St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -

Page created by Clyde Lawson
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
                            14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709
                               (909) 465-5503 ● FAX (909) 465-1683
                       Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
                        E-mail: ● Web site:
                                    PARISH MISSION STATEMENT
We, the people of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Faith Community, Baptized into Jesus Christ, formed by Word
and Sacrament, and Empowered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Seek to be a visible sign of God’s love.
We seek to build the Kingdom of God by: Using our unique gifts to minister to one another, Welcoming all and
caring for those in need, Teaching our faith to others and Uniting in worship as a family with the Body of Christ.

                     Dear St. Paul Family and Friends,
                     Our readings this weekend present us two poor widows who gave their all to God. In the
                     first reading, the prophet Elijah asks a poor widow for a cup of water and a bit of bread.
                     Having only a handful of flour and a little oil in her jug, this widow makes a little cake
                     and feeds him. In turn, because of her generosity, “she was able to eat for a year…, the
                     jar of flour did not go empty, not the jug of oil run dry, as the Lord had foretold through
                     Elijah.” Then in the Gospel, Jesus points out a poor widow who enters into the temple
                     and puts in her two small coins worth a few cents. Jesus commends her for “she, from
                     her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”
                     In our parish, we find widows and widowers who generously give their all to God. In ad-
                     dition to their deep grief caused by the loss of spouses, they often suffer from economic
                     loss, from the burdens of raising their families alone, or from the pains of isolation, but
                     they continue to serve the Church. They are examples to us of magnanimity and self-
                     lessness. To you, our friends, we support you, we love you, and we are here for you!
                     Many of you, too, have been affected tremendously by the pandemic - mentally, emo-
                     tionally, spiritually, and financially. But it is heartwarming to see your generosity to the
                     Church and your overflowing love for God. We are able to stay afloat, maintain our
                     church, support our employees, and find ways to offer Jesus, because of your gener-
                     osity. Your magnanimity constantly shines brightly, and it is very inspiring! Thank you,
                     from the bottom of our hearts! Our stewardship report is found on page 3.
                     Further, as November 7th to 13th is National Vocation Awareness Week, we highlight the
                     vocations to diaconate, priesthood, and consecrated life. Taking the witness of the two
                     widows, we instill in our young men and women the virtues of total self-giving and faith-
                     filled surrender to the Lord. The Church needs men and women who are willing to aban-
                     don their nets and be fishers of men. My dear young friends, please examine your
                     hearts and see if there is anything that you are holding back from the Lord, perhaps
                     some coins that you have not yet put into the treasury.
                     Finally, we are led to the supreme sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. The generosity of the
                     two widows foreshadows the generosity of Jesus, who offered his all, body and blood,
                     soul and divinity, for us and for our salvation. Ultimately, it reflects the abundant love of
                     God, who gave us His only begotten Son, so that we may not perish but may have
                     eternal life.
                                                                                        Fr. Joseph CM Pilotin, MS
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week                                       32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, November 6                                         Friday, November 12
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15         Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37
Blessed Virgin Mary;                                         St. Josaphat
First Saturday                                                   8:00 a.m. Augusto & Josefina Lopez,
    5:00 p.m. †All Souls Novena                                            †Shalla de Guzman, †Raul Villanueva,
Sunday, November 7                                                         †Sinforiana Raz
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28;                    Saturday, November 13
Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]                                          Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37,
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 42-43; Lk 18:1-8
National Vocation Awareness Week                             St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
    7:00 a.m. †All Souls Novena                                  5:00 p.m. †Milagros & Catalino Inovero,
    9:00 a.m. †All Souls Novena                                            †Socrates Cayabyab, †Pablo Castro,
  11:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish                                  †Webina Yabut
    1:00 p.m. †All Souls Novena                              Sunday, November 14
   (Spanish)                                                 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32
    3:00 p.m. †All Souls Novena                              33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
    5:00 p.m. †All Souls Novena                                  7:00 a.m. †Shalla de Guzman, †Ruben Ignacio,
Monday, November 8                                                         †Purita Garcia,
Wis 1:1-7; Ps 139:1b-10; Lk 17:1-6                                         †Rodrigo & Rogelio Nalipay
    8:00 a.m. †All Souls Novena                                  9:00 a.m. Marivic Cruz, Gabrielle Angeles,
Tuesday, November 9                                                        †Julianna Dumag, †Louie Viray
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;                       11:00 a.m. Fabian Jurado & Family, †Estrella Dizon,
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22                                           †Irene Rosario Jurado, †Martha Saavedra
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica                           1:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish
    8:00 a.m. †All Souls Novena                                (Spanish)
Wednesday, November 10                                           3:00 p.m. Connie Marinez, Jim & Priska Zoeter,
Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19                                    †Moises Quitangon, †Alexander Rubio,
St. Leo the Great                                                          †Marcelina & Abdul Hamid
    8:00 a.m. †All Souls Novena                                  5:00 p.m. Gloria & Valerie Basilio, Maria Elena Nava,
Thursday, November 11                                                      †Yoga Hamm, †Anna Valadez
Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175;
Lk 17:20-25                                                                         † Deceased
St. Martin of Tours; Veterans Day
    8:00 a.m. Clara Gracia, Sammie Urgo,                             Did you light a candle for someone today?
              †Shalla de Guzman, †Sammy Pero

