Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck

Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
May 3, 2021, Issue 754
Market Analysis: Providence
    In the March PPMs, Hall WCTK/Providence had and 8.1
share – the second largest of any Country station in the nation (RATS
4/22). WCTK also finished second in both Persons 6+ and Persons
25-54 in the Providence book and has placed in the top two in nine
of the past 13 monthlies. Such lofty perches have become routine
                         for “Cat Country 98.1,” so Country Aircheck
                         spoke to PD Kevin Palana and dug into the
                         numbers to understand why.
                            In a challenging year for the Country format,
                         WCTK’s success starts with what Palana calls a
                         “lean and mean” staff. Last May, midday host
                         Courtney Kelley moved to the Cat Country
                         Morning Show joining 10-year station vet Brian
     Kevin Palana Mulhern. Then in July, longtime PD Bob Walker
                         transferred to the company’s Florida stations;                                          The Zodiac Chiller: KRWQ/Medford, OR’s Bryce Burtner (r)
Palana found himself adding programming to his Dir./Production and                                               and Top 40 sister KIFS’ Gemineye present the $165,195 raised
afternoon drive responsibilities. Rounding out the moves was the addition                                        during their 18th Annual St. Jude Radiothon, pushing the cluster’s
of part-timer Brendan Sharp to track the last three hours of the midday                                          total to more than $3 million since 2004.
shift, with Kelley tracking the first two.
    While the pandemic forced many
stations to broadcast using alternate                                                                            Music For Mom
setups, Cat Country’s small staff                                                                                   With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend,
meant they could continue business                                                                               Country Aircheck compiled a list of some of the
as usual in their studios while                                                                                  biggest “mom songs” to help with programming,
maintaining social distance.                                                                                     whether for imaging or spiking-in over the
    Palana says the lockdown played                                                                              weekend. Let us know if we missed any using
a part in WCTK’s ratings gains over                                                                              #CAMusicForMom.
the past year. “The station that’s taken the hit here is the AC
[WWLI], the at-work station,” he says. “When people have a                                                                                 LAUREN ALAINA/Like My Mother Does (2011)
choice, they gravitate toward the Rock station [WHJY] or Cat                                                                               TUCKER BEATHERD/Momma And Jesus (2017)
Country.” Though WKLB/Boston does put a listenable signal                                                                                  GARTH BROOKS/Mom (2014)
into most of the market (and pulled a 1.9 share in the March                                                                               GLEN CAMPBELL & STEVE WARINER/
book), Palana focuses on WWLI and current market leader                                                                                      The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (1987)
WHJY as his primary competitors.                                                                                           Lauren          DIAMOND RIO/Mama Don’t Forget To Pray
                                                      (continued on page 6)                                                Alaina            For Me (1991)
   © 2 0 2 1 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
May 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                      Page 3

JIMMY DEAN/I.O.U. (1976)                                                 News & Notes
MERLE HAGGARD/Mama Tried (1968)                                              iHeartMedia has joined with P&G for Can’t Cancel Pride, a
FAITH HILL/You Can’t Lose Me (1996)                                      virtual relief benefit for the LGBTQ+ community, June 4 at 9pm
W. JENNINGS & W. NELSON/Mammas Don’t                                     local time. The event will broadcast on iHM stations nationwide
Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys (1978)                             and via the iHeartRadio app, stream on iHM’s YouTube, Facebook
JUDDS/Mama He’s Crazy (1984)                                             and IGTV pages and air on iHeartRadio’s
MIRANDA LAMBERT/Mama’s Broken Heart (2013)                 Faith Hill        Audacy has partnered with mental health innovator
LONESTAR/Mr. Mom (2004)                                                  Genomind to bring mental health conversations into the
PATTY LOVELESS/How Can I Help You                                        mainstream and end the stigma surrounding mental health.
   Say Goodbye (1994)                                                    Genomind will sponsor Audacy’s I’m Listening Daily Capsules,
DUSTIN LYNCH/Momma’s House (2020)                                        60-second PSAs, as part of the year-long “I’m Listening” initiative.
MARTINA MCBRIDE/In My Daughter’s Eyes (2003)                                 RAB’s Business Accelerated initiative is offering a two-
MARTINA MCBRIDE/Teenage Daughters (2011)                       Lynch     part presentation series – “What’s Driving The Auto Industry?”
TIM MCGRAW/I Called Mama (2020)                                          and “Radio Works For Automotive Part 2” – May 19 and 26,
T. MCGRAW & F. HILL/Meanwhile Back At                                    respectively. Details and registration here.
Mama’s (2014)                                                                The Independent Broadcasters Association (IBA) continues
JAMIE O’NEAL/Somebody’s Hero (2005)                                      its members-only webinar series May 6 at 2pm ET with “The FCC
BLAKE SHELTON/The Baby (2002)                                            EEO Rules And How To Survive Them.” Information here.
SHENANDOAH/Mama Knows (1988)                                Carrie
                                                                             USRN syndicated Backstage Country will be hosted by
TAYLOR SWIFT/The Best Day (2008)                        Underwood        Chris Lane, Maren Morris & Ryan Hurd, Dylan Scott, Old
CARRIE UNDERWOOD/Don’t Forget To                                         Dominion and Lady A during the month of May.
   Remember Me (2006)                                                        Chicago’s Windy City Smokeout lineup includes Dierks
CARRIE UNDERWOOD/Mama’s Song (2010)                                      Bentley, Darius Rucker, Brett Eldredge and Jon Pardi. The
CLAY WALKER/’Fore She Was Mama (2007)                                    event is slated for July 8-11 at United Center. More here.
WILKINSONS/26 Cents (1998)                                                   Austin Radio Network Country KOKE/Austin will hold its
                                                                         Kokefest 2021 Aug. 6-7 at Hutto Park at Brushy Creek. Headliners
                                                                         are Clay Walker and Koe Wetzel; complete lineup and
Chart Chat                                                               additional information here.
    Congratulations to Jake Owen, Stacy                                      BMLG’s Conner Smith will join songwriter Andrew Pates and
Blythe, Ali Matkosky and the Big Loud                                    artist Jimmy Charles for Songs For Sound’s annual gala May 22
promotion team on landing this week’s No.                                in Franklin, TN. The event benefits those with hearing loss. More here.
1 with “Made For You.” This is Owen’s ninth                                  Mentoring And Inspiring Women In Radio (MIW) has
chart-topper and third since signing on with                             changed its status to a 501(c)(3) charitable entity in an effort to
Big Loud. Songwriters are Benjy Davis, Joey                              expand reach, enhance mentoring opportunities and magnify the
Hyde and Neil Medley.                                    Jake Owen
                                                                         organization’s mission of strengthening radio’s next generation of
    Kudos to Lee Adams, Shelley Hargis                                   female leadership.
Gaines and the Broken Bow crew on scoring 33 first-week adds                 Norsan Media, which recently purchased Country WYKB/
for “Thinking ‘Bout You” by Dustin Lynch featuring MacKenzie             Fernadina Beach, FL from NIA Broadcasting for $1 million,
Porter. This is Lynch’s fifth time atop the add board, the last time     has flipped the station to Latin Hip-Hop/R&B.
being in March 2019 with his subsequent No. 1 “Ridin’ Roads.”                Dexter is selling Country KDEX-AM/FM/Dexter, MO to
    Finally, new weights can be found on page 13. Dropped from           Emry Palmer Johnson’s KDEX, Inc. for $150,000.
the panel is KVOO/Tulsa.                                                 Cal Hunter’s Independence Rock Media is purchasing

    ©2021 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
May 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                               Page 6

