Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
a way of life
for Rotterdam
Rotterdam Programme on
Sustainability and Climate
Change 2015-2018
Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
                                                                         a way of life
                                                                         for Rotterdam
                                                                         Rotterdam Programme on
                                                                         Sustainability and Climate
                                                                         Change 2015-2018

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
                                                                                          Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam

                                                                                                                          ou have before you the          The consequences of climate change will in turn
                                                                                                                          new 2015-2018 Rotterdam         increasingly affect the personal lives of Rotterdam’s
                                                                                                                          Programme on Sustainability     citizens. Flooded basements and quays are no longer
                                                                                                                  and Climate Change, entitled            the exception. In the past few years, we have developed
                                                                                                                  ‘Making sustainability a way of life    and implemented several solutions in Rotterdam to
                                                                                                                  for Rotterdam’. The programme           drain and manage the excess water resulting from
                                                                                                                  is the result of a platform that        increasingly frequent incidents of extreme rainfall. In so
                                                                                                                  was presented to a large number         doing, Rotterdam has secured a unique position in the
                                                                                                                  of citizens and stakeholders of         world and has become the role model for other delta
                                                                                                                  Rotterdam and to which they             cities. Over the next four years, we will continue to invest
                                                                                          contributed their ideas. After all, sustainability ambitions    our expertise in finding new solutions, generating more
                                                                                          cannot be achieved in isolation. This document describes        cross-border trade for Rotterdam-based businesses, thus
                                                                                          projects and measures that the City of Rotterdam intends        benefitting from the additional job opportunities created
                                                                                          to implement over the next few years. We will continue          by this sector.
                                                                                          to challenge everyone to put forward their ideas and
                                                                                          initiatives to help Rotterdam develop into a sustainable        We will continue to focus on energy efficiency and new,
                                                                                          city. Numerous initiatives have already been launched and       clean energy sources such as solar and wind energy. By
                                                                                          we have achieved a great deal. However, there is still a        2030, we will be generating more renewable energy than
                                                                                          lot to do if we want to reach the goals we have envisioned      the city’s current total consumption. One of the strategies
                                                                                          for the city. Therefore, over the next four years, we will      we will use to achieve this is the use of residual industrial
                                                                                          continue to combine our efforts and commit to the cause.        heat. Eventually, and by 2030, 150,000 homes in the
                                                                                                                                                          city will be heated using this heat source. By the end of
                                                                                          Over the course of the programme, we intend to bring            the municipal term of office, at least 10,000 homes will
                                                                                          home the importance of sustainability to the people of          be connected, resulting in greater home comfort and a

“                                                             “
                                                                                          Rotterdam. We will do so on both a large and a small            considerable reduction in energy consumption.
   I try and focus my                                            We need to take a        scale, in the port as well as in the residential districts.
                                                                                          It is beyond dispute that Rotterdam, being the largest          The port and industrial complex of Rotterdam are the
efforts on elements of                                        more intelligent approach   port in Europe, should take the lead in countering the          beating heart of the Dutch economy and a driving force
                                                                                          adverse effects of climate change. During these four            of job creation for Rotterdam and its surroundings.
sustainability that I can                                     to preserving our planet    years, however, we will invest more in projects in the          The challenge is to keep innovating and investing
                                                                                          city, the immediate environment in which we live of the         in innovative and clean technologies. Rotterdam is
control.”                                                     earth.”                     citizens of Rotterdam, since they are entitled to a healthy,    the laboratory where new technologies are invented,
                                                                                          attractive and green city. We will invest in clean air, dry     tested and applied in cooperation with businesses and
                                                                                          feet and lower energy bills to ensure that the Rotterdam        universities. We will continue to encourage and enhance
                                                                                          Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change will             this quality to ensure that these new technologies attract
Astrid Brison                                                 Dagmar van Doorn            benefit all those who live and work in Rotterdam.               new companies and new investments to our region as
                                                                                                                                                          well as creating numerous new jobs. This is to ensure
                                                                                          We will be taking further steps to improve the air quality      that the environment close to the port and industrial
                                                                                          in Rotterdam. Extra funds have been set aside for this          complex remains safe and healthy, and that in future, the
                                                                                          purpose. We will do this by promoting cleaner traffic,          complex will continue to serve as the driving force of job
                                                                                          installing more electric vehicle charging stations, and         creation it has been since time immemorial.
                                                                                          by further improving the quality of our own vehicle fleet
                                                                                          as well as that of the shipping industry by using cleaner
                                                                                          fuels. We can all chip in and do our bit by choosing to         Yours sincerely,
                                                                                          travel by bike or public transport for short trips. Better
                                                                                          bike paths and sheds and public transport interchanges          Pex Langenberg
                                                                                          will encourage people to leave their cars at home. This         Alderman Councillor responsible for sustainability,
                                                                                          will help us to free up the road network together, exercise     mobility and culture
                                                                                          more and improve the quality of the air we breathe.

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
  sustainability a way
                       8                    What do the        10
                                            citizens of Rotterdam
                                                                               Aims for making
                                                                               Rotterdam a
                                                                                                     14    Aim 1:              20    Aim 2:                     34           Aim 3:                        48
  of life for Rotterdam                     think about                        sustainable city            Green, healthy and        Cleaner energy at                       A strong and
                                            sustainability?                                                resilient city            lower costs                             innovative economy
                                            Survey                       11
                                            Consultation                 12
                                            Participation                12                                Clean air            21   Energy savings for          35          Opportunities for clean       49
                                                                                                                                     residents                               technology
                                                                                                           More green spaces    23
                                01                                        02                          03   Dry feet             27
                                                                                                                                     Energy savings for          39          Stronger competitive position 50
                                                                                                                                     entrepreneurs                           due to energy efficiency
                                                                                                           Sustainable areas    31   Energy savings for          41          Frontrunner of the circular   53
                                                                                                                                     entrepreneurs                           economy
   Being a good               59            Cooperation                  63    Practical aspects 67
   role model                                                                  of implementation                                     Wind energy benefits        42          Development of the            54
                                            Promoting sustainability     63                                                                                                  bio-based economy
                                                                                                                                     The sun as a source         45
   Green buildings             59           requires a joint approach          Organisation          67
                                                                                                                                     of energy                               Cleaner transport and         55
   Sustainable procurement     60           Lobbying                     63    Funding               67                                                                      logistics
   Clean vehicle fleet         60           Exchanging knowledge         63    Communication         70
                                            Adapting the Rotterdam       64    Measuring and         70
                                            Climate Initiative                 evaluating progress
                                            Clean Tech Delta             64

                                07                                        08                          09                        04                                05                                        06

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
Making sustainability
                                                                                                      a way of life for
                                                                                    1.                Rotterdam
                                                                         In Rotterdam, we are committed to achieving a pleasant, green and safe city. We
                                                                         experiment and innovate, and we seize every opportunity for economic growth. By
                                                                         investing in sustainability for the benefit of and, most importantly, in partnership with the
                                                                         people of Rotterdam, we aim to create a healthier, more resilient city for all those who live
                                                                         and work in Rotterdam. Our objective is to provide better air quality, lower energy bills and
                                                                         more jobs. This is described in the #Kendoe municipal programme.

