Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries

Page created by Don Jennings
Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
Inspiring spaces
where everyone is
  free to discover

Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
BUNJIL PLACE LIBRARY                                                               4
CRANBOURNE LIBRARY                                                                 7
DOVETON LIBRARY                                                                10
EMERALD LIBRARY                                                                12
ENDEAVOUR HILLS LIBRARY                                                        14
HAMPTON PARK LIBRARY                                                           17
PAKENHAM LIBRARY                                                               19
> Bunjil Place Library                                                        22
> Cardinia Mobile Library                                                     24
> Cranbourne Library                                                          25
> Doveton Library                                                             26
> Emerald Library                                                             28
> Endeavour Hills Library                                                     29
> Hampton Park Library                                                        30
> Pakenham Library                                                            30
DINOVEMBER                                                                    32
PRESCHOOL                                                                     34
SCHOOL AGE                                                                     37
YOUTH                                                                         42

All events are free, but bookings are
essential wherever you see this symbol!
Online: Go to, choose your event and make
your booking. Please note: For School Holiday Event bookings, see page 23.
In person: Go to your local library and our staff will book on your behalf.
By phone: Contact the host library to book your place.

Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
                                            THE DAY THE LIES BEGAN
In partnership with ONE Casey,
everyone is welcome to our All             Welcoming Queensland author Kylie
Abilities Yoga sessions. Flexibility and   Kaden speaking about her fantastic
experience are not a requirement and       new domestic noir thriller. With a
people with intellectual and physical      distinctly Australian flavour that
disability are encouraged to join us.      explores how good people do bad
Wear comfortable clothes that allow        things.
you to move, leggings or tracksuit         Thursday 26 September
pants with a t-shirt are perfect.          7pm to 8.30pm
The class starts at 10.30am so please
arrive a few minutes before to get          INTRODUCTION TO AUSLAN
Mondays from 2 September until             Come and see how much fun it is
21 October (excluding school holidays)     to learn Auslan in this free 1.5 hour
10.30am to 11.30am                         Introduction to Auslan session.
                                           The session will include:
                                            - How to greet people
    ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP              - The Auslan alphabet
                                            - Numbers, colours, animals and
Join this relaxed and supportive group        commonly used signs
as you practice speaking English.           - Pair and group activities to put your
Supported by AMES Australia.                  learning into practise
Thursdays during school terms              Saturday 12 October
10am to 12pm                               10.30am to 12pm

Visit our Author’s Corner where we
showcase new and established writers.       BOOK CHAT
Our featured authors will be               Come along and chat about what
available to chat about their work         you are reading and get some great
and their writing journey in a relaxed     suggestions from the library staff, learn
atmosphere.                                how to use e-books and e-audiobooks
See website for details.                   with your devices.
Sundays during school terms                Tuesday 15 October
2pm to 3.30pm                              10.30am to 11.30am
Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
                                           HISTORY MONTH
                                          In recognition of the 50th anniversary
                                          of the LGBTIQ movement in Australia,
                                          join us for a panel of speakers
                                          reflecting on queer history, community
                                          and experiences. Speakers will include
                                          Graham Willett from the Australian
                                          Gay and Lesbian Archives, writer, radio
 GET ONLINE WEEK                          presenter and president of Melbourne
                                          Bisexual Network Ruby Mountford, and
Photo editing on your                     visual artist Verity Bosanquet.
device and online                         Friday 18 October
As part of Get Online Week, let us show   6.30pm to 8pm
you how to take, edit, share and post
photos online direct from your mobile
or tablet. Learn about free apps and
                                           WORKS OF WONDER
resources you can use to edit your
photos and the many ways you can          A vibrant blend of visual magic and
share those photos with friends and       cerebral illusion, speckled with curious
family!                                   anecdotes and selected history of
Monday 14 October                         mystery. Presented with a spirit of
10.30am to 12pm                           flair by artistic conjuror Elio Simonetti.
                                          BYO cushion and make yourself
Family history - online resources @       comfortable!
your library                              Thursday 31 October
Interested in looking into your family
history? Want to discover more records    11am to 12pm
from your family’s past? Learn about
the family history resources available     SELF DEFENSE FOR WOMEN
to you at the library and online!
                                          Learn highly effective self-defence
Wednesday 16 October                      for women and girls in an enjoyable,
10.30am to 12pm                           non-threatening environment, with
                                          no minimum fitness or prior training
Get making! How to find
                                          required. Wear comfortable clothing.
online inspiration for your next
project!                                  Thursday 7 November
Regardless of what you make or            6pm to 7.30pm
how you like to spend your time, this      SOCIAL SENIORS -
session will show you how to find both
inspiration and a community of fellow      CREATING VIDEOS
makers using online resources.
                                          This session will cover using a free app
Thursday 17 October                       to create videos about your interests
1.30pm to 3pm                             and share them online using your
                                          social networks. Come along to learn
                                          how your photos can be turned into
                                          videos and shared with your friends!
                                          Thursdays from 14 November
                                          to 28 November inclusive
                                          1.30pm to 4pm

Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
For many of us, living sustainably is      Discover some awesome tricks that
a lifelong occupation. But can that        can save you money this Christmas.
extend to the end of our lives, and our    We will cover shopping safely online,
funeral planning? In this presentation     how to figure out if online is actually
renowned community educator                the cheaper option, and cut through
Libby Moloney looks at natural and         some of the jargon around technology
sustainable funeral planning choices,      so you can buy with confidence this
from home-based death and family-          Christmas.
led (DIY) funerals, to your rights and     Wednesday 27 November
responsibilities under the law.            10am to 11.30am
Saturday 16 November
2pm to 3.30pm

Judy Nunn’s career has been long,          Join Sharon from Bunty and Fuzz
illustrious and multifaceted. After        floristry in creating a festive Christmas
combining her internationally              wreath. Decorate your front door or use
successful acting career with              it as a wonderful table centrepiece.
scriptwriting for television and radio,    $10 per ticket.
Judy decided in the 90’s to turn           Visit for tickets
her hand to writing. She has since         Saturday 30 November
developed a love of writing Australian     10.30am to 11.30am
historically-based fiction and her
fame as a novelist has spread rapidly
throughout Europe where she is
published in multiple languages.
Meet Judy, and hear her discuss
Khaki Town, her new new novel set in
Queensland during World War II. It is
inspired by a true wartime story that
has remained a well-kept secret for
over seventy years. $5 per ticket.
Visit for tickets
Bunjil Place Function Centre
Thursday 21 November
7pm to 8.30pm
Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
Drop in and meet new friends. Learn
something new, have a cup of tea and
chat. All women & children welcome.
Every Wednesday during school
10am to 12pm

