2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann

2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
                                                                                        Valid from 01.01.2021
                                                                                          Status: 04.02.2021    2021

                                                                              1   KEY FACTS
                                                                              2   DISPLAY
                                                                              3   CONTENT ADVERTISING FORMATS
                                                                              4   NEWSLETTER
                                                                              5   SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                              6   PUBLISHER‘S DETAILS / TECHNICAL
                                                                                  GUIDELINES / CONTACT

.de   MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                                               KEY FACTS 1

                                                                                 selbermachen.de is the portal for DIY topics
                                                                                 revolving around renovation, house and garden and
                                                                                 features great DIY projects and service topics for DIY
                                                                                 professionals and DIY beginners alike. We are expert
                                                                                 advisors and a source of inspiration for all those who
                                                                                 like to get their hands dirty working in their house
                                                                                 and garden and want to design their home to their
                                                                                 individual taste. Our users are right in the midst of life
                                                                                 and love to tackle things themselves.

                                                                                          50% female – 50% male

                                                                                  0       AGE
                                                                                  99      48% are 25 – 44 years

                                                                                          61% mobile – 39% desktop

                                                                                 Visits                                               553,544
                                                                                 Page impressions                                     789,868
                                                                                 Newsletter                                            12,600
                                                                                 Facebook                                                7,560
                                                                                 Pinterest                    5.4 million monthly viewers

                                                                                                     Source: Publisher information, December 2020

     .de   MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                                                                      DISPLAY 2


                           MOBILE                                                      MOBILE                                           MOBILE
                           MEDIUM RECTANGLE                                            HIGH IMPACT AD 1:1                               AD 2:1
                           300 x 250 px                                                300 x 300 px                                     300 x 150 px
                           RoS               € 35.–                                    RoS                € 40.–                        RoS           € 30.–
                           Category          € 45.–                                    Category           € 50.–                        Category      € 40.–

                           MOBILE                                                      MOBILE
                           STICKY FOOTER                                               AD 4:1 / 6:1
                           300 x 100 px                                                300 x 75 px / 300 x 50 px
                           RoS               € 50.–                                    RoS                € 20.–
                           Category          € 60.–                                    Category           € 30.–


                           HALFPAGE AD                                                 BILLBOARD                                        (WIDE) MEDIUM
                           300 x 600 px                                                800 x 250 px                                     RECTANGLE
                                                                                                                                        300 x 250 px +
                           RoS      € 50.–                                             RoS      € 50.–
                                                                                                                                        580 x 400 px
                           Category € 60.–                                             Category € 60.–
                                                                                                                                        RoS      € 35.–
                                                                                                                                        Category € 45.–

                           SUPERBANNER                                                 SKYSCRAPER                                       STICKY FOOTER
                           728 x 90 px                                                 160/200 x 600 px                                 728 x 90 px
                           RoS      € 25.–                                             RoS      € 25.–                                  RoS      € 50.–
                           Category € 35.–                                             Category € 35.–                                  Category € 60.–


                                                                                                                                        BILLBOARD +
                           STICKY FOOTER                                               MEDIUM
                                                                                                                                        MOBILE AD 1:1
                           320 x 100 px +                                              RECTANGLE
                                                                                                                                        800 x 250 px +
                           728 x 90 px                                                 300 x 250 px
                                                                                                                                        300 x 300 px
                           RoS      € 50.–                                             RoS      € 35.–
                                                                                                                                        RoS      € 40.–
                           Category € 60.–                                             Category € 45.–
                                                                                                                                        Category € 50.–

                           SUPERBANNER +                                                                           WEBSITE TAKEOVER
                           MOBILE AD 4:1
                                                                                                                   Exclusive allocation of all ad slots
                           728 x 90 px +                                                                           on selbermachen.de for a defined
                           300 x 75 px                                                                             period of time.
                           RoS      € 20.–                                                                         Price on request
                           Category € 30.–

CPM prices plus value added tax. Allocation of the entire page (RoS) or individual categories possible.

                .de     MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                               CONTENT ADVERTISING 3

                                                                                               DIGITAL ADVERTORIALS
                                                                                               The classic for your presence on selberma-
                                                                                               chen.de! You either provide us with finished text
                                                                                               and images or have the advertorial designed by
                                                                                               our editorial team based on your PR material. All
                                                                                               selbermachen.de Advertorials are teased on
                                                                                               the homepage and in a suitable category and
                                                                                               include a Facebook post. Newsletter placements
                                                                                               and traffic boost by display advertising media
                                                                                               can be booked optionally.

                                                                                               ADVERTORIAL PACKAGE 1:
                                                                                               Text & pictures by the customer, short review
                                                                                               by selbermachen.de editorial staff, including
                                                                                               Facebook post

                                                                                               ADVERTORIAL PACKAGE 2:
                                                                                               Customer supplies PR material, advertorial is
                                                                                               written by the selbstmachen.de editorial staff,
                                                                                               incl. Facebook post
                                                                                               +creation costs*

                                                                                               SPONSORED POST:
                                                                                               Branding of an existing, wide-reach article with
                                                                                               your images, mentioning your product and lin-
                                                                                               king for one month

                                                                                               We would be pleased to put together an indi-
                                                                                               vidual package for you from our digital content
                                                                                               and display advertising formats. We look forward
                                                                                               to hearing from you!

