The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check

Page created by Cory Salinas
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
The First Generation of
 Green Infrastructure
       in Buffalo

                    Spring 2018
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
2     Acknowledgements


The Buffalo Sewer Authority (Buffalo Sewer) extends its gratitude
to the many partner agencies, community organizations, and
customers that have contributed to the ongoing success of Rain
Through Mayor Byron W. Brown’s leadership, the program
benefited from unprecedented partnerships across City Hall,
including support from the Department of Public Works, Parks
& Streets; the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning; and the
Department of Permits and Inspections Services.
Buffalo Sewer is grateful to the Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo for its support in launching the Rain Check brand,
communications campaign and public education materials that
helped get the program started. Community groups from across the
city helped shape projects and inform what green infrastructure can
do for the City of Buffalo and its neighborhoods.
Buffalo Sewer also acknowledges the many consultants who
designed green infrastructure projects in Buffalo and supported the
planning for the initiative.
Finally, Buffalo Sewer thanks the many state and federal
government agencies and foundations that have supported
the programmatic development of Rain Check as well as the
implementation of green infrastructure projects in Buffalo.

Project management and                         Report prepared by
technical support
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
Foreword            3


A message from Buffalo Sewer Authority

                                   Protecting public health and the
                                   environment from water pollution.
                                   Buffalo Sewer protects public health and our Great Lakes waterways from water
                                   pollution. To do this, we capture dirty water, treat and clean it so that it can
                                   be safely returned to our rivers and lakes. Established in 1935, Buffalo Sewer
                                   serves more than 550,000 customers in the City of Buffalo and 11 surrounding
                                   municipalities. Every day, Buffalo Sewer collects and cleans sewage and waste
                                   from homes, businesses and factories, as well as roadways, parking lots and
Buffalo Sewer Board of Directors
                                   rooftops. Buffalo Sewer also builds and maintains infrastructure—pipes, tanks
                                   and structures below ground, and landscape installations above ground—through
                                   over $20 million in capital projects each year. These investments are levers
Herbert L. Bellamy                 to engage and educate communities, create employment opportunities and
CHAIRMAN                           revitalize disinvested neighborhoods.
                                   With the Rain Check program, Buffalo Sewer is championing green infrastructure
John D. Kennedy, Sr.               solutions with a comprehensive approach to improve local water quality. As part
VICE CHAIRMAN                      of Buffalo’s Long Term Control Plan, approved by state and federal regulatory
                                   agencies in 2014, Buffalo Sewer committed to investing $380 million over 20
Christopher Roosevelt              years on projects to reduce combined sewer overflows into local waterways.
ASSISTANT VICE CHAIRMAN            Working hand-in-hand with local, state, and national water protection partners,
                                   Buffalo Sewer is implementing a careful balance of traditional gray infrastructure
Eleanor Petrucci                   projects with smart approaches and green solutions. We champion green
SECRETARY                          infrastructure solutions because they provide opportunities for a holistic
                                   approach to managing stormwater, while positively impacting the city’s triple
                                   bottom line and supporting Mayor Byron W. Brown’s vision to make Buffalo a
                                   more sustainable, equitable city.
                                   While much remains to be done, Buffalo Sewer and its partners across
                                   government and in the community are forging progress on sustainable, equitable
                                   water management through green infrastructure. Together, we have already
                                   completed a number of green infrastructure projects on roadways, parking lots
                                   and vacant lots across Buffalo. We are hard at work investing in, planning for and
                                   implementing the next generation of green infrastructure projects in Buffalo to
                                   protect our Great Lakes and ensure that every resident can access and benefit
                                   from clean, healthy water resources.

                                   Oluwole A. McFoy, P.E.
                                   GENERAL MANAGER
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
4     Table of Contents

                                                     Officially launched in 2015, Rain Check aims
                                                     to protect and restore the health of Buffalo’s
is Buffalo’s                                         waterways by addressing today’s most pressing
                                                     water-related challenge—stormwater. This report
green                                                describes what that challenge is, the unique role

                                                     green infrastructure plays in addressing it, what
                                                     we’ve done so far, and how we’ll take green

program.                                             infrastructure to the next level.

Table of Contents

pg. 6                                                          pg. 16
Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource.                         Stormwater is the greatest
                                                              challenge to the
                                                              health of our
Buffalo is an important part of the Great                     water and green
Lakes system where one-fifth of the world’s                   infrastructure
freshwater flows past our shores. For our people
                                                              helps keep it in
and businesses, water gives life to Buffalo. It
is critical to our history and shapes our quality of
life. In a world where water will only become more
valuable, it is Buffalo’s greatest resource to protect        Like all U.S. cities, Buffalo faces
in the 21st Century and beyond.                               a stormwater challenge. Water
                                                              generated from rain and snowmelt
                                                              (stormwater) needs to be moved off
                                                              our streets and buildings to protect
                                                              health and safety. We typically do this
                                                              by directing it to our sewer system,
                                                              which is designed to discharge
                                                              excess waste and stormwater into
                                                              local waterways during wet weather.
                                                              These sewer overflow events
                                                              can impair local water quality by
                                                              dumping pollutants and waste into           Keeping
                                                              our waterways.                                the
                                                              Green infrastructure keeps the            stormwater
                                                              stormwater challenge in check by               in
                                                              absorbing, diverting, or storing rain        check
                                                              and snowmelt where it falls. This
                                                              prevents it from running off into our
                                                              sewers and keeps harmful pollutants
                                                              out of our waterways.
                                                              The benefits of green
                                                              infrastructure go beyond
                                                              protecting water. It can beautify
                                                              neighborhoods, create safer streets,
                                                              save money, cultivate public
                                                              engagement and education, and
                                                              generate green job opportunities.
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
Table of Contents     5

pg. 24                                                 pg. 74
What we’ve learned from                                How we’ll take green
the first generation of green                          infrastructure to the next
infrastructure in Buffalo.                             level.
                                       Green Streets                                            Community
The first generation of green                                                                   engagement
                                                       The next chapter of green
infrastructure in Buffalo focused                      infrastructure in Buffalo will look to
on tackling the parts of our built                     scale up and expand the types of
environment that create the most                       projects we take on, continuing to
runoff from stormwater—streets,                        make community engagement and
parking lots, and roofs. Projects                      education a priority, and finding new
created green streets that manage      Parking Lots    partnerships to tackle collaborative     Community
stormwater with elements that                          projects across the city.                partnerships
beautify neighborhoods, green
parking lots that collect and soak
up water, greening of vacant
lots after demolitions toBUFFALO
                            absorb                          BUFFALO
rain and snowmelt, and engaging                              SEWER
homeowners to keep stormwater out
of the sewer with rain barrels and                          PROJECT              SCALING
                                       Demolitions                                 UP
downspout disconnections.                 and
                                       Vacant Lot

                                        Rain Barrels
                                      and Downspout

                                                       pg. 82               Appendix
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
6    Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource

                           Water is Buffalo’s
                           greatest resource

                                                                                        of the world’s
                                                                                        freshwater flows
                                                                                        past Buffalo as it
                                                                                        moves from the
                                                                                        western Great
                                                                                        Lakes through
                                                                                        the Niagara River
                                                                                        and into Lake
    Great Lakes Watershed

                           Buffalo has a special place in the Great Lakes system. All the water that drains into the western
                           Great Lakes flows past Buffalo and into the Niagara River before running over Niagara Falls, into
                           Lake Ontario, and into the Saint Lawrence River. This makes the City of Buffalo a steward for all
                           the water in the Great Lakes—about one-fifth of the world’s freshwater.
                           The creeks and streams that run through the City of Buffalo also drain into the Great Lakes
                           system. So while the health of local waterways depends on the health of this broader system,
                           what we do to care for our local waterways can also have big impacts on water quality
                           throughout the Great Lakes. And the water quality in the Great Lakes has huge impacts on the
                           environment, public health, and economy of all communities across the basin. Buffalo is a critical
                           link and an important player in this Great Lakes mega-region, which contains 18 percent of U.S.
                           population and 17 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).1
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource   7

pg. 8       pg. 10

Buffalo’s   Water gives life
Waterways   to Buffalo.
            We need to
            make sure our
            water is clean
            and healthy.
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
8     Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource

        Niagara River                                                                 Black Rock Canal

Niagara River                                 Scajaquada Creek                             Black Rock Canal
The fast-flowing Niagara River is the         Scajaquada Creek, a tributary of the         The Black Rock Canal is formed by a
distinctive waterway of the Buffalo Niagara   Niagara River, begins in the town of         break wall that reroutes the Niagara River
region. The 37-mile river feeds the world-    Lancaster and flows west through             waters between Unity Island and the city’s
famous Niagara Falls, connects Lake Erie to   Cheektowaga where it enters an               shoreline. This channel was constructed
Lake Ontario and forms part of the border     underground channel before resurfacing       so ships could travel from Buffalo to
between the U.S. and Canada. Today, the       at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo.          Tonawanda more safely by avoiding the
Niagara River is widely used by residents     From there, the creek travels through        rapid current of the Niagara River. Today,
and tourists for fishing, boating, sight-     the cemetery and is a key feature of         the Black Rock Canal is a prime destination
seeing and recreation.                        the Olmsted-designed Delaware Park,          for boating, fishing and for taking in
                                              ultimately flowing into Black Rock Canal.    waterfront scenery.

Buffalo’s waterways
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource        9

                                              Cazenovia Creek                                 Lake Erie
          Buffalo River

Buffalo River                                 Cazenovia Creek                                 Lake Erie
The Buffalo River starts just east of the     A tributary of the Buffalo River, Cazenovia     Lake Erie, the smallest Great Lake in terms
city where Cayuga Creek and Buffalo           Creek forms in southern Erie County,            of overall volume, links Buffalo with major
Creek meet, and winds through South           traveling through various towns before          shipping channels and has a substantial
Buffalo before draining into Lake Erie at     entering the City of Buffalo. It flows          impact on our climate. The Great Lakes to
the city’s Inner Harbor. Historically, the    through South Buffalo neighborhoods             the west, and tributary streams south of
Buffalo River is where the city’s industry    and forms the prime water feature of            the city, feed into Lake Erie which is the
took root. It still serves that purpose,      Cazenovia Park, part of the city’s Olmsted      source of all of Buffalo’s water supply.
by carrying large freighters to grain         Park system.
elevators for instance, but today the river
is increasingly being used for recreation
and tourism.
The First Generation of Green Infrastructure in Buffalo - Spring 2018 - Rain Check
10   Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource

Water gives
life to Buffalo.

                                                  Our waterways nourish
                                                  us, tie us together as a                          Our waterfronts
                                                  community, and connect                            are driving the
                                                  us with nature.                                   revitalization of
                                                                                                    our city, with new
                                                                We rely on these waterways
                                                                                                    public spaces
                                                                to provide us with the water
                                                                                                    and private
                                                                we use every day—to drink,
                                                                                                    investments that
                                                                cook, clean, grow plants—in our
                                                                                                    attract economic
                                                                homes and workplaces.
                                                                                                    activity and
                                                                                                    droves of visitors.

Buffalo formed and
prospered because
                               Water supply                      Habitat and scenery          Fishing
it was connected to
                               Our waterways supply all          Our waterfronts and          Many people use the
major waterways,
                               the water we use every            waterways provide critical   waterways to fish, for
like Lake Erie, the            day, from drinking water to       habitat for wildlife, and    recreation, or for food.
Niagara River, and             watering plants, washing          stunning scenery for         Broderick Park is one
the Erie Canal. And            dishes, taking showers,           visitors. Places like the    fishing spot that attracts
today, our city’s              and doing laundry. The            Tifft Nature Preserve        many residents and visitors
waterways are still            city’s waterways are a            provide an important         throughout the year and
                               key ingredient for many           habitat for migratory        especially at community
the backbone of
                               important and growing             birds, and a great place     events, like the Family
our communities,               industries, like construction,    for people to view these     Fishing weekend that draws
and a big benefit to           health care, agriculture          species, other wildlife,     hundreds of visitors each
our quality of life.           and food service. Our             and to take in the city’s    June.
                               water is also essential for       waterfront.
                               important public services,
                               like firefighting and street
Water is Buffalo’s greatest resource   11

                                                                            We need to
                                                                             make sure
                                                                            our water is
                                                                              clean and
                                                Many people fish along
                                                the city’s waterways for
                                                recreation, but also for
                                                sustenance, using water
  Waterways and           Community             as a source of food.
  shorelines are          members use
  critical habitat for    the waterways
  wildlife that draw      for many types
  more visitors, like     of recreation,
  birdwatchers.           from swimming,
                          boating, paddling,
                          and other sports.

                                                                                       Buffalo’s 21st
                                                                                       century future
Boating and paddling           Economic development
                                                                                       will be fueled
Sailboats, motorboats,         The waterfront is the
                                                                                       by our access to
canoes, kayaks,                historical, cultural and
paddleboards, and even         economic center of                                      fresh water. It is
water bicycles are common      Buffalo. Building on this                               imperative that we
sights in the Buffalo Harbor   history, recent waterfront                              protect and restore
on sunny days. Paddlers        investments are helping                                 this tremendous
and boaters can take in the    to steer the economic                                   resource for the
natural scenery on the open    revitalization of the city and
                                                                                       benefit of future
waterways, or along nature     the entire Buffalo Niagara
preserves, but also tourism    region. The waterfront                                  generations.
destinations and waterfront    is also home to regional
attractions like Canalside     tourist attractions, like
and the Naval and Military     HarborCenter, and many
Park.                          major employers. Water
                               is a necessary component
                               to the operations of many
                               industries, including energy
                               and manufacturing.
12   Our Stormwater Challenge


                                 pg. 14                         pg. 16

                                 Defining our                   Why it’s a
                                 stormwater                     challenge for our
                                 challenge                      sewer system
                                                                and community

