Affordable Housing Guidebook - Building Communities Building Power - EAST BAY HOUSING ORGANIZATIONS 2018-19
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Affordable Housing Guidebook Building Communities Building Power E A S T B AY H O U S I N G O R G A N I Z AT I O N S 2018–19 EBHO
EBHO appreciates its funding partners Y& Y Soda Foundation Printed on recycled paper that is FSC Certified Union bug and ISO 14001 Environmental Certified. Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Introduction Since 1997, East Bay Housing Organizations Building (EBHO) has Communities, Building worked to celebrate affordable homes with Power our Affordable Contents Housing Guidebook, released each May during A Letter to Our Readers 2 our annual Affordable Housing Week. About EBHO—Get Involved 3 We’re proud to share this essential resource What is Affordable Housing in 2018? 4 with you! South Alameda County Steps Up! 6 Walnut Creek’s Top Priority 7 In keeping with our theme, “Building Communities, Building Power,” this year’s How do I use this guidebook? affordable housing and how you can Healthcare and Housing for Seniors 8 guidebook explores the many ways that help build support for more housing. Investing in Leaders 9 ■ Advocates and community affordable housing supports resilient members: Inform your neighbors ■ Affordable housing developers: Tenants Rights are Human Rights 10 communities—from promoting healthy and your constituencies about Learn about land use, funding, and Regional Housing Equity Agenda 12 community spaces to building political power affordable housing efforts and anti-displacement campaigns where Building the Power of Hope 13 for affordable homes and communities for coalitions, and discover ways to your voice is needed, and use the all. Articles for both experts and beginners Going Modular for Multifamily 14 make a difference. property profiles and resident stories define affordable housing and explore how to to make the case for more affordable Water Conservation 15 grow equitably, lift up the political leadership ■ Elected officials and local housing. Steps to Find Affordable Housing 16 of residents, and highlight the links between government staff: See what Funders: Find out about new, Resident Stories 19 the built environment and vibrant, healthy affordable housing developments ■ could look like in your community, innovative affordable housing Affordable Housing Resources 24 communities. Property profiles show great meet some of the people who developments, policies, and Property Profiles 27 affordable housing developments that benefit from affordable housing, organizing strategies—and who’s Advertiser Index 31 have helped prevent racial and economic and learn more about the policy making them happen. See how your displacement, while resident stories show 2018 Organizational Members 43 and funding issues involved in the local investments in homes and hope how residents of affordable housing are Sponsors 44 housing crisis. are changing the lives of real people. contributing to their communities. Resource listings provide guidance for those seeking ■ People looking for affordable Get involved with EBHO by housing. And throughout, we provide housing: Turn to pages 24–25 to becoming a member today! information about how to get involved in find resources and tips to help you Please visit for more this movement, and the importance of us all find and keep affordable housing. information and see page 43 for a list moving forward together for housing justice. Learn about different kinds of of current members. Building Communities, Building Power • 1
to ou r r e a d ers Letter ut th e B a y A rea? T h e fa c t th o at people o m e? The w f all colors, eather, the food, u love abo ake this pla ce their h vism? For What do yo f life m n o v a tion and acti and wa lk s o of a rt , in s desirable ethnicities, s? T h e v ib rant culture C o n tra C o sta countie e and hill lameda and ing boom. the coastlin th e a b ove make A p lo y m e nt and build all o f an e m most of us, lped drive ng-term e — a nd have he . O u r area faces lo places to liv een shared eq u a lly to service ty h a sn ’t b w ith n a ti o nal threats is prosperi ined ning, However, th si n g p rices, comb e q u a lity is worse like soaring h o u incom e in akland’s challenges p o p u la ti ons, while ra te to w e rs rise on O ble t- nd vulnera new marke or tents. programs a le o f c o lo r. Even while a lly, a re liv ing in cars r peop nt— or, trag ic especially fo ru g g le to pay re o v e rcome anti-g rowth p le st m u st skyline, peo , and cities sing won’t d d m ore housing u ild ing any hou y need s to a . Bu t ju st b ns to fund EBHO Board—Back, left to right: Liz Varela, Woody Karp, Kenneth Jones, The East Ba sio n and racism a n d new solutio . c lu e n using bond e x ro v Amit Price Patel, Natalie Bonnewit, Luis Rodriguez, and Stevi Dawson. Front: rooted in dp sentiments e d . T h a t’s why we nee te w id e a ff ordable ho y Lillian Lew-Hailer, Ellen Wu, Board President Sister Marie Taylor, Ener Chiu, most in ne a e reach those cal impact fees to a st nts where th rotect tena and Lena Robinson. n g , fr o m lo , w e m u st p housi ew housing affordable p roducing n d it io n to h av e . atened EBHO Board of Directors 2018 And in ad th e housing we do a lity of life is thre se rv e n e ’s q u Natalie Bonnewit, Bonnewit Development Services are and pre ity — everyo ommutes, ild in g commun m e nt, longer c Ener Chiu (Vice President), East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation all ab o u t b u to d is p la c e ing power: This work is b le h o using leads u n it y w ithout build Stevi Dawson, EBHO Resident Leader k of affo rd a is co m m ls to get when a lac n d w e c a n’t build th g re si d e n ts with too Kenneth Jones, LANDIS Development ssness. A ct, equippin rs together. and homele le fo r g reater impa c ia ls a nd neighbo Woody Karp, Eden Housing, Inc. pe o p d o ffi connecting ating electe nd power, Lillian Lew-Hailer, MidPen Housing Corp o n p o lic y, and educ o u r o w n k nowledge a Amit Price Patel, AIA, AICP, LEED AP, David Baker Architects engage d y p ook to build help us kee a n d u se — this guideb to se e h ow you can Lena Robinson, First Republic Bank — rg Please read ww.ebho.o o u r c o m munity at w Luis A. Rodriguez (Secretary), Goldfarb & Lipman LLP and join e. that we lov Sister Marie Taylor (President), Westlake Christian Terrace Resident Council u ild in g th e Bay Area Liz Varela, Building Futures b , Ellen Wu (Treasurer), Urban Habitat In solidarity dable Housi ng Guidebo ok Team er EBHO Affor book Team Manag DeWitt, EBH O Guide EBHO Staff 2018 Rev. Sophia gins, Project Man ager Gloria Bruce, Executive Director night Hig Debra McK e, EBHO Mia Carbajal, Advocacy & Programs Associate Gloria Bruc esigner Gloria Bruce rick, Graphic D Rev. Sophia DeWitt, Program Director Rob Roeh ographer irector ot Executive D gh lin, Ph Alain McLau r Jeffrey Levin, Policy Director n, Copy Edito Sarah Bardee EB HO Dolores Tejada, Lead Organizer hitfi el d, Laneisha W s Autumn Pres 2 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
