HEALTH SECTOR FIELD DIRECTORY LIBYA - Libya - September 2021 - ReliefWeb




   September 2021

NN                 NAME OF THE HEALTH SECTOR ORGANIZATION                       STATUS

 1    ACF (Action Against Hunger)
 2    AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation)                         Updated
 3    CEFA (The European committee for training and agriculture)
 4    Chemonics International Inc.
 5    Expertise France                                                          Updated
 6    GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)             Updated
 7    Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion
 8    Helpcode                                                                  Updated
 9    IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
 10   ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross)                               Updated
 11   IMC (International Medical Corps)                                         Updated
 12   IOM (International Organization for Migration)                            Updated
 13   IRC (International Rescue Committee)
 14   LPFM (Libya Public Financial Management Program)
 15   LRC (The Libyan Red Crescent Society)
 16   MSF France                                                                Updated
 17   MSF Holland                                                               Updated
 18   PUI (Premiere Urgence Internationale)                                     Updated
 19   TdH (Terre des Hommes – Italy)                                            Updated
 20   The World Bank (WB)
 21   UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
 22   UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)                                    Updated
 23   UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)                     Updated
 24   UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)                                   Updated
 25   Voluntas Policy Advisory (Voluntas)                                       Updated
 26   WeWorld-GVC                                                               Updated
27    WHO (World Health Organization)                                           Updated
Action Against Hunger

 Sector:                                   Health/Mental Health
 Objectives:                               Continuity of primary health care services
                                           • Capacity building of MoH staff
                                           • Support to health facilities to improve Infection prevention and control
                                           • Contribute to the RCCE response with activities focusing at the
                                              community level

                                           Empowerment of communities and public health services to promote access
                                           to quality MHPSS and care practices support, while improving services
                                           users’ well-being and resilience.
                                           • Capacity building of MoH and community-based organizations related to
                                               mental health and care practices
                                           • Staff care of health workers during epidemics, crisis and conflict
                                           • Awareness raising, psychoeducation and brief direct counselling and
                                               support on care practices (care for women, IYCF, psychosocial care of
                                               children), on MHPSS and protection for adults, adolescents and children
                                               in public health services facilities and/or at community level
 Beneficiaries (key groups):               IDPs, non-displaced, local communities, migrants
 Implementing and other partners:          N/A
 Donors:                                   SDC: Swiss Development Cooperation
 Funding required (USD):                   N/A
 Funding received (USD):                   271,000 EUR

                                           LIBYA                                           TUNISIA
 City/Town:            Benghazi-Libya                                    Tunis
 Street:                                                                 Immeuble Sarray du Lac, rue du Lac Huron,
                                                                         Lac 1, 1053 Tunis,
 Contact person:       Khaleel Alabar/Base Manager                       Samy Guessabi/ Country Representative
                       Zainab Basiuni /program manager
 Tel:                  +218 924169493                                    +216 278 04 307
                                                                         +218 920 414 751

Action Against Hunger has successfully completed registration with respective authorities in Tripoli and Benghazi.

The mission is now working on needs assessment to determine priority areas and sectors of intervention aimed at
supporting the efforts of the entire Libyan community and to reinforce the failing health system.

AAH starts on 1st November a 5-months project in Benghazi, which aims at reducing the impact of the spread of Covid-
19 and its psychological and psychosocial consequences, through strengthening the capacities of community members and
frontline workers to face the psychological and psychosocial distress related to COVID-19 risk and to adopt appropriate
behavior to avoid contamination from COVID-19. Through this project AAH target 3000 individuals including 50 Health
workers/CBO workers and 2000 Vulnerable people in need of psychosocial and psychological services. Activities are as
1. Mental health care, psychosocial support and protection are ensured for the most vulnerable people directly and
   indirectly affected by Covid-19
       a. Train and supervise health workers, hygiene promotors, community volunteers and CBOs on psychosocial,
            protection and care practices impact of Covid-19, on psychological first aid (PFA), on identification of
            persons at risks and on appropriate referral pathways
       b. Provide Covid-19 psychoeducation sessions, brief psychological interventions and care practices counselling
            for the most vulnerable people in health facilities and communities
       c. Provide staff care (psychological support) to health workers and helpers in need
       d. Provide training to ACF staff and partners on ACF’s policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
            (PSEA) and Gender and Protection
2. Community members receive adapted and relevant information about risks associated with COVID 19.
       a. Conduct assessment to identify misconception toward COVID-19 and main barriers to access and to seek
            health behaviours
       b. Design a Risk Communication and Community Engagement strategy (RCCE)
       c. Provision of trainings to AAH staff, volunteers and CBOs workers and Health Workers on RCCE
       d. Deliver RCCE campaigns to most vulnerable and most in need population
       e. Distribution of COVID-19 motivation kits (soap, hand sanitizer).

Benghazi: Under the COVID-19 project AHH will be localized at Benghazi in the urban areas and peri-urban areas. AAH
will conduct a rapid MHPSS/WASH needs and gaps assessment, including mapping of existing services, and gender and
protection risks assessment, to identify the most vulnerable and at-risk groups. Accordingly, the locations will be defined.
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

 Sector:                           Health
 Objectives:                      • Enhance health conditions of Libyan population through ensuring safe access
                                    to basic healthcare services as well as to protection services for the most
                                    vulnerable population living in the South of Libya
 Beneficiaries (key groups):       Population of Fezzan
 Implementing and other partners: Ongoing projects:
                                        • WWGVC
                                        • Helpcode in partnership with Terre des Hommes (TdH)
 Donors:                           AICS
 Funding required (EURO):          Ongoing project cost: 750.000,00 EUR (WWGVC); 1.200.000,00 EUR
                                   (Helpcode and TdH);
 Funding received (EURO):

               AICS Regional Office in              AICS Tunis - Libya Desk                   AICS Libya - Tripoli Office
            Tunisia – also covering Libya
 City/Town:              Tunis                                    Tunis                               Tripoli
 Street:    1, Rue de Florence,
 Contact    Andrea Senatori                         Andrea Cascella                           Roberto Caponera

AICS Tunis Office is currently funding two humanitarian projects with the duration of 10 months, one implemented by
the CSO WWGVC and the other one by the consortium Helpcode and Terre des Hommes (TdH) in the Fezzan region in
the framework of the Program “Emergency Program in Libya for the improvement of basic health and protection services
for the most vulnerable population.”

WWGVC project has begun on the 1 June 2021. With regards to the health component, it aims at providing material,
structural and operational support to 6 health facilities and 1 isolation center from the districts of Sebha, Ubari and Wadi
Al Shashati. Part of the activities include the installation of energy solar system, the distribution of medical equipment and
the training of the health personnel on infection prevention and maternal health. Additionally, as part of the protection
component of the project the project foresees the activation of a safe space where women who are victims of gender-based
violence can seek support and assistance.