The Sick and Suffering:
Delia Aguirre, Antonio Aleman, Ana Alvarado, Sylvia Alvarez, Fabio Astudillo, Bobby Balderama, Esperanza Balderama,
Lily Baylon, Doris Brenes, Carson Brooks, Jun Castillo, Javier Cordoba, Dean Crawford, Lydia Davila, Thomas
Espineda, Julie Espinosa, Marcella Ferreira, Charlie Field, Wayne Fisher, Sonny Franco, Steve & Annette Gamboa,
Harvey & Patricia Geiss, Mike Geier, Rosa Gomez, Elenor Guerrero, Doug Hager, Raymond Henderson, Leo de Leon,
Carlos Lira, Marlene Lombardo, Margarita Lopez, Hector Loya, Fernanda Macias, Shawn Mailo, Fr. Michael Maher,, Larry McCann, Adrian Mercado, Kathy Moreno, Michael Muniz, Carlos Pacheco, Sonia Pacis, Abiel Peña, Charlie
Perez, Diane Perez, Susie Pinter, Andy Rendall, Lorraine Rogers, Lydia Romero, Larry Rubio, Edna Saenz, Jennifer
Short, Sr. Sarah Shrewsbury, O.S.C., Roy Singzon, Maria Guadalupe Tapia, Suny Torrez, Antonia Trejo, Stephanie
Tribe, Andrea Van Walleghem, Liam Vargas, Lilly Vega, Freddy John Verzosa, Ricardo Vicent, Diane Villa, Jorge Villa,
Regina Villa, Emelio Villaruz, Dcn Paul Von Ins, James & Mary Watson and Sheila Williams.

For the Deceased: Walter Avolevan, Lourdes Loyola and David Torrez.
The pregnant women and all the new moms of our Parish:
Maile Dafun-Long, Geraldin Fuentes, Nina Gelvezon Fletcher and Priscilla Suriano.
                   If you would like prayers, support, meals and a gift after your baby is born,
                         contact Maile Dafun-Long at 909-896-3395, Elizabeth Ministry.
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                                           Page 3

                         Annual Parish Financial Statement to Parishioners
                                      Statement of Activities
                                   July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021

                                              Current Year                Current Budget                   Prior Year
 Operating Revenue
  Contributions                               $ 2,058,381                    $ 2,455,200                $ 2,341,557
  Donations                                       134,269                         79,800                    259,026
  Stole Fees                                       35,813                         32,490                     40,645
  Fees Revenue                                     54,858                         41,600                    185,444
  Fundraising Events Revenue                      208,336                              -                    415,035
  Investment Income                                26,417                         24,500                     34,513
  Revenue - DDF over goal & other                  60,181                              -                     72,445
  Rental Income                                    24,000                         23,400                     24,050
 Total Operating Revenue                        2,602,255                      2,656,990                  3,372,715

  Personnel                                   $ 1,223,429                    $ 1,293,510                $ 1,238,503
  Professional Fees                                19,810                         57,785                     53,855
  Program Expenses                                 20,723                         32,310                     76,056
  Liturgical Expenses                              13,646                         18,340                     39,185
  General Aid                                      90,998                         36,900                     77,230
  General and AdministraƟve                       139,642                        162,880                    317,714
  Facilities                                      542,371                        615,715                    599,938
  Fundraising Expense                               1,652                          7,200                    102,306
  Assessment                                      372,370                        372,620                    484,527
  Depreciation                                    578,180                        650,400                    574,688
 Total Expenditures                           $ 3,002,821                    $ 3,247,660                $ 3,564,002
 Change In Net Assets                         $ (400,566)                    $ (590,670)                $ (191,287)

 '+ Net Assets - Beginning                      15,217,830                               -                15,409,118

 Net Assets - Ending                            14,817,263                      (590,670)                 15,217,830