                                                                                ver the next few years, the Rotterdam Programme          We have asked the people of Rotterdam, its institutions
                                                                                on Sustainability and Climate Change will focus          and businesses what sustainability means to them and
                                                                                on subjects that directly affect the people of           what they feel is important here. The conclusions of
                                                                         Rotterdam. The focus will shift from reducing CO2               this survey are presented in Chapter 2 and serve as
                                                                         emissions to cleaner air, enhancing sustainability, cleaner     starting points for the new Rotterdam Programme on
                                                                         energy and energy efficiency (reducing burdens on               Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 entitled
                                                                         business), dry feet, and a greater awareness of how we          ‘Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam’. Our
                                                                         mange natural resources.                                        goal is to turn Rotterdam into the inspiring example to
                                                                                                                                         other delta cities in the world that are going through
                                                                         We have achieved great progress in recent years. We             a sustainability transition. This is explained in further
                                                                         have earned a position as global trendsetter when it            detail in
                                                                         comes to water management and delta technology.                 Chapter 3. In addition, we are committed to three
                                                                         An extensive heat network has been developed in the             overlapping ambitions for 2030:
                                                                         residential districts that now supplies industrial residual
                                                                         heat to numerous households. A network of electric              1. We are committed to a green,
                                                                         vehicle charging stations has been built. Innovative               healthy and resilient city.
                                                                         and remarkable projects have received incentives and
                                                                         encouragement. Over a brief period of time, these               2. We invest in cleaner energy at lower costs.
                                                                         developments have turned Rotterdam into an inspiring
                                                                         example to other European cities as regards electric            3. We aim to build a strong and innovative economy.
                                                                         transport. Bargemen use quayside power for their river
                                                                         vessels. Within the space of four years, Rotterdam has          Chapters 4, 5 and 6 outline the work schedule for 2015-
                                                                         managed to leverage the €26.5 million sustainability            2018. Following the consultation period, we will be adding
                                                                         budget, generating a total of over €400 million in              campaigns and projects to these Chapters as suggested
                                                                         sustainable investments in the city and port complex.           by residents and other stakeholders in the city. Being a
                                                                                                                                         good role model. Chapter 7 lists all the campaigns that
                                                                         Our agenda is now firmly embedded in the city.                  the municipal organisation itself will be launching for the
                                                                         Sustainability has been readopted as a municipal priority,      purpose of further enhancing the sustainability of our
                                                                         in line with the ambitions as set out in the City Vision,       own operations. The organisation of the new 2015-2018
                                                                         the Urban Development Framework and the Port Vision             Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate
                                                                         2030. This is the framework for new policy development          Change and the anticipated funding are described in
                                                                         such as the Rotterdam Mobility Agenda and the Strategic         Chapter 9.
                                                                         Policy Document on Air Quality. The new Rotterdam
                                                                         Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change
                                                                         takes us further along our chosen path of investing in
                                                                         innovation and experiments. We are doing this together
                                                                         with the people of Rotterdam as well as businesses,
                                                                         institutions, civil society organisations and NGOs in
                                                                         the city and the port. We team up with our partners in
                                                                         the Rotterdam Climate Initiative and Clean Tech Delta
                                                                         to encourage investment, promote innovation and help
                                                                         create more employment opportunities.

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
What do the citizens of
                             Rotterdam think about
            2.               sustainability?
                                                                                                                                                                   with various stakeholders and experts to scrutinise the
Survey                                                                                               Consultation                                                  details of the entire programme. The discussion of the
                                                                                                                                                                   consultation document at the economy, port, mobility and

      he attitude of the people of Rotterdam towards                                                 In order to enhance the initial draft of the Rotterdam        sustainability (EHMD) committee meeting was part of this
      and awareness of sustainability are the basis                                                  Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change, a             second round of consultations and the RCI Council were
      of a programme that is designed to benefit the                                                 number of community input sessions were held with             asked for their feedback on the programme.
community of Rotterdam. In December 2014, a survey1                                                  residents and representatives of relevant organisations
was conducted to gauge the Rotterdam public’s                                                        (civil society organisations, NGOs, residents’                All the reactions have been included in this document.
perception of sustainability and to find out what efforts                                            associations, housing associations, independent workers       Some reactions were included in the text as soon as they
they themselves make towards achieving this goal. The                                                and small businesses) to discuss themes including             came in, while others required further cooperation on
results of the survey are summarised below.                                                          ‘Green spaces and water’, ‘Air quality’, and ‘Energy          certain elements. These matters have been discussed
                                                                                                     conservation, heat and renewable energy’. The general         in meetings or have already been fleshed out in specific
Sustainability is important to the people of Rotterdam                                               conclusion is that everyone is in favour of a combination     commitments with (ongoing) projects.
Over three quarters of Rotterdam’s inhabitants feel                                                  of large-scale measures that ought to be mainly initiated
that it is important to pay attention to sustainability. A                                           by the government and the business community,                 The reactions we received in this second round of
similar proportion agrees that investment in sustainability                                          and very tangible projects in which the municipality          consultations show that:
promotes a healthy and resilient environment in which we                                             involves residents and challenges them to make a
live. One third of the population consider sustainability to                                         personal commitment, thus emphasising the personal            •    There is wide public support for the goals adopted
be a hype.                                                                                           responsibility of the people of Rotterdam. Citizens expect         by the Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and
                                                                                                     the government to promote awareness and to ensure that             Climate Change and the commitment to the various
Some of the people of Rotterdam already make a                                                       citizens’ initiatives receive support as they implement            themes;
conscious effort towards sustainability, but would like                                              them.
to do more                                                                                                                                                         •    A number of parties feel that Rotterdam could
Four out of every ten citizens of Rotterdam are currently                                            We also met with various companies, knowledge                      show greater ambition as regards their approach to
consciously engaged in sustainability. In addition to                                                institutions, NGOs, and civil society organisations.               sustainability;
energy-related efforts such as setting the thermostat to
                                                                  The people of Rotterdam are        They applaud the municipality for making sustainability
a lower temperature and providing the home with double            committed to sustainability and    a priority again. They emphasised the importance of           •    Citizens and companies are very interested in the
glazing, people mention waste separation, using the                                                  collaboration between the main partners in Rotterdam, as           opportunities offered by solar panels and greenery
bike more often and minimising the use of plastic bags
                                                                  expect the municipality to adopt   well as proper coordination with The Hague and Brussels.           on roofs;
as the efforts they are making towards sustainability.            a more active policy to support    They argued in favour of a clear ambition, a clear dot
Themes that are most closely related to the immediate                                                on the horizon for a cleaner and healthier Rotterdam          •    The majority of area committees would be more than
environment in which we live are considered most
                                                                  their efforts.                     with a strong economy. The latter requires a proper                willing to help implement sustainability measures in
important. Additional municipal measures are desirable in                                            balance between reinforcement of the economy through               their respective areas;
every area.                                                                                          energy savings and modernisation on the one hand, and
                                                                                                     attracting and supporting a new type of business in the       •    There is a great need for information and advice on
One quarter of Rotterdam’s population would like to step                                             field of clean technology on the other hand.                       improving the level of sustainability as well as on
up their sustainability efforts. Lack of time, resources                                                                                                                a proper dialogue regarding the implementation of
and knowledge, however, prevent them from doing                                                      Following publication of the programme in the form of a            measures such as the development of wind farms;
so. The City of Rotterdam can promote sustainability                                                 consultation document, a second, intensive round was
efforts further by providing the people of Rotterdam                                                 organised. Using the programme as a basis, over 100           •    There is no objection to challenging the market to
with information as to how they can achieve a higher                                                 parties in and around the city were asked for a detailed           contribute initiatives. This should be facilitated;
impact here. If people are better informed, sustainability                                           response. The responses we received (over 60) have
efforts will often take less time. Citizens of Rotterdam                                             been summarised in the appendix entitled ‘Making              •    There are concerns about the environmental impact
predominantly search the Internet for information about                                              sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam’. This appendix         (air quality and noise) of certain major development
sustainability.                                                                                      also includes a summary of four large meetings on the              projects.
                                                                                                     programme. This appendix is only available in Dutch. In
                                                                                                     collaboration with LOKAAL and Nationale                       These items will be addressed as the programme is being
    Source: Blauw Research BV, n= 760, December 2014                                                 Nederlanden, AD/RD hosted an election debate on               implemented.
                                                                                                     Aim 2. The municipality hosted a discussion meeting

