Hudson, Seedsman                           1-12 Dupont St W., Waterloo ON N2L
Truro NS
                                         Box 337, La Honda, California 94020-0337        2X6
Canadian Seed Library                    USA                                             226-600-7782
www.acornorganic.org/seedsecurity/bank   jlhudsonseeds.net                               www.seeds.ca

Seeds of Diversity                       Just Food                                       Seed Savers Exchange
1-12 Dupont St W., Waterloo ON N2L       2391 Pepin Court, Ottawa ON, K1B 4Z3            3094 North Winn Rd., Decorah IA, 52101
2X6                                      613-824-7771                                    USA
226-600-7782                             https://justfood.ca/seed-saving-projects-and-   563-382-5990
seeds.ca/diversity/seed-library          events/                                         Seedsavers.org
Garden Organic                           PEI Seed Alliance
                                                                                         The Bauta Family Initiative
Ryton Gardens, Wolston Lane,             peiseedalliance.com
                                                                                         on Canadian Seed Security
Coventry, Warwickshire CV8 3LG UK
024-7630-3517                            Public libraries across Canada                  USC Canada’s Seeds of Survival program in
gardenorganic.org.uk                     Ask your local library if there is a seed       Canada.
                                         library in your regional library system.        Seedsecurity

    Looking for a
    Christmas gift?

    Check out our
    selection of
    great books
    on page 40-41
    of this issue!

                                                                      www.smallf armcanada.ca • NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2019 • 29
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

Cut flowers:
what your farm
needs this year
(And why Canada is a great place to get started)

This year’s Seed Buying Guide features an expanded roster of
businesses that specialize in cut flower growing materials: seeds,
bulbs, tubers, corms and rhizomes that yield plants whose stems
can be removed and sold, often for decorative use.
    Many of these plants will be familiar to home gardeners, but
they are also an increasingly attractive business opportunity for
farmers. Growing cut flowers can diversify farm income, attract
pollinators, enhance property appeal and reach a market hungry
for an alternative to blooms jetted in from abroad or grown
with energy and chemically intensive methods.
    Despite the challenging temperatures and short growing                    Tulip ‘Renown Unique’, from Unicorn Blooms.
                                                                              Photo: Louise Warner, Unicorn Blooms
seasons that plague parts of this country, Canada’s cut-flower
industry is evolving to make that business opportunity more
                                                                              established Unicorn Blooms to help smaller-scale growers access
accessible to small-scale growers.
                                                                              the lucrative product.
                                                                                    “When I started the company, at the time with Heather
                                                    An example of a           Henson of Boreal Blooms in Cold Lake, Alberta, we knew
                                                    wholesale order           many flower growers across the country were looking for these
                                                    from Unicorn              specialty varieties and faced the same problem that we did; (We
                                                    Blooms.                   were) too small to independently import these items that we
                                                    Photo: Lily Jackson
                                                                              felt were necessary to set our businesses apart. We really needed
                                                                              specialty product to convince customers that local flowers were
                                                                              worth seeking out and paying a premium for,” she says.
                                                                                    Now, Unicorn Blooms provides a Canadian wholesale
Louise Warner is owner of Unicorn Blooms, (a Peterborough-                    source for prized Italian Ranunculus and anemone corms,
based, wholesale supplier of cut-flower materials that you can                Colibri poppy seeds, as well as various specialty tulips, dahlias,
find listed in this issue), board member of Canadian Flowers                  and narcissus that Louise imports to meet the demand for on-
Week and owner of flower-growing company Wild Imagina-                        trend colours and forms. It means that Canadian producers can
tion. She has seen significant shifts in the Canadian cut-flower              approach florists, designers, and flower lovers with high-quality,
community that make it more feasible for new and seasoned                     premium blooms grown locally. Louise notes that this trend is
farmers to make money. For instance, the combination of                       helping establish a more robust “cut-flower buying culture” in
more environmentally-conscious consumers, low-cost Internet                   Canada by “showing people flowers and foliage they have never
marketing and e-commerce solutions and florist preference for a               seen before.”
“wilder, romantic, garden-style look” have created more oppor-                      “Be realistic about what you can handle growing well and
tunities than ever for small-scale flower growers to find a market            who you can sell it to. Focus on a few crops that are high value
for their product.                                                            . . . then assess what needs to be added or dropped from your
    In addition to these demand-based shifts, Canadian farmers                mix.”
also benefit from supply-side growth thanks to the business                         If 2020 is the right year to test growing cut flowers on your
savvy of suppliers like Louise. In her case, she was frustrated               farm, you’ll find plenty of good places to start in the Seed Buy-
that the world’s largest producers of specialty flower varieties              ing Guide.
would often only ship to the largest greenhouse companies. She

