Published in March 2021 Munich - Residential City Profile - JLL

Page created by Elaine Rivera
Published in March 2021 Munich - Residential City Profile - JLL
Residential City Profile

Munich | 2nd half of 2020
Published in March 2021
Housing market Munich

Munich’s population continues to grow in 2020                                      meant a rise in the proportion of households with require-
With an increase of around 0.2% to a total of 1.562 million,                       ments for larger residential units. Over the next few years
Munich’s population grew in 2020 despite the COVID-19                              this trend was counteracted by less inward migration and
crisis. Due to the hikes in housing costs and the poor af-                         the significant increase in supply. After the high point in
fordability of own-occupied residential property, the num-                         terms of completions with 9,351 new apartments in 2018,
ber of households leaving the city seeking larger areas of                         which was double the number from 10 years previously,
living space has increased over the last few years, and                            this had fallen to 7,121 new apartments in 2019. Although
reached its low point in 2017 when the outward migration                           the number of new building permits fell for the second
balance was 12,600. The increased birth rates in particular                        successive year in 2019 with 10,929 new apartments, both
                                                                                   completions and permits remained at a high level. In this
                                                                                   context, a relatively high level of completions over the me-
Housing supply and demand for                                                      dium-term are expected. To achieve the objective of a fur-
new buildings Munich                                                               ther 120,000 completions by 2030, in addition to increas-
                                                                                   ing building density in developed areas, Munich’s city
                                                                                   council is promoting the construction of large residential
                                                                                   estates in suburban areas. There is no alternative to this in
                                                                                   view of the increasing scarcity of building land and the
                                                                                   high land prices. The requirement for additional apart-
                                                                                   ments will also remain high over the next few years:
                                                                                   JLL’s requirements analysis anticipates a total of around
                                                                                   7,350 new apartments a year in the intermediate scenario.
                                                                                   This will not be affected by the negative migration balance
                                                                                   in 2020 (-3,460 net migration) which is mainly due to
                                                                                   COVID-19 restrictions. The most significant drivers of de-
                                                                                   mand for residential space are the catch-up potential in
                                                                                   terms of residential demand, structural demographic
                                                                                   changes and international inward migration.

*Additional annual need for housing units (includes also apartments in detached
  houses) without consideration of current construction deficits.
Source: destatis, JLL; Status: January 2021

 Selected developments under constructions

 Name                                                     Location                                 Residential units        Completion date

  div. Projekte Quartier Paul-Gerhardt-Allee              Pasing-Obermenzing                           approx. 4,000           as of 2021
  Stadtquartier DiamaltPark                               Allach-Untermenzing                          approx. 720               2022
  Stadtteilentwicklung Prinz-Eugen-Kaserne                Bogenhausen                                  approx. 640               2022
  Stadtquartier ehemaliger Viehhof Sendling               Sendling                                     approx. 600               2022
  Stadtquartier Lipperheidestraße                         Pasing-Obermenzing                           approx. 340               2021

Source: Thomas Daily, JLL; Status: January 2021

Residential City Profile | H2 2020                                                                                              Munich        2
Rental price growth continuing with
                                                      slowing momentum
                                                      Asking rents in Munich rose by 2.8% year-on-year in the
                                                      second half of 2020 to their current level of €20.55/sqm/
                                                      month. This is a fall in growth compared to the 5-year
Distribution of rental listings by price group        average (5.0% p.a.) and the same period the previous year
                                                      (3.8%). In the prime segment (top 10% of all rental offers),
                                                      rents stagnated at a level of €30.00/sqm/month after a hike
                                                      of 4.9% in the previous year. There was significantly greater
                                                      growth of 5.6% in the lower priced segment (lowest 10% of
                                                      all rental offers), which had tended to fall during the second
                                                      half of the previous year. In the new-build segment, rents
                                                      grew by 3.8% year-on-year to their current level of €21.95/
                                                      sqm/month, which was less dynamic growth than in both
                                                      the previous year (4.8%) and the 5-year average (4.9% p.a.).
                                                      In an analysis of locations, the greatest rental price hikes
                                                      were in the South East, South and West submarkets, where
                                                      there were annual increases of between 9.2% and 5.0%.