1) Current year statement reflects 12 months of the financial impact due to the COVIS-19 pandemic.
2) Operating revenue decreased 12.3% ($ 474,419) from prior year. Significant difference was in Festival revenue.
   2019 included $ 292,300 compared to 2020 cancelled Festival with $ 0 revenue.
3) Total expenditures were lower from prior year by 15.7% $ 561,161 and helped offset the reduction of revenue.
4) Major repair expenses incurred in fiscal year for the Church and Ministry Center was $78,250

   This Weekend is DDF Sunday
   Thank you for your support to the
   2021 Diocesan Development Fund!
                                                                November 28th Bulletin
                                                             Due by Monday, November 12th
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                           Page 4

                                                    Silent Auction Courtyard Sale
        next WEEKEND IS MCF
   We are continuing our Ministry Center           The Harvest Festival may be over
   Building Fund. Planning for the future          but next Sunday, November 14th,
     needs and utilization of the center           you will have one last opportunity
              is under review.                     to browse it’s Silent Auction at our
                                                   first-ever Pre-Thanksgiving
        Thank you for supporting the               Courtyard Sale. After all Masses
           Ministry Center Fund!!                  a wide selection of gift baskets (many including
                                                   gift cards), art pieces, household goods and
                                                   miscellaneous items will be available at
            Casino bus trip                        drastically reduced prices.
“Knights of Columbus are hosting a casino bus      Get your Christmas shopping done early! All
trip to Harrah’s Resort next                       merchandise will be sold as priced no bidding
Saturday, November 13th,                           involved. Quantities are limited so come early
departing from St. Paul’s                          for the best selection. Take advantage of this
parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and                       opportunity to support St. Paul’s while getting
returning by 5:00 p.m.                             incredible deals on a wide selection of items.
Cost is $15/person which includes continental      See you in the courtyard!!
breakfast, snacks and soft drinks. Adults only.
                                                                   “grab and Go”
For more information, contact Manuel Padilla at                  Breakfast Burritos
909-331-8656 or Jim Dunkelman at
909-489-8656.”                                               Come and enjoy one of our “Grab and
                                                             Go” Breakfast Burritos next Sunday,
     Becoming Catholic: RCIA                                 November 14th after the 7:00 a.m.
                                                             and 9:00 a.m. Masses in the
                RCIA is the process in which                 Courtyard.
                Adults are brought into the                   ~Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
                Catholic Church by receiving the
                Sacraments of Initiation…
                Baptism, Confirmation and First              The Sacrament of
                Holy Communion at the Easter                  Reconciliation
Vigil. The process lasts at least one liturgical
year and involves a series of Rites, study,                     The Sacrament of Reconciliation
retreat, and discussions.                                       is now celebrated inside the
                                                                Church on Tuesdays and
If you wish to join the Catholic Community and
                                                                Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. or
participate in the Sacraments, or know a family
                                                                contact the Parish Office to
member or friend who may be interested in
                                                                schedule an appointment with the
becoming Catholic, the RCIA Ministry is open
year-round to begin the process.
                                                   Everyone coming to celebrate the Sacrament
Contact Jerry Watson at
                                                   of Reconciliation, MUST:
or Sandy Hayden at
                                                      •   Be wearing a mask that completely
Please help us to evangelize by spreading the
                                                          covers the nose and mouth areas.
word about our ministry!
                                                      •   Maintain the 3’ (three feet) physical
                   ~Sponsored by RCIA Ministry            distancing between all persons present.
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                                   Page 5

