COURSE CATALOGUE Guidelines for exchange students
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Academic Year 2018-2019 ECTS grading system CIELS allocates credits using the ECTS system, a learner-centred system for credit accumulation and transfer based on the transparency of learning outcomes and learning processes, which aims to facilitate planning, delivery, evaluation, recognition and validation of qualifications and units of learning as well as student mobility. ECTS grading Table and marks at CIELS: ECTS grading CIELS - Description table marks 30 e lode A distinction 30 29 28 COURSE CATALOGUE | Academic Year 2018/2019 B excellent 27 26 25 C 24 good 23 22 D 21 good/pass 20 19 E pass 18 1
CURRICULA At CIELS students can currently obtain a First-Cycle Degree (BA) in Language Mediation. Our students can choose among the following curricula: Criminologia applicata alla Sicurezza e Difesa Sociale (Criminology and Social Defence) Organizzazioni Internazionali e Diplomatiche (International and Diplomatic Organizations) Pubblicità, Marketing e Pubbliche Relazioni (Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations) Management Turistico e Commercio Internazionale (Tourism and International Business) Lingue e Culture per la Comunicazione Interculturale (Languages and Cultures for Intercultural Communication) Each curriculum has different courses and exams: exchange students can choose among all the courses we offer. Please remember that most of the non-linguistic courses are taught in Italian. 2
LANGUAGE COURSES AND EXAMS At CIELS we teach several languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish. In addition, languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese, and Japanese are offered if a minimum number of students enrolled is achieved. For the sake of brevity, we have used the acronyms “ITA”, short for “Italian”, and “FL”, short for “Foreign Language”. When you fill your Learning Agreement specify which one of our languages you wish to study: for example “Consecutive Interpreting German/Italian”, “Language and Culture French”, etc. COURSE CATALOGUE | Academic Year 2018/2019 Most of the language courses last all year: if you are here for one semester, professors will give you a partial test at the end of your stay and we will establish the amount of your ECTS accordingly. The semester of some courses may vary, so before filling your Learning Agreement, please doublecheck with our International Relations Office. *Some linguistic and non-linguistic courses are taught in Italian. However, upon request, students might have the possibility to take the exam speaking (or writing) in English, if the professor in charge of the course agrees to do so. 3
First year ECTS COURSE YEAR SEMESTER COURSES AVAILABLE FOR THESE LANGUAGES CREDITS Lingua I 6 English-French-German-Spanish Writing Skills – language and linguistic 1 Annual Constrastive analysis and introduction (9 ECTS) 3 to translation Lingua I 6 Russian-Chinese-Arabic Writing Skills – language and linguistic 1 Annual Constrastive analysis and introduction (12 ECTS) 6 to translation Introduction to interpreting 2 English-French-German-Spanish Consecutive interpreting I (FL - ITA) 1 2 Annual (6 ECTS) Dialogue interpreting I 2 Introduction to interpreting 1 3 Annual Russian-Chinese-Arabic Portuguese I 1 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Hebrew I 1 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Persian I 1 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Japanese I 1 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached **For annual courses, students might have the possibility to take the exam even if they stay only one semester 4
Second year ECTS COURSE YEAR SEMESTER COURSES AVAILABLE FOR THESE LANGUAGES CREDITS Lingua II (seconda lingua) 3 English-French-German-Spanish Writing skills 2 Annual Translation I (FL- ITA) (9 ECTS) 6 Lingua II 6 Russian-Chinese Writing skills 2 Annual Translation I (FL - ITA) 3 (9 ECTS) Dialogue interpreting II 2 English-French-German-Spanish Consecutive interpreting II (FL-ITA) 2 2 Annual (6 ECTS) Consecutive interpreting II (ITA-FL) 2 COURSE CATALOGUE | Academic Year 2018/2019 Dialogue interpreting I 2 Russian-Chinese Consecutive interpreting I (FL-ITA) 2 2 Annual (6 ECTS) Consecutive interpreting I (ITA-FL) 2 Portuguese I 2 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Hebrew I 2 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Persian I 2 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached Japanese I 2 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached **For annual courses, students might have the possibility to take the exam even if they stay only one semester 5
