MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation

Page created by Roberto Bryant
MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation

M I 2020
3 RD M I M I N I S T E R I A L 2 0 1 8

MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
Highlighting innovative solutions emerging from
  Mission Innovation member investments that have the
greatest potential to significantly accelerate the delivery
                 of clean and affordable energy by 2020


                                                              Foreword                       04

                                                              Innovation Challenges          06
                                                              SECTION 01

                                                              Smart grids & energy storage   08

                                                              SECTION 02

                                                              Renewable Energy               26

                                                              SECTION 03

                                                              Fuels                          44

                                                              SECTION 04

                                                              Transportation                 60

                                                              SECTION 05

                                                              Buildings                      70

                                                              SECTION 06

                                                              Industry                       82

                                                              SECTION 07

                                                              Innovative financing           94
MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
Delivering this transformation requires     This publication
                                                                      global partnerships of governments          highlights some of
                                                                      and the private sector, and Mission         these success stories
                                                                      Innovation is one of the international      from across the globe: the innovative
                                                                      community’s most important vehicles for     HYBRIT project from Sweden, which is
                                                                      driving this forward. The UK is delighted   using hydrogen to reduce CO2 emissions
                                                                      to be part of Mission Innovation and to     from ironmaking to zero, and India’s
                                                                      be collaborating with partners around       unique Micro Solar Dome device are just
                                                                      the world in pursuit of our common goal:    two of the great examples that should
                                                                      accelerating the clean energy revolution.   inspire us all.

                                                                      Mission Innovation is also about            But there is more work for us to do.
                                                                      coming together to celebrate our            We must harness the ingenuity and
                                                                      successes. I am proud to say that since     determination of scientists and engineers
                                                                      1990 the UK has reduced emissions by        in universities and industry across
                                                                      over forty per cent while growing our       the globe, to continue to drive the
                                                                      economy by over seventy per cent,           phenomenal progress made to date,
                                                                      outperforming the rest of the G7. This      and to succeed in delivering a clean
                                                                      shows that a low carbon transition goes     growth revolution.
  This is an                       The launch of Mission Innovation
                                                                      hand in hand with economic success,
                                   at the signing of the Paris
  extraordinary moment             Climate Agreement was a critical   proof that clean growth is not only
  for international                moment in building this global     possible, but the best game in town.
                                   movement. It acknowledged
  climate collaboration.           that to decarbonise successfully
                                                                      This success is underpinned by
                                                                      innovation and I am delighted that at
  The global community has         we need to unlock a huge wave      the 3rd Mission Innovation Ministerial      Rt Hon Claire Perry MP
  come together to tackle the      of innovation to fundamentally     in Malmö, Sweden we can shine a             Minister of State for Energy and Clean
  challenge of man-made climate    transform the way we generate      light on some of the most significant       Growth, UK Department for Business,
  change and to safeguard our      and consume energy.                breakthroughs emerging from other           Energy and Industrial Strategy
  planet for future generations.                                      MI members’ investments.
MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01 | ENERGY                                                                                                     SECTION 01 | ENERGY


Many of the solutions highlighted in this booklet are contributing
to the MI Innovation Challenges. Innovation Challenges are global
calls to action aimed at accelerating research, development and
demonstration (RD&D) in technology areas where Mission Innovation
members believe increased international attention can make a
significant impact in our shared fight against climate change.

          01                                    02                            05                          06
          SMART GRIDS                           OFF-GRID ACCESS               CONVERTING                  CLEAN ENERGY MATERIALS
          Enabling future grids                 Developing systems that                                   Accelerating the exploration,
          that are powered by                   enable off-grid households    Discovering affordable      discovery, and use of new
          affordable, reliable,                 and communities to access     ways to convert sunlight    high-performance, low-cost
          decentralised renewable               affordable and reliable       into storable solar fuels   clean energy materials
          electricity systems                   renewable electricity

          03                                    04                            07                          08
          CARBON CAPTURE                        SUSTAINABLE BIOFUELS          AFFORDABLE HEATING          HYDROGEN
                                                                              AND COOLING OF
          Enabling near-zero CO2                Developing ways to                                        Accelerating development of
          emissions from power                  produce, at scale, widely                                 a global hydrogen market by
          plants and carbon                     affordable, advanced          Making low-carbon           identifying and overcoming
          intensive industries                  biofuels for transportation   heating and cooling         key barriers to the production,
                                                and industrial applications   affordable for everyone     distribution, storage, and use
                                                                                                          of hydrogen at gigawatt scale

6                                                                                                                                           7
MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation

ENERGY STORAGE                                                05         Korea                   08         Korea

                                                              Development of Organic-Inorganic   Development and Demonstration
                                                              Hybrid Solid Electrolytes for      of an IoT-Based Campus Microgrid
                                                              Medium-Large-Sized Semi-Solid      at Seoul National University
                                                              Lithium Rechargeable Batteries

     01      UK                  03         EC                06         UK                      09         Germany

     Piclo Peer-to-peer Energy   BroadBit
                                                              Upside Energy Cloud Based          Die Stadt als Speicher
     Trading Platform
                                                              Smart Grid Platform                (City as Storage)

      02        Australia        04         Japan             07         Germany                 10         India

      Power Ledger               High-power all-solid-state   Silicon-air battery reaches a      Establishment of pilot project
                                 batteries using sulfide      duration of over 1000 hours for    on Grid scale Battery Energy
                                 superionic conductors        the first time                     Storage Systems (BESS) of
                                                                                                 different technologies

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MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                            SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE


              CHALLENGE                                 enables the distribution network
                                                        operators (DNOs) to participate by
              Piclo is a revolutionary online
                                                        placing bids for “demand flexibility”
              energy marketplace that
      UK                                                in congested parts of their network
     NL, IT   is democratising access to
                                                        and reward customers accordingly.        © Open Utility Ltd
              local energy markets. Piclo is
                                                        The electricity system is very
              lowering barriers for individuals,
                                                        complex with multiple different         with Edoardio Raffinerie Garrone (ERG) in   This technology has the potential to
              communities and businesses
                                                        actors and needs; Piclo helps           Italy and Essent in Netherlands.            disrupt centralised and manual market
              with solar panels and batteries to
                                                        simplify and standardise all local                                                  mechanisms designed for traditional
              trade peer-to-peer and provide                                                    The second phase of the project was
                                                        trading opportunities whether they                                                  energy companies and traders, and
              balancing services to the local                                                   initiated in 2017 through a further
                                                        are peer-to-peer or directly with                                                   replace it with distributed and algorithmic
              electricity grid. As a result, Piclo is                                           £412,000 UK government grant. It
                                                        the DNO.                                                                            trading mechanisms that unlock direct
              helping solve one of the biggest                                                  involved engaging with local DNOs to
              barriers facing the global energy                                                                                             participation from customers.
                                                        ACTION                                  unlock the financial benefits of local
              system today: how to connect                                                      trading. Piclo is working with these        The $2.2 trillion global electricity system
                                                        Piclo launched in 2015 and
              more renewables and electric                                                      operators to set up flexible capacity       is going through a transformation and
                                                        was delivered in partnership
              vehicles to the grid without                                                      contracts for customers with batteries,     peer-to-peer trading will underpin all
                                                        with electricity supplier Good
              sacrificing cost, efficiency or                                                   demand response technology or electric      energy exchange in the future: helping
                                                        Energy. It was supported by a
              resilience.                                                                       vehicles, so they can manage grid           propel us towards a fully renewable and
                                                        £310,000 Energy Entrepreneurs
                                                                                                congestion more effectively.                decentralised energy economy.
              INNOVATION                                Fund grant from the UK
                                                        government’s Department of              POTENTIAL
              Piclo is a match-making service
                                                        Energy and Climate Change.
              for local energy markets. Just                                                    Peer-to-peer marketplace technology
                                                        Following a successful regional                                                       USEFUL LINKS:
              as Airbnb matches customers                                                       removes barriers to a decarbonised and
                                                        trial in Cornwall, the service
              with the most relevant short-term                                                 decentralised energy system. It provides      Peer-to-peer network charging white
                                                        was commercialised and rolled
              rentals, Piclo matches customers                                                  a scalable means to connect everything        paper: bit.ly/local-grid-charging
                                                        out across the UK. Further
              with the energy produced by their                                                 to the grid without compromising on
                                                        international roll-outs followed
              neighbour’s solar panels. Piclo also                                              cost, reward or resilience.

