THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service

THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service

The future of touchless service

THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Design italiano.

                   The Cube is our Made in Italy product that combines today's
                   need to relate safely with an innovative experience, taking
                   customer interaction to another level.

                   Initially created to satisfy a need
                   new need in the world of catering,
                   The Cube has been reinvented and applied to different
                   different sectors, such as hotels, commercial shops and
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
It is developed thanks to a multilingual
intuitive and quick to use platform that enables
which allows the transmission of information,
for example a menu or a price list
or a price list, by simply passing your
Smartphone over The Cube, by NFC
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Cubes and Coin                                          The cube is designed to be placed on tables in
                                                        restaurants, bars, lounges, hotel rooms, but also for all
The Cube is made up of several parts joined into a      other activities that want to display something in an
single object.                                          alternative way.

Starting from the cube in the different materials, we   The coin was designed for large quantities, such as hotel
move on to the development of the chosen platform or
                                                        rooms, beach umbrellas, as a presentation of the hotel
system, and then to the chip installed in the upper
                                                        itself, in short, a "gadget" within everyone's reach.

This chip has many advantages: it can be read           The substantial difference will be the platform that will be
100,000 times, it works between -20°C and 70°C          redirected over these chips, which will make them unique
degrees, it is waterproof and much more.                and special.
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Interact                                                 Innovation

We have created different types of platforms.            The first platform is only illustrative, so we are
Each platform has been designed and created              going to create a visual interaction with our
from several points of view. On the client side, we      customer, consequently we will have more
have created platforms that are simple and               space to create interactive menus, while the
intuitive to use, all multilingual, and on the side of   second gives the customer the possibility to
those who have to manage the operation, we               order in total autonomy from his table, hotel
have included a series of data to be able to report,     room or sun lounger.
in order to always have an eye on performance.
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Benefits of The Cube series
 Not just a QR                      Control                              Resistant

 The Cube system works with both    You will be able to see all the      Resistant to weather, rain and
 the QR and the contact chip, so    most clicked or best-selling         high temperatures, The Cube
 that everyone can interact with    products through the graphs          will still work.
 our product.                       provided by the platform.

 Multilanguage                      Simple                               Quick changes

 Uploaded documents can be          Do not require the development       Uploaded data and documents
 translated into many languages.    and installation of any              can be modified countless times,
                                    application.                         quickly and easily.

 Continuous remote                  Elegant                              Ecological
                                    A shape designed to fit discreetly   You will save a lot of paper.
 All The Cube is managed remotely   into any type of location, thanks
 to make the necessary changes.     also to the wide choice of
                                    materials available.
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
incremento vendite servizi
                                               Second orders

                                                               The data collected from our customers already using The
Work optimizazion                                              Cube has shown us an increase in sales and better
      20%                                                      organisation of work by employees.

                                                               We have been able to optimise work within the business.

                                 Saving pper
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Differenza tra The
Cube e il resto
01     Design                                              03    No app

     Non ci limitiamo ad offrire un semplice servizio,          The Cube non necessità di nessuna
     noi ti forniamo un involucro a questo nostro               applicazione.
     servizio, in una serie di materiali che si adattano        Basta semplicemente attivare NFC sul proprio
     ad ogni tipo di ambiente.                                  telefono.

02     Assistenza                                          04    2 sistemi

     Ogni cliente viene seguito per ricercare e creare          Oltre all' NFC forniamo comunque il QR code,
     ciò che meglio gli si addice.                              così da poter garantire la lettura al 100% dei
     Forniamo un'assistenza pronta e disponibile                nostri utenti.
THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
Make the different.

                      Phone Number
                         +39 393 8358300 Norris Frank
                         +39 347 2416335 Alberto Cerutti

                      Email Address



THE CUBE DESIGN - THECUBEDESIGN by Five-f The future of touchless service
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