30 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca
2020 Seed Buying Guide ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON - Small Farm Canada

                                                                   “The more you know about the size of your plot,
                                                                   the zone you are in, desired colour palette, the
                                                                   percentage of sun/shade and anything particu-
                                                                   lar about your growing conditions, the better

                                                                   equipped you are to select the amount of seed and
                                                                   varieties that will provide the best outcome.”
                                                                        – Edgebrook Farm Curated Seed Company (ON)

                                                                   “Purchase enough seeds for your purposes and
  Seller tips for success                                          remember to always store them in a cool, dark,
                                                                   dry location to ensure viability. Most single regular
                                                                   packets on the market today are geared towards
  We asked seed producers from                                     single planting for the home gardener. So double
                                                                   up on your favourite beets, carrots, onions and
  across the country for advice.                                   greens!”
                                                                                                 – Eagleridge Seeds (BC)
  Their responses below

  ASSEMBLED BY LILY JACKSON                                        “Plan and educate yourself before planting! Har-
                                                                   diness, disease-resistance, rootstock, space, soil
                                                                   type, drainage, pollination, sun and shade are all
                                                                   elements that need to be understood and checked
Plan!                                                              before planting.”
 “By getting your order in early (and we mean before                                    – Hardy Fruit Tree Nursery (QC)
 March!) there’s a much better chance that you will get
 what you want and your plants will be healthier and
                                                                   “Start planning early (December or January) and
 happier. The earlier the nursery stock is in the ground,          order seeds as early as possible to give time for
 the better it will establish itself in the first year. Also,      back ups if seed does not come or comes late.”
 the selection is better when ordering during the winter                                      – BC Eco Seed Co-op (BC)
                                   – Silver Creek Nursery (ON)
                                                                   “Planning: not super sexy but so important.
                                                                   Thinking what you want to grow and what would
 “Figure out what you want to do and get the right seed            work best in your space. Also planning the fall
 for that purpose. […] Price should be the last consid-            beforehand, testing soil especially Ph and amend-
 eration (“you get what you pay for”)—a perennial field            ing with lime, turning, mulching. It all makes the
 lasts much longer than the memory of a cheap purchase             spring go smoother.”
                                                                                              – Good Earth Farms (BC)
                                – Quality Seeds West (BC)

                                                                  Understand your region
 “When growing a new crop for the first time, it’s best to        (but be prepared for changing conditions)
 choose at least three varieties of seed for planting. [ . . .]
 By choosing more than one variety, each grower can see
 which ones do best for them personally. Good planning             “Some of the most important things to consider
 is absolutely key to a successful season. Making sure             [are] your growing zone and sun light. If [you are]
 all perennial weeds are eliminated, that there is a clean         in zone 3–4 you do not want to be purchasing
 seedbed free from sticks or stones and that the soil is           [plants that thrive in] 5, 6.”
 loose with good fertility is key.”                                                               – Gardens Plus (ON)
                                      – John Boy Farms (MB)
                                                                  www.smallf armcanada.ca • NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2019 • 31