                                To fully benefit from all the opportunities offered by our
                                waterways, we need to make sure they are clean and healthy.
                                Today, the biggest challenge facing local waterways comes from
                                stormwater—the water that flows over the ground when it
                                rains or snow melts.
Our Stormwater Challenge   13

pg. 18           pg. 20           pg. 22         pg. 24
How green        Benefits         How Buffalo    How green
infrastructure   of green         keeps the      infrastructure
keeps the        infrastructure   stormwater     became part
stormwater       beyond the       challenge in   of Buffalo’s
challenge in     stormwater       check          stormwater
check            challenge                       solution

                     Keeping the stormwater
                       challenge in check
14     Our Stormwater Challenge

Defining our stormwater challenge
Stormwater itself is a resource. It helps us grow food, feeds our plants and
greenspaces, and replenishes rivers, streams, creeks and lakes. But because
we need to move it off the surfaces of our streets, sidewalks, homes, and
parking lots, it causes a challenge to our sewer system and waterways.

                                                                   When stormwater falls in
                                                                   an urban environment
                                                                               Stormwater needs to be managed
                                                                               because of the streets, buildings,
                                                                               parking lots, and other hard surfaces
                                                                               we’ve built. Getting water off these
                                                                               surfaces quickly protects the health
                                                                               and safety of people and the structural
                                                                               integrity of the things we’ve built.


Sidewalks, roads, driveways,            As stormwater flows                          This polluted runoff combines
and roofs don’t absorb                  across these impervious                      with wastewater from
stormwater because they are             surfaces, it picks up dirt and               homes and businesses, often
impervious surfaces.                    pollutants, creating runoff.                 overflowing into waterways.

The challenge of impervious surfaces.   The challenge of runoff.                     When stormwater runoff meets our
Much of our city is covered by          Stormwater that travels down streets,        sewer system and waterways.
impervious surfaces—hard materials      driveways, and across the urban              Stormwater runoff and the pollutants it
like asphalt, concrete, and rooftops    environment is called runoff. As it          picks up as it travels along impervious
designed to be impenetrable to water.   moves across impervious surfaces,            surfaces need a place to go. Some of that
When it rains or snow melts, water      it picks up all sorts of pollutants like     water finds its way into the ground or
puddles up and flows across these       trash, animal waste, pesticides from our     into local creeks, rivers, or tributaries.
surfaces until it finds places to be    lawns, oil and grease from our cars, and     But most of the water enters our sewer
absorbed or deposited.                  everything else we spill or drop on the      system through the sewer inlets on our
                                        ground.                                      streets, sewer grates in parking lots, and
                                                                                     downspouts on the sides of homes and
Our Stormwater Challenge   15

When stormwater falls in
a natural environment
Natural landscapes, soil
and wetlands can absorb
stormwater because they
are porous.

                 Green infrastructure is designed to
                 mimic how the natural environment
                 manages stormwater.
16    Our Stormwater Challenge

                                                                                               How Buffalo’s combined sewer
Why                                                                                            system works in...

stormwater                                                                                     ...dry weather.

is a challenge
for our sewer
system and
The stormwater challenge is essentially a wet-weather
challenge. When it rains or snow melts, stormwater that falls
on impervious surfaces, like roads and rooftops, runs off into
the combined sewer system and mixes with wastewater from
homes and businesses. When this happens, our system, by
design, releases any excess waste and stormwater directly
into waterways in order to prevent basement backups. These
occurrences are called sewer overflow events and the more
precipitation we receive, the more untreated stormwater
overflows into the Niagara River, and the bigger the                                               TO TREATMENT FACILITY
stormwater challenge becomes.
This is a significant problem for the City of Buffalo which
receives, on average, 40 inches of rainfall and 94 inches of
snow every year.2 And the problem seems to be growing as the
frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events has
increased across the northeastern U.S.3                                                         In dry weather, our combined
Green infrastructure practices keep the stormwater                                              sewer system only has to carry
challenge in check by reducing and managing the impervious                                      wastewater and sewage from our
surfaces of the city that produce stormwater runoff,                                            homes and businesses to the sewage
particularly on streets and buildings. While traditional
underground infrastructure is still needed, especially in
                                                                                                plant where it all gets treated
extreme precipitation events, green infrastructure is a                                         before being released into the
powerful, cost-effective way to prevent sewer overflows from                                    Niagara River.
happening and to keep our stormwater challenge in check.

                                                                                        In dry weather, our combined sewer system
                                                                                        is able to treat all our wastewater before it is
                                                                                        released into local waterways.
                               A total of 1.75 billion gallons
                               of wastewater and untreated
                               stormwater are estimated to
                               enter our waterways during
                               the 69 overflow events that
                               happen during a typical year.
                               For details on methodology and assumptions, see the Appendix.
Our Stormwater Challenge       17

...moderate precipitation events of                                      ...extreme precipitation events with
1 inch or less of rain or snowmelt.                                      more than 1 inch of rain or snowmelt.

   TO TREATMENT FACILITY                                                 TO TREATMENT FACILITY

In moderate precipitation events,                                     In extreme precipitation events, large
stormwater flows into the combined                                    volumes of untreated stormwater
sewer system and mixes with                                           runoff carrying pollutants from
wastewater. This can lead to sewer                                    impervious surfaces drain into the
overflow events where untreated water                                 combined sewer system, mixing with
gets released into local waterways.                                   wastewater before being released
                                                                      into local waterways.

Green infrastructure is a great solution for                          Green infrastructure can be a big part of the
moderate precipitation events. Most, if not all, of                   solution in extreme events. We also need to invest
these events could be taken care of by techniques                     in underground infrastructure to prevent sewer
that absorb, collect, or divert water when it rains or                overflows in extreme precipitation events.
snow melts.

Moderate                                      ...88% of sewer         Extreme                           ...only 12% of sewer
precipitation                                 overflow events.        precipitation                     overflow events.
events in Buffalo                                                     events in Buffalo
account for...                                                        account for...
                                              ...and 44% of the                                         ...but 56% of the
                                              volume of untreated                                       volume of untreated
                                              wastewater released                                       wastewater released
                                              into local waterways.                                     into local waterways.

For details on methodology and assumptions, see the Appendix.
18   Our Stormwater Challenge

How green                       Green infrastructure
infrastructure                  manages water where
                                it falls.
keeps the                       It slows down the flow of

                                stormwater into our sewer
                                system, or keeps it out of                  Green infrastructure

challenge in
                                sewers altogether.                          absorbs stormwater

check                                                            Green infrastructure often
                                                              involves planting vegetation and
                                                               other natural elements in urban
                                 Impervious surfaces         environments to absorb and treat
                                    are designed to              stormwater where it lands.
                                     quickly move
                                 stormwater into the
                                   sewer system to
                                   prevent puddling
                                     and flooding.