OFF THE RECORD                                                                  Country KYCT/Shasta Lake, CA from the Estate of Richard
                                                                                Comras for $60,000.
                                                                                    Edison Research will present its annual Moms and Media
    An Off The Record conversation with Play It                                 study Thursday, May 6 at 2pm EDT. Register here.
Again CEO Ryan Dokke:
    There wasn’t a lifelong dream of being in                                       The non-profit Operation Song is releasing “A Salute to
the record business. I thought I was going to play                              Gold Star Families” Friday, May 28. The eight-track album was
baseball but fell into radio at 17. The transition                              composed professional songwriters teamed with loved ones of
to records started with Scott Borchetta and Jack                                fallen military heroes, transforming their stories into song.
Purcell calling me in 2007 about a secondary or
regional position that didn’t work out. When Lesly
Simon called about Arista in 2010, it felt like the
                                                                                Market Analysis: Providence
right time. One thing just led to another.            RYAN DOKKE                                                              (continued from page 1)
    Falling into radio just means I told
my high school guidance counselor I wanted to do my job-shadow
paper about a baseball player, but they told me that wasn’t a real job.         March 2021 Nielsen PPM Rank
Seemed like a real job for Ken Griffey, but okay. They said I was good          Persons 25-54
at public speaking, so how about shadowing a DJ? I did, and that led            1. WHJY (Rock)
to part-time work, then full-time, and I ended up as a PD by the time I                              WCTK Music Composition
was 21. That set the path.                                                      2. WCTK              (seven-day spins analysis)
    I grew up listening to KMPS/Seattle, which Becky Brenner was                3. WWLI (AC)
programming. I wanted to know how and why she made that station                 4. WBZ (Sports)
sound the way it did. I was fortunate enough to get to meet her and             5. WPRO (Top 40)
have her put me on in weekends. Working at that station for a couple
of years was one of the highlights of my radio career.
    When I’m not living and breathing country, I lean toward                        Need For                                          CURRENT
music that is positive and uplifting – especially considering all
the tough things going on in the world. That typically means
                                                                                Speed: Aside from
                                                                                Cat Country’s 30-                      GOLD             26%
Contemporary Christian. I’m a huge fan of Francesca Battistelli, For
King & Country and Zach Williams. I also love everything from Pink
                                                                                year heritage, Palana
                                                                                believes there is another
Floyd to the Eagles to ELO.
    We’re seeing awesome growth for Walker Montgomery. He’s                     simple factor in the
got country music in his blood. Literally. And our young artist/writer          station’s success: tempo.
Dylan Marlowe did one of the most creative things I’ve seen by re-              “We gravitate toward
writing Olivia Rodrigo’s “Driver’s License” as if he were answering her.        the up-tempo stuff,”
The response on socials was so strong, we’re putting it out next week.          he says. “That’s been
    What I’ve learned this year, first and foremost, is about my
relationship with God. It’s always been great, but my prayer life has           the secret sauce here.”       (Source: Mediabase)
grown so much. Being in a career transition from Curb to working                Even if confronted with
with Dallas Davidson and his vision of having service at the center of          a massive ballad, “We
an artist and writer focused company – but especially in experiencing           relegate it to nights if we have to play it.” A check of WCTK’s playlist
something that’s never happened in my lifetime with the pandemic –              confirms no ballads among its 20 most-played titles.
who else are you going to turn to?
    I’ve always washed my hands regularly, but I think I will                       WCTK also has one of the highest percentages of gold content
forever now count out at least 20 seconds every time I do it.                   on the panel, and the up-tempo policy applies there, as well.
    The rabbit hole I fall down with my wife Mallary is crime                   Palana notes his gold category is “99% up-tempo.” With the
dramas. Blue Bloods and Criminal Minds are the two we’re most                   challenges of the past year, Palana says, “It’s a nice distraction
obsessive about. And I’ve listened to a lot more audiobooks – mainly            from people’s problems. We try to keep the station upbeat as
political memoirs and business. I’m closing in on my third time
through Disney chief Bob Iger’s book.                                           much as possible. I think it helps.”

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Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
May 3, 2021
                                                                       Page 8

          WCTK Music Era Composition
          (April spins analysis)

5000   5000

                                                           4662 4662

4000   4000

3000   3000                                                            3155 3155

                                               2299 2299
2000   2000

                                   1627 1627

1000   1000

                    269      269
   0      0
                            2000-2009  2010-2014
                                 2000-2009  2010-2014
                                                  2015-2019  2020-Now
                                                       2015-2019  2020-Now
       (Source: Mediabase)

           In addition to tempo, Palana has another strong filter for
       WCTK’s playlist. “We play the superstars; that’s what our listeners
       expect to hear,” he explains. “Some of the newer artists we’ve
       never played. And we’re not playing a lot of stuff on the charts.”
       That even includes some recent number ones, but it doesn’t mean
       an absence of new music on WCKT. For example, Palana has the
       current LoCash single in power rotation and says, “Groups like
       them and Parmalee with more of a rock sound perform well in
       this market.”
           Mask In The Glow: Glimpses of a more normal world
       are slowly returning for Cat Country, which held its first remote
       broadcast a couple of weeks ago. “We didn’t have any idea
       what the response would be, but we had a really good turnout,”
       Palana states. The station is also moving back into contesting
       mode by giving away tickets to upcoming concerts in Boston as
       well as a catered, listener-hosted party. “Mobile food trucks are
       iconic in Rhode Island, so we’re going to bring one to a backyard
       bash at one lucky listener’s house, following all CDC guidelines,”
       he explains.
           Getting into the community and visiting with listeners has other
       benefits old-school radio pros – meaning anyone who remembers
       2019 – can appreciate. “I took a microphone, put it on a mic
       stand and recorded listeners saying where they were from and how
       they love the station,” Palana says of the recent remote broadcast.
       Now armed with copious amounts of local listener sweepers, “Even
       when we’re jockless, it doesn’t sound that way,” he says. Palana
       also keeps jingles and primary and secondary voice talent in his
       arsenal. “We’re big on imaging.”
           And big, despite running lean. “Between the four of us, we
       cover everything,” Palana remarks, noting the station’s success
       is not a recent phenomenon. “I inherited a good situation from
       Bob Walker; [the station was] already trending up.” That’s a trend
       Palana and crew fully intend on continuing. Stream WCTK here.
       Reach Palana here. 				–Chris Huff


