THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems

Page created by Judy Kelley
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
President's Corner
All-Star salute to outstanding managers
        very year, we salute                     that an employee can turn to                     a lot of hours spent away from
        our All-Star employees                   when he or she needs to talk                     home. And there are many
        in a special edition of                  to someone. Every day, every                     times that they take their work
        TransTopix. This year,                   shift, a Transystems manager                     home with them. Simply
I would like to extend that                      helps someone.                                   put, our managers get the job
All-Star salute to our stellar                     Technical assistance. Man-                     done.
management team.                                 agers are a little bit techy. A                    Community involvement.
                  Transystems’                   manager pitches in and does                      Managers are actively in-
                team leaders                     what he or she can to repair                     volved in the communities
                are All Stars                    a piece of equipment so an                       where they live and work. You
                in many ways                     employee can work safely.                        will see them at parades and
                and for many                     Whether it be a truck, loader,                   fairs. They may be the ones
                reasons. Our                     excavator or skid steer, they                    coaching Little League or
Scott           managers wear                    possess a little knowledge of                    volunteering to fill sandbags
                many different                   all equipment.                                   when the river rises.
hats, sometimes simultane-                         Dedication. Our managers                         They get to know their team
ously. Among the issues each                     are very dedicated to the job                    members and their families.
manager addresses each day                       and work diligently to get the                   They are there when there is
are:                                             job done because they want                       an addition to a family and
  Safety. All managers must                      the company to succeed. They                     they also are there when an
understand processes and                         work in all kinds of condi-                      employee or employee’s fami-
make good choices to ensure                      tions. No matter what the                        ly member passes away.
the health and safety of all                     weather conditions, if there is                    I would like to salute these
employees.                                       an issue, they are the first to                  passionate and compassionate
  Human resources. Manag-                        dive in. Our managers do not                     leaders. You truly are Transys-
ers stand ready to help em-                      rest until all employees are                     tems All Stars, and I am proud
ployees with scheduling when                     safe and the customer is being                   to work with you all.
personal issues call for time                    taken care of.
off. Each manager is a friend                      That dedication translates to                  Scott Lind, President, COO

                                   Inside this issue of TransTopix
Meet Transystems All-Star employees ........................................................................................ 3-13
Transystems welcomes new team members ............................................................................ 14-16
Mobile Training Center ............................................................................................................... 18-19
Division reports .......................................................................................................................... 20-22

                                                        On the cover
In Rupert, ID, the Manufacturing Project's All Star Ruger Wrigley puts his welding skills to
work. Bill Schulz photo.

2 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
Transystems 2021 All Stars shine
N          either snow nor rain
           nor heat nor gloom
           of night stops these
           couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed
  The motto of the U.S. Postal
Service could easily be applied
to Transystems’ workforce.
  The company’s 900-plus
drivers, supported by scores
of skilled technicians, loader
operators and administrative
personnel, rack up more than 33
million miles each year hauling
more than 22 million tons of
sugar beets and other materials.
  And they get the job done safe-
ly. The efforts put forth by Tran-
systems employees does not go
unnoticed. Each year, All-Star
performers are chosen from each .
of the company’s 14 projects.      Esteban Castaneda is the 2021 Nampa Project All Star. Echo
  We salute the 2021 All Stars.    Blake photo

Idaho's All Stars show up with smiles
                                     co to spend time with his family,     A Montana native, Viki joined

                                     hiking and exploring his native     the company as a receptionist in
                                     country.                            2005. But she moved up quick-
        roject Manager Kirk El-        Kirk looked beyond his own                         ly and has been
        lingford and Supervisor      backyard to name his second                          responsible for
        Jeff Barnhill chose driver   2021 All Star. He chose the Ser-                     accounts payable
        Esteban Castaneda as the     vice Center’s Viki Gallagher.                        for more than
2021 Nampa Project All Star. A         Viki is the company’s Ac-                          a decade. Kirk
hard worker, Esteban has driven      counts Payable Specialist.                           recognized Viki’s
an extra shift every week of the        “Viki is one of the happiest,                     most often used
sugar beet season so far.            most hardworking, fun people to                      talent, her ability
  “He comes to work every day        talk to,” Kirk said. “She always    Viki             to engage people.
with a smile on his face and will    takes care of everything and                        “Every time you
do anything asked of him,” Jeff      always gets back to us promptly.    talk to Viki, she makes you feel
said. “He is always friendly.”       I have worked with her for nine     like you are the most important
  Esteban started with Transys-      years. During that time, she has    thing she has going for the day,”
tems in 2005 and has worked          never let the phone ring more       he said. “She just makes every-
every beet campaign since. In        than once before she picks it up    body feel special and that’s why
the summer, he returns to Mexi-      to help you out.”                   she is an All Star in my book.”

                                                                                   Winter/Spring TransTopix 3
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
All Stars bring enthusiasm to the job
                                                      recalled. “And      tems trucks, and I went ahead
Twin Falls                                            my love of the      and applied, although worried it

                                                      road has only       was a seasonal position. Since
               hile other little                      increased.”         starting, I’ve been very happy
               girls’ dream wheels                      With the sup-     driving for this company.”
               were those on a doll                   port of her par-      The appreciation is mutual.
               stroller or Barbie’s                   ents, Millie and      Twin Falls Project Manager
Dream Car, at a young age Emi- Emily                  Joe, and her boy-   Tyler Wetherelt appreciates Emi-
ly Lozano had her eye on bigger                      friend, Andrew,      ly’s skill and enthusiasm.
wheels. Much bigger wheels.         Emily set out to get her CDL and        “She 100 percent breaks the
  The Twin Falls Project All        put it to use.                        mold,” he said. “Brand new to
Star became fascinated with big       “Andrew already had his CDL,        us and brand new to driving
trucks early on.                    so he was a huge help while           a truck, she is following her
   “My obsession with trucks        I was learning and testing to         dream,” Tyler said. “I would
started when I was a toddler,”      obtain mine,” Emily said. “And        love to find others just like her.”
she said. “My parents say I         he’s continued to support me and        For her part, Emily appreci-
could spot a semi-truck coming      be the first to help me laugh off     ates Transystems’ schedule and
from miles away and I’d always my stressful or dumb moments.”             finds it much less exhausting
alert everyone yelling, ‘BIG          With her new CDL in hand,           than the seven days a week she
TRUCK! BIG TRUCK! BIG               she became an over-the-road           was working before. She also is
TRUCK!’”                            trucker, one of the toughest jobs.    grateful for the helpfulness of
   Her fascination only increased     Once again, she counted on          her coworkers and supervisors.
as she grew up. After watching      her support team.                       “I so appreciate being able
“Ice Road Trucker” and seeing a       “While I was OTR, my mom            to get my questions answered
woman behind the wheel, Emily often acted as my dispatch,                 immediately,” she added.
told her family she wanted to be looking up rest areas and fuel             And she was excited to learn
a truck driver when she grew up. stops for me. She called me ev-          about summer employment op-
   “My whole life everybody         ery day while I was out there on      portunities.
laughed at the idea or did their    my own and all by myself,” she          “Because of the excellent
best to talk down the occupation said. “My parents taught me to           management and great cowork-
so I wouldn’t do it,” she said.     be independent and always gave        ers, this is the best job I’ve ever
   Something good came out of       me a sense of adventure, which        had,” she said. “I’m excited to
the COVID-19 pandemic. In           gave me the drive to pursue this      go to work every day.”
March 2020, coronavirus hit         industry.”
and, at age 21, Emily was sud-        “I am so thankful for them and
denly out of a job.                 my boyfriend,” she added. “I
   “I figured it was a good time to wouldn’t have made it this far        Paul