                                            UPCYCLING FURNITURE
Love books and reading? Want to meet
like-minded individuals who love to         WITH CHALK PAINTS
discuss books and authors? Come and
                                           Learn how to transform old favourites,
join our monthly Friday morning book
                                           op-shop finds and hand-me-downs
group at Cranbourne Library.
                                           into gorgeous treasures with chalk
Last Friday of the month (except           paints. In this inspiring demonstration
September)                                 Rianna, from Rianna Interiors, will share
10.30am to 11.30am                         her extensive knowledge of these
                                           environmentally friendly paints and
 DISCOVER THE PAST IN OCTOBER              many tips to get started.
                                           Tuesday 17 September
What’s in a name?
                                           11am to 12pm
A fascinating look at the history of
local place names. We will look at
Indigenous names, names associated          READING HOUR
with local families and the aristocracy,   Rediscover or introduce yourself to
descriptive names, and names that          the joy of reading. Come to the library
reminded early settlers of their place     anytime during the day and spend a
of origin in the United Kingdom and        quiet hour browsing new books and
Ireland.                                   magazines, All ages welcome.
Monday 7 October                           Thursday 19 September
11am to 12:30pm                            10am to 8.30pm
The history of Cranbourne
A wander through Cranbourne’s               BE CONNECTED
European history from the squatters, to    Come to the library and we will help
country town, to suburbia.                 you register for the Be Connected
Monday 21 October                          network so you can begin your digital
11am to 12:30pm                            journey. We will help you get started so
                                           you can develop your digital skills and
Find My Past                               confidence.
Discover your family history on FInd       Week 1 - Introduction to the Internet
My Past. We will look at a range of        Week 2 - Staying safe online
records you can access including over      Week 3 - More Online Skills
50 million records from Australia, New     Week 4 - Video Chat Services
Zealand and the Pacific region.
                                           Please bring your laptop, tablet or iPad.
Monday 28 October
                                           Tuesdays from 1 to 22 October
11am to 12:30pm
                                           10.30am to 12pm

Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
GET ONLINE WEEK                         READ A RAINBOW WEEK
Security online                            Come along to Cranbourne Library and
Gain some valuable knowledge               Read a Rainbow all week long. Children
and top tips on how to protect your        are encouraged to read books with
personal and financial information         covers the different colours of the
online.                                    rainbow, collect a special bookmark
Presented by Stay In Touch                 and go into a draw to win a prize!
Monday 14 October                          7 to 11 October
10.30am to 11.30am                         During library hours

Popular Government                          SUPPORTING YOUNG
Services online                             RAINBOW PEOPLE
Learn about the government services
you can access online and what they        LGBTIQA+ Young people, parents,
offer. Get up and running with MyGov,      carers and educators are invited to
Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support.    come together to share their stories,
Presented by Stay In Touch.                insight and knowledge with each other
Monday 14 October                          in a safe and welcoming environment.
11.45am to 12.30pm                         All welcome.
                                           Light refreshments are available.
Healthy Living Apps                        Wednesday 16 October
Healthy living apps are tools that can     6pm to 7.30pm
help us make informed decisions
about our health and help us achieve        SPIRIT DAY RAINBOW STORYTIME
a healthier lifestyle. From monitoring
your fitness, eating better, brain games   Come to our special Spirit Day Rainbow
and de-stressing - there are 100’s of      storytime. Join with Cranbourne Library
these apps available. Learn about the      staff and wear purple on Spirit Day as
more popular apps to get started.          a sign of support of LGBTIQA+ youth.
Presented by Stay In Touch.                Thursday 17 October
Monday 14 October                          10.30am to 11.30am
1.30pm to 2.30pm
Individual bookings required for
each event.

Tea, coffee and light refreshments will
be available throughout the day.

Inspiring spaces where everyone is free to discover possibilities. Spring Events 2019 - Casey Cardinia Libraries
FAMILY LAW                                  BERWICK ARTISTS
Peninsula Community Legal Centre            Berwick Artists Society will hold an
(PCLC) offers free legal services to        exhibition of members’ work at the
people who live, work or study in the       Cranbourne Library.
Casey Cardinia area and surrounding         During the exhibition, artists will be on-
areas. This session will give you an        site demonstrating their skills.
overview of how family law operates         Tuesday 12 November until Saturday
and how we can help you with your           23 November.
legal dispute. A family lawyer will be in   During Library Hours
attendance for general questions.
Tuesday 22 October
1pm to 2.30pm

Have you ever wondered how special
effects makeup is created for film
and TV? In this gory demonstration
makeup artist, Julie Taylor, will create
latex wounds and scaring and show
you how to attach and blend in a
prosthetic scar piece. A perfect activity
for Halloween night!
Thursday 31 October                          SHOPPING SAFELY ONLINE
6.30pm to 8.30pm                             FOR CHRISTMAS
                                            Learn some awesome tricks that
 CREATING VIDEOS FOR                        can save you money this Christmas.
 SOCIAL NETWORKS!                           Discover shopping safely online, how
                                            to figure out if online is actually the
This series of workshops will cover         cheaper option, and cut through some
using a free app to create videos           of the jargon around technology so
about your interests and share them         you can buy with confidence this
online using your social networks.          Christmas.
Come along to learn how your photos         Wednesday 27 November
can be turned into videos and shared
                                            1.30pm to 3pm
with your friends!
Weekly on Tuesdays from
12 November to 26 November
10am to 12.30pm

Health and well-being classes using        Learn how to produce stunning
creative art-making for self-care.         photographs and beautiful digital
Explore Creative Art journalling using     paintings in this creative 21st century
collage, drawing, storytelling and         workshop. Learn from a creative
mindfulness practices, in a friendly and   professional how to select, edit, and
supportive group.                          enhance your digital work.
This is a community partnership            Presented by Andrew Price from
program with Doveton Neighbourhood         WhatBox Creative.
Learning Centre.                           This event for 50+ years old
Every Tuesday during school terms          A Get Online Week event.
starting term 4                            Thursday 17 October
12.30pm to 2.30pm                          11am to 1pm

                                           Produce a stunning Australian
Stock up on some great reads for the       landscape in acrylic paint with local
whole family at our bargain book sales     artist and art teacher Andrew Price.
at Bunnings. Supported by The Friends      Learn about perspective, colour
of the Doveton Library Inc.                theory, how to blend paint, and how
Address - 101 Princes Hwy,                 to structure the composition of your
Dandenong South VIC 3175                   artwork.
Saturday 12 October                        Presented by Andrew Price from
9.30am to 11.30am                          WhatBox Creative.
                                           Monday 28 October
                                           10am to 11.30am
Discover the secrets behind the perfect
slices and biscuits with Carol Clay from
Country Women’s Australia.
Monday 14 October
10am to 11.30am

                                              CITIZENSHIP TEST
                                             Are you planning on becoming an
                                             Australian Citizen? Would you like
                                             help to prepare for the test? This is a
                                             community partnership program with
                                             Doveton Neighbourhood Learning
                                             Every Wednesday during
                                             school term
                                             6pm to 8pm

We want you to thrive in today’s digital
world, but it can be a bit scary at times.
Come to the library and we will help
you register for the Be Connected
network and begin your digital journey.
We will help you get started so you
can develop your digital skills and
We will talk you through some topics
and help you figure out where to next.
This 5 week course covers:
Week 1 - Introduction to the Internet
Week 2 - Staying safe online
Week 3 - More Online Skills
Week 4 - Video Chat Services
Week 5 - Exploring Online Services.           ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND
Please bring your laptop, tablet or iPad.     LIFE SKILLS
Weekly Tuesday 29 October
to 3 December inclusive                      Practice your English speaking skills
                                             in a relaxed setting while making new
10am to 11.30am
                                             Come along and enjoy conversations
                                             on a range of topics.
                                             This is a community partnership
                                             program with Doveton Neighbourhood
                                             Learning Centre.
                                             Everyone is welcome, including
                                             Every Thursday during
                                             school term
                                             6pm to 8pm