Source: JLL, empirica systeme; Status: January 2021

Rental price bands for listed apartments Munich       Development of rental prices

Source: JLL, empirica systeme; Status: January 2021   Source: JLL, empirica systeme, IDN immodaten; Status: January 2021

Residential City Profile | H2 2020                                                                                Munich   3
Asking rental prices Munich

                                                                                                              B 13


                                                                                                                                    B 11

                                              Allach-                                                                Schwabing-
                                           Untermenzing                                                               Freimann
                                                                     Moosach               Am Hart
                                                                                                       B 2r
                             A 99     A8

                 Aubing-                                                                  Schwabing-
               Lochhausen-                    Pasing-                                     West
                Langwied                    Obermenzing               Neuhausen-                                                Bogenhausen
                                             B 2a
                                                                                                  Altstadt-                  A 94
                                                                 Laim       Schwanthalerhöhe        Lehel
                                                                                     Ludwigsvorstadt-                                                 Trudering-
                                                                                     Isarvorstadt         Au-                Berg am Laim                Riem
                                                                      A 96

                                                                         Sendling-                    Haidhausen
                                                                          Westpark   Sendling                                              K 12
                                                                                                    Obergiesing                                                           B 304

                                                                                          Untergiesing-                           Perlach
                                                                                                        B 995
                                                                  Thalkirchen-            Harlaching

  0                               5                            10 km

 Rent Level
  Average in €/sqm/month on postcode level

        < 18.00                                           22.00 < 24.00                         Water Area                                        Industrial or
                                                                                                                                                  Traffic Area
        18.00 < 20.00                                     >= 24.00                              Green Area                                        Other Area

        20.00 < 22.00

  Source: JLL, empirica systeme

Residential City Profile | H2 2020                                                                                                                         Munich            4
Purchase price growth continues in all segments
                                                      The growth in purchase prices for condominium apart-
                                                      ments in Munich continued in the second half of 2020.
                                                      Asking prices rose by 6.4% to their current level of €8,650/
                                                      sqm. The growth is slightly below both the previous year’s
Distribution of condo listings by price group         level (8.5%) and the 5-year average (7.8% p.a.). There was
                                                      growth of 4.6% in the prime segment (top 10% of all pur-
                                                      chase offers) to the current level of €12,550/sqm, but this
                                                      is lower than the medium-term average (8.5% p.a.). None-
                                                      theless, prices in the absolute prime segment have settled
                                                      at above €20,000/sqm. This is a similar picture to the low-
                                                      er priced segment (€6,460/sqm, or 7.0%) albeit at a higher
                                                      level. The 5-year average in this segment is 9.6% p.a. Mo-
                                                      mentum increased significantly in the new-build segment
                                                      (€9,750/sqm) where growth of 9.6% was above the 5-year
                                                      average of 7.6% p.a. In an analysis of locations, the most
                                                      significant price hikes were in the South, Mitte-North and
                                                      North submarkets, but there was at least some level of
                                                      growth in all areas.

Source: JLL, empirica systeme; Status: January 2021

Purchase price bands for condominiums Munich          Development of purchase prices for condominiums

Source: JLL, empirica systeme; Status: January 2021   Source: JLL, empirica systeme, IDN immodaten; Status: January 2021

Residential City Profile | H2 2020                                                                                Munich   5
Asking condominium prices Munich

                                                                                                            B 13


                                                                                                                                  B 11

                                             Allach-                                                               Schwabing-
                                          Untermenzing                                                              Freimann
                                                                 Moosach                 Am Hart
                                                                                                     B 2r
                             A 99    A8

                 Aubing-                                                                Schwabing-
               Lochhausen-                   Pasing-                                    West
                Langwied                   Obermenzing             Neuhausen-                                                 Bogenhausen
                                            B 2a
                                                                                                 Altstadt-                 A 94
                                                                Laim       Schwanthalerhöhe        Lehel
                                                                                    Ludwigsvorstadt-                                                Trudering-
                                                                                    Isarvorstadt         Au-               Berg am Laim                Riem
                                                                     A 96

                                                                        Sendling-                    Haidhausen
                                                                      Westpark    Sendling                                               K 12
                                                                                                  Obergiesing                                                           B 304

                                                                                        Untergiesing-                           Perlach
                                                                                                      B 995
                                                                 Thalkirchen-           Harlaching

 0                             5                              10 km

 Condominium price level
  Average in €/sqm on postcode level

        < 7,000                                          9,000 < 10,000                      Water Area                                         Industrial or
                                                                                                                                                Traffic Area
        7,000 < 8,000                                    >= 10,000                           Green Area                                         Other Area

         8,000 < 9,000

     Source: JLL, empirica systeme

Residential City Profile | H2 2020                                                                                                                       Munich            6
Michael Bender                                                            Helen Lindner                                                              Ralf Kemper
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