pursue my dream of becoming a without them.”
truck driver,” she said.              Switching from OTR to Tran-                  he Paul Project does not
   Since driving was her first      systems was not a difficult move               have just one All Star.
love, it wasn’t much of a reach.    for Emily.                                     It’s lucky enough to have
   “My hobbies really have            “I was looking to get off the                an All Star family of
always included driving,” Em-       road and come home to a truck-        four, the Segovianos, who each
ily said. “I’ve been traveling      ing job that would allow me to        play a great role in keeping the
my whole life and taking road       be home every night,” she said.
trips as often as possible,” she    “My mom noticed the Transys-          See ALL STARS, Next page

4 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
All Stars are all in the family at Paul
From previous page
project running smoothly.
  “I happen to be the lucky one
who has them all working here
at the Paul Project,” Manager
Coral Torix said. “They are an
outstanding group of people.”
   Martin Segoviano Sr. moved
his family here from California
in 1991 and started working for
Transystems in July of 2018. A
skilled truck mechanic for four
decades, he shared his knowl-
edge with his two sons, Andreas
and Martin Jr. All three are
technicians in the Paul shop.
   Martin Jr. has worked as a        The Segoviano All Stars, left to right, Andreas, Martin Sr., Ma-
technician in the Paul shop since    ria and Martin Jr.
2016. He learned his trade shad-                                                           work extra shifts
owing his dad since he was 14        “This family is one of a kind,”                       and even traveled
years old. He is married and has     Coral said. “They all demon-                          to other projects
a 2-year-old son.                    strate strong work ethics and                         last summer to
   “Then we have Maria,” Coral       respect for all people. I feel ex-                    help out.”
said. “She joined Transystems        tremely fortunate to have them                          Ruger was
in 2018, enrolling in our Skills     as a part of my team.”                                instrumental in
Development Program. She                                                                   building the proj-
not only passed the course with      Manufacturing                          Ruger
                                                                                           ect’s first spud

flying colors, she also became a                                                           bed.
Skills Mentor the following year.               ired as a welder at the       “Just about everyone in Man-
She has excelled in her career as               Manufacturing Project      ufacturing helped out with that
a driver here at Transystems.”                  four years ago, Ruger      build at one point or another, but
   Maria is married and has two                 Wrigley has expanded       Ruger was the one who followed
children.                            his expertise to include running      it from beginning to end,” Derek
   The youngest Segoviano, An-       the waterjet and press brake.         commented. “He helped develop
dreas, is 23 years old and recent-   And he lends a helping hand           solutions for additional parts,
ly completed four years of active    when putting together repair          such as brackets and gussets that
duty in the U.S. Army. Like his      quotes, which keeps things mov-       needed to be added to the draw-
brother, he has been working on      ing along. That is why Ruger is       ings.”
trucks with his dad since he was     an All Star in Rupert.                   Ruger is always eager to learn
14. He joined Transystems early        “It is difficult to pick only one   more about things he doesn’t
in the 2020 campaign.                All Star from our tightly knit,       have experience with. Derek
  A very close-knit family, the      small team,” Project Manager          offered an example of Ruger’s
Segovianos love spending every       Derek Torix said. “But I’d like       work on maintenance repairs.
weekend together having barbe-       to recognize Ruger’s hard work           “Ruger came up with several
cues.                                this year. He has been willing to     See ALL STARS, Next page

                                                                                    Winter/Spring TransTopix 5
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
All Stars will step up to get the job done
                                                                         to get the job done,” Project
From previous page                                                       Manager Mike Funk said. “He
changes to the original spud bed,                                        always works extra days when
which will help improve version                                          asked. He is conscientious of the
two that we hope to build down                                           pile ground and maintains it for
the road,” Derek said.                                                   the drivers. He is always cour-
  When not innovating at work,                                           teous and helpful to the drivers,
Ruger enjoys hunting and going                                           understanding their time re-
to bow shoots with his family                                            straints. After the beet campaign,
and friends.                                                             he is willing to help finish up by
                                                                         scraping trailers, cleaning trucks
American Falls                                                           or anything needing to be done.”

                                                                           He runs longer shifts when
        oader Operator Corne-        Loader operator Cornelio Re-        needed and will work with his
        lio Resendiz-Pacheco         sendiz-Pacheco is an All Star       relief operator with no problems.
        is in his second season      at American Falls.                    After last year’s beet cam-
        with the American Falls                                          paign, he worked construction
Project and he’s already proven      wheel of a truck when needed.       for Transystems, both running
himself to be an All-Star em-        Additionally, he is trained to      the loader and a truck.
ployee.                              operate the lowboy trailer and        He and his wife have two
  Cornelio is willing to wear        has been known to jump into the     daughters. The family enjoys
many hats around the project.        scraper tractor or sander truck     camping, hunting, football and
He was hired as a loader opera-      when needed.                        playing soccer. His team won
tor but will also get behind the       “He’s just willing to step up     the league last season.

Minnesota All Stars safety oriented
J    ason Mackey wears a lot of
     hats at the Renville Project.
     That’s only one of the many
     reasons the fourth year line-
                haul driver/loader
                                     improve their skills and under-
                                     standing of the finer points of
                                     operation to make them more
                                     efficient, faster and safer.”
                                       He is very smart and a forward
                                     thinker, always seeing the big-
                                                                         help others do the same, Dave
                                                                           Jason worked last summer to
                                                                         help with pipe repair and other
                                                                           In his spare time, he likes to go
                tor operator is an   ger picture and being one step      ice fishing and enjoys mudding
                All Star.            ahead, which helps things run       and four-wheeling with friends.
                  “Jason rare-       much smoother and faster.           But his quest for self-improve-
                ly needs to be         As a driver, Jason is very        ment may cut into his favorite
                asked to pick up     safety oriented and keeps all the   pastimes.
Jason           an extra shift,”     equipment he operates in great        “Some of his fun may be put
               Division Man-         condition. He does all his in-      on hold since Jason enrolled in
ager Dave Elsing said. “He           spections with great attention to   classes at Central Lakes College,
always volunteers and takes it       detail, which helps keep him and    with a focus in heavy equipment
upon himself to ensure that all      others always operating safely      maintenance and operations,”
positions are covered. He also       and in well-maintained equip-       Dave said.
spends extra time on his days off    ment. Jason is always looking         During his studies, he will
to help train other operators to     for ways to improve himself and     See ALL STARS, Next page