 DIGITAL DROP-IN                            JEN HUTCHINSON -
                                            ‘MOTHERLING: A WALK’
Struggling with information
technology? Need some assistance           Seven years ago Jen’s world imploded
with your device? Come along & get         when her 31 year-old son Raif died of
some IT help from staff at Emerald         an accidental drug overdose. Her
Library Digital Drop in session.           memoir ‘Motherling: A Walk’ is her story
Weekly on Tuesdays                         of how she walked the 800km ancient
2.30 pm to 3.30pm                          pilgrim path - the Camino de Santiago
                                           - through Spain, with his ashes to try
 EMERALD WRITING &                         to come to terms with his death. Jen’s
 CRITIQUE GROUP                            an extraordinary woman who at the
                                           tender age of 67 is not going quietly
Do you want a supportive community         into retirement, instead she’s launching
group to workshop content and ideas,       a publishing house, Journeys to Words
share stories and motivate each other?     Publishing, aimed at representing
Come along to the new community            mature age writers.
group for writers in Emerald and           Saturday 14 September
surrounds.                                 1pm to 2pm
All genres welcome.
Every second Wednesday
6pm to 7.30pm
                                            THINKING IN A DIGITAL WORLD
                                           Join Martin Buoncristiani and Patricia
 HANDCRAFTING SKILL SWAP                   for this authors’ talk where they will
                                           discuss practical strategies for working
Bring your child, grandchild or just
                                           with young people, helping educators
yourself and your own textile project.
                                           and parents understand and react to
Share traditional handcrafting skills
                                           the changing information age.
including sewing, embroidering,
knitting and crochet in an inspiring and   Saturday 12 October
creative space.                            1pm to 2pm
Light refreshments provided. Please
note that the minimum age for
participants is 7 years.
First Saturday of the month
11am to 12.30pm
Beeswax wraps are a natural, low         Come to the library, and we will help
impact and reusable alternative          you register for the Be Connected
to using plastic cling wrap. In this     network and begin your digital journey.
workshop, learn how to make a            We will help you get started and
beeswax wrap which is yours to keep.     develop your digital skills and
For ages 12 and above. Parental          confidence.
guidance needed for anyone below 18.     Week 1 - Introduction to the Internet
In partnership with Cardinia Shire.      Week 2 - Staying Safe Online
Saturday 26 October                      Week 3 - More Online Skills
10.30am to 12.30pm                       Week 4 - Video Chat Services
                                         Weekly on Tuesdays 12 November
 AUTISM SPECTRUM RECOGNITION,            to 3 December inclusive
 RESPONSE & REFERRALS                    2.30pm to 4pm

The workshop with Irabina and
Anglicare Victoria will cover             HOW TO MAKE A CHRISTMAS CAKE
recognising behaviours, appropriate
                                         Ever wondered how to make a
response and who to refer to with time
                                         delicious Christmas Cake? Carol from
for questions & answers.
                                         the Country Women’s Association
Booking 0457 825 076 or                  will show you how just in time for the          festive season.
Tuesday 29 October                       Saturday 16 November
6.30pm to 9pm                            10.30am to 12pm

                             GET ONLINE WEEK!
Getting Started with e-Books             Get Appy! All About Apps
Learn how to access e-books, e-audio     With millions of apps to choose from, it
books and magazines for free using       can be difficult to know where to start.
your library card. Bring your device,    In “Get Appy” we go through the basics
suitable for Android and Apple users.    of the App Store, how to choose apps
Tuesday 15 October                       based on your interests, and how to
9.30am to 10.30am                        streamline your day to day activities to
                                         make life more efficient!
Get Streaming with Kanopy!               Saturday 19 October
Learn how to enjoy over 30 thousand      10.30am to 12pm
movies and documentaries for FREE
from home using your library card.       Travel with Technology
Tuesday 15 October                       In this interactive workshop we will
11am to 12pm                             cover: Essential apps to pack on your
                                         overseas trip, how to communicate for
Introduction to Android Smartphones      free overseas, using your smartphone
Discover how to use your Android         and tablet overseas, avoiding bill
Smartphone to do more than make          shock, how to save money when
phone calls. Learn how to download       booking your trip, and lots of other tips
apps, take and share photos and          and tricks!
access emails.                           Saturday 19 October
Thursday 17 October                      12.30pm to 2pm
1pm to 2.30pm
 BOOK CAFÉ                                 STEAM CLUB FOR FAMILIES
Join us at our monthly Book Cafe to       Do you like tinkering, experimenting
discover something new. Whether it is     and problem solving? Want to share
your next great read or just a friendly   your love of learning with your kids?
chat over a cuppa we have you             Come along to our family STEAM night
covered!                                  at Endeavour Hills Library to take part
Refreshments provided                     in some really cool science projects.
First Tuesday of every month              Bring your family... bring your brain!
11am to 12pm                              Book a place for each family attending.
                                          Activities suitable for Primary school
 CONVERSATION CLUB                        age and above.
                                          Second Thursday of the month
Relax with a coffee or tea while          6.30pm to 7.30pm
you practice speaking English in
a welcoming environment. Men
and women welcome. No bookings
Every Thursday except during school
11am to 1pm

                                           ADULTS LEARNERS WEEK WITH THE
                                           ENDEAVOUR HILLS MEN’S SHED
                                          Come along and learn a new skill with
                                          the Endeavour Hills Men’s Shed.

                                          Introduction to Woodworking
 FAMILY GAMES AND PIZZA NIGHT             Join us for a hands-on demonstration
                                          of basic woodworking projects. There
Bring the whole family down for some      will be a collection of knock down
fun board games and yummy pizza.          projects for reconstruction.
Whether you are 9 or 99, there is         Tuesday 3 September
something for everyone. Try your hand     1pm to 3pm
at chess, giant Connect Four, giant
Jenga and more.                           Bicycle Maintenance
Please book a space for each person       Join us for a hands-on demonstration
attending so we can make sure there       of basic bicycle maintenance. Learn
is plenty of pizza for everyone.          how to repair punctured tyres as well
Third Thursday of the month               as other general repair tips.
6pm to 8.30pm                             Saturday 7 September
                                          1pm to 3pm