Helpcode and Terre des Hommes project has officially started on the 10 August 2021 and will work on strengthening the
structural, material and technical capacities of 6 health facilities located in Ubari, Bint Bayya, Alghrayfa and Ghat. In
synergy with WWGVC intervention, Helpcode and TdH activities will include the purchase and distribution of emergency
medical equipment including for non-communicable diseases, installation of solar panel systems, information and
sensitization interventions on sanitation practices, prevention and response to COVID19. Moreover, the project intends to
establish and equip two multifunctional spaces, one in Ubari area and the other in Ghat, where to conduct protection
related activities, especially dedicated to women victim of GBV and children with disabilities.
In addition, AICS Tunis is formulating a Call for proposals for CSOs, with the objective of improving the health and
psychosocial response capacities of the pediatric hospitals in Tripoli, Benghazi, Sebha and Kufra with an overall budget of
3.500.000,00 EUR.

      Program title                                Project title              Budget       Location          Period
                                                                                            6 health
 Emergency Program for                    Improving the access to                        facilities and
the improvement of basic                  specialised health and                          1 isolation
                                                                                                        1 June 2021 – 30
health and protection        WWGVC        protection services to enhance     750.000,00     center in
                                                                                                           April 2022
services for the most                     the resilience of the most            EUR       Seba, Ubari
vulnerable (AID12031)                     vulnerable population in the                   and Wadi Al
                                          South of Libya                                    Shashati
                                                                                             6 health
Emergency programe for
                          Helpcode in                                                     facilities in
the improvement of basic                 “Health at the centre:
                          partnership                                      1.200 000,000 Ubari, Bint 1 August 2021 – 30
health and protection                   integrated socio-sanitary
                         with Terre des                                         EUR          Bayya,        June 2022
services for the most                   response for Fezzan”
                           Hommes                                                          Alghrayfa
vulnerable (AID 12031)
                                                                                           and Ghat
Emergency program in                                                                         Tripoli,
                            Italian and
Libya to support                                                            3.500 000,00 Benghazi,       Autumn 2021 –
                           international To be selected
pediatric healthcare                                                            EUR        Sebha and      Autumn 2023
(AID12272)                                                                                    Kufra

 Sector:                                 Health
 Objectives:                             • Stability and recovery of local communities, including migrant populations
                                             on the move and returnees,
                                         • Provision of health basic services at local level and increasing access for
                                             most vulnerable groups
 Beneficiaries (key groups):             Vulnerable population living in the selected locations, including migrants,
                                         refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities.
 Implementing and other partners:        Libyan Ministry of Local Governance, Libyan Ministry of Planning
                                         INGO Consortia Leaders: International Medical Corps (IMC), European
                                         Committee for Training and Agriculture (CEFA), Help Code, International
                                         Rescue Committee (IRC)
 Donors:                                 EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, North of Africa Window
 Funding required (EURO):
 Funding received (EURO):                EUR 16,262,270.90 for the health sector - out of 22,000,000 total budget for
                                         EUTF AICS component

The three-year programme Recovery, Stability and Socio-economic Development in Libya (RSSD – Libya) is jointly
implemented by AICS (22 million euros), UNDP (18 million euros) and UNICEF (10 million euros) in the framework of
the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, North of Africa Window.

The programme aims at strengthening the capacities of local public authorities and administrations in providing basic and
social services and improving the access of the population to those services, in key sectors of work as health, education,
and water & sanitation. Specific interventions in the 25 municipalities were technically assessed and prioritised through
bilateral and multilateral consultations with Libyan central and local authorities.

In this framework, AICS works with selected INGOs to implement the rehabilitation of basic service facilities, mostly in
the health sector, through the provision of medical equipment and light rehabilitation works. AICS and INGO implementing
partners are also responsible for providing technical assistance and capacity building to the Libyan municipal authorities on
inclusive service provision, and specific training courses for technicians from each targeted health facility.


   Amount                                             Total Amount
                                                                           subcontracted to
contracted with            INGO IPs               subcontracted to INGO                                        Intervention                             Location
                                                                          INGO IPs in health
EUTF for Africa                                            IPs

                                                                                                                                                 Zawya (Center, South and
                   International Medical Corps                                                 Upgrading of hospital departments/town health
                                                       2,240,000.00          2,240,000.00                                                         West) and Ghat/Tahala
                          (IMC) / CESVI                                                                centers and related facilities

                  Help Code / Organization of                                                                                                         Janzour and
                                                       1,690,000.00          1,690,000.00        Upgrading of village hospitals/rural health
                  Development Pioneers (ODP)                                                                                                      Zuwara municipalities
                                                                                                       centers and related facilities

                    European Committee for
                                                                                                    Upgrade of health facilities through
                    Training and Agriculture
                                                       488,069.80             488,069.80        rehabilitation, maintenance and provision of       Zawya municipality
                  (CEFA) /Fondazione L' albero
                                                                                                           equipment and supplies
                    della Vita onlus (FADV)
                        International Rescue
                          Committee (IRC)                                                      Provision of equipment and supplies in health
                                                       1,000,000.00          1,000,000.00                                                         Misrata municipality
                    Inc./Association Federation                                                                  facilities
                    Handicap International (HI)
 22,000,000.00          International Rescue                                                        Upgrade of health facilities through
                                                                                                                                                 Ajdabiya, Benghazi and
                       Committee Inc. (IRC)            1,545,000.00          1,545,000.00       rehabilitation, maintenance and provision of
                                                                                                                                               Kufra/Ribyana municipalities
                              /ACTED                                                                       equipment and supplies
                        International Rescue                                                        Upgrade of health facilities through
                                                                                                                                                  Al Bayda and Tobruk
                       Committee Inc. (IRC)            1,505,000.00          1,505,000.00       rehabilitation, maintenance and provision of
                              /ACTED                                                                       equipment and supplies
                        International Rescue                                                   Provision of equipment and supplies in health      Bani Walid and Khoms
                                                       2,915,000.00          2,232,049.00
                       Committee Inc. (IRC)                                                                       facilities                          municipalities
                        International Rescue
                                                                                                    Upgrade of health facilities through
                     Committee Inc. (IRC)/ We                                                                                                  Maya/Mamoura, Sorman and
                                                       2,503,000.00          2,121,000.00       rehabilitation, maintenance and provision of
                        World GVC ONLUS                                                                                                         Sabratha municipalities
                                                                                                           equipment and supplies
                      European Committee for
                      Training and Agriculture                                                      Upgrade of health facilities through          Brak al Shati, Murzuk,
                  (CEFA )/ Cooperazione per lo         3,441,152.10          3,441,152.10       rehabilitation, maintenance and provision of   Quatrum, Sebha and Shawerif
                   sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti                                                            equipment and supplies                     municipalities
The European committee for training and Agriculture
                                                      (CEFA) – the seed of solidarity
 Sector:                               Health, and direct humanitarian assistance (WASH, Shelter & NFI, Food)
 Objectives:                           • Increase access to life-saving and life-sustaining health assistance, with an
                                          emphasis on the most vulnerable throughout the provision of medicines,
                                          medical equipment and light rehabilitation’s centers
                                       • Strengthen health system capacity to provide the essential health service
                                          assistance throughout professionalizing trainings
                                       • 3) Strengthen health and community (including IDP, migrants and refugees)
                                          resilience to absorb and respond to shocks with an emphasis on protection to
                                          ensure equitable access to quality health care services
 Beneficiaries (key groups):           People in need: All population (IDPs, returnees, refugees, migrants, non-displaced)
 Implementing and other                Local: International Organization for consulting and services (IOCS); Fondazione
 partners:                             Albero della vita (FADV); COSPE
 Donors:                               The Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation (EU Trust Fund)
 Funding required (USD):
 Funding received (USD):

