Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria

Page created by Philip West
Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
Crown Melbourne’s
  Contribution to Victoria

March 2014
Crown Resorts Limited ACN 125 709 953
Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria

 Major Awards

                  02                 04                    06
                  Key Facts          Letter from our       About
                                     Chairman              Crown Resorts

 11               12                 32                    34
 Crown Resorts’   Economic and       Proven track record   Track record in
 Investments      Tourism Benefits   of developing and     attracting VIP
                  to Victoria        operating luxury      tourists
                                     hotel resorts

                                     Crown Melbourne’s Employment and
                                     Training Contribution

                                     54                    58
                                     Crown’s               A world leader
                                     Commitment            in responsible
                                     to Indigenous         gaming

 68               74                                        76
 Community        Corporate                                Awards
 Partnerships      Governance
Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
Major Awards

                                       2013 Australian
2013 Victorian Employer of the Year
                                       Employer of the Year                                              2014 Casino/Integrated Resort of the Year

2012 Victorian Training Award in the   2012 Australian Human Resources Institute   Recommended                        Community
Apprentice Development category        Success Factors Team Award                  Employer award at                  Contribution award
                                                                                   the 2012 Australian                at the 2012 Australian
                                                                                   Business Awards                    Business Awards

2012 Victorian Training                           2013 Education                   2013 Victorian                     Financial Review BOSS
Employer of the Year Award                        and Training Award               Tourism’s                          Magazine Most Respected
                                                  at the Victorian                 Tourism Education                  Companies for 2012
                                                  Tourism Award                    and Training Award

Community and Project Partners

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
2   Key Facts

    Crown College Melbourne has

    graduated approximately

    apprentices and trainees
    since inception

                Crown Melbourne               Crown Melbourne
                provides                      attracted
                employment for                more than

                8,800 people                  17 million
                                              visits in F13

                Crown Melbourne               Crown is investing
                was awarded
                2013 Australian
                Employer of
                                               in Melbourne’s
                the Year                      tourism
                at the 2013 Australian        infrastructure
                Training Awards               from F07-F16

                In FY13 Crown contributed

                in taxes
                to the Victorian Government

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
Crown’s partnership with
Reconciliation Australia:
‘Crown has had an extensive Indigenous
Employment Strategy in place for a number
of years, and through their RAP (Reconciliation
Action Plan), will also build opportunities for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses…
Reconciliation Australia thanks Crown for its
commitment and contribution to reconciliation.’
Leah Armstrong, CEO,
Reconciliation Australia

 Crown’s partnership with
 National Centre of Indigenous Excellence:
‘Crown’s commitment to training and good quality
 jobs for Indigenous Australians, that was special
 for us.’
Jason Glanville, CEO, National Centre of Indigenous
Excellence, Redfern

  ‘I commend Crown for its
  continued leadership in building
  Aboriginal employment and
  reconciliation efforts together with
  Victoria’s Aboriginal community.’
  The Honourable Jeanette Powell, Victorian Minister
  for Aboriginal Affairs, 14 August 2013

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
3   Letter from our Chairman

    Making a Major Contribution
    to Victoria
                                                               Almost 8,800 people come to work at Crown
                                                               Melbourne, ensuring that world-class service is
                                                               provided to all visitors. This makes Crown Melbourne
                                                               the largest private sector single-site employer in

                                                               Training Contribution
                                                               We recognise that our employees are our most
                                                               valuable asset and we dedicate significant resources
                                                               to their development. Crown has an outstanding
                                                               record in employee training. We have built a
                                                               $10 million dedicated training facility in Melbourne,
                                                               and to date approximately 4,600 apprentices and
                                                               trainees have graduated with nationally accredited
                                                               qualifications from our onsite Crown College. We
                                                               are constantly working to improve the quality of the
                                                               opportunities we provide our employees.

                                                               Crown’s training and development program is widely
    I’m extraordinarily proud of the contribution Crown        acknowledged as a best practice model, as is our
    has made to the State of Victoria over the past two        Indigenous Employment Program. Crown was the
    decades. We have played a major part in helping            first company to sign the Australian Employment
    to turn Melbourne into an exciting global tourist          Covenant in 2009 with an initial pledge to create
    destination.                                               300 job opportunities for Indigenous Australians. In
                                                               2012, we revised our commitment and increased
    Attracting over 17 million visits a year, Crown            the number of opportunities we will provide for
    Melbourne is one of Australia’s most visited tourist       Indigenous Australians to 2,000 by 2021. We
    destinations. We’ll be investing $1.7 billion over ten     believe our community partnerships with respected
    years from financial year 2007 to financial year 2016 to   organisations such as Reconciliation Australia and the
    make sure our Melbourne resort remains competitive         National Centre of Indigenous Excellence will assist
    with the best integrated resorts in the world.             us to honour this commitment.

    Crown assists Melbourne to compete with other              Crown is also a major contributor to Victoria’s tax
    cities in Australia and the world for major domestic       revenue. Over the last four years we have contributed
    and international conferences and events. Crown            over $1.3 billion in taxes to the Victorian Government.
    Melbourne is a critical asset when Victoria bids for
    these events, complementing the State’s first class        We Support our Local Communities:
    sporting facilities.
                                                               Crown recognises it can play a significant role within
                                                               the community and seeks to do so by providing
    Employment Contribution                                    financial donations and employee support to a
    I believe we are a model corporate citizen. In 2013,       broad range of community activities, local sporting
    Crown was awarded the Australian Employer of the           clubs and charities. Crown’s contributions include
    Year at the Australian Training Awards and in the          sponsorship arrangements, employee time, the use
    same year was also awarded the Victorian Employer          of Crown facilities and donations of Crown hospitality
    of the Year by the Victorian Government. We have           packages. In addition, Crown partners with local
    previously won both awards as recently as 2010.            community organisations to support them in their
                                                               charitable work.

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
On behalf of the Board, I would like to acknowledge         philanthropic arm of Crown Resorts, the Foundation
the commitment of our employees and management              will engage with and provide financial support to
on these worthy community projects.                         programs with demonstrated success in the areas
                                                            of community welfare, education, health care and
Crown seeks to act responsibly in all of its activities,    research, the arts and the environment.
recognising that a company is assessed not only on
its financial performance but also by its standards of      While Crown Melbourne has helped achieve much for
corporate governance, the conduct of its employees,         Victoria over the last two decades, there is so much
the quality of its workplace, its environmental footprint   more we can do. With our major investment in tourism
and level of community engagement. By focussing on          infrastructure, our internationally recognised brand
these measures, Crown will ensure more sustainable          and our extensive Asian marketing network, Crown
business growth.                                            will be critical in helping Victoria take advantage of
                                                            the great tourism opportunity offered by the booming
The Board is committed to promoting Corporate               Asian middle class.
Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives across the
business. To oversee Crown’s commitment, the                It is through our experience, our efforts and our
Board established a dedicated CSR Board                     commitment that Crown Melbourne will continue to
Committee, chaired by The Honourable Helen                  make a major contribution to the Victorian economy
Coonan. The CSR Board Committee supports                    in the future.
and promotes continuous improvement in Crown’s
CSR performance.