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Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
Market Analysis: Providence - Country Aircheck
May 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                SEEK & EMPLOY
                          MIDWEST                                         serve alongside PD/morning host Brent Lane. Must                            complete job description and apply here.
                                                                          be knowledgeable in digital content creation and be
     Summit KFDI/Wichita OM Justin Case is                                active on a variety of social media outlets. Apply here;                                             WEST COAST
searching for a morning co-host. See the complete                         reaching King here.
posting here; send résumés and airchecks to Case here.                         Golden Isle/Brunswick, GA Dir./Programming                                  Badlands/Rapid City, SD is searching for a GM/
     Midwest WDEZ/Wausau, WI OM Rusty James is                            Mark “The Shark” Ediss is seeking a successor for                           DOS who can build, train and motivate a team for the
looking for a Brand Mgr./on-air personality with strong                   outgoing OM/PD/on-air talent Paul Andresen. The                             cluster that includes Country KRKI. Interested parties
music scheduling aptitude and digital and social media                    cluster includes Country WRJY. Duties will include on-air,                  can send résumés and references here.
skills. Send résumés and airchecks to James here.                         production, promotions, sales and handling technical                             Frontier/Juneau, AK GM Cherie Curry is
     Steel City KBEQ/Kansas City PD Todd Nixon                            issues. Send résumés and airchecks to Ediss here.                           seeking an OM/PD/on-air talent for the cluster that
is seeking an afternoon personality to succeed TJ                              Curtis/Lenoir, NC GM Charlene Hall is                                  includes Country KTKU. Send résumés with references
McEntire. Send résumés and airchecks to him here.                         looking for an OM/on-air talent for the cluster that                        and an aircheck to Curry here.
     Midwest WNCY/Appleton-Oshkosh, WI Brand                              includes Country WKVS. See the complete job posting                              Townsquare/Yakima, WA Dir./Content Brian
Mgr. Dan Stone is searching for a midday personality.                     here; send résumés, programming philosophies and                            Stephenson is looking for a Brand Mgr./morning host for
Send résumés, references and airchecks to him here.                       airchecks to Hall here.                                                     Country KDBL. Send résumés and airchecks to him here.
     Alpha KZEN/Columbus, NE Dir./Content                                      Beasley WKXC/Augusta, GA OM Tee Gentry is                                   Beasley/Las Vegas VP/MM Peter Burton is
David Gustafson is looking for a morning host. See                        seeking an on-air personality to join the Kicks Wake Up                     searching for Cat Thomas’ successor to handle OM
the complete job description and apply here; reach                        Krew. Send résumés and airchecks to Gentry here.                            & Urban AC KOAS PD duties. Details here; send cover
Gustafson here.                                                                Summit/Louisville is searching for a GM to oversee                     letters and résumés to Burton here.
     Forever WOGI/Pittsburgh is searching for a                           the cluster that includes Country WQNU. Complete job                             Townsquare KXLB/Bozeman, MT Market Pres.
morning personality. See the complete job description                     description here; send résumés and cover letters here with                  Scott Souhrada is seeking a Dir./Content with on-air
here; send résumés and airchecks here.                                    the subject line General Manager Louisville.                                duties to succeed Dave Wooten. See the complete job
     Mid-West Family KQYB/La Crosse, WI PD Jen O’Brien                         Curtis WQDR/Raleigh PD Mike Biddle is looking                          description and apply here.
is seeking a morning host. Send résumés and airchecks here.               for a morning co-host to succeed Janie Carothers and                             Cherry Creek Media/Missoula, MT OM Chris
		                                                                        join incumbent Mike Wheless for The Q Morning Crew.                         Wolfe is looking for an afternoon personality to join the
                       NORTHEAST                                          Three or more years of experience is required. See the                      KGGL team. Send résumés and airchecks to him here.
                                                                          complete posting here; send résumés, production samples,                    Townsquare/Casper, WY Dir./Content Donovan
     Saga Classic Country WSIG/Harrisonburg, VA                                                                                                       Short is searching for a Brand Mgr./morning host to
Dir./Group Programming Scott Chase and PD Paul                            social media links, references and airchecks to Biddle here.
                                                                               Summit/Louisville OM Cagle is seeking a full-                          join Country KWYY. See the complete job posting here;
“Uncle Pauly” McDaniel are searching for a morning                                                                                                    send résumés and airchecks to Short here.
co-host. Send résumés and airchecks to Chase here.                        time midday personality with at least two years of on-air
                                                                          experience; PPM experience is a plus. Candidate should                           Cumulus KBUL/Reno, NV PD/morning host Bob
     VerStandig WAYZ/Hagerstown, MD is seeking an                                                                                                     Richards is seeking a full-time morning co-host to join
afternoon personality. Send résumés and airchecks here.                   have an engaging presence, strong social media and
                                                                          tech skills, production and digital editing chops and                       The Moo Crew. Complete job description here; send
     Summit/Richmond, VA is seeking an OM for the                                                                                                     résumés and airchecks to Richards here.
cluster that includes Country WKHK. PD duties for Hot                     the ability to communicate in an authentic way. Send
                                                                          résumés and airchecks to Cagle here.                                             Marker KPLM/Palm Springs, CA PD Kory
AC WURV and a possible on-air shift are included. Send                                                                                                James is looking for an afternoon personality. Send
résumés and airchecks here.                                                    Cumulus/Savannah, GA is searching for a PD/
                                                                          afternoon personality for Country WJCL to succeed                           résumés and airchecks to him here.
     Seven Mountains Chief Programming Officer                                                                                                             Buck Owens KUZZ/Bakersfield PD Brent
JC Burton is looking for an afternoon personality                         the retiring Gerry McCracken. See the complete job
                                                                          description and apply here.                                                 Michaels is looking for a full-time on-air personality to
to join the Pennsylvania “Bigfoot Country” combo                                                                                                      add to his staff. Send résumés and airchecks to him here.
WCFT/Bloomsburg, WQBG/Elizabethville &                                         Stephens/Alexandria, LA OM/PD Scott Mills is
WRGB/Mifflinburg. Send résumés and airchecks to                           looking for a full-time Dir./Production and on-air talent
                                                                          to join the cluster that includes Country KLAA & Classic                                                  OTHER
Burton here.
     WVRC Country WKKW/Morgantown, WV PD                                  Country KBKK. Send résumés and airchecks to Mills here.                          RWPC Pres. JJ Jobe is looking for a Brand Mgr./PD
Mike Vincent is searching for a female morning co-                                                                                                    to join a three-station cluster in Tennessee. Must-haves
host to join incumbent Jeff Snider. Send résumés and                                               SOUTHWEST                                          include excellent writing skills, on-air and production
airchecks to Vincent here.                                                     Townsquare KQBR/Lubbock, TX Brand Mgr.                                 chops and experience with Wide Orbit and Adobe
     iHeartMedia/Washington, DC RSVPP Jeff                                Lance Ballance is seeking an APD/on-air personality                         Audition. Send résumés and airchecks to Jobe here.
Kapugi is looking for a Cluster APD to add to the                         to succeed Jan Miller. Send résumés and airchecks to                             Recently launched White Mustang Records
programming team. Oversight includes Country                              him here.                                                                   is looking to staff a regional promotion team with
WMZQ. Apply here.                                                              LKCM Country KFWR/Fort Woth, TX PD Shayne                              immediate attention on the Southeast, Midwest
                                                                          Hollinger is looking for a morning co-host with five or                     and Northeast. Interested parties can contact White
                       SOUTHEAST                                          more years of full-time on-air experience. Knowledge                        Mustang’s Michael “Benjy” Cruz here.
                                                                          of Texas, Red Dirt and Americana music is preferred but                          Spotify is seeking a Nashville-based Sr. Editor/
    ADX WYCT/Pensacola OM Kevin King is seeking                                                                                                       Country Music to “curate the best in music listening and
a full-time midday talent with additional duties that may                 not required. Send résumés, cover letters and airchecks
                                                                          to Hollinger here.                                                          programming experiences for a multitude of moods,
include promotions and on-air work for sister stations                                                                                                moments and genres; demonstrating a passion for
within the cluster. Interested candidates can send                             Cox/Houston is searching for a DOS for the cluster
                                                                          that includes Country KKBQ & Classic Country KTHT.                          analytics and collaboration; and have your ear to the
résumés and airchecks here.                                                                                                                           ground in the music community.” See the complete job
    King is also searching for a WYCT/Pensacola                           See the complete job description and apply here.
                                                                               Cox KWEN/Tulsa PD/morning host Matt Bradley                            description and apply here.
morning co-host to succeed Candy Cullerton who will
                                                                          is seeking a co-host to join him for wakeups. See the