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
people of Rotterdam to participate in the Rotterdam          1. Offer sustainable solutions and improvements in the
Participation                                                Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change as               immediate environment in which Rotterdam’s citizens
                                                             well as in other programmes (€440,000 available for             live.
Understanding the needs and views of residents and           sustainability and mobility solutions). The Air Quality
local businesses is important – not just in preparing the    City Lab is another example. At the request of the           2. Offer Rotterdam citizens more knowledge
Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate            municipality, residents came together to share their ideas      and information on sustainable solutions and
Change. The input of the people of Rotterdam is              to improve the air quality at ’s-Gravendijkwal. Their good      improvements.
essential, particularly when implementing a programme.       ideas and drive have resulted in a City Lab that embraces
Involving residents and entrepreneurs in projects ensures    a much wider focus than ’s-Gravendijkwal alone. This is      3. Promote and support initiatives of the people of
that the municipality attracts additional expertise from     how participation leads to greater commitment.                  Rotterdam and ensure that they can participate
the city and that they know exactly what the people                                                                          personally.
and companies need. Apart from substantive input
for projects, this raises additional awareness about                                                                      4. Reinforce cooperation in the city between the
sustainability among the people of Rotterdam. The            Guiding principles for the                                      municipality, institutions and companies.
constructive involvement of residents and business
owners helps build support and confidence.                   programme                                                    5. Build up close bonds and maintain a dialogue with the
                                                                                                                             central government and Brussels.
Rotterdam is rife with good ideas that can benefit the
city, ideas that are worth implementing. Experimenting,      Based on the results of the consultation with the people     6. Ensure that new branches of industry are attracted to
innovating and giving the people of Rotterdam more           of Rotterdam and stakeholders, we have established the          the city and the port, such as clean technology.
power are top priorities for the incumbent City Council.     following guiding principles for the programme:
CityLab010 is a municipal programme encouraging the

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
Aims for making
                           Rotterdam a sustainable
          3.               city
The Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change focuses on accelerating
and upscaling activities that will make Rotterdam healthier and more future-proof for
everyone during the current municipal term of office. This involves activities that the
municipality itself will pursue, but also, and specifically, activities that citizens, companies
and organisations in Rotterdam will undertake. Targeted support and smart combinations
will help us bolster these activities.

  Our aim for 2030
  Rotterdam is the inspiring example to other delta cities around the world going through
  a sustainability transition.

  The people of Rotterdam live in an      Rotterdam generates more                 Rotterdam is a city with an efficient
  attractive, green city with a great     renewable energy than the city’s         and clean port complex, making it
  quality of life and clean air. We use   current total power consumption.         the European centre of the bio-
  mobility solutions that have minimal    The city and the port complex have       based and circular economy. One
  impact on air quality, travelling by    forged a successful partnership          of the ways we achieve this is by
  bicycle, public transport or electric   in this area, and the residual heat      using our waste as a resource for

  vehicles. This is a city that is safe   recovered from the port heats and        manufacturing new products and                  hese three ambitions form the basic principles for      terms of a greener, healthier and economically stronger
  and functions properly even in          cools at least half of all homes and     generating energy. On a global                  the Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and           city of Rotterdam during this municipal term of office.
  extreme weather conditions. Despite     buildings. Renewable solar and wind      scale, Rotterdam is at the forefront            Climate Change. They overlap and by tackling            To this end, several themes have been defined for
  more and heavier rainfall and higher    energy plus energy savings will result   in the field of water management         them head on in a single programme, we reinforce               every aim, each with their own specific goals. Alderman
  water levels, we keep our feet dry.     in lower energy bills for Rotterdam      and delta technology. This places        their implementation and create logical combinations of        Langenberg is responsible for the sustainability portfolio
                                          citizens by 2030 than they would         the economic Clean Tech cluster in       measures. In doing so, we aim to set a good example            and therefore for a large part of this programme.
                                          have been without this renewable         a solid position as one of the pillars   as the municipality by implementing measures in our            Achieving these ambitions and goals requires the
                                          energy transition. The roofs of          of the Rotterdam economy.                own organisation and on our own property that will save        commitment of the entire municipality and City Council.
                                          municipal buildings will be greenified                                            energy and contribute to better air quality. Furthermore,      Alderman Eerdmans is responsible for implementing
                                          and used to generate solar energy                                                 every spatial change should result in an improvement in        measures relevant to the theme of ‘More green
                                          wherever possible.                                                                the quality of the environment in which we live. This will     spaces’. The themes of ‘Sustainable areas’ and ‘Energy
                                                                                                                            help us avoid new bottlenecks in the area of air quality       savings for residents’ are within the scope of Alderman
  In brief:                               In brief:                                In brief:                                or noise pollution, while at the same time ensuring that       Schneider’s portfolio. The themes that are part of Aim 3,
                                                                                                                            the environment in which we live contributes to the            A strong and innovative economy, are divided between
                                                                                                                            attractiveness of the city and the health of the people of     Aldermen Langenberg and Struijvenberg. Councillors
  We are committed to                     We invest in cleaner                     We aim to build a strong                 Rotterdam.                                                     Visser and De Jong will each manage the portfolios
  a green, healthy and                    energy at lower costs                    and innovative economy                                                                                  relating to energy conservation in sports clubs and
  resilient city                                                                                                            The target for achieving each of these ambitions is 2030,      schools. Further details on these aims are given in the
                                                                                                                            and the performance of activities with a focus on this         next few Chapters.
                                                                                                                            long-term ambition should have an immediate effect in

