Page created by Billy Cunningham
  2022            EV E N TS, & HA P P E N I N GS
     T H E LO D G E & C L U B   |   F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 2

                     hile February may be the shortest month
                     of the year, we have packed it with many
                     great activities. We have planned a
                     fantastic month from the Jackson Family
     Wines dinner on Friday, February 11, to the Big Game Watch
     Party & Puppy Bowl on Sunday, February 13, followed by
     Valentine’s Day dinner. As always, be sure to make your
     reservations as seating is limited, and Chef Cameron’s food
     is delicious.

     This year we have an exceptional treat. We are so fortunate
     to welcome Brandy from White Oak Conservation, right
     here in northeast Florida, as our members' luncheon
     speaker. White Oak Conservation is one of the world’s
     premier wildlife conservation and care of endangered
     species facilities. Be sure to sign up for this luncheon as we
     gain insight into their extraordinary conservation efforts.

     We are excited to fit so much into the shortest month of
     the year, and the weather is warming, so keep your toes in
     the sand, and we will see you at The Lodge.

                          C. THAYER KERN, CS, CHS

                                              PET REMINDER
                         We love your pets too, but only service animals for
                      people with disabilities are permitted to dine with us. As
                       a reminder, pets are not permitted in or around pools,
                                     Jacuzzis, or at The Oasis.

                                  BOOK CLUB
                              Tuesday, February 15                            MAHJONG                           BRIDGE
                                 10 a.m. – noon                         Monday, February 28                   Thursdays

                             The Personal Librarian by                      1 - 4 p.m.                       Noon – 4 p.m.
                               Marie Benedict is this                  Grab a group of four and        Bridge is on the table every
                               month’s read for the                    join us for an afternoon          Thursday. Gather for an
                             Book Club. Join us for a                 of Mahjong. Please bring a        afternoon of playful fun.
                           refreshing morning with a                  game board, game pieces,         Check-in at the Front Desk
                            delightful book and great                  and a foursome. Space is          for the meeting location.
                              people. Please make a                             limited.                Members must accompany
                          reservation through the Club                                                 guests. Please confirm your
                           Member App for in-person                                                     reservation by Tuesday of
                              or virtual attendance.                                                            each week.

                                         T H E LO D G E & C L U B         |   F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 2
E V E N TS & H A P P E N I N G S

                                                                                                    SPEAKER LUNCHEON W ITH
                                                                                                    W HITE OAK CONSERVATION
                                                                                                            Friday, February 18
 11                                                                                                        Noon | The Conservatory
                                                                                                         $35 per person, lunch included*
                                                                                                      Brandy Carvalho from White Oak
                                                                                                    Conservation in Yulee, Florida, hosts a
                                                                                                  lunch presentation on their extraordinary
                                                                                                   conservation efforts. White Oak, part of
                                                                                                   Walter Conservation, is a one-of-a-kind
 11                           13                               13                                   center with 17,000 acres in northeast
                                                                                                     Florida that dedicates its efforts to
                                                                                                  conservation and care of endangered and
JACKSON FAMILY WINES                 KID’S MOV IE NIGHT                                           threatened species, including rhinoceros,
SPIRE COLLECTION                     Friday, February 11                                            okapi, bongos, zebras, condors, dama
DINNER                               6 - 8 p.m. | Ages 3 - 10                                              gazelles, and cheetahs.
Friday, February 11                  $20 per member | $25 per member guest
6:30 p.m.                            Disney's movie Encanto plays on the big screen
$165 per person*                     and tells the tale of an extraordinary family who
                                     lives in a magical town hidden in Colombia's
The Spire Collection is the
                                     mountains. Pizza and crafts are on the menu for
pinnacle of the Jackson
                                     the evening. Extended care is an additional $10
Family Wines por tfolio.
                                     per child and is available until 9 p.m.
With origins on California’s
classic nor thern coast,
the Spire Collection                 PUPPY BOW L                                                             RECREATION FUN
encompasses estates                  Sunday, February 13
worldwide – including Napa           2 p.m. | Ocean Lawn                                              Bring the kids to The Lodge & Club
Valley, Sonoma County, and                                                                           for fun with our recreation team at
Oregon’s coast to vineyards          Dress your pup or pups in game day attire for                   the Kid’s Club in The Fitness Center.
in far-flung places such as          a football-inspired Puppy Bowl! Enjoy happy                      Please make a reservation through
South Africa and Bordeaux,           hour drinks for the humans and treats for the                           the Club Member App.
Tuscany, and Australia,              dogs! Snap a photo of you and your furry pal at
to name just a few. Spire            our game day photo booth!                                                 POPCORN & PJS
Collection Regional Manager                                                                           Saturday, February 5, 12, 19, & 26
Jason Kline joins us for an          BIG GAME WATCH PARTY                                            5-7 p.m. | Ages 2 - 8 | $20 per child
unforgettable four-course            Sunday, February 13
wine dinner. The menu is                                                                                         CRAFT HOUR
                                     6 p.m. | The Oasis                                                   Sunday, February 6 & 20
available online on the club
calendar.                            Gather with fans to watch the big game in style                 2-4 p.m. | Ages 2 - 8 | $20 per child
                                     with great food and beverage specials at The
                                     Oasis. Reservations are not necessary.

