The Entergy Phasor System - Pushing PI to New Heights Floyd Galvan, PE 2007 OSIsoft Users Conference Monterey, CA
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The Entergy Phasor System Pushing PI to New Heights Floyd Galvan, PE 2007 OSIsoft Users Conference Monterey, CA
n Entergy Owns and Operates approximately 30,000 MW of capacity n Entergy delivers electricity to approximately 2.6 million utility customers across 4 states n Entergy is the second-largest nuclear operator in the nation, operating 12 units n Entergy is a Fortune 500 company with revenues of more than $10 billion in 2006 n Entergy is the second cleanest utility generator among the top 10 generators and was the first U.S. utility to voluntarily stabilize greenhouse gas emissions
The Entergy Phasor System Gos li nMe tro 13 8 K V Vol tage Prof ile During Ju ne 1 5, 20 05 Sto rm 160000 \\cctapets t005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVA 49407.059 Volts \\cctapets t005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVB 53522.652 140000 Volts \\cctapets t005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVC 52983.879 Volts 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 6/15/2005 6:54:12 PM 17.2 5 m inut es 6/15/2005 7:11:27 PM Gos lin Metro A Voltage Gos lin Metro B Vo ltage Goslin Metro C Voltage
Largest Blackout in US History August 14th 2003 Blackout “Caused in part by deficiencies by the ByTheNumbers system that monitors the electric grid, 1 Canadian Province and a lack of awareness of deteriorating 3 deaths conditions by the operators who monitor 8 U.S. states the system.” Joint DOE & FERC Report 12 airports closed to Congress – Feb 2006 23 cases of looting in Ottawa 250+ power plants 9,266 square miles 61,800 MW of power lost 1.5 mill Cleveland residents without water 50 million people $4.510 billion in economic activity lost
North American Synchro-Phasor Initiative (NASPI) Lead by DOE and NERC n Vision – improve power system reliability through wide-area measurement, monitoring and control (throughout the North American grid) n n Montreal Canada 9/6-7
Building the Beta System n Design Communication Infrastructure n Within Entergy n Between Companies in the Eastern Interconnect n Determine location of PMU on Entergy System n Vendor Selection for PMU & PDC n NDA to share Phasor Data n Get Approvals and Money n Build a team n Get Iron in the Ground n Dec 2004 1st PMU sends data to TVA Super PDC n May 2005 Ten PMUs operational
Unprecedented Natural Disaster Two Hurricanes: Katrina and Rita Flooding from Breeched Levees lasting many weeks All Generation in SE La was lost
Double Trouble Summary Katrina Rita Cat., Landfall, Rest. C4–Aug 29- 42 days C3–Sept 24-21 days Areas Impacted Ms, La, NO Ar, Ms, La, NO, Tx Customers Out 1,091 K, 41 % base 800 K, 30% Tran Line Out 181 341 Subs Out 263 443 Fossil Units Impact 15 14 Nuc Units Impact Waterford 3 Dist Pole Destroyed 17,400 11,500 Resource Deployed 10,200Workers 13,000 Workers 3,500 Support 4.500 Support
n Staff scattered across the US and Canada n Working from hotels, friends homes, and eventually an apartment and a temporary office in Houston n Dealing with home repair, losses-personal, spiritual, and financial, n Eventually we began to rebuild
Entergy Phasor Time-Line August 2003 Aug 2005 Nov 2004 Dec 2006
Entergy PMU Locations n 20 Sites are installed n PMU – ARBITER 1133A, Power Sentinal; SEL 421 n PDC – OSIsoft PI
Entergy PMU Locations n 500 KV – 10 n Arkansas – 9 n 345 KV – 1 n Louisiana – 5 n 230 KV – 4 n Mississippi – 2 n 138/115 KV – 3 n Texas (NON-ERCOT) – 4 (NON-ERCOT) n Distribution – 2
Entergy Phasor Time-Line August 2003 Dec 2006 Aug 2007 Aug 2005 Nov 2004
Fixing Problems-C37.118 n New Synchro-Phasor Standard C37.118 n Firmware upgrade on PMU – for SEL the relay must be taken out of service n Pi Interface for C37.118: n The process of getting a C37.118 interface to market has taken too long n Still issues with bringing data in from TVA n Works only w/ Arbiter & SEL PMU n It’s time - C37.118 Server
Fixing Problems-PMU n Arbiter 1133 Power Sentinel PMU n 37.118 Firmware Unstable n Remote Re-boot (needed) n Remote Firmware upgrades (needed) n Remote Calibration (needed) n Don’t stop Firmware upgrades are in progress
Fixing Problems- Infrastructure n Migrate from Corporate network to private internal network for critical data n New Server Infrastructure: 5 days of history to 5 years
Entergy Phasor Time-Line August 2003 Aug 2005 Dec 2006 Nov 2004 Aug 2007
Entergy Wide-Area Initiatives n Detection, Prevention and Mitigation of Cascading Events – Prototype Implementations n Joint project Incorporating Phasor Measurements into State Estimation (Phase 2)
Entergy Wide-Area Initiatives n PMU Meter Placement Study for Monitoring and Control n Event Location Triangulation n System Security Using Phase Angle FREQUEN CY WORM 7/11/2007 3:54:30 PM 60 Hz 0.10 Differences 0.08 Desired 0.06 Caution 0.04 Alert 0.02 This chart represents your operating frequency 0.00 domain. Frequency here is represented as a 60 Hz difference from 60 Hz. 0.02 The syst em should be operated wit hin t he desired range (t he yellow dashed box). Caut ion should be 0.04 noted when frequencies begin to migrat e outside of the yellow dashed box. 0.06 Frequencies falling in t he alert region (out side of the red box) should be closely monitered. 0.08 If t he frequency worm begins to scat ter, this Whi te Dot = Most Re cent Frequency Measurem ent represents potential islanding. 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.10