The Crown Resorts Foundation:
The Crown Resorts Foundation, announced in
September 2013, will formalise Crown’s community
involvement program and aggregate the range of
community initiatives already being undertaken              James Packer
across both of our Australian resorts. As the               Chairman, Crown Resorts Limited

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
4   About Crown Resorts

    Crown Resorts is Building a
    Global Luxury Tourism Brand

    Crown is one of Australia’s largest entertainment and       impact associated with the capital expenditure and
    resort groups. It has businesses and investments in         operations in 2012 of Crown’s Australian resorts are
    the integrated resort and entertainment sectors in          significant.
    Australia and Macau and wholly-owns and operates a
    high-end casino in London.                                  KPMG estimated that in 2012:

    Crown’s Australian resorts in Melbourne and Perth           • Crown Melbourne contributed $2.1 billion in
    feature over 2,300 hotel rooms, VIP villas, casinos,           economic value added;
    resort pools, luxury spas, signature restaurants, retail
                                                                • Crown Perth contributed $800 million in economic
    outlets, convention centres and live entertainment.
                                                                   value added;
    Every year Crown’s Australian resorts attract over
                                                                • Crown Melbourne directly and indirectly supports
    25 million visits. Crown’s resorts are renowned
                                                                   employment for more than 23,200 full time
    globally, particularly in Asia, for their focus on luxury
                                                                   equivalent (FTE) positions across the Victorian
    accommodation, service, quality dining and shopping
                                                                   economy; and
    experiences, world-class gaming and entertainment
    facilities.                                                 • Crown Perth directly and indirectly supports
                                                                   employment for approximately 7,700 FTE positions
    Over one third of Crown’s revenue in financial
                                                                   across the Western Australian economy.
    year 2013 was estimated to be generated from
    international visitors. The majority of this revenue is     Source: KPMG, ‘Integrated Resorts and Asian Tourism –
    from Asian patrons – predominantly Chinese. This            the Role of Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth – 2012’
                                                                (October 2012)
    makes Crown one of the most significant international
    tourism operators in Australia, with a particular focus
                                                                To make sure Australia can continue to compete with
    on tourism from Asia.
                                                                the best hotels and resorts in the world, Crown will
    In 2012, Crown engaged KPMG to conduct an                   be investing $1.7 billion between financial year 2007
    assessment of the contribution that Crown Melbourne         and financial year 2016 in upgrading and opening new
    and Crown Perth makes to the Australian economy.            attractions at its Melbourne resort.
    The results of the KPMG analysis show that both the
    economic value-added impact and the employment

Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
Crown Melbourne
Crown Melbourne is a leading world-class luxury               •• Construction of Crown Metropol Melbourne,
resort, featuring over 1,600 hotel rooms and VIP villas,         one of Australia’s largest hotel, comprising 658
spas, swimming pools, luxury retail outlets, signature           guest rooms, spa and leisure facilities, meeting
restaurants, a convention centre, gaming areas and               rooms and a private lounge. Crown Metropol
live entertainment venues.                                       Melbourne was awarded ‘Best Luxury Hotel’ at
                                                                 the 2012 Victorian Tourism Awards;
Crown Melbourne attracts over 17 million visitors
annually, making it one of Australia’s most visited           •• Extensive refurbishment of the six-star Crown
tourist attractions. KPMG estimated that Crown                   Towers hotel, which was recently awarded
contributes approximately $2.1 billion (value-added) to          Australia’s ‘Best large luxury hotel 2012’ and
the Victorian economy annually.                                  ‘Best Large Luxury Hotel 2013’1;

Crown Melbourne has Victoria’s largest single-                •• Significant upgrade to the VIP salons and villas
site workforce with 8,800 people employed at the                 resulting in Crown being awarded the ‘2012 VIP
complex.                                                         Gaming Room of the Year’2;
                                                              •• Extension and refurbishment of the premium
Crown Melbourne has been awarded “Casino/                        gaming offering - the Mahogany Room and the
Integrated Resort of the Year for 2014” at the                   Teak Room - and the opening of Club 23;
prestigious International Gaming Awards (IGA) in
London, which is considered the ‘Oscars’ of the               •• Development of the West End—a 15,000 sqm,
gaming industry and celebrates the outstanding                   all-encompassing entertainment precinct
performance of industry worldwide.                               including a number of restaurants, bars and
                                                                 gaming options; and
From financial year 2007 to financial year 2016 Crown
will have spent approximately $1.7 billion to ensure          •• Extensive refurbishment of the main
that Crown Melbourne remains one of the world’s                  gaming floor.
leading integrated resorts. Refurbishment and
expansions have been undertaken and include:

                                                           1 A
                                                              warded as part of the Reader’s Choice Gourmet Traveller
                                                             2012 and 2013 Travel Awards
                                                           2 Awarded at the International Gaming Awards 2012
Crown Melbourne's Contribution to Victoria
4   About Crown Resorts

