The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45

Page created by Angel Benson
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
The 45 Informer
                                    What's happening at Bert Hodge Post 45

              March 2020                                                                        Vol. 7 Issue. 3
                                   Commander’s Corner by Commander Ken Moore
   Thank you to everyone who made February another successful month. We had a wonderful Valentine’s dinner and it
was a team effort . From cooking to decorating, serving, desserts and clean up—every family had a part and I thank you
very much.
   I was honored to go to Post 259 with Membership Chairman Teresa Schoolcraft and Adjutant Bo Meadows to accept
an award for our post reaching 100% membership from Department of Florida Commander Rick Johnson and District
Commander Hank Mangels .We made 100 percent membership because of all of you who bring in new members and
renewed your membership. This was not accomplished by 1 or 2 people, thank you all. The District Commander Hank
Mangels will be at our post meeting in March. Please try to attend.
   March is going to be another busy month. We have our new windows getting installed on March the 13th and 14th,
Many of you will be working the polls for election. We have our dinners as well. We are asking all these who are not
working the Election Polls on March the 17th to volunteer to help the Legion Auxiliary with St Patrick’s Corned Beef
and Cabbage lunch and dinner. The profits will be split 50/50 with the Legion. Also starting in March the post will be
closed on Thursdays. It is being rented from 10 am till 2 pm. If anyone needs anything just call me. I want everyone to
know that my phone is always on for emergencies or if you just need to talk, but please direct other questions to the post
Adjutant Bo Meadows. (Phone number on Post Officers list in the newsletter.) If he can’t answer your question right
then, he will find out the answer and let you know. All business concerning the post must to go through the Post Adju-
tant—No Exceptions. Thank you for your cooperation and allowing the officers to do the job they are responsible for.
   Again, thank you all for a wonderful month and let’s take a deep breath and get ready for March.
                                           Thank you and God Bless.

                             Auxiliary President's Comments by President Linda Sliter
    Auxiliary members this was a short month. Saying that I want to thank everyone for what they did and to say we
have a lot of projects going on that we can use everyone's help with. Remember these are projects for the betterment of
our Veterans
  We have the Azalea Festival coming up on March 7th and 8th . We need people to man the booth both days.
 We also have the Putnam County Fair March 20 th thru the 28th and will need help. We are selling chances on Easter bas-
kets to be drawn on at our open house on April 4th.
  Then on March 17th we will be serving a Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner for $8.00 and Rueben sandwiched for $6.00
If you can't come in and help cook or deliver meals because you have to work, we will be delivering. If you are in the
delivery area please call in you and your co-workers orders.
    Then on March 21st we will be serving a Chicken and Dumpling dinner for $6.00.
    Another project we will be doing is selling ribs and pork butts. This is for our Honor Flight project. These funds will
help send our older Veterans to Washington D.C. to visit the monuments. So come meet your sisters and brothers in
working for our Veterans.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day is observed every year on March 29 and is a way to thank and honor our nation’s Vietnam
veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.
Who does Vietnam War Commemoration Honor? U.S. Armed Forces personnel with active duty service between November 1,
1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location of service which includes: Nine million Americans serving during that time, 6.4 mil-
lion Americans living today, 2.7 million U.S. service members who served in Vietnam, 58,000 whose names are memorialized on a
black granite wall in our Nation’s capital, 304,000 who were wounded, 1,253 Missing in Action (MIA) heroes who have not yet re-
turned to American soil, 2,500 Prisoners of War (POWs). The commemoration makes no distinction between veterans who served
in-county, in-theater, or were stationed elsewhere during those 20 years.

“To ensure the sacrifices of the 9 million heroes who served during this difficult chapter of our country’s history are remembered for
generations to come, I signed into law the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, designating March 29 of each year as
National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Throughout this Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, and every
March 29 thereafter, we will honor all those who answered our Nation’s call to duty.” President Trump
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
Calendar of events for March 2020
   Sunday           Monday            Tuesday          Wednesday           Thursday              Friday              Saturday
1 Post closed     2 Post open      3 Post open        4 Post open       5 Post Closed       6 Post open          7 Breakfast -
                                                                                                                 Legion serving
                                                                                               Lunch 11-1
                                                                                                                 Jr mtg 10 am
                                                                        Azalea Cruisers
                   Lunch 11-1                                                                Yard Sale 8–2       Azalea Festival