6 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
All Stars pick up extra shifts, offer to help
                                                    Transystems and     ly and stays late to get the job
From previous page                                  all those who       done.
learn the skills necessary to                       work with him          “As a driver, he does an excep-
service and maintain a fleet of                     now and in the      tional job obeying all the safety
heavy equipment. He is looking                      future,” Dave       rules and regulations, consistent-
forward to the opportunity to use                   concluded.          ly beating cycle times, maintain-
simulators to improve his skills                      Kurt Mortenson    ing his truck and looking out for
in truck driving and operation of Kurt              is another Ren-     fellow drivers,” Dave said. “As
equipment. He will be given real                   ville All Star. He   a sub-supervisor he is always
life projects in the operations    is in his second year as a driver    willing to help drivers with any
field, experiencing hands-on       and sub-supervisor at Renville.      issues that arise and does a great
training with dozers, scrapers,      “Kurt is always willing to         job of keeping operations run-
graders, backhoes, wheel load-     pick up extra shifts, almost to      ning as smooth as possible.”
ers, excavators, skid steers and   the point that any other person         Kurt’s great attitude, leader-
trucks. He will also gain the      would get burned out,” Division      ship and reliability make him a
knowledge he needs to maintain Manager Dave Elsing said. “He            valuable and crucial member of
and operate the next generation    always comes in with a positive      the team.
of heavy equipment.                attitude and greets everyone with      “We are happy to have him,
   “With all this, Jason is a true a smile and offers his help.”        and he is well deserving of the
All Star and a valuable asset to     Kurt regularly comes in ear-       recognition,” Dave concluded.

All Stars shine in Wyoming and Montana
Worland                                                                 he sets the mood for the whole

                                                                        crew with his positive attitude,
         he Worland Project has                                         Joe commented.
         a pair of All Stars this                                         Lance enjoys spending time
         year.                                                          with his family when not at
           Lance Finch has been                                         work. When the sugar beet cam-
driving in Worland for two                                              paign wraps up, he ventures to
years. In those two years, he has                                       Alaska to fish.
demonstrated All-Star features.                                           Loader operator Jason James-
  “Lance is always here for                                             on is another two-year employee
work and picking up extra shifts                                        at Worland. He, too, sets a gold
when we need him,” Project                                              standard as an employee.
Manager Joe Kunz said. “He                                                “Jason is always looking to be
also is always willing to help                                          a helping hand,” Joe said. “He
out in the shop when needed. He                                         takes on extra shifts, works with
shows up early and stays late to                                        new operators to show them the
make sure his truck is ready for                                        ropes and ensures that they un-
the next driver.”                 Lance Finch is a valued All           derstand the processes and pro-
  Lance is known to keep an eye Star in Worland.                        cedures we follow. He follows
out for his coworkers, making                                           all safety rules and is always
sure they are doing well, helping for others to follow when it          watching out to ensure that his
them with the company’s safety comes to safety.                         coworkers are being safe.”
protocols and setting a standard    When he arrives for his shift,       See ALL STARS, Next page

                                                                                 Winter/Spring TransTopix 7
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
All Stars show up with positive attitudes

Jason Jameson sets high             Billings yard loader operator        All Star William Benefiel hard
standards at Worland.               Josh Conrad loves his work.          at work in Sidney.

From previous page                  Star.

 Jason’s positive attitude sets       “I picked Josh as our project
the tone for others. He always      All Star because he was always
shows up early and checks to        willing to pick up extra shifts               oader operator William
make sure nothing has changed       and helped with training new                  Benefiel is new to the
in the day-to-day operation         yard operators,” Project Manag-               Sidney Project this cam-
before climbing into the loader.    er Chris Kelly said. “He follows              paign, but he already has
If he doesn’t understand a safety   all safety rules and policies and    proven himself an All Star.
standard, he asks questions until   quickly learned how to dispatch        “He has done a fantastic job,”
he does.                            trucks and shift them to different   Project Manager John Hoadley
  While he has only worked the      pile sites when needed. He was       said. “He is dependable and a
sugar beet harvest so far, he is    very good at it.”                    hardworking guy. You can count
eager for summer work if the          Josh always showed up to           on him to follow instructions
opportunity arises, Joe said.       work on time and would stay          and assist others."
  An avid hiker, Jason enjoys       late whenever needed. He kept          While he may appear a bit
spending time with his family       the morale of the drivers up all     gruff to some, Bill is a straight
and friends when he is not work-    the time over the radio, Chris       shooter who is not afraid to ask
ing. He also enjoys shooting and    added.                               why something is being done a
camping. Friday is dart night.        When not running a loader,         certain way.
Jason and Joe and the rest of       Josh’s hobbies include farming,        “Then he gets it done,” John
their “dart family” rarely miss a   ranching and racing drones. He       added.
dart challenge.                     lives in Billings with his girl-       Bill and his wife, Cathy, have
                                    friend, Becky. His family lives      made their home in Savage for
                                    in Colorado.                         the past few years.

                                      “Josh said he really enjoyed         “We are happy to welcome
         t the end of his first     working here his first year,”        him to Transystems and know
         sugar beet campaign        Chris added.                         that he is having a great year and
         in Billings, yard loader      “He thinks the people are all     is a great asset as a core member
         operator Josh Conrad       great and that we are very orga-     of the Sidney team,” John con-
already has proven to be an All     nized,” Chris said.                  cluded.

8 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
Red River Valley packed with All Stars
                                                                                           Crookston All

                                                                                           Star Jonathan
         he Crookston Project is                                                           Carpenter
         happy to name Jonathan                                                            loves variety
         Carpenter as an All Star                                                          at work, left,
         this year. Jonathan has                                                           Chris Martin
been with the company since                                                                below.
starting out in Hillsboro in Au-
gust of 2012 and later transfer-
ring to Crookston. He hails from
Bemidji, Minn., but purchased
a house here in Crookston,
where he and his wife, Heidi, are
raising two beautiful children,
William, 6, and Faithful, 3.
  Jonathan likes variety at work
and loves going to both Hills-
                                        A relatively new employee,
boro and East Grand Forks to                                               Drayton

help out.                             Chris completed the company’s
  “I always know he is doing          driver development program                   he Drayton Project has
well when Rick Larson or              in the summer of 2019 and has                a pair of All Stars this
Tracy Magnus asks me to send          become a very good driver for                year.
Jonathan over again,” Project         Transystems.                                   Nicolas Lorenson
Manager Robin Novak said. “He           “He always shows up on time,      works as both a driver and a
often gets volunteered to run         works his full shift, does excel-   loader operator. He has also
doubles when EGF is running           lent pre- and post-trip inspec-     helped out as a laborer/mechanic
them. He also will often work an      tions and keeps a positive atti-                    for one summer
extra shift and is willing to help    tude,” Project Manager Robin                        and is a pleasure
in any yard when needed, which        Novak said. “He does so safely                      to have on the
a lot of drivers don’t like to do.”   and efficiently, following all                      project.
  Jonathan signed up to work          safety rules.”                                        “Nick is an
multiple summer construction            Chris also has been great at                      all-around hand,”
projects for the company and          following COVID-19 protocols                        Project Manager
does it all with a smile on his       and making sure his truck is                        Billy Holum said.
face.                                 ready for his replacement driver                   “He picks up extra
  In his spare time, he is an avid    at shift change.                                   shifts in the truck
deer hunter and outdoor enthu-          “He is willing to go wherev-      on his days off and also cleans
siast and loves to take his kids      er we send him without com-         trailers with the Bobcat.”
back to Bemidji to visit family.      plaint,” Robin added.                 He focuses on his job and his
  “Keep up the great work, Jona-        Chris lives with Bailey in        coworkers. “Nick shows up ear-
than,” Robin concluded.               Crookston, where they are rais-     ly for work and does a great job
                                      ing their daughter, Paisley, 3,     at helping others succeed here at
  The Crookston Project would         and son, Eli, who’s almost 1.       Transystems,” Billy said.
like to name Chris Martin as an         “Thank you, Chris, for all you
All-Star employee.                    do,” Robin added.                   See ALL STARS, Next page