    Crown Perth
    Crown acquired Crown Perth (formerly Burswood                •• Expanded conference and meeting facilities;
    Entertainment Complex) in 2004. In the years prior              and
    to Crown acquiring the property, minimal capital             •• Extension and ongoing refurbishment of the
    had been invested in the property. Since acquisition,           main gaming floor.
    Crown has modernised and expanded the facilities
                                                             In addition to its developments, Crown has also
    at Crown Perth to bring them up to the standard of a
                                                             acquired a 140 foot super yacht to host VIP
    world-class resort which is capable of competing in an
    expanding and increasingly competitive global market.
                                                             Crown Perth is now one of Western Australia’s
    Developments to date have included:
                                                             largest tourist destinations, attracting more than
       •• Development of the roof top “Sky Salon” and        eight million visits each year. With more than 6,100
          refurbishment of the hotel resort pool resulting   people employed on-site, it is also the State’s largest
          in achievement of the National Commercial/         single-site employer.
          Industrial Construction Award ($10 million to
          $20 million)3 and Crown Perth being recognised     Crown Perth’s estimated annual contribution to the
          for ‘Best Gaming Space’ and ‘Best Resort           economy of Western Australia is $800 million of
          Pool’ at the 2012 HOSPY Awards in Las Vegas;       value-added.4
       •• Extensive refurbishment of Crown Metropol          In August 2012, Crown demonstrated its long-term
          Perth (previously the InterContinental Perth       commitment to Australian tourism, with the decision
          Burswood) including luxury day spa and beauty      to undertake the development of a new six-star, luxury
          and fitness facilities to a five-star standard;    hotel to be known as Crown Towers Perth.
       •• Development of the “Pearl Room”, an
          international gaming facility including VIP        Crown’s ongoing investment at Crown Perth
          private gaming salons;                             illustrates a commitment to making it a world-class
                                                             entertainment precinct to compete not only in the
       •• Development of luxury VIP villas, the
                                                             region (with the resorts in Singapore and Macau)
          “Mansions”, situated on the Swan River
                                                             but also globally, where large hotel resorts are being
          overlooking Perth city;
                                                             developed to capture a share of the expanding
       •• Opening of new food and beverage outlets,          tourism market, particularly out of China.
          including internationally acclaimed restaurants
          Rockpool Bar & Grill, Nobu and Bistro

                                                             4 K
                                                                PMG, ‘Integrated Resorts and Asian Tourism — the Role of
                                                               Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth – 2012’ (October 2012).
    3 A
       warded at the Masters and Builders 2012 National       A copy of the report is located behind Tab 1 of Volume 1B—
8     Excellence in Building and Construction Awards           Attachments to the Project Submission
Crown Sydney
Crown has announced plans to develop and operate              VIP gaming into such a hotel resort will provide a
an iconic six-star hotel resort, including VIP gaming         further attraction to high net worth tourists from China
facilities, at Barangaroo South, Sydney.                      and other Asian countries.
Crown’s plan for an iconic six-star hotel resort on
Sydney Harbour aims to give Sydney a landmark hotel           Melco Crown Entertainment Limited
it can be proud of. It is widely accepted in the tourism      As at 31 December 2013, Crown held a 33.6% equity
sector that Sydney’s luxury hotels are not competitive        interest in Melco Crown Entertainment (MCE), a joint
with the best hotels in Asia, and the city is missing out     venture between Crown and Melco International
on a valuable segment of the luxury tourist market.           Development Limited. MCE has a dual listing on the
                                                              NASDAQ and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will be the city’s
first six-star hotel resort. Crown’s plan includes 350        In Macau, MCE has two premium properties (City
hotel rooms and suites, luxury apartments, signature          of Dreams and Altira Macau), operates the Mocha
restaurants, bars, retail outlets, pool and spa facilities,   Clubs, and has a 60% equity interest in Macau
conference rooms and VIP gaming facilities.                   Studio City, an integrated resort project on Cotai.
                                                              In the Philippines, MCE, through its 76.4% owned
The ‘iconic’ status of the hotel resort will be assured       subsidiary, Melco Crown (Philippines) Resort
through the appointment of Wilkinson Eyre, one of the         Corporation (MCP), has an interest in a consortium
world’s best architects, to design a landmark building        that will develop and operate an integrated resort in
that will be instantly recognisable around the world          Manila.
and will complement Sydney icons like the Sydney
Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.                    Crown’s shareholding in MCE, one of Macau’s major
                                                              integrated resort operators facilitates the promotion
The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will deliver significant        of its Australian resorts. This has also contributed to
and unique benefits for the people of New South               making Melbourne one of the destinations of choice
Wales, including increases to employment, business            for high net worth Asian visitors.
investment, export income, and Gross State Product.

Crown has the track record and experience to deliver          Crown Aspinall’s, London
something very special for Sydney-siders and visitors         Crown Aspinall’s is an exclusive high-end London
from interstate and overseas. Crown believes that             casino. It is one of only five licensed high-end casinos
the world-class Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will                in London’s prime West End entertainment district.
assist New South Wales to meet its tourism targets
by attracting a larger share of the booming Asian             Crown Aspinall’s extends Crown’s global network of
outbound tourism market. Incorporating world-class            VIP gaming facilities and provides a superior level of
                                                              service and amenities to VIP customers in London.
4    About Crown Resorts


  Crown Melbourne          Crown Perth        Crown Aspinall’s
  Melbourne, Australia     Perth, Australia   London, United Kingdom
  100% owned               100% owned         100% owned


  Melco Crown
  Macau, Special
  Region of the People’s
  Republic of China
  33.6% interest

5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     Crown Melbourne’s Role in the
     Victorian Economy
     Crown Melbourne is a generator of economic                In 2012, Crown engaged KPMG to conduct an
     activity that provides valuable tourism infrastructure,   assessment of Crown Melbourne’s contribution to the
     employment and training opportunities, and is a           Australian economy. The results of the KPMG analysis
     tourist and entertainment hub for local, interstate and   show that both the economic value-added impact
     international visitors.                                   and the employment impact associated with the
                                                               capital expenditure and operations in 2012 of Crown
     Crown Melbourne also provides employment for              Melbourne is significant.
     8,800 people and Crown Melbourne is a recognised
     industry leader in the provision of learning and          KPMG estimated that in 2012:
     development opportunities for its employees.
                                                                  •• Crown Melbourne contributed $2.1 billion in
                                                                     economic value added; and
     Indirect Economic Value Generated
                                                                  •• Crown Melbourne directly and indirectly
     As well as the direct earnings generated through
                                                                     supports employment for more than 23,200
     the business and the employment provided by the
                                                                     full time equivalent (FTE) positions across the
     resorts, Crown Melbourne has a significant indirect
                                                                     Victorian economy.
     benefit on Victoria’s economy. These indirect benefits
     range from intangible benefits associated with            Source: KPMG, ‘Integrated Resorts and Asian Tourism –
     Crown’s support of state and national tourism bodies      the Role of Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth – 2012’
                                                               (October 2012)
     through to the employment opportunities provided
     by the significant capital investment program being
     undertaken at both resorts.