  Tamale Sale / this weekend
      Venta de Tamales
       Saturday after the 5pm Mass
   Sábado déspues de la Misa de la 5pm
   Sunday after the Morning Masses and                   Penelope Arias              Michael Huerta
              after 1pm Mass                             Emily Avila                 Maverick Jimenez
   Domingo déspues de las Misas de la                    Theodore Bartolome          Braelynn Mamola
   Mañana y déspues de la Misa de la 1pm                 Christian Bathan            Genesis Mendoza
                                                         Isaac Bathan                Sinai Mendoza
        $24.00 / Dozen - Docena                          Jonah Bathan                Nathaniel Mireles
                                                         Maverick Camacho            Ivan Mota
        Pork, Chicken & Cheese with                      Amelia Carlos               Dominic Nunez
            Green Chili Peppers                          Mia Dessa                   Valen Ortega
       Puerco, Pollo y Rajas con Queso                   Jett Dizon                  Chloe Sandiego
   Miguel y Angélica Ortega / 909-973-8531               Savannah Fierro             Jiana Selpides
      Blanca Gutiérrez / 909-927-3360                    Brycen Gales                Kellan Vena
                                                         Micah Herold                Gerardo Venegas
    Food donations for the                                                           Adrian Virgen
                  We are now accepting the                CHRISTMAS CARDS DONATIONS
                  following items to re-stock our
                  pantry: Mayonnaise 30oz,           The Office of Restorative Justice coordinates
                  cans of green beans 14.5 oz,                          the distribution of thousands
                  cans of corn 15.25 oz, tuna                           of Christmas cards each year
4oz, peanut butter 48oz, jelly 30oz, cooking                            to prisons in our Diocese. We
oil 48oz and salt 26oz. We are trying to                                are in need of boxes of new,
collect at least 400 of each item..                                     unsigned Christmas cards
If you donate rice, spaghetti or noodles, please                        (especially Spanish-language
donate the ones that are packaged as opposed         cards) which are then given to inmates to send
to boxed. It helps keep everything fresh and         home to their families. During this time, we ask
protects from the boxes opening up. Before           for your help in showing our incarcerated sisters
donating, please check the expiration date.          and brothers that some people do care.
Non-Perishable donations can be dropped              •     Deadline is Friday, December 3rd in order
off in the designated bin located outside the              to meet the prisons’ deadlines.
Parish Office. Online giving is also available for   •     Please NO cards that: are scented; contain
monetary donations. Select the Food Pantry                 glitter, tassels, ribbons, plastic, or pieces that
Fund.                                                      can be removed or musical cards. Also NO
                                                           cards requesting/requiring donations to
If you are aware of a family experiencing                  an organization.
hardship, please have them contact David &
Maria Nuñez at 714-746-5137. Thank You and           Please drop off boxes of cards at the Parish
God Bless!!!                                         Office.
             ~St. Paul the Apostle Food Ministry
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                          Page 6

                      Sunday, December 5th
                      7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
                         in the Courtyard
               To participate and reserve a space or
                  for more details, please contact
                        Sylvia Moralez at

                                    Knot just a prayer ministry
                                    will be having a Rosary sale
                                   Rosary Sale will be held on Sunday, November
                                   21 after all the Masses in the foyer of the
                                   Church. Proceeds will be used to replenish
                                   supplies for our Confirmation students.
                                           ~Sponsored by Knot Just a Prayer Ministry
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                                             Page 7

            Date/Fecha                   Liturgical Workshops/Classes               Talleres Litúrgicos/Clases

     One Saturday per month                Advanced Liturgical Formation         Programa de Formación Avanzada de
  November 2021-December 2022                  Program (12 topics)                      Liturgia (12 temas)
          9:00 AM-3:30 PM                 Liturgical Foundations; Sacramental Bases de Liturgia; Teología Sacramen-
              Via Zoom                     Theology; Eucharistic Theology;     tal; Teología de la Eucaristía; Oración
                                         Church Prayer; Rites in RCIA; Litur-   de la Iglesia; Ritos de RICA; Libros
                                        gical Books;  Liturgy & Music; Renova-      Litúrgicos; Liturgia y Música;
                                         tion & Construction; Art & Environ-     Renovación y Construcción; Arte y
You can register for individual classes   ment;  Order  of Christian Funerals;      Ambiente; Ritual de Exequias
            of your interest/                 Cultures  & Liturgy; Liturgy          Cristianas; Culturas y Liturgia;
 Se puede inscribir para tomar clases                 Coordinator                    Coordinador(a) de Liturgia
    individuales que le interesen.
                                           This program also counts as the           Este programa puede ser la
                                           CMFP Specialization in Liturgy         Especialización de Liturgia a nivel

    PRE-SCHOOL RAFFLE TICKETS                                 Non-Discrimination Statement
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Preschool is                   St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Preschool admits
              selling raffle tickets for the                 students of any sex, race, color, national and
              opportunity to win a brand new                 ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs
              2022 Ford Mustang! The cost of                 and activities generally accorded or made
              each ticket is $10.00. 75%                     available to students at the school. This school
              percent of proceeds will be given              does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,
              back to St. Paul the Apostle                   color, national or ethnic origin in administration
Catholic Preschool.                                          of their educational policies, admission policies,
                                                             financial assistance, and athletic and other
The drawing will take place on Thursday,
                                                             school administered programs.
December 2, 2021 during the Diocese of San
Bernardino’s 19th Annual Bishop’s Golf Classic.
                                                                     Preschool Treasure Box
Winner does not need to be present at the time
of the drawing. Tickets are available for                    St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Preschool’s
purchase in the Parish Office, during regular                                 classroom treasure box is
business hours until Monday, November 15th.                                   getting pretty empty. If you
           We appreciate your support!                                        could help by donating small
                                                                              trinket toys to serve as
                                                                              rewards for our preschoolers,
                                                                              we would greatly appreciate it.