•Cactus Jack                                          •Marc Lavik (aka Dave Marcus)                           •AJ McCloud                                              •Steve Knoll
Former Entercom/Phoenix Dir./Production               Former on-air talent                                    Former WWFF/Huntsville, AL APD/                          Former KMAG/Ft. Smith, AR PD/on-air talent                                                                   afternoons                                     
602-430-5908                                          401-467-6737                                  
                                                                                                              256-503-2301                                             •Bill Hickok
•Tony Kelly                                                                                                                                                            Former KBMR/Bismark, ND morning host
Former WUSN/Chicago morning producer •Cory Mikhals                                                            •Mac Daniels                                                  Former KIZN/Boise morning co-host                                        Former KPLX & KSCS/Dallas PD
708-642-8518                                                                                                                                                           •Amy Nic
                                                                                                        Former WAMZ/Louisville afternoon host
•Greg Cole                                                                                                                                                   
                                                      •”Big” John Horton                                      •Dave Schaefer
Former WKCQ/Saginaw, MI OM/PD                                                                                 Former iHeartMedia/Farmington, NM SVPP •Ron “Keyes” Stevens                                  Former KFSA/Ft. Smith, AR afternoon host
                                                                                                              & Country KTRA PD                      Former WQRB/Eau Claire, WI afternoons

•Jonathan West                                        •Kris Richards                                                                                                   •Scott Davidson
                                                                                                              •Brittany Tully
Former WKTI/Milwaukee afternoons                      Former WKJO/Smithfield, NC afternoons                                                                            Former WHOF-HD2/Canton, OH PD/
                                                                                                              Former WYNK/Baton Rouge PD                                                                                                              on-air host

   © 2 0 2 1 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
May 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                SEEK & EMPLOY
 SEEKING JOBS                                             (continued)

•Trace Hamilton
Former WEBG/Chicago night host

•Daryl Thomas Ledyard
Former WBBS/Syracuse on-air talent
                                                       •Jared “Marshall” Goldberg
                                                       Former KMLE/Phoenix APD/middays &
                                                       Cluster Dir./Digital Programming

                                                       •Tami Rumfelt
                                                                                                                     SEEKER SPOTLIGHT                                 Former WPAW/Greensboro afternoons                                                          FLETCHER KEYES
•Ryan McCall                                                                                                                                      Former WWQM/Madison, WI PD
Former WGLR/Platteville, WI MD/
                                                       •Mike Allan
                                                       Former WNSH/New York nights                                                      
•David Dean
                                                       •Darlene Evans                                                                    and
Former KXDD/Yakima, WA afternoons                                                                                                       
                                                       Former WKIS/Miami middays
Former WUSN/Chicago afternoons
                                                       •Nathan Cruise                                                “My favorite question, which is never rhetorical, is ‘What
                                                       Former In2une Dir./Regional Promotion and www.                                                                                        if?’ Let’s come up with new ideas or new ways to do the old
                                                                                                                     things. Aside from my creativity, what sets me apart from
•Brian “Wookie” Kostek
                                                       •Mark “Skid” Lavin                                            others is that my teammates trust me. When we’re together,
Former WDSY/Pittsburgh APD/MD/afternoons
                                                       Former WOTW/Orlando Dir./
                                                       Production & On-Air                                           they talk about feelings, experiences and ideas that they
•Blair Thomas                                                                                                        sometimes admit they’ve never talked about before. When
Former WXCY/Wilmington, DE mornings
                                                       •“Wes McShay” Gardipe                                         people feel their relationships are strong, they are able to
                                                       Former Appaloosa Dir./Western                                 take more chances and reach higher.”
•Dr. Don Carpenter
                                                       Region Programming
Former WYCD/Detroit mornings
•Jake Byron                                            •Nicholas Nixon
Former KUPL/Portland mornings                          Former KFRG/Riverside personality                        •Amy Lynn                                                •Jim Pearson                                                            Former WCKT/Ft. Myers, FL middays                        Former KDBL/Yakima, WA PD/mornings
•Jeff Hunt
Former WXCY/Wilmington, DE MD/                                                                                                                                           831-261-1822
                                                       •Kerry Wolfe                                             •Jake McBride
evenings                                               Former WMIL/Milwaukee SVPP & PD                                                                                          Former KKIX/Fayetteville, AR afternoons                  •Krystle
570-309-4698                                                                                                                            Former WAYZ/Hagerstown, MD
•Brent Jones                                           •Chase Daniels                                           •Bill “Stu” Stewart
Former Capitol Dir./Midwest Promotion                  Former WRWD/Poughkeepsie, NY                             Former KASH/Anchorage, AK PD/
                                                                                                                                                                         352-615-3192                                   PD/afternoons                                            morning co-host
                                                                                                                                                                         •Brad Hansen
•Kim Brixton                                           •Keith Abrams                                            •Doug Kramer                                             Former Townsquare/Ft. Collins, CO OM
Former WNWN/Battle Creek, MI                           Former iHeartMedia/Cleveland OM                          Former KHLR/Little Rock, AR mornings                     & KUAD PD
mornings/middays                                                                                                                                                                                                                                970-541-8261
                                                       •Mike McKay
                                                                                                                •Ashley King
•Mark McKay                                            Former WQRB/Eau Claire, WI Brand
                                                                                                                Former KHLR/Little Rock, AR afternoons                   •Crash Poteet
Former Riser House Dir./Southeast Promotion            Mgr./mornings                                                                                           Former WPOR/Portland, ME Brand Mgr./
•Fletcher Keyes                                        •Jimmy Elliott                                           •Matt Cruz                                     
Former WWQM/Madison, WI PD                             Former WOVK/Wheeling, WV WPP/PD/                         Former KSSN/Little Rock, AR on-air/promotions                                MD/mornings                                                              •Aaron “Gator” Glass                                                                                                           Former WQNU/Louisville mornings
                                                                                                                •Jeremy “Otis” Maher
                                                       •JJ Cook                                                                                                
•Kelley Bradshaw-Brock                                                                                          Former WUBL/Atlanta MD/afternoons
Former WKDF/Nashville afternoons                       Former iHeartMedia/Cedar Rapids, IA SVPP                                                                                                                             •Tom Scott
423-802-4987                                                                                                    •Claire Beverly                                          Former Seven Mountains/Pennsylvania
                                                       •Steve Powers                                                                                                     “Big Foot Country” afternoons
                                                       Former iHeartMedia/Mobile, AL SVPP                       Former KNUC/Seattle mornings
•Tim Taylor                                                                                                              
Former KWJJ/Portland afternoons                                •Jim Dorman                                                                                                       •Todd Elbrink
                                                                                                                •Bryant “Ryder” Konold
                                                       Former iHeartMedia/Wichita SVPP &                        Former KNUC/Seattle mornings                             Former Cox/Houston DOS
•Ginny Harman                                          Country KZSN PD/middays                                            
Former KFRG/Riverside mornings               
                                                                                                                •Jess Tyler                                              •Matt Valley
                                                       •Eddie Rupp
•Nina D.                                                                                                        Former WOKQ/Portsmouth, NH Brand                         Former KBRJ/Anchorage, AK Dir./
                                                       Former iHeartMedia/Sarasota, FL SVPP/
Former KMLE/Phoenix afternoons                         OM & Country WCTQ middays                                Mgr./MD/middays                                          Content & mornings                                                                                 

•Amber Rainey                                          •Mike Tyler                                              •Mark Phillips
Former KSON/San Diego middays                          Former WCKT/Ft. Myers, FL PD/                            Former KPLX/Dallas afternoons                             afternoons                                     
   © 2 0 2 1 Co u n t r y A i rc h e c k ™ — A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S i g n u p f re e a t w w w. c o u n t r y a i rc h e c k . c o m . S e n d n e w s t o n e w s @ c o u n t r y a i r c h e c k . c o m
May 3, 2021
                                                                                                                                                        Page 14