        KPMG                           rown Melbourne directly and indirectly
                                      C                                                       rown Melbourne
                                      supports employment for more than                      contributed
                                      23,200                                                 $2.1b
                                      full time                                              in economic

                                      equivalents                                            value added

        Source:                       positions across the
        Economic contribution
        of Crown Melbourne            Victorian economy
        and Crown Perth,
        KPMG, October 2012

Investing $1.7 billion in large scale                      Australian economy, directly employing 5% of the
tourism infrastructure in Victoria                         Australian workforce and generating 8% of Australia’s
                                                           export value.
Through the extensive capital expenditure program
which has been underway at both resorts, Crown will        The size of the tourism opportunity
have invested over $1.7 billion from financial year 2007
until financial year 2016 in Melbourne. This investment
                                                           from Asia
has created employment opportunities and further           There are over 300 million middle class consumers in
enhanced the quality Crown’s Melbourne resort as           China today (equal to almost the entire population of
a world-class facility, and enabled it to continue to      the USA) and by 2030 China is expected to have over
attract international, especially Asian, tourists as       a billion middle class consumers.
competition increases.
                                                           China’s growing wealth and its transformation from a
                                                           production-based to a consumption-based economy
Victorian Tourism and the Asian                            provides Australia’s tourism sector with massive
Opportunity                                                opportunities.

The importance of tourism                                  China’s outbound travel market is one of the fastest
                                                           growing in the world as the middle class spend
Tourism was Australia’s sixth largest export in 2011       increasing amounts of money on luxury travel, which
and therefore makes a significant contribution to the      is one of their preferred leisure activities.
overall level of economic activity and employment in
Victoria and Australia. In financial year 2012, tourism
contributed $98 billion in total expenditure to the

5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     A report by the Boston Consulting Group in 2011                 destinations in China, while France continues to be
     noted the following:                                            the most popular international destination, followed
                                                                     by the US and Australia.”
     “The rapid escalation in social and economic
                                                                     Source: GroupM Knowledge and Hurun Report, ‘GroupM
     mobility in China has brought a relatively rapid                Knowledge and Hurun Release Wealth Report’ (31 July 2012)
     increase in discretionary income available for travel.
     Chinese travelers (including the affluent segment)              Many countries right across the world are now
     are therefore more eager than Westerners to                     investing significantly in tourism infrastructure to take
     increase their spending on travel.”                             advantage of the immense opportunity provided by
     Source: The Boston Consulting Group, ‘Taking Off: Travel and    the rapidly increasing Asian wealthy and middle class,
     Tourism in China and Beyond’ (March 2011)                       in particular, in China.

     Figure 1 shows that in the year 2000, just over 10              Australia is losing market share
     million Chinese people travelled abroad. This number
                                                                     Australia’s share of China’s total outbound travel has
     has risen approximately 820% to 97 million people
                                                                     decreased from 1.2% in 2001 to only 0.7% in 2012.
     in 2013, and is now estimated to reach 100 million by
                                                                     This is despite a significant increase in Chinese tourist
                                                                     arrivals to Australia over the last 10 years.
     In addition to the middle class, China now boasts 250
                                                                     Figure 2 shows the increase in China’s outbound
     billionaires (up from only 15 six years ago) and over
                                                                     tourism and the gold bars show how Australia has
     one million millionaires.
                                                                     been losing share of this market.
     The Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge found
                                                                     This loss of market share is despite Australia being
     that travel is the biggest area of consumption for
                                                                     considered the top long haul ‘must visit’ destination
     Chinese millionaires:
                                                                     for Chinese travellers. This decline would suggest
     “Travel is the biggest area of consumption for the              that Australia is not keeping up with other countries
     Chinese millionaire. They spend an average break of             like Singapore, in appreciating, planning and creating
     20 days a year. The main reasons for going abroad               tourism products to meet the desires of these
     are holidays and business. Sanya (Hainan Island),               Chinese tourists.
     Hong Kong and Yunnan are the top three

     Figure 1: Size of China’s outbound tourism market, 2000–2014

       100                                                                                                              100.0m

        70                                                                                       70.3

        60                                                                                57.4
        50                                                                        47.7
        40                                                          41.0
        30                                    28.9   31.0

        20                            20.2
        10    10.5m 12.1

               2000   2001    2002    2003   2004    2005    2006   2007   2008   2009   2010    2011    2012   2013     2014

              Source: Data from China Outbound Tourism Research Institute and UNWTO
The ‘Australia in the Asian Century White Paper’ also                                        In the same year, China became Australia’s most
noted that Australia’s reliance on Asian tourism is still                                    valuable tourism market, and over time it will also
low when compared with other Asian countries.                                                become the source of the highest number of visitors.
                                                                                             Strong growth from India and Indonesia, supported by
“Asia has become the biggest source of visitors for                                          a younger demographic and expansion in other
the Australian tourism sector, contributing around                                           promising Asian markets, such as Vietnam, is
40 per cent of visitor arrivals. Even so, Australia’s                                        expected to complement the growth from China.
reliance on Asian tourism is relatively low compared                                         This anticipated boost to tourism will have benefits for
to that of most Asian countries (Boao Forum for Asia                                         Australia’s tourist industry, including for Indigenous
2012) —more than 70 per cent of arrivals to China,                                           Australians engaged in tourism and for regional
Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and                                                  Australia. In particular, there are opportunities for new
Taiwan come from Asia.”                                                                      tourism hubs in northern Australia around the growth
Source: Australian Government, ‘Australia in the Asian Century                               of new Asian markets.
White Paper’ (October 2012)
                                                                                             While overseas tourist numbers from all regions are
The importance of China’s outbound                                                           expected to increase to 2020, the growth in numbers
                                                                                             from within Asia will outpace growth from all other
tourism sector to the Australian and                                                         markets in both percentage and absolute terms. By
Victorian economy                                                                            2020–21, Asia’s share of inbound arrivals is expected
Given the relatively low growth in tourism from                                              to have increased from 41 per cent to 45 per cent
Australia’s traditional tourist markets like the UK and                                      (TRA 2012a). This will drive the total economic value
the USA, visitors from Asia are critical to Australia’s                                      of inbound tourism to around $35 billion by 2020.”
tourism future.                                                                              Source: Australian Government, ‘Australia in the Asian Century
                                                                                             White Paper’ (October 2012)
The Australian Government’s recent ‘Australia in the
Asian Century White Paper’ noted that while Asian                                            Victoria launched its own China Tourism Strategy
tourism to Australia is already significant, there are                                       in May 20121 which outlines the actions required to
significant economic benefits if we can increase it                                          increase the share of Chinese visitors to the State.
further over the next decade.
“In 2011–12, seven of Australia’s top 10 most valuable
inbound tourism markets were in Asia (TRA 2012b).                                            1 S
                                                                                                tate Government of Victoria, ‘Victoria’s China Tourism
                                                                                               Strategy’ (May 2012)

 Figure 2: China Total Outbound & Australia’s Market Share

                               100,000                                                                                                              1.4%
  Outbound Travellers (000s)

                                                                                                                                                              Market share (%)

                                50,000                                                                                                              0.7%

                                    0                                                                                                               0.0%
                                           2001 2002 2003           2004     2005     2006     2007 2008       2009     2010 2011 2012(f)

