FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack

FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack
FEBRUARY 15 – 17
FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack

                                         REALM                                        S

                    EXPO         eSPORTS          LAN     S   BUSINESS S

                 COSPLAY         DH OPEN                       LOUNGE

                   DCMM                TOURNAMENTS        S
 INFLUENCE               STREAM AREA       S     CASTS

     SHOW                EVENT STAGE

      SELL   DREAMSTORE                          RENTAL

                    INDIE                                      PARTY

                                                                S   Coverable by sponsorship

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                       w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de
FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack

eSPORTS                                     EXPO                                           LAN                                           BUSINESS
Experience the vast diversity of eSports.   Experience an audience like you never have     Experience the origin of competitve gaming.   Experience the kick-off for a new year of
MOBA, Battle Royale, RTS, Racing and many   before. Curious, interested, tech savvy and    Transferred to the present. And pizza.        glorious opportunities. Business Lounge.
more.                                       mature. And cosplay as well as case modding.                                                 ESB Business Forum. Or your individual

    4,490,318 total views                       Unique DreamStore to sell your                 1,700+ LAN-Participants                       Perfect place to meet, network and
                                                products                                                                                     kick off business
    2,204,025 unique viewers                                                                   Exclusive LAN-Tournaments
                                                40 exhibitors                                                                                2,400+ trade visitors
    166,500 USD in cash prizes                                                                 1,540+ All-Tournament-Participants
                                                35,875 m2 gross event space                                                                  eSPORT.BUSINESS.FORUM powered
    50,000 USD in prizes                                                                       20,000 EUR in prizes
                                                2 halls                                                                                      by ESB

                                                                   ... and many more

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                   w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de
FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack

           100% TARGET GROUP                                        OUR TARGET GROUPS
              Gaming is a lifestyle
              Community is a necessity                                                                  -   Interested in Gaming and eSport
              Social media and the web boost the information                                            -   Looking for new games and things in the gaming market
              Festival is interaction                                                                   -   High purchasing power
                                                                                                        -   Great multiplier

           HARD FACTS                                                                                   GAMER

                                                                                             TECH                    FELLOW
                                                                    - High knowledge                                              - Interested in the social feature
                                                                      of hard- and software                                         of the gaming festival
                                                                    - Early adopter                                               - Wants the show, friends and fun
                                                                    - Multiplier for new developments                             - Buys the merch and swag

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                  w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de
FEBRUARY 15 17 - DreamHack
                                PARTNERS AND SPONSORS

                               With the tournaments, the exhibition area
                             and the LAN area, it provides the perfect place
                         for the community to encounter professional gamers.
                               The event is a huge showcase every time.
                                                             Bastian Radloff,
                                Regional Communications Manager Monster Energy Germany, Austria, Switzerland

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                         w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

ONLINE                                   PRESS & PRINT                                ON-SITE                                      EXHIBITION
Everyone on the web will remember        Everyone outside the fair grounds will       Everyone inside the exhibition halls will    Everyone finally adressed with your own
you. Gamers. Influencer. Editors. Even   hear & see you. Newspapers. Tabloids.        remember you. Visitors. Press. Influencer.   booth in the EXPO. Complete the marke-
those who are not directly involved      Trade journals. Radio stations. 32,457,959   Decision makers.                             ting-chain by creating the most positive
with #DHDE19. 651,010,334 contacts       contacts reached in 2018.                                                                 emotions for the audience.
reached in 2018.

   Social media posts                        Local outdoor print ads                      Banners @ wall and ceiling                  Discount on floorspace
   (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, …)         Infoscreen ads                               Flags                                       Free internet connections
   Logo on website (e.g. Sideskin)           Public stations video ads                    Video content                               Free power connections
   Teaservideo integration                   Poster campaigns at universities             Promoshow @ Event Stage                     Free exhibitor tickets
   InStream logo integration (Twitch)        TV-spots                                     Ads @ the Entrance                          Discount on event tickets
                                             253 journalists on-Site                      Stickers @ Mirrors and floor
                                             TV, radio and print                          Wristband branding
                                                                                          Logo integration @ crew shirts

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                           w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

               PICK A PARTNER- OR SPONSORING-PACKAGE.                                        GET THE POLYGONS.

                                                           PICK OPTIONAL SERVICES.

                             SPEND YOUR POLYGONS ON OPTIONAL SERVICES.                                    RECEIVE YOUR INDIVIDUAL PACKAGE.

                                                                             ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED.