MY GOV 101
                                            MyGov Digital Literacy Classes:
                                            Digital literacy means having the skills
                                            you need to live, learn, and work in a
                                            society where communication and
                                            access to information is increasingly
                                            through digital technologies like
                                            internet platforms, social media, and
                                            mobile devices.
                                            The class is designed to help those
                                            with MY GOV requirements including
                                            Australian Job Search and Centrelink.
                                            The class will teach you to navigate
 COOKS IN THE KITCHEN                       and overcome any obstacles
Biscuits & Slices                           you might have with MY GOV and
                                            computer literacy as supported by Max
Come and see Carol Clay from
Pakenham CWA Branch to learn how
to make delicious, slices & biscuits your   Every second Friday
family will love without breaking the       4pm to 5pm
budget! Cooked and uncooked, easy
to make and scrumptious to eat.
Thursday 5 September
7pm to 8.30pm
Cooking with Jenny Chua
Join Jenny Chua, from cooking with
Jenny in Melbourne, as she explores
some favourite authentic Chinese
cooking techniques. In this session,
Jenny will demonstrate how to cook
three seasonal Chinese dishes. There
will be audience participation and
Thursday 3 October
7pm to 8.30pm
                                             MOVIE NIGHT @ THE LIBRARY
My Lebanese Kitchen
Join Bernadette from My Lebanese            Drop in, get comfy, grab some popcorn
Kitchen as she demonstrates cooking         and enjoy our free movie night!
the scrumptious dishes Baba Ghanouj
(Lebanese smoked eggplant dip)              Movie - Hunt for the Wilderpeople
and an Exotic Halloumi Pear and             Thursday 26 September
Pomegranate Salad.                          7pm to 8.30pm
Thursday 7 November
7pm to 8.30pm                               Trashed with Jeremy Irons
                                            Thursday 24 October
                                            7pm to 8.30pm
                                            Strictly Ballroom
                                            Thursday 28 November
                                            7pm to 8.30pm

MAKEY MAKEY FOR                            DISCOVER YOUR E-LIBRARY
                                           Find out how easy it is to use the
Can you turn a banana into a               library’s digital resources. In this hands-
keyboard?                                  on session you are shown how to
Bring along the grandkids and discover     search, browse and download content.
the amazing technology of Makey            Bring along your library card and iPad
Makeys in this fun hands-on workshop.      or tablet if you have one.
Learn to control your computer using       Sessions at Endeavour Hills
everyday objects and electric circuits.    Neighbourhood Centre
Please only make one booking per           (next to the library).
family.                                    Wednesday 6 & 20 November
Friday 4 October                           2pm to 3pm
11am to 12pm
                                            GET ONLINE WEEK
                                           Managing Photos
As we get older it is important to make    Time to get organized with your
sure we are getting enough nutrition       precious memories? This interactive
in our diet. Having a variety of real,     workshop will cover:
whole foods gives our bodies the           • Best practices for managing photos
nourishment it needs to give us vitality   • Naming photos
to lead an enjoyable happy life.           • Organizing photos
Join Jo from Jo’s Kitchen Capers as        • Creating slideshows
we explore healthy options to put the      • Sharing photos
spring back in your step.                  Wednesday 16 October
Thursday 10 October                        1.30pm to 3pm
1.30pm to 3pm
                                           Internet and video calls
                                           The beauty of the internet allows us
                                           to contact loved ones for free! In this
 THE BERWICK ARTISTS SOCIETY               workshop we will cover:
Join the Berwick Artists Society for an    • Skype or Facetime
artist demonstration and conversation.     • Finding contacts
Learn some tips, tricks and techniques     • Getting started
and enjoy some great company as            • How to contact loved ones for free
you watch a new artwork unfold.            using these apps
Morning tea provided.                      Wednesday 23 October
Tuesday 15 October                         1.30pm to 3pm
10.30am to 12.30pm

Join local author Vicki Thornton as
she takes you through the journey of
writing your very own memoir.
Please bring your notebook and writing
Monday 21 October
12.30pm to 3.30pm

                                              CITIZENSHIP TEST PREPARATION
                                             Hampton Park Library, in partnership
                                             with Springvale Learning and Activity
                                             Centre, is providing English Language
                                             for Australian Citizenship Test
                                             Preparation Classes.
                                             Please contact the library to check
                                             your eligibilty
                                             Every Wednesday
                                             12.30pm to 2.30pm

Join us on Monday afternoons for Craft       The Read-Play-Make program
and Conversation with Lorraine. Bring        develops strong relationships between
your craft or just yourself. Learn new       dads and children. Come along, meet
skills or share yours with others.           other dads and share stories, activities
Every Monday                                 and games with your child.
1pm to 3pm                                   Every Wednesday
                                             10am to 12pm

Join Ann and Steve from AMES in a
relaxed friendly class to help improve
your English through conversation and
friendship. Please contact the branch
to book a place.
Every Wednesday during school terms
10am to 12pm

                                              PASTA MAKING
Join Ruth from Springvale Learning
and Activities Centre in relaxed, friendly   Learn how to make pasta from scratch.
classes to help improve your English         Hilda & Laurie will present recipes from
through conversation and friendship.         their ancestors who migrated to the
Contact Hampton Park Library on              Yarra Valley from the Abruzzi Region, in
8788 8500 to book.                           a remote village high in the mountains,
Every Friday during school terms             east of Rome. Their techniques have
10am to 12pm                                 been handed down over many
                                             generations. Recipes available on the
 SINHALESE STORYTIME                         night.
                                             Thursday 10 October
Come along and join Chamani for              6.30pm to 7.30pm
Sinhalese Storytime on the last Friday
of the month for Sinhalese stories, song
and rhymes.
Last Friday of the month
11am to 11.45am
                                            Your Library card gives you free
What it’s like going to prison, according   access to eBooks, eAudiobooks and
to an ‘ordinary’ man who’s done it.         eMagazines.
Ever wondered what it’s really like         Join us and learn about the free APPS
“inside”? Will’s account of his time in     available from the Library.
a contemporary Victorian prison, the        Bring your membership card and de-
unusual characters he met, the often        vice and we will get you reading and
hilarious and terrifying situations he      listening in no time.
found himself in, and the ways in which     Friday 8 November
he comes to terms with his past and         2.30pm to 3.30pm
forges a new future is guaranteed to
be entertaining.
Thursday 17 October
7pm to 8pm

                                             INTRODUCTION TO TAI CHI
                                            Robyn, a YMCA instructor will lead you
 PHOTO EDITING                              through poses and movements of
 AND DIGITAL ART WORKSHOP                   this age-old exercise which will help
                                            improve muscular strength, balance,
Learn how to produce stunning               flexibility, and the mind.
photographs and beautiful digital           Movements can be done seated or
paintings in this creative 21st century     standing, or a combination of both.
workshop. Learn how to select, edit,
                                            Wear loose, comfortable clothing and
and enhance your digital work from a
                                            flat, well-fitting shoes. Please bring a
creative professional.
                                            bottle of water.
Presented by Andrew Price from
                                            To achieve the benefits of this four
WhatBox Creative.
                                            week program, it is ideal that you
This event for 50+years old                 commit to attending each week.
Friday 18 October                           Presented by ONE Casey.
1pm to 3pm                                  Thursdays from
                                            7 November to 28 November
                                            6pm to 7pm or 7.15pm to 8.15pm