                                                      Total Outbound (000s)                         Australia’s Share of Total Outbound (%)

                                         Source: Tourism Australia, ‘China Market Profile’ (April 2013)
5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     To succeed, Australia must                                       “The preferences of visitors from these Eastern
     understand and meet the demand of                                markets are different from the traditional markets in
                                                                      terms of the experiences and destinations being
     Asia’s new middle class tourists                                 sought, as well as their spending and travel patterns.
     While there has been a very large increase in                    Understanding, meeting and exceeding the
     outbound tourism from countries on Australia’s                   expectations of these visitors, while maintaining and
     doorstep, Australia can only take advantage of                   growing NSW’s share of the traditional inbound
     this opportunity if the Australian tourism industry              markets, will be essential if the 2020 target is to be
     appreciates what the rising Asian middle class want,             reached. Resource allocation must be directed to
     and can cater for their desires.                                 target the growth outlooks of the respective markets.”
                                                                      Source: New South Wales Visitor Economy Taskforce, ‘Final
     The ‘Australia in the Asian Century White Paper’ made            Report of the Visitor Economy Taskforce: A Plan to Double
     this clear:                                                      Overnight Visitor Expenditure to NSW by 2020’ (June 2012)

     “And Australia’s tourism industry will benefit from
     investing time and resources into better                         A Boston Consulting Group Report in 2011 found that
     understanding and catering to visitors from growing              travel providers who understand and meet the needs
     tourist markets such as India, China and Korea.”                 of Chinese tourists, have the most to gain from the
                                                                      massive increase in outbound tourism from China.
     Source: Australian Government, ‘Australia in the Asian Century
     White Paper (October 2012)                                       A survey conducted by the Boston Consulting Group
                                                                      in the third quarter of 2010 found that the rapidly rising
     Last year’s New South Wales Visitor Economy                      demand for travel in China, together with the lack of
     Taskforce Report also urged New South Wales                      offerings for Chinese tourists (both within China and
     tourism operators to start understanding and catering            abroad), presents a rare opportunity to gain a first-
     to the taste of Asian visitors:                                  mover advantage—which can be enormously valuable
                                                                      in a market where consumers are desperate for
                                                                      brands that meet their needs. Equipped with better
                                                                      insight into targeted segments, travel providers could
                                                                      develop differentiated products for affluent travelers,
                                                                      as well as for the burgeoning segment of middle-class
                                                                      tourists emerging in China’s large and smaller cities.2

                                                                      2 T
                                                                         he Boston Consulting Group, ‘Taking Off: Travel and
                                                                        Tourism in China and Beyond’ (March 2011)
China’s rising middle class have a                          A preference for major cities and
preference for luxury goods and                             luxury hotel resorts with gaming
services                                                    The preference of the Chinese wealthy and middle
A 2011 McKinsey study into the consumption habits           class for a luxury experience explains why most
of China’s middle class found that the rapid increases      Chinese tourists prefer spending time in major
in wealth, and the shifting social conventions that         cities, where they can enjoy luxury products and
sanction the display of that wealth, are driving a          experiences. In fact, Chinese tourists in Australia
growing infatuation for luxury goods.                       spend approximately 80% of their nights in Sydney,
                                                            Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide when they travel
The study found that by 2015, China will account for        within Australia.4
20% of the global luxury goods market.
                                                            The desire for a luxury experience also explains why
The Chairman and Chief Researcher of the Annual             so many Chinese tourists are attracted to luxury hotel
2012 Hurun Wealth Report, which studies the number          resorts.
of wealthy Chinese, is quoted as saying:
                                                            The Allen Consulting Group Report (August 2012)
“As China is set to become the world’s biggest              noted the following:
market for luxury, it is critical to understand the
Chinese luxury consumer.”                                   “Given the importance of luxury goods and services
                                                            to China’s rising middle class, it is easy to
Source: GroupM Knowledge and Hurun Report, ‘GroupM
Knowledge and Hurun Release Wealth Report’ (31 July 2012)   understand why they are attracted to luxury
                                                            integrated resorts which have unparalleled
Eve Lo, the Chief Knowledge Officer of GroupM               accommodation, world-class restaurants and
China, which works on the Hurun Report, also noted          high-end retail.”
the value of understanding the preference of China’s        Source: Allen Consulting Group, ‘Crown Sydney Proposal—
wealthy and middle class consumers for luxury               An Economic Benefit Assessment’ (August 2012)
                                                            Chinese travellers are also attracted to resorts with
“Understanding the behavior, attitudes and                  gaming facilities. Dr Marc Faber, a well-known US
preferences of the wealthy class will help luxury           investment analyst found that “80% of Chinese
brands to actively connect and engage with Chinese          travelling outside the country for the first time head
millionaires and their unique lifestyles. With luxury       for a casino and 90% of Chinese who travel to the US
consumption as one of the main drivers of the               visit Las Vegas.”5
Chinese consumer market, such insights into the
world of the super-rich are invaluable to brands.”          This all explains why governments globally and in
Source: GroupM Knowledge and Hurun Report, ‘GroupM
                                                            particular Asia, are now considering and supporting
Knowledge and Hurun Release Wealth Report’ (31 July 2012)   luxury hotels, which incorporate gaming, in their push
                                                            to increase tourism from China.
The Allen Consulting Group Report (August 2012)3
noted the following in relation to China’s growing
middle class consumers:
“The evidence suggests these consumers are
attracted to luxury hotels, great restaurants and
high-end retail shopping, which is why there is a
boom in luxury hotels and goods outlets across
China and also in many international tourist
destinations which are trying to attract Chinese
Source: Allen Consulting Group, ‘Crown Sydney Proposal—An
Economic Benefit Assessment’ (August 2012)

                                                            4 T
                                                               ourism Research Australia, ‘China—Inbound and Outbound
                                                              Travel, Snapshot 2011’ (June 2011)
                                                            5 M arc Faber, ‘The Chinese Tourists like Casinos’ (22
3 A
   llen Consulting Group, ‘Crown Sydney Proposal—             December 2011) available at http://marcfaberchannel.
  An Economic Benefit Assessment’ (August 2012)      
5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

                                            IMAGE TO COME

     Crown has a 33.6% interest in MCE, which operates two premium properties in Macau, City of Dreams (pictured here) and Altira Macau.