                                                                                               Correctness and completeness or avaiability of the information and
                                                                                               data provided is not guaranteed and may be subject to change.

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                        w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                           Up to three exclusive industry partners
                                           Comprehensive brand and product transportation during the whole DreamHack Leipzig event                       83,000 E

HIGHLIGHTS          highest brand awareness in all four areas     visibility prior, during and after DreamHack Leipzig     20% discount on whole floorspace    HIGHLIGHTS

SPONSORSHIP                                  SPONSORSHIP                                   SPONSORSHIP                                  SPONSORSHIP
LAN AREA                                     STREAM AREA                                   WIN THE WINTER                               WRISTBAND

28,000 E                           8        25,000 E                            8          25,000 E                            8        15,000 E                           3
  Event area sponsoring                        Event area sponsoring                         Tournament sponsoring                        Exclusive expo wristband
  Effective brand and                          Effective brand and                           Effective brand and                          Brand your fans
  product communication                        product communication                         product communication                        Longterm reach and visibility
  Effectively reach up to                      Effectively reach the world                   Effectively reach the world of eSports
  2.000 gamers and techs                       of streaming

CO-SPONSOR                                   CO-SPONSOR                                                                                 SPONSORSHIP
14,000 E                           3        10,000 E                             3
Additional co-sponsor                        Additional co-sponsor
with a reduced, separate service package     with a reduced, separate service package                                                   from 5,500 E                       2
in addition to the main sponsor              in addition to the main sponsor

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                 w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                              ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                                        PARTNER PACKAGE
  Exclusivity within your industry among other sponsors of                     Sideskin or widget integration on website                       SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  the PARTNER category                                                         Integration of your logo in the LAN teaser video post roll
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 Logo
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via online-codes
  Sponsoring of branded goods for BYOC-tournaments (license)
  Integration of your logo on DreamHack Leipzig crew shirt                                                                                     83,000 E                         20
                                                                             ON-SITE PROMOTION

BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                                                         10 flagpoles at east entrance
                                                                              Integration of your logo on the the LAN area mega banner         IMPACTED REALMS
  20% discount on floorspace                                                  Integration of your logo on the bridge banner opposite
  Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                                                east entrance
                                                                                                                                                 LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
  Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption                              10s video content (in rotation with others) on the video walls
                                                                              in the LAN hall
                                                                              Permission for having a promotional team outside of the booth
                                                                              2 banners on the walls of the hall
                                                                              Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min. each day                    HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
  Teaser video with integrated content of all partners
  Integration of your logo in the DreamHack Leipzig Twitch channel
  Logo integration on the Win the Winter landingpage
  Listing in the directory of exhibitors, sponsors and partners              PRESS
  (category: partner)
  Integration of your logo on the DreamHack Leipzig website                   Exclusive press release about partnership
  (prominent)                                                                 Exclusive social media posts regarding the sponsorship
  Integration of your logo in teaser video post rolls and broadcast           Highlight video and social media integration
  design on-site/stream                                                       in the post event campaign
  Integration of your logo in online advertisements (standard)                Integration in the press release boilerplate
  Integration of your logo in print ads for visitors (standard)               Integration in final press release

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                       w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                               PARTNER PACKAGE

COMMON BENEFITS                              AVAILABILITY   COSTS        ON-SITE PROMOTION                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS         SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
Free event passes                                    100     4      		   Wristband branding (Expo)		                             10
Free event passes                                     50     2           Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading   20 of 20       8
Free day-tickets                                      50     2
Free WiFi voucher                                     10     1
                                                                         to the rest rooms (Expo)
                                                                         Advertising arches                        16 of 48       5
                                                                                                                                               83,000 E                         20
                                                                         MERO-tower, 4-sided                          1 of 3      5
                                                                         Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading   10 of 10       4
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS                                                                              IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                         to the rest rooms (LAN hall)
Storage room (up to 70 m²)                         1 of 4    5      		   Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (Expo)  36 of 36       4
                                                                         Banner at the east entrance                  1 of 2      3              LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
Power supply up to 60 kW incl. consumption              1    3
Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                            1    1      		   Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)   18 of 18       2
Power supply up to 15 kW incl. consumption              1    1      		   Window clings in the passage way         15 of 140       2
Exhibitor passes                                      10     1
                                                                         Roll-ups in the entrance area                1 of 3      1
                                                                                                                                               HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
                                                                         Stretch banner                               1 of 4      1
                                                                         Floor stops at east entrance                 8 of 8      1
                                                                         (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
News text with specific content                    1 of 5    2      		   Turnstile posters, 2-sided                   6 of 6      1
from the sponsor                                                         Floor stickers                               4 of 4      1