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
Aim 1                                    Aim 2                                     Aim 3
A green, healthy and                     Cleaner energy at lower                   Strong and innovative
resilient city                           costs                                     economy

In order to create a healthy, green      The use of more types of clean,           Strengthening the existing economy

                                                                                                                                  A green, healthy

and future-proof city, we will be        renewable energy and energy               while at the same time attracting

investing in the following themes:       savings will have a cost-cutting effect   new, clean technology companies.               and resilient city

                                         over time on energy prices. We will       Offering space for the ‘next
                                         achieve this through:                     economy’, by pursuing the following            - Clean air
                                                                                                                                  - More green spaces
                                                                                                                                  - Dry feet                                         Cleaner energy
        Clean air: optimising                    Energy savings for                        Opportunities for clean                - Sustainable areas                                at lower costs
        sustainable mobility aimed               residents: the programme                  technology: promoting the
        at less-polluting vehicles in            entitled Acceleration010 will             clean technology industry in                                                              - Energy savings for residents
        the city centre and growing              tackle energy consumption in              Rotterdam.                                                                                - Energy savings for entrepreneurs
        use of bicycles and public               rented as well as in owner-                                                                                                         - Industry as a source of heat
        transport.                               occupied homes.                           Stronger competitive                                                                      - Benefits of wind energy
                                                                                           position due to energy                                                                    - The sun as a source of energy
        More green spaces:                       Energy savings for                        efficiency: developing
        increasing the quantity and              entrepreneurs: by carrying                large-scale infrastructure for
        diversity of useful plants and           out energy scans, we can                  recovering industrial residual
        vegetation in (and around)               show small and medium-                    heat, steam and CO2.
        the city.                                sized (SME) owners exactly
                                                 where and how they can                    Frontrunner of the circular
                                                                                                                                            Strong and
        Dry feet: a combination                  save energy and money.                    economy: Rotterdam as the                        innovative economy
        of flood management and                                                            hub in the circular economy.
        strengthening the city’s                 Industry as a source                                                                       - Opportunities for clean technology
        resilience.                              of heat: expanding the                    Development of the bio-                          - Stronger competitive position due to
                                                 number of connections to                  based economy: aimed at                            energy efficiency
        Sustainable areas: adopting              the industrial heat grid of the           green chemistry, green fuels                     - Frontrunner of the circular economy
        standard frameworks and                  district heating network.                 and other biomaterials based                     - Development of the bio-based economy
        sustainability goals for every                                                     on second- and following
                                                                                                                                            - Cleaner transport and logistics
        spatial development project.             Benefits of wind energy:                  generation resource and
                                                 honouring our ambitious                   residual flows.
                                                 agreements with respect to
                                                 Rotterdam as a ‘wind-win                  Cleaner transport and
                                                 area’, directly benefitting the           logistics: greater use
                                                 people of Rotterdam.                      of LNG and hydrogen in

                                                 The sun as a source
                                                                                           transport and logistics.
                                                                                                                                                                Aim 3
                                                 of energy: facilitating
                                                 expansion of the application
                                                 of solar energy.

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Making sustainability a way of life for Rotterdam - Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018
“  I practise guerrilla gardening,
                  removing pavement slabs and planting
                  flowers to help save the planet.”
                                                                          “  If I asked my brother, he could take me to
                                                                          my internship by car, but I take the conscious
                                                                          decision to travel by bike.”

                  Hans Swart                                              Kamar Rahbi

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Aim 1:                                                                                                              Clean air
                          Green, healthy and resilient city