10                                                                                                                                                                                    11
MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                       SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE

                                                  system will be managed using this      ACTION                                        POTENTIAL
                                                  technology and data analytics.
                                                                                         Power Ledger will create and maintain         Trading in embedded networks breaks
                                                  This will demonstrate how
             POWER LEDGER                         blockchain works with assets that
                                                                                         a blockchain platform which enables
                                                                                         electricity metering, big data acquisition,
                                                                                                                                       the nexus between renewables
                                                                                                                                       generation ownership and energy
                                                  are either co-located or located in
                                                                                         rapid micro transactions and grid             consumption, meaning value can be
                                                  different locations, such as an off-
                                                                                         management at an unprecedented                derived from an investment in distributed
                                                  site solar farm planned for South
                                                                                         granular scale.                               energy resources even when the investor
             CHALLENGE                                                                   The Australian Government will provide
                                                                                                                                       is absent or doesn’t consume all the
             The challenges of integrating        In April 2018, Power Ledger                                                          energy they generate.
                                                                                         2.57 million AUD in direct funding and
             distributed energy production        announced a trial partnership with
                                                                                         another 5.68 million AUD will be provided
AUSTRALIA                                         Japan’s second largest energy
             and alignment with demand could                                             by project partners including Curtin
             be addressed through blockchain      retailer KEPCO. The trial will help                                                    USEFUL LINKS:
                                                                                         University, Murdoch University, Curtin
             technology and data analytics.       renewable energy customers
                                                                                         Institute of Computation, LandCorp, the         powerledger.io
                                                  better monetise their investments,
                                                                                         Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
             INNOVATION                           and help KEPCO develop virtual
                                                                                         Research Organisation (CSIRO)/Data
             Power Ledger is trialling the        energy power plants to better
                                                                                         61 and Cisco.
             use of blockchain-powered            support the demands of the wider
             distributed energy and water         energy market.
             systems. It is gathering             In May 2018, Power Ledger
             academics, infrastructure, and       struck a deal with Northwestern
             technology experts to assess how     University in Chicago, USA, for
             cities can use this technology for   the first commercial deployment
             the integration of renewables.       of its technology platform.
             The trial will involve highly        This deployment will enable
             resilient, low-carbon and low-cost   Northwestern to trade the power
             systems installed and connected      generated by solar panels on
             using blockchain technology.         university buildings between
             A large solar PV plant, rooftop      facilities without investing in
             solar PV panels, a precinct-         any technology of its own, with
             sized battery, an electric vehicle   Power Ledger collecting a small
             charging station and a precinct      percentage of each trade.
             water capture and treatment

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MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                     SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE

                                                                                        This revolutionary sodium-based battery      POTENTIAL
                                                                                        creates the conditions for long-lasting
                                                                                                                                     The new generation of sodium-based
                                                                                        impact on the electric vehicle and
                                                                                                                                     batteries will allow electronics such as
                                                                                        renewables sectors and a range of
                                                                                                                                     laptop computers, sensors and flashlights
                                                                                        electronic applications.
                                                                                                                                     to be lighter and last longer between
                                                                                        ACTION                                       charges. These batteries are also safer
                                                                                                                                     as non-flammable electrolyte is used
                                                                                        The project was awarded the Innovation

                                                                                                                                     to eliminate the risk of fire due to short
                                                                                        Radar Prize in 2015. BroadBit is now
                                                                                        working with Fraunhofer to develop the
                                                                                        manufacturing process for a battery          Decarbonising the transport sector is
BROADBIT                                                                                capable of higher energy density and at      an urgent need and can be achieved by
                                                                                        a lower cost than lithium-ion batteries.     increasing the deployment of e-vehicles.
                                                                                        High costs, safety, long recharging time     New generations of batteries and
                                                                                        and limited storage are the main barriers    innovative energy storage solutions have
                                                                                        to uptake of e-vehicles. BroadBit offers     a huge potential to accelerate the market
                                                                                        an innovative solution making electric       adoption of electric vehicles and to
             CHALLENGE                            INNOVATION                            vehicles price competitive and enabling      progress in transitioning towards a clean
             Compared to the current              The technology start-up BroadBit      longer driving range.                        and sustainable mobility system.
             lithium-ion technology solutions,    has developed new batteries                                                        BroadBit is already at an advanced
     EC                                                                                 In the short term, BroadBit is planning to
     FI      BroadBit’s sodium batteries are      using novel sodium-based                                                           stage of pre-commercialisation and is
                                                                                        have the batteries used in drones and
             significantly more cost-effective,   chemistries with the support of                                                    currently raising funds and negotiating
                                                                                        electric bikes. The mid term goal is to
             safer and more environmentally       the EU Framework Programme.                                                        partnerships to finalise R&D and to
                                                                                        have the batteries used in electric cars,
             friendly have a wider operating      BroadBit’s batteries are based                                                     produce battery components and
                                                                                        passenger planes, buses and trucks,
             temperature range and allow          on metallic sodium and other                                                       assembly battery cells.
                                                                                        while the long term goal is to have
             for the 100x scaling needed to       widely available and plentiful
                                                                                        applications in grid storage.
             supply coming rechargeable           compounds. The main active
             battery market.                      material is sodium chloride (NaCl),
                                                                                                                                       USEFUL LINKS:
                                                  also known as table salt.
                                                                                                                                       BroadBit website: broadbit.com

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MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01                                                                                                                               SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE

                                                                                        greenhouse gas emissions. They
                                                                                        provide an opportunity for a cost-         USEFUL LINKS:
                                                                                        effective means to smoothen the            icef-forum.org/top10/pdf/ICEF2017_
                   HIGH-POWER ALL-SOLID-STATE                                           electricity from intermittent renewable    top10_5.pdf
                       BATTERIES USING SULFIDE                                          energy sources, especially solar. There
                                                                                        is still work remaining in order for the   nedo.go.jp/english/news/
                      SUPERIONIC CONDUCTORS                                             technology to become commercially          AA5en_100060.html
                                                                                        available, but this discovery may pave     nature.com/articles/
                                                                                        the way for all-solid-state batteries to   nenergy201630?WT.feed_
                                                                                        become commercialised.                     name=subjects_energy

             CHALLENGE                             Technology Development
                                                   Organization (NEDO), the
             Conventional lithium-ion batteries,
                                                   Japanese government agency
             which use liquid electrolytes, are
 JAPAN                                             which supports innovation
             reaching the upper limit of energy
                                                   in renewable energies and
             density and facing challenges
                                                   environmental and industrial
             concerning limited operation
             temperature. All-solid-state
             batteries are a promising solution    ACTION
             to creating a high-capacity and
                                                   Testing has revealed that the
             highly-powered battery of the
                                                   battery is able to operate
                                                   efficiently at a wide range of
             INNOVATION                            temperatures, between -30
                                                   and 100 degrees Celsius while
             Toyota Motor Corporation and
                                                   a conventional lithium ion cell
             the Tokyo Institute of Technology
                                                   showed very low discharge
             have discovered superionic
                                                   capacity at -30 degrees and
             conductors with the world’s
                                                   couldn’t operate at 100 degrees.
             highest lithium-ion conductivity.
             They have been applied to             POTENTIAL
             develop an all-solid-state battery
                                                   All-solid-state batteries can
             that has achieved a power
                                                   be used as electric vehicle
             density three times as high as the
                                                   batteries or stationary storage to
             conventional lithium-ion batteries.
                                                   support intermittent renewables,
             This is part of a project with
                                                   contributing to the reduction of
             the New Energy and Industrial

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MI 2020 3RD MI MINISTERIAL 2018 - Mission Innovation
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                     SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE

                                                                                        electrodes by mixing in a             POTENTIAL
                                                                                        fluoropolymer, a ceramic
                                                                                                                              Developing a lithium secondary
                                                                                        solid electrolyte that features
                                                                                                                              battery that features high-
                                                                                        enhanced conductivity, with a

                                                                                                                              safety solid electrolytes, which
                                                                                        small amount of liquid electrolyte,
                                                                                                                              performs as well as organic liquid
                                                                                        before making the mixture into
                                                                                                                              electrolytes, will enable LIB use
                                                                                        a film.
DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC-INORGANIC                                                                                              in electric vehicles and energy
                                                                                                                              storage systems, while ensuring
                                                                                        The electric energy storage
HYBRID SOLID ELECTROLYTES FOR                                                           capacity of the new battery is        public safety.
MEDIUM-LARGE-SIZED SEMI-SOLID                                                           about 95% of the capacity of
                                                                                        the conventional LIB but with
LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES                                                          enhanced safety.

