After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive

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After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
JUNE 2021 • $8.95

One year since the murder,
how have corporate
approaches to DE&I
changed? PAGE 6

                             Announcing         HRE’s Benefits
                              the 2021           Conference,
                             Rising Stars         Recapped
                                Page 8               Page 12
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
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After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
Human Resource
June 2021                                                                                                                                                                              Executıve                                                                                          ®

After George Floyd                                       BY JULIE COOK RAMIREZ
The murder prompted swift responses from corporations around diversity, equity and inclusion. Now, one year later, how has DE&I changed—and where is it
headed? Page 6

HR Leadership                                                                                                                                     Columns
Meet the 2021 HR’s Rising Stars 8                                                                                                                 Inside HR Tech
BY HRE STAFF                                                                                                                                      Tech’s Role in DE&I                  3
Six winners were selected from among a record number of nominations.                                                                              HR in the Flow of Work
                                                                                                                                                  Rethinking Recruiting for the New Economy                                       4
Health & Benefits                                                                                                                                 Emerging Intelligence
Benefits Priorities for a Post-Pandemic World 12                                                                                                  AI, the EU and HR’s New Relationship with Tech 19
Here are 10 big lessons from HRE’s virtual Health & Benefits Leadership Conference.
                                                                                                                                                  READ MORE AT HREXECUTIVE.COM
Talent Management                                                                                                                                 • What HR Needs to Know About How to Use Vaccine Passports Legally
Virtual Onboarding is Failing Employees 18                                                                                                        • What Do the New CDC Mask Guidelines Mean for Employers?
BY JAMIE KOHN                                                                                                                                     • Will Hybrid Work Be Heaven—Or a Horror Show?
Bringing new hires into a remote setting requires proactive efforts to connect                                                                    • This Is Our Chance to Rework It All
them to company culture.                                                                                                                                                                                Cover photo: REUTERS / Nick Oxford -

HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTIVE® Magazine (ISSN 1040-0443 USPS 002-565) is published monthly in January/February, March/April, May, June, September, October and November by LRP Magazine Group, an LRP Media Group Company, Suite 500, 747 Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA
19044, (215) 784-0910. Periodicals postage paid at Horsham, PA and additional mailing office. Single copy price: $8.95. Subscription rates: In U.S., $94.95 for one year; $138.95 for two years; $180.95 for three years. In Canada and Mexico, $106.95 for one year; $169.95 for two years;
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address changes to: HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTIVE, PO Box 2132, Skokie, IL 60076.

INSIDE HR TECH                                               By Steve Boese/Columnist

                                      Tech’s Role in DE&I
                                                                                                                                                  technologies have been developed
                                                                                                                                                  that support blind screening of job
                                                                                                                                                  candidates so profiles are assessed
                                                                                                                                                  fairly and recruiters and hiring
                                                                                                                                                  managers don’t take into account
                         With just a few months to go until the HR Technology                                                                     information that may influence hiring. Another area where I’m seeing increased
                         Conference this fall, I am in full planning mode. A part of the                                                          use and adoption are technologies designed to examine the text of job descriptions,
                         process is reviewing, rating and, in some cases, selecting                                                               performance reviews and even internal communications like emails to seek out
                         session ideas from the hundreds of formal speaking                                                                       and recommend the removal of potentially biased words. Over time, organizations
                         proposals we receive. It takes me quite a long time, but it is                                                           can use these technologies to expand their recruiting talent pools and ensure
                         time well spent; not only do we receive lots of great ideas                                                              that internal processes and communications are more equitable and promote the
for the conference, I also use the process to get a broad overview of the issues that                                                             organization’s overall DE&I goals.
organizations are facing, as well as how HR technologies are helping meet these
challenges. Usually each year some themes emerge, and we receive a number of                                                                      Evaluating and Understanding Outcomes
proposals that speak to similar problems and strategies.                                                                                              The third trend is the area of HR and people analytics. Again, the use of HR
    For example, a few years ago when the “get rid of the annual performance                                                                      technology to better collect, organize, interpret and communicate information
review” idea was trending, we received several dozen proposals from organizations                                                                 about HR data is not a new idea, but what is newer is how HR tech providers and
that had indeed gone down that path, and highlighted the new HR tech tools to                                                                     organizations are adapting these tools for DE&I analysis. Many of the leading providers
support continuous performance management and coaching. This year, after                                                                          of HR technology have created specific, purpose-built reports and dashboards for
reviewing the large batch of proposals, I want to call out the increased attention to                                                             DE&I analyses. These tools are increasingly important for organizations to better
diversity, equity and inclusion. While not a complete list, here are three main areas                                                             understand where they stand in areas like employee demographics, compensation
where we see HR tech supporting organizational DE&I strategies.                                                                                   equity, progression, retention and more—but with the specific intention of obtaining
                                                                                                                                                  a deeper analysis with a DE&I lens. Finally, these analytics technologies can help
Asking and Listening to Employees                                                                                                                 organizations measure the actual impact of specific DE&I programs. For example,
   Technologies designed to survey employees have been in place for quite some time,                                                              the organization can use analytics to assess whether using more inclusive language
and largely had not changed all that much since they were introduced. Think of all the                                                            in job advertisements actually does improve the diversity of their applicant pools.
annual employee engagement surveys you have taken in your career; they probably                                                                   Particularly in large organizations, having powerful HR analytics tools is a requirement
tend to blend together. More recently, a number of new technologies have revamped                                                                 to understand and improve compensation equity.
the annual survey into shorter, simpler, more frequent check-ins or “pulse” surveys. In                                                               The importance of DE&I to organizations and HR leaders has likely never been
the last year or so, another shift is underway to adapt employee survey tools to better                                                           greater. And as we have seen over time, when there is an issue of increasing focus for
understand employee sentiment, specifically on DE&I issues. While this is admittedly                                                              HR, the HR technology ecosystem reacts with new and adapted solutions to help HR
not a huge leap in technology—it primarily is a realignment of mostly existing                                                                    address these challenges. Certainly, we will see many of these technologies and hear
technologies—the RFP data shows that many more organizations are specifically                                                                     from leading organizations on their use at HR Tech this fall. If your organization is
evaluating what employees think of the company’s DE&I position and performance.                                                                   currently considering how HR technology can support your DE&I programs, make
                                                                                                                                                  plans to attend HR Tech!
Reducing, Removing Bias in HR Processes
  Another primary objective of HR technology used to support organizational                                                                          Steve Boese is chair of HRE’s HR Technology Conference & Exposition®. Send
DE&I goals is the reduction or removal of biases in HR processes. For example,                                                                    questions or comments to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          June 2021                       3
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
HR Technology