                                              New Country Aircheck/Mediabase Reporter Weights
     These are the new weights for Country Aircheck/Mediabase                       A station’s weight is determined by dividing that adjusted AQH by the
  Country Reporters for both the Published and the Activator panels,                leading Country station’s adjusted AQH. For this period, that station is
  based on audience figures from Nielsen. Weights for stations in PPM               KSCS/Dallas with an adjusted AQH of 16,850. For Activator weights,
  markets use a three-month average of September-October-November                   that station is WQXK/Youngstown, OH with an adjusted AQH of
  2020 AQH Persons. The Fall 2020 AQH Persons figure is used for                    6,930. Station Weight = (Market rank X 10) divided by 16,850 (6,930
  diary markets. The weights are calculated using this formula: Market              for Activator stations). These new weights are effective with last week’s
  rank is multiplied by 10 and then added to the station’s AQH Persons.             Country Aircheck/Mediabase Country chart.
Call Letters/Market       Weight
KSCS/Dallas            10.0        WIVK/Knoxville           4.8   KNUC/Seattle              3.5   WKML/Fayetteville, NC    2.8   WCKN/Charleston, SC       2.1
WNSH/New York           9.3        WKKT/Charlotte           4.8   KXKT/Omaha                3.5   WKXC/Augusta, GA         2.8   WGH/Norfolk               2.1
KPLX/Dallas             9.2        KATM/Stockton, CA        4.5   WAMZ/Louisville           3.5   WOGK/Gainesville         2.8   WGNE/Jacksonville         2.1
WKLB/Boston             8.8        KIIM/Tucson              4.5   WDAF/Kansas City          3.5   WQHK/Ft. Wayne, IN       2.8   WPAW/Greensboro           2.1
KNIX/Phoenix            8.6        KNCI/Sacramento          4.5   WIL/St. Louis             3.5   WRBT/Harrisburg          2.8   WPOR/Portland, ME         2.1
KKGO/Los Angeles        8.1        WCOL/Columbus, OH        4.5   WOKQ/Portsmouth, NH       3.5
                                                                                                  KWBL/Denver              2.7   WUSH/Norfolk              2.0
iHeart Country                     WNCY/Appleton, WI        4.5   WQDR/Raleigh              3.5
/iHM Custom             8.0                                                                       WEZL/Charleston, SC      2.7   KDRK/Spokane              1.9
                                   WRNS/Greenville, NC      4.5   KKWF/Seattle              3.4
Mainstream Country/                                                                               WITL/Lansing             2.7   WKMK/Monmouth-Ocean 1.9
                                   WKHK/Richmond            4.4   WBWL/Boston               3.4
WestwoodOne             8.0                                                                       KTTS/Springfield, MO     2.6   KWJJ/Portland, OR         1.8
                                   KCYY/San Antonio         4.3   WFMS/Indianapolis         3.4
KKBQ/Houston            7.4                                                                       WCKT/Ft. Myers           2.6   KWNR/Las Vegas            1.8
                                   WMIL/Milwaukee           4.3   KMDL/Lafayette, LA        3.3
WFUS/Tampa              7.2                                                                       WCOS/Columbia, SC        2.6   WIRK/West Palm            1.8
                                   WMZQ/Washington, DC      4.3   WDSY/Pittsburgh           3.3
WYRK/Buffalo            7.1                                                                       WQIK/Jacksonville        2.6   WKDF/Nashville            1.8
                                   WPOC/Baltimore           4.3   KSKS/Fresno               3.2
KILT/Houston            7.0
                                   WUSY/Chattanooga         4.3   KSON/San Diego            3.2   KCCY/Colorado Springs    2.5   WTGE/Baton Rouge          1.8
Hot Country/WestwoodOne 7.0
                                   WXBQ/Johnson City        4.3   KAJA/San Antonio          3.1   KKIX/Fayetteville, AR    2.5   KBQI/Albuquerque          1.7
MCCN/Music Choice       7.0
                                   WZZK/Birmingham          4.3   KBEQ/Kansas City          3.1   KHGE/Fresno              2.4   WAVW/Ft. Pierce, FL       1.7
WXTU/Philadelphia       7.0
KSD/St. Louis           6.9        KMLE/Phoenix             4.2   WQNU/Louisville           3.1   KJUG/Visalia-Tulare      2.4   KSOP/Salt Lake City       1.6
WUSN/Chicago            6.8        WKIS/Miami               4.2   KHKI/Des Moines           3.0   KUPL/Portland, OR        2.4   KUAD/Ft. Collins, CO      1.6
KTEX/McAllen            6.6        KUZZ/Bakersfield         4.0   KJKE/Oklahoma City        3.0   KXLY/Spokane             2.4   WCTQ/Sarasota             1.6
WCTK/Providence         6.6        WKHX/Atlanta             4.0   KRYS/Corpus Christi, TX   3.0
                                                                                                  WCYQ/Knoxville           2.4   WXCY/Wilmington, DE       1.6
KEEY/Minneapolis        6.5        KHEY/El Paso             3.9   KWEN/Tulsa                3.0
                                                                                                  WLHK/Indianapolis        2.4   WGKX/Memphis              1.5
WBEE/Rochester          5.8        WDRM/Huntsville          3.8   WDRQ/Detroit              3.0
                                                                                                  WTQR/Greensboro          2.4   WMAD/Madison, WI          1.5
WWKA/Orlando            5.8        WSSL/Greenville, SC      3.8   WDXB/Birmingham           3.0
                                                                                                  KASE/Austin              2.3   WNCB/Raleigh              1.5
WYCD/Detroit            5.7        WWGR/Ft. Myers           3.8   WGGY/Wilkes-Barre         3.0
WUBL/Atlanta            5.6        WYCT/Pensacola, FL       3.8   WPCV/Lakeland             3.0   KZSN/Wichita             2.3   WRNX/Springfield, MA      1.5
WSOC/Charlotte          5.5        KFRG/Riverside           3.7   WPGB/Pittsburgh           3.0   WKRO/Daytona Beach       2.3   WUSJ/Jackson, MS          1.5
KYGO/Denver             5.3        KTST/Oklahoma City       3.7   WSLC/Roanoke, VA          3.0   WKSJ/Mobile              2.3   WWQM/Madison, WI          1.5
WCTO/Allentown          5.2        WBBS/Syracuse            3.7   WYNK/Baton Rouge          2.9   WSIX/Nashville           2.3   KIZN/Boise, ID            1.4
WGAR/Cleveland          5.1        WGNA/Albany, NY          3.7   KRST/Albuquerque          2.8   KATC/Colorado Springs    2.2   KAWO/Boise, ID            1.3
WQYK/Tampa              5.1        WQMX/Akron               3.7   KSSN/Little Rock          2.8   KTGX/Tulsa               2.2   KPLM/Palm Springs, CA     1.3
WUBE/Cincinnati         5.1
                                   KFDI/Wichita             3.6   KUBL/Salt Lake City       2.8   WTHT/Portland, ME        2.2   WLFP/Memphis              1.1
WNOE/New Orleans        4.9
                                   KMNB/Minneapolis         3.6   WBUL/Lexington, KY        2.8   KCYE/Las Vegas           2.1   WJVC/Nassau-Suffolk       1.0
WBCT/Grand Rapids       4.8
                                   WWYZ/Hartford            3.6   WGTY/York                 2.8   KRTY/San Jose            2.1
WHKO/Dayton             4.8