                                                                                   Winter/Spring TransTopix 9
THE ALL-STAR EDITION 2021 - Transystems
An All Star's goal is to get the job done
                                                                               “We want to say a big thank
From previous page                                                          you to John for all his smiles and
“And you can count on getting a                                             dedication,” Rick concluded.
friendly smile from him.”                                                      EGF’s other All Star, Mary, is
  His hobbies change with the                                               the project’s new
seasons. In the winter, you can                                             lead technician.
find Nick ice fishing. In the sum-                                             Enthusiastic
mer, he is an avid concert goer.                                            and fun, Mary
He also works for the city of                                               started with Tran-
Karlstad during the summer.                                                 systems on April
                                                                            10, 2019. Her
  Veteran driver Dale Grindahl                                              All-Star capabil-
is a Drayton Project All Star.                                              ities were apparent
  With 14 years of experience                                               early on. In two years, she went
with the company, Dale’s main          Drayton All Star Dale                from technician to lead techni-
goal is to get the job done, no        Grindahl has been with the
matter what the challenge is.                                                  “Mary does a great job with
                                       company for 14 years.
  “Dale is willing to help wher-                                            the tech team and presents great
ever and whenever needed,”             year: John Peterson Jr. and Mary     leadership. She is willing to take
Project Manager Billy Holum            Senum.                               on any challenge that is given to
said. “Dale will jump in a loader,       A dedicated employee, John         her,” Rick said.
SmithCo (side dump) or Bobcat          started with Transystems on             When asked what she likes
to help get a task completed.”                         Aug. 15, 2014.       about Transystems she said,
  A skills mentor for Drayton,                         Currently a load-    “The people are so awesome,
Dale shines at training new hires                      er operator, he      and I love coming to work to
each year.                                             also drives truck    learn something new every day.”
  He shows up early for his                            on his scheduled        When she is not working,
shifts and always with a great                         days off. And        Mary enjoys time with family
attitude. And he’s a star in safety.                   he is very much      and experimenting with cooking
In more than a dozen years, he                         appreciated for      and traveling to new places.
has not had a single loss for the                      his willingness to      “Thank you, Mary, for your
company, Billy said.                   follow the summer construction       hard work and dedication,” Rick
  Dale and his wife, Linda, have       team as a driver or operator.        concluded.
a farm near Roseau, Minn., and           “When I asked John what he
                                       likes about Transystems, he said,
enjoy four-wheeling, fishing and                                             Hillsboro

the great outdoors. He is a fan of     ‘I enjoy working with the people
the seasonal nature of his Tran-       here and like the ability to do               rand new to the Hills-
systems job and enjoys the hours       different jobs,’” Rick reported.              boro Project, techni-
he works.                              “When John is asked to help, he               cian Jeff Van Eden has
                                       always responds yes with a big                already proven himself

East Grand Forks                       smile.”                              to be an All Star. Jeff is always
       roject Manager Rick               During the summer, when            willing to go help anyone who
       Larson chose two stellar        John isn’t working on one of the     needs a hand, Project Manager
       employees to represent          company’s projects, he and his       Tracy Magnus said. He is quick
       East Grand Forks this           family enjoy camping, fishing
                                                                            See ALL STARS, Next page
                                       and boating.

10 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
All Stars keep an eye out for hazards
From previous page
to act on any issue a driver has
with a truck and is always very
polite and upbeat. He explains
what needs to be done to repair
and does his best to get drivers
back on the road as soon and
safely as possible. He also helps
with the doubles unloader any-
way he can to keep it running.
   “Jeff is always in a good mood
and creates a fun and happy at-      Hillsboro technician Jeff Van          Joey Kridelcamp shines at
mosphere all around him,” Tracy      Eden is a 2021 All Star.               the Moorhead Project.
added. “He is willing to put in      unloader is being serviced or          systems, Joey has performed
extra hours to make sure we          having issues.                         several jobs, including truck
have all the units needed to keep      He makes sure anyone around          driver and lowboy operator.
all drivers rolling.”                                 him is aware of         Moorhead Project Manager
   In his off-duty time, Jeff en-                     hazards and com-      Jason Holm vividly, and grate-
joys spending time with his wife,                     municates how a       fully, recalls the day Joey signed
Sonja, and 9-year-old son, Xan-                       truck runs very       on with the company.
der. An enthusiastic and inquis-                      well.                   “Joey came to the Grand Forks
itive tech, Jeff enjoys learning                        “Rich is always     Division office looking for a
more about troubleshooting the                        in a great mood       job,” Jason recalled. “Taking a
engines he works on and watch-                        and keeps others      minute away from the meeting I
es shows and videos that help                        around him up-         was in, I got out of my seat and
him learn more about engines.        beat,” Tracy said. “He’s always        went to meet the young man. I
  All-Star driver Richard Frey is    willing to stay a little late to get   am thankful that I did. Joey has
also a first-year Hillsboro em-      the longer loads we need. He           been a great asset to the project
ployee. He stands out for many       really shines at being productive      since day one.”
reasons; one of them is his truck.   and efficient.”                          He has proven himself to be
   “Rich consistently has the          Rich recently became a local         one of the best lowboy operators
cleanest truck at Hillsboro. The     in the Hillsboro community. He         Moorhead has ever had.
cab is nearly detailed, and his      enjoys spending time with his            “I love the fact that I can call
lights and DOT tape are clean        wife, Stacey, and two daughters,       Joey and tell him we have some
throughout his shift,” Tracy         Megan and Hope. He also re-            moves tomorrow and his re-
said. “He works very hard to         stores vintage tractors.               sponse is always, ‘I have a pen
make sure he does very thorough                                             and paper ready,’” Jason said.
inspections of any unit he drives    Moorhead                                 Joey always gets all the loader
and makes management, the                                                   moves done with a great attitude.

shop and co-drivers aware right                                             He also goes above and beyond
away if anything is amiss.”                  he Moorhead Project’s          and does almost all the deep
   Rich is always willing to help            Joey Kridelcamp is a           freeze clean up at the Moorhead
anyway he can, including assist-             true All Star. Six years       Project, Jason said.
ing when the project’s doubles               into his career at Tran-       See ALL STARS, Next page