Housing Support and Advice                 Come and see how much fun it is
Are you experiencing homelessness?         to learn Auslan in this free 1.5 hour
At risk of having no safe place to live?   ‘Introduction to Auslan’ session.
Living in low-cost accommodation with      The Auslan Company presents an
no support?                                introductory session which will include;
Visit the library and have a chat with a   • How to greet people
support worker at the library to discuss   • The Auslan alphabet
available options and resources.           • Numbers, colours, animals and iconic
Every Wednesday                            signs
2.30pm to 4.30pm                           Pair and group activities to put all that
                                           you learn into practice.
Free Legal Advice                          Saturday 7 September
Do you have a legal problem that you       10.30am to 12pm
need help with? Springvale Monash
Legal Service Narre Warren can help!
If you want help with your legal            DIY BEESWAX WRAP MAKING
problem, call (03) 9038 8002 to make
an appointment.                            Beeswax wraps are a natural, low
Every Friday                               impact and reusable alternative
                                           to using plastic cling wrap. In this
9am to 12pm                                workshop, learn how to make a
Job Club at Pakenham Library               beeswax wrap which is yours to keep.
Max Employment in conjunction              In partnership with Cardinia Shire.
with Casey Cardinia Libraries offers       Saturday 14 September
monthly appointments to support            10.30am to 12.30pm
you to prepare for, find and maintain
employment.                                 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS -
Explore your career options and             LEARN THE FOUR BIG SKILLS TO
pathways.                                   HELP YOU GET ALONG WITH OTHERS
First Friday of every month
10am to 11am                               Learn the big four skills to help you get
                                           along with others and deal with conflict
                                           and disputes at home and at work.
                                           Learn strategies to manage conflict
                                           and prevent things from escalating.
                                           Saturday 12 October
                                           2pm to 3pm
Communicating Overseas                  Come and celebrate the Diwali festival
Whether you have loved ones             at Pakenham Library! Enjoy an hour
overseas, or are travelling overseas    of music, dance and creativity. Will
yourself, there are a number            include activities such as:
of different ways to effectively        Bollywood Dance Workshop
communicate with those close to you.    Join Bollywood Dance instructors to
In this interactive workshop, we will   learn some basic Bollywood dance
cover messaging apps, discuss the       moves.
importance of an internet connection    No booking required
and give you tips on how to avoid
phone bill surprises.                   Henna Painting
Monday 14 October                       Have your choice of design and
1pm to 2.30pm                           coloured henna hand print.
                                        Booking required
The Cloud                               Saturday 19 October
In this interactive workshop, we will   3pm to 4pm
cover: What is “The Cloud”. What are
the benefits? Which cloud provider
could you choose? How you can            CARDINIA COMMUNITY KITCHEN
backup photos to The Cloud? Why          HOSTED BY CWA IN ASSOCIATION
should you use cloud services to         WITH THE CARDINIA FOOD MOVEMENT
preserve your memories and much
more!                                   The Country Women’s Association of
Tuesday 15 October                      Victoria Inc. together with a dietician,
1pm to 2.30pm                           will show you how to cook and eat
                                        with a balanced, sustainable and
Travel with Technology                  economical approach.
In this interactive workshop we will    Monday 21 October
cover essential apps and advice         6pm to 7.30pm
for travelling overseas and how to
communicate for free using your
smartphone and tablet.                   MEMOIR WRITING WORKSHOP
Thursday 17 October
10.30am to 12pm                         Join local author Vicki Thornton as she
                                        demonstrates how to develop the skills
Culinary Technology                     you need to put pen to paper so you
Foodie? This is all about food. In      can share your own unique story. Vicki
this workshop, we show you how          will share her insight and knowledge
to use technology to find the best      into writing and self-expression in this
cafes, restaurants and more around      engaging hands-on workshop. Bring
Melbourne.                              your own pen and writing book.
How to find recipes online, organise    Light refreshments provided.
recipes and save them to your device.   Monday 28 October
Saturday 19 October                     2pm to 3.30pm
1pm to 2.30pm

Are you a small business with             We want you to thrive in today’s digital
employees, or are you thinking of         world, but it can be a bit scary at times.
employing workers?                        Come to the library and we will help
Understand your tax and super             you register for the Be Connected
obligations as a small business           network so you can begin your digital
employer.                                 journey.
Presented by the Australian Tax Office.   We will help you get started so you
Bookings through ATO Eventbrite page.     can develop your digital skills and
Wednesday 30 October                      confidence.
5.30pm to 7pm                             We will talk you through some topics
                                          and help you figure out where to next.
                                          Week 1 - Introduction to the Internet
                                          Week 2 - Staying Safe Online
                                          Week 3 - More Online Skills
                                          Week 4 - Video Chat Services
                                          Please bring your own laptop, tablet or
                                          Weekly on Tuesdays
                                           12 November to 3 December inclusive
                                          9.30am to 11am

                                           COMPOSTING FOR BEGINNERS
                                          Casey Cardinia Libraries and Cardinia
 TAX IN AUSTRALIA                         Shire Council will be hosting a free
                                          beginners compost and worm farm
What does tax mean to you? Do
                                          workshop. Discover the benefits of
you have questions about paying
                                          compost, how to choose the best
tax? Our experienced speaker can
                                          system for your household and how to
answer your questions about tax and
                                          get started.
superannuation that you would like to
ask.                                      Learn how residents can claim up to
                                          $50 for a new system with our waste
Come along to this free session and
                                          reduction rebates. Light morning tea
learn all about the tax system in
                                          Saturday 16 November
Thursday 7 November
                                          11am to 12.30pm
10am to 11.30am
                                           PETE THE PERMIE
                                          Join Pete the Permie from Telopea
                                          Mountain Permaculture & Nursery to
                                          learn about design & how to create a
                                          permaculture garden.
                                          Thursday 28 November
                                          6pm to 7.30pm


 All School Holiday events require bookings, unless otherwise stated.
 Bookings open Monday 9 September at 10am.
 To book our FREE School Holiday Program activities:
 Online: Go to, choose your event and
 make your booking.
 In person: Go to your local library and our staff will book on your behalf.
 By phone: Contact the host library to book your place.
 Cancelling: School Holiday events are extremely popular and book out
 quickly. If you book for an event but can no longer attend, please cancel
 your booking via Eventbrite or call your local library. This means the spot will
 open for another child to attend.

                              BUNJIL PLACE LIBRARY

LIGHT UP CARDS!                            MAKER SPACE
Learn how to make a working electrical     Come along anytime during the
circuit on paper and use LEDs to give      session, relax and enjoy some family
life to your cards.                        time with a surprise craft to make and
Age 7+ years old                           take home. Materials provided until
Monday 23 September                        they run out, all you need to bring is
2pm to 3.30pm                              your creativity.
                                           All ages welcome!
HOLIDAY LEGO CLUB                          Please note that this is not a staff-led
Join us for an hour of Lego play. Follow   session and parents should remain
a theme and let your imagination           with their children at all times.
run wild, or complete one of our tricky    Tuesday 24 September
challenges.                                1pm to 3pm
Age 6+ years old                           Monday 30 September
Monday 23 September                        11am to 1pm
4pm to 5pm
                                           Tuesday 1 October
MINDFUL PLAY WITH YOUR TODDLER             11am to 1pm
Learn the art of mindful play with
your toddler in a calm and peaceful        COMMUNITY DOODLING
                                           Bring your creativity to Bunjil
Ages 0-3 years old                         Place Library and help us create a
Tuesday 24 September                       masterpiece to display.
10.30am to 11.30am                         All ages and abilities welcome!
                                           Please note that this is not a staff-led
                                           session and parents should remain
                                           with their children at all times.
                                           Wednesday 25 September
                                           10am to 2pm