                                                                                                                           ur ambition as regards air quality is quite a         • the reduction in the concentration of elemental
  The people of Rotterdam live in an attractive, green          This means that we reduce exposure to                      challenging one. The people of Rotterdam live,          carbon due to road traffic (average of 0,75 µg/m3)
  city with a great quality of life and clean air. We           polluted air, enhance biodiversity, greenify               work and relax in a clean and healthy city. The         must be accelerated to 40 per cent (as compared
  use mobility solutions that have minimal impact on            the city while at the same time improving         impact of traffic on the health of Rotterdam’s citizens          to 2014). The overall EC concentration now hovers
  air quality, travelling by bicycle, public transport          flood management and reducing the risk of         is minimal. The city is easily accessible even though            around 1,5 µg/m3;
  or electric vehicles. This is a city that is safe             flooding. These efforts will open up more         traffic is restricted. The air in Rotterdam is clean and
  and functions properly, even in extreme weather               space for cyclists and pedestrians. We take       causes minimal health problems for residents. Cycling,         • the municipal vehicle fleet must be 25% ‘cleaner’;
  conditions. Despite more and heavier rainfall and             specific measures to improve the quality of the   walking and using public transport are the best ways to
  higher water levels, we keep our feet dry.                    environment in which we live. Examples include    get around the city. Traffic passing through the city is       • the use of bicycles at the measuring points around the
                                                                the cycle paths and shelters, expansion of the    emission-free. This means a huge improvement in the              city centre must have increased by 10%.
  In brief: we
           are committed to a green,                            low emissions zone, electric vehicle charging     quality of living conditions, turning Rotterdam into an
                                                                stations, a clean fleet of municipal vehicles,    attractive city for residents, visitors and business owners    Sustainable mobility as a solution
  healthy and resilient city                                    measures concerning navigation and green          alike.                                                         To achieve these targets and to turn Rotterdam into a city
                                                                river banks. Further examples include the                                                                        with clean air, we need to take a number of measures.
                                                                intelligent design of residential districts and   Rotterdam has a serious air pollution problem. Several         A proposal containing a set of measures in addition to
                                                                buildings, the landscaping of public spaces       locations in the city fail to meet the European air quality    the previous package (which included the scrappage
                                                                with the emphasis on green spaces and water       standards for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The Netherlands          scheme and the ban on lorries at ’s-Gravendijkwal)
                                                                and sustainable renewal of the urban and          has a direct link between decisions on spatial planning        has been included in the Strategic Policy Document on
                                                                regional traffic and transport policy.            and European standards. This poses yet another risk in         Air Quality. The measures are designed to achieve an
                                                                                                                  the procedures for spatial development plans. Rough            ongoing reduction in the exposure to elemental carbon as
                                                                                                                  calculations show that up to over 50% of all traffic would     well as a reduction in NO2 concentrations. This requires
                                                                                                                  have to be eliminated in order to remove all Rotterdam’s       (structural) changes, for which preference is given to
                                                                                                                  NO2 bottlenecks over the next year with measures that          measures of a generic, source-oriented nature. The main
                                                                                                                  we ourselves can take. The impact on society would be          source within the urban area is motorised traffic. Hence
                                                                                                                  unacceptable, especially in view of the fact that it would     the approach predominantly focuses on more sustainable
                                                                                                                  have to be reduced as early as next year.                      mobility. We aim to achieve this by means of measures
                                                                                                                                                                                 which include the following:
                                                                                                                  Even more important is the fact that the air quality in
                                                                                                                  the city contributes significantly to the frequently poor      • The existing low-emissions zone must be expanded
                                                                                                                  health of the people of Rotterdam. The main culprit              so that the most polluting cars can be banned from the
                                                                                                                  behind this poor health is soot (Elemental Carbon, or EC),       zone. This expansion may be defined either in terms
                                                                                                                  and this can be largely attributed to traffic emissions.         of geographical locations or types of vehicle (such as
                                                                                                                  The challenge Rotterdam faces is to reduce traffic soot          lorries, vans, and cars) and the environmental features
                                                                                                                  emissions soon. In addition to this challenge, Rotterdam         of these vehicles (Euro class).
                                                                                                                  must take firm action to reduce the background
                                                                                                                  concentrations of air pollution by teaming up with other       • Traffic circulation in the city must be highlighted in the
                                                                                                                  large cities, the province and central government. These         urban mobility plan. The urban mobility plan will reflect
                                                                                                                  concentrations come from Europe, the Netherlands, and            choices that are made in traffic circulation with respect
                                                                                                                  the Rijnmond region (including glasshouse horticulture,          to bicycles, public transport, and cars; choices that are
                                                                                                                  manufacturing industry, the shipping industry and                made with an emphasis on a healthy, habitable and
                                                                                                                  motorways).                                                      economically prosperous city. The principal idea is to
                                                                                                                                                                                   reduce motorised traffic in the city centre over the long
                                                                                                                  The Mayor and Aldermen have set targets for air quality.         term and to have cars park in carparks instead of next
                                                                                                                  By 2018:                                                         to the curb. This will help us to create more space for
                                                                                                                                                                                   cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. This is the
                                                                                                                                                                                   principle of a City Lounge: the car is a guest here.

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• Facilitating choices for the people of Rotterdam that      • In line with the national aim concerning electric
  are consistent with a healthy lifestyle with regard          transport and Rotterdam’s leading position in this
  to mobility and encouraging them in this. This may           respect, the number of electric vehicles can increase
  include providing information on quick and easy cycle        to at least five thousand by 2020. By 2025, we should
  routes, promoting the use of Park & Ride facilities, and     have at least twenty-five thousand.
  continuing the successful scrappage scheme.
                                                             Please note: the topics of air quality and sustainable
• Providing attractive Park & Ride facilities. This will     mobility are important elements in Rotterdam’s
  help to reduce car use in the urban area and will have     sustainability approach.
  a positive effect on the reduction of harmful traffic      The Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and
  emissions. The Parking Plan proposes measures that         Climate Change will coordinate policy, communication
  will further enhance convenience for this using the        and monitoring. The phrasing of the measures and
  P&R facilities.                                            their implementation will be described separately in
                                                             the Strategic Policy Document on Air Quality and
• Promoting the use of public transport by improving         the Rotterdam Mobility Agenda. A separate budget
  the quality of transfer options and the layout of          is available for this purpose (air quality approach,
  interchange locations, as well as the connection to        €11.7 million, as part of the Urban Layout programme,
  bicycles and cars (increase in the number of bicycles      Environmental Product).
  available under the Bike Rental membership scheme
  [OV-fietsen] and extension of this facility to metro
  stations; Park & Ride facilities). The objective is to
  achieve 2% growth in public transport during the                 Important to Rotterdam (93%),                                     EC breakdown (%)

  current municipal term of office.                                importance of municipal attention
                                                                   to this theme (75%).
- As part of the ‘Beter Benutten’ (‘Optimising Use’)                                                                                       Abroad
  programme, we team up with other stakeholders                                                                                            Rest of the
  to invest in quality improvements at the Blaak and               51%        of Rotterdam citizens travel by bicycle                      Traffic
  Alexander interchanges.                                                     whenever they have the opportunity                           Industry
- As part of the ‘Beter Benutten’ (‘Optimizing Use’)               43%        use tram, bus or metro whenever they                         Consumer
  programme, Rotterdam examines, in cooperation with                          have the opportunity
  MRDH (Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague),
  whether it is possible to increase the average speed of          20%        have bought or drive efficient cars                    Relative breakdown into sources of EC, 2013. The size of
  trams 23 and 25 and the express tram in Alexander.                                                                                 the pie chart represents the concentration of EC in the air.

- Research should be conducted into whether traffic                The responsibility for cleaner air is mainly delegated to the
  control systems at important public transport corridors          Dutch central government and the corporate sector, even
  can give more priority to trams.                                 though twenty per cent feel that the municipality has a greater
                                                                   responsibility for this. The people of Rotterdam regard
- Research should be conducted into options for                    the measures taken by the municipality on this theme as
  making the public transport network more robust and              insufficient. For instance, according to Rotterdam citizens,
  for moving towards multimodal access to economic                 it would do no harm for the municipality to add a little more
  development locations.                                           coercive muscle by pedestrianising a number of areas,
                                                                   banning polluting cars or lorries from the city centre, and
- In concert with MRDH and RET, we want to invest in               holding companies or factories to account for pollution. Even
  maintenance and, wherever possible, improvement of               free public transport was mentioned as an option.
  high-quality bus, tram, and metro services.