                                    When it rains or
                                   when snow melts,
                                 the sewer system is
                                      designed to
                                   discharge excess                   By absorbing
                                 stormwater directly            stormwater, plants and
                                  into waterways to             soils keep large volumes
                                  prevent basement                 of runoff out of the
                                    backups. These                sewer system, while
                                    sewer overflow                filtering out pollutants
                                  events pollute local

                                   TO TREATMENT FACILITY
Our Stormwater Challenge      19

Green infrastructure                        Green infrastructure captures
diverts stormwater                          and stores stormwater

     Green infrastructure can reroute and
      slow down the flow of stormwater
          entering the sewer system,
         particularly during extreme
             precipitation events.
                                                      Green infrastructure
                                                     practices can capture
                                                      stormwater where it
                                                   lands and store water so
                                                   it can be used on site at a
                                                           later time.

                                                                                             By absorbing
                                                                                             and capturing
                                                                                             rain and
                    Slowing down                    Capturing stormwater
                       the flow of                    stops it from entering                  snowmelt
                        runoff into                    the system which                      where it lands,
                   sewers gives the                 improves water quality                   or temporarily
                  treatment facility                by reducing the volume                   diverting water
                    time to process                 and frequency of sewer                   before releasing
                      and treat the                  overflow events that                     it into the sewer
                         incoming                     pollute waterways.
                                                                                             system, green
                       sewage and                                                            infrastructure
                      stormwater                                                             can reduce
                      before being                                                           sewer overflow
                    discharged into                                                          events and keep
                       the Niagara                                                           our waterways
                           River.                                                            clean and
20    Our Stormwater Challenge

     Benefits of green
     infrastructure beyond
     the stormwater
     challenge                                                      ECONOMY
     Because green infrastructure
     investments are above ground for
     all to see, they can offer unique                               ENVIRONMENT
     benefits to our environment,
     economy, and community.

Offers public and                  Directs public                      Re-greens urban                     Enhances
private cost savings               investment into                     areas                               community
Compared to gray                   neighborhoods                       By replacing underused              aesthetics
infrastructure, the costs of       Unlike conventional                 or vacant land with plants,         Green infrastructure
installing and maintaining green   stormwater infrastructure,          trees, and gardens, green           features improve the local
infrastructure are often lower,    green infrastructure directs        infrastructure incorporates         aesthetics of a community.
which saves local governments,     public investments above            natural elements into urban         When incorporated into
private developers, and            ground and in neighborhood          environments. These natural         neighborhood business
taxpayers money. Some green        spaces across the city.             areas provide vegetation and        districts or major
infrastructure strategies allow    Neighborhood greening               soils that can help reduce air      transportation corridors,
property owners, especially        initiatives in underinvested        temperatures, purify the air,       green infrastructure can help
households, to cut down on         communities are an important        and provide habitat for wildlife.   beautify and revitalize areas,
water usage and save money on      strategy to reverse historical                                          making them more attractive
energy bills.                      legacies of disinvestment.                                              to private investment.
Our Stormwater Challenge            21

Supports public                    Improves public                   Cultivates public                  Creates green job
health and                         safety                            education and                      opportunities
recreation                         Green infrastructure features     engagement                         Implementing green
By improving pathways,             can support public safety by      opportunities                      infrastructure creates a
creating places to gather, and     enhancing traffic calming         Green infrastructure is above      wide variety of green job
providing shade during warm        measures like bump outs           ground, allowing people to         opportunities. Each project
weather, trees and other green     and bike lanes that make          see and touch installations in     involves a range of design
spaces promote active, healthy     streets safer for pedestrians     their communities and creating     professionals, community
lifestyles and recreation. As      and bicyclists. Some green        unique opportunities to develop    engagement specialists,
part of compact development        infrastructure strategies also    public awareness around the        project managers, construction
strategies, green infrastructure   remove hazardous structures       importance of sustainable          workers and maintenance
supports walkable communities      and green vacant lots, which      water management. The              teams. Through agency
and helps cultivate a strong       can create a sense of place and   installation and management        leadership, professional and
sense of place and well-being.     improve neighborhood safety.      of green infrastructure            workforce training programs,
                                                                     projects thrive on community       and first source and minority
                                                                     participation and partnership,     hiring programs, the green
                                                                     with many opportunities to         infrastructure job ladder can
                                                                     include residents, property        eliminate barriers for under-
                                                                     owners, community groups, and      represented community
                                                                     neighborhood volunteers in the     members and actively support
                                                                     development process.               an equitable and inclusive green
                                                                                                        infrastructure workforce.
22   Our Stormwater Challenge

The ways
keeps the
in check

Buffalo keeps                   Tackling the problem                        Getting pollutants off our
the stormwater                  underground with pipes,                     streets so they never enter
                                pumps, and “smart”                          our sewer systems and
challenge in check              sensors.                                    waterways.
in many ways.
                                Pipes, pumps, and gray, underground         Preventing pollutants from entering
Some are “smart”                infrastructure are the foundation           our waterways is a lot cheaper and
and gray, others                of how we collect wastewater from           more effective than treating and
are green. All                  local homes and businesses. They also       cleaning contaminated water. In
are designed to                 collect stormwater from the 18,000
                                storm drains maintained by Buffalo
                                                                            maintaining streets and parks, Buffalo
                                                                            uses various “best management
promote healthy                 Sewer across the city. On days with         practices” to keep the stormwater
waterways.                      minimal or no rain or snowmelt, this        challenge in check. The Department of
                                system filters out wastewater and           Public Works, Parks & Streets regularly
                                pollutants from water before it gets        sweeps and vacuums city streets to
                                deposited back into our waterways.          keep all sorts of pollutants (road salt,
                                                                            oil and grease, pet waste, etc.) out
                                Contemporary gray infrastructure
                                                                            of the sewer system and away from
                                investments can fix compromised
                                                                            our waterways. City departments
                                pipes or modernize older technology
                                                                            also refrain from using pesticides in
                                so that it performs at a higher level.
                                                                            maintaining green space and parks. This
                                Increasingly, Buffalo Sewer is looking
                                                                            makes our parks healthier places for
                                at “Real Time Control” measures to
                                                                            residents and keeps these materials out
                                maximize sewer performance and
                                                                            of our streams and sewer system.
                                minimize how much untreated water
                                goes directly into our water bodies.
                                Using sensors, this “smart” technology
                                can tell what parts of the system will be
                                under the most stress during a rain or
                                snowmelt event, and divert waste and
                                stormwater, “in real time,” to parts of
                                the system that will be less stressed.
Our Stormwater Challenge       23