22                                    BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT

During this session we will learn ways     A fun half hour of singing, dancing and
to calm our thoughts and breathing         reading stories with your toddler. Wear
and make a calming glitter jar to take     your favourite dress up for extra fun!
home. Bring your own towel or yoga         Ages 0-3 years old
mat and wear comfortable clothing.         Wednesday 2 October
Ages 6+ years old                          10.30am to 11am
Wednesday 25 September
2:30pm to 3:30pm                           MINDFUL COLOURING FOR ADULTS,
                                           KIDS AND TEENS
CHARLIE SILLY PANTS PRESENTS:              Bring your creativity to Bunjil
THE FUNNY GRAND FINAL                      Place Library and help us create a
                                           masterpiece to display. Paper and
In celebration of Grand Final week,
                                           pens provided.
Charlie SillyPants becomes a “Sport
Boy” and goes on an adventure to win       All ages and abilities welcome!
“The Funny Grand Final”! Children will     Thursday 3 October
help Charlie work as a team to play as     10am to 1pm
many games as they can. With lots of
high energy and plenty of magic, Sport     SQUISHY CIRCUITS
Boy will learn that playing games are      Learn about electricity using
not only fun, but they can also keep       playdough! Come and have fun with
you healthy!                               conductive playdough while learning
All ages welcome!                          the basics of electronic circuits.
Thursday 26 September                      Ages 5-7 years old
2pm to 3pm                                 Thursday 3 October
                                           2.30pm to 3.30pm
A superhero is coming to Bunjil Place      Join us for a very special bubble
library! This cape-wearing crusader will   themed story time. Come and listen
teach us that we all have superpowers,     to some books and create a beautiful
and everyone is special in their own       bubble inspired craft to take home.
way. Discover your superpower and          Ages 3 - 5 years old
learn how to be a super friend, too!       Friday 4 October
Monday 30 September                        11am to 12pm
2pm to 3pm
                                           LEGO ADVENTURE
BUGS! STORYTIME                            Join Emmet and the gang on an
Creep, crawl, hop and buzz into the        outrageous adventure as he warps
library and join us for a very special     through the many universes that is
Bugs! story time.                          Lego. Crazy builds, Crazy Lego and the
Ages 3-5 years old                         chance to go Crazy!
Tuesday 1 October                          Ages 6+ years old
2pm to 3pm                                 Friday 4 October
                                           2pm to 3.30pm


RAINBOW FLOWERS                             LEGO - HOUR OF POWER
Come and visit us anytime during the        Come along and join in an hour of
school holidays to make a beautiful         Lego fun. Take on a challenge or enjoy
Rainbow Flower to last a lifetime.          some free play, there are no limits
                                            except your imagination!
                                            Tuesday 1 October
Join us to decorate your very own           2.45pm to 3.15pm
plant pot and get your fingers dirty
with some planting.
Ages 7+ years old                           BEEP! BEEP! RIPPER ROBOTS STORYTIME
                                            Join us to jump and beep like a robot
Gembrook                                    in this fun filled storytime.
Tuesday 24 September
2.45pm to 3.15pm                            Beaconsfield
                                            Wednesday 2 October
Beaconsfield                                2.45pm to 3.15pm
Wednesday 25 September
2.45pm to 3.15pm                            Nar Nar Goon
                                            Thursday 3 October
Nar Nar Goon                                11.15am to 11.45am
Thursday 26 September
11.15am to 11.45am                          Maryknoll
                                            Thursday 3 October
Maryknoll                                   12.45pm to 1.15pm
Thursday 26 September
12.45pm to 1.15pm

24                                     BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT

Dinosaurs have long been the subject       COMMUNITY HUB
of fascination for children. Through       Come and join the Cranbourne Library
stories and activities, this program       Team for a fun-filled storytime with
from Museums Victoria will introduce       songs, stories and a craft at Selandra
to children how Paleontologists have       Community Hub. 7-9 Selandra Blvd,
come to understand dinosaurs.              Clyde North
Children will be able to talk about        Bookings through the Selandra
and touch real dinosaur fossils from       Community Hub Website.
the Museum Victoria collection, learn      Thursday 26 September
about ancient time periods, see life-      10am to 11am
size replicas of dinosaur skulls, feet
and legs, and classify their favourite     OROMO AND ENGLISH STORYTIME
prehistoric creatures as herbivores or
                                           Come along to Cranbourne Library
carnivores.                                for a storytime event in Oromo and
Ages 4 -6 years old                        English! Stories, songs, craft, friendship
Monday 23 September                        and fun.
10.15am to 11.15am                         In partnership with the Women’s
                                           Friendship Café.
Ages 6 – 12 years old
                                           This program is a Communities for
Monday 23 September
                                           Children program. The Communities
11.15am to 12.15pm                         for Children Initiative is supported
                                           by funding from the Australian
                                           Thursday 26 September
Enjoy a fun-filled session of playdough    11.30am to 1pm
with your creative toddler.
For children aged 2 and up.                PILATES FOR UPPER PRIMARY
Tuesday 24 September
                                           Join in for some fun and fitness at this
1.30pm to 2.15pm                           special Pilates class for Upper Primary
                                           students presented by the YMCA.
PLANTING MAGIC ‘JACK IN THE                Monday 30 September
BEANSTALK’ BEANS WITH BUNNINGS             11am to 11.45am
Come and listen to the story of Jack       TOYS’ SLEEPY STORYTIME
in the Beanstalk and plant your own        Bring your favourite toy and wear your
Magic Beans to take home and               cuddliest PJs for a snoozy, sleepover
look after. Supported by Bunnings          storytime with songs and stories to
Warehouse.                                 send them to sleep and a special
For children aged 3 to 8 years             bedtime craft. Leave teddy tucked up
Wednesday 25 September                     asleep with our friendly librarians and
11am to 12pm                               perhaps we’ll find out what the toys get
                                           up to in the library overnight!
                                           For children aged 3 - 6 years old
                                           Monday 30 September
                                           6pm to 7pm


BABY SENSORY SESSION                           PRE-SCHOOL YOGA
Sensory play includes any activity             Can you pretend to be a grateful
that stimulates your young child’s             giraffe, a finicky flamingo or a
senses: touch, smell, taste, movement,         frustrated frog? Come along with your
balance, sight and hearing. Sensory            pre-schooler, chill out and stretch with
activities facilitate exploration and          some simple fun yoga poses.
naturally encourage children to use            Suitable for children 3-6 years old
scientific processes while they play,          Thursday 3 October
create, investigate and explore. Bring         11am to 11.30am
your baby along to play with some
wonderful sensory toys and musical
instruments.                                   GAMES! GAMES! GAMES!
For babies 0 – 18 months old.                  Come along between the hours of
Tuesday 1 October                              10am and 2pm and enjoy a mix of
1.30pm to 2.30pm                               board games, card games, puzzles
                                               and colouring with your child.
                                               Please note this session is not staff-led
SPRING CRAFTS MAKERSPACE                       and should be attended by parents at
Enjoy some creative time with your             all times.
child making some easy spring craft            For all school age children.
between the hours of 10am and 2pm.             Friday 4 October
Please note that this is not a staff-led       10am to 2pm
session and parents should remain
with their children at all times.
Wednesday 2 October
10am to 2pm
                                   DOVETON LIBRARY