                                            LIBYA                                             TUNISIA
 City/Town:             Tripoli                                            Tunis
 Street:                Alsareem Street                                    19, rue Ibn Mandhour,
                                                                           Notre Dame - Mutuelleville
 Contact person:        Mohamed Nasser Abdulati                            Silvia Cappelli
 Tel:                   +218 913882455                                     +216 94511327

Cefa is operating in Libya since 2017, mainly in the cities of Sebha, Tripoli and Zawiya. Within the framework of 2
projects financed by the Italian Cooperation, CEFA has been previously operating in 2 DCs under the DCIM, seeking to
assist the detained population through the distribution of essential NFIs and food complements to specific vulnerable
groups (mainly breastfeeding women and children). Thanks to the activities carried out by CEFA, the detained population
accessed at least basic services (WASH and Health), essential goods (NFIs, food and hygiene kits) and to access the
identification and monitoring system (through referrals) implemented by the UN agencies in charge of the management of
refugee and migrant communities in Libya. Thank to frequent visits to the detention centers, it was possible to identify the
needs of migrants also from a psychological point of view. So, moments and spaces have been negotiated with the
authorities to carry out recreational activities for mothers and children. Also, complements of food distribution have been
ensured for extremely vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children. WASH interventions have been
implemented in the center of Tarek El Sikka through the support of partner Weworld-GVC (disinfestation, maintenance of
toilets and showers - without making structural interventions). Daily hygiene kits were distributed and regularly
monitored the quantity and quality of water available to migrants within the center. Medical materials (medicines but also
medical equipment) were also provided to clinics in the centers so that access to minimum care could be guaranteed.

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, CEFA was able to shape its activities to better adapt to the needs of the
migrant population. During the months of April, May and June 2020, distributions of personal protective equipment and
hygiene kits were carried out both inside the center of Tarek El Sikka, both outside the structure, in the suburbs of Tripoli.
During the distributions, information material was distributed, and an attempt was made to assist the migrant population to
adopt measures to contain the virus.
The improvement of the living conditions of women and children has been and is one of the main objectives of CEFA in
the country and maternal and child health remains one of the main sector of intervention.
The context of national instability created by the 2011 revolution and then the emergency resulting from the
intensification of the internal conflict that began in 2014, have led to the deterioration of the living standards of the most
vulnerable groups, including women and children, especially migrants. In the context of the traditionally conservative
communities in the country, women’s health already had historical cultural and technical shortcomings. Recent political
dynamics in the country have exacerbated inequalities and further restricted adequate access to basic health services.

Since 2017, CEFA has renovated and equipped 4 health facilities in Sebha and two health facilities in Tripoli, the Tripoli
Medical Center and the Jala'a Hospital specialized in maternal-child health. Intervention in public health facilities means
ensuring better access to services for Libyan citizens belonging to the most vulnerable groups of the population, and
certainly ensure basic access for migrant women who could hardly afford visits and care in private clinics.

Currently CEFA is implementing the project "Health - Heightened and Enhanced Access of Libyans and migrants to
Health Services in the Municipality of Zawiya" and “Hand in Hand for a better health care in the South West” which aim
to increase access to health services for people in need and to improve services to ensure better health care for the Libyan
and migrant population. Within the framework of the initiatives, the department of public hospital and basic health centers
will be restructured and will be equipped with medical equipment and medicines. The medical and paramedical staff of
the departments of these health facilities will be trained in professionalizing paths and several awareness campaigns for
greater inclusiveness will be carried out to reach the sensitization of the most wage population
Chemonics International

    Sector:                                                Democracy and Governance
    Objectives:                                            Equipping two local clinics with delivery rooms
    Beneficiaries (key groups):                            Women
    Implementing and other partners:                       Sabha Municipal Council
    Donors:                                                USAID
    Funding required (USD):                                $400,000
    Funding received (USD):                                $400,000

                                                  LIBYA                                                TUNISIA
    City/Town:                                                                     Tunis
    Street:                                                                        Feuille D’erable
    Contact person:                                                                Philip Hindmarsh
    Tel:                                                                           +216 29 949099

Chemonics will establish two labor rooms in two public clinics in Sabha (in Gurda and Al Jadid neighborhoods).

                                                            Equipment                                                           Qty
    Delivery table - Manual                                                                                                      2
    CTG (Cardiotocography)                                                                                                       2
    Ultrasound Machine                                                                                                           2
    Electric vacuum extractor (for assisted delivery)                                                                            2
    Radiant warmer                                                                                                               2
    Autoclave                                                                                                                    2
    Infant Incubator                                                                                                             2
    Delivery tool Set (drape, kidney dish, mayo scissors, hemostatic forceps, sponge forceps, bowl, and episiotomy scissors)     4
    Suction apparatus with pump                                                                                                  2
    Bed for newborns                                                                                                             4
    Examination latex gloves (20 packs of 100 each)                                                                              6
    Standing lamp                                                                                                                4
    Standard surgical scissors - Straight.                                                                                       8
    Umbilical cord clamp (pack of 500)                                                                                           4
    Episiotomy scissors                                                                                                          4
    Sterilizable suction bulb                                                                                                    8
    Needle holder                                                                                                                12
    Gauze External-use medical cotton roll (10cm diameter)                                                                     1000
    Suction catheter (pack of 100)                                                                                               40
    Thermometer (Graded in Celcius)                                                                                              12
    Surgical chromic catgut (suture)                                                                                            600
    Scalpel blade                                                                                                                40
    Scalpel handle, No.3                                                                                                        100
    Syringes 5ml                                                                                                                400
    Sewing kit (swabs, poly tray, needle holder, scissors, dissecting forceps)                                                   4
    Tissue Forceps                                                                                                               4

•      Gurda neighborhood in Sabha
•      Al Jadid neighborhood in Sabha
Expertise France

 Sector:                                     Health
 Objectives:                                 • Improve Blood Transfusion Services
 Beneficiaries (key groups):                 General population of Libya, SHC patients
 Implementing and other partners:            Ministry of Health
 Donors:                                     EU - France
 Funding required (USD):                     2,000,000
 Funding received (USD):                     2,000,000

                                            LIBYA                                           TUNISIA
 City/Town:                                                               Tunis
 Street:                                                                  Rue du lac Victoria
 Contact person:                                                          Fabrice Bossolini
 Tel:                                                                     -

Expertise France is the French public agency for international technical assistance. It operates one project in Libya in the
field of Blood Safety/Blood Transfusion. It seeks to contribute to build the capacity the Libyan National Blood
Transfusion System to enable it to provide blood and blood products of appropriate and consistent quality and in sufficient
quantity. It has three (3) objectives:

1. Support step-wise implementation of uniform production processes in two Blood Establishments and selected hospital
   blood banks, including blood donations and testing samples reception, laboratory testing for transfusion-transmissible
   infections, (including HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis), confirmatory testing of the results of all donors
   screen-reactive for infection markers, blood grouping and compatibility testing, and processing blood into blood
   components in appropriate amount and quality to meet requirements on a sustainable basis. Target => Approximately
   200 staff in 8 blood banks.
2. Support stepwise implementation of appropriate clinical use of blood and blood components in two Blood
   Establishments and in Selected Hospital Blood Banks. Target => 3 hospitals.
3. Strengthen systems for collection of blood and blood components from low-risk, regular, voluntary unpaid donors
   improved donation systems and effective donor management, including care and counseling, in selected Blood
   Establishments and hospitals. Targets => 1 research study, 1 national strategy, 1 national campaign.