                                      GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AT WORK

Incorporating                    Creating policies                        RAINCHECK PROGRAM 1.0
practices that                   and regulations
protect, restore,                that require private
and maintain our                 development                     Removing                     Making targeted
natural areas.                   to minimize the                 impervious                   changes to the
Protecting and maintaining       amount of water                 surfaces through             built environment
our natural areas includes       that runs off their             demolition.                  that mimic the
investments in our parks,        buildings and land.             As a strategy to remove      natural water
trees, and shoreline areas.      The 2017 debut of the           blight and enhance           cycle.
Buffalo boasts more than         Buffalo Green Code              the health and safety        Roadways, parking lots, and
150 parks, most of which         replaced a fifty year-          of our neighborhoods,        rooftops are the highest
are covered in grass or          old, outdated planning          Buffalo implemented          runoff sites in our city.
vegetation that can soak         framework, with a modern        a comprehensive              Buffalo has implemented
up rain and snowmelt.            set of policies, regulations    demolition program           a range of projects and
Throughout our streets,          and design guidelines. The      that removed over 6,600      programs targeted at
public spaces, and parks are     Green Code helps check the      abandoned residential        these areas, including a
well over 150,000 trees,         stormwater challenge by:        and commercial               residential rain barrel and
estimated to keep more           requiring on-site stormwater    structures between 2001      downspout disconnection
than 42 million gallons          management for all new          and 2017. In many cases,     program; integrating
of stormwater out of the         development greater than        demolitions replace          water absorbing elements,
sewer each year. Shoreline       1/4 acre (including most        impervious surfaces          like rain gardens, into
restoration projects, like       parking lots); prioritizing     (buildings and driveways)    streetscape projects; and
the Scajaquada Creek             compact development and         with vacant lots that soak   retrofitting neighborhood
restoration project at Forest    open space that minimizes       up water where it falls.     parking areas with special
Lawn Cemetery, construct         impervious surfaces; and                                     materials and designs that
wetlands and buffers to filter   encouraging landscaping,                                     collect and soak up rain and
and slow water from rain or      innovative paving materials,                                 snowmelt.
snowmelt before it enters        and water collecting
waterways.                       technology like rain barrels,
                                 gardens, and cisterns.
Learning from local examples
                                                                and national models
24     Our Stormwater Challenge

 How green infrastructure
 became part of Buffalo’s
 stormwater solution
     Gray Approach                     Gray Meets Green
     2004-2008                         2008-2014
                                       Buffalo Sewer explores green infrastructure solutions with support from local
                                       partners and national peers. The work starts with a series of green infrastructure
                                       projects that engage and educate citizens on green approaches and the
                                       stormwater challenge.

     2004                              2007               2009             2010                       2011                      2012
     Buffalo Sewer submits             August 2007,       Buffalo Sewer    Downspout                  Buffalo Sewer’s first      Buffalo Sewer
     draft Long-Term                   Mayor Byron W.     begins “smart”   disconnection pilot        green street project      conducts
     Control Plan (LTCP) for           Brown              sewer program    project: Buffalo Sewer     supported by NYS          community
     state/federal agency              announces large    evaluation       launches project in Old    Environmental             outreach meetings
     review. Plan includes             scale multi-year   focusing on      First Ward (later          Facilities Corp. (EFC):   and focus groups to
     only gray infrastructure          plan to remove     capacity         Hamlin Park and            Work begins on            inform development
     solutions.                        blighted           opportunities    Elmwood Village),          Claremont Ave             of LTCP. Community
                                       structures.        throughout       partners with Buffalo      Clarendon Pl              expresses interest in
                                                          sewer system.    Niagara Waterkeeper        Elmwood Ave               green infrastructure
                                                                            to conduct community      Parkdale Ave              solutions.
                                                                           outreach.                  Windsor Ave
                                                                                                                                Buffalo Sewer
                                                                           Green infrastructure                                 submits updated
                                                                           feasibility study:                                   draft LTCP for state,
                                                                           Buffalo Niagara                                      federal agency
                                                                           Waterkeeper received                                 review, including
                                                                           funding support from                                 green infrastructure
                                                                           Community                                            options.
                                                                           Foundation for
                                                                           Greater Buffalo                                          DRAFT
                                                                           and the John R. Oishei
                                                                           Supported by Buffalo
                                                                           Sewer, the study calls
                                                                           for a mix of gray and
                                                                           green infrastructure
                                                                           solutions, the creation
                                                                           of a citywide green
                                                                           infrastructure program.

                                                                            BUFFALO                  BUFFALO
                                                                             SEWER                    SEWER
                                                                            PROJECT                  PROJECT

     2004        2005           2006      2007        2008     2009            2010                   2011                           2012
Our Stormwater Challenge                25

               Gray and Green                   Green approaches scale up
                make it official                 2015-Present
                            2014                With a finalized “smart + green” Long Term Control Plan, Buffalo Sewer and
        10 years after draft LTCP               the City launch new projects around parking lots and vacant lots. Work is
           with no green options,               scaled up with a citywide downspout disconnection and rain barrel program
      Buffalo Sewer finalizes with               and the completion of several major complete green street projects. New
         “smart + green” options.               partnerships expand to make green infrastructure approaches grow.

2013                  2014                      2015                              2016                     2017                      2018
Buffalo Sewer         Buffalo Sewer             Rain Check:                       Buffalo Common            Buffalo Sewer and        Buffalo Sewer and
and the City          finalizes LTCP,            Buffalo Sewer partners with       Council adopts           the City install          the City partner
partner with          includes the first         Community Foundation for          Buffalo Green            green parking lots        with Ralph C.
PUSH                  generation of             Greater Buffalo to secure a       Code, updated city       at JFK and Pratt          Wilson
Buffalo               green                     national Partners for Places      zoning ordinance         Willert Community         Foundation and
on green              infrastructure            grant, also coordinates with      that includes            Centers.                  Community
vacant lots in the    projects, with            Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper       on-site stormwater       Buffalo Sewer             Foundation for
West Side.            focus on green            and PUSH Buffalo on               management               partners with             Greater Buffalo
                      streets, green            community outreach                requirements for all     Community                 to launch
Buffalo Sewer         demolitions and           and program                       new development.         Action                    Rain Check 2.0,
and City              vacant lots.              implementation.                                            Organization              second generation
construct Carlton                                                                 Kenmore Ave              on youth green            of green
St project                                      Post demolition green             green street             infrastructure            infrastructure
including porous                                infrastructure pilot study:       completed.               education program.        projects with focus
asphalt. Work on                                Buffalo Sewer receives funding                                                       on expanded
Ardmore Place                     2017   2018   through NYS EFC and awards                                 Niagara St                engagement
reveals brick                                   a contract to Buffalo                                      Gateway Project           and
under the asphalt,                              Neighborhood Stabilization                                 Phase 1                   partnerships.
creating an                                     Corporation to provide                                     completed.
opportunity to            FINAL                 on-site training and
restore the                                     technical assistance for                                   Genesee St
historic street and                             the study.                                                 green street
make it a green at    LTCP is approved                                                                     completed.
the same time.        by NYSDEC and             RENEW Fellows:
                      EPA.                      Buffalo Sewer and City partner
                                                with UB RENEW Institute to
                      Buffalo Sewer             establish fellowship program,
                      and the City              and receives technical
                      construct Fillmore        assistance for green
                      Ave project and           infrastructure program.
                      introduce green
                      parking lots to the       Ohio St green street completed.
BUFFALO               East Side.
PROJECT                                          SCALING                               SCALING                   SCALING                  SCALING
                                                   UP                                    UP                        UP                       UP