- Participation in the innovative sustainability solutions
  action campaign of public transport in the metropolitan

22 | Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018                                                                                                                             Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 | 23
More green spaces
                                                                                                                            Important to Rotterdam (88%), importance
                                                                                                                            of municipal attention to this theme (75%).

        otterdam as a green city is an attractive and           - Removing tiles from the garden will help drain
                                                                                                                            76%        of the total roof surface
        resilient city where people love to live, work and        off rainwater, thus reducing the pressure on the
                                                                                                                                       in Rotterdam is flat
        relax. Greenification is an important municipal           sewerage system in extreme weather conditions.
priority (portfolio of Alderman Eerdmans, responsible for         In conjunction with the Schieland and Krimpener-
                                                                                                                            39%        are willing to take measures against
safety, enforcement and public spaces). It brings people          waard Higher Water Board and the municipal Green
                                                                                                                                       flooding, such as installing a green roof
together, inspires them to go out and explore and creates         Team, we organise annual Green Do Days (‘Tiles
                                                                                                                                       and removing tiles from the garden
healthier living conditions. Joining hands to improve the         out, plants in’ campaign). The focus on these days
green quality of the neighbourhood contributes to the             is on district greenery. Plants are distributed and
people’s resilience and to the quality of life in the neigh-      information is provided. The objective is to remove
                                                                                                                            The City of Rotterdam is considered to be primarily
bourhood.                                                         bricks and tiles from as many square metres as
                                                                                                                            responsible for this theme. People expect the municipality
                                                                  possible. We will set a good example ourselves by
                                                                                                                            to take a more active stance in efforts to install and maintain
In and around Rotterdam we have a myriad of wildlife              engaging in activities in public open areas.
                                                                                                                            green places in the city. There is a fairly general perception
habitats and places of natural beauty to enjoy. They ran-       - Wall gardens, or vertical gardens, not only brighten      that green spaces increasingly need to make way for new
ge from large parks to concealed gardens in courtyards            up the streets but also prevent the wall from war-        developments. By being more careful with existing green,
and on roofs, from nature conservation areas in the city          ming up too much during extremely hot days. The           open spaces or by adding more green spaces, we may be able
to small beaches by the waterside and from monumental             installation of wall gardens is encouraged by means       to change people’s opinions.
trees to baby trees. Rotterdam is greener than you think,         of a brochure and an active policy in conjunction
but there is always room for improvement. Together with           with the area development organisation and dis-
the people of Rotterdam, we will give the city what it            trict-based intermediaries.
deserves: an even greener appearance. We will actively
                                                                - Green roofs enhance Rotterdam’s green appeal
involve citizens in creating more green spaces, ensuring
                                                                  and absorb excess rainwater. Green roofs are
that everyone is inspired, motivated and eager to get                                                                                                                                                                      Perception of neighbourhood green
                                                                  necessary to keep our feet dry, particularly in
started.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   spaces in 2013
                                                                  brick-dominated areas such as the city centre and                                                                                                        (such as lawns, trees and parks)
                                                                  old urban districts. In addition, green roofs save
In the period leading up to 2018, we will engage in activi-
                                                                  energy (keeping homes cooler in summertime) and                                                                                                              insufficient presence
ties including the following:
                                                                  double the life of the roof. Furthermore, they en-
                                                                  hance the city’s biodiversity. The target is to install
• Together with residents, we will plant more flowers and
                                                                  40,000m2 of green roofs every year, in partnership
  shrubs in the brick-dominated districts of Oude Noor-                                                                                                                                                                        perception: neutral or varying
                                                                  with the water boards. The tools we use to achieve
  den, Nieuwe Westen/Middelland, Tarwewijk, Bloem-
                                                                  this goal include a grant scheme (that will gradually
  hof and Hillesluis. Where possible, we will combine
                                                                  be phased out over the next few years), campaign
  greenification efforts with measures to contain storm
                                                                  periods, information days and personal advice. In                                                                                                            ample presence
  water runoff in incidences of extreme rainfall. As part
                                                                  addition, research is conducted into the desirability
  of this, we will also explore new solutions such as rain
                                                                  of mandatory green roof installation and the options
  gardens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source
                                                                  of longer-term guarantees.                                                                                                                               2013-2014 Enquête Wijkprofiel
• We will explore additional opportunities for adding
                                                                • Making green spaces in the city more readily                                                                                                             (District Profile Survey)
  green elements to existing facilities, such as green car                                                                                                                                                                 City of Rotterdam
                                                                  accessible to residents and visitors. Green is good
  parking sites.
                                                                  (exercise, mental health) and contributes to the ima-                                                                                                    Processing
• The introduction of lush greenery and a healthy cover           ge of Rotterdam as a hip and trendy alpha city. That                                                                                                     2013-2014 Enquête Wijkprofiel
  of vegetation along the river banks of the New Meuse            is why we are developing and combining tools to                                                                                                          Webservice
  River (Nieuwe Maas), the New Waterway, the River                encourage people to use and enjoy beautiful green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Web service quadratic

  Rotte and the River Schie will result in the creation           areas, including cycling routes, walking routes, run-                                                                                                    Weighted average of at least 10 individual perceptions
  of attractive green corridors where it is a pleasure to         ning routes, exploration routes as well as a green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (respondents) in 300-metre radii around the centre of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           every square.
  live and work. The works involving the creation of the          app.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Size of square: 100 x 100 metres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Depending on their location, at least 25% of
  Mallegatpark tidal channel and the construction of an                                                                                                                                                                    respondents are included compared to an unweighted
                                                                • We support research and efforts to create a new                                                                                                          average calculation.
  eco-friendly river bank at Nassauhaven will start short-
                                                                  urban park, a floating forest in the Rijnhaven and                                                                                                       City of Rotterdam
  ly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Department of Research and Business Intelligence
                                                                  pocket gardens at the former Hofplein tracks.                                                                                                  

                                                                • Promoting biodiversity through tree and shrub
•    Residents will be encouraged to plant more flowers,          maintenance, for instance by introducing a greater
    shrubs and trees near their homes:                            variety of tree species.

