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Text GYC to 51660 - Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2022 - Gulfport Yacht Club

 Log Sheet

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     the club activities

  Stephen Simpson - 2022 COMMODORE

 Official Publication of Gulfport Yacht Club
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Proposed Members
    GYC 2022 Governing Board
                                                                             Dr. Brian Center
               FLAG OFFICERS
Commodore          Stephen Simpson
Vice Commodore     Skipper Kalil                                        2220 Beach Drive, #409
Rear Commodore     Brian Sullivan
Fleet Captain      Hal Kaigler                                             Gulfport, MS 39503
Fleet Surgeon      Tony Rizk
Treasurer          Dan O’Neal                                          Sponsor: Dr. Antoine Rizk
Secretary          Paul Terrell
Past Commodore     John Watson Galloway

              Board Members
One Year              Two Year
Harry Hewes           Monica Hewes
Finley Ward
William Van Kirk
                      Mike Smartt
                      Dan O’Neal
                                                               BEAUTIFICATION TEAM
Johnny Atherton       George Pearce Hopkins, IV          We wanted to thank all of the volunteers that have been
Standing Committees       Chairperson
                                                         putting in work down at the club. With all of the
Sailing                   Steve Nolte                    member interest, we are adding a GYC Beautification
By Laws and Rules         Sherman Muths
                                                         Team to the Buildings & Grounds Committee. Nancy &
Committee Boat            Steve Nolte
Docks and Piers           Justin McGuffee                Dickie Dunnaway will be the Co-Chairs helping us lead
Entertainment             Kameron Simpson                the charge. I can promise the meetings will be a good
History                   Michael Hage                   time and drinks will be served. The purpose of the
Finance                   Dan O’Neal                     Beautification Team to come up with ideas to spruce
House                     Joey Beattie
Insurance                 Eric Warren                    and maintain the exterior grounds and appearance.
Long Range Capital        Dan O’Neal
Ladies Auxiliary          Lisa Fagan
Log Sheet                 Jennifer & Patrick Sanders     Contact Nancy, Dickie, Pearce, Donnie, or Sam V. to join
Property & Maint.         Clark Pietrangelo              the Team!
Membership                Jamie Warren
Powerboat                 Johnny Marquez
Swim Team                 Christine O'Bannon

                   Ladies Auxiliary
President                Lisa Fagan
Vice President           Darla Goodfellow
Secretary                Ruthie Kennedy                          Find Your Member Number and Win $50!
Treasurer                Audrey Montgomery                   We have hidden someone's member number within this
Parliamentarian          Valerie Pitalo                        publication. It will look something like this, #0810
Chaplain                 Judy Seicshnaydre

                Contact Information
             PO Box 600 39502 Gulfport, MS
             800 East Pier 39501 Gulfport, MS
                Telephone: 228-863-6796
                                                                       GUEST POLICY REMINDER
  www.gulfportyachtclub.org info@gulfportyachtclub.org
  gyc.frontdesk@gmail.com      gyc.logsheet@gmail.com       ALL GUEST/GUESTS ARE REQUIRED TO SIGN IN WHEN
General Manager: Steve Chatelain             Ext 301      ENTERING THE CLUBHOUSE, NO EXCEPTIONS. HARRISON
Executive Chef : Tommy Smith                 Ext 305
Reservations/Event Planning: David Danna     Ext 306       COUNTY GUEST/GUESTS CAN ONLY USE THE CLUB ONE
Food and Beverage: David Danna
Sailing Director:  Samson Vasquez      228-323-1336        TIME PER MONTH NO MORE THAN 6 TIMES PER YEAR.
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GYC Upcoming Member Events
      Friday, 2/11: Valentine’s Lobster Dinner Celebration
            Sunday, 2/13: Superbowl Chili Cook-off

  Thursday, 3/10: Interactive Cooking Demo/Wine Pairing
                       with Chef Tommy
                   *Reservation Required*
  Wednesday, 3/16: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Buffett
              Friday, 3/18: Member guest Night
             Thursday, 3/24: “Grate” Jam Night
       *A combination of events formerly known as
        Grill Your Own Night & Happy Hour Pickers

Gulfport Yacht Club—Quick Links
• GYC Membership Application
(Page 1 http://su1.co/app1 2 http://su1.co/app2)
• Members-Only Facebook Group - Only invite Current Members

                                           Pot of Gold
This Facebook group is strictly for         Drawing
Gulfport Yacht Club members             Every Friday Night
and their immediate family only.             8:00pm
This group will allow two way            The Winner will receive a    If you do not have a
communication between the               credit on their GYC Account
staff & membership and be-             Must be Present to WIN            GYC Car Sticker
tween the members. Also, allow-                                       please, stop by the
ing members to share their ideas,         The Pot grows every
                                         week in which there is
                                                                       office and get one.
experiences, & pictures.
                                              no winner!
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From the GYC Bridge

                 Commodore’s Report
                 Stephen Simpson

Welcome to 2022, and what is certain to be an exciting
year at the Gulfport Yacht Club!