       2013                2014                           2015                          2016                     2017                 2018               2034

                                                                                                     Buffalo Sewer’s Long Term Control Plan, with
                                                                                                     “smart + green” options, sets the stage for green
                                                                                                     infrastructure investments through 2034.
26   Rain Check Strategies

               Rain Check 1.0
               strategies in Buffalo

                                                                                               pg. 28

                                                                                               The first
                                                                                               generation of
                                                                                               public green

               Rain Check 1.0 marked the first generation of green infrastructure in Buffalo. The program tackled the
               stormwater challenge through four distinct strategies–green streets, green parking lots, demolitions
               and vacant lot restoration, and rain barrels and downspout disconnections. Each project completed
               in Rain Check 1.0 tells a unique story of how collaborative efforts to reduce stormwater runoff with
               green infrastructure bring broader benefits to the city, like beautifying neighborhoods, improving safety,
               cutting public costs, creating jobs, and engaging the community. Through this work, Buffalo Sewer built
               partnerships and learned practical lessons that can help maximize the future impacts of the next phase of
               green infrastructure in Buffalo.
Rain Check Strategies   27

pg. 30    pg. 44             pg. 56                   pg. 68

Green     Green              Demolitions              Rain
Streets   Parking Lots       and Vacant Lot           Barrels and
                             Restoration              Downspout

          For each Rain Check strategy, you’ll find:
              Keeping the stormwater challenge in check
                Where the approach works in Buffalo
                How do we benefit from the approach
                        Case Study Examples
28   Rain Check Strategies

     The First Generation
     of Public
     Green Infrastructure
                             The first generation of Rain Check projects
                                   focused on four key strategies...

     Green Streets               Green Parking Lots      Demolitions and           Rain Barrels and
                                                      Vacant Lot Restoration   Downspout Disconnections

                               ...shaped through collaboration with
                             governmental and community partners...

                     ...and designed to tackle the stormwater challenge
                             and offer added benefits to Buffalo.
Rain Check Strategies      29

                         Collectively, these four strategies enabled Buffalo Sewer to make an impact on the
                         stormwater challenge, build partnerships necessary to make green infrastructure
                         projects happen, and gain perspective on how to grow and fine-tune green
                         infrastructure in Buffalo for the future.

                                                                   Demolitions                      Rain Barrels
                                       Green                      and Vacant Lot                  and Downspout
    Green Streets                   Parking Lots                   Restoration                    Disconnections

Green streets bring water-      Green parking lots provide     Demolitions remove               Rain barrels and downspout
friendly landscapes into        neighborhood parking           buildings and pavement from      disconnections allow
larger streetscape projects.    solutions with designs         sites to protect public health   residents and businesses
They introduce surfaces that    specifically aimed at          and safety. Buffalo Sewer        to keep roof rain and
absorb water and integrate      collecting and absorbing       also explored new ways           snowmelt out of the sewer
special features that collect   water when it rains or snow    to maximize the amount           system. They not only
rain and snowmelt before        melts. They can involve        of water that vacant lots        inform residents of the
they enter the sewer system.    plantings and enhanced lot     capture when it rains or         stormwater challenge facing
They also play a key role in    designs that help beautify     snow melts and worked            our community, but also
transforming our commercial     neighborhoods while            with community partners to       provide an easy, low-cost
corridors and neighborhood      making lots safer and less     introduce rain gardens and       way for them to participate
streets to benefit residents    prone to puddling.             other green infrastructure       in green infrastructure
and businesses.                                                to vacant lots that help         solutions. They can also save
                                                               contribute to community          money on water bills and
                                                               character.                       keep stormwater away from
                                                                                                foundations or basements.
30    Rain Check Strategies   Green Streets

Green streets
involve features that
manage stormwater
and beautify

Stormwater runoff from roads, sidewalks
and other impervious surfaces can lead to
sewer overflow events.

Roadways, driveway aprons, snow storage areas, and sidewalks
represent a relatively small amount of our city’s land area
— around 17 percent.4 But since almost all of this land is
impervious, these surfaces are the greatest contributor to
Buffalo’s stormwater challenge. Typically, when stormwater
hits streets and sidewalks, it quickly drains to the sewer
collection system via storm inlets. Redesigning streets with
green infrastructure elements can limit sewer overflows and
prevent pollutants like road salt, grit, and asphalt sealant
from getting into the sewer system. Green streets not only
help tackle Buffalo’s stormwater challenge, they also beautify
streetscapes with trees and rain gardens, and make travel safer
by helping to keep rain and snowmelt off public streets
and sidewalks.
Rain Check Strategies    Green Streets     31

            Keeping the stormwater challenge in check

                        Green Infrastructure Approaches

De-Paving               Porous                  Brick/                   Rain                        Street Trees
Reducing the amount
                        Pavement                Cobblestone              Gardens                     Trees capture and
of paved surfaces       Porous pavement         Restoration              These plant beds            store rain in their
on streets or           gives rain and          Before the               collect stormwater          leaves and roots and
sidewalk areas offer    snowmelt a place to     widespread use of        runoff from street          release it into the
                        go rather than the      asphalt, Buffalo’s       and sidewalk                atmosphere.
more green space
                        storm inlets on the     brick and cobblestone    pavement and absorb
to absorb water,        sides of curbs. Water                            it into the soils below.
keeping it out of the                           streets allowed water
                        absorbs through the     to return to the soil.
sewer system.           pavement and into       Brick and cobblestone
                        the underlying soil.    street restoration
                                                reclaims historic
                                                streetscapes and
                                                water patterns.
32    Rain Check Strategies    Green Streets

Where green street
approaches work in Buffalo

De-Paving                                  Porous Pavement                             Brick/Cobblestone
De-paving is a good fit in street          Where roadway width must be
reconstruction projects aimed at           preserved to accommodate vehicle            Buffalo is estimated to have more
slowing traffic and reducing the           travel, bicycle travel lanes and parking,   than two dozen cobblestone streets
number of travel lanes through road        porous paving may be employed               and nearly 100 brick streets, though
diets. Areas where paved surfaces are      to control stormwater on site. To           many of these have been covered by
removed can also offer opportunities       date, porous asphalt has been used          asphalt over time.5 When these streets
to add other green infrastructure, like    on streets, bike lanes/paths, and in        are scheduled for a typical “mill and
street trees or rain gardens. Examples     parking lanes. Examples of porous           overlay” repaving treatment, there
of recent road diets include the work      pavement projects include Kenmore           may be an opportunity to restore
on Ohio Street, Pearl Street, and          Avenue, Clarendon Place, Carlton            these streets as porous systems that
William Street.                            Street, Claremont Avenue, and               limit stormwater runoff into sewers.
                                           William Street.

