Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021

Page created by Kirk Shaw
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
DECEMBER 15, 2021

Thank you for your generous donation of shoes!
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Dates to Remember
Friday, December 17th - Grades 5th-8th Spelling Bee / Popcorn Friday
Wednesday, December 22nd - All School Mass Gr. 3
Thursday, December 23rd - No School / Christmas Break Begins
Friday, December 24th - Christmas Eve Masses 4:00pm & 9:00pm (see complete Mass schedule on last page)

Popcorn Friday
This Friday, December 17th, is Popcorn Friday. If you are interested in a Family Bag, send $5 to school with
your child along with a note designating it for Popcorn Friday.

Week 3 of Reverse Advent Calendar Giving
This week bring in personal gifts such as blankets, scarves for adults, calendars, stamps & envelopes, puzzles
for all ages, toys, journals, gift cards, etc. New items only please.

You can also send in hygiene or cleaning items from previous weeks.

All items should be delivered to school by 12/21. Cash or check donations to Catholic Charities are welcome

                                               The 6th graders’ food drive was a success. Watch for the
                                               5th grade sponsored food drive coming in January.

   Parent Breakfast
    Mass Schedule
January 18           Grade 4
February 15          Grade 3
March 15             Grade 8
April 12             Grade 2
May 17               Grade 1               November “Get Caught Reading” Winners
May 24             Grade K5                (L to R) Erica B., Lucy T., Hayden B., Veronica C., Sydney Z.
June 7             Grade K4                and Natalia F.
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Secret Santa Shopping
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped to make this
day so special and fun for the students. A big thank you to the
shoppers who found some great deals this past year, Marleana Barber
and Michelle Reilly who co-chaired this event this year and to Stacy
Abraham for sharing her expertise on this event and running it the last
several years.

Christmas Concert Links
Here are the links to the Christmas Concert to share with your family and friends.
Band Program:
Music Program:

                                     Learning while playing games.
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Pajama Day

1st Grade -
Grinch Day
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Art Class
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
                            For raising over $5,000 for
                            Soles Walk , Mr. Van Rixel
                              bravely let some lucky
                            students smash angel food
                            cake topped with whipped
                                 cream in his face.

Mr. Van Rixel teaching Chase B. and                       Mail Delivery
Emmet K. how to do his Famous Tie
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Campus Ministry
                            Saint Homobonus

Saint Homobonus was born in 1150 and died on November 13th, 1197.
He was from Cremona, Italy. He was a merchant from Cremona, Italy.
Born with the name Omobono Tucenghi. He was a married lay priest
who believed that God had allowed him to work for those that lived in
poverty or were in a poor state. He was given the name Hombonus which in Latin meant (“Good Man”).

Homobonus was allowed to follow his calling from God because he received an inheritance from his father,
who was a tailor and merchant. His father's business was in Cremona, Italy. His Father also donated much of
his making to the poor.

Homobonus attended church as many times as he could and participated in the Eucharist every day. While
attending mass positioned in the form of a cross, on November 13, 1197, Homobonus died. A year later
Homobonus was canonized by Pope Innocent III. Homobonus was canonized at the request of the Cremona
people. He is often referred to as “Father of the Poor”. He is the Patron Saint of honesty. Saint Homobonus
showed honesty in his everyday life because he was a tailor and merchant and he had a fair business and
also didn’t want to cheat or steal from his customers.

                             Wishing you & yours a Merry
                           Christmas and a Happy New Year!
                            May you have safe travels, fun
                            times with your family and see
                             you on Monday, January 3rd.

Josh S. is all packed & ready to go.     Ella VR enjoyed a Knight cookie.
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Athletic News
Basketball Schedules
The boys and girls’ basketball schedules for league games are out. Mrs. Reilly made a nice chart of all league
game times and where they are playing. All of St. Joe’s teams are combined with St. Leonards.

The link is -

We’d love to see and hear you in the crowd cheering us on.

Last Call for Jr. Knights Basketball
If you have a child in first through fourth grade interested in joining Junior Knights basketball, please sign
them up before the December 17th deadline.

St. Joseph Junior Knights Basketball program is gearing up for the 2022 season. This program is for students
in 1st through 4th grade. The season occurs on Saturday mornings for six weeks from mid-January to the
end of February. The Junior Knights program is designed to give our younger children a taste of the game
of basketball. The children will learn the rules, basic drills, positions, and have a chance to play the game.
Our adjustable hoops enable the 1st and 2nd graders the opportunity to make baskets without being
discouraged. During practice, things are kept fun while also teaching the kids how to play the game.

2022 Dates: January 15, 22,29, February 5, 12, 19, and ( Feb 26 Snow date if needed) with scheduled times
to be decided between 8AM to 12PM based on grade level and number of teams. We are also looking for
parent volunteers to head coach or assist, indicate on form if interested.

A registration link can be found here: -

The fee is $50 per player for registration and T-shirt. Please send registration fees to the school office in an
envelope marked with Family Name & St Joseph Junior Knights (make checks payable to St. Joseph

You will receive a confirmation email once you have completed the registration form online and payment is
received by the office. This will also help verify that we have the email address correct for communications
before the start of the season.
Thank you for your generous donation of shoes! - DECEMBER 15, 2021
Lego Club
Our 2019 graduates will
                                      be making their confirmation
                                  next year. Please keep them and the
                                  rest of the confirmation candidates
                                          in your prayers while
                                     they prepare to be confirmed.

Candid photos from the lunchroom. Once the student is done eating and they take care of their tray, they sit
patiently waiting for the bell to ring so they can go to recess.
Christmas Mass Times:
    Christmas Eve - 4:00pm & 9:00pm
          8:30pm Choir Concert
         Christmas Day - 9:30am
Reminder - Christmas Mass and Holy Family
 Sunday Mass are two separate obligations.
Sunday, December 26th - 8:30am & 10:30am
 (There is NO 4:00pm Mass Saturday Night)
 Solemnity of Mary - Saturday, January 1st
     Friday, December 31st at 5:00pm
      Saturday, January 1st at 9:30am
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