I am honored to have been given the opportunity to serve
as commodore in the coming year. I must start my tenure
by thanking those who came before me: Commodores
John Watson Galloway, Barry Cottrell, Trey Sutton, Mark
Loughman and so many more. The service of the flag
officers, board members, committee members, the Ladies
Auxiliary, staff and volunteers make GYC the best private
club on the Gulf Coast.

The repairs and renovations are complete, and the
building looks and feels fantastic. From the new bottom
floor decking and anchor bar to the new flooring, paint
and exterior siding and new paint job, Pierce Hopkins and
the restoration committee have volunteered untold days
and hours overseeing the work and have done a
tremendous service to the club. Please thank them when
you see them around the club.

Everyone hopes the worst of the pandemic is behind us
and we expect to get back to full participation by
                                                                Pot of Gold
members. There are many sailing, swim team, boating
and social events scheduled in the following
months. Mark your calendars. You will not want to miss       WINNER $550.00!!
the fun!

Your General Manager, Steve Chatelain, and the staff          Congratulations
continue to provide courteous and quality service, and
executive chef Tommy is serving amazing and delicious
meals. The return of our Friday lunch seafood buffet is a
hit. Try the stuffed crabs. They’re wonderful.
                                                              Brian Sullivan….
Our sailing and swimming team programs are ready for a
full season of great races, both on and in the water.

In recent times of quarantine and sheltering in place, the
club has added new members each and every month, for
over a year. Many thanks to the hard work of Mike
Cassady for his efforts as membership chairman.

Even with all the positive things happening at your club,
the ability to continue to provide quality private club
amenities and experience depends on the attendance
and use of the facilities by the membership, and our
continued growth. Plan an afternoon or evening sunset
and dinner at the club and introduce a friend or colleague
to the benefits of membership. It’s your club! Use and
enjoy all it has to offer. As one of my favorite artists
sings, “it’s good for the soul.” See you at the club.

Commodore Simpson
Text GYC to 51660 - Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2022 - Gulfport Yacht Club
GULFPORT YACHT CLUB                                      DATE:__________
                                   APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
                RESIDENT, NON-RESIDENT, CONVERSION TO _________________________

NAME: ___________________________________________________ BIRTH DATE: ______________________________

RESIDENCE: ___________________________________CITY: __________________ ST: _________ ZIP: _____________

MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________ CITY: _________________ ST: _________ ZIP: ______________

EMAIL ADDRESS (ES): 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________________

RESIDENCE PHONE: _______________________ BUSINESS PHONE: _______________ CELL PHONE:_____________

OCCUPATION: ________________________________________________________________________________________

TYPE BOAT OWNED: ___________________________ LOCATION OF BOAT: __________________________________

REMARKS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
                                           FAMILY DATA

SPOUSE’S NAME: ______________________________ BIRTH DATE: __________ DATE OF MARRIAGE: ___________

 CHILDREN (FULL NAME)                         DATE OF BIRTH                  SAILING & SWIMMING INTEREST
_____________________________________          ______________________       ____________________________________

_____________________________________         _______________________        ____________________________________

_____________________________________         _______________________          ____________________________________

SHIP: (Refer to current Bylaws, if in doubt).
 1. Acceptance for membership by GYC Board of Governors must be unanimous.
 2. Non-Resident Members who become residents of Harrison County, MS must apply for Resident Membership not later than
     60 days following date of change in residence. The conversion is not automatic and must be approved by the Board of
 3. The privileges of a spouse divorced from a member shall cease on the date of decree or judgment of divorce; the divorced
     spouse must be proposed for the appropriate membership.
 4. Children of Resident, Non-Voting Members accepted for membership after December 31, 1985 no longer have the privi-
     lege of joining the Club without payment of dues, initiation fees or assessments.

       TO BE COMPLETED BY MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN OF THE CLUB. DATE: _________________________________

       Date Parent Joined Club: _______________ REMARKS: ______________________________________


              Signature of Membership Chairman

       DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED BY CLUB OFFICE _____________________ DATE POSTED ___________________

                             NOT VALID AFTER ONE (1) YEARS FROM DATE OF POSTING
Text GYC to 51660 - Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2022 - Gulfport Yacht Club
                                          (Must be signed)

PRIMARY SPONSOR: ______________________________________ACCT. NO._________________________

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

MEMBER: _______________________________________________ ACCT. NO. _________________________

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

MEMBER: _______________________________________________ ACCT. NO. ________________________

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

MEMBER: _______________________________________________ ACCT. NO. ________________________

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

MEMBER: _______________________________________________ ACCT. NO. _________________________

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________
                                    ACTION BY GOVERNING BOARD