        City                       Blood establishment                                        Hospital
 Sabratha              Central Blood Bank
                       Central Blood Bank                                 Tripoli University Hospital
                       Hospital Blood Bank                                Tripoli Central Hospital
 Misratah              Central Blood Bank
 Sabha                 Central Blood Bank
 Benghazi              Central Blood Bank                                 Benghazi Medical Centre
 El-Marj               Central Blood Bank
 Tobruk                Central Blood Bank
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
 Sector:                                Primary Health Care (Transitional Development Assistance, TDA)
 Objectives:                            • Improve Primary Health Care Provision in Libya with focus on social
                                        • Procurement, technical support and training for hospitals and laboratories to
                                            support the fight against COVID-19 in Libya
 Beneficiaries (key groups):            Vulnerable population groups, including women and girls, older people, people
                                        in need of psychosocial support, people with disabilities, internally displaced
                                        persons (IDPs) and migrants
 Implementing and other                 Political Partner: Ministry of Health, Main implementing partners: International
 partners:                              Medical Corps (IMC), Primary Care International (PHI)
 Donors:                                German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
 Funding required (EUR):
 Funding received (EUR):                EUR 10.3 million (2018-2022), BMZ TDA
                                        EUR 1.0 million (2020-2021), BMZ Studies and Experts Fund

 Forecasted new funding (EUR)           In progress: appraisal for project expansion to integrate social cohesion in health
                                        with further 7m EUR of BMZ funding with extension to 03/2025

                  GIZ Libya Office in Tunisia          GIZ liaison officer at MoH               GIZ Libya Office
 City/Town:      Tunis / Lac II                      Tripoli                             Tripoli / Hay Al Andalus
 Street:         Rue Le Grand Boulevard de la        University Road
                 Immeuble le Grand Boulevard
                 Cité les Pins
 Contact         Manuela Peters, Project Leader      Taher Emahbes, Health Advisor       Abdalla Almhiregh, Health
 person:                                                                                 Advisor
 Tel:            +216 (0) 58238410                   +218 (0) 912119132                  +218 (0) 910220503

In cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of Health (MoH), GIZ promotes the provision and development of primary health
care (PHC) services in Libya with focus on social cohesion. The aim of the project is to expand and enhance the quality of
PHC services so that these are accessible for vulnerable population groups, including women and girls, older people, people
in need of psychosocial support, people with disabilities, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and migrants. The focus is on
11 municipalities of the 24 GIZ Libya partner municipalities in the northwest, southwest and east of Libya. The project´s
intervention areas are 1) improving PHC service provision 2) improving the clinical, social, and administrational
competencies of PHC staff, 3) strengthening municipal COVID-19 response measures. In addition, the project supports
community-based MHPSS. The project activities are aligned with the MoH Family Practice Approach (FPA) and the
National COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan. The project´s main partners in implementation are IMC and PCI.
11 main municipalities supported by the
                                                     Other GIZ Libya Partner Municipalities
GIZ Primary Health Care Project
1. Al Zintan (west)   7. Tarhuna (west)              12.   Al Shati (west)           19.   Al Shargia (south)
2. Garabulli (west)   8. Al Bawanis (south)          13.   Hay Alandalus (west)      20.   Benghazi (east)
3. Ghadamis (west) 9. Al Jufra (south)               14.   Misurata (west)           21.   Al Bayda (east)
4. Janzour (west)     10. Ajdabia (east)             15.   Jadu (west)               22.   Jalu (east)
5. Msallata (west)    11. Brega (east)               16.   Tawergha Counsel (west)   23.   Jakharrah (east)
6. Nalut (west)                                      17.   Zliten (west              24.   Shahat (east)
                                                     18.   Al Shwerif (south)        25.   Tobruk (east)

 Municipality          Health             Type of intervention                    Status              Implementing
                     institution                                                                         partner
16 GIZ Libya       Municipal level   PHC assessment (Phase 1) and       Completed in 2019                IMC via
partner                              MoH & MoLG selection of GIZ                                        Proximity
municipalities                       health project partner                                            International
(west and south)                     municipalities

GIZ health         All PHCCs         PHCC assessment (Phase 2)          Completed in 2019                IMC via
project partner                      and MoH selection of partner                                       Proximity
municipalities                       PHCCs                                                             International
(west and south)
Ajdabia,           Municipal level   PHC assessment (Phase 1) and       Completed in 2020                  IMC
Benghazi,                            MoH selection of GIZ health
Brega, Tobruk                        project partner municipalities
Ajdabia and        All PHCCs         PHCC assessment and MoH            Completed in 2020                  IMC
Brega (east)                         selection of partner PHCCs
                                     (Phase 2)
16 GIZ health      Community         Workshops in the                   Completed in 2019              In partnership
project partner    Engagement        municipalities: Introduce                                           with PHCI
municipalities                       Family Practice Approach to
(west and south)                     key municipal stakeholders
11 GIZ health      District Health   Family Practice Approach           First workshop in June         In partnership
project partner    Management        workshops with District Health     2021 in Tripoli                  with PHCI
municipalities                       Managers
(west, south and
16 GIZ Libya       Community         Enhance community-based            Since 2020                     In partnership
partner            Engagement        MHPSS                                                               with MoH
municipalities                          • Trainings of municipal                                          MHPSS
(west and south)                            MHPSS focal persons                                         Coordinator;
                                                                                                       Bilal Hadoud
                                                                                                          in 2020
Overarching        PHC level         Develop strategic PHC in-          Commenced in 2021                   PCI
                                     service training plan
Overarching        PHC level         Uptake of atingi online teaching   Commenced in 2020                Common
                                     platform, beginning with                                             Sense
                                     development of online training
                                     for CHWs (WHO&MoH
                                     training module)
GIZ health         PHC facilities      Online Trainings for GPS on       Commenced in 2020                GFA
project partner                        the Care Pathways for the
municipalities                         management of NCDs
(west and south)
Al Jufra, Al       Health Facilities   National DHIS Rollout in 10       Completed in 2021                Health
Shargia, Edri Al                       municipalities within GIZ                                       Information
Shati, Hay                             Libya partner municipalities in                                    Centre
Alandalus, Jadu                        west and south.
Msallata, Nalut,
Al Zintan (west)   Al Kawassim         Improve PHCC functionality        Completed (2019-2021)            IMC
                   Western PHCC        including basic MHPSS
Garabulli (west)   The Polyclinic
Janzour (west)     Abduljalil
                   Martyrs PHCC
Nalut (west)       Sidi Khalifa
Al Bawanis         Tamanhant
(south)            PHCC
Ajdabia, (east)    Elshahid M.E.
Brega (east)       Brega Eljadeda