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                       w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                   ON-SITE PROMOTION                                                 LAN AREA
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo                   Integration of your logo in LAN area mega banner (prominent)     SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  Sponsor exclusivity within your category                         Digital branding in the LAN-guide
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via       Wristband branding (LAN)
  online-codes                                                     4 banners on the walls of the hall
  Sponsoring of branded goods for BYOC-tournaments (license)       5 flagpoles at east entrance
  License for rental promotions (or alike)                         Integration of your logo on the bridge banner opposite           28,000 E                          8
  10 free LAN-Seats                                                east entrance (non-exclusive)
                                                                   20s video content (in rotation with others) on the video walls
                                                                   in the LAN hall
                                                                                                                                    IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                                                                                      LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
  20% discount on floorspace to 100 sqm
  Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)
  Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption                  PRESS

                                                                   Exclusive social media posts regarding the sponsorship           HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
                                                                   Highlight video and social media integration
ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                                         in the post event campaign
                                                                   Integration of your content in at least one press release
  Listing in the directory of exhibitors, sponsors and partners    Social media integration relevant to your topic
  (category: sponsor)
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)
  Integration of logo in the LAN-teaservideo post-roll
  Branding of the seat reservation system

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                            w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                     LAN AREA

Free event passes                                        100    4 		 Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading         20 of 20  8
Free event passes                                         50    2 		 to the rest rooms (Expo)
Free day-tickets
Free WiFi-voucher (premium speed)
                                                                     Permission for having a promotion-team outside
                                                                     of the booth
                                                                                                                        1 of 3 5
                                                                                                                                      28,000 E                         8
Free LAN-Seats                                              5   1
                                                                     MERO-tower, 4-sided                                1 of 3 5

                                                                     Advertising arches                              16 of 48  5
                                                                                                                                      IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                     Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading         10 of 10  4
                                                                     to the rest rooms (LAN hall)
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                            AVAILABILITY COSTS  Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (Expo)        36 of 36  4 		     LAN       EXPO      ESPORT   BUSINESS
                                                                     Banner at the east entrance                        1 of 2 3
Storage room (up to 70 m²)                             1 of 4   5
                                                                     Branding of a dedicated area in the LAN hall       1 of 2 3
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption              1   3
                                                                     (e.g. relax zone)
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                                1   2
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption              1   2 		 Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)         18 of 18  2 		   HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
Exhibitor passes                                          10    1 		 Window clings in the passage way               15 of 140  2
                                                                     Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min.                    1 2
                                                                     Stretch banner                                     1 of 4 1
                                                                     Floor stops at east entrance                       8 of 8 1
                                                                     (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
                                                                     Turnstile posters, 2-sided                         6 of 6 1
Integration on website with sideskin or widget		                3 		 Floor stickers                                     4 of 4 1
News text with specific content from the sponsor       1 of 5   2

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                              w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                 LAN AREA

COMMON BENEFITS                                                                                  SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo
  Sponsor excklusivity within your category
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via online-codes
  Sponsoring of branded goods for BYOC-tournaments (license)                                     14,000 E                                 3
  License for rental promotions (or alike)
  5 free LAN-Seats
                                                                                                 IMPACTED REALMS

                                                                                                   LAN         EXPO        ESPORT     BUSINESS
  20% discount on floorspace up to 50 sqm

                                                                                                 FOR PARTNERS THAT ARE
  Listing in the directory of sponsors, exhibitors and partners (category: sponsor)
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)                                                             Committing to a strong gaming- and
                                                                                                   tech target group

ON-SITE PROMOTION                                                                                  Planning to start something cool
                                                                                                   in the LAN-family
  Digital branding in the LAN-guide
  Integration of your logo on the bridge banner opposite east entrance                             Looking for direct, familiar contact
  Integration of your logo in LAN area mega banner (standard)                                      to 2,000 people
  20s video content (on rotation with others) on the video walls in the LAN hall