WWII History comes to life with an             Join award-winning picture book
interactive visit from a 1939 Norton           author Coral Vass for an interactive
Motorcycle. Take a seat on the bike            story-time session these holidays,
and see other memorabilia while                filled with fun, dress-ups, puppets and
learning astonishing facts about this          games.
remarkable military transport!                 All ages
Ages 7+ years old                              Tuesday 24 September
Monday 23 September                            10am to 11am
10am to 11am
                                               LEGO GARDEN
CREATIVE QUILLING                              Spring is here, and we are planting
Roll, coil, curl and paste your way            flowers in our LEGO garden bed.
to a paper masterpiece. Beautiful              Work together to create a giant LEGO
butterflies or bountiful balloons...let        garden filled with flowers of every
your imagination soar in the art of            colour, flourishing plants, and maybe a
papercraft and colour!                         brick bug or two!
All ages                                       All ages
Monday 3 September                             Tuesday 24 September
2pm to 3pm                                     4pm to 5pm

26                                        BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT

In celebration of Grand Final week,        Spring is here, and flowers are out
Charlie SillyPants becomes a “Sport        and blooming over cupcakes at
Boy” and go on an adventure to win         Doveton Library. Discover new cake
“The Funny Grand Final”!!! Children will   decorating techniques and decorate
help Sport work as a team to play as       a cupcake worthy of any spring
many games as they can. With lots of       picnic! In partnership with Doveton
high energy fun, the children will help    Neighbourhood Learning Centre.
Sport Boy learn that playing games are     All ages welcome
not only fun, but they can also keep       Tuesday 1 October
you healthy.                               10.30am to 11.15am &
All ages.                                  11.30am to 12.15pm
Wednesday 25 September
10am to 11am
                                           GAME ON!
SPRING TIME TINIES TIME                    Guess who’s playing board games at
Come along to a special time of            Doveton Library? UNO who! Time to
celebrating Spring. Dance, sing and        break out classic board games and sit
decorate your own budding flower to        down for some family fun!
take home!                                 All ages
Thursday 26 September                      Wednesday 2 October
10am to 10.30am                            2pm to 4pm

EXPLOSION BOOKS!                           CASEY 360 BUS
WATCH OUT! Books are exploding             Get your gaming on with the Casey
at Doveton Library! Make your own          360 Bus outside Doveton Library or chill
squash book that is just bursting to be    out with Apple iMacs and iPads, the
read.                                      latest apps and music, PS4’s, Nintendo
All ages                                   WiiU, lounges and a stack of youthful
Monday 30 September                        information.
10am to 11am                               Ages 10+ years old
                                           Thursday 3 October
CENTRE STAGE THEATRE GAMES                 11am to 1pm
Build confidence and imagination
through play and improvisation! Spend      SHADOW PUPPETS
a silly hour being led by your nose, or
                                           Short stories or tall tales, bring a
create a giant human knot!
                                           shadow puppet to life and put on a
Ages 7+                                    show through art and light!
Monday 30 September
                                           Ages 7+ years old
2pm to 3pm                                 Friday 4 October
                                           10am to 11am

                                           PLAYFUL POTTERY
                                           Experience sculptural art and learn the
                                           basics of pottery - all while having an
                                           engaging and creative time!
                                           Ages 7+ years old
                                           Friday 4 October
                                           3pm to 4pm      27

TINIES DISCO                              BEACH STORYTIME!
Bring your dancing shoes and let’s        Pack your things for the beach and
disco!                                    get ready for summer with a Beach
Ages 0-3 years old                        Storytime.
Monday 23 September                       Ages 3+
10.30am to 11am                           Thursday 26 September
                                          11.15am to 12pm
LET’S LEARN PYTHON                        EXPLORERS CLUB
Interested in learning Python the         Join us for our monthly Explorers Club
coding program? Join us to learn how,     and enjoy fun activities, games and
or just to practice your skills.          even more surprises.
Ages 8+ years old                         Ages 5+ years old
Monday 23 September                       Thursday 26 September
3pm to 4pm                                4pm to 5pm
In the Feathers, Fur & Scales show        Come and enjoy the fun of a Makey
students will learn the difference        Makey and see what amazing
between feathered, furry and scaly        inventions your imagination can
creatures in this hands-on display of     create.
animal life. Everyone will get an up-     Ages 8+ years old
close look at a sugar glider possum,      Monday 30 September
an owl or cockatoo, freshwater turtle,    3pm to 4pm
shingleback lizard, monitor lizard,
pythons and even a crocodile!             KALEIDOSCOPES
Tickets available 20 minutes before the
event at the door.                        Join us and make a beautiful
Ages 5+ years old                         kaleidoscope out of everyday items to
Tuesday 24 September                      take home with you.
2pm to 3pm                                Ages 7+ years old
                                          Wednesday 2 October
Tuesday 24 September                      2.30pm to 3.30pm
3pm to 4pm
                                          FARMYARD FUN STORYTIME
BIRDS OF A FEATHER NATURE CRAFT           Laugh along with a fun Farmyard
Birds of a feather flock together and     Storytime. Enjoy some books, songs
so do the kids at Emerald Library!        and a craft to take home.
Nestle down with nature craft. Gumnut     Ages 3+
goannas? Daisy ducks? Make your own       Thursday 3 October
masterpiece using natural materials       11.15am to 12pm
from the world around us.
7+ years old                              ROBOT LEGO CHALLENGE
Wednesday 25 September                    Join us for our monthly Lego Club, with
2.30pm to 3.30pm                          a Robot Lego challenge!
                                          Thursday 3 October
                                          4pm to 5pm

28                                   BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT

WORKSHOP                                        DISCOVERY SHOW
Earn your green thumb as you                    Leaping lizards! Lizzy’s visiting
decorate your very own flower pot! Use          Endeavour Hills Library for a hands-on
some recycled materials and prepare             reptile show. Meet some scaley new
to get a bit messy creating your own            friends up close, learn how to care for
mosaic masterpiece! Crafting supplies           and be safe around reptiles.
and pots provided.                              Ages 5+ years old
Ages 5+ years old                               Tuesday 1 October
Monday 23 September                             11am to 12pm
11am to 12pm
                                                GYMNASTICS WITH THE YMCA
FAMILY MAKER SPACE WORKSHOP                     Join us for some gymnastics fun
Four tables, four building supplies, let        this spring. Cartwheel, leap and roll
your imagination run wild! Fold paper           under the guidance of the team at
planes, build sky scrapers out of knex,         Endeavour Hills YMCA. Learn how to
create cars with lego and craft critters        perform some awesome gymnastics
out of cardboard! Bring the family              moves Ages 8+ only
and enjoy some STEM free play at the            Collect your wrist band from the
library!                                        Endeavour Hills Library 20 minutes
Family participation encouraged!                prior to event start time. The event
Tuesday 24 September                            will be held in the YMCA Gym next to
11am to 2pm                                     Endeavour Hills Library
                                                Ages 8+ years old only
                                                Wednesday 2 October
SPRINGTIME TINIES                               12pm to 1pm
A fun-filled dancing, singing and
rhyming session for Ages 3+.                    MINI SCARECROW CRAFT WORKSHOP
Wiggle, jump and clap along as                  Who’s going to look after all those
we sing some favourite songs and                spring flowers and fruits in your
celebrate spring by creating a flower           garden? A scarecrow is! Make a
to take home.                                   scarecrow that’s ‘outstanding in its
Wednesday 25 September                          field’ using icy pole sticks, recycled
11am to 11.45am                                 materials and a wooden spoon. Ages
                                                5+ years old
AUTHOR TALK AND WORKSHOP:                       Thursday 3 October
Join local author and illustrator
Jill-Louise Dawson as she shares
the inspiration for her junior novel
Rockpoolia. Young writers and
illustrators will find out tips and tricks to
writing and illustrating their own stories
in this interactive workshop.
Ages 7+ years old
Thursday 26 September
12pm to 1pm
     BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT             29