                                                             Toys can be left over party favors, happy meal
                                                             toys, or small items from the dollar store. Toys
                                                             may be left at the Parish Office. Thank you for
                                                             supporting our children!
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
Catechetical Ministry                                                                           Page 8

Nov 10            Adult Faith Formation - 7 p.m. “Marriage and Family” - ZOOM
Nov 17            Gente de Dios - 6 p.m. - Hope cottage
Nov 20-21         Con 2 Retreat Weekend
Nov 21            People of God - 10 a.m. - ZOOM
Nov 22-25         NO CLASSES
Nov 29            All Classes Resume

       Adult Faith Formation

                                                      Volunteers are needed to assist at the Ministry
                                                      Center. Please prayerfully consider joining the
         “Marriage and Family”
                                                      PARENT PATROL. We need help escorting
        Wednesday, November 10, 2021
             7:00 p.m. - ZOOM                         students to the restrooms, picking up
                                                      attendance, etc. It’s a great way to meet other
      Register in advance for this meeting:
                                                      parent volunteers and build community.         Learn more by stopping by the office in Bldg. 4.
 After registering, you will receive a confirmation
  email containing information about joining the

         Reconciliation Retreat
        Dates listed by Catechist Name:
 Friday, November 12, 2021
 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Via Zoom
 John Nigbor
 Ervin & Melissa Millanes                                          Church Access
 Naomi Perez                                          NOVEMBER 20th and NOVEMBER 21st
 Saturday, November 13, 2021                           Due to Confirmation Retreat taking place on
 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Via Zoom                       the Church Site, access to the Church will be
 Michelle Imperial                                     unavailable through the Courtyard these
 Maria Rubio & Concha Ebbitt                           dates. Please access the Church through
  SPECIAL NOTES:                                       the Foyer on the North and South Sides of
      *PLEASE MONITOR EMAILS FOR                       the Church.
      RETREAT PACKET PICK-UP DATES                     Thank you for understanding!

                                 Ministry Center - Catechetical Ministry
                                3683 Chino Ave., Bldg 4, Chino, CA 91710
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm           Phone: 909-325-8900 -
              Tues: 2 pm - 8pm                            Email Address:
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                               Page 9

                                Vocation Awareness Week
Fr. Andrew Laguna, SJ is a native of Chino Hills,
CA and has been a member of St. Paul the
Apostle since the very beginning (when Mass
was held in the lunch area at Townsend Junior
He never thought that he would ever be a priest.
From a young age, he had plans to become a
physician, get married, and have a family. But
his vocation journey began when he was a
sophomore in high school and attended his
Confirmation 1 Retreat. He had a profound
experience of God's love for him that moved him
to become more involved in his Catholic faith.
He began attending Mass more, became part of
the youth group, and eventually began doing
ministry as a Cross trainer after he was
Fr. Andrew served as a Cross trainer from his
senior year of high school until his senior year of
college at UC Irvine. He fell in love with ministry,
and it gave him joy and fulfillment to accompany
teens in their faith journeys and help them grow
closer to God.                                         After attending a discernment retreat and
                                                       experiencing confirmation in prayer, Fr. Andrew
After doing an internship at a hospital, he
                                                       decided to apply to the Jesuits. He entered in
realized that medicine wasn't for him. Eventually
                                                       August of 2008 and has been a Jesuit now for
he had the thought that maybe God was inviting
                                                       over 13 years. He has been blessed with many
him to consider priesthood, but he was very
                                                       experiences in his formation, such as earning
hesitant at first. It wasn't until he met a Jesuit
                                                       two Master’s degrees in philosophy and
priest at UCI that priesthood began to make
                                                       theology; working at a Jesuit high school in San
more sense to him. He loved how real and down
                                                       Francisco; and doing various forms of ministry
-to-earth the Jesuits were, and he was drawn to
                                                       both in the States and abroad.
a life lived in community. The spirituality of the
Jesuits resonated deeply with his own.                 He was ordained a priest in June of 2019, and it
                                                       was a great gift for him to celebrate one of his
                                                       first Masses at St. Paul. He continues to be
                                                       deeply grateful for all he has been given through
                                                       this community. Truly the seeds of his vocation
                                                       were planted at St. Paul.
                                                       Fr. Andrew currently works full time as a
                                                       vocation promoter for the Jesuits, and he lives
                                                       at Loyola Marymount University. If you know of
                                                       anyone who would benefit from talking to
                                                       Fr. Andrew about priesthood or religious life,
                                                       please email him! He can be reached at
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church -
November 7, 2021                                                                     Page 10