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                           w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                                       LAN AREA
COMMON BENEFITS                              AVAILABILITY   COSTS          ON-SITE PROMOTION                               AVAILABILITY   COSTS
Free event passes                                     50     2      		     Banner at the eastern entrance                        1 of 2    3      		   CO-SPONSORING
Free day tickets                                      50     2      		     Branding of a dedicated area in the LAN hall          1 of 2    3
Free WiFi-voucher (premium speed)                     10     1             (e.g. Relaxzone)
Free LAN-Seats                                        10     1
                                                                           Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)            18 of 18     2      		   14,000 E                         3
                                                                           Window clings in the passage way                  15 of 140     2
                                                                           Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min. each day              1    2
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS          Stretch banner                                        1 of 4    1      		   IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                           Floor stops at east entrance                          8 of 8    1
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption         1     3
                                                                           (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption         1     2      		                                                                                   LAN       EXPO     ESPORT    BUSINESS
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                           1     2      		     Turnstile posters, 2-sided                            6 of 6    1
Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                           1     1      		     Banners on the walls of the hall                           2    1
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption         1     1      		     Floor stickers                                        4 of 4    1
Exhibitor passes                                      10     1

ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                   AVAILABILITY   COSTS          PRESS                                           AVAILABILITY   COSTS

News text with specific content from the sponsor 1 of 5      2      		     Social media integration relevant to topic		                    2
Integration of your logo in the LAN teaser		                 1      		     Integration of your content
video post-roll 		                                                         in at least one press release               1                   1      		                      ALL NEW!
Branding of the seat reservation system          1 of 1      1
(to be provided until September 2018)

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                               w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                    ON-SITE PROMOTION                                            STREAM AREA
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo                    Banner above sponsored area                                 SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  Sponsor exclusivity within your category                          5 flagpoles at east entrance
  Sponsoring of equipment for the Stream Area                       Integration of your logo on the bridge banner
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via        opposite east entrance
  1 exclusive seat for your very own streamer in the Stream Area                                                                25,000 E                          8

                                                                                                                                IMPACTED REALMS
  20% discount on floorspace to 100 sqm                                                                                           LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
  Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                                      Exclusive social media posts regarding the sponsorship
  Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption                    Highlight video and social media integration in
                                                                    the post event campaign
                                                                    Integration of your content in at least one press release
                                                                    Social media integration relevant to your topic             HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR

  Listing in the directory of exhibitors, sponsors and partners
  (category: sponsor)
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                        w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                                STREAM AREA
COMMON BENEFITS                              AVAILABILITY   COSTS        ON-SITE PROMOTION                          AVAILABILITY   COSTS
Free event passes                                    100     4      		   Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading       20 of 20     8      		   SPONSORING
Free event passes                                     50     2      		   to the rest rooms (Expo)
Free day tickets                                      50     2      		   Advertising arches                            16 of 48     5
Free WiFi-voucher                                     10     1
                                                                         Permission for having a promotion-team          1 of 3     5      		   25,000 E                          8
                                                                         outside of the booth
                                                                         MERO-tower, 4-sided                             1 of 3     5
                                                                         Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading       10 of 10     4
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS                                                                               IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                         to the rest rooms
                                                                         Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (Expo)      36 of 36     4
Storage room (up to 70 m²)                         1 of 4    5      		                                                                            LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                            1    2      		   Banner at the east entrance                      1 of 2    3
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption          1    2      		   Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)       18 of 18     2
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption          1    1      		   Window clings in the gangway                 15 of 140     2
Exhibitor passes                                      10     1
                                                                         Banner on the walls of the hall                       2    2
                                                                                                                                                HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
                                                                         Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min.                  1    2
                                                                         Stretch banner                                   1 of 4    1
                                                                         Floor stops at east entrance                     8 of 8    1
                                                                         (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
Integration on website with sideskin or widget		             3      		   Turnstile posters, 2-sided                       6 of 6    1
News text with specific content from sponsor   1 of 5        2      		   Floor stickers                                   4 of 4    1

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                        w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                                              STREAM AREA
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo                                             SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  Sponsor exclusivity within your category
  Sponsoring of equipment to be used in the designated sponsoring
  category (license)
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via online-codes
                                                                                             10,000 E                          3

                                                                                             IMPACTED REALMS
  20% discount on floorspace up to 50 sqm
                                                                                               LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS


  Listing in the directory of sponsors, exhibitors and partners (category: sponsors)         HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)


  Banner above sponsored area
  Integration of your logo on the bridge banner oppsite east entrance

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                     w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                                        STREAM AREA

COMMON BENEFITS                                    AVAILABILITY   COSTS        ON-SITE PROMOTION                            AVAILABILITY   COSTS        SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
Exclusive seat for your very own streamer                    1     2      		   Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)        18 of 18      2
in the Stream Area                                                             Window clings in the passageway               15 of 140      2
Free event passes
Free day tickets