About EBHO About EBHO of storytelling to dispel myths, challenge stereotypes and help Values and birth social change. Our strategies help to enact our Strategies values and power our work. EBHO will continue to: 1) focus on and lead local policy advocacy campaigns to create affordable housing opportunities; 2) increase our local work to preserve housing and protect tenants; 3) work to shift overall EBHO Staff — Left to right: Laneisha Whitfield, Rev. Sophia DeWitt, Gloria Bruce, Dolores Tejada, patterns of land-use, development and Jeff Levin. Not pictured: Mia Carbajal. and funding to prioritize equity; 4) invest in leadership development with We are East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO), a coalition of organizations ■ Collaboration and Coalition those most impacted by the housing and individuals who believe that everyone should have access to safe, Building—We start our advocacy crisis; 5) build our organizational decent and affordable homes. We take collective action to advocate for from a position of collaboration with strength, sharpening our assessment affordable housing for Alameda and Contra Costa communities. a wide range of decision-makers, of campaigns, activating members believing that we are stronger and investing in staff; 6) build and EBHO works to create, protect and preserve affordable housing together, and that different skills and connect the diverse housing justice opportunities for low-income communities in the East Bay by perspectives increase our impact; movement; and 7) stay focused advocating, organizing, educating and building coalitions. For over on housing while supporting ■ Building and Sharing Knowledge— 30 years, we have activated our dynamic membership, now over 500 intersectional efforts for social justice. All of our members have invaluable organizations and community leaders, to advocate for equitable housing expertise to share through lived policies at the neighborhood, city, county, regional and state levels. experience, technical knowledge, or Join us! both; Become a member and get involved! Enduring values and proven strategies for the future ■ Community Empowerment and Find campaign updates, upcoming In late 2017, EBHO adopted a new five-year strategic plan which claims the events, membership details and Leadership—We strive to elevate values that guide—and have guided—our work and sets forth strategies descriptions of our city-level and the leadership of those most that help to make those values a reality. EBHO’s values include: campaign committees at, impacted by the housing crisis in ■ Housing Justice = Social, Racial and Economic Justice—Housing justice EBHO’s work and development or call 510-663-3830 to speak with a is intimately connected with, and necessary for, a socially-just society that processes; staff member. Join our email list, and addresses racial, economic and other inequities; follow us on Facebook and Twitter. ■ Storytelling and Changing the ■ Housing for People First—We believe that housing is a human right; Narrative—We believe in the power By Rev. Sophia DeWitt, EBHO Building Communities, Building Power • 3
As the housing crisis deepens, and funded by public and private loans and even moderate-income people programs like the Low-Income Housing Tax may struggle to afford quality Credit. These homes (like those featured on housing in the East Bay. But the pp. 27–30) remain affordable over the long barriers are greatest for lower- term (55 years or longer), and often offer income people—those with services that can help residents increase incomes at or below 80% of area their financial and job opportunities, median income (AMI). Because address mental or physical health of this, most affordable housing challenges, or develop leadership skills. programs target lower-income It’s estimated that only about one in four people, who have the hardest people who need housing assistance get time making ends meet. (See it, which is why it’s so important to increase charts on facing page.) What is affordable housing programs in a time of As documented by the UC federal budget cuts and uncertainty about Affordable Berkeley Urban Displacement how tax reform will affect the low-income Project, simply building more housing tax credit. market-rate housing will not Housing in stop displacement or serve the lowest-income people. True Affordable housing advances racial and economic justice 2018? housing affordability is achieved either by Historically, the private housing market has offering direct assistance to households, been characterized by exclusionary practices or by funding homes with lower rents or and policies by some landlords, lawmakers mortgage payments. One widely-known and realtors. People of color, lower-income form of assistance is the Housing Choice people, immigrants and other groups Voucher or Section 8, which allows people have often had to live in substandard or to rent on the private market with a rent “Affordable housing” means a high-quality, overcrowded (yet still expensive) housing, subsidy. “Project-based” Section 8 also healthy home that allows a person to make while being excluded from communities ensures affordable homes are available in ends meet. But what does “affordable” with access to quality schools, jobs and market-rate housing that might otherwise mean, and how do we create that for other amenities. be out of reach. everyone? Public housing is another form of affordable We need to address these challenges through laws that advance fair housing, Defining “affordable” housing that’s directly owned and managed by a Public Housing Authority, which is prohibit discrimination against voucher Affordable housing is officially defined holders or formerly incarcerated people, authorized and funded by the government. as housing that costs 30% or less of one’s and uphold renters’ rights. At the same While public housing units make up a small income. Many government housing time, it’s important to build and preserve share of assisted housing, they remain an programs use this standard. People who affordable housing, because we need more important source of community stabilization, pay more than this are considered “cost permanently affordable homes to increase especially for very low-income families. burdened,” and those who pay more than opportunity for lower-income people and 50% of their income are “severely cost Non-profit housing is developed and those with special needs. burdened.” managed by mission-driven organizations, 4 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Who Qualifies for Affordable Housing? What is Range of income levels used to determine eligibility for affordable housing, and the rent that’s actually affordable to them. Affordable housing yields better Affordable educational outcomes. Studies have Housing? Extremely Low Very Low Low Median shown that children who live in stable and Income Level (% of Area Median Income or AMI) 30% AMI 50% AMI 80% AMI 100% AMI decent housing perform better in school. Income