                                                                                        The ionic conductivity of a LLZO
                                                                                        ceramic electrolyte was improved
             CHALLENGE                           This required the team to              to as much as a fifth of the level
                                                 overcome low ionic conductivity        found in conventional liquid
             The lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
                                                 and deterioration of performance       electrolytes and separators.
 KOREA       that are currently available
                                                 characteristics due to high            By applying this technology,
             use flammable organic liquid
                                                 resistance in the degradation          an organic-inorganic hybrid
             electrolytes, posing a potential
                                                 of contact with the anode and          solid electrolyte with enhanced
             fire and explosion hazard.
                                                 cathode that occurs during cell        ionic movement capability was
             INNOVATION                          manufacturing.                         designed and developed that is
             This project sought to replace      A soft, half solid-state electrolyte   more than 50% better than the
             liquid electrolytes with safer      material was designed that can         level found in conventional liquid
             solid electrolytes in lithium-ion   be directly coated onto                electrolytes and separators.

18                                                                                                                                                                       19
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                         SMART GRIDS & ENERGY STORAGE


             CHALLENGE                              the right times, communicating
                                                    through the Internet of Things.
             The deployment of renewable
             energy technologies means that         ACTION
KINGDOM      power increasingly comes from
                                                    Upside Energy developed a pilot
             multiple, intermittent sources.
                                                    through a collaborative project,
             This makes it challenging for the
                                                    with funding from Innovate UK,
             network operators to balance
                                                    and partners including Sharp
             supply with demand. Inefficiencies
                                                    Laboratories of Europe, Select
             in energy supply lead to volatile
                                                    Innovations (enLight), Tempus         © Upside Energy Ltd
             energy prices for customers and
                                                    Energy and the University of
             higher greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                                                         When there is too much power, the               system, in a physical and digital network,
             INNOVATION                             In 2017 the UK government and        batteries and hot water tanks will charge/      would provide the flexibility needed to
             A UK company, Upside Energy,           Innovate UK awarded £2.5m            heat; when there is too little, the batteries   efficiently integrate renewable energy
             has developed a cloud based            to a consortium led by Upside        can provide power to the grid and the hot       supplies into the grid, helping network
             smart-grid technology that eases       Energy,with Powervault, Mixergy,     water tanks will stop heating. The project      operators to balance electricity supply
             peak-time pressure by connecting       Eden Project and Oxford              expects to install 500 intelligent hot          and demand. Customers could also save
             a range of common devices that         University, for the Pete (Power,     water tanks and 100 lithium-ion batteries       on their energy costs, avoiding using
             store energy. Upside Energy’s          energy, technology, efficiency)      in households across England.                   electricity during peak times.
             platform aggregates the energy         Project. The project is developing
             stored in everyday connected           an integrated system using home      POTENTIAL
             devices, such as batteries and         battery systems, intelligent hot     Through the aggregation of domestic
             hot water tanks, to create a virtual   water tanks, and cloud-based         storage devices, Upside Energy                    USEFUL LINKS:
             energy store that can be drawn         Demand Side Response Services        estimates that the Pete Project will              Pete (Power, energy, technology,
             on as needed. Devices in homes         to provide a balancing service to    be able to offer 1MW of power to the              efficiency) website: peteproject.com
             and small businesses can then          the power industry.                  grid. This type of integrated, low-cost
             be quickly switched on or off at

20                                                                                                                                                                                21
SECTION 01                                                                                                                                      SMART GRIDSSECTION
                                                                                                                                                            & ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                                   01 STORAGE
                                                                                                                                                                      | ENERGY

                                                                                               DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION
                                                                                               OF AN IOT-BASED CAMPUS MICROGRID

07                                                                                                  AT SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY

REACHES A DURATION                                                                          Seoul National University has
                                                                                            developed an Internet of Things-
                                                                                                                               At the same time, technologies for
                                                                                                                               effective load management and
OF OVER 1000 HOURS                                                                          based campus microgrid. It uses    economic grid management can
FOR THE FIRST TIME                                                                          various resources including
                                                                                            renewable energy to optimise
                                                                                                                               be developed.                           KOREA

                                                                                                                               In the future, demonstration
                                                                                            power consumption and save
                                                                                                                               of microgrids needs to be
                                                                                                                               conducted in a wide variety of
             The development of energy              On the downside, silicon-air            The microgrid analyses the         conditions so that the economics
             storage capabilities is crucial for    batteries have a relatively short       characteristics of each load to    and reliability of the campus
             the integration of renewables into     runtime The AlSiBat project is          develop precise campus models.     microgrids model can be
GERMANY      the power grid or in off-grid areas.   seeking to overcome this. Having        Supplying surplus power from one   thoroughly verified.
             Silicon-air batteries have the         discovered this weakness was            microgrid to another microgrid
             potential to outperform current        caused by the consumption of the        manages the power consumption
             technology. They have a much           electrolyte, a pump system was          of the entire grid system,
             higher energy density, are smaller     developed to refill the electrolyte     especially during peak demand.
             and lighter than today’s lithium-      fluid as required achieving a
             ion batteries, as well as being        runtime of over 1,100 hours.
             environmentally friendly and           Ways to keep the battery running
             insensitive to external influences.    without refilling the electrolyte are
             Silicon is also relatively low-cost    now being explored.
             and almost indefinitely available.

22                                                                                                                                                                         23
SECTION 01                                                                                                                               SMART GRIDSSECTION
                                                                                                                                                     & ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                            01 STORAGE
                                                                                                                                                               | ENERGY

                                                                                    OF PILOT PROJECT
                                                                                    ON GRID SCALE
                                                                                    BATTERY ENERGY
                                                                                    STORAGE SYSTEMS

                                    09                                              (BESS) OF DIFFERENT
             DIE STADT ALS
        (CITY AS STORAGE)                                                           Recognising the increasing         various parameters like overall
                                                                                    importance of Battery Energy       sizing, efficiency, auxiliary
                                                                                    Storage Systems in India,          power consumption, operational
                                                                                    POWERGRID has established          difficulties and maintenance           INDIA
             Virtual energy storage has been     The virtual storage was            a pioneering pilot project         requirements. While the units
             successfully demonstrated across    adapted to market demand and       demonstrating two battery          are relatively small for large grid
             two German cities, Herten and       participated in the spot market.   storage system technologies        storage management, this could
GERMANY      Wunsiedel. As part of a project,    This system could have a role      (Advanced Lead Acid & Lithium      be advantageous in the future as
             several small and medium-size       to play in the rapidly changing    Iron Phosphate) with battery       grids become less centralised, as
             prosumers and producers were        energy supply sector with owners   management at Puducherry.          well as for off-grid locations.
             bundled and participated in the     of CHP plants, heat pumps, night
                                                                                    The systems, of 250 kWh and        The inclusion of multiple storage
             energy markets. Both private        storage heating or PV-batteries
                                                                                    500 kW in size, are installed in   technologies along with grid
             and municipal plants formed         motivated to promote clean
                                                                                    one location and connected         management software will
             part of the model, connecting       energy systems.
                                                                                    with the same feeder to provide    provide valuable data to enable
             households, electric vehicles and
                                                                                    identical grid conditions. They    grid balancing and facilitate wider
             a public swimming pool, as great
                                                                                    can therefore be compared on       deployment of renewables.
             untapped storage capability lies
             in existing infrastructure.