ACTIVATOR STATIONS               WAYZ/Hagerstown-                 WOVK/Wheeling, WV         5.6    KATJ/Victor Valley      5.0    KVOX/Fargo, ND           4.2
Call Letters/Market       Weight Chambersburg-Waynesboro 7.0      KYKR/Beaumont, TX         5.5    KHKX/Odessa-Midland, TX 4.8    WMSI/Jackson, MS         4.1
                                 WQCB/Bangor, ME         7.0      WBYT/South Bend, IN       5.5    WIBW/Topeka, KS         4.8    WBAM/Montgomery, AL      4.0
WQXK/Youngstown, OH 10.0           KBUL/Reno, NV            6.9   KHAK/Cedar Rapids, IA     5.4    KFGE/Lincoln, NE        4.7    WKCN/Columbus, GA        4.0
WLLR/Quad Cities, IA-IL   9.3      WQBE/Charleston, WV      6.9   KIXQ/Joplin, MO           5.4    KLLL/Lubbock, TX        4.6    WWWW/Ann Arbor, MI       4.0
WACO/Waco, TX             8.8      WTHI/Terre Haute, IN     6.8   KKJG/San Luis Obispo, CA 5.4     KSNI/Santa Maria, CA    4.6    WJCL/Savannah, GA        3.4
WFRG/Utica-Rome, NY       8.4      WFRE/Frederick, MD       6.5   WWFG/Salisbury, MD        5.4    WCEN/Saginaw, MI        4.6    KRWQ/Medford, OR         3.0
WFLS/Fredericksburg, VA   8.1      WPUR/Atlantic City, NJ   6.3   WZKX/Biloxi               5.4    KKCB/Duluth, MN         4.5    WIXY/Champaign, IL       3.0
WKSF/Asheville, NC        8.0      WEGX/Florence, SC        6.1   KGNC/Amarillo, TX         5.2    KZKX/Lincoln, NE        4.4    KXDD/Yakima, WA          2.9
WOKO/Burlington, VT       7.6      WDEZ/Wausau, WI          6.0   KNUE/Tyler, TX            5.2    WLWI/Montgomery, AL     4.4    WWZD/Tupelo, MS          2.8
KKNU/Eugene, OR           7.4      WXCL/Peoria, IL          6.0   KSUX/Sioux City, IA       5.1    WRWD/Poughkeepsie       4.4    KAFF/Flagstaff, AZ       2.2
WTCM/Traverse City, MI    7.1      WKDQ/Evansville, IN      5.7   WCTY/New London, CT       5.1    KGKL/San Angelo, TX     4.2    KXKS/Shreveport, LA      2.1

     ©2021 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com
May 3, 2021
LW    TW       Artist/Title (Label)                                          Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience +/- Aud Stations ADDS

3    1         JAKE OWEN                                                         30042      1631     8266       432     39.023 2.784         160      1
               Made For You (Big Loud)
7      2       RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine) 4               28138      7562     7712      2090     34.482 10.219        160      0

2      3       GABBY BARRETT/The Good Ones (Warner/WAR)                          25810     -3086     7245      -754     34.328 -3.785        158      0

4      4       SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA) 4                   25735      2239     7056       671     32.038 4.261         155      1

5      5       ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville) 4                      22840      1649     6341       472     30.324 1.946         160      1

6      6       DYLAN SCOTT/Nobody (Curb)                                         21315      553      5875       153     25.315 1.418         160      0

9      7       LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia) 4             20352      2236     5488       518     24.839 2.337         160      1

8      8       BRETT YOUNG/Lady (BMLGR)                                          19814      -439     5166       -77     25.815 -3.949        160      0

10     9       JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                                  19022      1145     5289       387     22.118 0.812         159      0

11     10      DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                     18111      1609     4979       498     23.204 2.063         159      1

12     11      MIRANDA LAMBERT/Settling Down (RCA)                               17099      797      4635       256     21.118 1.177         159      1

13     12      CHRIS YOUNG & KANE BROWN/Famous Friends (RCA)                     16896      1047     4622       306     20.032     1.37      160      4

14     13      JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow)             16481      1447     4421       328     20.691 1.482         160      1

1      14      TENILLE ARTS/Somebody Like That (19th & Grand)                    16394    -12750 4464          -3698    23.913 -10.633       159      0

17     15      COLE SWINDELL/Single Saturday Night (Warner/WMN)                  15013      1246     4236       344     17.314 2.326         156      4

15     16      BLAKE SHELTON/Minimum Wage (Warner/WMN)                           14791      508      4042       155     18.403 0.688         160      1
16     17      KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                     14145      309      3935        94     16.048 0.282         153      1

18     18      T. MCGRAW & T. HUBBARD/Undivided (Big Machine/BMLGR)              13910      361      3898       132     15.323 0.306         158      1

20     19      DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                            13097      1531     3574       392     13.865 1.439         158      1

21     20      JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                         12279      822      3383       251     14.672 0.703         160      1

22     21      CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                              11003      484      3106       157      11.25    1.031      160      1

23     22      LAINEY WILSON/Things A Man Oughta Know (Broken Bow)               10914      896      3078       234     11.529 1.435         155      3

25     23      CHASE RICE f/FGL/Drinkin' Beer... (Dack Janiels/BBR/BMLGR)        8841       509      2289       124      9.655    1.072      153      6

27     24      THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory) 4                             8563       1923     2293       600     10.391     1.95      157     14

26     25      ELVIE SHANE/My Boy (Wheelhouse)                                   8457       674      2424       160        8      1.143      151      2
     ©2021 Country Aircheck™ All rights reserved. Sign up at • Send news to    4 =Top 5 Point Gainers

                                                                                                                                            Chart Page 1
May 3, 2021

   LW    TW      Artist/Title (Label)                                            Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience +/- Aud Stations ADDS

    28    26       LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                       8043       1416     2147       370      9.519     1.518     152      9

    29    27       SCOTTY MCCREERY/You Time (Triple Tigers)                         6843        881     1931       250      6.805     0.407     146      2

    30    28       KANE BROWN/Worship You (RCA)                                     6610        659     1795       197      5.453     0.366     140      2

    32    29       LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                        6299        728     1687       147      7.582     1.148     150      4

    34    30       GARTH BROOKS & TRISHA YEARWOOD/Shallow (Pearl)                   6008        772     1635       196      4.983     0.741     114      5

    33    31       LITTLE BIG TOWN/Wine, Beer, Whiskey (Capitol)                    5911        408     1688       127       3.57     0.182     143      1

    35    32       LADY A/Like A Lady (BMLGR)                                       5341        319     1422        79       5.69     0.601     130      3

    36    33       J. RODGERS f/L. COMBS/Cold Beer... (River House/Columbia)        5311        668     1369       107      5.217     0.758     129      2

    37    34       PRISCILLA BLOCK/Just About Over You (InDent/Mercury)             4797        180     1263        10       4.76     0.989     131      7

    39    35       J. ALLEN & B. PAISLEY/Freedom Was A Highway (Stoney Creek)       4699        482     1327       140      4.356     0.437     127      10

    38    36       KENNY CHESNEY/Knowing You (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)                4675        292     1242        94      5.587     0.591     134      14

    40    37       RYAN HURD W/MAREN MORRIS/Chasing After You (Arista)              4520        529     1215       146      3.571      0.86     119      7

    41    38       RUSSELL DICKERSON/Home Sweet (Triple Tigers)                     4040        363     1083        93      4.664     0.701     115      4

    43    39       JON PARDI/Tequila Little Time (Capitol)                          3884        336     1036        88       3.57     1.055     116      3

    42    40       MICHAEL RAY/Whiskey And Rain (Warner/WEA)                        3792        197     1046        44      3.536     0.254     104      4

    44    41       INGRID ANDRESS/Lady Like (Warner/WEA)                            3492        332      936        59      2.923     0.339      94      1

    46    42       CHRIS JANSON/Waitin' On 5 (Warner/WAR)                           3193        186      905        48      2.377     0.096     101      3