 HR IN THE FLOW OF WORK                                                        Josh Bersin/Columnist

                                    Rethinking Recruiting for the New Economy
                          The unemployment rate remains elevated at 6.1%, but                                      • Get very serious about internal mobility. Much of the top talent you need
                          companies are having trouble finding people to fill                                 might already be in your company. But which employees have this potential,
                          jobs. This unusual dynamic was underscored by the                                   and how do you transition them to new roles? Marketing employees can move
                          release of the April labor statistics, which found that                             into sales; finance people can move into IT; HR professionals can move into
                          266,000 jobs were created that month, far short of the                              operations. Identifying such alternative career pathways are essential to company
                          roughly 1 million new jobs that estimates had predicted.                            growth. Recruiting teams must include internal headhunters responsible for
 Some analysts blamed an economic recover y that isn’t as strong as it seems,                                 identifying internal talent suitable for new positions, while tools that can manage
 but others have pointed to powerful forces such as ongoing health fears and                                  internal talent marketplaces will become essential.
 robust unemployment insurance for keeping people from seeking jobs in some                                        • Focus on retention, employee experience and employee engagement. Many
 industries.                                                                                                  companies now have employee experience teams charged with taking a
     At the same time, we are grappling with a shrinking workforce. Fertility                                 holistic look at employee needs and obstacles and bringing together resources
 rates in developed countries have been steadily dropping while baby boomers                                  from HR, IT, facilities and even legal functions. The massive adoption of
 are retiring at record rates. Many women have left their jobs in order to care for                           employee experience solutions from companies like Ser viceNow and recent
 children and other family members.                                                                           announcements from Microsoft, Oracle and others point to the importance of
     To cope, HR leaders are radically rethinking recruiting and talent                                       creating positive employee experiences and ongoing development.
 development. For instance, according to the Washington Post, restaurants                                          • Create candidates through development. Diverse companies like Ashley
 are offering incentives such as signing bonuses, college tuition payments and                                Furniture, Kaiser Permanente, Verizon and Chipotle are all training people to
 even cash just for showing up for job inter views. I recently spoke with leaders                             fill open jobs—as opposed to focusing solely on finding people with the exact
 from Ashley Furniture Industries, a $7 billion manufacturer, who told me                                     skill sets needed. We have to adopt the mindset of “creating candidates” through
 the company simply cannot find enough skilled people to staff its automated                                  development programs.
 manufacturing plants. To address the shortage, the company is actively                                            • Create diversified talent portfolios. It’s time to strategically incorporate part-
 recruiting and training students graduating from high school.                                                time, contract and outsourced workers into your talent portfolio. Doing so will
     It’s clear that companies will no longer be able to “hire their way to growth”                           increase your company’s ability to adapt to fluctuating needs, and you’ll widen
 as they have in the past. Here are some of the short-term changes in recruiting,                             your talent pool.
 talent management and development that will be needed to cope with the                                            The bottom line for employers is this: Don’t think about hiring as the only way
 workforce shortages ahead. I believe companies must:                                                         to grow. While traditional hiring will never go away, sustainable growth will come
     • Diversify recruitment ef forts. For decades, we’ve known that a college                                from upskilling and redeploying people, redesigning the company for automation
 pedigree is not the secret to success. Companies are now hiring people from                                  and scale, and investing in programs that improve productivity, wellbeing and
 a range of educational backgrounds and investing money in development to                                     culture.
 bring them along. Bank of America, a company I greatly admire, has grown
 its consumer banking business by reducing turnover and rethinking its entire                                    Josh Bersin is an analyst, author, educator and thought leader focusing on the
 process of development. The company recruits at local community colleges,                                    global talent market and the challenges and trends impacting business workforces
 focuses on a strong and enduring brand, and takes great care of new hires.                                   around the world. Send questions or comments to

 Human Resource
Executıve                           ®
                                            VOLUME 35, NUMBER 4

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 44      Human
          Human Resource
                 Resource Executive
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
Cover Story

    In the aftermath of George
    Floyd’s murder, organizations
    ramped up their diversity, equity
    and inclusion initiatives, but
    have they succeeded in moving
    the needle on racial injustice?