Third year ECTS COURSE YEAR SEMESTER COURSES AVAILABLE FOR THESE LANGUAGES CREDITS Translation II (FL-ITA) 2 English-French-German-Spanish-Russian-Portuguese 3 Annual Translation II (ITA-FL) 4 (6 ECTS) Consecutive interpreting III (FL-ITA) 3 English-French-German-Spanish Consecutive interpreting III (ITA-FL) 3 3 Annual (9 ECTS) Dialogue interpreting III 3 Consecutive interpreting II (FL-ITA) 3 Russian-Portuguese Consecutive interpreting II (ITA-FL) 3 3 Annual (9 ECTS) Dialogue interpreting II 3 Conference Interpreting II (Simultaneous 3 6 Annual English-German-Spanish interpreting for interpreters) Simultaneous Interpreting I English-French-German-Spanish-Russian-Portuguese 3 6 Annual Course may be cancelled if minimum number of students enrolled is not reached **For annual courses, students might have the possibility to take the exam even if they stay only one semester 6
OTHER COURSES AND EXAMS Courses are here grouped according to discipline rather than course of study. Incoming students are free to follow the courses they want, choosing from all areas and all years. Attendance is not compulsory for these courses, but highly recommended. A knowledge of Italian (at least B1 level of CEFR) is recommended to attend these courses. Some courses are taught in English, so please contact the International COURSE CATALOGUE | Academic Year 2018/2019 Relations Office for further information. Please note that the semester may vary, so doublecheck with your tutor before finalizing your Learning Agreement. *Most of non-linguistic courses are taught in Italian. However, upon request, students might have the possibility to take the exam speaking (or writing) in English, if the professor in charge of the course agrees to do so. 7
LITERATURE, HISTORY, COMMUNICATION Course Year ECTS credits Semester Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature 1 6 1 (Lingua e Letteratura Italiana) Applied Linguistics 1 6 2 (Linguistica Applicata) English Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 1 (Cultura e civiltà inglese) French Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 2 (Cultura e civiltà francese) German Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 2 (Cultura e civiltà tedesca) Spanish Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 2 (Cultura e civiltà spagnola) Russian Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 2 (Cultura e civiltà russa) Chinese Society, Culture and Literature 2 6 2 (Cultura e civiltà cinese) 8
LAW and CRIMINOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Course Year ECTS credits Semester International Law 1 6 1 (Diritto Internazionale) Analysis of diversity and social deviance 1 6 1 (Analisi della diversità, dell’alterità e della devianza sociale) Anthropology of Development in Developing Countries 1 6 2 (Antropologia dello sviluppo nei Paesi emergenti) Criminology and Victimology 1 6 1 (Criminologia e Vittimologia) History of International Relations 1 6 2 (Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali) Criminal Psychology 1 6 2 (Psicologia Criminale) Cultural Sociology - Ethnic studies and interethnic cohabitation 1 6 2 (Fondamenti di convivenza interetnica e sociologia culturale) Anthropology of Violence 1 6 To be defined (Antropologia della Violenza) COURSE CATALOGUE | Academic Year 2018/2019 Migration flows and policies for integration and public security 2 6 2 (Migrazioni e interventi per l’integrazione e la sicurezza) Diplomatic and International Organizations and Human Rights - course taught in English 2 6 2 (Organizzazioni Internazionali e Diplomatiche e Diritti Umani) Criminal Law 2 6 1 (Elementi di Diritto Penale e Diritto Penitenziario) Economic and Digital Crimes 2 6 1 (Criminalità Economica e Crimini Informatici) Political Geography and Economic Geography 2 6 2 (Geografia Politica ed Economica) EU Law 2 6 1 (Diritto dell’Unione Europea) International Strategies for Economic Development 2 6 1 (Strategie Internazionali per lo Sviluppo Economico) Peace Action Planning 3 6 1 (Analisi e Pianificazione delle Azioni di Pace) Transnational Security Strategies, Transnational Crimes, International Terrorism 3 6 1 (Strategie di Sicurezza Transnazionali, Criminalità e Terrorismo Internazionale) 9
BUSINESS, TOURISM and ADVERTISING Course Year ECTS credits Semester Sociology of Trade and Tourism 1 6 2 (Sociologia del Commercio e del Turismo) The Language of Advertising: Theory and Techniques 1 6 2 (Teorie e Tecniche dei Linguaggi Pubblicitari) Public Relations and Corporate Communication 1 6 1 (Relazioni Pubbliche e Comunicazione d'Impresa) Management and Marketing of Tourist Companies 1 6 1 (Management e Marketing degli Enti Turisitici) Tourism Economy and Territorial Marketing 2 6 1 (Economia del Turismo e Marketing Territoriale) Anthropology of tourism, Brand Anthropology and enhancement of local resources 2 6 2 (Antropologia del turismo, Brand Anthropology e valorizzazione delle risorse locali) Marketing and Company Internationalization 2 6 1 (Marketing per l'Internazionalizzazione d'Impresa) Socio-cultural planning and analysis: anthropological marketing 2 6 2 (Progettazione e analisi socio-culturale e Marketing antropologico) Trade and Tourism Policies and Strategies 3 6 1 (Politiche e Strategie del Turismo e del Commercio) Creativity in Advertising and Digital Languages 3 6 1 (Tecniche di Creatività Pubblicitaria e Linguaggi Digitali) 10
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