     Macau’s success at attracting Asian                                   Altira Macau (formerly known as Crown Macau)
     visitors                                                              opened in 2007. Altira was designed as a VIP-
                                                                           focussed property with exceptionally luxurious
     The success of Macau at attracting a very large                       facilities, unparalleled service, private and main
     increase in Asian visitors is another example of the                  gaming floor options, world-class culinary
     importance of hotel resorts with gaming facilities in                 experiences and an internationally awarded spa.
     the competitive international tourism industry:
                                                                           The Forbes Travel Guide has awarded Altira Macau
         •• Visitors to Macau have increased from                          their highest accolade, the Forbes Five-Star rating,
            9.5 million in 2001 to 29.3 million in 2013;6                  consecutively for the last five years, recognising it as
         •• Macau received 18.6 million Chinese mainland                   one of the best hotels in the world. In addition, Altira
            visitors in 2013, an increase of over 10.5%                    Macau’s spa has also won the corresponding spa
            on the previous year;                                          award for the last four years.
         •• In 2012, 25.1 million of Macau’s visitors                      With primarily VIP guests, Altira Macau has forged a
            were from Mainland China, Hong Kong and                        reputation of exclusivity and aspiration. Altira Macau
            Taiwan; and                                                    showcases MCE’s in-depth understanding of the
         •• Gaming revenue:                                                hospitality landscape in Asia and its commitment to
                                                                           elite tourism.
            – In 2013 gaming revenue reached
              $45.2 billion, up 19%;                                       When it opened, Altira Macau set the benchmark
            – Was up 13.5% in 2012 to $38.1 billion;                       for luxury accommodation and VIP gaming in
                                                                           the diverse Macau market. Altira Macau’s luxury
            – Was up 42% in 2011 to $33.5 billion;                         attractions continue to attract large numbers of VIPs
            – Grew by 58% in 2010; and                                     from mainland China and Hong Kong in a rapidly
            – Is now 7.1 times larger than Las Vegas.                      expanding and evolving tourist market.

     Macau has seen the development of large scale
     integrated resorts, luxury hotels with a gaming
     component and lesser quality hotels with a gaming
     component which attract Chinese tourists of all
     demographics. A case in point is MCE’s Altira Macau.

     6 M
        acau Government Tourist Office, ‘Visitor Arrivals’, available
Help attract a greater share of Asia’s                           Meeting the needs of Asian consumers
booming outbound tourism to Victoria                             Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth now offer luxury
Crown is firmly focussed on the tourism opportunities            accommodation, dining, retail and entertainment
from Asia and in particular China. Crown’s Melbourne             facilities tailored and targeted at the rising Asian
and Perth resorts have demonstrated their                        wealthy and middle class and matching the best the
understanding of the target market and their strength            world has to offer.
in attracting a large proportion of tourists from Asia.
                                                                 Crown has invested heavily in both its infrastructure
The ‘Australia in the Asian Century White Paper’, while          and its employees to ensure that its Australian
suggesting that the tourism industry develop greater             integrated resorts are of major appeal to the rising
luxury experiences to attract Asian tourists, singled            number of Asian wealthy and middle class tourists.
out Crown’s tourism offering as an example of what is
                                                                 Crown has tailored its facilities and service to appeal
required to succeed.
                                                                 to high net worth Asian visitors including in relation to
                                                                 accommodation, shopping, dining, entertainment
“Importantly, the tourism industry                               and events.
needs to develop culturally relevant
products to capitalise on growing                                The importance of Crown’s brand in
Asian interest in Australia as a tourist                         China
destination. This will mean developing                           Crown’s strong brand recognition in China and its
                                                                 detailed understanding of the desires of Chinese
sophisticated luxury urban tourism                               tourists will help ensure that the Crown Melbourne
opportunities, such as those offered                             attracts a growing share of high net worth visitors to
by Crown Limited, as well as                                     Victoria.
showcasing Australia’s outstanding                               Crown’s brand recognition in China, assisted by its
natural beauty.”                                                 investment in Macau through MCE, gives it a major
                                                                 advantage in the Australian market as brand familiarity
Source: Australian Government, ‘Australia in the Asian Century   and loyalty is very important to Chinese middle class
White Paper’ (October 2012)                                      consumers.

5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     A 2011 Boston Consulting Group Report noted the                Over the past 20 years, Crown has invested
     importance of brand to Chinese travellers, especially          significantly in building its brand in Asia and Australia.
     in terms of hotel and airline choice:
                                                                    One of the hotels at MCE’s City of Dreams property is
     “Our survey participants listed brand—the promise              called Crown Towers. It is a prestigious, luxury hotel
     of quality and service—as the most important factor            which in itself further promotes the Crown brand in
     in their choice of hotel or airline. Indeed, they said         Asia.
     that they rarely choose brands that are entirely
     unknown to them. However, they are always eager                Crown has opened sales offices throughout Asia.
     to try a new brand if they have heard of it.”
                                                                    In September 2012, Burswood Entertainment
     “…establishing brand loyalty is both an imperative             Complex was rebranded ‘Crown Perth’. This has
     and a challenge in China’s travel market.”                     allowed Crown Perth to utilise the internationally
     Source: The Boston Consulting Group, ‘Taking Off: Travel and   recognised Crown brand in order to increase the
     Tourism in China and Beyond’ (March 2011)                      number of international and interstate visitors to Perth,
                                                                    especially from China.
     The Boston Consulting Group, in September 2012,
     released a report titled ‘Imagining Australia in the           In 2011, to help promote the Crown brand to hundreds
     Asian Century, How Australian Businesses are                   of millions of people in Asia, Crown entered into a
     Capturing the Asian Opportunity’. In the report they           two-year sponsorship agreement with Li Na, the
     mentioned Crown’s growing international brand as a             most successful tennis player in China’s history.
     key factor in Crown’s success:                                 Recognising the importance of this partnership,
                                                                    Crown has extended the agreement until 2015.
     “Crown’s success is driven by: a strong domestic
     and growing international brand; a partnership                 Li Na won the 2011 French Open singles title,
     model for its expansion into Asia; innovative product          becoming the first player from Asia to win a Grand
     offerings; and Australia’s own strong brand.”                  Slam in singles. She is currently the highest ranked
     Source: The Boston Consulting Group, ‘Imagining Australia in
                                                                    Chinese tennis player. Recently Li Na won the 2014
     the Asian Century’ (September 2012)                            Australian Open singles title.