8 Post closed     9 Post open      10 Post open       11 Post open      12 Post Closed      13 Post open         14 Breakfast
                                                                                                                 Buffet $8-Legion
     Azalea        Lunch 11-1                                             Legion and                             serving
    Festival                           Azalea            Legion            Auxiliary         Post Clean-up
                    Auxiliary         Cruisers          Exec mtg        Pot luck dinner          10 am            SAL meeting at
                    Exec mtg          meeting            10:30            at 6 pm and                                 10:00
                     10 am              6-8                                meeting at          Lunch 11-1         Riders meeting
                                                                              7 pm                                   at 10:00

15 Post           16 Post open     17 Post open       18 Post open      19 Post Closed      20 Post open         21 Breakfast –
closed                                 VOTE!                                                                     Riders serving
                   Lunch 11-1         St Patty’s                                               Lunch 11-1        Putnam County
                                     Day Lunch                                                                        Fair
                                     and Dinner
                                                                                                                    Chicken &
                                                                                                                  Dinner at 5 pm
22 Post           23 Post open     24 Post open       25 Post open      26 Post Closed      27 Post open         28 Breakfast -
closed                                                                                                           SAL serving
                   Lunch 11-1
                                                                                               Lunch 11-1
                                     Putnam             Putnam          Putnam County                            Putnam County
  Putnam            Putnam
                                    County Fair        County Fair           Fair              Newsletter             Fair
 County Fair       County Fair
                                                        Medal of                              folding at 10
                                                       Honor Day
                   Newsletter                                                               Putnam County
                  Articles Due                                                                   Fair

29 Post           30 Post open     31 Post open
closed                                                                Take a minute—
                   Lunch 11-1                          Reflect on the day’s accomplishments. At the
National                                             end of the day, it can be hard to think of the big
Vietnam War                                          picture of the good we’ve done so taking the
Veterans Day                                         time daily to reflect makes a huge difference.

                  Our post is open to the public so bring your family and friends.
                                  Help us support our veterans.
1) Breakfast served Saturdays 8 am -11 am                         2) Lunch served Mondays and Friday 11 am –1 pm
3) Post open 10 am—3 pm M, T, W & F                2nd Thursday—Legion & Auxiliary potluck @6 pm & meeting @7 pm
2nd Saturday—Sons of American Legion and Riders 10 am Joint meeting
Following meals open to the public—All breakfasts and lunches      3rd Saturday - Post Dinners - Jan—Oct 5—7 pm