    45    43       LOCASH/Beers To Catch Up On (Wheelhouse)                         3075         52      868        24      1.884     0.001      90      2

    47    44       HARDY/Give Heaven Some Hell (Big Loud)                           2928         59      830         9      1.794     0.383      98      5

 Debut 45          MATT STELL/That Ain't Me No More (Records/Arista)                2712        529      751       133      2.062      0.41      88      15

    49    46       PARKER MCCOLLUM/To Be Loved By You (MCA)                         2307         61      605        25      2.173     0.283      79      3

    50    47       LAUREN ALAINA w/JON PARDI/Getting Over Him (Mercury)             2174        -58      642         4      1.295 -0.118         80      5

 Debut 48          K. BALLERINI f/K. CHESNEY/Half Of My... (Black River)            2059        215      631        84      1.468     0.072      86      8

 Debut 49          RILEY GREEN/If It Wasn't For Trucks (BMLGR)                      2053         78      640        23      1.106      0.1       80      1

Re-Enter 50        CLAY WALKER/Need A Bar Sometimes (Show Dog)                      1904         80      629        25      1.036     0.158      64      1

         ©2021 Country Aircheck™ All rights reserved. Sign up at • Send news to    4 =Top 5 Point Gainers

                                                                                                                                                Chart Page 2
May 3, 2021
Country Aircheck Add Leaders                                  Adds        Activator Top Point Gainers
DUSTIN LYNCH f/M. PORTER/Thinking 'Bout You (Broken Bow)          33      RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)              1265 4
CHRIS LANE/Fill Them Boots (Big Loud)                             15      LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                     1197 4
MATT STELL/That Ain't Me No More (Records/Arista)                 15      THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory)                            1156 4
BROTHERS OSBORNE/I'm Not For Everyone (EMI Nashville)             14
                                                                          LAINEY WILSON/Things A Man Oughta Know (Broken Bow)              692 4
KENNY CHESNEY/Knowing You (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)                 14
                                                                          JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow) 647 4
THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory)                               14
                                                                          LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia)              551
BRETT YOUNG/Not Yet (BMLGR)                                       12
                                                                          CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                             426
CALLISTA CLARK/It's 'Cause I Am (Big Machine)                     11
J. ALLEN & B. PAISLEY/Freedom Was A Highway (Stoney Creek)        10      JON PARDI/Tequila Little Time (Capitol)                          420
LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                           9    DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                           401
                                                                          JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                        370

Country Aircheck Top Point Gainers                                        Activator Top Spin Gainers
RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)             7562 4      RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)                  269
SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA)                 2239 4      THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory)                                243
LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia)           2236 4      LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                         221

THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory)                           1923 4      JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow)              145

ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)                    1649 4      LAINEY WILSON/Things A Man Oughta Know (Broken Bow)                117
JAKE OWEN/Made For You (Big Loud)                             1631        LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia)                115
DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                 1609        CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                                92
DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                        1531        DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                              92
JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow)         1447        SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA)                       78
LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                    1416        JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                           77

Country Aircheck Top Spin Gainers                                         Country Aircheck Top Recurrents                                 Points
RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine)               2090      THOMAS RHETT/What's Your Country Song (Valory)                   22146
SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA)                    671      PARMALEE f/BLANCO BROWN/Just The Way (Stoney Creek)              18887
THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory)                              600      LUKE COMBS/Better Together (River House/Columbia)                15123
LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia)              518      LEE BRICE/One Of Them Girls (Curb)                               14968
DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                    498      LUKE BRYAN/Down To One (Capitol)                                 14656
ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)                       472      FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE/Long Live (BMLGR)                           13169
JAKE OWEN/Made For You (Big Loud)                                432      RUSSELL DICKERSON/Love You Like I Used To (Triple Tigers)        11624
DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                           392      DUSTIN LYNCH/Momma's House (Broken Bow)                          10616

JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                                 387      BLAKE SHELTON f/G. STEFANI/Happy... (Warner/WMN)                  8473

LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                       370      NIKO MOON/Good Time (RCA)                                         8386

    ©2021 Country Aircheck™ All rights reserved. Sign up at • Send news to   4 =Top 5 Point Gainers

                                                                                                                                        Chart Page 3
May 3, 2021
MATT STELL/That Ain’t Me No More (Records/Arista)
  Debut 45*
                                                                                   ADD DATES
  2712 points, 751 spins                                                               Send yours to
  15 adds, including: KATC*, KIIM*, KIZN*, KRST*, WAVW,
                                                                            MAY 10
                                                                            JOE NICHOLS/Home Run (Quartz Hill)
PARKER MCCOLLUM/To Be Loved By You (MCA)                                    JACKSON MICHELSON/Tip Jar (Curb/MCC)
  Moves 49-46*                                                              THE TENNESSEE WEREWOLVES/Amy’s Gone (Verado)
  2307 points, 605 spins                                                    KIP MOORE/Good Life (MCA)
  3 adds: KKIX, W1HC*, WYCD

LAUREN ALAINA f/JON PARDI/Getting Over Him (Mercury)                        MAY 17
  Moves 50-47*                                                              TYLER RICH/Better Than You’re Used To (Valory)
  2174 points, 642 spins                                                    CHRIS STAPLETON/You Should Probably Leave (Mercury)
K. BALLERINI f/K. CHESNEY/Half Of My Hometown (Black River)                 MAY 24
   Debut 48*                                                                TENILLE ARTS/Back Then, Right Now (19th & Grand)
   2059 points, 631 spins
   8 adds, including: KSSN, WAVW, WBCT, WLHK, WPOR, WQDR,                   DREW PARKER/While You’re Gone (Warner/WMN)
      WRNS, WWGR

RILEY GREEN/If It Wasn’t For Trucks (BMLGR)
   Debut 49*
   2053 points, 640 spins
                                                                                  CHECK OUT
   1 add: WAVW
CLAY WALKER/Need A Bar Sometimes (Show Dog)
                                                                            MAY 7
  Re-entry 50*                                                              JACK INGRAM, MIRANDA LAMBERT AND JON
  1904 points, 629 spins                                                    RANDALL The Marfa Tapes (Vanner/RCA)
  1 add: KUBL*                                                              The collection of songs were written and recorded
                                                                            together in the middle-of-nowhere town of Marfa,
CALLISTA CLARK/It’s ‘Cause I Am (Big Machine)                               TX using just a pair of microphones and an acoustic
  1869 points, 519 spins                                                    guitar. While a couple of the tracks are familiar – “Tin
                                                                            Man” and “Tequila Does” – the majority have never been heard
  11 adds, including: KBQI, KHGE, KNCI, WCKT, WDRM, WKSJ,
                                                                            outside of Marfa.
CAITLYN SMITH f/OLD DOMINION/I Can’t (Monument)                             KENNY CHESNEY Here And Now Deluxe
  1807 points, 516 spins                                                      (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)
  1 add: KUPL                                                               The Deluxe release features the dozen existing songs
                                                                            – including “Here And Now,” “Tip Of My Tongue”
BRETT YOUNG/Not Yet (BMLGR)                                                 and “Happy Does” – supplemented by four new
  1549 points, 400 spins                                                    tracks: “Wind On,” “Fields Of Glory,” “My Anthem”
                                                                            and “Streets.”
  12 adds, including: KKGO, KNIX, KRYS, WCTK, WFUS, WGH,
WGNE, WOGK, WPCV*, WRNS                                                     TRAVIS TRITT Set In Stone (Big Noise)
                                                                            Produced by Dave Cobb, Tritt’s first original full-
                                                                            length studio album in over a decade boasts 11 new
                                                                            songs, eight of which he co-wrote.