  [      Space is limited. Please make a reservation for each event by calling 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. There is a 48-
       hour cancellation policy on all events. When possible, events will be held outside for safety purposes. *Service charge and tax are
                      additional. A $10 no-show charge applies to all complimentary events where registration is required.
                                     T H E LO D G E & C L U B             |   F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 2
E V E N TS & H A P P E N I N G S
                                                         KID’S DAY OFF CAMP
                                                         Monday, February 21
                                                         Ages 4 - 10
                                                         Camps at The Lodge & Club offer children a memorable experience
                                                         packed with fun activities, themed games, take-home crafts, lunch,
                                                         and great friendships. Space is limited.
                                                         Morning Session | 8 a.m. - Noon | $45 per day, includes a snack & lunch
                                                         Afternoon Session | 12:30 - 4 p.m. | $40 per day, includes a snack
                                                         Full Day Session | 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. | $65 per day, includes two snacks & lunch

                                                         MEMBER TRIV IA NIGHT
                                                         Monday, February 21
                                                         First Question at 6 p.m.
                                                         Sign up your Trivia team the first to the fourth of the month at The
                                                         Fitness Center. We draw the lucky teams on the next business day.
21                                                       Teams of eight vie for fame, prizes, and bragging rights. Enjoy drink
                                                         service during Trivia. A no-show or a cancellation in a 48-hour window
                                                         results in the inability to sign up for the next month’s Trivia Night.

                                                         TUESDAY TASTING
                                                         Tuesday, February 22
                                                         6:30 p.m.
                                                         $30 per person*
                                                         Gather beachside for a Rosé tasting with still and sparkling
                                                         varieties presented by our Republic National Distributing Company
                                                         representative. Enjoy a perfectly paired meat and cheese board.

                                                         KID’S FROZEN PARTY
                                                         Friday, February 25
                                                         6 - 8 p.m. | Ages 4 - 10
                                                         $25 per member | $30 per member guest
                                                         Travel with us to Arendelle at our Frozen-inspired event. Build a
                                                         snowman, enjoy tasty treats, and have fun with friends.

                                                                 G AT E R I V E R RU N
                                                                            Saturday, March 5
                                 Thank you to all of the members who signed up for Team Gate last month. We are excited to see
                                you support your Club and participate in all the activities leading up to the big race day. A separate
                                   email communication will be sent to your attention that will include additional information.
                                     If you missed the registration sign up window, you are still able to register for the Gate
                                   River Run through March 1, if space is available. Please visit www.gateriverun.com for more
                                 information. The VIP Gate Hospitality Group section will be available to all members Saturday,
                                 March 5 from 6:30 am – 1 pm. Please note that a valid membership card is required for entry if
                                      you did not sign up for Team Gate. We look forward to seeing you all at the finish line!

[      Space is limited. Please make a reservation for each event by calling 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. There is a 48-
     hour cancellation policy on all events. When possible, events will be held outside for safety purposes. *Service charge and tax are
                    additional. A $10 no-show charge applies to all complimentary events where registration is required.                   ]
                                   T H E LO D G E & C L U B             |   F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 2

S’MORES                           SUNDAY SUPPER
AT THE TRELLIS                    TO-GO
Wednesdays | 5 - 7 p.m.           Leave the cooking to us for
Complimentary                     your Sunday dinner. Order
                                  a meal that fits your needs.
Bring the family for a mid-
                                  Place your order by noon on
week mid-winter yummy
                                  Friday; pick up is at 4:30 p.m.
S’more at The Trellis.
                                  on Sunday. Meals come ready
                                  to heat with instructions.
                                  The menu is available online.
                                  Elevate the dining experience
                                  and pair dinner with a bottle
                                  of wine to go. Enjoy curbside
                                  pickup at the valet!                                SEA V IEW GRILLE

M O N T H LY E V E N TS                                                                   7 – 10:30 a.m.