  Post Renters Information: This is a courtesy to those who rent our post home. Hall rental disclaimer – Groups that meet here
are in no way endorsed, supported or sponsored by Bert Hodge Post 45. These groups all pay a rental fee for the use of our post to
host their meetings. Any member that attends the meetings are there of their own accord and are not representing the American
Legion or Post 45. We list their meeting times in our calendar as a courtesy to them. Post 45 has and will always abide by the Con-
stitution and By-Laws set in place by the American Legion and Post 45.
   The post is available for group meetings, private functions and more. Visit our web page,
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
Post Officers 2019-2020                                      Post address and contact information
Commander         Ken Moore                    386-916-7601
1st Vice          Lester Sheppard              386-972-2153                        316 Osceola Street, Palatka, FL. 32177
2nd Vice          Rick Hadden                  859-338-3961                          Phone Number: 386-328-6976
Adjutant          Bo Meadows                   904-699-2457                         Post Website:
Finance Officer   Diane Perritt                386-546-1659                      Post Email:
Chaplain          Mike Murphey                 904-907-5233                    Auxiliary Email:
Judge Advocate    Chuck Gauthier               386-336-1083                  Newsletter Editor:
Quarter Master    Greg Andries                 719-310-7519                     AL Riders:
Sargent-At-Arms Gary Coward                    386-698-1837
                                                                                  District 17 Officers for 2019-2020
Member at Large Walt Hunt                      904-315-3714
Member at Large Vacant                         ?????
                                                                     Commander - Hank Mangels
Member at Large Kevin Tracey                   386-336-2547
                                                                     Vice Commander - Jim Bowers
Service Officer   Chuck Foster                 352-548-6029
                                                                     Vice Commander - Colleen Smith
Historian/Bugler Curtis Bennett                386-972-3300          Adjutant - Bruce Howe
Honor Guard Capt. Stan Owens                   386-530-1455          Judge Advocate - Rev. Willie Branch
Membership        Teresa Schoolcraft           386-517-3764          Auxiliary -
               Auxiliary Officers 2019-2020                          President—Toni Ellsworth
President            Linda Sliter             386-326-9431
1st Vice             Teresa Schoolcraft       386-517-3764
Secretary            Pat Hunt                 904-501-7186           Legion Membership                    Teresa Schoolcraft
Treasurer            Pat Hunt                 904-501-7186           100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Chaplain             Cathy Boyland            828-361-8403
Sgt-at Arms          Marilynn Gauthier        386-546-7694              Well Legionnaires we did it. We reached 100% for member-
Historian            Vacant                                          ship 2020, between membership renewals and new mem-
                                                                     bers. That means that we still have many members that have not
Membership           Teresa Schoolcraft       386-517-3764
                                                                     renewed for 2020 as of the print of this newsletter. Stop by the
Member at Large      Roberta Parling          ?????                  post or call the post to pay by phone or you can pay your mem-
Member at Large      Pat Andries              719-433-5366           bership online.
Member at Large      Virginia Wygonik         386-328-4604
                                                                        Many of you we never see, and it saddens us greatly. It is
                   SAL Officers 2019-2020
                                                                     wonderful when a member we see very, very seldom or has nev-
Commander           Chuck Gauthier            386-336-1083
                                                                     er stopped at the post comes in to see us. We enjoy talking to all
1st Vice            Vacant                    ?????
                                                                     of you and we could use your help. I hear many times from
2nd Vice            Vacant                     ?????
                                                                     members that they can not do anything to help us. Many of you
Judge Advocate      Stan Owens                386-530-1455
                                                                     are physically not able to assist with moving stuff in the post or
Finance             Ron Kelly                 386-559-9160
                                                                     with working our various events, dinners or ramps. However,
Historian           James Hazel                ?????
                                                                     there are a lot of things you can do. Such as come by the post to
Sgt-at-Arms         Luke Owens                 904-517-9699
                                                                     have a cup of coffee and wrap silverware for our dinners. You
              AL Riders Officers 2019-2020                           could help our Chaplain Mike Murphey with calling other veter-
Director            Ron Kelly                 386-559-9160           ans to check on them to see how they are doing or if there is
Assist. Director    Charles Burkley           601-955-2324           something, we can help them with. Maybe you could help us by
1st Vice            Wayne Moon                ?????                  addressing cards to our members for the holidays, birthdays,
Secretary           Teresa Schoolcraft        386-517-3764           anniversaries, etc. There are many things you can do, so come
Treasurer           Greg Andries              719-310-7519           on out and have some coffee. Your help will help us accomplish
Road Captain        Chuck Gauthier            386-336-1083           our goals. YOU! are the reason we do what we do every day. If
Safety Officer      Harvey Konsella           386-326-0943           you can, stop by our booths this month at the Azalea Festival on
Chaplain            Chuck Gauthier            386-336-1083           the 7th & 8th or during the Putnam County Fair the 20th through
Sargent-at-Arms     Vacant                    ?????                  the 28th.
Membership          Vacant                    ?????
Quarter Master      Vacant                    ?????                  Newsletter Editor Change. As many of you know, I have
Historian           Vacant                    ?????                  been looking for someone to take over as editor of our post
                                                                     newsletter. Paul Flint has accepted this position starting with the
                                                                     April issue. He has done it before and will do a great job. Please
Veteran Relief                                    Ken Moore          support him and share information to keep our newsletter current
   Please, if you or a veteran you know of is in need of financial   and interesting for the members and others reading it. The email
help let me know. All information is kept confidential. It takes     address will remain the same. Thank you for all you have done
7 to 10 days to get the request approved. Thank you.                 for me and with me to make it a success! Pat Andries
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
Auxiliary Chaplain                        Cathy Boyland
    We are living in a new day in America & we find ourselves as
living in, "the Land of Fear instead of the Land of the Free." Da-
vid said: "The Lord is my light and my salvation--whon shall I
fear?" (Psalm 27:1) Regardless of what life throws our way, we
can stand strong with confidence & courage when we stand re-
solved and committed to our National motto: "IN GOD
   Knowing that if God be for us we will not fear anything or
anyone that comes against us. The absolute safest place to be is in
our Heavenly Father's perfect will for our life.