                                                                               2 banners on the walls of the hall                     2     2      		   10,000 E                          3
Free WiFi-voucher                                           10     1      		   Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min. each day          1     2
                                                                               Stretch banner                                    1 of 4     1
                                                                               1 banner on the walls of the hall                      1     1      		   IMPACTED REALMS
                                                                               Floor stops at east entrance                      8 of 8     1
                                                                               (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption               1     3      		                                                                              LAN       EXPO        ESPORT   BUSINESS
Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption               1     2      		   Turnstile posters, 2-sided                        6 of 6     1
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                                 1     2      		   Floor stickers                                    4 of 4     1
Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                                 1     1
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption               1     1
Exhibitor passes                                            10     1      		                                                                            HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
                                                                               PRESS                                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS

ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                         AVAILABILITY   COSTS        Social media integration relevant to your topic		            2
                                                                               Integration of your content in at least one      1           1
News text with specific content from the sponsor         1 of 5    2      		   press release

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                                w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                   ON-SITE PROMOTION                                                 WIN THE WINTER
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo                   Banner above sponsored area                                      SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price           5 flagpoles at East entrance
  via online-codes                                                 Integration of your logo on the bridge banner opposite
                                                                   east entrance

                                                                                                                                    25,000 E                         8
  20% discount on floorspace to 100 sqm
  Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                                     Exclusive social media posts regarding the sponsorship           IMPACTED REALMS
  Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption                   Highlight video and social media integration
                                                                   in the post event campaign                                         LAN       EXPO     ESPORT    BUSINESS
                                                                   Integration of your content in at least one press release
                                                                   Social media integration relevant to your topic
ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                                         Integration of your logo in the side panels of the Event Stage

  Logo integration on Win the Winter landing page
  Listing in the directory of exhibitors, sponsors and partners
  (category: sponsor)
  Integration of your logo in the Win-The-Winter Twitch Channel
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)

                                                                                                                                                       ALL NEW!

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                            w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                              WIN THE WINTER
COMMON BENEFITS                            AVAILABILITY    COSTS        ON-SITE PROMOTION                         AVAILABILITY   COSTS
Free event passes                                  100      4
                                                                 Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading             20 of 20     8           SPONSORING
Free day tickets                                    50      2
                                                                 to the rest rooms (Expo)
Free WiFi-voucher                                   10      1    Advertising arches                                  16 of 48     5
                                                                 Permission for having a promotion-team outside        1 of 3     5      		   25,000 E                         8
                                                                 of the booth (excl. tickets)
                                                                 MERO-tower, 4-sided                                   1 of 3     5
		                                                               Stickers on mirrors in corridor leading             10 of 10     4
                                                                                                                                              IMPACTED REALMS
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                         AVAILABILITY COSTS to the rest rooms (LAN hall)
                                                                 Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (Expo)            36 of 36     4
Storage room (up to 70 m²)                          1 of 4  5                                                                                   LAN       EXPO     ESPORT    BUSINESS
                                                                 Banners at the east entrance                           1 of 2    3
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption           1  3
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                             1  2 		 Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)             18 of 18     2
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption           1  2 		 Window clings in the passageway                    15 of 140     2
Exhibitor passes                                       10   1 		 Banner on the walls of the hall                             2    2
                                                                 Time slot at Event Stage for 30 min.                        1    2
                                                                 Stretch banner                                         1 of 4    1
                                                                 Banner on the walls of the hall                             1    1
		                                                               Floor stops at east entrance                           8 of 8    1
ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                    AVAILABILITY COSTS (ads on wings of the revolving doors)
                                                                 Turnstile posters, 2-sided                             6 of 6    1
Integration on website with sideskin or widget		            3
                                                                 Floor stickers                                         4 of 4    1      		                      ALL NEW!

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                      w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                                                                                WRISTBAND
  License to use the DreamHack Leipzig 2019 logo                                               SPONSORSHIP-TYPE
  Opportunity to purchase day tickets at a reduced price via online-codes

                                                                                               15,000 E                                                                        3
  20% discount on floorspace to 100 sqm

ONLINE AND PRINT PROMOTION                                                                     IMPACTED REALMS

  Listing in the directory of sponsors, exhibitors and partners (category: sponsors)             LAN                          EXPO                                 ESPORT     BUSINESS
  Logo in teaser on website (standard)

                                                                                               HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR
  Wristband branding (Expo)
  Integration of your logo on the bridge banner opposite east entrance