24                                                                                                                                                                    25

RENEWABLE ENERGY                                                             05          Norway                08         Sweden

                                                                             Dynatec Reactor -                 Wave power inspired
                                                                             Spinning the solar revolution     by the heart

     01      Canada                      03         Korea                    06          Canada                09         Chile

     Fundy Ocean Research Center         Development of fabrication of
                                                                             Glencore’s Raglan mine:           Atacama Modules,
     for Energy (FORCE)                  a highly efficient and large-area
                                                                             A wind turbine success            Systems & Technology Center
                                         perovskite photovoltaic module
                                         using a printing process

     02         India                    04         India                    07          China                 10         Japan

     Ocean based floating islands        Micro Solar Dome (MSD)              Qinghai achieves zero emissions   Breakthrough’s in solar
     capable of generating sustainable   - Surya Jyoti                       for 168 hours non-stop            conversion efficiencies
     solar power for remote
     coastal locations

26                                                                                                                                           27
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                  RENEWABLE ENERGY

                                                                                          Used with permission from FORCE


             CHALLENGE                             Unlike wind and solar, tidal energy
                                                   offers a significant strategic
             Most of Nova Scotia’s electricity
                                                   advantage: it is predictable,
             is still generated by burning
CANADA                                             allowing electricity utilities to
             imported fossil fuels. These
                                                   reliably predict tidal resource
             emissions contribute to rising
                                                   levels years in advance. For tidal
             sea levels, storm surges,
                                                   stream technology to move to
             extreme weather events, ocean
                                                   large-scale development, the
             acidification and population-level
                                                   public and regulators must be         ACTION                                       POTENTIAL
             shifts in the marine ecosystem
                                                   satisfied that any development        FORCE has successfully fabricated and        The world’s oceans contain vast
             on which Atlantic Canada is
                                                   activity is safe, sustainable and     installed an 11 km subsea power cable        amounts of energy, with the potential to
             particularly dependent.
                                                   viable. FORCE’s environmental         network – the largest transmission           meet 10% of global electricity demand.
             INNOVATION                            effects monitoring program is         capacity for tidal stream in the world. It   Estimates suggest Canada’s total marine
             Tidal stream energy holds great       designed to better understand         has also welcomed the first 2-megawatt       renewable energy technology potential
             promise for producing low-carbon      the natural environment of the        tidal stream turbine connected to the        is approximately 80,000 MW, with many
             electricity and the Fundy Ocean       Minas Passage and the potential       North American grid – Cape Sharp Tidal’s     high-energy sites. To explore these
             Research Centre for Energy            effects of turbines as related to     OpenHydro turbine.                           opportunities, the industry must continue
             (FORCE) is in an ideal geographic     marine life and mammals, marine                                                    to refine tidal stream technology,
                                                                                         The Fundy Advanced Sensor Technology
             setting to explore this promise.      noise, benthic habitat and other                                                   lowering technical and financial risk,
                                                                                         programme enhances environmental data
             Approximately 160 billion tonnes of   variables.                                                                         as well as monitoring tidal devices and
                                                                                         capture, site characterization capability
             water flows through Canada’s Bay                                                                                         mitigating any potential effects.
                                                                                         and marine operation methodologies
             of Fundy each tide, equal to four                                           in extreme high flow environments.
             times the estimated flow of all the                                         Collecting this data will help address any
             freshwater rivers and streams in                                            environmental concerns related to this
                                                                                                                                        USEFUL LINKS:
             the world combined.                                                         breakthrough technology.                       fundyforce.ca

28                                                                                                                                                                           29
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                 RENEWABLE ENERGY

                                     02           INNOVATION
                                                  PSea6 Energy has created eco-
                                                                                          A prototype unit has been installed
                                                                                                                                      These solar powered islands can also
                                                                                                                                      serve as autonomous research stations
                                                                                                                                      in the middle of the sea, capable of
           OCEAN BASED                            friendly floating islands called
                                                  Dweeps, which are modular,
                                                                                          off the coast of Tamil Nadu, where the
                                                                                          results have been extremely promising.
                                                                                                                                      collecting valuable oceanographic data
       FLOATING ISLANDS                           scalable and designed to survive
                                                                                                                                      throughout the year.
             CAPABLE OF                           the harsh marine environment.
                                                  The Dweeps make use of the              As a next step, there are plans to deploy
            GENERATING                            plentiful ocean surface to provide      a system capable of generating at            USEFUL LINKS:
     SUSTAINABLE SOLAR                            a novel way of deploying existing
                                                  technology to generate solar
                                                                                          least 100 kW of power to demonstrate
                                                                                          the potential of the system. The size

     POWER FOR REMOTE                             energy. This power can also be          of the islands can vary based on their
                                                                                          application, ranging from a few square
     COASTAL LOCATIONS                            used to generate fresh water
                                                  through desalination plants,            metres to several hectares.
                                                  generating the maximum amount
                                                  of fresh water in the hot summers
                                                  when the sun is most plentiful and
             CHALLENGE                            when water is most needed.
             There are several coastal and        The Dweeps are able to withstand
             island communities in India and      poor weather conditions by
             around the world with intermittent   making use of a concept found
             or no access to electricity. While   ubiquitously in nature – tensegrity
             solar energy can help electrify      – to flex to the changing surface
             these locations, acquiring           of the ocean rather than resisting
             large tracts of land on which to     it. Using a combination of pre-
             base a plant in these regions        stressed cables and struts, it is
             is problematic and expensive,        able to mimic the flexibility seen in
             especially considering the           the human body with bones and
             growing population. However,         tendons. An added advantage
             these coastal regions do have        of this system is that the flexible
             one resource in abundance –          nature allows the structure to
             the sea. Floating solar power        absorb the wave energy, acting
             installations on lakes has been      as a natural breakwater to reduce
             gaining popularity over the last     coastal erosion by waves.
             few years, but there has been no
             system capable of laying a solar
             power plant over the ocean.

30                                                                                                                                                                             31
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                    RENEWABLE ENERGY

FABRICATION OF A                                                                          performance after 50 heat cycles (-45°C       The team is currently working on
                                                                                          – 85°C). This makes these cells longer        optimising the module production
HIGHLY EFFICIENT                                                                          lasting and more efficient than previous      process to minimise areas of loss and
AND LARGE-                                                                                generations.                                  make them longer lasting.

AREA PEROVSKITE                                                                           ACTION                                        POTENTIAL
PHOTOVOLTAIC                                                                              The project has broken the world record
                                                                                          for perovskite solar cell efficiency five
                                                                                                                                        The research team applied high-
                                                                                                                                        efficiency technologies in producing
MODULE USING A                                                                            times and most recently achieved an           large modules through a printing process.