                                                         GRUPO DE ORACION
                                                      “Jesus entre nosotros”
                                                 Te invita a tener un encuentro con Dios a tra-
                                                 vés de la Oración, el Rosario y la Formación.
Acompáñanos todos los Miércoles a rezar el       Nos reunimos por la plataforma virtual del
Santo Rosario, unidos como una cadena que        Zoom todos los Martes de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m.
nos une el Cielo y la tierra uno de cuyos        Para más información, comuníquese con
extremos está en nuestras manos y el otro en     Angélica y Miguel al 909-973-8531 o con
las manos de la Santísima Virgen. Oremos por     Marcelo al 909-917-8135.
nuestras necesidades y las del mundo. Desde
                                                  Unidos en el camino para una conversión.
tu hogar en compañía de tu familia, trasmitido
por medio del Zoom a las 7:00 p.m.                     SPANISH PRAYER GROUP
ID para la Reunión : 89623583206
Contraseña: María                                Invites you to have an encounter with God
                                                 through Prayer, Rosary and Formation.
Sagrada Familia
Maricela Castañeda: 626-244-4432                 We meet via Zoom every Tuesday from                    7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information,
Monica Alatorre: 909-720-9568                    contact Angelica and Miguel at 909-973-8531
Bertha Palma: 626-438-6567                       or Marcelo at 909-917-8135.
November 7, 2021   Page 11

Evangelization & Faith                                                                                               Page 12

                         HUMILITY and EMPTINESS
A     widow in Jesus’s time would
      have been considered an
outcast in society.
                                            • Elijah makes a bold request of the
                                              widow, who is simply trying to feed
                                              herself and her son. How would you
With no man to own property, home, or         have responded to Elijah if you were
earn an income, she would struggle to         in her shoes? Would you have
survive. And yet, with great humility         trusted God’s word that he would
and great courage, she still presents         provide?
herself in the Temple, showing her faith    • What attracts you? What drives and
in the God of mercy. She trusts in            motivates you
God’s word, and she hopes in his
promise. And she gives all that she          DIGGING DEEPER: The Faith
has. Jesus notices that she gives away      of Abraham: This week we read about           widow. On the one hand, we can
all that she has, even though no one           two different widowers, outcast and        picture the scribes walking around,
else would have seen this humble              struggling to provide for themselves,       dressed head to foot in the latest
action. He notices the ways in which            who have remarkable faith in God.         fashion, always respected by the
we empty ourselves when we don’t                 Their trust and faith remind us of       people for their greatness and
think we have anything more to give.          Abraham, our Father in Faith. He led        intelligence. They are likely highly
Jesus sees the mother who rises for          his whole life believing in God’s word,      sought after within their community. On
the sixth time in the middle of the night         even though this word seemed            the other hand, we have the poor
to comfort her crying baby. Jesus sees      impossible to fulfill at times. He left his   widow. Because of her simplicity,
the father who takes up the daily grind       home for a foreign land, and he was         perhaps no one would have noticed
to provide for his family, exhausted and     childless after child-bearing age, even      her, if Jesus had not been watching for
ready for a respite. Jesus sees the                though God promised that his           her. Who are you? Do you seek to be
child who shares his Cheerios snack          descendants would be as great as the         known and noticed by others? Do you
with a friend. Jesus sees us. And he            stars. And then, God asked him to         seek the approval of others and
will give us many graces for our quiet        sacrifice his only son, who had been        engage in good deeds to be well liked?
humility and generosity.                      given to Abraham and his wife after         Are you willing to be satisfied with not
                                                                                          being recognized by others, so long as

                                               their childbearing years! How could
     ISCUSSION: Please watch this                                                         you were faithful to God? Do you offer
                                                 God’s promise of building a great
     week's Opening the Word video                                                        everything to God, even when you
                                              nation come true if he did not have a
at                                                                      really have nothing to give him?
                                            son? But Abraham trusted God and did
Consider discussing these questions

                                            not need to sacrifice his son in the end.
with a friend this week, or write your                                                         ESOLUTION: Is there an area in
                                             What amazing faith. Ask Abraham for
thoughts in a journal.                                                                         your life in which you are poor?
                                            his intercession as you seek to grow in
                                                                                          Come before the Lord this week with
                                                faith and generosity with Our Lord.
                                                                                          your poverty. Offer it to him humbly and
                                             PRAYER: Who are you in today’s
                                            Gospel? There is a striking difference               Reflections reprinted here with
                                            between the scribes and the poor               permission from Augustine Institute.