                                                                                        11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                            WINE WELL WITH OTHERS
                            Wednesday, February 9 | 5 p.m.                                    Dinner
                                                                                             5 – 9 p.m.
                            Wine Room | Complimentary
                            Our resident sommelier brings                        As seating is limited, reservations
                            intriguing wine knowledge to the                  are preferred for all dining in the Sea
                            table each month at our Wine Well                 View Grille. Please make reservations
                            with Others class.                                by calling 904.273.9500. Casual Attire.

                                                                                      SEA V IEW LOUNGE

                            CHEF HACKS                                             Lounge Menu Available Daily
                            Thursday, February 17 | 5 p.m.                             Sunday - Thursday
                            Wine Room | Complimentary                                  11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.

                            Sweetness reigns at a post-                                  Friday & Saturday
                            Valentine’s Day chocolate class                             11:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
                            where you learn how to make
                            chocolate and love is still in the air.
                                                                                           THE OASIS
                                                                                        Sunday - Thursday
                                                                                          11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
                            SPIRIT SERIES

                            Friday, February 18 | 5 p.m.                                 Friday & Saturday
                            Wine Room | Complimentary                                     11 a.m. – 9 p.m.

                            Learn why cordials are part of a                                Live Music
                            well-stocked bar in this flavorful                               Saturday
                            hands-on Spirit Series.                                         5 - 8 p.m.

                                                                                        Weather Permitting

                                                                                      BAREFOOT BISTRO

[    Dining features not available on holidays. Service charge
              & tax is additional for all F&B features.          ]                     Closed for the season

                                                                    KID'S YOGA                       KID’S CAMP FIT
                                                                    Wednesday, February 2 & 16       Thursday, February 10 & 24
                                                                    4 - 4:45 p.m. | Ages 4 - 10      4 - 5 p.m. | Ages 4 - 10
                                                                    Complimentary                    Complimentary
                                                                    Yoga for kids makes for          Afternoon Camp Fit is an
                                                                    an afternoon of healthy          excellent way for kids to
                                                                    fun. Bring a mat and water       burn off energy and learn
                                                                    bottle. Space is limited.        team-building skills. Bring
                                                                    Reservations required.           a water bottle. Space
                                                                                                     is limited. Reservations

           Monday - Friday
           5 a.m. - 9 p.m.

          Saturday & Sunday
                                                                    Every Monday | 6:30 p.m.
            7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
                                                                    Fast and slow dance moves paired with Latin music and
                                          F I T N ESS C E N T E R
      Call 904.273.9600 for more                                    interval training will improve your cardiovascular fitness.
                                                                    STRENGTH TRAINING
      Certified Personal Trainers                                   Every Tuesday | 5:30 p.m.
             are available.                                         Strength Training aims to improve balance, flexibility,
                                                                    agility, and strength, making your muscles stronger.
         Reservations required
         for Aerobics Classes.                                      YOGA
                                                                    Every Tuesday | 6:30 p.m.
           FAMILY POOL                                              Become more fit and flexible while improving your
                                                                    breathing and relaxing your mind in Yoga.
       Open seven days a week.
                                                                    SOUL BODY BARRE
              Water Slide                                           Every Wednesday | 5:30 p.m.
        Call the Fitness Center
                                                                    Join us for a mindfully intense pre-choreographed Barre
          for current hours.                                        class that uses Ballet Barre, dumbbells, therapy bands,
         Weather Permitting                                         and inflatable Pilates ball.

             Splash Area
             Open Daily
                                                                    CYCLE CLASS
                                                                    Every Thursday | 6 p.m.
          Weather Permitting
                                                                    Every Sunday | 10:15 a.m.
                                                                    Saddle up for a thrilling indoor ride set to music. Build
                                                                    strength and cardiovascular endurance.
                                                                    SPORTS CIRCUIT
  Take a virtual drop-in class with our                             Every Sunday | 9 a.m.
 trained instructors via Zoom and get
  fit at home with us! Look for the “V”                             Sports Circuit class tackles weight loss, strength, athletic
listed by classes on the Fitness Center                             performance, and core training.
    schedule to register for a virtual
  class. Register on The Lodge & Club
    website or the Club Member App.
                                                                     ]     For reservations, sign up on The Club Member App
                                                                               under Fitness Classes or call 904.273.9600.      [