Pearl Street between Edward Street and     Carlton Street in the Fruit Belt            Ardmore Place on the city’s West Side
West Tupper Street, where the paved        neighborhood adjacent to the Buffalo        was able to be restored as a historic brick
surface between curbs was reduced from     Niagara Medical Campus.                     street in response to residents’ requests
approximately 50 feet to 30 feet.                                                      for restoration and traffic calming.
Rain Check Strategies     Green Streets     33

Rain Gardens                                                       Street Trees

Rain gardens are often a good fit where changes are made           There are more than 47,000 suitable locations to plant
to sidewalks or the area between sidewalks and the street.         street trees in the City of Buffalo, according to the 2003
As is the case with almost all green infrastructure, rain          City of Buffalo Urban Forest Master Plan.6 Trees proven
gardens should be placed where they can intercept the              to offer the greatest benefits to stormwater include the
most stormwater runoff while avoiding utility lines, building      London planetree, and pin oak.7 The City of Buffalo’s
vaults, and foundations. Since rain gardens require regular        Division of Parks and Recreation has established street
maintenance, planning for their continual upkeep is also an        tree planting standards for evaluating proposed planting
important placement consideration.                                 sites and guiding decisions on exactly where and what to

Rain gardens installed along Genesee Street helped transform       More than 270 trees were planted along Ohio Street,
the major corridor into a welcoming gateway from the city’s East   contributing to the corridor’s changing character and
Side to downtown Buffalo.                                          helping to meet the stormwater challenge.
34    Rain Check Strategies   Green Streets

     How do we benefit from
     constructing green streets
     across Buffalo?
                          Keeping the                                                     Benefits beyond
                          stormwater challenge                                            the stormwater
                          in check                                                        challenge

                          Green street projects initiated between                         Reinforces our Complete Streets
                          2013-2017 manage runoff for 101.5 acres of                      Integrating green infrastructure into
                          the city, an area the size of 44 city blocks.                   larger streetscape enhancement
     101.5 acres                                                                          projects helps Buffalo implement
     managed for          Green street projects use a variety of
                                                                                          its Complete Streets ordinance,
     stormwater           approaches, including replacing nearly 16                       which requires that when a roadway
                          acres of asphalt and concrete with plantings                    is constructed or repaired, equal
                          and other materials that absorb water.                          consideration is given to travelers
                                                                                          of all kinds — including bicyclists,
                          These investments have the potential to keep                    pedestrians, public transportation
                          1,908,045 gallons of water out of our sewer                     users, children, people pushing baby
                          system when it rains or snow melts. That’s                      strollers and people with disabilities.
     15.9 acres
 of impervious surfaces   enough water to fill 180 NHL ice rinks.                         Revitalizes neighborhoods and
        reduced                                                                           promotes safety
                                                                                          Some elements that make for a good
                                                                                          complete street can be addressed
                                                                                          with investments that also control
                                                                                          stormwater runoff. For example, rain
                                                                                          gardens and trees can contribute to
                                                                                          beautification efforts and make streets
                                                                                          more inviting to small businesses

                                                                                          and foot traffic. Road diets and brick
                                                                                          street restorations can better manage
                                                                                          automobile traffic, while making it
                                                                                          safer and easier for people to cross the

                          gallons of runoff prevented                                     Offers cost savings
                                                                                          By integrating green infrastructure
                          from entering the sewer system in a
                                                                                          into complete street projects, overall
                          typical rainfall event.                                         cost savings can be achieved as it
                                                                                          allows projects to draw on multiple
                                                                                          funding sources and shared project
                                                                                          management resources for the design
                          Calculations by Buffalo Sewer. For details on methodology and
                          assumptions, see Appendix.
                                                                                          and construction of projects.
Rain Check Strategies      Green Streets               35

than                                           190

9 miles

of green
                                                                     Black Rock

                                                       a River
                                                                           jaq uada
across                                                                   ca         Cr


Buffalo                                          Niagar                         3    4                                        33
                                                                                     5         6
are helping                                                                    7                                                9
us meet our                                                      2

stormwater                                                            8

Building upon the adoption of a Complete                                       11   12
Streets ordinance in 2008, the City of
Buffalo proposed a system of complete,                                                     13
green streets that connect key areas
and developments including downtown,                         Lake Erie
waterfronts, urban parkways, historic
neighborhoods and commercial corridors
through a variety of transportation
options. These projects draw on a variety
of green street approaches and help to                                                         15
address stormwater and quality of life
concerns on residential streets and large
commercial corridors.                                                                                                                   er
                                                                                                                     Bu             Riv
                                                                                                                          ff a lo
 1    Kenmore Avenue                    9   Northland Avenue

 2    Parkdale Avenue                   10 Carlton Street

 3    Claremont Avenue                  11 Niagara Street (Phase 1&2)
 4    Elmwood Avenue                    12 Pearl Street
 5    Windsor Avenue                    13 Genesee Street
 6    Clarendon Place                   14 William Street
 7    Ardmore Place                     15 Ohio Street
 8    Niagara Street (Phase 3&4)

     Completed             In Progress
36    Rain Check Strategies      Green Streets

                                                       Project Timeframe


Niagara Street
Creating a green
gateway along the
Niagara River
Niagara Street is one of the city’s major commercial
corridors, a highly utilized public transit route,
a growing target for private investment, a rising
employment hub, and a gateway to downtown.
The street runs parallel to the Niagara River, but
is disconnected from the water in terms of access
and views. The Niagara Street corridor is home to
diverse communities, all of which contribute to
the heritage and culture of the city. The street is
also known as “Avenida San Juan,” serving as the
city’s Hispanic Heritage Corridor between Porter
Avenue and Georgia Street. As a signature corridor
of Buffalo, Niagara Street is being transformed
from a high-speed thoroughfare for automobiles
into a scenic, waterfront boulevard that is safe and       Keeping the stormwater challenge in check
welcoming for pedestrians and bicyclists.                  with green infrastructure on Niagara Street
                                                                 2.1 acres of impervious surfaces removed
Community Partnerships
                                                                                46 bump outs
           The Niagara Street project involved
           many partners, including Buffalo Sewer,                         255 rain gardens planted
           the City of Buffalo Department of Public
                                                                              574 trees planted
           Works, Parks & Streets, and design and
           community engagement consultants.
           Extensive community engagement was
           a key focus of the project, grounding the
                                                             These investments on Niagara Street manage
           street redesign in community values
                                                                 stormwater for 30.9 acres of the city.
and educating stakeholders on potential green
infrastructure elements. The process engaged
more than 600 residents, business owners, and
stakeholders, representing diverse voices and

perspectives from along the corridor. Highlights
included a door-to-door community survey made
available in English, Spanish, Somali, Nepali,
Burmese, and Karen; several interactive, hands-                            gallons of runoff prevented
on, public workshops; and targeted stakeholder                             from entering the sewer system
meetings with business owners, community groups,                           in a typical rainfall event.
and block clubs from nearby neighborhoods.
Rain Check Strategies                 Green Streets   37