Li Na’s Australian Open women’s final victory is          Other endorsements of Crown’s
 being called the first great sporting win of the “Asian   Asian strategy
 century” and economists say it could open up multi-
 billion dollar opportunities for Australian companies.    In addition to the favourable comments in the
                                                           Australian Government’s ‘Australia in the Asian
 An estimated 100 million people watched the               Century White Paper’, the following organisations
 Australian Open across the Asia Pacific region and        have also recently endorsed Crown’s Asian
 figures from China indicate that the Australian Open      tourism strategy.
 finals were watched by over 20 million people on
 CCTV5 alone. This figure does not include regional        Tourism Australia
 networks around China.
                                                           Tourism Australia’s former Managing Director,
 Li Na has worked hard to help Crown promote               Andrew McEvoy, had the following to say about
 its brand in China. When Crown announced the              Crown’s approach:
 sponsorship in Beijing in September 2011, over 200
                                                           “Shopping, dining and entertainment are what the
 newspaper articles were published in the Chinese
                                                           Crown complexes are all about and that is what
 press. Li Na features in promotional materials and
                                                           Asian tourists want.”
 advertising campaigns, making favourable media
 comments about Crown in press conferences and             Source: Herald Sun (29 August 2012)
 actively promoting Crown to hundreds of thousands
 of followers on her Facebook and Weibo Chinese
 social media account.

 The combination of these capabilities will help
 ensure the Crown Melbourne offering is unrivalled
 in Australia. Crown’s strong brand presence in Asia,
 supported by a strong Asian sales network, presence
 in Macau and sponsorship of Li Na, gives Crown a
 significant strategic advantage in its drive to attract
 high net worth Asian tourists and VIP customers to its
 Australian properties.

Li Na winner of the 2014 Australian Open singles title

5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     The Boston Consulting Group                                    members are Asia-literate. Multi-lingual staff
     The Boston Consulting Group’s submission to the                members assist customers with their needs and
     ‘Australia in the Asian Century White Paper’, identified       casino services are offered with the Asian customer
     and profiled 13 Australian companies, one of which             in mind.
     was Crown. Of these companies the report said:                 Crown has sought to differentiate its customer
     “They are part of a vanguard of companies                      offering through innovation. It was an early leader in
     leading the way based on observable competitive                offering private gambling salons for VIP customers.
     advantages, understandable patterns of Asian                   Privacy, discretion and a complete, integrated
     needs and constant innovation of their customer                experience are key differentiators for the Crown
     propositions and business models.                              brand in Asia and continue to drive innovation in the
     Above all, these companies share a vision of an
     interconnected future.                                         Crown has adapted its expertise to the Asian market.
                                                                    It provided its intellectual property, expertise and
     Others should take note and prepare to follow.”                capital in taking a 33.6 percent stake in Melco Crown
     Source: The Boston Consulting Group, ‘Imagining Australia in   Entertainment. Crown’s abilities to maintain
     the Asian Century’ (September 2012)                            relationships and adapt its expertise to Asia are now
                                                                    key components of its operating model.
     The report also noted the following regarding Crown’s          The Australian brand is an important aspect of
     operating model:                                               Crown’s product offering. Australia’s cities, their
     “Crown’s operating model is to be customer focused,            attractions and their businesses are central reasons
     provide an innovative and exciting product and                 for foreign visitors to choose Crown as a destination.
     leverage its own and Australia’s brand and expertise.          Crown customers also care about non-gaming
                                                                    experiences when they visit Australia. While Crown
     Crown has a relentless focus on customer                       can provide many of these experiences through its
     experience. Through its training facilities and hiring         integrated resorts, it relies on the Australian brand,
     practices Crown aims to ensure its Australian staff            infrastructure and some third parties for support. As

such, Australia’s status as a top five destination for         This has also helped foster Melbourne and Perth as
tourists from countries such as China is an essential          destinations of choice for persons of high net worth.
driver of Crown’s continued success. The strength of
Australia’s brand helps drive customers to Crown’s             Crown’s strong brand in Asia is supported by the
resorts, while the continued strength of Crown’s               fact that:
brand and offering helps drive Asian tourists to
Australia.”                                                       •• City of Dreams Macau featuring Crown Towers
                                                                     as its luxury hotel has been awarded the
Source: The Boston Consulting Group, ‘Imagining Australia in         “Forbes Five Star” rating in both Lodging and
the Asian Century’ (September 2012)
                                                                     Spa categories since its inception;
                                                                  •• The Crown brand features throughout the
Crown’s strong Asian marketing                                       guest rooms and other facilities within the
network                                                              Crown Towers hotel at City of Dreams Macau;
Crown’s brand, resources and relationships in China                  and
will be invaluable in helping the Victorian Government            •• The Crown Signature Club magazine features
to market Melbourne and Victoria as an aspirational                  in each Crown Towers hotel room (and features
destination.                                                         Crown’s Australian properties).
Crown promotes the Crown Melbourne resort by                   Crown maintains an active presence in Asian
leveraging its global brand and reputation and utilising       countries with an internationally based sales,
its international sales team.                                  marketing and support team in excess of 60 people.
Crown’s shareholding in MCE, one of Macau’s                    Crown and MCE sales staff throughout Asia (including
major integrated resort operators, and its extensive           in Macau) collaborate to ensure that MCE VIP
marketing network and commitment in Asia, has                  customers are cross-referred to Crown’s Australian
facilitated the promotion of its Australian resorts.           properties and Crown VIP customers are cross-
                                                               referred to MCE’s Macau casinos.

5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     Crown has been a major driver of international tourism          Crown contributes significantly to tourism as both
     for Victoria and Western Australia.                             Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth are major tourist
                                                                     attractions in their states, with the combined sites
     Crown has an unparalleled understanding of the                  attracting approximately 25 million visits each year.
     tourism industry and has continued to successfully              Crown’s strong brand, market understanding, and
     increase visitation to its two resorts despite the trends       marketing efforts throughout Asia help Victoria
     in the broader Australian tourist market. Tourism               and Western Australia capture their share of the
     Research Australia’s International Visitor Survey in            international tourist market.
     2011 ranked Crown Melbourne as the third most
     visited tourist destination in Victoria for all international      •• Crown is focussed on attracting Asian tourists
     visitors. Figure 3 shows that Crown Melbourne was                     – the fastest growing and most valuable tourist
     also ranked third for Chinese visitors to Melbourne.                  market in the world