  “Look for locally adapted, cold tolerant varieties, which
  are often the best suited to growing conditions in                           “The thing that I tell gardeners is most important is
  Canada. [ . . .] There are thousands of regional types of                    to keep good notes of their gardening activities. While
  each plant you might want to grow. Many of these are                         they think they may remember what they did when,
  heritage seeds, or “land races,” that have been grown                        in the end it all runs together. Those notes can be very
  in a particle area for decades. These types have adapted                     valuable.”
  to local conditions, becoming even more reliable and
                                                                                             – Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (MO, USA)
  productive in a particular area.”
             – Perfectly Perennial Herbs and Seeds (NFLD)
                                                                              Know what your seeds need
  “It is important to consider the source of your growing                      “Growing most veggie and flower plants from seed is
  advice, especially online. Falling in love with a flower or                  relatively easy, but there are some plants that are very
  plant that grows well on Vancouver Island may not give                       tricky. [ . . .] Make sure you educate yourself before
  you the best results in northern Ontario. We would all
                                                                               ordering these seeds or you may be disappointed in
  love to be in the “Goldilocks Zone . . . not too hot . . .
  not too dry . . . but the reality is we all have some kind                   your results.”
  of concession that must be included in our growing                                                           – Green Barn Farm (QC)
  plan to have a full, luscious garden.”
           – Edgebrook Farm Curated Seed Company (ON)                          “Taking the time to choose varieties adapted to your
                                                                               climatic zone (number of growing days at maturity)
                                                                               and having the patience to start planting at the right
  “One thing we would want people to know about                                time (not too early) are my two best tips to kick off
  gardening is that it is important to watch the weather                       your gardening season.”
  and monitor your soil conditions. As we garden in                                                          – Le Jardin de Julie (QC)
  a changing climate, we can’t rely on how we “always
  used to grow.” Seeds are dependant on soil tempera-                          “The most important factor is the quality of the [gar-
  ture and moisture content for their best success. This
                                                                               lic] seed. Seed garlic should be disease and pest free,
  may mean that Victoria Day weekend is not the gauge
  by which we seed or plant our garden. Our experience                         have no marks of blemishes and preferably have the
  over the past 10 years is that every year is different!”                     close wrappers intact.”
                           – William Dam Seeds Ltd. (ON)                                                        – The Cutting Veg (ON)

  “The biggest thing that can be done for a successful                         “One piece of advice is for seed customers interested
  season, beyond maintaining healthy soil and leav-                            in the growing trend of medicinal and wild plants.
  ing enough space for air between plants, is to plant                         These seeds often need special treatments in order
  an assortment of the same vegetable. Every year                              to “wake up” and have a good germination rate. As
  the weather is different and we never know what to                           a seed seller, our main goal is to guide the customers
  expect. I have found there are always some varieties                         properly in growing their chosen plants. To do so, we
  that do better than others in any given year. [ . . .]
                                                                               add as much detailed information as possible on the
  Using seeds that have been acclimatized to local grow-
  ing conditions, and have been grown in your area,                            seed packets concerning the conditions and treat-
  improves performance of plants as well.”                                     ments required to grow each specific plant. To ensure
                  – Mountain Grove Seed Company (ON)                           success, our best advice (one often overlooked) is to
                                                                               strongly encourage plant lovers to carefully read that
Keep records                                                                   information before sowing any seed!”
                                                                                                           – Jardin des vie-la-joie (QC)
  “Keep records of all your seeding dates with notes on
  how well the crops did. Push the edges of the calendar                       “When to plant is also key. Plant when cooler, less
  to spread your growing season out.”                                          sunny part of the day and water in well. Never during
                                  – Full Circle Seeds (BC)                     a heat wave.”
                                                                                                                 – Gardens Plus (ON)
32 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca

 “By talking with your seed seller or other farmers,         “The most common mistakes people make when buy-
 plant the seed “properly” (i.e. not too deep, into moist    ing fruit trees are:
 soil)”                                                      1. Not taking the time to plan and prepare properly.
                                – Quality Seeds West (BC)    2. Purchasing tree varieties or species that are not
                                                                 hardy enough or not adapted to grow well in their
 “Feed your soil. We all want big, beautiful and boun-           area.
 tiful plants. It all starts with healthy, thriving soil.    3. Not paying attention to strong and hardy rootstock
 Lots of compost and good crop rotation are always               or good sourcing when purchasing grafted trees.
 reliable techniques to improve soil health. We also         4. Taking the cheapest option and being disappointed
 avoid tilling and use deep mulch methods to suppress            later when the tree does not survive.
 weeds and retain moisture.”                                 5. Ignoring pollination and ending up with fruit trees
                                  – Matchbox Garden (ON)         that cannot produce fruit due to lack of pollina-
Plant for your personal enjoyment                                                    – Hardy Fruit Tree Nursery (QC)