Ajdabia (east)     Elshahid M.E.       Improve PHCC functionality        Commenced in 2021                IMC
                   Polyclinic          including basic MHPSS
Brega (east)       Brega Eljadeda

COVID-Response Measures
16 GIZ Libya       Municipal level     Rapid Assessment of municipal     Completed in March 2020      Synergy with
partner                                COVID-19 preparedness                                            GIZ-SML
municipalities                                                                                            Project
(west and south)                       COVID-Awareness campaign          2020                         In partnership
                                       through MECs                                                    with NCDC
                                       Psychological First Aid           2020                              IMC
                                       trainings for PHCC workers
                                       and MEC members
                                       In synergy with the GIZ           Completed (2020).            TEAM Libya
                                       Governance Fund: Municipal        Outcomes will be shared by   for Training
                                       response to COVID-19              the MECs to MoH and
                                       workshops with Municipal          National COVID-19
                                       Emergency Committee (MEC)         Coordination Committee.
Garabulli (west)   Western Rawajeh     Maintain essential services       In progress since 2020           IMC
                   PHCC                including basic MHPSS
Ghadamis (west)    Ghadamis PHCC

Msallata (west)    Al Qassabat
Al Jufra (south)   Hun PHCC
Wadan PHCC

Tarhuna (west)      Alkhadra PHCC       Maintain essential services        Commenced in 2021                 IMC
                    Gharb Almadia       including basic MHPSS

                   Gharb Almadia
Hospital Support (COVID- Response):
Al Zintan (west)                    •       Capacity building in           Commenced in 2021                 IMC
                   Al Zintan
                                            COVID-19 testing and
                   General Hospital
                                            treatment including basic
Benghazi (east)     Bengazi Medical     •   Training in asset life cycle   Commenced in 2021                 M4H
                    Centre                  management
Brak Al Shati       Brak Medical        •   Procurement of equipment       Delays in shipment arrivals    WFP logistic
(south)             Centre                  and supplies.                                                  support
Garabulli (west)    Garabulli
                    General Hospital

Nalut (west)        Nalut Central

Tarhuna (west)      Tarhuna

Tobruk (east)       Tobruk Medical
Zliten (south)      Zliten Medical

Garabulli, Nalut,   Garabulli           Provision of Biosafety level 2     Delays in shipment arrivals.     Waldner
Tobruk              General Hospital,   containerized laboratories
                    Nalut Central       (3 in total)
                    Hospital, Tobruk
                    Medical Centre
Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

 Sector:                              Health, Protection (Incl. Humanitarian Mine Action)
 Objectives:                          • Global Objective: to enhance the safety and well-being of vulnerable, conflict
                                          affected populations in Libya
                                      • Health & Rehabilitation Services. To mitigate critical health risks of
                                          vulnerable men, women, boys and girls affected by conflict with a focus on
                                          persons with disabilities, and/or signs of psychosocial distress, in order to
                                          prevent long-term functional and/or psychosocial disabilities
 Beneficiaries (key groups):          Persons with Disabilities / injuries, persons living with chronic diseases and other
                                      vulnerable persons. All Status: IDPs, returnees, refugees, migrants, non-displaced
                                      in Tripoli, Misrata and Benghazi areas
 Implementing and other               Nebras (Tunis), Libyan Ministry of Health (Directorate of Primary Health Care,
 partners:                            Mental Health hospitals / departments); University of Tunis (Faculty of Medicine)
                                      & University Hospital of Tunis; Libyan Ministry of Education; Libyan Board of
                                      Medical Specialties; IRC
 Donors:                              EU-DevCO, DG ECHO, OFDA, UNHCR, UNDP, CDCS, MoFA Luxembourg,
                                      AICS (in consortium with IRC)
 Funding required (USD):              4,000,000 USD (2020)
 Funding received (USD):              4,000,000 USD (2020)

                                          LIBYA                                              TUNISIA
 City/Town:            Tripoli                                            Tunis
 Street:               Aljala Road – Boussita                             10 bis rue du Brésil, 1002 Le Belvédère
                       Behind the Mediterranean bank
 Contact person:       Thomas CALVOT – Head of Mission                    Thomas CALVOT – Head of Mission
 Tel:                  +21651020610                                       +21651020610

HI has been operational continuously in Libya since 2011, and up until the end of 2014 delivered a large-scale
Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) programme from bases in Tripoli, Misrata and Sirte. During that period, HI teams
protected countless civilians from the risk of death and injury due to explosive hazards through the clearance of over 302
km of land, including schools, agricultural land, beaches and residential areas; removing and destroying over 112,000
mines and ERW in the process. More than 1,000 people were trained to deliver mine/ERW/SALW risk education; whilst
HI teams reached more than 110,000 civilians with life-saving risk education messaging.

With the outbreak of renewed violence in 2014 and the delocalisation of international staff to Tunisia, HI redesigned it
programme in support of persons injured by mines, ERW and SALW, as well as persons with disabilities more widely. In
the last three years, HI has delivered health and protection services including physical therapy, provision of assistive
devices and mobility equipment and psychosocial support to over 4,000 persons directly impacted by the ongoing crisis,
as well as targeting health and rehabilitation centres in Western and eastern Libya with technical capacity development
and donations of much needed and otherwise depleted equipment. In 2017 HI relaunched risk education activities in the
Nafusa Mountain region, south of Tripoli for returning populations displaced since 2011.
In the same year HI initiated support to the
LibMAC for enhancing assistance to victims of
explosive hazards, through bringing together
national authorities and civil society to raise
awareness of the collective responsibility towards
persons directly affected by conflicts.

At the end of 2018 HI opened a new office in
eastern Libya, in Benghazi where it developed also
Health and protection activities in synergy with the
West part of Libya. HI has also developed a longer-
term strategy of support to Mental Health for
Libyan institutions, professionals, CSOS and
populations suffering from more severe mental
health disorders, in an effort to contribute to a
better resilience of Libyan population.


•   Physical & functional rehabilitation and psychosocial support (PSS) services & guidance to people with functional
    limitations due to injury or disability and/or with psycho-social distress; guidance, advice and PSS to their caregivers
    and family members
•   Provision of assistive & mobility devices and guidance to people with functional limitation due to injury or disability
•   Basic rehabilitation equipment to supported health facilities
•   Awareness to community focal points and service providers (public or private) on identification of vulnerable persons,
    inclusion of persons with disabilities, identification of persons with psychological distress and referral mechanisms
•   Referral to local and international actors supported by transport allowance for persons with disabilities and/or injuries
    and their caregivers
•   Mapping of available services (focusing on free of charge services provided by public structures, local and
    international NGOs) to enhance the referral capacity of humanitarian actors, including a specific assessment of
    rehabilitation and MHPSS services
•   Awareness raising on mental health and psychosocial issues through social media and campaigns
•   Provision of non-technical training to health care providers on early rehabilitation and inclusion of persons with
    functional limitations due to injury or disability, and on psychosocial support.