     In financial year 2010, Crown’s significant contribution           •• Crown recognised the opportunity offered
     to Australian tourism was recognised by Euromonitor                   by Asia’s middle class traveller early and has
     International, which ranked Crown Melbourne as                        identified what facilities and services must be
     Australia’s top tourist attraction based on its ongoing               offered to capture its share of this market
     ability to attract tourists, its unique mix of world-class         •• Crown has invested significantly in both its
     facilities and the value this creates for Australia’s                 Australian resorts and its workforce to tailor
     tourism industry.                                                     its offering to meet the demands of the Asian
                                                                           middle class traveller – providing world-
     Crown estimates that approximately one-third of its
                                                                           class, luxury goods and services. Crown has
     revenue is generated from international visitors.
                                                                           complemented this investment with targeted
     The majority of this revenue is from Asian customers
                                                                           marketing throughout China to ensure the
     — predominately Chinese. This makes Crown one of
                                                                           Crown brand is widely recognised as a luxury
     the most significant international tourism operators
                                                                           entertainment offering
     in Australia, generating valuable export income and
     ancillary benefits to the States of Victoria and                   •• Crown’s strong brand recognition in China, has
     Western Australia.                                                    in-turn helped promote Australia as a desirable
                                                                           destination for Asian travellers. Crown has also
                                                                           supported national and state tourism bodies
                                                                           helping to promote Australia as a destination

Crown’s effective marketing                                       Crown Melbourne’s support of State tourism bodies
partnership with State tourism bodies                             incorporates preferred partnership agreements.
                                                                  This support covers accommodation and restaurant
Crown works very closely with State tourism bodies                utilisation for media and trade visits, meeting space
in Victoria and Western Australia in marketing                    for press conferences, airline bid opportunities,
those States interstate and globally. The Victorian               marketing promotions, joint sales calls and
Government’s China Tourism Strategy identifies                    attendance at key trade events and missions. Crown
Crown Melbourne as one of the key partners it will                is committed to supporting the needs of the State
work closely with in achieving their targets.                     tourism offices and ultimately sees itself as an
                                                                  extension of these organisations and appreciates the
“Work with industry partners to                                   impact this has overall on the success of Australian
promote Melbourne and regional                                    and State tourism.
Victoria in China, including the Crown                            Crown also provides bespoke experiences to the
Integrated Resort, Phillip Island Nature                          State tourism offices and utilises its assets and
                                                                  connections to enhance the State’s brand and
Park, Sovereign Hill and the Bendigo                              tourism messages. This incorporates access to the
region.”                                                          exclusive Capital Golf Course, key sponsored Crown
                                                                  Events and Crown Ambassadors such as Li Na,
Source: State Government of Victoria, ‘Victoria’s China Tourism
                                                                  China’s number one professional tennis player.
Strategy’ (May 2012)

Figure 3: Chinese Visitors to Melbourne’s Attractions

      Federation Square                                                                                                 56%

 Queen Victoria Market                                                                                       50%

   Crown Entertainment                                                                              44%

         National Gallery
              of Victoria                                                        32%

    Melbourne Museum                                                             32%

   Southbank/Southgate                                    16%

               Stadium                              13%

          Cricket Ground
                                                     % of Melbourne attractions visited by Chinese overnight visitors

                             Source: International Visitor Survey, Tourism Research Australia, Canberra, year ending December 2011
5    Economic and Tourism Benefits to Victoria

     Crown has initiated VIP tailored package experiences       cinemas, restaurants and retail outlets etc., which
     for the China market supported through the State           results in further tourism on-spend.
     tourism offices, incorporating various tourism
     suppliers throughout the States which facilitates          The Australian VIP business mainly consists of
     regional dispersal and marketing exposure for these        high-value players, predominantly from Asia, and
     key operators.                                             more specifically from mainland China and Hong
                                                                Kong. There is an estimated 30 million Chinese
     The State tourism offices often request Crown in the       patrons in the VIP gambling market.
     first instance for key media and trade visits due to its
     brand and the superior product and services offered        In 2011/12 the international VIP business in Australia
     that will ensure hosted guests have a truly                is estimated to be worth $1 billion (prior to including
     memorable visit.                                           the value of the tourism on-spend). Proceeds
                                                                generated in VIP rooms enable casinos to further
     In recognition of the pivotal role Crown Melbourne         invest in tourism infrastructure, including world-class
     plays for tourism in Victoria, Crown Melbourne             hotels, convention and conference facilities, theatres,
     was recently awarded the 2013 ‘Education and               cinemas,restaurants and retail outlets, which results
     Training Award’ at the Victoria Tourism Awards. This       in further tourism on-spend. Currently the casino
     achievement means Crown Melbourne is representing          industry is in the process of spending over $4.6
     Victoria at the Australian Tourism Awards 2013 which       billion on redeveloping and building new tourism
     will be announced in February 2014.                        infrastructure. Of equal importance is the fact that 35
                                                                per cent of all revenue earned in Australian casinos
     Attract high net worth tourists and                        returns to the community through taxes paid to the
                                                                three levels of government.
     greater visitor spend
     Crown’s resorts through their world-class                  Despite Australia’s geographic isolation, Australian
     accommodation and gaming facilities attract high           casinos currently attract about 3 per cent of the
     net worth tourists who typically spend significantly       highly competitive international VIP gaming business.
     more than average tourists during their visit. High net
     worth tourists are therefore of much greater value         Looking to replicate Singapore’s and Macau’s
     to the local businesses and economies they visit,          success, competition for this market is increasing
     which explains why so many governments, both               with new integrated resorts opening in the
     domestically and internationally are competing to          Philippines and Vietnam, and possibly Japan and
     attract them.                                              Taiwan.

                                                                When VIP customers come to Australia they visit
     The benefits of VIP gaming for                             for five to seven days (a much longer stay than for
     Melbourne                                                  local and interstate customers) and are mostly
                                                                accompanied by family or friends who participate in
     VIP gaming delivers significant revenue which will
                                                                a range of other tourism activities beneficial to the
     benefit the taxpayers of Victoria and support Crown’s
                                                                economy, such as shopping, visiting major tourist
     investment in other areas of Crown Melbourne such
                                                                attractions and other destinations apart from the
     as hotel rooms, restaurants and leisure facilities.
                                                                city in which they are staying.
     The Allen Consulting Group Report (August 2012)
                                                                It has also been known for these influential and
     described the benefits of VIP gaming customers:
                                                                highly regarded business people’s contribution to
     “The value of VIP casino gaming customers to the           develop beyond tourism expenditure into investment
     Australian economy can be summarised as:                   in Australian businesses.

     The VIP Casino business in Australia is estimated to       State and territory regulators recognise the
     be worth $1 billion in FY 2012 and it also generates       importance of the high-roller business and
     additional significant high tourism on-spend.              Australia’s place within a global market. For that
                                                                reason state and territory governments have
     The VIP business supports Australian integrated            responded with a different taxation scheme for the
     resorts in investing in additional non-gaming              VIP business, setting rates, which are competitive
     infrastructure, including new and upgraded hotels,         with Las Vegas and the Asian markets.
     convention and conference facilities, theatres,

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