                                                                                    Winter/Spring TransTopix 11
Admin Team is packed with All Stars
T        he Administrative pro-
         fessionals at Transys-
         tems are a special group
         of people because they
put the needs of their fellow
                                        She excelled immediately with
                                        her focus on helping American
                                        Falls/Liberty, Worland and Bill-
                                        ings to be fully staffed by mak-
                                        ing the worklist calls and calling
                                        all Indeed resumes received.
                                                                              staffed by making her worklist
                                                                              calls and reminding the manag-
                                                                              ers of those needing reviewed.
                                                                                Cindy is always willing to help
                                                                              coworkers find answers to their
                                                                              questions and assist them. She
                 team members           She researched to find Facebook       is willing to work extra days
                 first. Their focus     pages to post job openings.           and even come into the office in
                 is constantly on         Shiloh has an infectious per-       summers if needed.
                 others and what        sonality, greeting each employee        Rodeo is her favorite hobby,
                 can be done to         with a smile. She is willing to       and she has been a rodeo secre-
                 help them be suc-      help wherever needed and has          tary for more than 25 years for
                 cessful. Admin         been known to stay late to make       high school and college circuits.
Kari             Team members           sure tasks are completed.               The Moorhead Project’s part-
                are those smiling         One of Shiloh’s closest yet         time clerk is another Admin All
faces willing to drop what they         long distant workmates, Cindy         Star. Daphne is in her second
are doing to help other employ-         Kuttler of American Falls, is         season with Transystems.
ees with whatever they need.            also an All Star.                       Daphne is a super-communi-
  We have selected Admin Team             Shiloh and Cindy work well          cator with everyone on her team
members to spotlight for this All       together to cover any needed          and is fantastic about asking
Star issue. These four women            days off. Cindy is a veteran          questions for clarification and
                 set the standard                         clerk, with six                      ensuring that all
                 for owning it and                        years of experi-                     her work is cor-
                 asking “What                             ence.                                rect. She always
                 else can I do?”                            Since she came                     offers to help
                    Shiloh Hebdon                         on board, Cindy                      and asks if there
                 is in her first sea-                     has always asked                     is anything that
                 son as clerk at the                      what else she can                    anyone needs
                 Liberty/Worland                          do to help. This                     help with. Daph-
Shiloh           Project. She is         Cindy            year the Idaho        Daphne         ne has a won-
                also a relief clerk                      Division took on                     derful outlook on
for Billings once a week. Shiloh        Worland and Billings, so Cindy        every task and can be counted
continues to learn her clerk role       is a relief clerk twice a week        on to bring a great attitude to
with an enthusiastic attitude and       for both. She also focused on         work.
willingness to assist anyone.           helping American Falls be fully       See ADMIN, Next page

All Stars are willing to help when needed
                                                        coworkers espe-       work at another project because
From previous page                                      cially appreciate     of a changed haul plan or trucks
  “I greatly appreciate every-                          Scott’s flexibility   being down, he has done it with
thing Joey does for Transys-                            and willingness       a great attitude,” Jason said. He
tems,” he added.                                        to help wherever      also has picked up extra shifts
  Driver Scott Nordstrom is an-                         needed.               for the Moorhead Project.
other 2021 Moorhead All Star.                             “Anytime Scott        “I appreciate everything Scott
  His project manager and               Scott           has been asked to     has done,” Jason said.

12 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
It takes All Stars to perfect maintenance
W            orld Class Main-
             tenance is not
             achieved without
             All Star performers.
  I would like to highlight sev-
                 eral All Stars on
                                     teamwork demonstrated. This
                                     will continue to help improve
                                     uptime teamwork. Thank you to
                                     RRV's All Stars.
                                       Jody, the Top Shop instigator,
                                     is only in his first season with
                                                                           together with great improvement
                                                                           in uptime.
                                                                             Worland’s one-man team, Rob-
                                                                           in Baker, kept the fleet running
                                                                           and continued to improve in his
                                                                           second year working for us.
                 our Maintenance     Transystems. He jumped in and           Thank you to all the Idaho
                 Team.               made several changes to im-           Division All Stars.
                   In the Red Riv-   prove the team’s performance.           Chris Jensen, Division Mainte-
                 er Valley, Divi-    Thank you, Jody, for being a          nance Manager, is in his second
                 sion Maintenance    maintenance All Star.                 season with Transystems and has
                 Manager Jody          In the Idaho Division, the          laid the groundwork for a strong
                 Coombs institut-    Nampa shop has continued to           team for years to come. Thank
 Brian           ed a “Top Shop”     focus on quality PMIs, resulting      you, Chris, for being an All Star.
                competition,         in improved uptime. The Paul            At the Renville Project, the
measuring shops’ performance         and American Falls Maintenance        team fought an uphill battle all
in areas including safety, units     Teams have had a challenging          season but consistently kept fo-
down and overdue Preventive          year with many different and          cus on completing quality PMIs,
Maintenance Inspections (PMI).       sometimes difficult repairs/di-       resulting in improved uptime
The competition generated ex-        agnoses. They have kept their         and no overdue PMIs. Thank
citement among the RRV shops.        chins up and persevered. In           you to Renville All Stars.
  I consider all the RRV’s shops     Twin Falls, we added a couple of        The Sidney Project added
All Stars as every one of them       experienced techs to bolster the      three new members to the Main-
has shown great improvement          team. The team has done a good        tenance Team. They all pulled
striving to be Top Shop. The         job keeping the trucks running. I     together to improve uptime.
shops have improved in repair        have seen great improvement.
                                                                           Thank you, Sidney All Stars.
quality with help from week-           The Billings team kept one
ly lead tech calls. I am part of     returning tech from last year
                                     and added three techs new to                           Brian Gresens,
these calls and enjoy listening to
the repair advice given and the      Transystems. The team came             Vice President of Maintenance

Admin Team helpful and dependable
                                                      the information        Nicole was eager to step in and
From previous page                                    she provides is      take on the role of laborer on the
  Daphne teaches Spanish as a                         accurate.            South Dakota job last summer.
second language at two univer-                          Always willing       When she is not working,
sities. When she is not working,                      to step in and       Nicole enjoys spending time
she spends time with her cat.                         help, Nicole more    with her family. Nothing is more
  Drayton Project Clerk Nicole                        than once has tak-   important to her than quality
Kelly has proven herself an All      Nicole           en on extra days     family time with her siblings and
Star since joining Transystems                       at other locations    their kids or spending time with
in 2019. She is the kind of per-     to ensure that the administrative     her parents in Grand Forks.
son you can count on to com-         shifts are covered.
plete whatever task she is given.      She comes to work happy. And        Kari Franks,
She is not afraid to ask questions   she participates in the Drayton       Vice President, Administration
and works hard to ensure that        Safety Committee meetings.