•   Awareness campaign and awareness sessions about the risks and manifestations of mental illness and substance abuse
•   Delivery of mental health services through outreach teams, primary health clinics, psychiatric departments of general
    hospitals and/or psychiatric hospitals
•   Training & Upskilling of mental health staff (including ToT and university diploma in mental health for several
    categories of specialized as well as non-specialised staff.
 Sector:                                              Health
 Objectives:                                          Improve health status of vulnerable people living in Libya
 Beneficiaries (key groups):                          General population (nondisplaced, refugees, migrants, IDPs)
 Implementing and other partners:                     ODP – Organization of Development Pioneers, TDH
 Donors:                                              EUTF, AICS, ECHO
 Funding required (USD):                              2,000,000
 Funding received (USD):                              2,000,000

                                             LIBYA                                             TUNISIA
 City/Town:             Tripoli/Al-Andalus                                   Tunis/Marsa
 Street:                                                                     N° 12 rue Zahraoui
 Contact person:        Alessandro Guarino                                   Alessandro Guarino
 Tel:                                                                        +216 56722269

Since March 2020 Helpcode, in partnership with local partner ODP has been managing the intervention "Restoring quality
health care services in Zawya and Ghat districts of Libya" funded by EUTF for Africa through AICS for the improvement
of primary health care services in six facilities (village hospitals and health centres). Main activities are: Rehabilitation of
the target health facilities; Provisioning of medical equipment; Training for medical and non-medical staff; Mentoring of
medical staff through training on the job: RCCE campaign. Since June 2021 Helpcode is supporting, funded by ECHO
and in partnership with TDH, the Libyan Ministry of Health and NCDC in the COVID19 vaccination roll-out through the
support to 9 vaccination centres centers between Ghat and Ubari through logistic support, trainings and RCCE
In August 2021 Helpcode, in partnership with TDH and ODP, started a project for supporting the Primary Health Care
System in Ghat and Ubari, funded by AICS through an integrated health and protection intervention. Main health
activities are Rehabilitation of the target health facilities; Provisioning of medical equipment; Training for medical and
non-medical staff; Mentoring of medical staff through training on the job: RCCE campaign

In Ghat district:
• Ghat Municipality / Awainat Primary Health Care Center
• Ghat Municipality / Tahala Primary Health Care Center
• Ghat Municipality / Ghat Primary Health Care Center
• Ghat Municipality / Al-Fayyut Primary Healthcare Centre
• Ghat Municipality / Asin Healthcare Primary Healthcare Center

In Wadi Al Hayat district:
• Ubari Municipality/ Ubari Al-Mashrouh Primary Healthcare Unit
• Alghrayfa Municipality/ Al-Gaerat Primary Healthcare Center
• Bint Bayya Municipality/ Gabroun Monthrah Primary Healthcare Unit

In Zawya district:
• Zawya Central / Abu Sorrah village Hospital
• Zawya South / Bir al Ghanam Village Hospital
• Zawya South / Disable Rehabilitation CenterZawya West / Al Harsha Health Center
International Committee of the Red Cross

 Sector:                                            Health, others (Water and Sanitation, EcoSec, Protection &
                                                    Prevention, WEC)
 Objectives:                                        • Population living in the catchment areas of Health Facilities
                                                        supported by ICRC have access to quality curative and preventive
                                                        health care according to national/international standards.
                                                    • Wounded and sick in the areas affected by conflict, other
                                                        situations of arm conflict and emergencies, benefit from adequate
                                                        pre-Hsospital and Emergency hospital care.
                                                    • In the places of detention visited by the ICRC all categories of
                                                        people deprived of freedom benefit from appropriate health care,
                                                        in line with applicable national and/or international standards.
                                                    • Persons with physical disabilities have access to physical
                                                        rehabilitation services that meet quality standards, provided by
                                                        national institutions and benefit from additional measures that
                                                        enhance their societal integration.
 Beneficiaries (key groups):                        Civilian Population, Wounded and Sick, Detainees, People Living
                                                    with Disability
 Implementing and other partners:                   ICRC, LRCS
 Funding required (USD):
 Funding received (USD):

                                          LIBYA                                             TUNISIA
 City/Town:           Noofleen, Tripoli                                  Tunis
 Street:                                                                 Rue du Lac Turkana
 Contact person:      Media Contact Person                               Amalid Chebly, Health Coordinator
                      Mr ALAZRONI Qusai
 Tel:                 (+216) 55 166 657                                  +216 58 603 252

A. Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC) Support:
   • 21 PHCC monthly supported with essential drugs, consumables and PPE.

 West                          East                           Center                        South
 Al Mashroue Zirae- Abu        Al Sabri PHCC - Al-Sabri       Houn Health Center – Jufra    Agar PHCC Murzuq - Wadi
 Saleem                                                                                     Etbeh
 Sulaiman Khater PHCC -        Benina Rural Hospital          Jaref Health center - Jaref   Zuwila PHCC- Murzuq -
 Janzour                       (OPD)                                                        Zuwilla -
 Al Dahmani Polyclinic – Al    Al Madina Downtown             Alkhoms Polyclinic -          Al Jadid Health Centre -
 Zawia                                                        Alkhoms                       Sabha.
 Zwara PHCC -Zwara             Durra Polyclinic -             Sooq Al-thulatha – Zliten.    Alghuryfah hospitalà--
                               Ajdabiya- Wahat                                              Wadi al Hayaa
Yefren Hospital /Clinic -     Mahmoud Hreish                Sirte Polyclinic- Sirte        Bergen Rural Hospital -
 Yefren                        Polyclinic- Derna                                            Wadi al Shatii
                                                                                            Um Al-Aranib PHCC

    •   31 PHCC ad-hoc supported with essential drugs, consumables and PPE.
    •   3 Diabetic Centers supported with Insulin, essential drugs, consumables and PPE:
                    1. Sabha Diabetic Center, Sabha
                    2. Jabal Al Akhdar Diabetic Center, Al Bayda
                    3. Misurata Diabetic Center, Misurata
    •   5 Mobile Health Clinics (MHU), in coordination with LRCS, supported with essential drugs, consumables,
                       Awbari/Sabha; Al Gawaleesh/Tripoli, Benghazi, Derna, Kufra

B. Emergency Departments Support Program and Hospitals:
     • 8 emergency departments supported with ER basic equipment and various medical sets. Donations still
      East                    West                       Center                     South
      Benghazi Medical Center Sebratha Public Hospital Misurata Medical Center Sabha Medical Center
      Al Brega General        Yefren Hospital            Al Afiyah Hospital- Al     Traghen Rural hospital
      Hospital                                           Jufra

        •   14 Hospitals supported with various medical and surgical consumables sets
        •   11 Isolation Centers supported with PPE

C. Prehospital Emergency Care Program and First Aid:
          • Pre-Hospital Emergency Care assessment
          • 1 ToT training LRCS (20 ppl)
          • 1 Trauma First Aid Training, Tripoli (10 ppl)

D. Physical Rehabilitation Program Support:
          • 3 PRP Centers: Janzour, Misurata, and Benghazi
          • Prosthetic and Orthotic (P&O) material support
          • 4 international experts paid by ICRC at Janzour and Misurata PRP centers to coach and train centers
          • 9 scholarships for P& O specialists, to Otto Bock School Germany and Jordan, successfully graduated
              and 6 out of 9 working at the 3 centers mentioned above.