 “Have diversity in what you grow, especially if you are     “1. Mushrooms are fungi, not plants. They grow via
 aiming to feed yourself. [ . . .] Choose what you like      a mycelial network, cultivated through mushroom
 to eat to give you stamina to see it through to seed!”      cultures. Thus the grow kits are live cultures which
                                – BC Eco Seed Co-op (BC)     need lots of air movement to take in the oxygen they
                                                             require and release the CO2 and spores. They also
 “The most common mistake I see new gardeners                need light and humidity since mushrooms are 85 per
 make is to get too big too fast. They plant too much        cent water.
 to care for properly, become overwhelmed and then
 give up. I encourage gardeners to start small and build     2. The best advice is to follow the growing instruc-
 as they go.”                                                tions we provide very closely and email or phone
               - Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (MO, USA)        questions. Mistakes are made when folk think they
                                                             can interpret the kits’ needs. For instance, putting
Other                                                        the kit in a corner or the basement deprives it of air
                                                             movement and fruiting may not occur.

  “The best advice is to follow the growing instructions     3. Industry trends support home growing for fresh-
     we provide very closely and email or phone ques-        ness and medicinal purposes. Lions Mane has been
                                                   tions.”   extremely popular because of the identified link be-
                           – Wylie Mycologicals Ltd (ON)     tween consumption and the prevention of Alzheimer’s
                                                             and dementia.
 “Our customers for fresh market tomatoes ask us why
 our tomatoes taste so good. We subscribe to some of         4. It is best to order a kit or two at a time so that
 the same methods as our Okanagan vineyards to help          instructions can be followed and observations made
 express terroir. After establishing a good healthy vig-     for separate types. Since we suggest growing on the
 orous plant from the start of the season, we withhold       kitchen counter, space may be at a premium. We
 water in mid August to encourage the plants to send         also suggest cooking each type separately for flavour
 their roots deeper into the subsoil to pull out discrete    identification.”
 flavours from minerals and micronutrients. All fruit                                   – Wylie Mycologicals Ltd. (ON)
 set will ripen and the plant will produce more sugars
 to protect it from drying out too much to produce
 seed (fruit). This helps to produce the sensual lus-
 cious flavour so characteristic of heritage or heirloom
                                    – Sunshine Farm (BC)
                                                                          armcanada.ca •• NOVEMBER
                                                                                           SEP TEMBER
                                                                                                      /OCTOBER 2019
                                                                                                               2 019 • 33

Seedlings sales
for fun and profit
Five small farmers share their insights
on growing and selling seedlings