                                                                                   Winter/Spring TransTopix 13
New team members join Transystems
T        he Service Center wel-
         comed two new team
         members in recent
  Michele Osweiler joined the
                                    to learn something new.
                                      Michele has settled into the
                                    Transystems team well and
                                    enjoys her job.
                                      “It’s rewarding for me to
                                                                       Before joining Transystems
                                                                     in January 2021, Kara was
                                                                     the Marketing Director for the
                                                                     341st Force Support Squadron
                                                                     at Malmstrom Air Force Base
accounting division as a Senior     work with such a friendly and    in Great Falls. In that post,
Accounting Manager. Mi-             capable team. I enjoy complet-   she marketed for more than 70
chele’s background in account-      ing large projects and providing events each month.
                 ing stands her     relevant information to manag-                      While the two
                 in good stead      ers,” she said.                                   positions are
                 to accomplish        A Montana native, Michele                       different, they
                 the many tasks     grew up in Havre.                                 have a common
                 she must tackle.     She spent a year in the Far-                    base: engaging
                 Those include      go/Moorhead area before                           with people and
                 assisting Leslie   returning to warmer Montana                       learning how
                 Simonson, Vice     and earning her degree from                       to serve them
Michele          President of       MSU-Northern.                     Kara            better.
Accounting, with special proj-        Since then, she has made her     Kara brings a well-stocked
ects, overseeing Payroll and        home in Great Falls with her     toolkit to her position at Tran-
Accounts Payable, identifying       husband, Mike, and two sons.     systems.
and resolving account varianc-      Mason is in his first year at      “I am trained in digital mar-
es, assisting with month-end        the University of Montana and    keting platforms, employee
accounting entries and coordi-      Bryce will graduate from Great   marketing, brand awareness,
nating 401k enrollments and         Falls High School this spring.   graphic design and videogra-
providing information to em-          Michele’s hobbies include      phy,” she said. “I love analyz-
ployees.                            hiking in the warmer months,     ing what is working and what
  “I started at Transystems at      photography and connecting       is not working. I can think
the end of October,” Michele        with friends and family.         outside of the box to come up
said. “My prior positions in                                         with new marketing ideas, but
accounting were similar, but          Kara Joyce had only been       I also can recognize when the
each industry and company           on the job a couple months at    old tried-and-true marketing
is unique and have their own        press time, but she has stepped efforts are successful.”
systems, processes and chal-        into her Marketing Manager         One of the most critical skills
lenges.”                            position with enthusiasm and     needed for her job is the ability
  “The most challenging part        lots of great ideas.             to listen, and Kara is good at
of my job, at the moment,             “As the Marketing Manager      that.
is learning the business and        for Transystems, I oversee the     With mere weeks under her
becoming familiar with the          company's internal and external belt, Kara has already been
divisions and the flow of data.     marketing for brand aware-       visiting Transystems far-flung
That will come with time,” she      ness,” she said. “I also am very projects.
added.                              much focused on recruiting         “I had the chance to tour the
  Every day is different, and       and employee engagement for      Red River Valley locations
each day presents opportunities     retention.”                      See KARA, Next page

14 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
Renville welcomes new project manager

J    ustin Smith has joined
     the Renville Project as a
     manager. He signed on at
     the first of the year and
has been learning the company
                                                                         anyone,” he said.
                                                                            His greatest reward so far is
                                                                         in making the drivers happy
                                                                         and helping others out.
                                                                            He enjoys teaching others
ropes ever since.                                                        how to become better drivers
  He comes well prepared for                                             and helping them learn the
the job, having worked for 15                                            trucking trade.
years as a transportation super-                                            Justin’s biggest challenge
visor and manager.                                                       is balancing his 12-plus hour
  He will be putting his skills                                          days with his home life.
to good use since his new job                                              A Minnesota native, Justin
includes many tasks.                                                     grew up in Granite Falls before
  “I am responsible for setting                                          joining the U.S. Army at 19.
up the schedule for the day,                                             He spent his 20-year military
                                   Justin Smith is the new Ren-
planning loader moves, recruit-                                          career as a transportation man-
                                   ville Project Manager.
ing drivers and operators, and
                                                                         ager stationed in Washington,
trying to keep the morale high
                                                                         Colorado, Alaska and Missou-
while making drivers happy         “Thick skin helps, too,” he
and completing the mission         said. “I try not to take every-
of moving beets to the plant,”                                             When not at the Renville
                                   thing personal.”
Justin said.                                                             Project, Justin tends to the
                                     Communication skills are
  A good sense of humor and a      another asset Justin brings to        animals on his hobby farm and
tendency to not be judgmental      the job.                              enjoys woodworking and auto-
are two of his greatest assets.      “I have the ability to talk to      motive work.

Kara Joyce is Transystems new Marketing Manager
                                   is learning the lingo.                  “I spent my entire adult life in
From previous page                   “The most challenging part of       Geraldine, where farming and
                                   my job so far has been learning       ranching have been woven into
early on,” she said. “I got to     the different beet haul cycles        my family’s fabric for more than
ride along with a few drivers      and, perhaps, the trucker lan-        100 years,” she said.
and was so impressed by their      guage,” she said. “I am focusing        The mother of four “incred-
professionalism and love of the    on learning everything I can          ible” children – Eddy, Cody,
job. I am confident the most       right now about the trucking          Riley and Kendra Joyce – Kara
rewarding part of my job will      industry.”                            is also a proud Nana to grand-
be getting to know the drivers       A Montana native, Kara grew         son, Caden, and granddaughter,
and being able to use their ex-    up in Great Falls before moving       Mackenzie.
periences to support marketing     to Missoula to further her edu-         “I enjoy spending time with
efforts.”                          cation. It won’t hurt at all in her   my family and spending time
  One of Kara’s first challenges   new post that agriculture is in       outside under Montana’s Big
                                   her blood.                            Sky,” she concluded.

                                                                                 Winter/Spring TransTopix 15
Meet our supervisors
New supervisors at Sidney and Renville

J     osh Jurek is the Renville
      Project’s new Night Su-
      pervisor. While only in
      his second season with
Transystems, supervising comes
naturally to him since he spent
                                      communicate are put to the
                                      test every shift. But he excels
                                      at working under pressure and
                                      making decisions quickly, Divi-
                                      sion Manager Dave Elsing said.
                                        It’s a big job but not without
                                                                            life and will never move back to
                                                                            a big city again,” he said. With
                                                                            four children ranging in age
                                                                            from 4 to 20, he still manages to
                                                                            enjoy a few hobbies.
                                                                               “I love to fish and hunt. I draw
16 years supervising in fields        its reward.                           and enjoy oil painting, wood-
ranging from sales to aircraft          “When I can help someone            working, and fixing and building
assembly and installation work.       learn something new, when the         things. I play guitar.” He also
  He faces a long list of du-         light comes on and they start to      coached football for 17 years.
ties when he signs in to work         excel, it makes my day,” Josh            “But the thing I love the most
each night. Those tasks include       said. “I am rewarded when I           is my family,” he concluded.
                 scheduling driv-     have a good productive shift
                 ers and trucks       with all my employees going           Meet Jocelyn Acheson
                 to maintain an       home safe and zero losses.”
                 efficient flow         You can never make everyone            Jocelyn Acheson is the new
                 of beets to the      happy, but I still try.” Josh said.   Project Supervisor at Sidney.
                 plant. Josh is          COVID-19 restrictions have            Hardworking, dedicated and
                 also charged         tested him as a leader charged        a quick study, Jocelyn has been
                 with addressing      with enforcing new rules for          a standout employee since her
Josh             any problems         masks and social distancing           first day on the job, according to
                encountered by        as well as contract tracing for       Project Manager John Hoadley.
operators and drivers, ranging        trucks and employees.                    “People can’t say enough
from mechanical issues to per-          Josh grew up in Denver and          good about her,”
sonal problems as well as safety      graduated in the top three of his     John said. “Her
issues, payroll, and timecard         class from Westwood College           people skills
approval and corrections. He          of Aviation with an associate’s       are awesome,
spends a lot of time coaching         degree. He worked for Adams           our workforce
and training drivers and opera-       Aircraft Industries in Denver         respects her, em-
tors to be safe and efficient.        before joining Oasis Aero, based      ployees listen to
  Ensuring that every driver and      at the Willmar Airport, as an         her and get the
operator has all the supplies and     aircraft mechanic for three years.    job done for her.”
tools they need to be safe and        He maintained everything form            One of Jocelyn’s greatest skills
productive is another of his pri-     Lear Jets to Mooney M20 class         is her ability to get a message
orities. And he is always stand-      as well as Cessna 150s and 172s       across to get things accom-
ing ready to solve problems and       before coming to Transystems.         plished. She is always one to
answer questions.                       He moved to Minnesota to            say, “Tell me more.” And she
  It helps that he is a multitasker   marry his wife, Kim, who is           has our customers’ confidence.
with the ability to delegate tasks.   from the Benson area. They have          “Having our clients trust us is
  Josh takes employees’ con-          made their home in Minnesota          a big step in excellent customer
cerns and cultivates them into        for six years now, the last four in   service,” John said. “Thanks
ideas and actions to solve prob-      the small town of Kerkhoven.          for being a big help in running
lems. His ability to listen and         “I deeply love the small-town       Sidney.”