Regional Visualization ProcessBook Display VERDE ProcessBook Display Oak Ridge National Labs Enterprise Horizons ProcessBook ProcessBook Display Display OSIsoft PI
Electric Grid & Energy Infrastructure Situational Awareness Major power outages over the past decade have occurred due to a lack of wide-area situational understanding This effort will assist the ORNL, in partnership with TVA, is government in developing a resource for the U.S. managing the DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery preparedness for & Energy Reliability that will enable and response to real-time status of the electric grid destructive events and assess inter-dependencies with critical energy sectors Assist in coordination of federal response to natural disasters or major events
Electric Grid & Energy Infrastructure Situational Awareness v U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability sponsored effort v Coordinate federal response to natural disasters or major events Kevin Kolevar discusses DOE's hurricane v ORNL, in partnership with preparedness efforts with Red Cavaney of the TVA, developing realtime American Petroleum Institute and Bud Updated August 29, 2005 8:20 a.m. EDT visualization tool Danenberger (right) of the Department of the Interior's Minerals Management v Initially assess status of Service. transmission lines in the Southeast
VERDE Capabilities Visualizing Energy Resources Dynamically on Earth n Platform provides wide area visualization capability n Flexible system n Realtime status of transmission lines n Realtime weather overlays WideArea Power Grid Situational n Predictive impact models & Animated Awareness replay Streaming Analysis Impact Models n Data analysis n Energy infrastructure interdependencies: n Coal delivery and rail lines n Refinery and oil wells n Natural gas pipelines n Transportation and evacuation routes n Population impacts LandScan Realtime Weather Overlays
Gosli nMe tro 138 KVVol tage Profile During June 15, 2005 Storm Goslin Metro and GoslinCleveland A,B,C Voltage 160000 \\cctapetst005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVA 123.4 124 125 139500 140500 141500 ENT_GSLNCVLD:ARBVA 49407.059 Volts 122.631 123.2 \\cctapetst005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVB Volts 140000 53522.652 ENT_GSLNCVLD:ARBVB Volts 123 122.962 \\cctapetst005\ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVC 52983.879 Volts 122.8 Volts ENT_GSLNCVLD:ARBVC 120000 124.104 122.6 Volts ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVA 122.4 138653.859 100000 Volts 122.2 ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVB 139271.515 122 Volts 80000 ENT_GSLNMTRO:ARBVC 121.8 140646.047 Volts 121.6 60000 121.4 121.5 122.5 137000 137500 138500 6/8/2007 7:16:03.621 AM 60.00 minutes 6/8/2007 8:16:03.621 AM 40000 6/15/2005 6:54:12 PM 17.2 5 minutes 6/15/2005 7:11:27 PM Goslin Metro A Voltage Goslin Metro B Voltage Goslin Metro C Voltage J un e 1 5, 2 0 0 5 St or m Syst em F re q u e n cy 6 0. 6 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ ED R D MT O V:AR BF Entergy System Freque ncy 6 0.0 05 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ ED R D SH D N : AR BF 6 0. 4 6 0.0 05 60.06 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ FY P T:AR BF 6 0.0 04 6 0. 2 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ G D GFB XW N :AR B F 6 0.0 04 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ G SL N MTR O :AR BF 60.04 60 6 0.0 05 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ M BL E MF L R :AR B F 6 0.0 05 5 9. 8 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ M BL E SH D N :AR BF 6 0.0 05 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ PT S N :AR B F 6 0.0 04 60.02 5 9. 6 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ R BS L FR KN : AR B F 6 0.0 04 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ WT FDN ML E:AR BF 5 9. 4 6 0.0 04 \\ ccta pe ts t0 0 5\ EN T_ WT FDW LG N : AR BF 6 0.0 04 60 5 9. 2 59 5 8. 8 59.98 6 /1 5 /2 00 5 6 :5 4 :1 2 PM 1 7 .2 5 m in u te s 6/ 15 /20 05 7 :11 :2 7 P M El D or a d o Mt Olive F re q u e nc y El D or a d o Sh e rid an F re qu e n cy F an cy Pt Fre q u e nc y Gra nd G ulf B a xte r W ils on F re q ue n cy Go s lin Me tro F re q ue n cy 59.96 Ma b le va le Ma yflo w e r F req u e n cy Ma b le va le Sh e rid an F re qu e n cy Pa te rs on F re q ue n cy R a y B ras w ell F ra n klin F re q u e n cy Wa te rfo rd N i ne m ile F re q u e n cy Wa te rfo rd W illo w Gle n F re qu e n cy 59.94 7/27/2007 12:58:21 PM 60.00 minutes 7/27/2007 1:58:21 PM FREQUENCY WORM 7 /11 /20 07 3:54 :30 PM 60 Hz 0 .10 0 .08 Desired 0 .06 Caution 0 .04 Alert 0 .02 This chart represents your operating frequenc y 0 .00 domain. Frequenc y here is represented as a 60 Hz difference from 60 Hz. 0 .02 The sy st em should be operated wit hin the desired range (the yellow dashed box). Caution should be 0 .04 noted when frequencies begin to migrate outside of the yellow dashed box. 0 .06 Frequencies falling in t he alert region (out side of the red box) should be closely monitered. 0 .08 If t he frequenc y worm begins to scat ter, this W hi te D ot = Most Re cent Fr equency Measurem ent repres ents potential islanding. 0 .10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.10
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