limits for a one-person household $21,950 $36,550 $56,300 $68,200 Building community and Affordable monthly rent at 30% of income $549 $914 $1,253 $1,705 building power Income limits for a four-person household $31,300 $52,150 $80,400 $97,400 Affordable housing builds community. Most affordable developments have Affordable monthly rent at 30% of income $783 $1,304 $2,010 $2,435 resident associations that organize tenants, Income levels data from California Department of Housing and Community Development, May 2017. ( promoting social events and broader neighborhood and civic engagement. By preserving and creating vibrant, mixed- Other benefits income communities, affordable housing doesn’t just benefit its residents; it also Affordable housing Affordable housing can be a source of Affordable housing promotes health, by stability. Rents are limited by formula and ensuring that housing is decent, healthy brings a whole community closer to builds community. inclusion, sustainability and diversity. increase gradually. Tenants need not worry and up to code. Stable housing also Most affordable about being arbitrarily evicted by landlords improves health outcomes by reducing Affordable housing also builds power seeking higher rents or wanting to convert stress and insecurity, leading causes of for lower-income people. Over the past developments apartments to condos or other uses. health problems. decade, EBHO’s own Resident Community Organizing Program (RCOP) has trained and have resident empowered residents of affordable housing associations that to be leaders in their neighborhoods and The Wage and Housing Gap engage in the broader fight to promote organize tenants, Most people who live in affordable housing are employed. A sample of typical jobs and average tenant rights and affordable housing. (For promoting social wages below shows that many workers would qualify as “low-income” in the Bay Area and spend far more than 30% of their income to afford even a modestly-priced apartment (HUD considers more on RCOP, see page 9.) those spending more than 50% of their income on housing to be at risk of homelessness). events and broader Affordable housing only happens with community members who are willing neighborhood and Occupation Average Annual Percentage Percent of monthly income to organize for inclusive, mixed-income Wage of AMI for needed to afford a “fair market communities; decision-makers who will civic engagement. One-Person HH rent” one-bedroom apartment pass land use policies and funding Dishwashers $25,730 38% 87% measures; and employers and private Retail Salespersons $30,800 45% 72% developers who will help. Security Guards $33,588 49% 66% Let’s keep educating, advocating, Receptionists $36,137 53% 62% organizing and building coalitions to make Preschool Teachers $37,528 55% 59% sure everyone has access to an affordable Construction Laborers $53,198 78% 42% home—because housing is a human right. Based on HUD 2018 Fair Market Rent of $1,855 for a one-bedroom apartment in Alameda or Contra Costa counties ( By Jeff Levin, EBHO Note that actual rents are often much higher, especially for newly built apartments. Wage information from California Economic Development Department for 1st Quarter 2017 ( Building Communities, Building Power • 5
South Hayward follows suit Alameda And it does not end with Fremont. Hayward, historically among the more affordable cities in the region, recently stepped County up to address its growing affordability crisis. Last November, the Hayward City Steps Up Council passed a resolution to update its impact fees and ensure that market-rate On Affordable developments pay their fair share to the Housing city’s housing fund. EBHO advocates, using the same multifaceted approach used in Fremont, demonstrated the long-term benefits of collecting higher fees and Fremont’s new commercial linkage fee will support bolstering Hayward’s ability to build more the construction of more affordable housing like MidPen and Abode’s Laguna Commons (shown above). homes at deeper levels of affordability. The timing is perfect. With the passing of an Alameda County affordable housing bond With EBHO’s help, These days, San Francisco and Oakland are Fremont embraces affordable in 2016, Fremont and Hayward now have not the only areas experiencing a housing housing local sources of revenue that can match cities like Fremont and displacement crisis. Rising rents and the A1 funds and attract other state sources. New commercial real estate will bring These growing cities are demonstrating lack of quality, affordable homes are affecting and Hayward are thousands of new jobs to Fremont, including how to step up local affordable housing all corners of the Bay Area. Take South lower-wage jobs that won’t pay nearly taking steps to Alameda County. Fremont, a prosperous, commitments. enough to cover the cost of local housing suburban community, is competing to attract invest in equitable businesses, but how will it balance job (the average two-bedroom rented for EBHO continues to push for increased $2,522/month as of December 2017). In impact fees in Union City and San Leandro. development and growth with projected housing needs and a response, some cities instituted a modest We also support our partners fighting for white-hot housing market? Fortunately, with affordable housing. “linkage fee” on new office development tenant protections in market-rate housing EBHO’s help, cities like Fremont are taking to support the creation of affordable homes to stabilize communities. Together, EBHO steps to invest in equitable development for workers and low-income communities. members and partners will fight for solutions and affordable housing. In June 2017, the Fremont City Council that address the entire spectrum of the adopted a linkage fee on new commercial housing crisis. development. By Mia Carbajal, EBHO 6 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
“We prioritize this effort at Walnut the council level and we Creek hope that our outreach and education efforts Makes Affordable, to keep up with increasing rents said, “It’s will continue to Available Housing scary, I don’t know where we’ll go...we’ve engage and inform A Top Priority contributed to the community for 22 years. We would be devastated to have to leave.” our community.” City staff are also available to listen to – Mayor Wedel community concerns. Walnut Creek began a public education and social media campaign including releasing a Housing Affordability Survey in November 2017 asking community members about their “Maintaining thoughts on housing affordability. The results show the community is highly aware a diversity of of the housing crisis and strongly supports housing options In recognition of the statewide housing bonus ordinance, which offers developers affordable housing development, though crisis that’s impacting low- and moderate- increases in density and incentives in they are concerned about potential impacts within our city income residents, Walnut Creek’s exchange for providing affordable housing. such as traffic and