                                                                                                                                   Photo by: REUTERS / Nick Oxford -

                                                                          BY JULIE COOK RAMIREZ

               rayvon Martin, Botham Jean, McHale              surrounding Floyd’s murder created the ideal situation        survey also found DE&I was the top concern for HR
               Rose, Jamee Johnson, Michael Dean,              for people to see firsthand the unjust nature of his death.   leaders, ranking ahead of strategizing for a post-COVID
               Elijah McClain—just a few of the young              “When these things happen, they’re often in alleys        culture.
               Black men who have died at the hands of         or places where someone has stopped someone in a car             In addition to the actions organizations took, the
               U.S. police officers in recent years. Each of   on the side of the road, but this happened in the middle      language they are using in the statements relating to
these cases was covered by the media, but none struck          of the day in public,” says Harris. “The overwhelming         Floyd’s murder and their ensuing responses has shifted.
as much of a nerve as the murder of George Floyd, the          evidence, the video recording made it very hard to put a         “Organizations started using words like ‘structural
unarmed 46-year-old Black man who died from a lack             spin on it.”                                                  racism’ and ‘racial injustice’ or ‘social injustice,’
of oxygen caused by Minneapolis police officer Derek               Perhaps just as noteworthy as the public response         words they were not using before,” says Kerrien
Chauvin pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly         was the response from corporate America. Typically,           Suarez, executive director of Equity in the Center in
nine minutes on May 25, 2020. Throughout the summer,           when tragedy strikes, organizations issue a standard,         Washington, D.C. “That shift in language is notable,
the nation was rocked by mostly peaceful protests.             PR-drafted statement expressing heartbreak and                and it resulted in a significant amount of unrest within
Nearly one year later, Chauvin’s long-awaited murder           condemnation. This time was different.                        companies because they were using language that
trial concluded in April with guilty verdicts on all three         According to an HR Policy Association survey this         people on their board might not be comfortable with.”
charges.                                                       spring of nearly 400 HR leaders representing 11 million
    With so many Black men—and a few women—                    employees, 85% said their organizations expanded              Driving Sustainable Change
meeting their fate during police encounters, why was it        inclusion activities and increased C-suite involvement           At Radnor, Pa.-based Lincoln Financial Group, the
that Floyd’s death galvanized the nation? According to         in DE&I since Floyd’s murder. Seventy percent have            board of directors was not only comfortable with the
Doug Harris, CEO of the Chicago-based Kaleidoscope             started or expanded unconscious bias training, while          language in the company’s public statements, it actually
Group, a consulting firm specializing in customized            more than half moved to disaggregate workforce data to        led the way, joining Chief Diversity Officer Allison
diversity and inclusion strategies, the circumstances          provide a better picture of employee demographics. The        Green Johnson and then-CHRO Lisa Buckingham to