                                                                                                       Standard Logo (Gradient Color)
  Exclusive social media posts regarding the sponsorship                                               GradienBlue left = CMYK 45,5,0,0 GradientBlue right = CMYK 90,45,0,0

  Integration of your content in at least one press release
  Social media integration relevant to your topic

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

COMMON BENEFITS                              AVAILABILITY   COSTS        ON-SITE PROMOTION                               AVAILABILITY   COSTS
Free day tickets                                      50     2      		   Banner at east entrance                               1 of 2    3      		   SPONSORING
Free WiFi-voucher                                     10     1      		   Stickers on mirrors in rest rooms (LAN)            18 of 18     2
                                                                         Window clings in the passageway                   15 of 140     2
                                                                         Banners on the walls of the hall                           2    2      		   15,000 E                                                                        3
BENEFITS AS EXHIBITOR                        AVAILABILITY   COSTS        Time slot on the Event Stage for 30 min. each day          1    2
                                                                         Stretch banner                                        1 of 4    1
Power supply up to 60 kW including consumption         1     3
                                                                         Banner on the walls of the hall                            1    1      		   IMPACTED REALMS
Power supply up to 30 kW including consumption         1     2
Dedicated internet (30 Mbit)                           1     2      		   Floor stops at east entrance                          8 of 8    1
Dedicated internet (10 Mbit)                           1     1      		   (ads on wings of the revolving doors)                                         LAN                          EXPO                                 ESPORT     BUSINESS
Power supply up to 15 kW including consumption         1     1      		   Turnstile posters, 2-sided                            6 of 6    1
Exhibitor passes                                      10     1      		   Floor stickers                                        4 of 4    1

                                                                                                                                                     HAPPY PARTNERS SO FAR

Sideskin or widget integration on website 		                 3
News text with specific content from the sponsor 1 of 5      2

                                                                                                                                                             Standard Logo (Gradient Color)
                                                                                                                                                             GradienBlue left = CMYK 45,5,0,0 GradientBlue right = CMYK 90,45,0,0

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                                                      w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                               We love the atmosphere here in Leipzig,
                                  and the event is just the right size.
                         We are very satisfied, and have already saved the date
                               of DreamHack Leipzig 2019 in our diary.
                                                        Rosa Maria Alcauce,
                                      Marketing Segment Lead Consumer Computing HP Germany

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                       w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

CONCEPTION                                STAND CONSTRUCTION                      BOOTH & BEYOND                              EVENTS
What is your goal? Who do you want to     Realizing the concept. Together with    The details matter. Whatever you need to    Kick off a new year with new business
address? Together we find a way for the   FAIRNET or your very own chosen stand   experience gaming to its full extend – we   opportunities. Your very own business
perfect booth @ DreamHack Leipzig.        constructor we will make it happen.     will organise it.                           event @ DreamHack Leipzig awaits you.

   Booth concepts                            Stand construction                       Catering                                   Conceptualization
   Content creation                          Working platforms                        Parking                                    Conference rooms
   Festival integration                      Complete stands                          Security                                   Conference technology
   Gaming and eSports competence             Technical arrangements                   Cleaning                                   Catering
   Unforgettable parties                     Support before,                          Freight forward services                   Security
                                             during and after the event               Hotel reservation                          Cleaning
                                             Internet and electricity                 Green rooms                                Hostess service
                                             Safety regulations                       Flowers
                                             Graphics, floor coverings                Press boxes
                                             Audio, video and projection

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                     w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

ROW STAND                                        CORNER STAND                                      PENINSULA STAND                                  ISLAND STAND
                           -8 E/m2                                            -8 E/m2                                           -8 E/m2                                            -8 E/m2
                           from 201 m²                                        from 201 m²                                       from 201 m²                                        from 201 m²
-5 E/m2                    136.90 €/m²           -5 E/m2                      141.90 €/m²          -5 E/m2                      146.90 €/m²         -5 E/m2                        151.90 €/m²
to 200 m²                                        to 200 m²                                         to 200 m²                                        to 200 m²
139.90 €/m²                                      144.90 €/m²                                       149.90 €/m²                                      154.90 €/m²

-3 E/m2                                                                                                                                             -3 E/m2
to 150 m²                                                                                                                                           to 150 m²
141.90 €/m²                                                                                                                                         156.90 €/m²
                                                                                                   -3 E/m2
                                                 -3 E/m2                                                                                            to 100 m²
to 100 m²                                                                                          to 150 m²
                                                 to 150 m²                                                                                          159.90 €/m²
144.90 €/m²                                                                                        151.90 €/m²
                                                 146.90 €/m²