safety. is critical to our City Council declared “Improving the Availability and Affordability of Housing” a Public education is key Working hard to solve the community’s top priority for 2017–2018. In order to effect To encourage community involvement, housing crisis real change, the city is in the process of health and the city is undertaking a public education The city also continues to fund affordable implementing a series of actions, including campaign about how affordable housing housing through its down payment vitality.” significant updates to the city’s housing benefits everyone. City staff are offering assistance, home rehab and below-market- policies and a year-long public information presentations to community groups – Councilmember rate homeownership programs. Thanks to campaign on housing affordability in covering many issues, including the Carlston housing fees, the city has funded three Walnut Creek. statewide housing crisis, its causes, impacts, new 100% affordable projects, including and possible solutions, and information 58 units at Riviera Family Apartments, The City Council adopted revisions to on the city’s policies and programs. Staff developed by Resources for Community the Inclusionary and Commercial Linkage have also reached out to members of the Development, opening in 2018! Walnut Fee Ordinances in late 2017, including community to get personal stories in order Creek is working hard, in partnership with increases to the Housing In Lieu Fee to to put a face on the crisis. community members, advocates and EBHO generate more money for affordable housing. The city also released an RFP members, to address the housing crisis. One long-time small business owner and seeking a consultant to update its density resident of Walnut Creek who’s struggling By Anne Wong, City of Walnut Creek Building Communities, Building Power • 7
with service providers. The wellness nurse will play a pivotal role in addressing complex health-related issues. Shaping federal policy Healthcare In order to secure a Medicare-certified home health provider that would be willing and Housing to serve residents regardless of income level, HumanGood partnered with its own continuum of care retirement community for Seniors: (CCRC), Piedmont Gardens in Oakland, which will provide clinical training and Bringing it support. It’s very uncommon for affordable housing and a CCRC to partner in this Together and Allen Temple II capacity, so this is an exciting venture. in Oakland Oakland—two properties that already HUD will look at how a supportive services have a range of resident model impacts resident health and well- Quality affordable housing includes much services and participate being, whether it reduces high-cost more than a roof over one’s head; ideally actively in EBHO’s Resident & Community medical procedures and if it enables it also provides the services residents Organizing Program. older adults to age in place. The IWISH need to thrive. That’s why developers like program will provide reliable, credible, The grant will cover the cost of a full-time HumanGood are finding new partnerships quantitative evidence for Congress and The IWISH program Resident Wellness Director and Wellness other stakeholders about the effectiveness to make this happen. In 2014, HUD set aside Nurse for three years. This interdisciplinary is designed to help $15 million dollars for a three-year grant team will implement a formal strategy to of this holistic intervention model. for the Integrated Wellness in Supportive residents use fewer help residents, conducting supportive This program elevates the role of Housing (IWISH) pilot program. services needs assessments, coordinating housing and housing staff as important health care services services, developing partnerships with and significant partners in addressing The value of aging in place community organizations, and collaborating health needs, and offers communities the and stay in their The IWISH program is designed to help opportunity to shape national policy. homes as they age. residents use fewer health care services At HumanGood, we believe that everyone and stay in their homes as they age. The should have the opportunity to live life goal is to help residents proactively address with enthusiasm, confidence and security, their health and social needs and maximize regardless of physical, social or economic their independence, well-being and quality circumstances. Participating in IWISH helps of life. us further our mission and we’re excited Out of the 40 communities nationwide to see the benefits of this program in the chosen by HUD, three HumanGood future. affordable housing communities were By Linda Coleman, HumanGood awarded grants, including Allen Temple I 8 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Investing in leadership skills like public speaking, and then may participate in leadership the cohort of affordable housing residents, staff and other community members. RCOP in Leaders workshops or one-on-one skill building. was also honored by both the National Low Likewise, participants in our annual Income Housing Coalition and the California Leadership Academy may go on to organize Reinvestment Coalition award for the role campaigns. Our monthly RCOP meeting, EBHO’s residents and organizers played in Focus on facilitated by organizers with a resident- driven agenda, brings these threads passing housing ballot measures in 2016. EBHO has most recently partnered with Residents together, and connects residents to EBHO’s membership and events. Urban Habitat to host a training series for resident leaders on boards and commissions, promoting better representation on these A force to be reckoned with decision-making bodies. From its early days, RCOP has grown into For the last decade, EBHO’s Resident and an organizing force centered on low-income The Bay Area at a crossroads Community Organizing Program (RCOP) has people, people of color, and seniors aging As we look ahead, EBHO and RCOP plan focused on developing leaders from among in place. In partnership with East Oakland to continue to build power through deeper Oakland’s affordable housing residents. “Our Building Healthy Communities, we’ve investment in our grassroots community We pursue a transformational, rather than connected affordable housing leaders leaders. We will continue our advocacy work organizing transactional, model of organizing: One that to other grassroots organizations, and with resident leaders to secure additional values the whole person, lifts up the voice model values to efforts like the Healthy Development funds for affordable housing, tenant and expertise of people most affected by Guidelines, a checklist to ensure that protections and the stabilization of our the whole local decision-making, and aims for systemic investment has high standards for equity neighborhoods. California is at a crossroads change. and sustainability. as it seeks to respond to the housing crisis— person, lifts RCOP has two interconnected components: so we’re partnering with Residents United up the voice In 2017, we graduated our largest class Leadership Development and Campaigns. Network to build solidarity with affordable ever from our third annual Leadership Residents who join a campaign are trained housing residents across the state. Investing and expertise Academy, producing 23 graduates from in the capacity, voice and skills of the most impacted of people most people is a critical piece affected by local of the work to achieving strong, just communities for decision-making, all—and EBHO will remain and aims for committed to this for years to come. systemic change.” By Pastor Demitrius Burnett EBHO resident leaders at Oakland City Hall. Building Communities, Building Power • 9