Month Posted in LOG SHEET/BULLETIN BOARD: ______________________________Date: ______________

Ref. Minutes: M____________________Motion By: _________________ 2nd ____________________________

Or by confidential vote: Passed Unanimously         (YES)          (NO)

Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________________

                                       ACTION BY CLUB OFFICE

Date Billed: __________ Limitation Year: ___________ Dues $_____________ Initiation Fee: $______________

GYC Auxiliary $______________________Total $_______________________Date Paid: ___________________

GYC Bylaws and Rules Mailed: ____________ Account No. __________Input to GYC Master File____________

Cards Mailed: _______________

Membership Terminated: Resigned: ____________Dropped: ___________Date: ____________

Date: ___________________________________ Remarks: ____________________________________________

Assessments: _________________________________________________________________________________
Text GYC to 51660 - Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2022 - Gulfport Yacht Club
Sailing Director Samson Vasquez
                                          S a i l i n g
2022 GYC Regatta Schedule:                                         Friday Green Fleet & Optimist Sailing:
                                                                   4pm-6pm March 18, March 22, April 1, April 8, April
March 26 - (20/21)MS High School Fleet Racing
                                                                   22, April 29
                Champs at BWYC
March 27 - MS High School Team
                                                                   High School Sailing Information:
                                                                   Wednesday Practice Dates 4pm-6pm - March 16,
                Racing Champs at BWYC                              March 23, March 30, April 6, April 13, April 20
                                                                   April 9-10 - High School Sailing Champs at GYC
April 30-May 1 - Alfonso Jr. Regatta & Sutter Cup
April 30-May 1 - Laser Gulf Coast Champs at GYC Gulfport School District Intersession Sailing:
May 29 - Race for the Case                      March 21-25 & March 28-April 1 - 9am-4pm

June 17 - Gulfport to Pensacola                                    St. Patrick Spring Break Sailing Camp:
July 30-31 - Weatherly Regatta                                     April 18-22 9am-4pm #783

August 20-21 - Galloway Regatta
                                                                   GYC Jr. Lipton Racing Team Clinic:
October 15-16 - Youth & Women’s Viper NA’s                         July 6th-10th - GYC Viper 640 Trailing Camp at Ft.
                                                                   Walton Beach Yacht Club. Kids can camp or stay in
October 19-23 - Viper 640 NA’s
                                                                   Junior room over there. I will have my camper
November 5 - (21/22) MS High School Champs                         there. We will train with various coaches and other
                                                                   teams Wednesday through Friday. Then race the
GYC Summer Camp:                                                   Meigs Regatta on Saturday & Sunday. Families are
                                                                   invited and encouraged to come.
Session 1: June 6-9 & June 13-16
Session 2: June 20-23 & June 27-30
Session 3: July 11-14 & July 18-21
                                                                              Thursday Adult Sailing Lessons
                                                                                 & Portsmouth Racing:
Session 4: July 25-28 - Racing Camp
                                                                               March 17, March 21, March 31, April 7,
       MARITIME SEMINARS                                                                 April 21, April 28

The Gulfport Yacht Club would like to invite you to a series
                                                                              Adult Sailing Lessons will be held on sun-
of Maritime Education Seminars. Held on the 1st Thursday of each month at     fish and flying scots. Lessons at 4pm.
6pm. There are no fees and they are open to GYC Members & their guests        Races start at 5pm. The goal is to learn
that are interested in furthering their maritime knowledge. We will try and   enough and start racing in the Open
keep the seminars to an hour with extra time after for questions.             Portsmouth’s races against the others.

February 3rd - Splicing for beginners: 3-Strand & Single Braid                     Come join the FUN!
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Gulfport Yacht Club
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Annual Lobster Night

Friday, February 11, 2022
Pre-Order Lobsters by Friday, February 4, 3:00pm

Lobster Bisque
House Salad
Maine Lobster (Market Price)
8oz Filet Mignon ($42.99++)
Corn on the Cob, Boiled Red New Potatoes
Lave Cake

Tables sell out quickly, call ext. 306 for a reservation


      Kids Night
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General Manager’s Report                                                Membership Committee
                   Steve Chatelain                                                    Jamie Warren, Chairman