                                                 to 100 m²                                         to 100 m²
                                                 149.90 €/m²                                       154.90 €/m²

115.92 €/m² 20% DISCOUNT                         119.91 €/m² 20% DISCOUNT                          123.92 €/m² 20% DISCOUNT                         127.92 €/m² 20% DISCOUNT

TOURNAMENT AREAS 79.90€/m² only
For tournament areas the ratio 80%/20% of the total area is applicable, i.e. max. 80% of the total area will receive             Media flat rate                          150.00€/exhibitor
the tournament area price, whereas for the remaining area the corresponding stand area price for the stand form                  AUMA fee                                         0.60€/m²
will be charged. There are no area discounts on tournament areas.                                                                Co-exhibitor fee (incl. media flat rate)          550.00€
Example: 100m² peninsula stand with 80% tournament area                                                                          Extra represented company/brand                   200.00€
€79.90/m² for 80m² = €6,392.00 | €154.90/m² for 20m² = €3,098.00 | €9,490.00/100m²                                               (incl. media flat rate)
*Discounts cannot be combined. | Partners receive 20% discount on 100% floor space. | Sponsors receive 20% discount on 100 m² floor space. | Co-Sponsors receive 20% discount on 50m² floorspace.

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                              w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Originalformat A4

The prices for complete stands include the rented exhibition stand with the
specified equipment, excl. stand space and other services for which there is a

BEGINNER 20 m²       5 x 4 m, width x depth   2,800 E
BEGINNER 30 m²       6 x 5 m, width x depth   3,250 E
BEGINNER 42 m²       7 x 6 m, width x depth   4,300 E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dateiname: 01.dwg geplottet: 10.05.2017 15:57 geplottet von: Christian Kotschwara
Raised truss structure, H: approx. 350 cm, silver graphic area as back wall,
screen along the aisle side, H: 40 cm needle felt floor covering 1 HQI spotlight          BEGINNER
120 W per 4 m² of space, electrical connection 3 kW incl. consumption and

                                                                                                                                                                                Originalformat A4
1 triple power socket
                                                                                    Aussteller / exhibitor    Variante Beginner, Dreamhack,           Halle / hall
                                                                                    Messe / exhibition        dreamhack Leipzig 2018                  Stand / stand
                                                                                    ERP nr.                   PROANG00042533                          CAD nr.          110354

NEO COMPACT COMPLETE STAND                    from 120 E/m2

Megawall support-free exhibition stand system, 350 cm height Closed wall
element on each aisle side is not required, Digital prints on fabric possible for

                                                                                                                                                                                    Dateiname: 01.dwg geplottet: 26.04.2017 13:57 geplottet von: Christian Kotschwara
a surcharge 1 m² cubicle with lockable door and coat rack o request (included
in price), 1 triple power socket (power connection must be ordered separately),
8 spotlights                                                                              NEO COMPACT

                                                                                     Aussteller / exhibitor   Variante Neo Compact, Dreamhack,   Halle / hall
                                                                                     Messe / exhibition       dreamhack Leipzig 2018             Stand / stand
                                                                                     ERP nr.                  PROANG00042533                     CAD nr.          110354

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                 We are completely satisfied
                             with this year’s DreamHack Leipzig,
                                 and count ourselves among
                                the biggest fans of this event.
                          The audience are exactly our target group!
                                                  Daniel Möllendorf,
                                   Public Relations Manager ASUS Computer GmbH

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                           w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                             HIGHLIGHT VIDEO                  VIDEO SCREEN @
SHOW @ EVENT STAGE                           OF EVENT STAGE SHOW              EAST ENTRANCE                              EVEN YOUR CRAZIEST IDEA

   1h of pure entertainment @ our              Professional editing             Exclusive positioning @ east entrance      Have you got other marketing and
   very own Event Stage                        Professional production          Show your ads                              event projects in mind?
   Professional stage construction and         Close cooperation with stage     5.000,00€ (excl. VAT) space rental fee     Let’s talk about it and we will check
   production                                  operators                        for 3 days                                 the possibilities
   Professional host                           15 minutes total runtime         For exhibitors only
   Professional caster                         1.000,00€/15min. (excl. VAT)     30sec DreamHack Leipzig promo-spot
   1.800,00€/h for exhibitors (excl. VAT)                                       within every 5 minutes of your spot