The problem is immense. In the Bay Area, about 800,000 low-income renters are at risk of displacement or are living in communities already experiencing displacement due to gentrification. People of color are hit especially hard. African- Americans are almost twice as likely to be renters as whites, and more than three times as likely to be living in poverty. In Oakland, African-American renters are almost twice as likely to be severely rent Tenants burdened (paying at least 50% of income for rent) as whites, resulting in more than Rights 37,000 African-American residents moving out of Oakland from 2000–2014 —a loss of more than a quarter of the African- are American population. Human How the Fair Housing Act works Rights The federal Fair Housing Act requires cities, counties and states that receive Rallying for renters’ rights in Oakland. federal housing funds, called “entitlement jurisdictions,” to explicitly acknowledge the racial inequality in housing and take Renters at risk affirmative steps to undo this historic The problem Everyone deserves a stable home—a place to raise a family and and present injustice. This legal mandate is immense. Generations of racist government policies to “affirmatively further fair housing,” build community. Unfortunately, created deeply segregated and unequal or AFFH, is precisely what’s needed to in part because of displacement In the Bay Area, neighborhoods. The same communities address displacement. and gentrification, that stability is of color that endured decades of about 800,000 low- often elusive, especially for people disinvestment are now bearing the The AFFH obligation has existed as part of color. We believe there’s not income renters are at only a moral basis for combatting burden of gentrification, displacement of the Fair Housing Act since the Act was and resegregation as private developers passed in 1968, but the U.S. Department risk of displacement or displacement, but also a legal one— and public agencies are finally investing of Housing and Urban Development that renters’ rights are civil rights. in neighborhoods near transit and jobs— (HUD) only adopted a rule implementing are living in communities where many low-income communities of this obligation in 2015. The rule requires already experiencing color have lived for generations. But local entitlement jurisdictions to complete an governments are doing little to protect Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) that displacement due to tenants from the increasing rents and identifies fair housing issues and sets fair gentrification. evictions that result from such investment. housing goals and strategies. 10 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
to expand tenant protections. Oakland identified expanded rent control as a possible remedy. And South San Francisco committed to evaluating rent stabilization and just cause policies. While we hope that other local AFFH is a radical legal principle that governments across the country will requires states and local governments follow suit by defining displacement to proactively tackle issues that cause as a pressing fair housing issue and by segregation, disproportionate housing pursuing real policy solutions, we know needs, lack of access to opportunity, and they are unlikely to take action without lack of housing choice. Displacement outside pressure. Here are a few actions checks all of these boxes. that you can take: 1. Participate in the assessment (AFH) Prevent displacement in the process in your city or county. Bay Area 2. Work to ensure that your city or county Over the last few years, Public Advocates meets its AFFH duty by adopting strong and our allies have developed and tested tenant protections and by taking housing this framework by advocating for the fair off the speculative market. housing planning documents to directly address displacement because of its 3. Support state legislation, like AB 686, disproportionate impact on communities to codify AFFH at the state level. of color and other protected groups. 4. Join us on CarsonWatch to monitor We pushed Oakland, San Jose and San what happens in Washington, D.C. Mateo county to identify displacement Let’s remind our decision makers that as a barrier to fair housing in their renters’ rights are civil rights! AFFH planning documents. In addition, San Jose called out the lack of tenant By David Zisser, Public Advocates protections as an impediment and A version of this article first appeared at included recommendations Building Communities, Building Power • 11
of impacted communities, and is currently a list of policies for housing justice and an working to advance a transformative equitable region—and protection solutions regional housing justice agenda for the Bay come first. Area through a process called “CASA.” Goals Creating solutions to the 1. Protect 450,000 low-income renter housing crisis households at risk of displacement; Last year, 6 Wins convinced the 2. Preserve 11,100 expiring deed-restricted Metropolitan Transportation Commission units and 25,500 homes occupied by (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area low-income renters by taking them off the Governments to commit to a housing- market; Building based Action Plan for Plan Bay Area 3. Produce 13,000 new affordable homes 2040. Building off that commitment, MTC per year. created CASA, a blue-ribbon task force a Regional made up of stakeholders from throughout the region who aim to create “game- Guiding Principles CASA solutions should: Housing The Bay Area faces changing solutions” to our housing crisis. Over a year’s time, CASA stakeholders will 1. Advance racial equity; Equity work together to build actionable political 2. Benefit and not harm low-income an extreme housing consensus around solutions that: communities; affordability crisis. Agenda Rising rents, low wages, 1. Protect vulnerable populations from 3. Be tailored by geography to reflect the gentrification and the legacy displacement; experiences of low-income residents in of exclusionary practices different communities; 2. Preserve existing affordable housing; continue to marginalize low-income 3. Produce new housing at all levels of 4. Engage disadvantaged communities communities of color, displacing families, and advance community priorities; affordability. limiting access to opportunity and creating a 5. Be actionable. new