The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa

Page created by Elaine Erickson
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
Trying to lower
          very high triglycerides?*
      The choice is clear.

                           Prescription power

                           Clinically proven


    Ask your doctor about VASCEPA®, the first and
            only prescription EPA treatment.

Triglycerides are fats in the blood. Very high triglyceride levels are ≥500 mg/dL.

VASCEPA is a prescription medicine used along with a
low-fat and low-cholesterol diet to lower high levels of
triglycerides (fats) in adults.
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
What are triglycerides and how do they
    differ from cholesterol?
                                                                                      It’s time to discover
    Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are both naturally                                      VASCEPA.
    occurring fats in your blood. Although similar, they
    are not the same. Cholesterol is important for your
    cells and makes some hormones. Triglycerides store                                        Pure power.
    unused calories and give your body energy.

    However, very high levels of cholesterol or                                             Proven to work.
    triglycerides may lead to serious health problems.1
    1. NIH MedlinePlus Cholesterol 2018, NIH MedlinePlus Triglycerides                    Prescription VASCEPA, along with diet,
       Test 2017.
                                                                                            is clinically proven to lower very high
                                                                                                    triglycerides in adults by
    have very high triglycerides.
                                                                                                          without raising bad
    You may be working with your doctor                                                                  cholesterol (LDL-C).*
    and trying hard to lower your very
    high triglycerides.
    It can be hard work battling very high triglycerides.
    You may have tried eating a healthier diet and
    exercising more, but if your triglyceride levels
    are still very high–it may be time to consider
    prescription VASCEPA.

                                                                              In MARINE trial, on average, along with diet
                                                                               changes, adults with very high triglycerides
                                                                               experienced a 33% reduction without raising
                                                                               LDL-C vs. placebo. Individual results may vary.

WHAT IS VASCEPA? (continued)
• It is not known if VASCEPA changes your risk of                            • It is not known if VASCEPA prevents you from
  having inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis).                          having a heart attack or stroke.
                                                                              • It is not known if VASCEPA is safe and effective
                                                                                in children.
2                                                                                                                                     3
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
VASCEPA looks different                         because it is different.

            Most unproven              COMMON                                           Prescription
      fish oil supplements              FISH OIL                                        EPA VASCEPA
              contain DHA*,                                                             No DHA; and VASCEPA
               an Omega-3,                                                              was shown not to
       which can raise bad                                                              raise bad cholesterol
       cholesterol (LDL-C).                                                             (LDL-C).†
        Not FDA-approved                                                                FDA-approved
            to treat medical                                                            and clinically proven
      conditions, including                                                             to lower very high
     very high triglycerides.                                                           triglycerides.
              Daily dose:                                                               Daily dose:
         It may take up to                                                              Two 1-gram capsules,
    10-40 capsules a day                                                                twice a day.
    to equal the EPA in a
                                                                                        No reported fishy taste
  daily dose of VASCEPA.*
                                                                                        or fishy burps while
         Reported to have                                                               taking 4 grams per day
                 fishy taste                                                            of VASCEPA in a
      or cause fishy burps.*                                                            clinical trial.†
 Prone to deterioration                                                                 Proven stability*
    Fishy smell suggests                                                                Demonstrated
   chemical change and                                                                  multi-year stability
may be covered up by an                                                                 [preserves full effect].
   added scent or flavor.
                                                                                                  trial, as compared
                       Data on file.                                                     with placebo.

                                                            Discover the
                                                            prescription power
                                                            of VASCEPA.

 • Do not take VASCEPA if you are allergic to icosapent    • If you have liver problems and are taking VASCEPA,
   ethyl or any of the ingredients in VASCEPA.                your doctor should do blood tests during treatment.
 WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF VASCEPA?             • The most common side effect of VASCEPA is joint
 • It is not known if people who are allergic to fish        pain. Talk to your doctor for medical advice about
   or shellfish are also allergic to VASCEPA.                 side effects.

 4                                                                                                                     5
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
VASCEPA (icosapent ethyl)                                                                               Coverage and Savings.
is different from
                                                                                            The VASCEPA Savings Program.
Omega-3-acid ethyl esters.
                                                                                            VASCEPA is covered without restriction
This chart contains FDA-approved prescription product
                                                                                            for the majority of patients.
information related to patients with very high triglycerides
taking 4 grams per day.                                                                     With the VASCEPA Savings Card, commercially
No head-to-head trials have been conducted between                                          insured patients pay as little as $9 for 90 days.*
VASCEPA and other prescription Omega-3s.
                                                                                            Subject to eligibility. Restrictions apply.