6      Human Resource Executive ®
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
form the Chairman’s Diversity Committee during the
summer of 2020. With the goal of driving sustainable
change, the committee met weekly to address not only
diversity, but racial justice as well.                             “Organizations started using words like
     The result was several sustainable, long-term
actions to support racial justice and equity, Johnson              ‘structural racism’ and ‘racial injustice’ or ‘social
said. Those include formally tying senior leadership
compensation to the company’s diversity and inclusion              injustice,’ words they were not using before.”
objectives and implementing enhanced practices
in recruiting, retention and employee development
                                                                                                                           —KERRIEN SUAREZ, EQUITY IN THE CENTER
to increase Black employee populations at Lincoln,
especially among officer level leadership, where the
company has committed to increasing the minority
population by 50% over the next three years.                 Floyd] happens, you step back and say, ‘What can we do         company could not be truly serious about diversity
     To ensure diverse representation at all levels of       better?’ ” says VanHoorelbeke. “We took a look and said,       and inclusion without addressing racism as one of
the company, Lincoln hired two dedicated diversity           ‘This is a basic human rights issue and that’s how this        the key root causes of the need for it. In line with
recruiters—one focused on early career talent,               company is going to look at it.’ ”                             that acknowledgment, Cargill engaged employees in
the other on executive talent—to source diverse                  Papadourakis reinforced that message to the                “courageous conversations” that Beatove characterizes
candidates through relationships with Historically           organization. However, VanHoorelbeke says the                  as “essential to learning what it feels like to be a person
Black Colleges and Universities and professional             emotionally charged and contentious political                  of color today.”
organizations for people of color. Lincoln also adopted      environment led to calls from “a lot of people” who                While she agrees it’s good that organizations are
several practices designed to remove unconscious             considered anti-racism actions to be a political move.         finally acknowledging “structural racism is a thing,”
bias from the hiring process. Voice-only candidate           Over time, such chatter dissipated, but VanHoorelbeke          Suarez is concerned that workplace conversations
pre-screening has been employed to eliminate                 isn’t entirely convinced it’s gone. Rather, “we’re just not    often consist mostly of Black employees standing
                                  appearance-based           hearing it.”                                                   up and sharing their experiences of racism in
                                  hiring decisions, while        Johnson reports similar pushback at Lincoln                society, rather than focusing on identifying ways
                                  the “balanced slate”       Financial after the company launched a series of               to counteract racial inequities both internally and
                                  approach mandates          dialogues around race. Crucial Conversations were              externally.
                                  that every open officer    held for the officer population, while Meaningful                  “Often, the nature of these conversations is to
                                  position (assistant vice   Conversations were essentially “open mic” sessions             bring white colleagues up to speed on structural
                                  president and above)       facilitated by Employee Relations based on a concept           racism, but it’s not the responsibility of folks of color
                                  must include a woman       initiated by Lincoln’s African American Business               to explain structural racism and white privilege to
                                  and a person of color in   Resource Group. Unfortunately, some employees                  their colleagues,” she explains. “Those conversations
                                  the interview process.     didn’t grasp the need for such conversations.                                                   should not be mistaken
                                       While removing        Consequently, Johnson says, she received comments                                               for transformational
                                  unconscious bias from      such as, “I didn’t realize Lincoln was so liberal” and                                          change to dismantle
                                  hiring, promotion and      “Why are you bringing politics into the office?”                                                institutional racism
                                  professional development       “This is not a partisan issue,” says Johnson. “It’s not                                     within corporations and
        Kerrien Suarez            processes is important     about left or right, liberal or conservative. It’s about                                        structural racism in
                                  to battling racism in      humanity and what’s right or just. We’re a microcosm                                            broader society.”
the workplace, it’s just one component of “building a        of our country and we remain firmly committed to                                                    Not so at Cargill,
race equity culture,” according to Suarez. All too often,    diversity, equity and inclusion in our workplace and in                                         says Beatove, where
she says, companies focus on diversity, rather than          our communities where we live and serve.”                                                       the company has not
dismantling structural racism, the ultimate goal.                                                                                                            only expanded the
     “Structural racism is not the same as diversity;        Condemning Racism                                                                               involvement of its Ebony
it’s this centuries-old legacy of white supremacy that           At Minnetonka, Minn.-based Cargill Inc., where                                              Council in supporting
preferences white Americans over everyone else,”             diversity and inclusion has been “woven into the                                                the participation of
says Suarez. “Reckoning with that individually and           fabric” since it established its first Office of Equal               Myriam Beatove             Black, African American
institutionally is a completely different conversation       Opportunity in 1969, Floyd’s death “reinforced the                                              and Pan-African
and process than ‘we need to hire more people in this        sense of urgency and created the environment and               employees to reach their full potential at Cargill, but
corporation who are not white.’ ”                            momentum to make [the company’s commitment to                  has also joined together with 30 other companies in
     According to Suarez, dismantling structural racism      drive] “meaningful, sustainable, systemic change a             the OneTen coalition. The group aims to leverage its
is a multi-year process that requires senior leader          reality,” according to Chief Human Resources Officer           collective strength to drive meaningful, sustainable and
involvement and a five-step path of:                         Myriam Beatove.                                                systemic change to address one of the root causes of
     1. establishing a shared vocabulary,                        The global food giant issued a formal statement            the racial divide in the U.S.: economic opportunity.
     2. identifying race equity champions at the board and   two weeks after Floyd’s death that read, in part: “…               “Engaging and leveraging the entire system of
senior leadership levels,                                    Our resolve is stronger than ever to defeat the racial         Cargill, looking at our processes with rigor to address
     3. naming race equity work as a strategic imperative,   violence, hatred and discrimination that have no place         potential bias, and improving and including innovation
     4. opening a continuous dialogue about race equity      in our world.” The statement went on to “condemn anti-         in how we address racial inequality will really have a
work and                                                     Black racism” and, like Lincoln, to focus on removing          huge impact for us,” says Beatove. “I’d like to believe
     5. disaggregating data.                                 bias from hiring processes and talent selection. In            we will win the fight for DEI with a combination of
                                                             the weeks that followed, Beatove says, Cargill shifted         inspirational and transformational actions.”
A Human Rights Issue                                         its strategy to include equity alongside diversity and             As for Suarez, she acknowledges that Floyd’s death
    Just one week after Floyd’s murder, Antonis              inclusion.                                                     led to an increased awareness of systemic racism and
Papadourakis, president and CEO of the North                     “It’s good to talk about representation, which is          a greater number of employers moving beyond static
American region for specialty chemicals and plastics         diversity, and it’s good to talk about inclusion, which        statements of condemnation. However, she remains
company Lanxess Corp., openly condemned the                  is making our current workforce feel valued and                cautiously optimistic that organizations are truly
ongoing racial inequity in American society, writing         welcomed and heard, but at the end of the day, we had          committed to living the values they’ve professed.
“these simple yet sacred ways of humanity are not            a huge population of underrepresented people that                  “There’s absolutely been a spike in awareness
equally granted to everyone.” Papadourakis urged             didn’t even have access to the opportunity of being            and a spike in action in terms of people signing up
his leadership team to come up with an action plan,          recruited or being part of that inclusive environment,”        for trainings on structural racism or engaging with
which subsequently led to an open call for people from       says Beatove. “That’s a significant part of our shift in       consultants to facilitate conversations on race and
across the organization to serve on an employee task         strategy. We need to address equity. We need to address        racism,” says Suarez. “We’ll just have to wait and see
force to advise management on issues of racism and           fair treatment and access to opportunity to even access        how many of these organizations will make the true,
social inequities. Response was overwhelming. Jack           the representative group and make them part of our             deep commitment to the years’ long work of dismantling
VanHoorelbeke, head of HR Americas, was one of the           company.”                                                      white supremacy within their institutions.”
first to volunteer.                                              According to Beatove, the other major shift in
    “I like to think that Lanxess is a very welcoming        Cargill’s strategy—the specific call-out of anti-Black            Send questions or comments about this story to
place to work, but when something like [the murder of        racism—was the result of a realization that the      