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

BUSINESS LOUNGE                                                        ESPORT.BUSINESS.FORUM
We provide free access to our Business                     COFFE-BAR   In cooperation with ESB we provide
Lounge for all trade visitors.               SPONSORING    BRANDING    constructive talks and panel discussions
                                                                       about trends, current obstacles and other
                                                                       relevant topics in the eSports sector.
    Quiet place to talk                      B2B EVENTS    CATERING        Business conference with lectures
    Reserve a table for your business                                      and workshops
    meetings                                                               High-level networking
    Free drinks and snacks                                   SPACE         Beverages and lunch included
    Free parking space                        B2B EXPO     MARKETING
                                                                           Perfect kick off business event
    Magazines and newspapers

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

ROOMS                                       CATERING                                    TECHNICAL SUPPORT                          … AND MORE!
A perfect meeting demands a perfect         You aren’t you when you’re hungry.          The message is worthless if no-one can     Who organizes your guests’ accommo-
venue. And if it’s not there we build it.   You name the meal, we will prepare it.      hear or see it. We create the perfect      dation? Who prepares a warm welcome?
It is that simple.                          Meat, Fish, Vegan. From Snacks to Dinner.   surrounding with an individual light and   Who guarantees their safety? We do!
                                            Everything.                                 sound installation.

    Conference rooms                            Fresh Finger food                           Lighting                                  Hosts and hostesses
    Meeting rooms                               Diverse buffet                              Audio equipment                           Service personnel
    Business lounge                             Breakfast, lunch, dinner                    Video equipment                           Safety personnel
    Hall restaurants                            Homemade pies                               Projection equipment                      Hotel booking
    Furniture hire                              Ice cold and hot beverages                  Individual Internet connections           Projection equipment
    Decoration                                  Delicious cocktails                         PC, monitors and printers                 Cleaning
                                                Non-stop service

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                          w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                                                                               Final delivery of
                                                                               graphics for print,
                                                                               online and on-site
                                                                               branding: 2 weeks                       Online ordering
    Registration                   Registration                                after signing the                       system closure
    start                          start date (online):                        application / contract,                 for service orders:
    July 2018                      09/15/2018                                  latest December 2018                    02/08/2019

                                                                                                                                 15 – 17 FEBRUARY 2019

                                                                                                    Deadline for
                                                                                                    technical orders
                         Ticket sales                 Registration                                  and permit
                         beginning                    required by:                                  applications:
                         September 2018               10/31/2018                                    01/04/2019

                                                      (Afterwards no further
                                                      placement requests can
                                                      be accepted)

                                          2018                                                                     2019

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                        w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de

      Stephanie Scholz                   Hans Kluge                             Constantin Strobel             Julian Raatz                       Philippe Dams
      Project Director                   Project Manager                        Project Manager                Project Assistant                  Project Manager
      + 49 341 678 - 80 41               + 49 341 678 - 80 43                   + 49 341 678 - 80 47           +49 341 678-8044                   +49 341 246 704 - 410
      st.scholz@leipziger-messe.de       h.kluge@leipziger-messe.de             c.strobel@leipziger-messe.de   j.raatz@leipziger-messe.de         p.dams@schenker-tech.de

      ORGANISER                                                                                                CO-ORGANISER

      Leipziger Messe is one of the ten leading trade fair companies in                                        XMG is one of the leading manufacturers of high-end gaming laptops
      Germany and numbers among the Top 50 worldwide.                                                          and desktop PCs. All devices are equipped with components by well
      The Leipzig trade fair centre takes in an exhibition area of 111,900 m²                                  renowned brands and checked thoroughly before shipping. The in-
      and has open-air grounds of 70,000 m². Around 280 events take place                                      house support and service teams offer fast and reliable assistance
      here every year – trade fairs, exhibitions, conventions and functions –                                  when needed. In the last 10 years, XMG gaming laptops and PCs
      attended by up to 12,000 exhibitors and over 1.2 million visitors from                                   have won numerous awards from the german and international
      all over the world.                                                                                      media. XMG proudly sponsors and supports players, teams and
                                                                                                               events throughout Europe.
      Since 2016 Leipziger Messe annually hosts DreamHack Leipzig.                                             Since 2016 XMG has been co-organiser of DreamHack Leipzig.

FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                                                                                                              w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de


                         AFTERMOVIE                     www.dreamhack-leipzig.de

                         WEBSITE                        dreamhack.ger

                         PRESS RELEASES                 dreamhack.de

                         REGISTRATION AND ORDERING      dreamhack.DE


FEBRUARY 15 – 17, 2019                                                             w w w.dreamhack-leipzig.de
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