Four Chaplains Ceremony                          Mike Murphey
    What a privilege it was to share in the February Four Chap-
lains ceremony with so many of you from our Post 45 family.
    Some traditions are just things we’ve learned to do a certain
way. The Four Chaplains, however, is special. In it, we see an
example of the very best in all of us who serve others…love,
sacrifice, courage, honor, standing together in the face of adver-
sity, faith and strength of character.                                Commander Ken Moore and Membership Chair Teresa
    These qualities are something I see every time I’m at the
                                                                      Schoolcraft receiving an award for “100 Percent Membership”
post…a little love here, some faith there, sacrifice of time and
coin…all the while surrounded by honorable people standing            for American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45 in Debary Post 159.
together.                                                             Way to go Bert Hodge Post 45. Presented by Florida District 17
    You bless my soul as I see who you are together…THANK             Commander Hank Mangels Great job everyone!
                                                                                 Doughboy Statues Maintenance
                                                                                      Assistant Needed.
                                                                        Our long standing “Doughboy” statues have been the protec-
                                                                      tors of the Memorial Bridge and beacons to our surviving vet-
                                                                      erans for 92 years. These statues by E.M. Visquesey, were
                                                                      created as memorials to all of our service men and sailors as a
                                                                      personal “Welcome Home”.
                                                                        We, the residents of Putnam County and everyone that has
                                                                      crossed the bridge, have seen these glorious statues and we
                                                                      have grown accustomed to their presence but we have forgot-
                                                                      ten that they need to be maintained and cared for. Our four
                                                                      statues are the part of the last remaining 138 that are still
                                                                      standing of the original 840 statues.
                                                                        We owe it to ourselves and to the future generations to care
                                                                      for and respect our Doughboys. Our local American Legion
                                                                      Post 45 has taken on the “No Man Left Behind” project of
                Focus on evaluating your day.                         cleaning, preserving and maintaining these treasures. This
                                                                      will, of course, cost for supplies to do so. The post will supply
Did you put too much on your plate? How was your stress? At-          the labor but would appreciate any and all donations to help
titude? Focus? If you consistently score big on stress and low        cover these expenses.
on attitude, make some adjustments.
                                                                        The post will be selling
                                                                      Doughboy T-shirts, cups
                                                                      and unframed prints at the
                                                                      American Legion post.
                                                                        Have you purchased your
                                                                      shirt or cap or made a
                                                                      donation? Thank you for
                                                                      your support.

                                                                       Support our Veterans!
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
From Your Kitchen Committee - Contact us at 386-328-6976
    Breakfast served every Saturday from 8 to 11 am.                                           Lunch Menu
  New menu available for a really great deal. Bring your
                                                                          Sandwiches come with a Pickle Spear and Chips
     family and friends to Post 45 for the breakfast.
                                                                      Hamburger                                                            $5.00
   If you are available to volunteer for any of our dinners, lunch-   1/4 lb. Beef Hot Dog                                                 $4.00
es or breakfasts, please contact Gary St.Onge or Ken Moore.           Bacon, Lettuce, & Tomato                                             $5.00
   If you can’t carry the plates to the tables maybe you could        BBQ Pork on a bun                                                    $5.00
help with the preparing of the food, washing/drying dishes,           Philly Cheese Steak                                                  $6.00
sweeping, or washing off the tables. Your help is needed and
                                                                      Beef, Provolone, Green Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms
will be very much appreciated. Your support would also be
                                                                      Rueben                                                                 $6.00
appreciated by attending these events.
                                                                      Sauerkraut, Onions, Thousand Island Dressing on Rye
                                                                                       Sandwich Toppings $.50 each
                        Chili Cook Off
                                                                               Cheese - Yellow or Swiss, Mushrooms, Bacon,
  On Saturday February 29th at 12pm we hosted a Chili Cook
Off to raise money for the post. Hope you joined us for the                Grilled Onions, Sauerkraut, Green Peppers, Jalapenos
great food. These projects and events help us raise monies to
                                                                      House Salad       Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots & Sliced Onion          $3.00
support our veteran and community projects.
                                                                                                Drinks $1.00 each

                  Breakfast Buffet for $8                               Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, 7-Up,
                                                                            Mountain Dew, YooHoo, Tea, Bottled Water
              A Buffet Breakfast is now served on
              the second Saturday of each month.                                                      Ice Crea
            They will be serving from 8 am—11 am.                      Milk Shakes                                    $4.00
                  This offer is for Eat In Only.                             Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, or Mocha
                                                                      Floats           Root Beer or Orange                                   $3.00
                                                                      Sundaes          Hot Fudge or Caramel                                  $3.00

                                                                                    Coffee is free when the post is open!
                                                                               Lunch service - Mondays & Friday from 11—1
                                                                                  Delivery is available in the Palatka area.