                                                                                                                                                               June 2021            7
After George Floyd - Announcing - Human Resource Executive
HR Leadership

Meet the 2021 HR’s Rising Stars
                                                                                                                                                      already made to their respective
                                                                                                                                                      organizations and are eager to see how
                                                                                                                                                      they, and all of this year’s nominees,
                                                                                                                                                      will continue to shape the HR industry.
                                                                                                                                                      For each winner’s full story, visit

     he COVID-19 pandemic redefined                     including those selected as Human               the most innovative, accomplished and             Judges for the competition were
     how people work, where they                        Resource Executive®’s 2021 HR’s Rising          promising talent: Erik Alicea, Acacia         former Rising Stars winner Ben
     work and even what work itself is.                 Stars—stepped up to the plate and               Network; Judy Huie, Freddie Mac;              Brooks, founder and CEO of PILOT;
Central to all of those transformations                 proved why this is HR’s moment.                 John Klein, Maxim Integrated; Jennifer        Jen Colletta, managing editor of HRE;
have been HR professionals, who                            HRE received a record number of              Singman, Kapsch TrafficCom USA Inc.;          Gregory Hessel, partner, HR Practice
provided guidance, direction, support                   nominations for the 2021 competition,           Carrie Wadman, Goodwill Industries            at Korn Ferry International; former
and a lot of creativity when it came                    with a pool of candidates who were              of Southeastern Wisconsin; and Angie          Rising Stars winner Leslie Mikus, VP,
to navigating the fluid crises of the                   pivotal to helping their organizations          Wideman-Powell, ClearCompany.                 talent at Merge; and HRE Honor Roll
last year. Through these challenges,                    not just survive, but thrive, through the          We congratulate the winners on             winner Ruth Stricklen Pullins, CHRO
the next generation of HR leaders—                      pandemic. Ultimately, six emerged as            the impressive contributions they’ve          of Truman Medical Centers.

    Erik Alicea                                                         Judy Huie                                                     John Klein
    Acacia Network                                                      Freddie Mac                                                   Maxim Integrated
    Director of HR                                                      Senior Director and Chief                                     Talent Acquisition &
    New York City                                                       of Staff to the CHRO and                                      Staffing Manager
                                                                        Chief Diversity Officer                                       San Jose, Calif.
    Greatest HR Challenge:
                                                                        Washington, D.C.
    There was little time for Ali-                                                                                                    Greatest HR Challenge:
                                                                        -Baltimore Area
    cea to acclimate to his new                                                                                                       Differentiating between what
    job last year as director of                                        Greatest HR Challenge:                                        is urgent and what is truly
    HR. COVID began chang-                                              Building two new HR oper-                                     important. Klein says it’s too
    ing nearly everything about                                         ations from the ground up:                                    easy for HR professionals to
    the HR landscape at the social services agency. Alicea              the strategic communications group, which develops            slip into a reactive state, with an endless cycle of urgent
    had to operate at full speed while creating policies and            and delivers messages that tie back to Freddie Mac’s          tasks. He aims to take time to step back and consider
    practices that ensured the safety of the organization’s             corporate strategy, and the shared services team.             the strategic landscape, and identify what is truly impor-
    3,000 employees, many of whom worked at either the                  Greatest HR Accomplishment: Watching people on                tant, which he says allows him to invest in automating
    organization’s nursing home or client sites across the              her team grow as professionals and move into jobs with        and optimizing processes that end up reducing the need
    country.                                                            ever-greater responsibility. Examples include moving in-      to constantly put out fires.
    Greatest HR Accomplishment: Over the past 10                        terns into HR’s full-time risk and control team, supporting   Greatest HR Accomplishment: Building a global
    years, Alicea has climbed up the ranks at the organiza-             an admin staffer to earn a CPA and become a finance           network of relationships within HR and across Maxim’s
    tion, holding numerous HR jobs, before stepping into                division manager, and seeing a relocation manager in the      employee services team, the business and other functions.
    his current role. He worked smart and hard to earn                  shared services operation go on to head international         The enabling factor in those relationships has been his
    the respect of his former co-workers as a progressive               relocations for a defense contracting firm.                   passion for helping others succeed, empathetic approach
    leader who is evolving the organization’s culture into                                                                            to partnering and genuine curiosity about the products,
    one that’s more welcoming, inclusive and engaging.                                                                                work and people with which he interacts globally.