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Dry feet

                                                                                 otterdam is one of the lowest-lying cities in
                                                                                 Europe. We are protected by levees, dams,                 Rotterdam as a resilient city
                                                                                 embankments and water defences, but in extreme
                                                                          weather conditions, we are still vulnerable to flooding.         A sustainable city is also a strong, resilient
                                                                          That is why we keep investing in safety measures to              and resilient city. Flood safety is just one of the
                                                                          avoid serious problems in the future. We apply proven            tasks confronting the city. The ongoing energy
                                                                          techniques and smart, innovative solutions. This is how          transition, the next economy, obsolescence,
                                                                          we turn a waterproof and resilient city of Rotterdam into a      cyber issues - these are all developments
                                                                          showcase for new export opportunities.                           that generate opportunities as well as risks.
                                                                                                                                           Rotterdam needs to anticipate these changes
                                                                          In September of 2014, the national Delta Programme               and develop resilience. Combining sustainability
                                                                          was adopted by the House of Representatives. The Delta           efforts with a programme to develop
                                                                          Programme lists the Rijnmond-Drechtsteden region                 assertiveness and resilience will enable us
                                                                          as one of the most important regional elements. The              to identify what future risks and opportunities
                                                                          flood management approach as described in the Delta              specifically will present themselves, so that
                                                                          Programme is part of the Rotterdam Adaptation Strategy.          targeted actions can be undertaken, actions that
                                                                          This strategy also aims to contain storm water runoff in         contribute to the self-reliance of the people of
                                                                          incidences of extreme rainfall, if possible in combination       Rotterdam and the businesses based in the city
                                                                          with measures to improve and enhance the green quality           and which will result in smart, comprehensive
                                                                          of open spaces in the city. It includes measures at              solutions at district level as well as in future-
                                                                          neighbourhood, street and building level to minimise the         proofing the city as a whole. Participation in
                                                                          consequences of extreme precipitation that will, at the          the Rockefeller Foundation ‘s100 Resilient
                                                                          same time, result in a more beautiful, green city for the        Cities programme the will support Rotterdam in
                                                                          people of Rotterdam.                                             developing this strategy through funding and the
                                                                                                                                           knowledge and best practices of other cities. The
                                                                          Over the next few years, Rotterdam and its partners,             resilience programme can provide very useful
                                                                          including the water boards and the Port of Rotterdam             support for the other pillars and ambitions of the
                                                                          Authority, will continue to invest in flood management and       Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and
                                                                          a safe, future-proof and resilient city. We aim to achieve       Climate Change, not least by linking the various
                                                                          this by with measures that include the following:                themes and intelligently anticipating future
                                                                          • Implementing the Rotterdam Adaptation Strategy:

                                                                            - with a comprehensive policy for the areas outside            - with additional water storage capacity for
                                                                              the levees. The focus in this respect is on risk               incidences of extreme rainfall in the three areas
                                                                              communication and flood management plans for                   inside the levees:
                                                                              the three areas outside the levees (which were
                                                                              also named as pilot areas in the national Delta                1, Zomerhofkwartier;
                                                                              Programme):                                                    2. Leonidas;
                                                                                                                                             3. Rubroek.
                                                                               1. Kop van Feijenoord/Noordereiland (2015);
                                                                               2. Merwevierhaven (2015);                                     The implementation in all of these is aimed at
                                                                               3. Botlek (2016).                                             getting residents and entrepreneurs involved who
                                                                                                                                             are based in the district concerned.
                                                                               The flood management plans are linked to area
                                                                               development and refurbishment of the open space.
                                                                               The focus for Noordereiland is on residents’

26 | Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018                                                    Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 | 27
- Including adaptation principles in investments in
    the city as much as possible. This includes more              The Rotterdam Adaptation Strategy (2013) charts
    small-scale measures in districts, focusing, for              the course by which Rotterdam plans to adapt
    instance, on the application of permeable paving,             to the consequences of climate change and
    green roofs (with options for subsidies for residents         shows how residents, businesses and the city                                                                                                                         Flood chart Rotterdam areas outside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the levees 2100
    and businesses), more pocket gardens in streets               can gain maximum benefit. This strategy offers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       climate scenario W+ with a repeat time
    and the smart design of open spaces to include                the framework and the guiding principles for                                                                                                                         of 1 x 1,000 years
    playgrounds and water storage facilities, for                 a future-proof development of Rotterdam and
    example.                                                      ensures that every future (spatial) development
                                                                  will include subjects such as flood management,
• Supplying capacity, content and where possible                  accessibility and robustness of the city as basic
  providing financial support in offering space to                principles from the very outset of the process.
  innovations such as ‘polder roofs’, water-storage road
  structures, multifunctional levees, water playgrounds,
  floating constructions, adaptive construction,                                                                                    Source: Deltares
  and a 3Di model to improve flooding predictions.
  Participation in the regional ‘Valorisation Programme
  Delta Technology and Water’ (together with partners              Important to Rotterdam (84%), importance
  including the water boards, Rotterdam University of              of municipal attention to this theme (66%).
  Applied Sciences, Deltares, and Delft University of
  Technology) helps generate the capacity mentioned
  above. The aim is also to continue this successful               42%        of the people of Rotterdam are
  partnership beyond 2015.                                                    concerned about rising sea levels
                                                                   40%        of the people of Rotterdam are
• Implementing the national Delta decisions in                                concerned about flooding
  Rotterdam, such as short-term and long-term levee
  reinforcements, improving crisis management
  (including by means of pilot projects and a strategy for         According to the citizens of Rotterdam, the government is
  local evacuation to higher ground or taller buildings),          primarily responsible for preventing flooding. The majority of
  and reducing the vulnerability of vital networks and             the population is unaware of the City of Rotterdam’s efforts
  objects to flooding.                                             in this respect. More information is required. Measures
                                                                   mentioned are sewer replacement and maintenance of drain
• Preparing and adopting a Resilience strategy that is             pipes, drain canals, and levees.
  set out in detail at project level. In 2016 and beyond,
  implementation will take place in conjunction with the
  stakeholders concerned, supported financially and                                                                                 Water issues         Bottlenecks and vulnerable areas                  Flooding risk chart 2100
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The risk chart shows the areas where safeguarding controls may
  substantively by the 100 Resilient Cities network.                                                                                                                                                       be deficient in the future and which are vulnerable to more intense
  Topics that will be addressed include:                                                                                                                                                                   precipitation due to uneven soil subsidence. This concerns mainly
                                                                                                                                                                                                           built-up peatlands. In addition, the chart shows bottlenecks in
  - the relationship between flood management, energy                                                                                                                                                      sewerage, groundwater flooding, and low-lying infrastructure such
                                                                                                                                                                                                           as tunnels.
    and IT security;

  - smart IT applications and self-reliance;
                                                                                                                                    Source: De Urbanisten XXXX

  - smart data management and data access.