                                                                                Kitchen Worker Schedule for March
   Valentine Dinner was a wonderful time with great food and                                  Saturday Breakfast
friends. The steaks were great and the post was decorated beau-             March 7                     Gary                        Legion
tifully. Many door prizes were presented to guests. Please plan            March 14                     Gary                        Legion
to attend the monthly dinners for good food and fun. Volunteer
to help prepare or serve food or clean up and any other way you            March 21                     Gary                        Riders
are comfortable. Invite friends and family.                                March 28                     Gary                         SAL

                                                                      WE ARE ON for BBQ St Louis style ribs for $18 and $20 for a
                                                                      butt. They are both delicious and will be delivered the day be-
                                                                      fore Easter in the parking lot of the Quality Inn at the foot of the
                                                                      bridge. Contact Linda or Teresa for more information or to pur-
                                                                      chase tickets which will also be sold at the Post Watch desk.
Legionnaires: Happy Birthday to all Legion and SAL mem-
bers                                                                  Vet Freedom Fest scheduled for April 25 to honor veterans.
Auxiliary: 5th-Mary Shackleford, 9th-Jodi Moore, 10th-                The event will be for 10 am—4 pm at the Putnam County Fair-
Paulette Hadden, 16th-Shirley Sirk, 18th-Gail Spink,                  grounds. All veterans and immediate household will eat free. A
                                                                      50/50 raffle will be held and all proceeds will go toward the
If you need an address to mail them a card, please contact            purchase of a van for the American Legion Post 45 to transport
Membership Chairmen Teresa Schoolcraft.
                                                                      veterans to appointments out of town. Show your support!
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
Vet Center Readjustment Counseling Service Now available at Post 45!
                        Gainesville Vet Center offers Readjustment Counseling Service available to combat veterans and their fami-
                     lies. In recent surveys, veterans reported that they prefer to have family involvement in the treatment of their
                     posttraumatic symptoms. Research has also found positive outcomes for combat veterans and their families
                                                                   who seek help together.
A letter from Holly Brock ,Vet Center director, stated that alt-
                                                                      When to ask for help—When tensions escalate and issues are
hough they are willing to come to Palatka each week, it does
                                                                   not getting resolved, seek help as soon as possible. Repeated pow-
not make sense to do so if there is not a need in the communi-
ty. They will only commit on Fridays 10 till 3 if and only if er struggles, disinterest in one another's needs, cutting off of com-
he has appointments. Contact Phone # - 352-331-1408.               munication and over-controlling or possessive behaviors are some
                                                                   of the signs the family could use some support.
   Services offered - Individual counseling for veteran, couples or family therapy, group therapy for veteran or for their spouses,
individual therapy for the spouse and children of the veteran, and referrals to other VA and Community providers.
      Who is eligible for this benefit? There must be a family member who has any one of the following:
   DD-214 that documents service in a combat zone
   Active duty service member with service in a combat zone
   Experienced military sexual harassment, assault or trauma during active duty
   The loss of an active duty family member while they were on active duty
  Counseling service will be offered at our post every Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM. Please call ahead to schedule your time with
the counselor.
    Gainesville Vet Center—105 NW 75th St, Ste #2, Gainesville, Phone # - 352-331-1408.
    American Legion Post 45—316 Osceola St, Palatka,          Phone # - 386-328-6975
    Combat Call Center (24/7) 877-927-8387
    Richard Williams—Gov’t Complex—Call to schedule appointments during the week. 386-329-0327

       2020-Candidate Forums Dates Reserved for                                                       SAL Squadron Commander
             The American Legion Post 45                                                                       Chuck Gauthier

  The following link to the Putnam County Supervisor of Elec-
tions Website will display the tentative dates for upcoming                      Great days ahead for American Legion Post and
candidate forums to be held at The American Legion Post 45,                      Squadron 45. We have finally installed all the new
Palatka. More details will be added as we begin finalizing can-      LED lights in the main hall and kitchen. Still need to do men’s
didates and races. The same formats as past years will be fol-       & ladies’ restroom lights.
lowed and the dates will be April 13th and April 27th, 2020.            I would like to thank James Hazel for electrical work done at
We look forward again to working with you, the candidates and        Brenda Monkhouse’s home.
for the citizens of Putnam County for another educational and            We have many opportunities to work as Squadron 45 mem-
successful election year in Putnam County.                           bers Our post kitchen needs help and support from us. Post
   As in the past the "Meet and Greet" and dinner hour is open       cleaning days could use some extra hands. We have the Azalea
to the public and for all candidates as a time for brochure tables   Festival the 7th and 8th of March.. The Putnam County Fair is
and petition signing. Mark your calendars for April 13th, and        just around the corner and we need to get on the sign up list at
April 27th, 2020 and invite others to attend.                        the post, only 4 hour shifts. There is also an “on call” list if
                                                                     someone needs a back up.                     We are needed and we can help. Come join the fun. Let’s all
Forums                                                               step up.