                                                                        Carrie Wadman
    Jennifer                                                            Goodwill Industries                                           Angie
    Singman                                                             of Southeastern                                               Wideman-
    Kapsch TrafficCom                                                   Director, HR Operations
    USA Inc.                                                            Greendale, Wisc.                                              ClearCompany
    Manager,                                                                                                                          VP of People
    Learning & Talent                                                   Greatest HR Challenge:
                                                                        Making HR support acces-                                      Boston, Mass.
    McLean, Va.
                                                                        sible to all of Goodwill em-                                  Greatest HR Challenge:
    Greatest HR Challenge:                                              ployees, especially since the                                 Breaking into the HR pro-
    Breaking into the “HR club”                                         organization has a relatively broad geographical reach—       fession. For years, Wide-
    without specific HR experience. Once she stepped into               with 70 stores and the headquarters spread out between        man-Powell had operated on the peripheral of HR,
    the field, she had to change her thinking and slow down             Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern to Mid-Illinois.          handling some HR matters as an account manager
    her reaction time, which often meant biting her tongue              Given that all employees would need HR support in some        and office manager. Although she obtained both SCP
    and honing her ability to look at all angles of a situation, in-    form, it has been a challenge, and a focus, to ensure         and PHR certifications from SHRM and a master’s de-
    cluding legal, disparate impact and other risks. In the past,       everyone could easily access HR’s support services.           gree in HR management, she had never held a full-time
    she would default to standing on the people side, but now           Greatest HR Accomplishment: Getting the new                   HR job. Then, one year after joining ClearCompany
    stands in the middle, considering all aspects equally.              Employee Service Center up and running—in a very ac-          as a customer success manager, CEO Andre Lavoie
    Greatest HR Accomplishment: After just over a year                  celerated timeframe of three weeks—and receiving posi-        asked her to fill a vacant HR position because of her
    with Kapsch, Singman’s role was expanded to include                 tive feedback from employees and senior management.           HR background and academic credentials.
    talent management. She inherited a Climate Assessment               Wadman and her team had to triage the demand for help         Greatest HR Accomplishment: Helping the company
    project that was partially completed. Despite a steep               in a very quick turnaround, and the effort has made a real    survive COVID. Last year, Wideman-Powell successfully
    learning curve for both the process and technology used             difference for employees.                                     shifted the company’s 165 employees from office work-
    to capture and analyze data, she led the initiative to com-                                                                       ers to remote workers. At the time, only eight worked
    pletion, including through extensive employee interviews.                                                                         remotely. She also developed strategies and programs
    The last step, in particular, was an arduous undertaking                                                                          to train, engage and onboard remote employees while
    but produced a compelling analysis that provided a clear            Visit to read more about                      also expanding the company’s diversity, equity and
    path and actionable intel for business leaders.                     each winner.                                                  inclusion efforts.

8         Human Resource Executive ®
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Health & Benefits

Benefits Priorities for a Post-Pandemic World
HRE’s Health & Benefits Leadership Conference
explored how COVID has reshaped
employee benefits.


    enefits have always been a vital        choose between their careers
    company strategy. But in the age        and their families”; waived
    of COVID-19—when health and             deductibles for the testing
    safety were the biggest priorities,     and treatment of COVID-19;
employees struggled with caregiving         added programs for
responsibilities, mental health             emotional and mental health;
issues rose and so much more—the            and more free mental health
importance of benefits has reached          visits, made available for all
new heights. Smart employers and HR         employees. For parents, the
leaders turned to benefits as one of        company also provided tips
their biggest COVID-19 strategies to        and resources to navigate
help struggling employees—a focus           virtual learning and homeschooling.          makes no sense. It makes no sense for        word—besides secure—that I hope
that will only continue during the          “We had to step up our game when the         the employees and the employer.              you want to give to all your employees
pandemic and beyond.                        pandemic struck,” Johnson said.                  “We are in the middle of a               is hope. Without hope, it’s like you’re
    “We had to be responsive, be                TIAA also leaned on benefits             caregiving crisis, and it’s a problem        asphyxiated; you can’t breathe. And
agile and be able to look around and        as its biggest COVID-19 strategy,            that’s only going to grow,” Lunden           sometimes, just a little action instills
anticipate and make decisions on the        Woodroffe explained during a                 said. “We need to support families, and      hope.”
basis of what’s in the best interest of                              keynote             we need people to stay engaged in the            4. Mental health is in the