28 | Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018                                                                                                                     Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 | 29
Sustainable areas

                                                                                 ustainability is an integral part of all area          • In large-scale spatial development projects – think
                                                                                 development projects in Rotterdam. Sustainable           of Hart van Zuid and Rotterdam Central District –
                                                                                 areas are future-proof areas with good living            sustainability will be included as a requirement in the
                                                                          conditions. This means that the housing here is                 development criteria, for instance in the tendering
                                                                          comfortable, readily accessible, with low energy bills,         methodology.
                                                                          attractive outdoor spaces, responsible transport,
                                                                          clean air, optimal use of facilities and amenities, etc.      • In smaller area development projects, we will gain
                                                                          Furthermore, sustainable areas are potential money-             experience with a tool that enables comprehensive
                                                                          makers. Think, for instance, of energy-neutral or even          analysis of the sustainability criteria for a certain area.
                                                                          energy-generating homes, large-scale applications of            This tool is based on the internationally recognised
                                                                          renewable energy, so-called smart grids and urban               BREEAM standards. Based on these standards, the
                                                                          farming. The implementation of several combined forms           City Council and the market players concerned will
                                                                          of sustainable measures results in profitable areas that        draw up a plan for implementing specific measures.
                                                                          harbour intrinsic added value. These sustainable areas          Affordability, feasibility, and method of implementation
                                                                          help to avoid future and hidden costs; they promote             will feature as aspects of this plan. If successful, we
                                                                          health, are prepared for the consequences of climate            will translate the experiences gained in the current
                                                                          change (adaptation) and give new life to vacant property.       pilot areas to other area development projects that will
                                                                                                                                          be launched in Rotterdam over the next few years. Our
                                                                          We aim to achieve this by means of measures which               objective is to apply this methodology in all new area
                                                                          include the following:                                          development projects, to ensure that sustainable areas
                                                                                                                                          will be the norm instead of the exception.
                                                                          • In every development project, we will consider the
                                                                            interconnection of aspects such as green outdoor
                                                                            spaces, air quality, sustainable construction, reuse
                                                                            of property, affordability and accessibility, as well
                                                                            as noise and due consideration for an exercise-
                                                                            friendly layout (encouraging cycling and walking),
                                                                            and implement the projects accordingly. Obviously,
                                                                            the developers of these areas will have the major
                                                                            responsibility for this. In many cases, this concerns
                                                                            property developers, housing associations, and other
                                                                            market players rather than the municipality itself, as
                                                                            well as growing numbers of ‘smaller’ parties that have
                                                                            joined the market in recent years (think of collective
                                                                            private commissioning and self-builds). Over the next
                                                                            few years, the City Council will focus explicitly on
                                                                            facilitating and providing framework conditions for this.

30 | Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018                                                    Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 | 31
“  In my view, power generation
                  deserves a more sustainable approach,
                  with more wind energy and solar
                                                                          “  Hot groundwater that is stored at a depth
                                                                          of 2 to 3 kilometres below ground level can
                                                                          be used to heat surface water, which in turn
                  energy.”                                                can be used to heat municipal or corporate
                  Montessir Karroumi
                                                                          Mario Huiberts

32 | Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018                     Rotterdam Programme on Sustainability and Climate Change 2015-2018 | 33
                          Aim 2:                                                                                                                                 savings for
                          Cleaner energy at lower costs                                                                                                          residents

                                                                          Energy conservation will reduce energy bills for                  otterdam promotes energy-efficiency measures in
  Rotterdam generates more renewable energy                               Rotterdam-based citizens and businesses. We can                   existing homes by close cooperation with various
  than the city’s current total power consumption. A                      achieve this efficiency through behavioural change,               parties in the city. Investing in energy-efficiency
  successful grid now connects the city to the port                       structural measures such as insulation and by generating    measures will result in energy savings and reduced
  complex, and the residual heat recovered from the                       our own energy, for instance by using solar panels. We      energy bills, while at the same time increasing the level
  port heats and cools at least half of all homes and                     will reinforce the urban energy-efficiency programme for    of comfort in homes. Furthermore, they will upgrade the
  buildings. Renewable solar and wind energy plus                         the built environment (Acceleration010), and invest in      energy performance label of the home, increasing its
  energy savings will result in lower energy bills for                    energy efficiency in commercial property.                   value at the time of a future sale.
  the citizens of Rotterdam by 2030 than they would
  be without this renewable energy transition.                            The aim is to have 150,000 homes connected to the           2013 saw the launch of the Acceleration010 partnership,
                                                                          heating network by 2035. This will provide affordable,      in which the municipality and fifteen partners from
  Kortom: weare investing in cleaner                                      reliable and sustainable heating, as well as improved       sectors including housing associations, construction
                                                                          air quality. Furthermore, we set a good example             and energy pursue the goal of accelerating the
  energy at lower costs.                                                  by implementing measures in our own property in             implementation of sustainability measures in existing
                                                                          accordance with the ‘swimming pool approach’ that           homes. These homes will be renovated with a focus
                                                                          was implemented earlier and that helps to recover the       on energy efficiency. In total, this will amount to an
                                                                          costs of energy-efficiency measures through the energy      investment of over €67 million in the existing housing
                                                                          savings achieved.                                           stock. These investments will furthermore facilitate the
                                                                                                                                      creation of additional jobs and work-study programmes.
                                                                          Wind and solar energy are important for achieving a
                                                                          clean and future-proof energy supply. The support of        We will invest in actions which include the following:
                                                                          the people of Rotterdam and their awareness of this
                                                                          are important in this respect, as is a financial return     • Improving energy efficiency in 7,000 housing
                                                                          for the environment. Constructive consultation with the       association homes.
                                                                          stakeholders around us and their involvement are pivotal
                                                                          to achieving our aim.                                          - Agreements to this effect will form part of the
                                                                                                                                           performance agreements with the individual
                                                                                                                                           housing associations.

                                                                                                                                         - The municipality and housing associations will
                                                                                                                                           act in unison to activate tenants, gain access
                                                                                                                                           to relevant (European) funding sources, and
                                                                                                                                           implement innovations that will enhance and
                                                                                                                                           accelerate this approach.

                                                                                                                                      • Activating owner-occupiers to improve the energy-
                                                                                                                                        efficiency level of 3,000 homes.

                                                                                                                                         - Part of this plan is a specific approach for owners’
                                                                                                                                           associations to improve the energy-efficiency
                                                                                                                                           level of 1,500 apartments. A special owners’
                                                                                                                                           associations’ desk has been set up and we
                                                                                                                                           organise workshops on this.

                                                                                                                                         - Residents are informed, activated and facilitated to
                                                                                                                                           increase their awareness, take firm measures and
                                                                                                                                           adapt their behaviour to energy-saving lifestyles.

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