PRINTING PROCESS                                                                          efficiency level of 22.7% on a unit cell in
                                                                                          October 2017. This efficiency level is on
                                                                                                                                        It is expected that applying roll-to-roll
                                                                                                                                        processing, a production method that
                                                                                          par with those of conventional silicon        allows for rapid mass production at low
                                                                                          solar cells and higher than the 22.1%         cost, will revolutionise the dissemination
                                                                                          and 22.6% maximum efficiency levels of        of solar cells in the future.
                                                                                          cadmium telluride (CdTe) in thin film solar
                                                                                          cells and copper indium gallium selenide
             CHALLENGE                              INNOVATION                            (CIGS) solar cells.
             The efficiency of perovskite solar     A research team at the Korea
             cells, which are price-competitive     Research Institute of Chemical        A 20.9% efficiency level was also
 KOREA                                                                                    confirmed on a unit cell created as part
             and offer flexibility, translucency,   Technology has produced large
             and lightness, needs to be             modules through a printing            of the effort to secure enlargement
             improved so they can compete           process. It has successfully          technology.
             with silicon solar cells. Unlike       fabricated high efficiency modules
             conventional silicon solar cells,      with an efficiency level of over
             perovskite solar cells can be used     15% (based on active areas) that
             in the emerging window-type and        exhibit heat stability for 1,000
             portable solar cell market.            hours at 85°C, as well as excellent

32                                                                                                                                                                              33
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                 RENEWABLE ENERGY

                                                                             04           POTENTIAL
                                                                                          The installation of Micro Solar Domes     MP Local Area Development Schemes,
                            MICRO SOLAR DOME (MSD)                                        could lead to an emission reduction       and Corporate Social Responsibility

                                      - SURYA JYOTI                                       of 12.5 million tonnes of CO2. The
                                                                                          Department of Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                    activities of public sector enterprises.

                                                                                          is providing training and licenses to
                                                                                          start-up and self-help groups to make
                                                                                          the lamps. Attempts are also being made     USEFUL LINKS:
                                                                                          to integrate the device for subsidy in      youtu.be/irpJvLqh6a0
             CHALLENGE                            The light passes through a sun-
                                                                                          rural and urban housing schemes,
                                                  tube, which has a thin layer of
             The Surya Jyoti Micro Solar Dome
                                                  highly reflective coating on the
             is a unique device designed to
 INDIA                                            inner wall of the passage.
             tackle the problem of access
             to lighting for remote and           The latest model operates in
             underdeveloped communities.          three modes: daylight without any
             There are currently millions of      electricity, night time with solar PV
             off-grid households in rural areas   and night time with conventional
             or households in urban areas         grid after 17 hours of operation.
             without reliable electricity.
             INNOVATION                           4,000 Micro Solar Domes
             The device is low cost, simple       have been installed in
             to use and eco-friendly. It can      impoverished parts of Delhi,
             work for up to 17 hours giving an    Mumbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru.
             illumination equivalent of a 60      They have been tested and
             watt incandescent lamp, with a       developed with support from
             lifespan of up to 20 years for the   the Department of Science and
             dome structure.                      Technology’s Clean Energy
                                                  Research Initiative. 54 technicians
             The device has a transparent
                                                  from 14 states have been trained
             semi-spherical upper dome
                                                  in the manufacturing process.
             made of acrylic material which
             captures the sunlight.

34                                                                                                                                                                             35
SECTION 02                                                                                                               RENEWABLE ENERGY

                                                    CHALLENGE                             ACTION

                                                    Producing solar panels requires       With support from the Research
                                                    the purification of silicon, which    Council of Norway, Dynatec
                                                    is a slow and energy intensive        has built two demonstration
DYNATEC REACTOR - SPINNING                          process. Currently production
                                                    of solar grade silicon is primarily
                                                                                          reactors. The energy consumption
                                                                                          of a decomposition reactor is
THE SOLAR REVOLUTION                                carried out using the Siemens         currently about 70 kwh/kg, while
                                                    reactor. Silicon rods are heated to   the new centrifugal reactor has
                                                    between 800 and 1,100 degrees         demonstrated production of
                                                    Celsius, and a silicon containing     first grade silicon at less than
                                                    gas is injected and thermally         5kwh/kg.
                                                    decomposed releasing silicon
                                                    that is deposited onto the rods.      POTENTIAL
                                                    To prevent silicon growth on the      Having already built two
                                                    walls, these are kept at below        successful demonstration reactors
                                                    200 degrees Celsius.                  the company is now building a
                                                                                          full-scale industrial reactor in
                                                    INNOVATION                            cooperation with a customer.
                                                    Dynatec has produced a
                                                                                          Dynatec has also founded two
                                                    centrifugal reactor which lowers
                                                                                          spin off companies where the
                                                    the energy intensity of refining
                                                                                          centrifugal reactor is to be used
                                                    silicon in solar panel production
                                                                                          differently and refitted to make
                                                    by 90% compared to the
                                                                                          silicon nano-particles of similar
                                                    decomposition reactors currently
                                                                                          shape and size for both battery
                                                    in use.
                                                                                          and medical applications.
                                                    Instead of keeping hot elements
                                                    inside a cool chamber, with
                                                    Dynatec’s reactor the deposition
                                                                                            USEFUL LINKS:
                                                    takes place on the walls. The
                                                    whole reactor is also set into          sciencenordic.com/speedy-
                                                    rotation and built as a centrifuge.     production-silicon-solar-cells
                                                    By inverting the process, it is
                                                    possible to grow the silicon
                                                    without maintaining large
                         © Dynatec Engineering AS
                                                    temperature differences.

36                                                                                                                                     37
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                     RENEWABLE ENERGY


             CHALLENGE                              wheel – to successfully manage
                                                    wind power dips and drops
             Wind power in Northern Canada
                                                    without tripping the security
             has had limited success.
CANADA                                              mechanisms of the Raglan diesel
             Conditions in the area can be
             challenging for rotating machines
             and the variable nature of wind        The project deployed an Arctic-
             makes it difficult to integrate with   rated 3 MW ENERCON E-82                 © Tugliq Energy Co.
             diesel power plants. As a result,      E4 wind turbine generator. A
             one of the best wind resource          spider-like steel foundation
             regions is largely unexploited.        was engineered for the turbine         ACTION                                         in the region, Glencore’s Raglan
                                                    in order to alleviate potential                                                       mine successfully demonstrates that
             INNOVATION                                                                    The wind turbine has successfully
                                                    problems associated with                                                              harvesting wind energy can improve
                                                                                           operated for three consecutive years,
             Glencore’s Raglan mine                 melting of ice lenses in Raglan’s                                                     long-term economic stability and energy
                                                                                           delivering 20.1 GWh of renewable energy
             demonstrates that these                permafrost, should global                                                             security, and reduce greenhouse
                                                                                           to the Glencore RAGLAN Mine, abating
             obstacles can be overcome. With        warming accelerate over the 20-                                                       gas emissions and the environmental
                                                                                           5.1 million litres of diesel and 14,424 tons
             $7.8 million in funding from the       year lifecycle of the turbine. It is                                                  footprint of Canada’s northern mining
                                                                                           of CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas
             Government of Canada, Tugliq           also equipped with a cold winter                                                      operations and communities. The
             Energy Co is reaching new              package that includes blade                                                           company is currently installing another
             heights in harvesting wind energy      heating by air convection.             Through 2015 and 2016 the wind turbine         wind turbine, with even more storage.
             at an industrial scale through its                                            achieved a record-setting 97.6% uptime
                                                    A Hatch Microgrid Controller           average (among the world’s best in 3MW
             Glencore Raglan Mine Renewable
                                                    (HμGrid) monitors demand for           class). The wind and storage system will
             Electricity Smart-Grid Pilot                                                                                                   USEFUL LINKS:
                                                    wind power, and variations in          be monitored for a minimum of five years.
             Demonstration project.
                                                    supply, to produce a smooth                                                             tugliq.com/en/wind.html
             Tugliq Energy used a flywheel –        power output that enables high         POTENTIAL                                        tugliq.com/press/Tugliq%20
             a mechanical device that stores        (50%) wind power penetration in a                                                       Public%20Report%20EN.pdf
                                                                                           Acting as a flagship site for future
             energy created by a spinning           cost-effective way.                    industrial-scale wind power development

38                                                                                                                                                                              39
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                                  SECTION
                                                                                                                                                                    01 | ENERGY