our associates,” TIAA CHRO Sean                                      address             workforce.”                                  spotlight. Mental health issues also
Woodroffe said during a keynote                                      Thursday.               3. Emergency savings is a rising         were already a massive issue before
session at HRE’s 2021 Health &                                       Among the           benefit trend. The statistics painting       COVID-19: “Before this pandemic,
Benefits Leadership Conference last                                  many benefits       a picture of employees’ financial            there was a pandemic called the
month. The virtual three-day event,                                  enhancements        situation were bad before COVID: 40%         mental health crisis,” Louis Gagnon,
which drew more than 4,500 attendees                                 the financial       of Americans couldn’t afford a $400          CEO of Total Brain, said during a
and 63 exhibitors, went in-depth on                                  ser vices firm      unexpected expense; about two-thirds of      panel discussion. But a year-plus
COVID-19: what employers have                                        made over           Americans lived paycheck to paycheck,        of social distancing, lockdowns
learned, the steps they took to use                                  the last year       and “short-term money matters” were          and dramatic shifts to remote work
benefits to address the short-term                                   were expanded       the top source of stress for Americans.      upended the day-to-day realities for
effects of the crisis, and what changes       Sean Woodroffe         mental health       The pandemic worsened these statistics       many employees. Workplace mental
the pandemic will make on the                                        and telehealth      and exacerbated financial problems           health has moved from conversations
industry long-term.                         programs, work from home stipends,           for scores of employees. “The day has        in the C-suite to a pandemic within a
    Here are some of the biggest            backup child and elder care support          come where we need workplace savings         pandemic. “We all know mental health
takeaways from the event.                   and even free at-home COVID                  to have more than just a single option,”     has been an issue; the pandemic just
    1. The pandemic has forced              testing. “Treating associates with           Devin Miller, CEO and co-founder of          completely ripped the Band-Aid off
employers to get creative with              respect, dignity, care and compassion        Secure, an emergency savings fintech         and made this front and center for
benefits—and leadership. Although           is the best approach an employer             platform, said during a session. “You        employers,” said Colleen McHugh,
the past year has been difficult, it also   can take,” he said. “It’s a welcoming        need to have variation to support            executive vice president of the
brought new opportunities for better        approach in great times, and it’s the        different employees in different stages      American Health Policy Institute,
serving employees and rethinking            only approach in challenging times.”         of life. You can’t be using your 401(k) as   noting that improving employee
leadership, experts said during                 2. Employers need to make                an emergency fund.”                          mental health is going to be a strategic
the event. “As human resources              moves to help caregivers. Although               Expect employers to offer                imperative going forward.
executives, we were in the thick of         a number of states have passed their         emergency savings programs as an                 Employers made many moves to
everything, which is appropriate            own comprehensive paid leave policies        employee benefit, keynoter Melissa           help struggling employees in the last
because the pandemic, at its heart, is      and more companies are offering              Gopnik, senior vice president                year, helping to mitigate some issues,
a human crisis,” Kristin Johnson, chief     versions themselves, “the vast majority      at financial security nonprofit              but there is still much work to be done.
human resources officer at Edward           of families in the U.S. still don’t have     Commonwealth, said during a                  Looking ahead, the new mantra for
Jones, said during a session. “It made      access to paid leave and medical             keynote. Split deposits—which can            employers will be helping employees
us more aware than ever how much            leave,” Joan Lunden—former Good              put some of a worker’s paycheck              disconnect, said Michael Thompson,
value we place on human connection          Morning America host and caregiving          directly into a savings account—             president and CEO of the National
and relationships.”                         advocate—said during the event’s             are an especially low-hanging                Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser
    For Edward Jones, that focus on         opening keynote. She called that a           opportunity for employers to                 Coalitions. “This whole issue of
connection and employee relationships       huge problem.                                embrace, she said.                           continuously ‘being on’ is burning
came in the form of new benefits and            “The lack of access to paid leave or         Meanwhile, Suze Orman, personal          people out.”
programs and a heightened focus on          the ability to work flex schedules or        finance expert, Secure co-founder                5. The workplace after the
employee health and wellness. Among         from home—of course, the pandemic            and podcast host, said during the            pandemic is coming into focus.
the changes the company made due            has changed all that—but these are the       conference that employers have an            For more than a year, employers have
to the pandemic were 10 extra COVID         factors that can force terrific, talented,   obligation to help employees save and        been laboring through the pandemic
days off, because, Johnson said, “we        hard-working employees to drop right         feel financially secure. “An emergency       transition—adjusting employees
didn’t want any of our colleagues to        out of the labor force entirely. And it      fund offers hope,” she said. “The one        to remote work, adapting benefits