                                              VASCEPA1        Omega-3-acid
                                           (icosapent ethyl)   ethyl esters2-7

Clinically proven and
FDA-approved to lower very
high triglycerides1-2

Contains only one active
ingredient: p
             rescription EPA1

Not shown to raise bad
cholesterol (LDL-C)1-2
                                                                                                   This VASCEPA Savings Card is active and ready to use.
Doesn’t require additional                                                                               Registration or activation is not required.
monitoring of bad cholesterol1                                                                       Present it to your pharmacist with your VASCEPA
                                                                                                             prescription to start saving now.

No reported “burping, upset                                                            *
                                                                                        May not be used to obtain prescription drugs paid for in part by Federal or
stomach, or a change in sense                                                          State Healthcare Programs including Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage,
of taste”1-7                                                                           Medicare Part D, Tricare, and VA. Not for use by VT residents, VT licensed
                                                                                       medical professionals, patients under 18, where prohibited by law or patient’s
                                                                                       insurance plan, or where taxed or restricted. Maximum savings of $110
                                                                                       per month or $330 per 90 day supply. Eligible patients include those who
                                                                                       participate in commercial insurance, through a healthcare exchange, or pay
                                                                                       cash. Offer good through December 31, 2019.
       Omega-3-acid ethyl esters should not be substituted
           for VASCEPA. If your pharmacist suggests
             switching, talk with your doctor first.                                   IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (continued)
                                                                                       As with all drugs, you may experience a serious side
                                                                                       effect when taking VASCEPA.
1. VASCEPA [package insert]. Bedminster, NJ: Amarin Pharma, Inc; 2017.
2. Omega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. GlaxoSmithKline; 2015.
                                                                                       You may report side effects by calling 1-855-VASCEPA
3. Omega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. Amneal                          or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
    Pharmaceuticals of New York LLC 2016.
4. Omega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. Apotex Inc 2014.                 Tell your doctor if you take medicines that affect your
5. O mega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. Par Pharmaceutical Inc 2017.
6. Omega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. Strides Pharma Global           blood clotting (anticoagulants or blood thinners).
    Pte Ltd 2017.
7. Omega-3-acid ethyl esters Prescribing Information. Teva Pharmaceuticals            Take VASCEPA capsules whole. Do not break, crush,
   2016.                                                                               dissolve, or chew VASCEPA capsules before swallowing.
                                                                                       For more information on VASCEPA, see the Patient
                                                                                       Information on pages 10-11 or call 1-855-VASCEPA
6                                                                                      (1-855-827-2372).                                                           7
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
It is important to take the 4-gram                                     The VASCEPA Clear Path Program.
    daily dose of VASCEPA.                                                 Periodically, you’ll receive helpful tips like delicious
                                                                           healthy recipes, easy and effective exercises you can
    To ensure you get the full benefit of VASCEPA, it’s
                                                                           do at home, and news about VASCEPA.
    important to take the FDA-approved 4-gram dose
    each day as your doctor prescribes.                                    It’s all in the VASCEPA Clear Path Program. Designed
                                                                           to encourage you to partner with your doctor to
    Available in two convenient sizes:                                     support you on your journey.

                                                                           Here’s a couple of Clear Path Tips
    For the standard size,                     If you prefer the smaller   to help lower very high triglycerides:
    take two 1-gram                            size, take four of the
    capsules twice a day                      0.5-gram capsules
     with food.                                 twice a day with food.             Tip

                                                                                                  Simple Swaps.
                                                                                                  Put a bowl of fruit and veggies
                                                                                                  on the kitchen counter and
                                                                                                  make a family pact to try to
                                                                                                  reduce salty or sugary snacks
                                                                                                  to 1-2x a week so you’re all in
                                                                                                  it together!

                                                                                                  Small Steps, Big Strides.
                                                                                                  The next time you go
                                                                                                  shopping or to work, try
                                                                                                  parking your car in a farther
                                                                                                  spot. A few extra steps here
                                                                                                  and there can really add up.

    VASCEPA Safety Information.                                             (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, What Can My Family and
    VASCEPA has a safety profile similar to placebo.                        I Do To Encourage a Healthy Weight?)

    The most common side effect reported by 2.3%
    of patients on VASCEPA was joint pain compared
    to 1% on a placebo. In a clinical study, no patients
    taking 4 grams of VASCEPA per day reported                             For more easy, helpful tips, join the VASCEPA
    fishy taste or fishy burps.*                                           Clear Path Program on

        MARINE trial, as compared with placebo.