            We encourage you to take notes as you reflect on this week readings / homily
Temporadas de Fe                                                                                                            Page 13

E    n este año parece que las Escrituras del Leccionario no
     sólo refuerzan la tradición católica de este mes de
noviembre por la oración de nuestros seres queridos difuntos,
                                                                       que su harina y su aceite no faltarán por el poder del “Señor, el
                                                                       Dios de Israel (¡no de su dios, Baal!)” (17:14). Por lo tanto, se
                                                                       exige fe tanto al que da, la viuda, como al que pide, Elías.
sino que también se unen a las tormentas de la naturaleza y a la
pandemia, así como a los violentos desastres de la humanidad           DON DE ABNEGACIÓN
para recordarnos que nos dirigimos inexorablemente hacia el fin        El episodio del Evangelio de hoy tiene lugar justo después de
de la historia, tanto del mundo como de la nuestra. La lectura         que Jesús entre en Jerusalén, inmediatamente antes de su
del Antiguo Testamento de hoy nos prepara para una escucha             Pasión. Con confianza y abnegación, como la viuda de Sarepta
fructífera del Evangelio. El principal desafío que nos plante es       y la viuda que Jesús ve en el templo, Jesús lo dará todo por
una fe indudable que impulsa a la entrega total de uno mismo.          nuestra redención. Así, Jesús subraya de la viuda que ve que
Esa lección se nos ofrece con una urgencia que coincide con el         su entrega es sin reservas: “de su pobreza, todo lo que tenía,
motivo escatológico de noviembre: el Fin y el Juicio. Se               todo su sustento” (Marcos 12:44). Y, sin duda, Jesús se vio a sí
presentan dos viudas, la viuda de Sarepta del Antiguo Testa-           mismo y a su entrega en ella y en su entrega. En el siguiente
mento y la viuda del templo del Evangelio. Ambas ejemplifican a        capítulo de Marcos, Jesús predice la caída de este mismo tem-
personas llenas de fe que dan tranquilamente lo que no pueden          plo. Así que la donación sin reservas de la viuda de lo que no
pagar: todo, para la gloria de Dios y al servicio de los demás.        podía pagar debió de parecerle a Jesús tanto una victimización
                                                                       por parte de los demás como, al final, un regalo inútil: el edificio
SE EXIGE UNA GRAN FE                                                   controlado por la manipulación de los escribas estaba destinado
Rápidamente llegamos a admirar a la viuda del Antiguo Testa-           a la destrucción. La donación de ella se convirtió en una vívida
mento a la que Elías pide ayuda. La viuda de Sarepta sólo lleva        prefiguración de su propia victimización por parte de otros en la
“leña” para cocinar sus limitados recursos, “un puñado de harina       entrega sin reservas de su propia vida, que a muchos les
y un poco de aceite”, cumpliendo con su responsabilidad per-           parecería un regalo inútil, pues Jesús moriría y sería enterrado.
sonal, “para mí y para mi hijo” (1 Reyes 17:12). La petición de        Sólo los verdaderos discípulos de Jesús –nosotros– creemos
Elías exige una gran fe y abnegación por parte de esta pobre           que, por su resurrección, Jesús se ha convertido en la piedra
viuda, ya que proporcionar esos cuidados vitales a un profeta          angular del nuevo edificio, la Iglesia, que sustituye a aquel tem-
“extranjero” pone en gran riesgo la supervivencia de la viuda y        plo derruido. Por lo tanto, debemos hacer nuestra propia en-
de su hijo: su religión es la adoración del falso ídolo del paganis-   trega a Dios en nuestro incesante regalo de amor abnegado a
mo, Baal; su rey es el padre de Jezabel y de Ajab, a quienes           los demás hasta que Jesús vuelva.
Elías enfureció declarando que Dios había decretado una se-                     Lecturas de hoy: 1 Re 17:10–16; Sal 146 (145):7, 8–9, 9–10;
quía para castigarlos por corromper a Israel con el culto a Baal                                        Heb 9:24–28; Mc 12:38–44 [41–44]
de Jezabel. Elías hace explícito el riesgo de la viuda al prometer
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St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
Parish Administrator   Fr. Joseph Pilotin, MS              MINISTRY                           CONTACT                PHONE
Parochial Vicar:       Fr. Michael Fredericks          Community
Deacons                Deacon Pat Martinez             Boy Scouts                      Edzel Fuertez               909-519-4958
                       Deacon Tony Moralez             Comunidad Hispana               Marcelo Avalos              909-917-8135
                       Deacon Gary Quinn               Cub Scouts                      Monica Palmisano            310-749-5575
                       Deacon John Duffy               Filipino Catholics              Romy Reyes, Jr.             951-505-1605
Parish Manager         Manny Perez, Jr.                Finance Council                 Dan Burke                   909-606-4047
Parish Ministries Dir Paulina Espinosa (ext. 313)      Harvest Festival                Raoul & Melinda Raymundo    909-590-7339