                                                                                       WAVE POWER INSPIRED
                                                                                       BY THE HEART

QINGHAI ACHIEVES                                                                       CorPower Ocean AB has
                                                                                       developed a compact high-
                                                                                                                             Public sector support has been
                                                                                                                             provided at several stages
ZERO EMISSIONS FOR                                                                     efficiency Wave Energy                including through the EU Horizon
168 HOURS NON-STOP                                                                     Converter, with a design inspired
                                                                                       by the pumping principles of
                                                                                                                             2020 funded project WaveBoost.
                                                                                                                             A half-scale unit is currently being

                                                                                       the human heart. The design           tested on the coast of Scotland.
                                                                                       enables the converter to oscillate
                                                                                       in resonance with the incoming
             The State Grid Corporation of         The Qinghai Yellow River
                                                                                       waves, strongly amplifying their
             China achieved 100% clean             Hydropower Company developed                                                USEFUL LINKS:
                                                                                       motion and power capture. This
             energy supply to the Qinghai          a new model of water and
                                                                                       enables a significant reduction in      corpowerocean.com
 CHINA       province for a record-breaking        solar complementarity using
                                                                                       the required buoy size compared
             168 hours non-stop. During this       photovoltaic power generation
                                                                                       to conventional wave energy
             period it relied on the coordinated   of plants such as the Gonghe
                                                                                       converters, and improves
             use of various power sources          Photovoltaic Industrial Park, and
                                                                                       survivability due to the ability to
             including wind, hydro and solar       upstream hydroelectric power
                                                                                       detune the device in storms.
             and control and rolling closed-       stations, such as Longyangxia,
             loop dispatching to achieve zero
             emissions moving them closer
             to achieving towns run on 100%
             renewable energies.

40                                                                                                                                                                           41
SECTION 02                                                                                                                                               SECTION
                                                                                                                                                                 01 | ENERGY


                                      09                                                 IN SOLAR CONVERSION
          SYSTEMS &
 TECHNOLOGY CENTER                                                                       Japan aims to reduce the cost       Kaneka Corporation has also
                                                                                         of solar power generation to        achieved the world’s highest
        (ATAMOSTEC)                                                                      $0.06 per kWh by 2030 through       conversion efficiency in a
                                                                                         its innovation programme. As        crystalline silicon solar cell of     JAPAN
                                                                                         part of the programme, several      practical size (26.33% for 180
                                                                                         breakthroughs have been             cm²). By combining heterojunction
             The Atacama Desert, in the north      Chilean Universities, Fraunhofer      achieved in this technology area.   technology, low resistance
             of Chile has the highest levels       (Germany), the National Solar                                             electrode technology, and a
                                                                                         Sharp Corporation has achieved
             of solar irradiation in the world.    Energy Institute (France) and 19                                          back-contact structure achieved
 CHILE                                                                                   one of the world’s highest
             However, this region faces a          companies to carry out applied                                            capture of more solar energy.
 DE,FR                                                                                   conversion efficiency for a solar
             number of specific challenges         research and development. The
                                                                                         module (31.17% for 968 cm2). A
             which effects the scale-up of         consortium aims to adapt and
                                                                                         triple-junction compound was
             the use of photovoltaics. This        develop appropriate photovoltaic
                                                                                         used to capture a wider range of
             include high levels of ultra violet   technologies for desert zone
                                                                                         the spectrum of sunlight.
             radiation, temperature over           conditions and high solar
             the solar panels of up to 70°c        irradiation, in terms of durability
             degrees, dust, water scarcity and     and expected yields, with the
             a high seismic activity. In 2016      target to reduce the energy cost
             the Chilean Government funded         level by the year 2025.
             a consortium involving several

42                                                                                                                                                                         43


     01      EC          03          China            05         China          07          EC

     Itaka               Biomass aqueous              CO2 Hydrogenation with
                                                                                European Innovation
                         reforming to produce         renewable H2 to produce
                                                                                Council Prize - Fuel from the
                         alternative aviation fuels   chemical fuels
                                                                                Sun: Artificial photosynthesis

     02       Germany    04          India            06         Sweden         08          Germany

     Energiepark Mainz   The DBT-ICT                  C Green - 21st century    Synlight - The World’s
                         2G-Ethanol Technology        superefficient sludge     largest artificial sun

44                                                                                                               45
SECTION 03                                                                                                                                                                      FUELS

                                                                                              © Maksym Yemelyanov - fotolia.com
                                                     value chain, from feedstock and
                                                     fuel producers to fuel distributors

                                    ITAKA            and users such as airports and
                                                     airport managers and airlines.
                                                     The breakthrough project has
                                                     revealed total compatibility and
                                                     better energy efficiency for
              CHALLENGE                              airplane engines, testing biojet
                                                     fuel in existing airport fuel systems
              In order to reduce carbon
                                                     and in a series of long-haul and
              emissions, biofuels are
     EC                                              short-haul flights. At the same time,
ES, FR, RO,   considered the only available
                                                     the project has proved that flying
CH, UK, FI,   option to decarbonise the air
 IT, NL,BR                                           on advanced biofuel is safe, and
              transport sector in the near future,
                                                     successfully demonstrated that
              due to this sector’s dependence
                                                     biojet fuel can be used as a green
              on liquid fuels and its rapid
                                                     alternative to fossil fuels in the
              rate of growth expecting to
                                                     same aeroplane engine and in the
              exceed 10% of the global GHG                                                   and negligible particle shoot emissions       Recognising that scaling up is critical
                                                     same airport structure.
              emissions in 2050. As an aircraft                                              due to the fuel source and handling while     for bringing innovation to the market,
              lifetime is over 30 years, drop-       ACTION                                  engine tests proved more than 30%             a new project (BIO4A) is supported
              in decarbonised solutions are                                                  improvement for the local air quality         under Horizon 2020 ensuring industry
                                                     The environmental impact as an
              needed for existing fleets.                                                    at airports.                                  commitment as part of retrofitting Total’s
                                                     indirect outcome of this project
                                                                                                                                           refinery in La Méde France which has
              INNOVATION                             (if the project would be applied        For the market out-reach, the project
                                                                                                                                           renewable fuel capacity of several
                                                     to 2.1 million hectares left fallow     established supply of biojet fuel through
              Project ITAKA has supported the                                                                                              hundred thousand tonnes per year.
                                                     (no crop) in Europe yearly) is only     conventional logistics channels and
              development of aviation biofuels                                                                                             The production of 5,000- 10,000
                                                     estimated at around 700,000             illustrated that the declaration of its use
              in an economic and sustainable                                                                                               thousand tonnes of biojet fuel within
                                                     tons per year of sustainable            is possible under the Emissions Trading
              manner, and at the same time                                                                                                 the project is supported also through
                                                     biojet fuel (around 1% of EU jet        Scheme and the Renewable Energy
              improved the readiness of existing                                                                                           take off agreements for its purchase
                                                     fuel consumption) that could save       Directive policies.
              technologies and infrastructures.                                                                                            by KLM and Air France.
                                                     1.7 Mt CO2eq and create around
              ITAKA is an innovative project                                                 POTENTIAL
                                                     100,000 jobs.
              funded by the EU’s Seventh
                                                                                             Since January 2017, biojet fuel produced
              Framework Programme for                The project confirmed very
                                                                                             in the EU was used for the first time
                                                                                                                                             USEFUL LINKS:
              Research and Technological             positive environmental impact of                                                        ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/
                                                                                             worldwide by more than 6 million
              Development. The project brought       GHG savings more than 70% on a                                                          article_en.cfm?artid=44616
                                                                                             passengers in around 60,000 flights.
              together the main actors along the     life cycle basis of the value chain

46                                                                                                                                                                                  47
SECTION 03                                                                                                                                                                      FUELS