    ©2021 Countr y Aircheck™ — All r ights reser ved. Sign up free at w w w.countr yaircheck .com. S end news to news@countr yaircheck .com

                                                                                                                                   Chart Page 4
May 3, 2021
LW    TW       Artist/Title (Label)                                                              Points   +/- Points   Plays    +/- Plays Stations ADDS

               JAKE OWEN                4
1     1        Made For You (Big Loud)
                                                                                                 11433       -92       2372       -33      46       0

3     2        ERIC CHURCH/Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)                                        9960         60       2001       -23      49       0
2     3        GABBY BARRETT/The Good Ones (Warner/WAR)                                          9614       -984       2001      -156      47       0
5     4        SAM HUNT/Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA)                                     9425        338       1933       78       48       0
6     5        LUKE COMBS/Forever After All (River House/Columbia) 4                             8371        551       1658       115      48       0
7     6        DYLAN SCOTT/Nobody (Curb)                                                         7583        201       1503       47       46       0
4     7        TENILLE ARTS/Somebody Like That (19th & Grand)                                    7388      -2435       1508      -510      45       0
8     8        MIRANDA LAMBERT/Settling Down (RCA)                                               7198         55       1446       46       48       0
15 9           RASCAL FLATTS/How They Remember You (Big Machine) 4                               7157       1265       1436       269      42       0
9     10       CHRIS YOUNG & KANE BROWN/Famous Friends (RCA)                                     7065        245       1375       61       48       1
10 11          BLAKE SHELTON/Minimum Wage (Warner/WMN)                                           6694       -120       1316        9       48       0
11 12          DIERKS BENTLEY/Gone (Capitol)                                                     6658        291       1309       72       48       0
16 13          JASON ALDEAN/Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken Bow) 4                           6514        647       1280       145      46       0
14 14          JORDAN DAVIS/Almost Maybes (MCA)                                                  6448        275       1309       68       45       0
12 15          KEITH URBAN w/PINK/One Too Many (RCA/Capitol)                                     6144        -82       1197       -13      48       0
13 16          TIM MCGRAW & TYLER HUBBARD/Undivided (Big Machine/BMLGR)                          5930       -290       1170       -24      46       0
17 17          COLE SWINDELL/Single Saturday Night (Warner/WMN)                                  5462        158       1117       50       45       0
18 18          JUSTIN MOORE/We Didn't Have Much (Valory)                                         5086        370       1052       77       46       2
19 19          DAN + SHAY/Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                                            5011        401       952        92       48       0
20 20          CARLY PEARCE/Next Girl (Big Machine)                                              4770        426       967        92       48       0
23 21          THOMAS RHETT/Country Again (Valory) 4                                             4471       1156       913        243      47       3
24 22          LUKE BRYAN/Waves (Capitol)                                                        4420       1197       884        221      49       12
22 23          LAINEY WILSON/Things A Man Oughta Know (Broken Bow) 4                             4357        692       834        117      46       1
27 24          CHASE RICE f/FGL/Drinkin' Beer. Talkin' God. Amen. (Dack Janiels/BBR/BMLGR)       2955        280       521        44       42       2
26 25          ELVIE SHANE/My Boy (Wheelhouse)                                                   2862        144       542        11       44       1
28 26          GARTH BROOKS & TRISHA YEARWOOD/Shallow (Pearl)                                    2490         88       504        26       42       0
29 27          KENNY CHESNEY/Knowing You (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)                                 2366        -31       405         0       32       0
30 28          LADY A/Like A Lady (BMLGR)                                                        2106         70       407        12       39       0
33 29          JON PARDI/Tequila Little Time (Capitol)                                           2066        420       373        68       33       5
31 30          LITTLE BIG TOWN/Wine, Beer, Whiskey (Capitol)                                     1978        123       401        36       37       2

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                                                                                                                                          Chart Page 5
May 3, 2021

    LW     TW       Artist/Title (Label)                                                              Points +/- Points   Plays   +/- Plays   Stations Adds

    34 31           SCOTTY MCCREERY/You Time (Triple Tigers)                                          1847       273       383        51       43       5
    32 32           JAMESON RODGERS f/L. COMBS/Cold Beer Calling… (River House/Columbia)              1764       101       361        21       37       2
    35 33           LEE BRICE/Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                                         1750       230       349        42       43       2
    36 34           RYAN HURD w/MAREN MORRIS/Chasing After You (Arista)                               1634       269       271        49       29       3
    37 35           KANE BROWN/Worship You (RCA)                                                      1491       246       289        42       42       1
    39 36           JIMMIE ALLEN & BRAD PAISLEY/Freedom Was A Highway (Stoney Creek)                  1112       205       209        28       28       1
    40 37           KELSEA BALLERINI f/KENNY CHESNEY/Half Of My Hometown (Black River)                1086       202       187        21       20       3
    38 38           HARDY/Give Heaven Some Hell (Big Loud)                                            1018       -10       207        -2       22       0
    42 39           ELLE KING & MIRANDA LAMBERT/Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go..) (RCA)                  901        75        98          8        3       0
    41 40           PARKER MCCOLLUM/To Be Loved By You (MCA)                                          876        29        137         8       15       0
    43 41           PRISCILLA BLOCK/Just About Over You (InDent/Mercury)                              819        48        201         9       36       2
    44 42           CHRIS JANSON/Waitin' On 5 (Warner/WAR)                                            750        -16       153        -8       25       0
    45 43           MICHAEL RAY/Whiskey And Rain (Warner/WEA)                                         701        34        143         8       18       1
    51 44           CARLY PEARCE/Should've Known Better (Big Machine)                                 670        60        67          6        1       0
    48 45           LAUREN ALAINA w/JON PARDI/Getting Over Him (Mercury)                              667        27        133         7       15       0
    52 46           TRAVIS DENNING/ABBY (Mercury)                                                     649        43        120        12       16       0
    49 47           DARIUS RUCKER/My Masterpiece (Capitol)                                            638         6        77         -2        4       0
    47 48           ERIC CHURCH/Lynyrd Skynyrd Jones (EMI Nashville)                                  630        -10       63         -1        1       0
    50 49           MITCHELL TENPENNY/Bucket List (Columbia)                                          610        -20       61         -2        1       0
    54 50           KYLIE FREY/I Do Thing (Deep Frey'd)                                               571        55        121        13       11       0
    60 51           RUSSELL DICKERSON/Home Sweet (Triple Tigers)                                      546        111       126        21       15       0
Re-Enter 52         TAYLOR SWIFT w/MAREN MORRIS/You All Over Me (Republic/MCA)                        541        133       75         21        5       1
    46 53           TIM DUGGER/You're Gonna Love Me (MCC/Curb)                                        498       -151       94         -26      13       0
    55 54           LILY ROSE/Villain (Big Loud)                                                      492        -19       62         -3        6       0
    56 55           BROTHERS OSBORNE/I'm Not For Everyone (EMI Nashville)                             482         8        77          4        5       1
 Debut 56           DILLON CARMICHAEL/Hot Beer (Riser House)                                          480        148       103        24       13       2
    57 57           LOCASH/Beers To Catch Up On (Wheelhouse)                                          463        15        104         4       13       0
 Debut 58           BRETT ELDREDGE/Good Day (2021) (Warner/WMN)                                       440         6        50         -2        6       0
    59 59           NIKO MOON/No Sad Songs (RCA)                                                      435         -5       44          0        2       0
Re-Enter 60         TYLER RICH/Better Than You're Used To (Valory)                                    430         0        43          0        1       0
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                                                                                                                                               Chart Page 6
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