8                                                                                                                                                9
The choice is clear. Trying to lower very high triglycerides?* - Vascepa
PATIENT INFORMATION                                                 • If you miss a dose of VASCEPA, take it as soon as you
VASCEPA® (pronounced vas-EE-puh)                                      remember. However, if you miss one day of VASCEPA,
(icosapent ethyl) Capsules                                            do not double your dose when you take it.
WHAT IS VASCEPA?                                                    • Your doctor may start you on a diet that is low in saturated
VASCEPA is a prescription medicine used along with a low-fat          fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and low in added sugars
and low-cholesterol diet to lower high levels of triglycerides        before giving you VASCEPA. Stay on this diet while taking
(fats) in adults.                                                     VASCEPA.
                                                                    • Your doctor may do blood tests to check your triglyceride
It is not known if VASCEPA changes your risk of having                and other lipid levels while you take VASCEPA.
inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis).
                                                                    WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF VASCEPA?
It is not known if VASCEPA prevents you from having a heart         If you have liver problems and are taking VASCEPA,
attack or stroke.                                                   your doctor should do blood tests during treatment.
It is not known if VASCEPA is safe and effective in children.       The most common side effect of VASCEPA is joint pain.
Do not take VASCEPA if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl          As with all drugs, you may experience a serious side effect
or any of the ingredients in VASCEPA. See the end of this           when taking VASCEPA. Talk to your doctor if you have a
summary for a complete list of ingredients in VASCEPA.              side effect that bothers you or does not go away.
Before taking VASCEPA, tell your doctor about all of your           These are not all the possible side effects of VASCEPA.
medical conditions, including if you:                               Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.
• have diabetes.                                                    You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
• have a low thyroid problem (hypothyroidism).
• have a liver problem.                                             HOW SHOULD I STORE VASCEPA?
• have a pancreas problem.                                          • Store VASCEPA at room temperature between 68° to 77° F
• are allergic to fish or shellfish. It is not known if people who     (20° to 25° C).
  are allergic to fish or shellfish are also allergic to VASCEPA.     • Safely throw away medicine that is out of date or no longer
• are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. It is not            needed.
  known if VASCEPA will harm your unborn baby.                      Keep VASCEPA and all medicine out of the reach of children.
• are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. VASCEPA can pass        General information about the safe and effective use of
  into your milk, and may harm your baby. Talk to your doctor       VASCEPA. Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes
  about the best way to feed your baby if you take VASCEPA.         other than those listed in Patient Information Leaflets. Do not
Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including        use VASCEPA for a condition for which it was not prescribed.
prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and          Do not give VASCEPA to other people, even if they have the
dietary or herbal supplements.                                      same symptoms you have. It may harm them. You can ask
VASCEPA can interact with certain other medicines that              your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about
you are taking.                                                     VASCEPA that is written for health professionals.

Especially tell your doctor if you take medicines that affect       WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS IN VASCEPA?
your blood clotting (anticoagulants or blood thinners).             Active Ingredient: icosapent ethyl
                                                                    Inactive Ingredients: tocopherol, gelatin, glycerin,
HOW SHOULD I TAKE VASCEPA?                                          maltitol, sorbitol, and purified water
• Take VASCEPA exactly as your doctor tells you to take it.
• Do not change your dose or stop taking VASCEPA without           For more information, go to or
  talking to your doctor.                                           call 1-855-VASCEPA (1-855-827-2372).
• Do not take more capsules than what is prescribed by             This patient information has been approved
  your doctor.                                                      by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
   -If you are prescribed the 0.5-gram capsules, you should
                                                                    VASCEPA is a registered trademark of the Amarin group of companies.
     not take more than 8 capsules each day.
                                                                    © 2016 Amarin Pharma, Inc. Bedminster NJ, 07921 All rights reserved
   -If you are prescribed the 1-gram capsules, you should
                                                                    Distributed by: Amarin Pharma, Inc. Bedminster, NJ, USA
     not take more than 4 capsules per day.
• Take VASCEPA capsules whole. Do not break, crush,                Manufactured for: Amarin Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited Dublin, Ireland
                                                                    +1-855-VASCEPA (+1-855-827-2372)
  dissolve, or chew VASCEPA capsules before swallowing.
                                                                    PP00120K 2/2017

10                                                                                                                                             11
Ask your doctor about the
 VASCEPA difference.
• Power. The first and only prescription EPA treatment.
                   • Proven. Clinically proven.
                 • Prescription. FDA-approved.

                     Sign up for
           The VASCEPA Clear Path Program.

        Periodically, you’ll receive helpful tips like
 delicious healthy recipes, easy and effective exercises
   you can do at home, and news about VASCEPA.

                   For more information on VASCEPA,
               see the Patient Information on pages 10-11,
      visit, or call 1-855-VASCEPA (1-855-827-2372).

                 Special Savings. Details inside.

Trademarks are owned by their respective companies; VASCEPA, Amarin,
and VASCEPA/Amarin logos are registered trademarks of the Amarin group
of companies.
© 2019 Amarin Pharma, Inc. Bedminster, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.
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