E. Health Care in Detention Support:

Ad-hoc donation of PPE, essential drugs and examination set to Penitentiary Health Directorate under Ministry of Justice
International Federation of Red Cross and
                                                                  Red Crescent Societies

    Sector:                                  Health (others: WASH, Protection)
    Objectives:                              • To support the Libyan Red Crescent Society (LRCS) with capacity
                                                building, technical and financial support to better respond to the needs of
                                                the vulnerable people all around Libya.
    Beneficiaries (key groups):              Local communities, IDPs, migrants
    Implementing and other partners:         The Libyan Red Crescent Society (LRCS)
    Donors:                                  Swiss Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, British Red Cross
    Funding required (USD):                  CHF 1,126,655
    Funding received (USD):                  CBH: CHF 915,000
                                             COVID-19: CHF 539,358

                                              LIBYA                                TUNISIA (temporary presence)
    City/Town:                                                               Les Berges du Lac
    Street:                                                                  Rue du Lac Huron
    Contact person:                                                          Sandra Arbid
    Tel:                                                                     +21658510808

Throughout 2020, the IFRC supported the LRCS in the implementation of community-based health (CBH) project. The
project aimed to contribute to improving the health and well-being of vulnerable populations in affected areas in Libya,

•     Assisting the LRCS in providing the community with services to identify and reduce health risks, and that is by
•     Supporting the National Society in developing the capacity to assess and provide relevant long-term health care
      support to vulnerable households.

The support included:

•     The conducting of a community assessment for the identification of key health issues of importance to the community
      was conducted by LRCS branch volunteers, guided by secondary analyses and needs assessments conducted by
      partners in the field. The community assessment led to the prioritization of the health issues in these areas and thus the
      focus of the health promotion activities of the volunteers and their specific target populations. The health topics are:
      Safe Motherhood, prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Prevention of Infectious Diseases. It is to be
      noted that with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the teams had to prioritize health and hygiene promotion
      relevant to the prevention of transmission of the virus.
•     The building of community health teams at branch level through a series of Training of Trainers and the roll-out of
      these trainings to identified Community Health Volunteers (CHVs).
•     The implementation of health promotion activities through household visits and seminars.
•     The formation of committees of relevant stakeholders mobilised by the LRCS that can engage in the planning of the
      health promotion activities.
•     The establishment of referral mechanisms in some areas in an effort to link health promotion at community level with
      the healthcare system and the available primary health care services, CHVs referred cases to the relevant health care
      facilities cooperating with the LRCS at branch level. The deployment of medical convoys with a number of specialties
      also took place for this purpose.
•   Migrants in Detention Centres also received individual hygiene kits as part of this project.

In addition to the CBH project, the IFRC is supporting the LRCS in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic through:

•   A series of online rapid trainings was provided to staff and volunteers from the community health teams and the
    Psychosocial Support (PSS) teams on COVID-19, Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE),
    Epidemic Control for Volunteers (ECV) and PSS with a focus on COVID-19.
•   Supporting the LRCS in conducting an online and face-to-face rapid assessment to identify population at risk, barriers
    to healthy behaviours and cultural and contextual factors that could support or deter an effective response.
•   Supporting the LRCS in developing the COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
•   Providing PPEs for the LRCS response.
•   Supporting health promotion activities.
•   Reinforcing peer to peer support capacities in selected branches.
•   Supporting CBH trainings in selected branches.
•   Distribution of relief items to migrants and vulnerable local community members.
•   Setting up safe points for migrants.

1. Under the CBH program, IFRC is currently supporting LRCS branches in the following locations:
   • Benghazi, Derna, Zuwara, Alkufra, Ajdabya

In addition, Medical convoys are deployed based on identified needs (e.g. in Alkufra and in Sabha).

2. Under the COVID-19 project, IFRC is supporting LRCS branches in the following locations:
   • Benghazi, Derna, Zuwara, Alkufra, Tobrok, Zaouia, Sebha, Tripoli, Tarhuna, Bani Waleed, Ubari, Sebrata, Ghat,
      Sirte, Houn.
International Medical Corps
 Sector:                                 Health
 Objectives:                             • To contribute to health care strengthening in collaboration with the Ministry
                                             of Health by responding to health and humanitarian needs through short and
                                             long -term interventions, focusing on service provision and capacity
                                         • To contribute to the COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts in Libya
                                             focusing on the protection and resilience of vulnerable groups during the
                                             COVID -19 pandemic
 Beneficiaries (key groups):             IDPs, refugees, migrants, host communities
 Implementing and other partners:        MoH, NCDC, PHCI
 Donors:                                 BHA, GIZ, EUTF,UNFPA, AICS
 Funding required (USD):                 $5,342,425
 Funding received (USD):                 $5,444,425

                                          LIBYA                                              TUNISIA
 City/Town:            Tripoli                                            Tunis
 Street:               Seyaheya Area, behind the Oil Institute            Rue de l’Ile de Sibele 18
 Contact person:       Jack Hukill                                        Jack Hukill
                       Country Director – Libya                           Country Director – Libya
 Tel:                  +218 92 698 44 57                                  +216 54 549 466

International Medical Corps (IMC) continued to provide life-saving interventions for vulnerable populations to include
the local community, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugees, and migrants through the provision of emergency
medical services, training for local health workers, and delivery of essential medicines and supplies. IMC continued to
provide this interventions including capacity-building programs to health care professionals in Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Brega,
Misrata, Zliten, Tripoli, Janzour, Algarabouli, Jufra, Zwara, Zintan, Nalut, Sabha, Albuwanis, Brak Ashati and other
locations around the country.