                                                        4                                             4

Spring Break                                           PINSPIRATION
                                                       AT THE LODGE
                                                                                                     CAPTAIN CHARACTER’S
                                                                                                     MAGIC SAFARI
                                                                                                     Friday, March 4
                                                       Friday, March 4
                                                       6 p.m.                                        6-8 p.m. | Ages 4 - 10
                                                       $45 per member*                               $30 per member | $35 per guest
                                                       $50 per member guest*                         An adventure awaits! Ride motorized
             March 14 - 18                             The Pinspiration team join us for             safari animals, enjoy a magic show,
              Ages 4 - 10                              an evening of pure creativity with            make balloon art, and enjoy a pizza
                                                       supplies in tow. You bring the                party with friends.
Spend Spring Break at The Lodge & Club                 inspiration and create an artful
   with our incredible recreation team                 masterpiece without a hassle or
   creating crafts, playing games, and                 mess. A member charge bar will be
making life-long friends. Please make a                available.
reservation for camp; any changes to the
week’s attendance must be made by noon
 on Friday, March 11. Guest charge is an
       additional $10 per session.

       Morning Camp
             8 a.m. – Noon
                                                       CO M I N G SOO N . . .
    $45 per member | Includes Lunch
                                                               19        OCEAN FRONT PONY RIDES

      Afternoon Camp                                           25        KID’S MOVIE NIGHT
             12:30 – 4 p.m.
            $40 per member                                     25        BBQ, BEER & BLUES

       Full-Day Camp                                           26        TWEEN ETIQUETTE DINNER

            8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
    $65 per member | Includes Lunch
                                                               29        IRISH TUESDAY TASTING

[     Space is limited. Please make a reservation for each event by calling 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. There is a 48-
    hour cancellation policy on all events. When possible, events will be held outside for safety purposes. *Service charge and tax are
                   additional. A $10 no-show charge applies to all complimentary events where registration is required.                   ]
                                     T H E LO D G E & C L U B             |   M A RC H 202 2
Executive Staff – The Lodge & Club
C. Thayer Kern, General Manager, tkern@pvresorts.com
Allen Lancaster, Director of Food & Beverage, alancaster@pvresorts.com
Ryan Lahey, Membership Director, rlahey@pvresorts.com
Jennifer Dahlberg, Catering Sales Director, jdahlberg@pvresorts.com
Ashley Feil, Director of Member Relations, afeil@pvresorts.com
Cameron Walton, Executive Chef, cwalton@pvresorts.com
Darren Angle, Director of Fitness & Beach Rentals, dangle@pvresorts.com
Robert Coryell, Director of Rooms, rcoryell@pvresorts.com
Molly Kerrigan, Marketing Coordinator, mkerrigan@pvresorts.com

                                F E B RUA RY 202 2
      SUNDAY           MONDAY                    TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                   FRIDAY           SATURDAY
                                             1                    2                     3                     4                     5
                                             Strength Training          Kid's Yoga             Bridge                                   Outdoor Yoga
                                                 5:30 p.m.             4 - 4:45 p.m.         12:00 p.m.                                    8 a.m.
                                                                   Soul Body Barre                                                      Popcorn & PJs
                                                                      5:30 p.m.                                                           5 - 7 p.m.

  6                   7                      8                    9                    10                    11                    12
   Sunday Supper             Zumba           Strength Training     Wine Well with              Bridge           JFW Spire          Live Entertainment
       to Go                6:30 p.m.            5:30 p.m.         Others | 5 p.m.           12:00 p.m.       Collection Wine           5 - 8 p.m.
      Craft Hour                                                       S’mores at           Kid's Camp Fit       6:30 p.m.              Popcorn & PJs
      2 - 4 p.m.                                                        The Trellis
                                                                        5 - 7 p.m.             4 - 5 p.m.                                 5 - 7 p.m.
                                                                                                              Kid's Movie Night
                                                                   Soul Body Barre                                6 - 8 p.m.
                                                                      5:30 p.m.

13                   14                     15                    16                   17                    18                    19
   Sunday Supper       Valentine’s Day             Book Club            Kid's Yoga             Bridge                Speaker       Live Entertainment
       to Go           Pre Fixe Dinner           10 a.m. - Noon        4 - 4:45 p.m.         12:00 p.m.           Luncheon with         5 - 8 p.m.
                          5 - 9 p.m.                                                                                White Oak
      Puppy Bowl                             Strength Training         S’mores at            Chef Hacks            Conservation         Popcorn & PJs
                                                                        The Trellis                                   Noon
        2 p.m.                                   5:30 p.m.              5 - 7 p.m.             5 p.m.                                     5 - 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                   Spirit Series
  Big Game Watch                                                   Soul Body Barre                                   5 p.m.
    Party |6 p.m.                                                     5:30 p.m.