12     Human Resource Executive ®
to meet their evolving needs and            help employees start to course-correct     more momentum for employers to
revamping policies to provide needed        from stress, Huffington said.              take action in helping underserved
support. Now, the focus is starting             That’s the approach that Michael       populations. But that help needs to
to shift to the long-term. “We need                                  Fracarro,         go beyond “clickbait” anti-racism
to think about creating the model of                                 CHRO of           initiatives launched only in response       challenges employers have right now,”
the future, not the model any longer                                 Mastercard,       to the national reckoning on racial         she said during a keynote session
in reaction to the pandemic,” said                                   said leadership   injustice, experts said during the          Tuesday.
Viq Pervaaz, partner and health                                      took at the       conference. Jennifer Benz, senior vice          Morrison noted that i4cp research
sciences leader at EY, in a session                                  credit card       president and communications leader         finds that encouragement—through
with Fernando Salinas, global senior                                 company,          of Segal Benz, said during a panel that     education efforts or incentives like paid
vice president of HR, R&D, robotics,                                 a partner         there is “tremendous opportunity,           time off—is the top COVID vaccine
digital solutions and external                                       of behavior       desire and pressure” for employers          strategy for employers. Education is
innovation at Johnson & Johnson.                                     change            to play a significant role in driving       the vaccine strategy being embraced
The pair recommended employers                                       platform          change around racial inequities in          by Elkay Manufacturing. Although the
rely on a structured framework—             Arianna Huffington Thrive.                 healthcare and benefits design. Such        company took time to decide whether
informed by guiding principles and                                   Last year,        issues have gone unaddressed for too        to require, encourage or stay silent on
taking into consideration all potential     Mastercard conducted a series              long, speakers said, in part because        vaccines, it “ultimately decided that
variables—to move from transition           of pulse surveys and found that            people of color were not centered in        encouraging our employees to take the
to transformation, in everything            “Zoom fatigue” was common                  corporate DE&I strategies—leading           vaccine aligned best with our culture
from benefits offerings to workplace        among employees. In response, the          to a dearth of data, including related      of respecting the individuality of our
technology.                                 company rolled out new meeting             to health, and ultimately to a lack of      employees,” Tonie Lyubelsky, senior
    “We are severing our ties with the      guidelines to ensure employees have        momentum.                                   director, total rewards at Elkay, said
pandemic and saying, ‘How do we build       at least 15-minute breaks between              Among the actions that benefits         during the keynote. Elkay regularly
for the future in a sustainable capacity,   meetings and that no meetings last         and HR leaders can take include             educates employees on vaccination,
one that engages employees?’” Pervaaz       longer than 30-45 minutes. It also         strategically redesigning benefits          with its CEO discussing the merits of
said.                                       instituted “meeting-free days” and         to directly respond to healthcare           the vaccine in weekly video meetings
    That question also was addressed        “summer Fridays,” where employees          disparities facing certain populations.     and other company leaders regularly
by John Sumser, founder and editor of       are encouraged to take time for            For instance, with higher rates of          talking about the efficacy and safety of
HRExaminer, who explored during his         themselves and their families.             breast cancer among Black women,            the shots.
session how the very goal of benefits           Tara Scott, medical director of        does plan design allow for earlier              American Benefits Council
has changed in the last year and what’s     integrative medicine at Summa Health       screening? Is the co-pay a barrier?         President Jim Klein, meanwhile, said
to come.                                    and chief medical officer at Revitalize    Consider                                    during the event’s closing keynote
    The pandemic upended the social         Medical Group, echoed that sentiment       that people of                              that employers contemplating
contract between employees and              in another session, likening the need      color are also                              their vaccination plans—whether
employers, he said. The flexibility         for preventative stress-reduction to a     dealing with                                it’s incentivizing workers to get
extended over the past year will likely     six-month oil change, regular dental       pay inequities,                             vaccinated or requiring them to
become more permanent, and both             appointments and retirement savings.       and that can                                do so—should consult with legal
employees and organizations saw             None is mandatory, but if you’re           influence                                   counsel.
that innovation can happen quickly—         proactive, you’ll see better outcomes      healthcare                                      10. Use crisis as an opportunity.
prompting a new relationship                eventually.                                outcomes                                    Silver linings to a tumultuous year?
where employees have more voice                 “Let’s treat our health this way,”     as well.                                    You bet. Optimism over how the
in benefits design. Driven by an            Scott said. “There’s never a time like     Accountability                              pandemic, and social and racial unrest,
upcoming surge in new benefits              the present to cultivate resilience.”      is another key         Jessica Brooks       will change things for the better was a
software, Sumser envisions benefits             7. Don’t fear remote work.             factor. Work                                common theme throughout the event,
targeted to helping lower-income            COVID-19 prompted a massive shift to       with benefits brokers, vendors and          with industry insiders pointing to
workers overcome inequities, a              remote work, with the vast majority of     consultants who adhere to anti-racist       several positives.
continued rise in telemedicine, and         employers moving their workers home        principles; even sit through anti-              Edward Jones’ Johnson said
a focus on health and safety, among         when the pandemic began. Industry          racism training with them and work          although the last year has been the
other areas.                                insiders say with the experiment going     together to create culturally competent     toughest of her career, it’s also been
    “The golden age of benefits is          well, we won’t be going back to a          strategies, said Jessica Brooks,            a rewarding one that helped reinforce
coming,” he said. “All of these new         full in-office experience even post-       president and CEO of the Pittsburgh         HR’s commitment to meeting the
circumstances are going to create           pandemic—and employers shouldn’t           Business Group on Health.                   needs of employees and being
an explosion in the kinds of benefits       try to.                                        Look at racial inequality from a        agile with benefits strategies. “To
employers can extend to employees.”             “The good news is that many            broader lens as well, she added, noting     succeed during COVID, we need to
    6. Organizations need to work           companies have come to realize             that employers need to “be visible”         display qualities that aren’t always
on creating cultures of resilience.         their worst fears about remote work        on all the drivers of public health         associated with leadership—empathy
Resilience is the word of 2020 and          have not come true, and there are          disparities. “There’s so much that we       and vulnerability,” she said, noting
2021, said Arianna Huffington,              many things about remote work that         can do that if we don’t do something,”      that her company will take these
founder and CEO of Thrive Global            improved engagement, productivity          Brooks said, “we’re choosing to be part     lessons and let employee feedback
and founder of The Huffington Post.         and more,” Zoë Harte, chief people         of the problem.”                            and employee engagement sur vey
Particularly after the challenges           officer at Upwork, said during a               9. COVID-19 vaccination is one          results help guide them on benefit
of the last year, Huffington said           session. Remote and hybrid workforces      of employers’ biggest priorities—           and program changes.
during a keynote, nearly all C-suites       made up of full-time employees, some       and challenges. After more than                 Huffington said employers and HR
recognize the connection between            of whom may be in the office, plus         a year of social distancing, remote         leaders have an opportunity to create
stressed, anxious employees and a           remote employees and independent or        work, lockdowns and more, COVID-19          a thriving workplace culture and help
halt in productivity. Now, it’s time        freelance talent, Harte said, have many    vaccinations have represented a crucial     employees with their mental wellbeing
for employers to take that awareness        benefits for employers—if managed          key to overcoming the pandemic              and resilience. “This is a once-in-a-
“upstream,” Huffington said, helping        correctly. The arrangement can offer       and restoring safe interactions. But,       generation opportunity to redefine
workers identify the triggers of mental     employers the ability to scale up and      said Carol Morrison, senior research        productivity, how we work and live,”
health challenges and incorporate           down when they need to, it can spark       analyst at the Institute for Corporate      she said. “We’ve stopped assuming we
behaviors to build resilience into their    innovation, and it can improve diversity   Productivity, vaccines also represent       have to continue living in a breathless,
daily routines. For instance, “micro-       and inclusion efforts.                     a top concern for employers. “While         frenetic way to achieve great results.”
steps”—such as taking short breaks of           8. Employers should lean               they represent great hope, vaccinations
just 60-90 seconds for deep breathing       on benefits to address racial              also demand close attention from                Send questions or comments about
or reflection throughout the day—can        inequities. There has never been           business leaders. It’s one of the biggest   this story to

                                                                                                                                                      June 2021         13
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