In 2021, International Medical Corps (IMC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH), National Center for
Diseases Control (NCDC), and Primary Health Care Institute (PHCI) implemented six major projects in Libya, targeting
vulnerable populations as well as healthcare professionals. Two of them were completed in March 2021, while the
remaining four projects are ongoing. IMC deployed a total of 14 Mobile Medical Units (MMU). These MMUs that
provided primary health care services in eight (8) IDP camps, nine (9) migrant camps, twenty – five (25) polyclinics, and
three (3) hospitals in locations where local communitys, internally displaced and migrants in Tripoli, Janzour, Benghazi,
Misratah, Zliten, Brak Al-Shati, and Sabha are located. Services provided through these MMUs include general medical
consultations, reproductive health care, mental health and psychosocial support services with community health education
and provision of essential medications for common morbidities. In addition to direct service delivery, IMC have also
organized in collaboration with the relevant local health authorities including the NCDC and PHCI, training sessions for
the different cadres of health care workers assigned in 15 pirmary health care centers. The training topics were focused on
Child Health, Reproductive and Maternal Health Care, Infection Prevention and Control, Management of Non-
communicable diseases and communicable diseases including the National TB Protocol, MhGap and Psychological First
Aid Training. Further to the peovision of primary health care services and capacity building activities, IMC in
collaboration with the NCDC in Tripoli and Misrata have opened up a viable referral network for the screening, definitive
diagnosis and management follow up for patients affected with tuberculosis. This referral network includes community
health workers, the medical mobile units, the supported primary health care clinics and the nearest NCDC facility where
definitive diagnosis and registration for TB treatment is available.
International Medical Corps have also supported the delivery of medical commodities which includes equipment, medical
and laboratory consumables, personal protective equipment (PPE) and pharmaceuticals as well as facilitated the
rehabilitation of target health facilities. By the end of the 2nd quarter of 2021, IMC handed- over the rehabilitated medical
warehouse of Al Marsa Hospital in Zwara, enabling the facility to store pharmaceuticals and other medical commodities
in ideal conditions.

The following are the key performance indicators with the program achievements as of August 2021:

•       18,998 individuals reached through awareness-raising campaigns on health
•       28,595 health consultations provided
•       823 individuals received health and vocational training
•       1,056 individuals participated in psychosocial support services
•       5,404 individuals had access to multi-sectoral GBV services
•       23 health facilities supported with medications and medical equipment

To contribute to the efforts of the country against the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, IMC continue to support five (5)
hopsitals where triage and isolation units have been established for the identification and care of patients with moderate to
several COVID-19 disease. These hospitals are Tripoli Central Hospital, Tripoli Ophthalmic Center, Misrata Oncology
Center, Benghazi Medical Center and Sabha Medical Center. Support provided includes deployment of medical doctors
and nurses trained and expereinced on respiratory and intensive care. Using NCDC protocols, the staff deployed to these
triage and isolation units provided surge capacity for MOH assigned health care workers to identify and manage patients
with COVID-19 and enforce enhanced infection prevention and control measures. Trainings focused on COVID-19
diagnostics and case management were organized in collaboration with NCDC reaching health care workers from at least
14 isolation centers. On-the-job mentoring were provided to participants assigned in Nalut, Zliten and Al Garabouli to
reinforce the off-site trainings. In addition to COVID -related trainings, basic psychosocial support training with emphasis
on stress management due to the impact of COVID-19 was also provided. To ensure the protection of staff against work-
acquired infection, personal protective equipment was also provided to supported health facilities.

The following are the key COVID-19 performance indicators with achievements as of August 2021
• 34,366 patients screened for COVID-19 in IMC supported facilities
• 473 patients identified as suspected COVID-19 cases in IMC supported facilities
• 349 front line staff trained
• 216,013 critical PPE and IPC items distributed
• 22,638 community members reached through COVID-19 awareness-raising activities

    No           Location                      Health Facilities                               Intervention
                                 Fashloum PHCC
                                 Almadina Alqadima PHCC                         Primary Health Care (MMU)
                                 Gharghour PHCC                                 MHPSS
                                 Al Fallah 1 IDP Camp                           Capacity Building
    1       Tripoli
                                 Al Fallah 2 IDP Camp                           COVID-19 Response
                                 Ophthalmic isolation center                    Community Health and Outreach
                                 Tripoli Centeral Hospital                      TB screening
                                 Abu Sitta Hospital
                                                                                Primary Health Care (MMU)
                                 Shuhada Abd Aljalil Polyclinic                 MHPSS
    2       Janzour
                                 Janzour Village Hospital                       Capacity Building
                                                                                COVID-19 Response
                                                                                Primary Health Care (MMU)
    3       Hai Alandulus        Alqadessia PHCC
                                                                                Capacity Building
                                                                                COVID-19 Response
Community Awareness and Outreach
                           Algheran Polyclinic
                           Tommina Polyclinic
                           Oncology Hospital                       Primary Health Care (MMU)
                           Azzarouq Polyclinic                     MHPSS
                           Alhuriat Polyclinic                     Capacity Building
4    Misrata
                           Alshuhada PHCC                          COVID-19 Response
                           Almahjoub Village Hospital              Community Health and Outreach Sessions
                           Alaswak PHCC                            TB screening
                           Ras Freidkh ( Shuhada Alrumaila) PHCC
                           School Health Clinic
                           Garyounis Camp
                           LRC Camp
                                                                   Primary Health Care (MMU)
                           Benina Village Hospital
5    Benghazi              Benghazi Medical Center
                                                                   COVID-19 Response
                           Slooq polyclinic
                                                                   Community Health and Outreach Sessions
                           Geminis polyclinic
                           Helis IDP camp
                                                                   Primary Health Care (MMU)
     Tawergha              Tawergha Central Hospital               MHPSS
                                                                   Community Health and Outreach Sessions
                                                                   Primary Health Care (MMU)
                           AlGurda Polyclinic
                           Aljadeed Polyclinic
6    Sabha                                                         Capacity Building
                           Abdulkafi PHCC
                                                                   COVID-19 Response
                           Sabha Medical Center
                                                                   Community Health and Outreach Sessions
                                                                   COVID-19 testing and treatment capacity
7    Zliten                Zliten Medical Center
                                                                   Primary Health Care (MMU)
8    Albuwanis             Temenhent PHCU
                                                                   COVID-19 Response
                                                                   Community Health and Outreach Sessions
                                                                   Capacity building focusing on COVID-19
10   Nalut                 Nalut Hospital
                                                                   diagnostics and case management
                                                                   Capacity building focusing on COVID-19
11   Algarabouli           Algarabouli Hospital
                                                                   diagnostics and case management
                                                                   Building Rehabilitation
12   Zwara                 The Medical Warehouse
                                                                   Provision of Equipment and PPE supplies
                                                                   Primary Health Care (MMU)
                           Azzwaia PHCC                            Community Health and Outreach Sessions
13   Brak Alshati
                           Brak Alshati Hospital                   Capacity building focusing on COVID-19
                                                                   diagnostics and case management
                                                                   Capacity building
                                                                   On-the-job mentoring
14   Albrega               Brega Aljadida PHCC
                                                                   Provision of medication and medical
                                                                   Capacity building
                                                                   On-the-job mentoring
15   Ajdabiya              Eldora PHCC
                                                                   Provision of medication and medical
                           Alqasabat PHCC
     Multiple locations:
                           Hoon PHCC
     Msellata, Jufra,                                              Capacity building focusing on COVID-19
16                         Waddan PHCC
     Ghadamis,                                                     diagnostics and case management
                           Ghadamis PHCC
                           Alrawajeh Algharbi PHCC
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