era of regional resegregation. This crisis 6 Wins sees CASA as an important “CASA offers a is not just a market failure, but also a moral process to create a new agenda for the The Bay Area can provide affordable chance to shape the one that disproportionately impacts low- Bay Area: an agenda that advances sanctuary to everyone. CASA offers a income families, people of color, LGBTQ+ community stabilization where current chance to shape the region and create region and create people, people with disabilities, and seniors. residents can prosper in place; creates a new story based on inclusion and more integrated neighborhoods; engages prosperity for all. To learn more or a new story based The 6 Wins for Social Equity Network (6 get involved, contact us at mashael@ those traditionally underrepresented in Wins), of which EBHO is a member, is a on inclusion and governmental decision-making; invests in or lgaudioso@ coalition of Bay Area-based social justice, or visit our website an equitable distribution of resources; and prosperity for all.” organizations that includes public agencies, provides implementable policy solutions. and click on Policy & developers, labor representatives and Advocacy Campaigns. non-profits. It’s dedicated to ensuring that 6 Wins has proposed bold goals along with regional planning is shaped by the voices equity-based guiding principles, including By Mashael Majid, Urban Habitat and Lynsey Gaudioso, Public Advocates 12 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
(2/7/18—Actual Copy) Building the Building Power of Hope the Power Prevent displacement in the Bay Area of Hope In 2017, both the Interfaith Breakfast and Housing Sabbath focused on Interfaith Community as Revolution, reminding us that the most revolutionary thing Communities we can do is build community. We also re-established our Faith-Rooted United Panelists discuss displacement—and hope—at the Organizing Trainings with partnering organizations to build the capacity of At the heart 2017 Interfaith Breakfast. of our work is the the faith community to create hope need for hope. In the world This is why the work of Interfaith through action. Looking ahead, the of affordable housing advocacy, we work Communities United (ICU) is so integral to program will continue to support the our bodies, our hearts and our minds the work of EBHO, and our larger struggle. Interfaith Council of Alameda County’s towards a collective goal of advancing In an industry so strongly focused on (ICAC) efforts to leverage the faith housing as a human right. Within that daily “wins” and “losses,” the faith community community’s resources to address the effort of changing systems and narratives, helps build the capacity to hope beyond county’s homeless crisis—building we constantly move between hard-fought the results of any given campaign. Many hope by envisioning a community victories and heartfelt losses. of our respective faith traditions teach us where everyone has a home. to root our hope in a vision of a future in The victories—whether it’s a resident Our hope lies in the belief that this which our current world is transformed graduating from our Leadership Academy, community will come. Our gratitude into a community for all people. From this or a groundbreaking of homes for unhoused lies in the fact that we can help perspective, we recognize that “wins” are people—allow us to see the fruits of our bring it into being. Our burden is not the ends, but the means to the real end: labor. They encourage and sustain us. We that we must do our part to change authentic, Beloved Community. Then, we strive for as many “wins” as possible. We the current world to help make this can recognize “losses” as part of the long often turn to these “wins” in search of hope. Beloved Community real. arc of history; they shape who we are, singly When the inevitable losses come, we pause and together, in this coming transformed By Pastor Demitrius Burnett to remember the victories in the hope that world. our wins will help us survive our losses. Building Communities, Building Power • 13
During this time of acute housing need and Last year, BRIDGE Housing completed its first be ready prior to vertical construction. With unprecedented construction cost increases, modular project: 115 affordable apartments modular, site work can occur while modules modular construction is gaining traction as for families at Marea Alta (shown here), are being manufactured. In the case of La a way to create housing more quickly, cost across the street from San Leandro BART. Vereda, BRIDGE anticipates a 10-month effectively and sustainably. Marea Alta’s 115 apartments are composed construction schedule, five months less than of 312 mods, and to an average person, traditional construction. Going they look exactly like a conventionally-built property, with studio, one-, two- and three- BRIDGE has learned that: Modular bedroom apartments and amenities such as ■ Site matters: Marea Alta’s site had ample, a community room, a landscaped courtyard, flat, accessible space with room for common laundry rooms and a ground-floor module delivery, large cranes and other Emerging child care center. installation equipment. ■ Modular is an emerging technique for Next door, BRIDGE is currently building its Technique for second modular development: La Vereda, which will feature 85 apartments for low- affordable multifamily: The architect, general contractor, lenders, and other Multifamily income seniors. partners need to understand and be comfortable with the process and product. Faster and cheaper than traditional ■ Weather matters: On-site installation can be subject to rain and wind. Preparing construction for potential weather-related impacts is BRIDGE estimates that modular construction critical. generates a 10–15% savings in residential With one modular project complete, one construction costs. For Marea Alta, which underway and others on the horizon, faced a $6 million funding gap, turning to BRIDGE feels that modular construction has modular made the project feasible. Mod the potential to make a major impact on construction is less impacted by weather, What’s a “mod”? and construction waste is greatly reduced, affordable housing—and help us provide “...a way to create affordable homes sooner for those who Modular construction begins in a since manufacturers can precut materials to housing more need them. manufacturing plant, where modules exact specifications. (“mods”) are produced on an assembly line By Cynthia A. Parker, BRIDGE Housing quickly, cost under controlled conditions. By the time The speed of construction also drives costs down. Traditional projects require site effectively and the mods leave the factory, they’re largely infrastructure and foundations to complete, with cabinets, appliances, flooring sustainably.” and fixtures. The mods are transported by truck to the site, then hoisted into place by crane and assembled on a traditional concrete podium or slab. Plumbing, electricity, HVAC and other building systems are connected, and the building moves toward completion with site work such as hallways, roofing and exterior finishes. 