Private Continual Release of Real-Valued Data Streams - Date: February 26, 2019 Victor Perrier, Hassan Jameel Asghar, Dali Kaafar Macquarie ...
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Private Continual Release of Real-Valued Data Streams Date: February 26, 2019 Victor Perrier, Hassan Jameel Asghar, Dali Kaafar Macquarie University, Data61 (CSIRO), ISAE-SUPAERO
Streaming Data and Statistics • Real-time monitoring of customer data can improve services • Real-time updates • Analysts/planners can optimize services Service Event Real-time statistics Energy Smart-meter reading Electricity usage in a neighborhood Transport Tap-on/off time Peak hour commute times Retail Supermarket bill Average expenditure in a supermarket Location Check-in/out time Average time spent in a restaurant 2
Issue: Privacy Smart meter readings • Raw stats may reveal sensitive events • Unusual presence at home (smart meter) • Trip to beach instead of work (transport) • Events (observations) can be linked to real-life activities [MSF+10] Unusual activity [MSF+10] 3
✏ on a given day. Notice that this is significantly less than Since GS = B , we get a linear term in B . We will the total time possible in a 24 hour period, which is use this algorithm as the building block, but we shall obviously 1,440 minutes. Privacy-Preserving Statistics find ways to improve the dependence on B . Our gain will be through the assumption that actual distribution of the string is concentrated far below B . We will CDF of observations later justify this assumption by analyzing two real-world datasets. Then, instead of using the global sensitivity, • Differential privacy a natural candidate we shall use smooth sensitivity tailored to a threshold ⌧ B , and therefore we expect considerable gain in • Most⌧utility. work on static databases % readings • Some work on binary data streams [DNPR10, CSS11] A. Motivation We consider scenarios where the upper bound B on a generic element of the incoming stream is overly conser- • Our problem vative resulting in utility that is begging to be improved in practice. Consider the following likely scenarios • Data from • Thean event bound is real-valued B might withinFor not be known in advance. a ! public upper a bound! bound instance, on the expenditure during a trip to public Fig. 2: Histogram of journey times on Sydneybound trains on the supermarket. Any guess on the bound B would • Release updated be taking intosum/average account instances atofeach event unusually high a particular day What is the scale of the x-axis. • Event-level privacy spendings. This will result in a very conservative Likewise, we see a similar trend in the total expen- upper bound. • Peculiar events protected • In some cases, a natural bound B exists. For in- diture during a trip to a supermarket chain in Australia time on a given day. Converted into an empirical cumulative stance, the commute time per day has a natural distribution function (CDF), the two distributions events 4 are bound of B = 24 hours. However, most commute shown in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. An interesting
for strings of length n, where trains on a particular day (including multiple trips). We ✓ r ◆ can see that the peak is around 20 to 30 mins, and very 1 1 ↵ = O GS · 8 ln log2 (n)1.5 . few customers take more than 150 minutes of train ride ✏ on a given day. Notice that this is significantly less than How to Release the Average? Since GS = B , we get a linear term in B . We will use this algorithm as the building block, but we shall the total time possible in a 24 hour period, which i obviously 1,440 minutes. find ways to improve the dependence on B . Our gain will be through the assumption that actual distribution CDF of observations • Basic: addofLaplace the string noise of scalefar!below is concentrated to each B . We will observation later justify this assumption by analyzing two real-world datasets. • Error !" afterThen, instead of using the global sensitivity, " events we shall use smooth sensitivity tailored to a threshold ⌧ ⌧ B , and therefore we expect considerable gain in • Generalized utility.binary stream algorithm fairs better % readings • Error !log & " [DNPR10, CSS11] A. Motivation We consider scenarios where the upper bound B on a • Problem: generic error still proportional to ! element of the incoming stream is overly conser- • In manyvative resulting ! situations in is toothat utility loose or unknown is begging to be improved • E.g.,inUnlikely practice.someone commuting Consider the following for fullscenarios likely 24 hours! ' ! • The bound B might not be known in advance. For threshold • Most readings concentrated instance, a bound on thebelow during a trip to' a threshold expenditure public Fig. 2: Histogram of journey times on Sydney bound trains on the supermarket. Any guess on the bound B would a particular day What is the scale of the x-axis. • be taking into account If ' known, error is only 'log & " instances of unusually high spendings. • Significant This will result in a very conservative if !: ' large Likewise, we see a similar trend in the total expen upper bound. diture during a trip to a supermarket chain5 in Australia • In some cases, a natural bound B exists. For in-
Validation of Data Concentration Train trips • Is data really concentrated well below a conceivable !? % trips • Train trips dataset • 50 million trips over four weeks (Sydney, Australia) minutes • Conceivable bound ! = 24 hours Supermarket • Supermarket dataset % transactions • 140,000 transactions by 1,000 customers (Australia) • Conceivable bound ! = ? dollars 6
How to Estimate Threshold with Privacy? • Need to observe a subset ! of observations – time lag Stream Readings 90 80 • Time lag needs to be optimized for accuracy 70 60 • Too early: high outlier error 50 • Too late: marginal gain (may just use " as 40 30 estimate) 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • Naively estimating # violates privacy ! Time lag $ • E.g., maximum of ! observations is an exact event! 7