20                   21                     22                    23                   24                    25                    26
   Sunday Supper          Kid's Day Out      Strength Training          S’mores at             Bridge         Kid's Frozen Party        Popcorn & PJs
       to Go                  Camp               5:30 p.m.               The Trellis         12:00 p.m.            6- 8 p.m.              5 - 7 p.m.
                          8 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                5 - 7 p.m.
      Craft Hour                             Tuesday Tasting                                Kid's Camp Fit
      2 - 4 p.m.          Member Trivia         6:30 p.m.                                      4 - 5 p.m.
                          Night | 6 p.m.

27                   28
   Sunday Supper            Mahjong
       to Go                1 - 4 p.m.

                            6:30 p.m.

    Sunflower Renewal Body Wrap
                   60 minutes ∙ $170 plus service charge

      Get all wrapped up in this month’s Spa service that fights the
      signs of aging skin. Relax as succulent shea butter, and sugar
       coconut scrub refines and preps the skin. A sunflower honey
    butter serum is painted on the skin, rich in vitamin A, retinol, and
    antioxidants. A body wrap follows, which helps detoxify and relax
    sore muscles. The skin receives a soothing massage featuring the
  mystical aroma of South America’s tonka bean and lotion elixir. Enjoy
   this service in February and indulge in a complimentary Spa Tini.

                                                     S PA
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
                                                                        THE SPA BOUTIQUE
Members can enjoy an attractive 15% discount
on spa services every Monday, Tuesday, and                 MEMBER SHOPPING DAY
Wednesday. Treat yourself to a 60-minute                   Tuesday, February 8 | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Signature Massage, Ponte Vedra Essential Facial,           Members enjoy a 15% discount on retail products in
or a Quench Body Polish for $175 including                 The Spa Boutique. Discounts do not apply to gift
service charge.                                            cards and sale items.

                                                           SKINMEDICA EVENT
                                                           Friday, February 4 | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
GENTLEMEN’S DISCOUNT DAY                                   Drop into The Spa Boutique and meet with a
Every Thursday                                             SkinMedica Specialist to discuss your skincare needs.
Gentlemen can enjoy a discount of 20% OFF                  SkinMedica products are revolutionary and advance the
full-priced services at The Spa every Thursday.            science of skin rejuvenation through research, science,
                                                           and innovation. Enjoy 20 % off SkinMedica products on
                                                           February 4.

           VALENTINE’S DAY                                 FARMHOUSE FRESH
                                                           Friday, February 18 | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                                                           Meet with our FarmHouse Fresh representative to
                                                           experience their newest body products. Enjoy 20% off
      For every $150 or more gift card                     FarmHouse Fresh products on February 18.
   purchase between February 1 - 14, receive
   a $15 voucher for Spa services through
              December 31, 2022.                           OBAGI EVENT
                                                           Friday, February 25 | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                                                           Meet with an Obagi Medical representative for a
                                                           complimentary consultation to learn the best way to
                                                           shed your winter skin. Enjoy a 20% discount on the
                                                           right Obagi system for your skin type on February 11.

                                 T H E LO D G E & C L U B      |   F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 2
                   PRIX FIXE DINNER

                                      Monday, February 14                FIRST COURSE
                                      Sea View Grille
                                      5 - 9 p.m.                         Basil Pumpkin Puff Pastry
                                      $78 per person*                    Cashew Cheese Sauce

                                      We are dishing up the romance
                                      at The Lodge on Valentine’s        Garlic Prawns
                                      Day. Make a reservation for your   Creamy Polenta, Prawn Butter
                                      romantic evening out by calling
                                      904.273.9500.                      SECOND COURSE

                                                                         Parmesan Brussel Salad
                                                                         Pomegranate, Apple, Truffle Vin

                                                                         THIRD COURSE

                                                                         Prosciutto Wrapped Tenderloin
                                                                         Petit Filet, Basil Mash, Fig Jus


                                                                         Seared Red Drum
                                                                         Herbed Orzo, Artichoke Hearts, Red
                                                                         Pepper Crème


                                                                         Braised Butternut Squash
                                                                         Oyster Mushroom Farro, Cranberry

                                                                         FOURTH COURSE

                                                                         Chocolate Duet
                                                                         White Chocolate Raspberry Bread
                                                                         Pudding, Dark Chocolate Cherry Crisp
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