A fun session for toddlers and carers     A joint session involving Hampton Park
involving sounds and movement.            Library, Hampton Park Youth Centre,
Ages 0-3 years old                        and ONE Casey fitness.
Tuesday 24 September                      No skills necessary. Come along!
11am to 11.30am                           Healthy snacks provided.
                                          Meet in Hampton Park Library.
                                          Ages 10+ years old
CARP PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS ‘KING           Tuesday 1 October
The mighty King Neptune invites
you to Marvellous Me Island for an        PAPER PLANES
unforgettable adventure with his very
                                          Learn folding techniques to create a
special friends. Characters include a
                                          variety of paper planes and moving
plucky pirate, a thoughtful tree and a
clownish crab.
                                          Ages 7+ years old
Ages 3-12 year olds
                                          Wednesday 2 October
Wednesday 25 September
                                          2pm to 3pm
2pm to 2.45pm
                                          CREATIVE BOXES
HAMPTON PARK SHOPPING CENTRE              What can you make using small
PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME                      cardboard boxes and cubes? Use your
                                          imaginations to build and explore.
Meet us in the Hampton Park Shopping
                                          Some items supplied; if you have any
Centre (near Woolworths) for this
                                          boxes at home you may wish to bring
special storytime.
Ages 3-6 years old
                                          Ages 3-6 years old
Thursday 26 September
                                          Thursday 3 October
2.30pm to 3.30pm
                                          11am to 12pm

                               PAKENHAM LIBRARY

Come and visit us anytime during the       Come and visit us anytime during the
school holidays to help us create a        school holidays and collect your Super
Rainbow Garden in the library.             Hero Scavenger Hunt Sheet, then use
Collect your Rainbow Garden                your superhero powers to find the
Bookmark and start matching your           hidden treasures in the library. Put
books to the colours to collect your       your completed entry into the Super
flower making kit - make one for           Hero Box to win a great prize!
yourself and one for our Rainbow           Entries will be drawn Saturday 5
Garden. Keep reading to collect all        October, winners will be notified by
seven flowers!                             phone.
All Ages                                   3+ years old

30                                   BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT

Join us to decorate your very own           Join us at our Training Academy and
plant pot and get your fingers dirty        become a Super Hero!
with some spring time planting.             Ages 5+ years old
Ages 7+ years old                           Monday 30 September
Monday 23 September                         1.30pm to 2.30pm
1.30pm to 2.30pm
Can you jump and beep like a robot?         Come and get your groove on at a
Come along for a fun filled storytime       Story Time filled with stories, music
full of robots and rhymes.                  and movement!
Tuesday 24 September                        Ages 3 - 6 years old
11am to 12pm                                Tuesday 1 October
                                            11am to 12pm
Join Jo for a bubbly time with your         Create a beautiful card Diwali style - a
baby.                                       great program celebrating the Diwali
Ages 0 -12 months                           Festival in collaboration with IACC
Wednesday 25 September                      (Indian Association Cardinia Casey)
10.30am to 11am                             Ages 7+ years old
                                            Wednesday 2 October
BOLLYWOOD DANCING                           2.30pm to 3.30pm
Join us for a fun-filled session learning
to dance Bollywood style, a great           LUKE THE MAGICIAN
program celebrating the Diwali
                                            Be dazzled by Luke’s amazing magic!
Festival in collaboration with IACC
                                            Luke is a modern-day magician with
(Indian Association Cardinia Casey).
                                            a creative flair that will entertain and
Ages 6+ years old                           astound you, join us and be amazed.
Wednesday 25 September                      Ages 4+ years old
2.30pm to 3.30pm                            Thursday 3 October
                                            10.30am to 11.30am
A fun-filled and energetic session of       HENNA ART
stories, rhymes and songs.                  Join us for some traditional Henna
Ages 1 - 3 years old                        Art Diwali style - a great program
Thursday 26 September                       celebrating the Diwali Festival
11am to 11.30am                             in collaboration with the Indian
                                            Association Cardinia Casey).
                                            Ages 7+ years old
EXPLORER’S CLUB                             Friday 4 October
Get ready for a hands-on session of         2.30pm to 3.30pm
games, craft and collaborative play.
Ages 5 - 8 years old
Thursday 26 September
4pm to 5pm

    BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL AT             31
Celebrate dinosaurs in November with dinosaur-themed activities at our libraries
throughout the month. Contact your nearest branch for information on dinosaur-
themed after school programs or storytimes.
Through stories and activities, this       With cute dinosaur puppets, dress-ups,
program will introduce to children the     magic tricks, music and a story about a
ways in which palaeontologists have        cheeky dinosaur, there’s plenty to see on
come to understand dinosaurs through       the way. So sharpen your teeth, practice
finding and studying fossils. Children     your roars, and let’s all pretend to be
will be able to talk about and touch       dinosaurs! It’s a dinosaurumpus!
real dinosaur fossils from the Museum      Ages 4-10 years old
Victoria collection.
Ages 4-12 years old                        Cranbourne Library  Emerald Library
Monday 4 November                          Saturday 2 November Saturday 23
Hampton Park Library                       2pm to 2.45pm       November
10am to 11am                                                   10.30am to 11.15am
                                           Doveton Library
Endeavour Hills Library                    Saturday 9          Pakenham Library
2pm to 3pm                                 November            Monday 18 November
                                           10am to 10.45am     Monday 4pm-5pm

                                            TOBY THE T-REX DINOSAUR SHOW
                                            PRESENTED BY REAL DINOSAURS
                                           Let your imagination run wild as you
                                           embark on an awe inspiring, exhilarating
                                           and gripping journey back through time
                                           to an age when dinosaurs roamed the
                                           Bunjil Place Library
                                           Sunday 24 November
                                           10.30am to 11.30am
Calling all Lego Lovers...A Mega Lego Building Event is coming to CCL!

Roar into Dinovember with an awesome series of dinosaur themed Lego building
events hosted by contestants Maddy and Jimmy from Lego Masters Australia.

During the month of October we will be running a range of fun, hands on workshops
where you can learn new skills, participate in mini competitions and work alongside
Lego lovers Maddy and Jimmy.

Then join Maddy and Jimmy for a meet and greet and mega reveal where you can
showcase your builds and celebrate being a Lego building extraordinaire.

If you are aged between 8 and 16 and want to have a chance to be part of this
amazing series of events head to our website for information.

All details will be revealed on Monday September 2 at 10am.

See page 39 for regular after school Lego Club programs.

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