TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)

Page created by Evelyn Grant
TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)
Course Selection
   2018 - 2019
(Please sit in the first 5 rows)
TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)
 Feb. 28 – take papers home to discuss
 course selection with parents/guardians,
 teachers & guidance counsellors

 March 6 – classes go to computer labs
  to input course choices online

 March 9 – Due Date: both online +
  course selection form (due to your
  homeroom teacher)
TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)
Course Selection Package
   Course Selection Sheet – highlight your
    choices after giving careful consideration to
    your future goals
   Grade specific info – advice for your grade
 – instructions to use website
   Credit Counseling Sheet – review your
    outstanding compulsories (distributed in homeroom)
   Course Calendar – (available in your homeroom,
    guidance office, library & online )
TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)
Planning Ahead
Research post secondary program of
interest and the prerequisites required
to gain entrance to post-secondary program
TH&VS Course Selection 2018 2019 - (Please sit in the first 5 rows)
ONLINE Course Calendar

 Use the course calendar to
  READ descriptions of courses
 It is IMPORTANT that you
   KNOW what you are choosing
 There are “pathway” charts that
   show which prerequisites are required
 Ask teachers about the content of courses
Pathway Charts
Requirements for Graduation


    Gr. 10
                             40 Hours of
Literacy Test
                30 Credits   Community
OLC4O course
Number of Credits
18 compulsory credits
12 optional credits
30 Credits to Graduate
The 18 Compulsories
 4    English (1 credit per grade)*
 3    math
 2    science
 1    Canadian history
 1    Canadian geography
 1    the arts (visual arts or drama or music)
 1    Health & physical education
 1    French
0.5   career studies
0.5   civics
 1    English, or French, or a Native language, or Spanish, or social sciences and the
      humanities, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or coop

 1    phys-ed, or the arts, or business, or coop
 1    science (Gr. 11 or 12), or technology, or computer studies, or coop
18    Total

This list is on the back of your BLUE course selection sheet
Grade 10 Compulsories
 1    English
 1    Math
 1    Science
 1    Canadian History
0.5   Career Studies
0.5   Civics
 5    Total

      Choose 3 optional courses
          (+ 2 alternates)
Grade 11 Compulsories
 1   English
 1   Math
??   Any other outstanding compulsories
     Ensure you have completed groups 1, 2, 3

     Choose up to 6 optional
        (+ 2 alternates)
Grade 12 Compulsories
 1    English
??    Any other outstanding compulsories

     Choose 6-7 optional courses
          (+ 2 alternates)
How to Read a Course Code

                  ENG 2PA

ENG            2          P          A
            2nd year    Applied   A = single
(English)                         B = double
             (gr. 10)    Level
Starting Letter of Course Codes
These three letters identify the course. The first letter in the course code tells you
   the general field of study and the rest identifies the specific subject.

   A = Arts
   B = Business
   C = Canadian & World Studies
   E = English
   F = French
   G = Guidance and Cooperative Education
   H = Humanities & Social Sciences
   I = Computer Studies
   I = Interdisciplinary Studies
   K = Non-credit
   L = International Languages
   M = Mathematics
   N = Native Studies
   P = Physical Education
   S = Sciences
   T = Technology
New Courses
       for 2017- 18
•   TXJ3EA – Hair & Esthetics – part 2
•   GPP3OA – SAC / leadership course
•   NBV3EA – Native Beliefs & Values
•   TSY4YD – All day construction (sem#1)
•   TTR4YD – All day auto @ Northern
Course Selection Sheet
Must be signed by parent & submitted to homeroom teacher
Course Selection Sheet

You MUST choose 2 alternate courses !!!
Course Selection Sheet

Parents MUST sign course selection sheet !
Levels of Study – Gr. 9 & 10
D Academic            University
                      (Daily homework required)

P Applied             College

O Open                Any

L Locally Developed   (Essential)
Transition from Gr. 10-11
D Academic     U University Prep

P Applied      M University/College
               C College Prep
O Open         O Open

L Locally
               E Workplace
Levels of Study – Gr. 11 & 12
U University Prep      University

M University/College   University
  Prep                 or College
C College Prep         College

O Open                 Any

E Workplace            Workplace
Timetable Planning
#       Gr. 9      Gr. 10         Gr. 11    Gr. 12
1   English     English          English   English
2   Math        Math             Math         ?
3   Science     Science             ?         ?
4   Cdn Geog.   Cdn Hist.           ?         ?
5   French                          ?         ?
                Career Studies

6       ?              ?            ?         ?
7       ?              ?            ?         ?
8       ?              ?            ?         ?
Plan Your Stay
Gr.     Gr.     Gr.      Gr.      Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 5th
 9      10      11       12        9 10 11 12 Yr.
                7 or 8   7 or 6
 8       8                         8       8       6       6 3-6
Total   Total   Total    Total    Total   Total   Total   Total
 8      16 23            30        8 16 22 28                     31-34
Staying only 4 years?
  Interested in math / science?
 IF you have A+ average, you may want to
  complete one of your 4U courses in grade
  11 to “lighten your course load” in your last
  (4th) year
 Gr. 11 & 12 biology, chemistry, physics
 Gr. 12 (up to 3 math courses)
 Gr. 12 Data Management (MDM4U) is not
  accepted for science/engineering and
  some business courses
 All post secondary programs have specific
    requirements in terms of grade 12 courses

   There may be other requirements such as
    auditions, tests, interviews, portfolios,
    essays, reference letters

 All grade 12 courses have a
    corresponding grade 11 prerequisite
Senior Students
   Complete the final grade 12 English
    compulsory credit
   Do you need to take literacy course???
   Confirm that you have completed ALL 18
    compulsory credits
   Determine your Pathway after high school
 All courses in grades 11 and 12 are subject
    to the Full Disclosure policy.
   All senior courses are recorded on a
    student’s transcript, whether the course has
    been completed successfully or not.
   This information is to be made available to
    Community Colleges and Universities for
    them to consider when making admission
    and scholarship decisions.
   Parents and students who have further
    questions about this policy should contact a
    Guidance Counsellor.
Applying to University ??

        4U/M               4U/M
               ENG 4U

           4U/M          4U/M
Advice for University
     Bound Students
 Your overall average determines your
  program entrance into university
 Try to build 4M level courses into your
  timetable to increase your average
      (i.e. TDJ4M or AVI4M)
 Balance your timetable to try earn your
  highest overall average in final year – i.e.
  no more than two 4U courses per
Applying to College ??

 ENG 4C         courses
MATH & College Students
 If you are applying to engineering
  technology or the health sciences the
  colleges prefer MCT4C (via e-learning)
 The prerequisite for MCT4C is grade
  11 MCF3M or MCR3U
 MAP4C may be accepted (60%+) but
  upgrading in college may be required
Importance of English

 All universities and colleges do
  require a grade 12 English.
 Be sure to work hard in these
Planning - Resources (timmins) (Ontario 24740)
go to individual college/university websites
Next steps
 Students should talk to teachers
  about the courses
 Continue with online research
 Visit the Guidance Office
 Fri. March 9 th

*One   final note – course offerings are
 subject to enrollment and the time
 table will be built without you if you do
 not fill out your paper; therefore, you
 will be left with minimal options
Good Luck !!
Put in the necessary
  time and effort

  Choose wisely!
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