14 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Water: Use your water meter, measure showerhead EBHO member, Less, Save Water: and toilet flow rates, and test for leaks. was one of the first More Multifamily property owners can schedule to use On-Bill Financing an in-person water use survey to receive for upgrading toilets at one custom recommendations. All EBMUD of their senior properties. The Working customers are eligible for a one-time offer project included replacing 50 Together of free water-efficient showerheads and toilets with high-efficiency models, faucet aerators. estimated to save 200,000 gallons to Use Less, of water annually. On-bill financing for multifamily Customized rebates Save More property owners Toilet and plumbing upgrades can help Multifamily property owners interested in installing water-saving equipment and save water, but paying for these upgrades irrigation systems may be eligible for a may be a challenge. With EBMUD’s On- customized rebate to help offset initial Bill Financing Pilot Program, property Affordable Housing developers have project costs. Rebates are calculated based owners can pay for these upgrades worked to make sure that their properties on estimated water savings. A customized through scheduled payments on their are as green as possible, which is why rebate for replacing old toilets with high- water bill. EBMUD pays the up-front partnerships with agencies like EBMUD are efficiency models can be used in concert costs, the customer repays over time, and so important. For almost a century, East with On-Bill Financing, bringing down the frequently, the water savings offset the Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has total cost. repayment costs. BRIDGE Housing, an provided safe, reliable drinking water to 1.4 million customers in Alameda and Contra Other ways EBMUD can help Costa counties. EBMUD delivers water For residents having trouble paying their even in periods of long droughts; water bills, EBMUD offers payment extensions, conservation is critical to this effort. To help payment plans, and a Customer Assistance East Bay residents and support continued Program (CAP). If a customer qualifies for delivery of critical water services, EBMUD CAP, EBMUD will subsidize: offers several programs designed to help property owners and residents save water ■ Half the standard bimonthly water while also reducing their utility bills. service charge ■ Half the home water use, up to 1,050 Home water surveys and gallons per person, per month water-saving devices ■ 35% of the wastewater service and Understanding your water use and flow charges choosing the right fixtures and appliances For more information about these comes first. Single-family property owners programs and other water saving tips, visit can order EBMUD’s free home survey kit, or call 866-403-2683. which includes instructions for how to read By Jolene Bertetto, EBMUD Building Communities, Building Power • 15
Section 8 Steps The Housing Choice Voucher Program —better known as Section 8—is a deposit, rent payment, emergency housing or shelter, or tenant/ To Find federally-funded program that helps landlord issues, contact the “housing, close the gap between rent and shelter, and emergency resources” what a lower-income household can organizations on page 25. Fair housing Affordable afford. While federal budget cuts have laws protect you from discrimination, made it difficult to obtain a Section unfair evictions and foreclosures. 8 voucher, this critical program helps Contact the organizations on page 25 Housing thousands in the East Bay. Contact your local public housing authority (listed on page 25) for guidance. for help. 2 Get your finances and credit ready Affordable Homeownership and Other Options Credit Check Many organizations help lower- Obtain your credit report early, and be income families buy homes. Contact prepared to tell prospective landlords the organizations on page 25 about about any problems and the steps homebuyer assistance and education you’ve taken to address them. Certain programs. Community Land Trusts or landlords will accept a low credit Apply to cohousing may also offer affordable rating if you have good references and It can be difficult to find an affordable home, but knowing your as many options will increase your chances. Contact the organizations on homeownership. If you’re struggling can demonstrate ability to pay through with mortgage payments, see the proof of employment, a higher affordable page 24 or call 211 for guidance and referrals. financial and foreclosure counseling security deposit, or a co-signer. If you housing resources on page 25. need help, contact a credit counseling Tenants’ Rights and Other Housing agency. properties 1 Learn about different kinds of affordable housing Assistance as you can. If you need help with a security While most housing is found in the private market, Be persistent some affordable homes are operated and funded by and informed, public agencies or non-profits—many of them EBHO members. and advocate Non-Profit Housing for more affordable Non-profit affordable housing developments like those featured on pages 24–25 offer well-designed housing in your and professionally-managed homes with restricted rents and varying eligibility requirements. Call community! Best the organizations listed on page 24 or visit their of luck in your websites. housing search. 16 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Steps to Find will accept it, or contact your Housing if you have a certain type of criminal Affordable Authority for a list of landlords that record. Most EBHO members strive Housing will. to serve undocumented and formerly- incarcerated people when possible. Identify your housing 4 needs and preferences Contact non-profit 5 housing organizations Think about location and amenities, and apply but also be flexible and consider several cities and types of housing Unfortunately, there’s no single source to increase your chances of finding of information about affordable available housing. Identify needs such housing in the East Bay. Contact many as wheelchair access or number of organizations to increase your chances bedrooms. of finding an affordable home. Affordable housing is often targeted ■ Check the websites of non-profit to certain populations. developers often (see page 24) or Income and Budgeting call to get current information and ■ Senior: Generally, you or your Ideally, housing costs should demand applications. Follow directions to spouse/partner must be at least 62 no more than one-third of your ensure success. or older. Children are usually not income, although this can be difficult Search through 211, allowed, but live-in aides may be. ■ in the East Bay. The agencies on page, and 25 can help you create a financial ■ Special Needs: You must have a to find plan so you can afford transportation, documented condition such as a openings. childcare, health care and other mental, physical, or developmental