                  Docents—Are you one?                                            Membership Contest for Everyone
  The title of docent is used in many countries for what
                                                                     The Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons of American Legion are putting
Americans would call an associate professor—that is, a col-
                                                                     on a contest starting February 1 st until March 31st. This is a New
lege or university teacher who has been given tenure but has-
                                                                     Member Recruitment Contest. When you sign up 5 new mem-
n't yet achieved the rank of full professor. But in the U.S. a
                                                                     bers to any of the 3 families you will receive your membership
docent is a guide who works at a museum, a historical site, or
                                                                     paid for 2020. When you recruit 10 new members you will re-
even a zoo or a park. Docents are usually volunteers, and
                                                                     ceive the free 2020 membership as well as 4 free breakfasts, an
their services are often free of charge.
                                                                     $8 value for each breakfast.
   Volunteers are the most important
folks to promote and keep Society’s and                              We are in need of new members to fill the many positions availa-
Organizations open and active. Please                                ble within the Post. So, come on and join the contest. Keep an
be an active member and help support
                                                                     eye out for more information and details of a competition that
our veterans and post!
                                                                     will go on between the officers. It will definitely be entertaining.
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
What We Would Like Our Family Members                                                               American Legion Riders
              To Know About Living With PTSD                                                                             Ron Kelly

•   Give me space when I need to be alone. Don’t overwhelm
    me with questions. I’ll come and talk to you when I’m                 Attention all Riders & Supporters during the month of March
    ready.                                                            we will be updating our files on all members. The meeting on
                                                                      March 14th will be at 10:00; however, I would appreciate it if
•   Get away from me if I am out of control, threatening, or          you would show up at 9 so that we can take care of the files
    violent.                                                          before the meeting. What I need all of you to bring on the 14th
•   Be patient with me, especially when I’m irritable.                is: drivers license and proof of insurance. I will also be taking
                                                                      care of membership for those of you who have not paid your
•   Don’t personalize me, especially when I’m irritable.              2020 dues. If you have any question about insurance, please
                                                                      see the Director Ron Kelly that morning. I will also need to
•   Learn and rehearse a time-out process.
                                                                      make sure everyone has a waiver in their file as well. After the
•   Don’t patronize me or tell me what to do. Treat me with           meeting we will be hitting the road to some where for a fun ride
    respect and include me in conversations and decision mak-         motorcycles and cages included. Kickstands up at 11:30 after
    ing.                                                              our meeting.
                                                                          On May 9th our memorial ride for Ms. Angel (Commander
•   Don’t pity me.                                                    Ken Moore’s late wife) to raise awareness for Huntington Dis-
                                                                      ease. We are also looking at doing a Round Robin ride in April.
•   Don’t say “I understand” when there are some things that
                                                                      During the meeting we will explain what a Round Robin is. If
    you cannot understand.
                                                                      you have a cause that is near and dear to your heart, especially
•   Realize I have unpredictable highs and lows – good days           if it is related to Veterans, their families, or K9’s please mention
    and bad days.                                                     it at the meeting and bring information regarding the cause. On
                                                                      September 12th we will be doing a ride for Suicide prevention
•   Anticipate my anniversary dates – recognize that these could      more information will come out later.
    be tough times.                                                       The ALR 2020 Summit was great and filled in a lot of the
•   I’d like to share traumatic experiences with you, but I fear      blanks for the Director and me. We attended several classes
    overwhelming you and losing you.                                  over the two days we attended and met many other riders as
                                                                      well. Please take a look at the Post calendar. Our mission is not
•   I want to be close to you and share my feelings, but I’m too      just to do rides and events to raise money. It is also to support
    depressed and sometimes I don’t know how to express my            our Post, Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, and our Juniors.

•   I also fear your judgement.
                                                                      In the month of February we celebrated the lives of two family
•   Know that I still love and care about you, even if I act like a   members who had passed - Charter Auxiliary member Joanne
    jerk sometimes.                                                   Frames, wife of Chuck Frames, and Jan Owens, the wife of
                                                                      Legion member Stan Owens. Many members from our post
•   Don’t ask me to go to crowded or noisy places because I’m         attended the Celebration of Life services for each of them.
    uncomfortable in those settings.
                                                                      On Feb21st, Kaye Rogers Wells passed. She was a former
                           Contributed by Charles Wellborn            member of our post.