16 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
Summer work calendar is filling up
W             ith winter unwilling
              to loosen her grasp,
              it’s nice to look
              ahead at summer.
And it looks like a busy one is
already in the works for Tran-
                                     be more than 45 driver spots
                                       Another nice project is planned
                                     in South Dakota with proven
                                     partner Border States. The work
                                     is near Prairie City, which is
                                                                         said. “It should be about 30 days
                                                                         of work for 25 trucks and will be
                                                                         an earlier start, probably mid-
                                                                           With summer still months
                                                                         away, there are several addi-
systems.                             fairly remote. But Errol hopes to   tional local jobs on the drawing
  Once again, Transystems will       add projects on either side of it   board for Idaho.
partner with Central Specialties     to extend the summer in South         “There are a few contractors
in McKenzie County, North            Dakota. There will be about 16      that we know will have work,
Dakota.                              trucks running for 40 days be-      but we haven’t figured out the
  “This is very similar to the       ginning in mid-June.                specifics yet,” Errol said. “We
project we did with Central last       Transystems will be work-         are still somewhat early in our
year,” Executive Vice President      ing with Knife River again on       bidding season and hope to add
of Strategic Development Errol       U.S. 30, Bliss, a big paving and    a few more big, remote projects.
Rice said. “We plan on 24 trucks     stockpiling job out of the Boise    There are a few specific projects
on site for about 40 working         area.                               that we know about that would
days beginning in mid-May. It          “Work will be based in Boise      be great additions to the sum-
is double shifted, so there should   and head toward Bliss,” Errol       mer.”

                                     The innovators

With an eye toward future sales, Manufacturing built a spud bed out of aluminum. Replacing
the steel traditionally used in these beds will lighten the load. The bed is 22 feet long and 102
inches wide. The Manufacturing Project crew includes Noe Navarrete Mosso, John Chope,
Ruger Wrigley, Tiffini Olsen, Andrew Munsee, Kaysha Messick, Cristhian Gutierrez and Derek
Torix. Bill Schulz photo.

                                                                                 Winter/Spring TransTopix 17
Safety Report
Mobile Training Center evolves, expands
W             hat started as a sim-
              ple driver simulator
              has evolved into an
              interactive train-
ing program that encompasses
myriad aspects of training and
skills development: the Mobile
Training Centers (MTC).
   And it’s exactly what our em-
ployees have been asking for.
   For many years, we have
asked what kind of training our
drivers prefer and from which
programs they learn the most.
By a wide majority, drivers said
they prefer hands-on training.
The MTC allows us to expand
our hands-on training with more
consistency, better feedback and
with a quicker turnaround.
   The roots of the MTC were
planted in the summer of 2017
with the purchase of our first        Tom Collins trains with Jason Strunk on winter driving using
simulators to help train driv-        the simulator in the Mobile Training Center at the Paul Proj-
ers in our Skills Development         ect. Bill Schulz photo.
Program, through which they
acquire a Class A CDL. The            basis with other driving situa-     needed more.
beauty of the simulator is that       tions, such as winter driving and     In the past year, we changed
it helps drivers become familiar      basic defensive driving.            the name of the sim to the Mo-
with driving and backing scenar-         Turns out that was only the      bile Training Center (MTC),
ios. Every hour on the simulator      beginning. As our driver de-        another step in our continual
equates to four hours on the          velopment program evolved,          improvement in training meth-
road.                                 we changed our approach to          ods. We have two MTCs in the
   The simulators allow us to         it. In recent years, we put a lot   company, managed under the
help people acquire the skills        of emphasis on online training      safety department. We spilt up
needed for a new career but not       called e-learning, which includ-    the duties for the entire company
put them in a real-world situ-        ed videos each employee would       to cover every location. Ryan
ation immediately. New em-            watch on a computer. Several        Fiala, Idaho Division Safety
ployees can relax and feel more       courses were assigned over a        Manager, oversees one unit and
comfortable.                          beet season, often including as     Jake Larson, Red River Valley
   From the get-go, the simulator     many as three or four videos per    Division Safety Manager, over-
was a success. Since then, we         month for each employee. This       sees the other. Our western unit
have used the sim on a limited        provided good training, but we      See TRAINING, Next page

18 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
Safety Report
Training program uses state of the art equipment
 From previous page
 is run by Jason Strunk, and Ray
Deleon runs the MTC for the
east side of the company.
   “We are at a point that the
MTC has evolved from being
a stand-alone training aid to a
fully staffed source for training
on specific tasks and skills,”
Jake said. “Having a dedicated
manager working in the Mobile
Training Center makes the train-
ing more consistent.”
  Along with increased consis-
tency, there is more personal
                   “It also be-      Personal interaction is vital to successful training. Jason re-
                 comes more          views driving techniques with Tom using the whiteboard that
                 personal as         lines the MTC. Bill Schulz photo.
                 employees get to
                 know their train-   successful.                           is to reduce losses in the com-
                 er,” Ryan said.        Their willingness to work split    pany by providing more spe-
                 “The one-on-one     shifts, nights or make times to       cific type training that is both
                 interaction opens   meet with employees and make          structured and consistent for all
Rich           trainees’ minds to    it convenient for them is the rea-    employees.
information they may have al-        son we can train our employees          We feel there is also a retention
ready known or a technique that      and yet keep them working and         aspect to the MTC. With our
may help them moving forward.        earning a living.                     training methods, employees are
   “Now when an employee en-            Jake added that during the         more comfortable. We are wit-
ters the MTC, he or she may be       summer Krissy Kowalczik runs          nessing employees seeking out
on the sim or may watch a video      the simulator for the skills devel-   Ray and Jason to ask them what
or have a discussion on the white    opment course and does a great        the training topic is and asking
board about a specific topic,”       job.                                  them to set up a time to train
Ryan added.                                                                when they see the MTC in their
   Both Ryan and Jake have plen-     MTC's future                          area.
ty of praise for the guys actually     Our goal is to increase the           The MTC has allowed us to
running the MTC.                     capacity of the MTC for other         expand our hands-on training
   Jason and Ray bring a side of     types of training beyond driving      with more consistency, better
enthusiasm to the MTC. Their         techniques and certain employ-        feedback and a quicker turn-
knowledge, communication and         ees. We will include some form        around.
understanding of every individ-      of training opportunities for all
ual learning method really helps     job titles.                                                 Rich Carl,
make the training effective and        The primary goal of the MTC                  Vice President of Safety