disability. ■ For properties with openings, visit expenses along with your rent or the website or call to request an mortgage payments. They can also ■ Family: You may be a single parent application or to be added to the assist with a savings plan for a security with children, a two-parent family waitlist. Complete and submit deposit. with or without children, or two or applications by the deadline. Be more persons who have chosen to Check to see if your prepared to provide financial and 3 income qualifies live together. family information and your housing ■ Transitional or supportive: history to determine eligibility. Housing for people emerging from Affordable housing serves people of ■ For properties under construction, homelessness or foster care, or for all backgrounds, including working ask to be added to the interest/ people in need of special services. people and those on fixed incomes. marketing list. To be eligible, your income must fall Housing providers cannot discriminate ■ Once you’ve submitted your within a certain range, depending on based on race, ethnicity, gender, applications or joined a waitlist, the property (see the chart on page national origin, or family status. let each property know if you move 5 for income ranges). If you have a However, you may face challenges or change your phone number. Section 8 voucher, ask if the property qualifying for federally-funded Ask about the best way to keep housing if you are undocumented or in contact. Building Communities, Building Power • 17
18 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
Resident Stories We invite you to read The Many about a few of your neighbors who live Faces of Affordable in affordable housing “…if I had to leave this place communities. Learn more you would have to drag me out about their lives and their stories, which are both Housing of here. I like the area, I like my apartment, and I like the people in ordinary and inspiring. my community. ” We’ve highlighted these people because they’re our friends and neighbors, as well as leaders in the University Avenue Cooperative Homes, Berkeley movement for affordable Delia Dias, Marguerite Campbell, and Marilyn Gaines Resources for Community Development (RCD) homes. Delia: We have been living in this Marguerite: Berkeley 30 years ago Marilyn: Our building today is an As residents, they work community since the beginning…. was much more affordable than it affordable housing property that is every day to build Our kids and grandchildren have is today. home to different families and many connections and make been raised in this very spot. And it People types of people…. Without affordable their communities all began 30 could afford housing we wouldn’t live here and we stronger. These stories years ago as rent for a wouldn’t have a community. celebrate the power of a co-op that market-rate I have been affordable housing to brought house or living here stabilize our communities us all apartment. since I was together…. That is not and help them flourish. 17 years [P]eople the case EBHO thanks these old….This didn’t rent anymore…. residents for sharing their is home. or even Now truly experiences, and Tia-Lynn There has own their affordable housing is necessary. Rounsaville and Gloria been a shift individual Especially in Berkeley, especially Bruce for capturing their in Berkeley: unit. We each had a financial stake for us. stories. And we honor stores in the whole property – we made …If I had to leave this place you would are more the leadership of EBHO’s decisions together; we were a self- have to drag me out of here. I like the expensive, homes are just as Resident and Community sustaining community. area, I like my apartment, and I like the expensive, and people are leaving. Organizing Program, which In the co-op I gained a family…. We people in my community. People need affordable housing more works to build community really learned from our older folks. than ever. power every day. Building Communities, Building Power • 19
Resident Stories Gwendolyn Downs Harper Crossing, Berkeley — Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (SAHA) I was raised to be independent. I grew up on I was a nurse at Alameda County Medical a while, [SAHA] called me. This is just the a farm in Iowa and we ate the good stuff—we Center for years, but when I became a senior, spot—the flea market is right over here, the raised chickens retirement income is really not enough if you transportation is excellent, and the SAHA and everybody want to stay in the Bay Area. staff keep a check on everything. People here would share with just like that it’s peaceful. We need more of I’ve seen other friends end up in a their neighbors. this, and I’m going to do everything I can to convalescent home who didn’t need to I moved to spread the word. be there—they were still vibrant, but they California when didn’t have a place to go. I didn’t want that I was 14. to happen to me. I’ve seen a lot of people I travelled “This is just the spot—the flea die out in the street. It’s really sad, because all over the market is right over here, the no senior or anybody with a disability... West, doing transportation is excellent, and should have to live in the streets...after my ministry. the SAHA staff keep a check on working hard. So I survived, I prayed, I put Salt Lake City everything.” it in God’s hands…. As I was travelling, I is beautiful, would put in applications for housing. After Denver is nice, but Berkeley is my favorite. Trinese Biloups Los Robles Apartments, Union City — EAH Housing In 2005, I was pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree the waiting list for any available housing to receive a scholarship, offered by EAH in Sociology and Human Development, I could find. We had to move a couple Housing, that helped pay for her college and working of times before we ended up here at Los costs. She recently graduated with a degree part-time Robles. in Child Psychology from San Jose State for Alameda University and is now applying to Master’s Having affordable housing has been a County. I Programs, with a goal of being a child blessing—and has taken a burden of worry was also a psychologist. off me. As a disabled, single mom, living at single mother. Los Robles has allowed us to be in a home I have been active in the community and able When my only that we otherwise could not afford – and to serve on the board here at Los Robles for daughter (at has also allowed me to stop worrying about the past eight years. This is home. that time) and I how to pay for housing in addition to all my were displaced other bills. when our “Stay encouraged and stay apartment in There have been other benefits for my positive: You may have to be Hayward got family as well. At Los Robles, there are many flexible, but you can always make turned into condos, initially I wasn’t sure family activities that help build a sense of something out of what you have.” where we would go, but I put my name on community. My older daughter was blessed 20 Affordable Housing Guidebook 2018–19 •
You can also read