                                                                                                            Green Infrastructure on
                                                                                                            Niagara Street

                                                                                                            The Niagara Street reconstruction
                  RA   RIVER
            NIAGA                                                                                           project is a multi-phased redesign
                                                                                                            of the street from Niagara Square
                                                                       River                                in downtown up to Ontario
                                                                                                            Street in Riverside/Black Rock.
                                                                                                            The project stands out as the
                                                                                                            longest green street in the city.
                                                                                                            Through a combination of green
                                                                                 W                                                                  1
                                                                                                            infrastructure elements including
                                                                                               t            bump outs, rain gardens, and
                                                                                                            impervious surface reduction, the
                                                                                                            project reduces the stormwater
                                                                             Porter Ave                     volumes flowing to Buffalo’s
                                                                                                            combined sewer system where the
                                                                                                            overflow discharges directly to the
                                                                                                            Niagara River. The initial phases of
                                                                                                   St       the project focused on the lower
                               Expanded triangle with                                        ain
                               enhanced greenspace at
                                                                                        M                   portion of the street, from Niagara
                               Dortmund Park (intersection of                                               Square to Porter Avenue.
                               Niagara, Hampshire & Busti).


                                                                      17                                Pennsylvania Ave

                                Rain gardens along Niagara                                                    Niagara Street
                                Street absorb and capture
                                stormwater runoff.

                                   Expanded triangle at         Reducing impervious pavement and installing
City Hall                          corner of Niagara and        trees and green spaces allows for water to be
                                   West Mohawk provides         captured before it enters the street and sewer
                                   underground storage space    system. Curb bump outs and bike lanes make the
                                   to capture stormwater.       street safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.

               Square                                                                                   Pennsylvania Ave
                                                                                                              Niagara Street
38     Rain Check Strategies       Green Streets

                                                         Project Timeframe

Ardmore Place
Uncovering a
historic brick
street on the city’s
West Side
Ardmore Place is a quaint residential street on the
city’s West Side, stretching just one block between
Baynes Street and Richmond Avenue. The narrow
tree-lined street features large multi-story homes,
most of which were built in the early 20th century
and have historic charm. At the west end of the
street is Lafayette International High School, a
large stone, brick, and terra-cotta building in the
French Renaissance Revival style and one of the
oldest public schools in the city. Ardmore is also
home to one of the city’s numerous brick and
cobblestone streets. Workers laid the bricks on
Ardmore more than a century ago, but they were
covered with layers of asphalt and blacktop for
decades. During a typical street resurfacing project
in 2013, neighbors noticed the bricks beneath the
pavement and advocated for their restoration. The
original brick street offers benefits that asphalt
pavement does not—it gives the street a charming,
historic appearance that contributes to a distinct
community character; it slows vehicles making the          Keeping the stormwater challenge in check
street safer for pedestrians; plus, it lets rain and       with green infrastructure on Ardmore Place
snowmelt seep into the ground rather than running
off into the sewer system.                                       0.7 acres of impervious surfaces removed

Community Partnerships

           The Ardmore Place Block Club drove the              These investments on Ardmore Place manage
           effort by getting neighborhood residents                 stormwater for 1.4 acres of the City.
           to band together to petition the City’s
           Department of Public Works, Parks &
           Streets to restore the brick street, rather
           than repave it with asphalt—and the City
           listened, partnering with Buffalo Sewer
           to carry out the restoration project. The
                                                                             gallons of runoff prevented
effort to restore the brick surface was a unifying
                                                                             from entering the sewer system
force for the community, as residents banded
                                                                             in a typical rainfall event.
together to appeal to local government officials for
the restoration.
Rain Check Strategies      Green Streets   39

                                                                                                                 NIAGARA RIVER

          The return of the
          street’s original brick
          paving dovetailed with
          restoration work being
          done on the rear half of
          Lafayette High School.
          Walking down the street
          now is like a trip back
          in time to Buffalo 100     Lafayette High School
          years ago.                                                Baynes Ave

  f  ay

                                                                                 The brick street traces back more
                                                        ORE P

                                                                                 than 100 years. The brick was first
                                                                                 paved over in the 1960s.

                                                                                 Bricks are beautiful and durable

                                                                                 and they also allow rain and

                                                                                 snowmelt to infiltrate through to

                                                                                 the soil below.

                                                    Richmond Ave
                ll P

 Green Infrastructure on
 Ardmore Place
                                     In preparation for a street resurfacing project in 2013,
                                     City of Buffalo crews began removing asphalt from
                                     Ardmore Place and uncovered an intact brick street
                                     underneath. Buffalo Sewer partnered with the City to
                                     transform the project from a mere repaving job to a brick
                                     street restoration.

                                     The effort to restore the brick surface brought together
                                     neighbors to advocate for the restoration. Residents
                                     joined together to chip away at the asphalt and hose
                                     down the weathered bricks.

                                     Uncovering the bricks from this 0.2 mile-long street
                                     removes nearly 12,000 gallons of stormwater from
                                     entering sewers in a typical rainfall event.
40    Rain Check Strategies       Green Streets

                                                          Project Timeframe

Ohio Street
Transforming an
industrial corridor
into a tree-lined
waterfront parkway
Located southeast of the central business district
on the edge of the industrial waterfront areas,
Ohio Street was a key site in the city’s industrial
development. Industries developed along
the Buffalo River, transforming the city into a
manufacturing center during the 19th century.
Today, Ohio Street is one of the major connectors
between the city’s inner and outer harbors,
playing an important role in the revitalization of
Buffalo’s waterfront. The Ohio Street corridor links
major activity centers including Canalside, the
Cobblestone District in the Inner Harbor, Gallagher
Beach, Wilkeson Point, and Buffalo Harbor Park
in the Outer Harbor. The area is also home to the
historic Old First Ward neighborhood, first settled
in the 19th century by Irish immigrants who worked
in the industries that lined the Buffalo River. Many
current residents are of Irish descent and every year
the neighborhood hosts the “Old Neighborhood” St.
Patrick’s Day Parade. The recent conversion of Ohio        Keeping the stormwater challenge in check
Street into a waterfront parkway helps link local           with green infrastructure on Ohio Street
neighborhoods and residents to the transformation
happening along the waterfront.                                  3.2 acres of impervious surfaces removed
                                                                               260 trees planted
Community Partnerships

          The Ohio Street project included a
          wide range of partners and community                  These investments on Ohio Street manage
          collaborations led by the City of Buffalo and            stormwater for 12.7 acres of the City.
          Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation.
          Buffalo Sewer, City of Buffalo Department
          of Public Works, Parks & Streets, and NYS

          Department of Environmental Conservation
were all involved in the design of green infrastructure
for the project. Buffalo Sewer and project partners
also collaborated with neighborhood organizations,                            gallons of runoff prevented
including Old First Ward Community Center and                                 from entering the sewer system
Valley Community Association, Buffalo Niagara                                 in a typical rainfall event.
Waterkeeper, elected officials, and property and
business owners as part of the planning and design
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