There’s a lot of upside for the small farmer thinking about
                                                                              Fertile Ground Farm holds a single, large seedling sale
venturing into seedling sales. CSA or market garden farmers
                                                                              on-farm. Grouping like products under individual tents
may already be starting seedlings for their own use, and                      keeps the event organized and reduces lineups. Fertile
seedling sales can build on that foundation. In addition, they                Ground also provides food and live music to turn the sale
provide cash flow prior to the main growing season, and                       into an event that promotes happy memories.
they’re a venue for re-connecting to the customers after the
                                                                                 Marcelle Paulin, co-owner and co-founder of Sleepy G
                                                                              Farm in Pass Lake, Ontario, agrees that soil is important.
Timing is everything                                                          “You should get the best quality potting medium you can
                                                                              afford,” she says. Though Sleepy G hasn’t yet ventured into
   Hanna Jacobs, owner of Matchbox Garden Seed Co.
                                                                              the sales end of seedlings, it’s on the docket for next year.
near Caledonia, Ontario, notes that timing is critical when
                                                                              Still, since the start of their CSA operation 10 years ago,
planting your seeds. “It’s really important to find that sweet
                                                                              Sleepy G has grown tens of thousands of seedlings for their
spot when planting, so every plant you take to market is at its
                                                                              own use, so they have a good understanding of the ins and
best,” she notes. Because Jacobs attends a number of seedling
                                                                              outs of the growing process. Paulin uses a purchased potting
sales, as well as fulfilling contracts for wholesale customers,
                                                                              mix, which she fortifies with inputs like kelp, green sand,
she needs seedlings in prime condition for dates spread over
                                                                              rock dust, and alfalfa meal.
a long time frame. She staggers her planting time to ensure
                                                                                 Koch uses a local organic greenhouse’s peat-based mix
seedlings are at the optimum point in their growth when
                                                                              that contains organic amendments, and applies pearlite as a
they go to the target venue.
                                                                              fertilizer. Sarah Judd, who operates Meadow Lynn Market
   Though she has only one seedling sale date to worry
                                                                              Garden near Simcoe, Ontario, favours a peat moss mix with
about, Angie Koch, owner and farm manager at Fertile
                                                                              composted cow manure added. Since part of the family
Ground Farm in St. Agatha, Ontario, recognizes the need
                                                                              farming operation includes a dairy herd, she has a plentiful
to have plants at different stages for different purposes.
                                                                              supply of the latter ingredient. Though she makes a point
Although Fertile Ground transplants seedlings into the CSA
                                                                              not to over-fertilize, Judd adds vermicompost mix as the
garden around the same time as their annual seedling sale,
                                                                              season progresses, as needed.
Koch offsets the planting time of the plants destined for the
two purposes. She prefers smaller, easier-to-handle seedlings                 Managing the conditions
for the planting into the CSA garden, while her seedling sale
                                                                                For Koch, humidity control and air circulation in the
customers want to see more established plant.
                                                                              greenhouse are key factors in nurturing the best possible
The medium is the message                                                     plant for the customer. “Dampness on your seedlings is the
                                                                              best way to spread disease,” she says.
  Selecting the right growing medium, notes Jacobs, is
                                                                                Temperature is another critical factor. Since Sleepy G is
important. Jacobs prepares a blend that incorporates an ocean
                                                                              located near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Paulin has the added
mix, sheep manure, and peat in equal parts. She finds that a
                                                                              challenge of keeping her seedlings happy in a cold climate.
lot of mixes are too light or peaty for her liking. She’s pleased
                                                                              Sleepy G does their propagation in a 30 by 48 double-walled
with the ocean mix, which she gets from an East Coast                         poly hoop house, with air between the two walls providing
supplier, noting that after she started using it, “I couldn’t get             extra insulation. The greenhouse, equipped with a wood-fired
over how much better the plants looked.”                                      boiler and a heat exchanger, is generally able to keep the
                                                                              temperature in the desired range. When the outdoor
34 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca

temperature dips below -6 Celsius, Paulin pulls row covers                               Before becoming co-owner of
over her seedlings for an extra layer of protection.                                     the Good Bread Company in
  Providing the right amount of water is also key.                                       Vittoria, Ontario, Rick Posavad
                                                                                         grew and sold 70 varieties of
Over-watering, Koch notes, can be just as detrimental as                                 heirloom tomatoes as well as other
under-watering. Paulin agrees, noting that Sleepy G has                                  vegetables. He found the county
found it best to assign one person to the watering task, to                              tourism web site to be a good way
                                                                                         to promote increased awareness of
ensure consistency and avoid yo-yoing between over- and                                  his seedling operation.
  Hardening off is an important step in helping the
plants make the transition from the sheltered world of the
greenhouse or hoop house, to their ultimate home in the
garden. Jacobs transfers her plants from the greenhouse to
the unheated hoop house two weeks before they’re due to go
to market. She leaves both ends of the hoop house open for
wind and cool air during the day, finding that sufficient to
harden her plants.