From the General Manager                                                        2022 Membership Incentive
                                                                              Recruiting Incentive Program 2022
We had a rocky start to 2022 as COVID strikes again.
However, as they say in Hollywood “The Show Must              Former GYC Member in Good Standing:
Go On”. We have an exciting year planned with nu-             $2,000 Initiation Fee Waived
merous activities for our membership, see the social          Required to pay Annual Dues
calendar in this edition of the Logsheet. We have had         $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are mem-
very positive changes this year. One, is the hours of         bers through December 2022
operation, this will bring consistency to our schedule.       The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $500 credit
We brought back the famous GYC Friday Lunch Sea-              on dues for 2023, limited to a credit of 4 new members
food Buffet and are serving Red Beans and Fried               ($2,000 credit)
Chicken on Thursday’s. The other is the change in our
fiscal year, now starting May 01 through April 30 op-         Immediate Family Special:
posed to calendar year. I know this was confusing for         $2,000 Initiation Fee Waived
some members, especially the annual dues billing cy-
                                                              Required to pay Annual Dues (Prorated based on the
cle. However, I promise after the first year it will be
                                                              Month Joined)
less confusing and beneficial for the club’s financial
stability.                                                    $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are mem-
                                                              bers through December 2022
I encourage all members to get involved with the nu-          The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $500 credit
merous amenities we offer at the club. Whether it’s           on dues for 2023, limited to a credit of 4 new members
Sailing, Swimming, Fishing, Boating, Wind Down                ($2,000 credit)
Saturday at the Anchor Bar or simply relaxing with a
cold beverage. Take advantage of our beautiful view           Non-Resident: Special (Outside of Harrison County)
of the Gulf of Mexico. Our next event planned will be         $2,000 Initiation Fee
the Valentines Lobster Dinner and celebration, Friday,        Dues $1,650 can pay annually or monthly $144.37/month
February 11. This event requires a reservation and a          The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $250 credit
pre-order for the lobsters. The deadline to pre-order is      on dues for 2023, limited to a credit of 8 new members
Friday, February 4, 3:00pm.                                   ($2,000 credit)

As we continue to build our membership, I am very             Resident: (35 years of age and Older)
excited to announce the Board has accepted another            $2,000 Initiation Fee
six members into the Club. This is a great start for our      Dues $2,200.00 annually or monthly with a 5% fee
2022 membership program and incentives. If you                $192.50/month
know a prospective member or need membership in-              $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are a mem-
formation, please, let me know.
                                                              ber through December 2022
   If you or if you know someone hosting a private            The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $500 credit
event this year and are in search for a venue, please,        on dues for 2023, limited to a credit of 4 new members
have them contact our professional staff. The club of-        ($2,000 credit)
fers a first class facility with quality product, top notch
service and plenty of parking for large events. Contact       Junior: (21 to 35 years of Age)
the office at 228-863-6796, ext 306 for more infor-           As By-Law is written, 10% of the set Initiation Fee ($200) is
mation.                                                       required when joining. The balance of $1,800 is due by
                                                              December 31, the year that the primary member turns 35
Lastly, in each edition of the Logsheet there is a hid-       years old.
den member number. If you locate your member num-             75% of Annual Dues $1,650 can pay annually or monthly,
ber, please call the office and receive a $50.00 credit       monthly $144.37/month
on your GYC account, Good Luck!                               The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $250 credit
                                                              on dues for 2023, limited to a credit of 4 new members
See you at the Club,
                                                              Note: If the primary sponsoring member would like to
 Steve Chatelain                                              transfer, split or give a portion of any incentives offered to
General Manager                                               the new member it is his/hers right to do so. They simply
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Gulfport Yacht Club                                                       PRSRT STD
                                                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
             Billing: PO BOX 600, Gulfport, MS 39502                                           PAID
            Shipping: 800 East Pier, Gulfport, MS 39501                                   Permit #135
                                                                                        Gulfport, MS 39502

                                                            Address Service Requested


                   11th Annual Gulfport Yacht Club CHILI COOK OFF
                         Super Bowl Sunday, February 13, 2022
                            Party starts a 5:00pm with a 5:35pm Kick-Off
Have your Chili at the Club by the start of the Game, to be entered in the 11th Annual Chili Cook-Off.
Winners will be announced between the 3rd & 4th quarter of the game. There will be no entry fee. The
 Judges will be selected by the Commodore. If the Chili and Sides are not man enough for your Super
Bowl size appetite, the BBQ pits will be fired up and ready for GRILL YOUR OWN. The Club will provide
                   Hot Dogs, Chips, Dip, Salsa, Bar Snacks, Condiments and Sides

                               Awards: (Credit on your GYC Account)
                            1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Winners for Chili Cook-Off
                                          Drink Specials:
                                Bucket of Domestic Beer (6) $10.00
                          Every Touchdown Scored $1.00 Hot Damn Shots
                                     Football Pool:
            We will have a $10 per square Pool in the Bar. Come get your pick
           before the Party while we have spots left, $250.00 per QRT Winners
                             1st, 2nd, 3rd and Final Score!!
                                       Split the Pot
      We will sell tickets throughout the game and pull a Winner at the
                        2 minute warning of the game.
                            Wear your Favorite NFL Team Jersey
                           (Favorite Crowd Jersey will Win a PRIZE)
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