Audio Visual           Michael Palacios (ext. 330)     Marriage Enrichment             Alain & Nerissa Valdellon   714-887-6924
Catechetical Min. Dir John Koss (909) 325-8900         Pastoral Council                Maile Dafun-Long            909-896-3395
                                                       Special Needs Families          Kareem & Amy Zoque          909-597-1507
Music Coordinator     Erika Regalado (ext. 335)
Preschool Director    Chrissy Stutzman                 Faith Formation
                      (909) 325-8950                   Catholics Returning Home        Dan & Bernadette Burke      909-606-4047
Young Adult Ministry Ramon Cordoba (ext. 341)          Ignite Evangelization           Andy & Linda Lujan          909-376-9885
Youth Ministry        Noah Fonacier (ext. 342)         Men's Fellowship                Paul Hutchinson             909-628-4106
.                                                      RCIA                            Jerry Watson                951-264-9790
SERVICES                                               Sacred Hearts Secular Branch    Magda Vitale                626-664-4554
Weekend Masses:                                        Bible Study Groups              Faye Wong                   909-720-1167
• Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (English)                        Christian Service               Tessie Lightholder          909-576-4152
                                                       Women's Fellowship AM           Andrea Lueken               909-702-9781
•   Sunday:    7:00 a.m. (English)
               9:00 a.m. (English)                     Prayer
              11:00 a.m. (English)                     Divine Mercy                    Rick & Emily Jiao           909-248-8790
               1:00 p.m. (Spanish)                     Eucharistic Holy Hour           Teresa Fahrenhorst          714-261-1147
               3:00 p.m. (English)                     Grupo de Oración                Miguel & Angelica Ortega    909-973-8531
               5:00 p.m. (English)                     Legion of Mary                  Craig Steffes               714-883-0517
                                                       Legion of Mary (Chinese)        Esther Hwang                909-837-8533
Weekday Masses:
                                                       Rosary Group                    Lulu Enverga                909-497-0558
• Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. (Church)
                                                       Vocations Committee             Jerome & Carol Murphy       909-315-8108
Online Masses:                                         Christian Service
•   Sunday:     9:00 a.m. (English)                    Bereavement Grief Share         Leeza Montoya               714-342-8418
                                                       Cancer Support
•   Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. (English)
                                                       Coffee and Donuts
Holy Day Masses:                                       Divorced & Separated Ministry   Diane Dale                  949-300-8931
Check the bulletin for the schedule.                   Elizabeth Ministry              Maile Dafun-Long            909-896-3395
Eucharistic Adoration:                                 Knights of Columbus             Jim Dunkelman               909-489-8656
• Adoration: First Fridays (Normally)                  Knot Just a Prayer              Candace John                909-465-3157
              8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                    Ministry to the Sick            Dcn. John & Tessie Duffy    909-993-7324
                                                       Respect Life & Family           Kelly Schlegel              909-896-6351
                                                       Restorative Justice             Pablo Alvarez               909-606-1317
• Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. or contact the
                                                       Senior Adult Ministry           Zeny & Gilbert Ong          909-217-8526
   Parish Office for an appointment with the Priest.
                                                       Food and Clothing Ministry      David & Maria Nunez         714-746-5137
Baptisms: Contact the Parish Office.                   Warm up St. Paul                Yolanda Ravega              909-952-8034
Marriages: Six months advance notice.                  Liturgical
Contact the Parish Office.                             Altar Servers                   Annette Granados            909-568-8469
                                                       Environment                     Raoul & Melinda Raymundo    909-590-7339
Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Parish Office.
                                                       Eucharistic Ministry            Vincent Enverga             909-527-5734
Funerals: Contact the Parish Office.                   Welcome, Hospitality &          Teresa Dang                 559-281-8346
Blessing (Home/Articles): Contact the Parish Office.   Assistance Ministry
                                                       Lectors                         Brenda Dunkelman            909-437-0284
                                                       Sacristans                      Venus Andrade               909-576-6337
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