                                                     and to make heat and power,            The hydrogen produced can be                  augment the energy transition by
                                                     but also as a building block for       stored and either converted back              sector integration. To achieve this the
                                                     green industry. E.g. in a fuel cell,   to electricity later, or used for other       concept needs to reach economic
               ENERGIEPARK                           hydrogen can be converted              purposes like mobility, heating or as         viability; for that, energy regulation and
             MAINZ (ENERGY                           directly and highly efficiently
                                                     into electric power, allowing
                                                                                            an industrial feedstock.                      political support should be tailored
                                                                                                                                          accordingly. In addition, the production,
             FARM IN MAINZ)                          zero emission mobility on roads,
                                                                                            The Energiepark constitutes the world’s
                                                                                            first multi-Megawatt PEM electrolyser
                                                                                                                                          storage and distribution of hydrogen
                                                     railway and water.                                                                   should be standardised, electrolysers
                                                                                            installation; previously the technology
                                                     Energiepark Mainz, operated                                                          capabilities further improved and
                                                                                            had been used at much smaller scale,
                                                     by Stadtwerke Mainz and Linde                                                        extended hydrogen applications
                                                                                            e.g. at hydrogen fuelling stations. In May
                                                                                                                                          actively developed and pushed.
             CHALLENGE                               and co-financed by the Federal         2018 it is still the world’s largest system
                                                     Ministry of Economic Affairs and       by peak capacity.
             Electricity from renewable
                                                     Energy in Germany, was launched
             sources accounts for
GERMANY                                              to investigate and demonstrate         POTENTIAL                                       USEFUL LINKS:
             approximately one third of the
                                                     large-scale hydrogen production        In the future similar plants could work in      energiepark-mainz.de
             power supplied in Germany.
                                                     from renewable energy for a            various locations to stabilise the grid and
             The government aims to raise
                                                     variety of use cases. A 6 MW
             this to 65% by 2030 and to
                                                     Proton Exchange Membrane
             80% by 2050. The challenge
                                                     (PEM) electrolysis made by
             is that wind and solar radiation
                                                     Siemens has been brought to
             are intermittent, so storage
                                                     full-scale proof-of-concept at
             capabilities are needed. Further,
                                                     Energiepark. It is connected to
             “sector integration” is vital to also
                                                     a wind farm in the direct vicinity,
             decarbonise other sectors, and
                                                     which is sufficient to compensate
             energy needs to be transported
                                                     for capacity shortages in the
             from the sources to the users.
                                                     distribution grid.
             The energy carrier hydrogen is
                                                     Energiepark Mainz vividly
             the key element to solving these
                                                     demonstrates the potential of
             three challenges.
                                                     hydrogen as an energy vector.
             It can be made by from water            The electrolysers can be
             and renewable power by                  switched on and off or ramped
             “electrolysis”, and it can simply       up and down within seconds
             be stored, transported and used         to take up excess energy and
             – not only as a fuel for vehicles       stabilise the grid.                     By Energiepark Mainz

48                                                                                                                                                                                 49
SECTION 03                                                                                                                                                              FUELS

03                                                                                      ACTION
                                                                                        The demonstration project has
                                                                                                                                    Governments could work together to
BIOMASS AQUEOUS REFORMING TO                                                            an anticipated production volume of
                                                                                        1,000 tons of aviation fuel per year.
                                                                                                                                    make the most of their resources, for
                                                                                                                                    example agriculture and industries like
PRODUCE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS                                                      The project will process 12,000 tons        sugar refining could convert their waste
                                                                                        of corn stalks per year generating 2.4      or by-products into aviation fuels. The
                                                                                        million yuan for local farmers, providing   research would also benefit from the
                                                                                        value-added utilisation of corn stalks.     support of leading airlines, especially
                                                                                                                                    in the areas of emission control and
             CHALLENGE                             The key component of the
                                                                                                                                    creating a new aviation fuel standard.
                                                   processes is to effectively
             The International Air Transport
                                                   combine the traditional hydrolysis
             Association has calculated that
 CHINA                                             technology and new hydrothermal
             alternative jet fuel can reduce
                                                   depolymerisation technology.
             carbon dioxide emissions by 50
             per cent. Sustainable aviation fuel   Another advantage of the
             can be created by aqueous phase       technology is to simplify the
             reforming technology. This is the     utilisation process of biomass,
             most viable solution particularly     resolving the problem associated
             for developing economies that         with separation of biomass
             cannot afford to buy newer            platform compounds and
             generation aircraft.                  enrichment of energy intensity.

             INNOVATION                            This new technology is the
                                                   only method that can convert
             To produce sustainable aviation
                                                   whole biomass to aviation
             fuel from lignocellulose, an
                                                   fuels by an aqueous reforming
             innovative technology had been
                                                   process. It is more efficient and
             developed by the Guangzhou
                                                   environmentally friendly than
             Institute of Energy Conversion
                                                   to pathways.
             and Chinese Academy of Science.
             The alternative aviation fuels is
             produced from corn or sorghum
             stalks using a series of catalytic
             conversion processes.

50                                                                                                                                                                             51
SECTION 03                                                                                           FUELS

                         CHALLENGE                            take anywhere from 3 to 5 days.
                                                              The plant design also has unique
                         80% of India’s 150GW energy
                                                              features such as advanced
                         requirement is met from imported
                                                              reactor design and separation        INDIA

                         petro-crude. The country is
                                                              technologies with rapid reaction
                         mandated to blend 5% green
                                                              regime operations.
                         biofuels into gasoline and diesel
THE DBT-ICT 2G-ETHANOL   by its National Biofuel Policy
                         (2009). However, India today
TECHNOLOGY               has no diesel substitute of
                                                              The technology was proven at 1
                                                              ton/day scale during Phase 1 at
                         note while barely managing to
                                                              the India Glycols site. This was
                         achieve circa 3.3% bioethanol
                                                              later scaled up to a demonstration
                         blending into gasoline. The use
                                                              scale plant of 750,000 litres
                         of surplus agricultural residues
                                                              annual alcohol capacity.
                         and other renewable sources of
                         energy could lead to partial or      POTENTIAL
                         full replacement of petro-derived
                                                              The DBT-ICT Centre, along
                         fuels, ensuring a sustainable
                                                              with industrial partners, Bharat
                         energy supply for the country.
                                                              Petroleum Corporation and
                         INNOVATION                           Hindustan Petroleum Corporation,
                                                              are already on the way to design
                         2G Ethanol technology developed
                                                              and scale-up the technology
                         by the DBT-ICT Centre, which
                                                              to 400 ton/day scale. Larsen &
                         produces ethanol from agricultural
                                                              Toubro Hydrocarbon Engineering
                         residue feedstock, has the
                                                              has signed on as the engineering
                         potential to significantly reduce
                                                              partner for the commercialisation
                         emissions from the transportation
                                                              of the technology.
                         and agricultural sectors in India.
                         It also promises added social,       The aim is to demonstrate that the
                         economic and environmental           technology is cost-effective and
                         benefit such as revenue for          easy to scale up. The impact of
                         farmers, job creation and less       significant usage would be a net
                         agricultural waste.                  reduction in the import of crude
                                                              oil and of carbon emissions.
                         The continuous processing
                         technology converts biomass          The conversion of agri-waste to
                         feed to alcohol within 24 hours.     ethanol would help achieve the
                         Competing technologies from          proposed 20% target of ethanol
                         the developed economies can          blending with biodiesel.