Our Work • A method to estimate threshold ! using a subset of observations • With differential privacy • and utility optimized for moving average • Mechanism is generic – can also be used for • Average over a sliding window • Releasing histogram of streaming data • Estimating scale of distribution 8
Background: Binary Tree Algorithm • Binary tree (BT) algorithm [DNPR10, CSS11] • Find at most log $% nodes in tree whose union equals sum up to & events '()*+ , ', • Add Laplace noise of scale - instead of - • Goal: Use BT as sub-module but noise scaled to . instead of / Computing private sum of first 7 observations 9
Global Mechanism 1. Estimate threshold ! using first " observations using budget #$ % 2. Use Laplace noise with scale to release sum of first " &' observations 3. Update & release sum for each event after " with Laplace noise of scale ! log + ,/# using BT algorithm • Overall: (#, 0)-differential privacy 10
What are the Choices for Threshold? • False starts • Differentially private max of ! values? • max function is highly sensitive • Adjacent streams can differ by any value in [0, %] Distribution of ' • Standard deviation of distribution of '? • Need to know distribution in advance ( fraction of values • Statistic of choice: (-quantile • E.g., ( = 0.005 (0.5% of values) ,( (-quantile 11
Privately Estimating !-Quantile • Need to estimate !-quantile through first " readings • Satisfying # ≫ " ≫ 1/! required for stable estimate of ! • Roadmap • Obtain the empirical estimate (' ! of (! • Add differentially private noise to (' ! • Set the result as threshold ) • Complication: cannot use Global Sensitivity (GS) for DP noise • Maximum change in function over all adjacent streams • GS of !-quantile is close to * 12
Using Smooth Sensitivity • Local sensitivity (LS) • Maximum change in !-quantile over streams adjacent to input stream only • Unfortunately, LS itself can be sensitive • E.g., big differences in LS over nearby streams • Smooth sensitivity (SS) [NRS07] • " #, # % : Hamming distance between streams # and # % 234 .,. / • SS(#, () = max./ {1 5 LS./ } • Smooths out change in LS as we move away from input stream 13
Privately Obtaining the Threshold • Obtain threshold as ! = $# %+ Laplace noise with SS • We have swept some details under the rug • $# % and ! should be ≥ $% to bound error • We assume $# % ≥ $% 14
Utility Analysis • Light-tailed distributions Train trips dataset • Lighter than exponential distribution with the same !-quantile • True for train trips and supermarket datasets for sufficiently small ! • If distribution is light-tailed • We show that error "log & '/) (as required) • Note: Privacy definition not dependent on distribution assumption ! = 0.005-quantile 15
Utility Analysis for Light-tailed Distributions • Exponential distribution has the property !" # $ ≥ !&' for all $ ≥ 1 • For light-tailed distributions: !) " # $ ≥ !&' • Idea: • Estimate "-quantile using 1/" readings !" !& ' • Set threshold + to !) " # $ • Benefits: ≈ + = !) " # $ • Estimate threshold with a much smaller time lag , • Minimise outlier error project . estimate • - log 3 4 / 16
What Values to Use in Practice? • Improvement Factor (IF) metric • Ratio of error through BT versus Impact of epsilon Impact of time lag our method • Epsilon: IF increases with larger ! but then drops • Due to truncation: any value greater than threshold is fixed to threshold • Time lag: Noticeable increase in impact factor with " ≈ 50,000 ! " 17
Heuristics for Choosing Parameters • Optimization suggests Parameter Interpretation Value ! !-quantile 0.005 " Shifting !-quantile Between 1 and 2 #$ Budget to estimate threshold 0.8 of overall privacy budget #% Budget to release sum of first & terms Derive from #$ & Time lag 50,000 18
Experimental Evaluation Train trips dataset • Max error on the sum (at step !) • 20k repetitions • Train trips • ! = 250, 000, 000 • " = 50,000 • # = 1440 mins (24 hrs) • Improvement factor: 3.5 Supermarket dataset • Supermarkets • ! = 150, 000 • " = 50,000 • # = 3,000 dollars • Improvement factor: 9 19
Discussion • Improved private release of moving average if distributions are light-tailed • Question: which data have light-tailed distribution? • Any data coming from short-lived, time constrained events • Smart-meter data • Phone-call durations • Length of posts (on social media) • Daily average inter-arrivals of check-in times • Heavy-tailed distributions are not “directly” time-constrained • Income distribution • File sizes in computer systems 20
Conclusion • Shown a way to privately estimate the bulk of a distribution of streaming real- valued data • Can be estimated by sacrificing a time lag • Heuristics for choosing parameters in practice • In worst-case, threshold is close to public bound ! • We do not need to abort as in the propose-test-release approach [DL09] • Moving average release is just one application – can be used in other applications 21
Questions 22
References • [CSS11]Chan, T.H.H., Shi, E. and Song, D., 2011. Private and continual release of statistics.ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), 14(3), p.26. • [DL09] Dwork, C. and Lei, J., 2009, May. Differential privacy and robust statistics. In STOC (Vol. 9, pp. 371-380). • [DNPR10] Dwork, C., Naor, M., Pitassi, T. and Rothblum, G.N., 2010, June. Differential privacy under continual observation. In Proceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing (pp. 715-724). ACM. • [MSF+10] Molina-Markham, A., Shenoy, P., Fu, K., Cecchet, E. and Irwin, D., 2010, November. Private memoirs of a smart meter. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on embedded sensing systems for energy-efficiency in building (pp. 61-66). ACM. • [NRS07] Nissim, K., Raskhodnikova, S. and Smith, A., 2007, June. Smooth sensitivity and sampling in private data analysis. In Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (pp. 75-84). ACM. 23
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