    The truth is everybody needs encouragement.                       Please remember these families in your prayers and actions.
     Everybody needs somebody cheering them on, some-
 body that sees the best, somebody that sees the gifts, the
 talents. You can be that person for the people in your life:
 the one they can count on, the one that’s not going to find                          Newsletter: Mail vs Internet
 fault, the one that’s always going to have healing words,
 words of encouragement, words that uplift, words that                   Are you getting a mailed copy of the newsletter and have
 push them into their destiny.                                        internet access? With the internet you have access to our Bert
                                                                      Hodge Facebook page and our web page for the newsletter and
              Open House and Easter Baskets                           other events and all in color!.
Auxiliary is busy this year making Easter Baskets to be ready in        Please let us know at:, or call
time for our Open House on April 4th. The tickets are $2 each or      the post, if you are willing to stop receiving the mailings of
6 for $10. Stop by the Post anytime and get your tickets from         your newsletter (costs 59 cents per stamp plus paper and ink for
Post Watch or any Auxiliary member.                                   each monthly letter) and visit our Facebook page or web page..
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
Juniors                                                  OUR JUNIORS ROCK!!                                 Teresa Schoolcraft
   Please, when you see our juniors say hello and introduce yourself. They are here because they appreciate what you have done for
them and their freedom.
   We will have a Juniors meeting on Saturday March 21 st at 10:00 a.m. in the Auxiliary room. If your child, grandchild, great
grandchild, niece or nephew qualifies as a member of the Auxiliary or Sons of American Legion they qualify for the Juniors. Sign
them up. It is $10 for a Junior Auxiliary member, $5 for a Junior Rider, and $5 for a Junior SAL member. They do not have to live
around here to participate in our patch or certificate programs. If you have any questions regarding the Juniors, please contact the
Junior chairperson Teresa Schoolcraft or her assistant Marilynn Gauthier.
  Our Juniors are collecting several items to put together survival kits for our Putnam County 1 st Responders. I will have a box at
the post on March 1st.

      •    Life Savers                 •    Key                        •   Caramel                    •    Mints
      •    Smarties                    •    Lollipops                  •   Starburst                  •    Paper Clips
      •    Gum                         •    Minties                    •   Playing Card               •    Bubbles
      •    Tootsie Roll                •    Matches                    •   Coffee                     •    Tissues
      •    Peppermint Patty            •    Fireball                   •   Jigsaw Piece               •    Tape
      •    Mounds Bar                  •    Band-Aid                   •   Penny                      •    Rubber Bands
      •    Laffey Taffy                •    Payday                     •   Safety Pin                 •    Cotton Balls
      •    100 Grand                   •    Candles                    •   Snickers                   •    Rubber Bands
      •    Hershey’s Kisses            •    Piece of String            •   Toothpicks
      •    Erasers                     •    Stars                      •   Batteries

We thank you for your continued support of our Juniors. They do a lot of work around the post and cleaning, setting up for events,
fundraising, learning about our Country, the Flag, and our Constitution, they assist with our events and projects as well.