                                                                                   Winter/Spring TransTopix 19
Division Reports
Beets roll through RRV's cold snap
A          side from a wicked
           cold snap with days of
           sub-zero temperatures
           in February, Mother
Nature has been fairly kind to
                                     pervisors this campaign. Kyle
                                     Jacobson joined us in Moor-
                                     head and Alesia Sargent came
                                     on the Hillsboro crew.
                                       Our equipment is running
                                                                          help us with staffing.
                                                                             Jody Coombs, thank you
                                                                          and your Maintenance Team
                                                                          for continuing to “Pound the
                                                                          Rock” to keep us running.
crews in the Red River Valley        well, and we are looking for-           Jake Larson and Ray DeLeon
this campaign.                       ward to some new trucks next         have been working on our vehi-
   Drivers and operators have        campaign.                            cle inspection campaign. This
had little snow to contend with,       We will be replacing our           is a very important process for
and the roads have been rel-         2017 Volvos in Hillsboro with        improving equipment uptime.
                   atively good      new Freightliners.                   Knowing how to complete a
                   so far. And         The entire Red River Valley        quality inspection is vital for
                   the outlook       team has worked well this cam-       drivers’ safety and productivity.
                   for the rest of   paign, pulling together to get       I've heard many times, “A good
                   the season is     the job done. Two of our su-         day starts with a quality inspec-
                   favorable.        pervisors really went the extra      tion and reduces the chance of
                     From a great    mile.                                a roadside breakdown.”
 Troy              summer main-        Tom Rocha                             Managers, thanks for all the
                 tenance program     from Crookston                       extra hours you put in and for
to rolling on the beet campaign,     has been trav-                       your willingness to do what
things have run smoothly.            eling all over,                      needs to be done to keep us
  With a decent sugar beet crop      working with                         operating safely and efficiently.
out of the ground, we started        operators. His                          It has been a good campaign.
hauling Aug. 17.                     efforts have                         Thanks to all members of the
  While the crop was good, it        really made a                        Red River Valley team.
was short of what we expected.       difference in        Tom               We will be conducting a
So we will be wrapping up a          process improve-                     survey this year to collect your
few weeks early this year.           ment on loading and teardown.        feedback instead of our usual
  We expect to be finished in        Thanks, Tom.                         end-of-year in-person meeting
April and will roll into summer        In his first year with us, Kyle    because of COVID-19. Please
construction work in Prairie         Jacobson is doing a great job.       be looking for flyers at your
City, S.D., hauling for Border       He steps up and does what it         project location with bar codes
States. We expect to have 16                           takes to keep us   for you to scan on your phones.
trucks running for 40 days be-                         running safely.    It will take you to a form where
ginning in June.                                       He is a great      you can give us your feedback.
   Looking ahead to next year,                         addition to our      You can also visit with your
if things keep going the way                           team.              manager if that fits you better.
they are, growers should get an                          I would also     Your feedback is very import-
early start in the fields. Flood-                      like to thank      ant, so please take the time to
ing does not look like a threat                        Rachael Hunter     visit with us.
this spring                                          and the Admin        Troy Carl, Vice President and
  We welcomed two new su-            Team for all they have done to       Manager, Red River Valley

20 TransTopix Winter/Spring 2021
Division Reports
Frigid temperatures test Renville crew
T        emperatures fluctuat-
         ing from -38 to plus 40
         over a seven-day period
         in February tested the
mettle of the Renville Team. And
they came through it with flying
                                      is hard on the beets and exhaust-
                                      ing for our crews. SMBSC tarped
                                      everything to hold the beets at
                                      temperature. Right now, getting
                                      them loaded is a challenge. They
                                      are so hard it’s like chopping a
                                                                            Ernestina Piceno stepped up to
                                                                            be full-time clerk. She spends
                                                                            Monday through Friday in the
                                                                            office and then hops in a truck to
                                                                            finish off her shift. She loves to
                                                                            drive and does a great job.
                  colors.             hole in ice with a sledgehammer.        Brian Kimpling is another
                    The bitter cold     Weather aside, our campaign         outstanding performer for us. He
                  takes its toll on   has gone very well. We are            is a tough farmer who can handle
                  equipment and       meeting our customer’s requests       working outside most of the day.
                  staff. And then     and even keeping a bit ahead of       He drives truck, runs the loader
                  we have the         the haul. The drivers are doing a     and can run the excavator when
                  stored beets to     fantastic job on cycle times.         needed. He is a real asset.
                  worry about.          And we have plenty to keep us         Wth the cold hovering, drivers
                    Sub-zero tem-     busy. It was a near record crop       are looking longingly toward
Dave                                  this year, around 3.7 million tons.   summer work. We have several
                peratures create
real challenges for the air sys-      We will be hauling beets until the    interested in working construc-
tems in our trucks, and there is      middle of May.                        tion this summer. We will ac-
always the threat of them freez-        We are testing out two new          commodate them with a schedule
ing up. Luckily for us, we have a     trailers that the Manufacturing       that will allow them to get to the
great team of techs and managers      Project designed for us. They are     summer projects on time.
who brave the harsh weather to        ideally suited to our cold envi-        I truly appreciate working with
keep things running smoothly.         ronment, with steeper slopes that     everyone here. It’s a big team
  Ideally, we would like to see       make dumping easier. They are         that pulls together through thick
temperatures held at 10 degrees       performing very well, and we are      and thin (or cold and hot). I want
or a bit colder. But Mother           thankful to Manufacturing.            to thank every team member.
Nature often has different plans.       Dawn Stafford joined us as a                               Dave Elsing,
The 80-degree temperature swing       night driver this campaign. And           Minnesota Division Manager

Great teamwork pays off at Sidney Project

T       eamwork, and plenty of
        it, paid off at the Sidney
        Project this campaign,
        according to Scott Lind
who oversees the project.
  “John Hoadley and his team
                                        Sidney’s strong management
                                      team worked together, setting
                                      goals and achieving them.
                                        Good staffing was another key
                                      to a successful campaign in Sid-
                                      ney. And help from the broader
                                                                            equipment ran well and was well
                                                                            maintained. And we had good
                                                                            weather,” Scott said. “We had the
                                                                            best hauling conditions in Sidney
                                                                            that we’ve seen in a long time.”
                                                                              The crop wasn’t a barnburner,
worked fantastically together,”       Transystems teams added to the        but it kept the trucks running
Scott said. “Jocelyn Acheson          success story.                        from September to mid-February.
stepped into a supervisory posi-        Renville helped get equipment        “Teamwork really makes a dif-
tion and everything just clicked.     together this summer for Sidney       ference,” Scott said. “I am proud
Everyone supported each other.        and Rich Carl, Vice President of      to say that the managers and
With good administration, good        Safety, really got the safety pro-    sub-managers are looking out for
maintenance and good drivers,         gram up and running well.             safety in Sidney and that they
everything came together.”              “We had good staffing. The          really care about their people."

                                                                                    Winter/Spring TransTopix 21
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