52                                                                                                         53
SECTION 03                                                                                                 FUELS

                         CHALLENGE                               to 315°C. The catalyst showed
                                                                 high stability for at least 500
                         The direct production of liquid
                                                                 hours on stream and resistance to

                         fuels from carbon dioxide
                                                                 sintering at higher temperatures.       CHINA
                         hydrogenation has attracted
                         enormous interest for its significant   The DICP team also achieved
CO2 HYDROGENATION        role in mitigating emissions and
                         reducing dependence on fossil
                                                                 selective conversion of CO2
                                                                 to lower olefins through CO2
WITH RENEWABLE H2 TO     fuels. That is provided that the        hydrogenation over a ZnZrO/
PRODUCE CHEMICAL FUELS   hydrogen (H2) is from renewable
                         sources, such as photocatalytic
                                                                 SAPO tandem catalyst. The
                                                                 selectivity for lower olefins was
                         or photoelectrochemical                 as high as 80−90%. Furthermore,
                         splitting of water.                     this catalyst is stable toward the
                                                                 thermal and sulfur treatments.
                                                                 DICP has also reported a highly
                         In 2017, scientists in China
                                                                 efficient, stable and multifunctional
                         developed a variety of catalysts
                                                                 Na–Fe3O4/HZSM-5 catalyst. It can
                         to covert carbon dioxide (CO2) to
                                                                 directly convert CO2 to gasoline-
                         methanol, gasoline hydrocarbons,
                                                                 range (C5–C11) hydrocarbons
                         and even lower olefins with
                                                                 with selectivity up to 78% of all
                         high selectivity and conversion
                                                                 hydrocarbons, while only 4%
                         efficiency under relatively mild
                                                                 methane at a CO2 conversion
                         experimental conditions.
                                                                 of 22% and remarkable stability
                         Development of these CO2                for 1,000 hours on stream.
                         hydrogenation catalysts makes it
                         possible to reduce CO2 emissions        ACTION
                         and convert CO2 to value added          The technologies attracted
                         chemicals, such as fuels and            extensive attention from the
                         chemical feedstocks in large scale.     industrial sector and now the
                                                                 process is going through a
                         Dalian Institute of Chemical
                                                                 pilot phase to scale up the
                         Physics (DICP) has developed
                                                                 experimental solutions in China.
                         a ZnO-ZrO2 solid solution
                         catalyst, which can achieve CO2         POTENTIAL
                         to methanol selectivity of 86-
                                                                 This breakthrough may rapidly
                         91% with conversion efficiency
                                                                 accelerate CO2 utilisation in
                         of more than 10% under reaction
                                                                 industry, thereby reducing
                         conditions of 5.0 MPa, 24,000 ml/
                                                                 global emissions.
                         (g hour), H2/CO2 = 3:1 to 4:1, 320°

54                                                                                                               55
SECTION 03                                                                                                                                                     SECTION 01 | ENERGY

                                                                                       COUNCIL PRIZE -
                                                                                       FUEL FROM THE
06                                                                                     SUN: ARTIFICIAL
                                                                                       PHOTOSYNTHESIS                                      ©Brosko #235563640, ifong #82142185 2017
SUPEREFFICIENT                                                                         Artificial photosynthesis can          This is one of six Horizon 2020
SLUDGE DISPOSAL                                                                        contribute to tackling both            prizes, setting ambitious goals
                                                                                       energy and climate problems as         to solve major challenges facing
                                                                                       a sustainable alternative to fossil    present-day society.                           EC
                                                                                       fuels for a range of applications in
                                                                                                                              Meeting the challenge will
             Sweden-based C Green has              This can convert 60 tons of         industry, housing and transport.
                                                                                                                              stimulate innovation, raise
             created a revolutionary new way       wastewater sludge, industrial       It mimics the process of natural
                                                                                                                              public awareness, encourage
             to convert wet sludge into biofuel.   sludge or wet biomass per day       photosynthesis by absorbing
                                                                                                                              the industrial participation and
SWEDEN       Increasing amounts of sludge          into biofuel.                       solar energy to produce fuel that
                                                                                                                              creation of start-ups, as well as
             are being produced by sewage                                              can be stored and transported.
                                                   The resulting biofuel is                                                   increase commercial interest.
             treatment plants around the                                               It is considered one of the
                                                   odourless and free from bacteria,                                          Moreover, this prize will help
             world, containing 270 TWh per                                             most promising clean energy
                                                   viruses and the most complex                                               accelerate the development of
             year of energy.                                                           technology breakthroughs.
                                                   pharmaceutical residues, and is                                            new solar energy conversion
             To tackle the challenge of water      suitable for use in biofuel         The European Commission                systems.
             content of the material, C Green      power plants.                       has launched a €5 million
             patented Zero-Energy HT - an                                              Artificial Photosynthesis Prize for
             energy-efficient hydrothermal                                             innovators globally to build a fully
             carbonization process.                                                    functioning prototype.

56                                                                                                                                                                                57
SECTION 03                                                        SECTION 01 | ENERGY

                                 SYNLIGHT - THE
                                 WORLD’S LARGEST
                                 ARTIFICIAL SUN

                                 Synlight, located at the German
                                 Aerospace Center facility in Jülich,
                                 is the world’s largest solar simulator.
                                 With a 350-kilowatt array, Synlight       GERMANY
                                 produces solar radiation 10,000
                                 times more intense than at the
                                 Earth’s surface. Temperatures at the
                                 target point of the lamps can reach
                                 up to 3,000 degrees Celsius.
                                 Researchers use these
                                 temperatures to manufacture fuels
                                 including hydrogen. With three
                                 radiation chambers available for
                                 experiments in which the required
                                 radiation can be directed, Synlight
                                 allows intensive research into
                                 alternative energy production.
                                 Fuels, propellants and combustibles
                                 acquired using solar power offer
                                 immense potential for long-term
                                 storage, the production of chemical
                                 raw materials, and the reduction of
                                 carbon dioxide emissions.
             ©Markus Hauschild

58                                                                                59


                                               03           Norway      05         Germany

                                               ChargeFlex               New fuel membrane beats
                                                                        state-of-the-art technology

01     Australia        02         Norway      04           Sweden      06         Canada

Reinventing the wheel   Future of the Fjords
                                               Enerfy - the future of   AddÉnergie’s smart infrastructure
for global markets
                                               auto insurance           for charging electric vehicles

60                                                                                                      61
SECTION 04                                                                                                                                                    TRANSPORTATION


             CHALLENGE                              The one-piece carbon fibre
                                                    wheels are up to 50% lighter than
             Transport is responsible for
                                                    aluminium wheels for equivalent
             almost a quarter of energy-related
AUSTRALIA                                           strength, and can deliver a 6%
             greenhouse gas emissions
                                                    improvement in fuel efficiency
             worldwide, and emissions are
                                                    when they are fully integrated
             increasing at a faster rate than
                                                    into vehicle design. Their use
             any other sectors in the past
                                                    could significantly improve vehicle
             decade. Emissions produced by
                                                    fuel efficiency and reduce CO₂
             light vehicles account for over half                                         The Australian Government through          production markets, closer to major
                                                    emissions intensity by reducing
             of the total. Without intervention,                                          the Clean Energy Innovation Fund,          global automotive markets. The local
                                                    vehicle weight.
             global transport emissions could                                             committed 10 million AUD to Carbon         operation will be used as a test bed and
             grow by 70% to 2050.                   ACTION                                Revolution’s 50 million AUD capital        also serve as a production site for larger
                                                                                          raising in 2016.                           but small-volume wheels for trucks
             INNOVATION                             Carbon Revolution’s carbon
                                                                                                                                     and aeroplanes.
             Australian company Carbon
                                                    fibre wheels are already being        POTENTIAL
                                                    used in growing volumes in
             Revolution has developed a                                                   Carbon Revolution is looking to
                                                    high performance vehicles
             world-leading technology to                                                  capitalise on manufacturer interest
                                                    manufactured by Ford in the                                                        USEFUL LINKS:
             tackle carbon emissions in light                                             to extend the use to more affordable
                                                    US. Carbon Revolution is aiming                                                    carbonrev.com
             vehicles. It has developed the first                                         models. The company is planning an
                                                    to expand its annual wheel
             mass-produced carbon fibre car                                               initial public offering to raise as much     cefc.com.au/media/files/clean-energy-
                                                    production to over 100,000
             wheel as an alternative to heavier                                           as 100 million AUD in the near future,       innovation-fund-helps-australian-
                                                    by 2021.
             aluminium wheels, which are                                                  to expand the plant’s capacity to            manufacturer-reinvent-the-wheel-for-
             used in approximately half of                                                250,000 wheels a year. After that,           global-markets.aspx
             all cars globally.                                                           it will seek to expand into offshore

62                                                                                                                                                                            63
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