                     Auxiliary Monthly Meeting                          Gift Cards and Gift Certificates Wreath Drawing
                Our meeting is Thursday, March 12th at 7 pm.
                                                                     Our new fund raiser will be a Beautiful Patriotic Wreath with
            Please come and share our potluck dinner at 6 pm.
                                                                    Gift Cards and Gift Certificates on it from all around Putnam
            Remember to look at the calendar for the various
                                                                    and St. Johns counties. We are asking members to solicit busi-
            meals the post hosts and upcoming events. There
                                                                    nesses to support us supporting our veterans and provide gift
is something available for everyone to help in some way.
                                                                    cards/certificates from their business to place on the wreath.
     2019-2020 Auxiliary Officer Email Information                  Gift cards donated by individuals are also welcome. Drawing
                                                                    tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at the Post Watch
President—Linda Sliter
                                                                    desk or ask any Auxiliary member for them. lf you would like
1st Vice— Teresa Schoolcraft
Secretary—Pat Hunt                          to help sell tickets, please contact President Linda Sliter or 1st
Treasurer—Pat Hunt                          Vice President Teresa Schoolcraft The drawing will be at the
Chaplain—Cathy Boyland                       post at 1 pm on Memorial Day, May 25th, following the parade
Historian– Vacant                                                   and ceremony. Help support our Auxiliary.
Please contact them with Auxiliary news or questions.
!st Vice President                                                                                            Teresa Schoolcraft
  Well Spring is right around the corner and we are definitely ready for it. Our membership is at 89% so we still have several peo-
ple that have not renewed for 2020. If you have not renewed, you can mail it in call the post or pay online.
   I would like to thank the Auxiliary members Richard & Dianne Bair, Brenda Monkhouse, Diane Sanders, Marilynn Gauthier, and
Deshaun Monkhouse (Junior SAL) for the beautiful job you did on decorating the post for the Valentines dinner. I would also like
to thank Haylie Schoolcraft (Junior Auxiliary/Rider) and Deshaun Monkhouse (Junior SAL) for a fantastic job serving salads, con-
diments, and drinks during the Valentine dinner. Kudos to all of you. You rock.
   We still need more gift cards for our wreath fundraiser if it is to get off the ground everyone. We are also in need of more Easter
baskets for the Open House. If you have any questions about the fundraisers, please speak with one of the Auxiliary officers
   On March 17th the Auxiliary & Post will be teaming up to put on a spectacular St. Paddy’s day lunch and dinner. We will be
serving from 11a.m. to 7p.m., deliveries will be available south of Seminole Electric, north of Walmart, east to the Palatka bridge,
and west to Palatka hospital. We will be serving a Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner or Rueben Sandwich. The dinner will be $8 a
plate and $6 for a sandwich. On Saturday March 21 st the Auxiliary will be hosting a homestyle Chicken & Dumplings $6 a plate so
come on out to join us.
   Sign up sheets should be available next week for the Azalea Festival, Fair, St. Paddy’s day dinner, and the dinner on the
21st. Please sign up to assist in these events. They are not as successful if only 3 or 4 people help. However, if we have 9 or 10
people helping, we can get a lot more done and people don’t get burnt out.
   Don’t forget if you are a chairperson for any of the committees I need your trifold by March the 15 th so that I know what I have
for the Open House. If you have any questions about our fundraisers or events, or dinners please ask any of our officers.
   Auxiliary - our motors are supposed to be Revved Up and Movin’. Let’s Go.
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
March Events at a glance!

  Note—The post is now CLOSED on Thursdays beginning in March. It is rented until 2 pm. every Thursday.
  6th - Yard sale (8am—2pm) and lunch (11am - 1pm). Open to the public!
  7th - Breakfast 8 - 11 am. Yard sale (8am—2pm) Open to the public!
  7th - Juniors meeting 10 am
  7th -8th—Azalea Festival - Your help is needed to man the booth. Sign up sheet at the post or call them and have your name
  added or more information.
  9th—Auxiliary Executive meeting 10:00 am
  11th – Legion Executive Committee meeting 10:30 am.
  12th - Legion and Auxiliary meeting. Potluck at 6 pm and meeting at 7 pm
  14th - Breakfast Buffet for $8 (Eat in only) Open to the public!
  14th – SAL and Riders meeting at 10 am.
  17th—St Patty’s Day Corned Beef and Cabbage or Reuben sandwiches lunch and dinner - Also call in for delivery in
  local area (386) 328-6976 Open to the public!
  20th—Post Clean-up 10 am—Please come help make our post look great! You are needed!
  21st - Breakfast 8 - 11. Open to the public!
  21st - Chicken and Dumplings Dinner at 5 pm. Open to the public!
  21st - 28th - Putnam County Fair—Sign up sheet to man the booth during this time is at Post Watch desk. Your help is needed
  28th - Breakfast 8 - 11. Open to the public!
  April 13th and 27th—Meet and Greet Candidate Forums Open to the public!
  April 25th—Vets Freedom Fest at Putnam County Fairgrounds 10 am –4 pm
  May- Election of 2020-2021 Officers—Are you interested in running for an office? Contact the current officer with questions

                                      Chicken and Dumplings Dinner
                                    Hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary
                           316 Osceola St. Palatka, FL 32177 - “On the Hill at 9th & Crill”
                                       Saturday, March 21st - Serving at 5 pm
                                         Take out available (386-328-6976)

                                  Dinner includes: Chicken and dumplings, salad, roll, dessert and iced tea or coffee.
                                          Dinner tickets are available at Post Watch desk or ask a member—
                                                       $6.00 adults or $3 for children 4-12 years.

                                                    Open to the public so bring friends and family!

If you have access to the internet, please let the Editor, Commander or President know so the newsletter will not be mailed to you.
The Informer newsletter is available on the web page — . Information and articles can be submitted to
the Editor by the deadline listed on the calendar. — Thank you for your support. Pat A
The 45 Informer - The American Legion Bert Hodge Post 45
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