Reaching your customers
  Judd’s seedling sales were a natural outgrowth of her
CSA operation, and many of her early seedling sale clients
were CSA customers. As the seedling operation grew, she
took steps to expand her customer base. Partnering with the
                                                                    Sleepy G Farm, located near Thunder Bay, Ontario,
local horticultural society on plant sales proved to be a good      has their greenhouse set up with row covers to
avenue. She also holds seedling sales at small local businesses     provide seedlings with extra protection if the outdoor
that attract people looking for something outside the               temperature is forecasted to dip below -6 Celsius.
mainstream, and provides an avenue for online orders.
                                                                     In addition to providing
  Like Judd, Jacobs offers online ordering. She attends a            the opportunity for
variety of plant sales during the spring. In addition, she’s         on-farm pickup, Sarah
arranged for a handful of health food stores and indepen-            Judd of Meadow Lynn
dently-owned garden centres to carry her seedlings.                  Market Garden holds
                                                                     seedlings sales at
  For almost two decades, Koch’s seedlings were offered              local, independent
as part of an annual event in Kitchener which included               businesses. Here, Judd
a number of vendors. The event outgrew the venue, and                chats with a customer
Fertile Ground also found the logistics of transporting 4,000        at a seedling sale
                                                                     at the Good Bread
seedlings to be prohibitive. Now they hold their own seedling        Company in Vittoria,
sale on-farm.                                                        Ontario.
  With the change in venue, Koch grouped the products in
separate tents so customers could easily find what they were
looking for. She wishes she’d made the move to on-farm sales
sooner, noting that crowded conditions and long lineups at
the previous venue may have lost them some customers.
  Fertile Ground has a long history in the Kitchener area, so
some of their sales volume is a result of this long relationship.
Koch also reaches out to potential customers through posters,
email lists, sponsored ads on Facebook and social media posts
on sites catering to local horticultural and gardening groups.
  When he operated Wilsonville Organics near Wilsonville,
Ontario, Rick Posavad grew and sold a variety of seedlings,
                                                                    Located near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Sleepy G Farm has
including 70 varieties of heirloom tomatoes as well as              the added challenge of keeping seedlings happy in a
heirloom peppers, salad greens and other offerings. Posavad         cold climate. Sleepy G does their propagation in a 30 by
was fortunate in that signage at his location, on a busy road,      48 double-walled poly hoop house, using a wood-fired
drove a lot of drop-in traffic. He also took advantage of the       boiler system as part of the heating strategy.

                                                                      www.smallf armcanada.ca • NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2019 • 35

opportunity to have information about
his farm included on the local Norfolk
County tourism web site to promote
increased awareness.

I wish I’d known . . .
   As with any other enterprise, the
experience of growing and selling
seedlings has provided learning points
along the way.
   For Jacobs, nailing down the
best timing for starting seeds was a
challenge. “Sometimes, it’s tempting
to think you’ll get ahead by seeding a
couple of weeks early, but all you end
up with is leggy plants,” she says.
   More than one of the interviewees
had initially stayed away from offering                Many of the seedling growers noted         At their seedling sales, Fertile
items that a backyard gardener could                   strong customer interest even in           Ground Farm tries to make it as easy
                                                       items such as lettuce that could           as possible for the customer to find
easily grow from seed themselves. But                  easily be direct-seeded into the           what they are looking for. Good
Jacobs finds that lettuce seedlings                    garden. It’s a trend Fertile Ground        signage helps.
offered in six-packs are a hot seller,                 Farms has made note of.
and Judd also notes that lettuce, beet,
and bean seedlings get snapped up.
“You can’t assume the customer doesn’t
want these products,” Judd says. “And
sometimes, they can be your highest-
margin sales.”
   Koch started offering lettuce and
bean seedlings five years ago. “We’ve
quadrupled the amount of seedling
greens we’ve sold in the past five years,”
she says. She thinks it’s partly because
“a lot of seeds are packaged in a larger
volume than the backyard gardener
needs. So, they can buy a few seedlings                Growers note that purchasers of heirloom tomatoes tend to be particularly
                                                       hungry for information about the plants. Above, Fertile Ground Farms
for about the same as they would pay                   provides signage with plant specifications.
for a packet of seeds, and someone has
                                                       expanding what I was already doing,”       of profit on her seedling sales. However,
already done the work of getting them
                                                       she says. “It’s a season-extender with a   the money generated helps offset the
                                                       quick turn-around and low overhead.”       cost of heating the greenhouse for her
Worth the effort                                          For Judd, seedling sales are an         own CSA seedlings, and other early-
                                                       opportunity to promote her CSA and         season costs.
   Whether they ventured into seedling
                                                       generate revenue at the start of the         Paulin sees the value in expanding
sales to utilize extra greenhouse space,                                                          Sleepy G’s scope to include seedling
                                                       season. She’s already doing the work of
or as an extension of their existing                                                              sales. “It’s a way of increasing your
                                                       starting seedlings for her own CSA, so
operations, the interviewees feel the                  a little extra effort to grow extras for   network, increasing your reach, and
effort is worth the payoff.                            sale is worth it.                          increasing market share,” she says. “In
   Seedling sales have evolved into                       Koch notes that when all is said and    the end, the more individuals we get
Jacobs’ second-greatest source of                      done, she doesn’t make a huge amount       buying from us, the better.”
income. “It was a practical way of

36 • N OVE M BE R / D E CE M B ER 2 0 1 9 • www. sma l l fa r mc a na da.ca
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