                                                                                               Prices on request
Prices plus value added tax.
                                                                                                                              * not eligible for discount

                .de     MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                                               NEWSLETTER 4

                                                                                              PLACEMENT BANNER

                                                                                              NEWSLETTER BANNER:
                                                                                              Integration of a banner above the           € 300.–
                                                                                              header or between the content

                                                                                              SAMPLE PLACEMENT CONTENT BOX

                                                                                              NEWSLETTER CONTENT BOX:
                                                                                              Integration of the customer‘s image         € 300.–
                                                                                              and text in the NL content, marked as
                                                                                              an advertisement.

                                                                                              SUBSCRIBERS                                   12,600
                                                                                              OPENING RATE                                   25%
                                                                                              FREQUENCY                                 1x/MONTH

                                                                                                                   DISPATCH OF NEWSLETTER
                                                                                                                      ON PUBLISHING DATE

                                                                                                   02/21                 Fri 08.01.21
                                                                                                   03/21                 Fri 05.02.21
                                                                                                   04/21                 Fri 05.03.21
                                                                                                   05/21                 Fri 09.04.21
                                                                                                   06/21                 Fri 07.05.21
                                                                                                   07/21                 Fri 11.06.21
                                                                                                   08/21                 Fri 09.07.21
                                                                                                   09/21                 Fri 06.08.21
                                                                                                   10/21                 Fri 03.09.21
                                                                                                   11/21                 Fri 08.10.21

                                                                                                   12/21                 Fri 12.11.21

                                                                                                   01/22                 Fri 10.12.21

Prices plus value added tax.

                .de     MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                                             SOCIAL MEDIA 5

                                                                                              FACEBOOK BRANDED CONTENT

                                                                                              7,560 fans
                                                                                              Post on the Facebook page       € 300.–
                                                                                              with link to customer website


      5.4 million monthly viewers
      Pin on selber machen                                 € 500.–
      Pinterest page

Prices plus value added tax.

                .de     MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
selbermachen.de                                                                        PUBLISHER´S DETAILS 6

   OF DATA                                                                      The general terms of payment and business for
                                                                                advertisements and third-party inserts in new-
                                                                                spapers and magazines, as well as the publis-
   Accepted file formats are:                                                   her‘s additional terms of business, shall apply.
   · Images (JPEG, GIF, PNG)                                                    These can be ordered from the publisher or
   · Redirects                                                                  viewed online at media.verlagshaus.de/agb.
   · HTML5 Please note: HTML5 advertising media may                             Please note that due to tax regulations, we re-
     only be delivered as redirects. Physical delivery is                       quest the indication of the tax number and/or the
     excluded. Please always provide fallback as an                             sales tax ID when placing the order.
     additional image.
   The creator of the ad media is responsible for browser                       BANK DETAILS
   compatibility.                                                               Selber Machen Media GmbH
                                                                                Deutsche Bank
   Delivery no later than 7 days before the start of the
                                                                                Account 755 088 200
                                                                                SORT CODE 700 10
                                                                                IBAN DE95700700100755088200 00
                                                                                BIC/Swift code DEUTDEMMXXX
   · Images must be delivered in high resolution. In the case
     of advertorials, the texts are created by the editorial team.              TERMS OF PAYMENT
   · Separately booked, stand-alone posts can be written by                     Immediately after invoicing without discount. 2%
     the customer in consultation with the editorial team.                      discount until payment on the first day of sale,
                                                                                provided older invoices are not overdue.
   · Please avoid text on the pictures, as this will be punished
     by Facebook.
   · selber machen must be approved once by the partner
     as Branded Content Partner.

   Images must be delivered in high resolution. Texts and pins
   are created by the editorial staff.

                                                                                              ADVERTISING DIRECTOR
                                                                                              SELBERMACHEN MEDIA
                                                                                              Helmut Gassner
   GERANOVA BRUCKMANN                                                                         Phone +49 (0) 89 13 06 99-520
   VERLAGSHAUS GMBH                                                                           E-mail: helmut.gassner@verlagshaus.de
   Infanteriestraße 11a
   80797 Munich                                                                               SENIOR SALES DIGITAL MANAGER
   Phone +49 (0) 89 13 06 99-0                                                                Bernadette Landsgesell
                                                                                              Phone +49 (0) 89 13 06 99-928
                                                                                              E-mail: bernadette.landsgesell@verlagshaus.de
   Media kit: media.verlagshaus.de

                                                                                              ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                              Rita Necker
                                                                                              Phone +49 (0) 89 13 06 99-552
                                                                                              E-mail: rita.necker@verlagshaus.de

       .de    MEDIA KIT DIGITAL 2021 | Valid from 01.01.2021 | status: 04.02.2021
2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann 2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann 2021 MEDIA KIT DIGITAL - GeraNova Bruckmann
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