Rules for the FIG World Cup Series 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 - in Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline - FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE ...
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FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE GYMNASTIQUE Rules for the FIG World Cup Series 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 in Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline V 2.0 May 2020
ART. 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES During the Olympic cycle 2021-2024 2017 – 2020, there will be two four FIG Trampoline Gymnastics World Cup Series over two each year (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), with eight four to six events each year in the first two years and eight events in the second two years. The competitions will take place every year between February and mid-April and between July mid-June and mid- October. The six max. four best results out of a max. of 6 the 8 competitions are taken into consideration to determine the winner of the Series. There will be two World Cup Series each in the time period as mentioned above for Trampoline Synchro, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline. For the Olympic Qualification for Individual Trampoline only, the selected events of the Series 2023 and 2024 will be combined, with 3 to 4 competitions in 2023 and 1 to 2 competitions in 2024 taken into consideration, the 3 best results out of 5 counting. See Art. 18 below. Member federations organising a Trampoline Individual World Cup competition must at the same time organise Trampoline Synchro World Cup competitions. They can also are not obliged to organise a Tumbling and/or a Double Mini-Trampoline World Cup. Tumbling and/or Double Mini- Trampoline World Cup competitions cannot be organised as separate events. 2021 2022 2023 2024 4 to 6 competitions 4 to 6 competitions 4 to 6 competitions 4 to 6 competitions Feb. – mid April Feb. – mid April Feb. – mid April Feb. – mid April mid June – Mid Oct. mid June – Mid Oct. mid June – mid Oct. mid June – mid Oct. Count 4 out of 6 Count 4 out of 6 Count 4 out of 6 Count 4 out of 6 Olympic Qualification 2023 / 2024 3 to 4 competitions 1 to 2 competitions Feb. – mid April Feb. – mid April mid June – mid Oct. Count 3 out of 5 TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 2 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
World Cup Series 2017 / 2018 World Cup Series 2019 / 2020 2 x 2 competitions 2 x 2 competitions 2 x 2 competitions 2 x 2 competitions Feb. – April / Feb. – April / Feb. – April / Feb. – April/ July – Mid October July – Mid October July – Mid October July – Mid October Count 6 out of 8 Count 6 out of 8 Olympic Games Qualification 2019 / 2020 2 x 2 competitions 2 competitions Feb. – April / Feb. – April July – Mid October Count 4 out of 6 These FIG World Cup competitions are best events, staged in attractive and well known cities and venues, with guaranteed TV coverage and a limited participation. Their aim is to showcase the Worlds very best federations and gymnasts in a media and public friendly surrounding. The events will take place in the same city and if possible at the same date every year. At each event, the gymnasts will have the opportunity to win prize money and earn World Cup points which will result in the various FIG World Cup Series Ranking List. The 2023-2024 combined Trampoline Individual World Cup Series will be qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games for Individual Trampoline competitors as outlined in art. 18. (NOC positions). ART. 2 RIGHTS AND ADVANTAGES OF FIG WORLD CUP COMPETITIONS – Each event will use the official title of “FIG Trampoline / Tumbling / Double Mini-Trampoline World Cup Competition” – Each event will contribute points to the FIG World Cup Series Ranking List. – Each event will be considered as an official FIG event. – Each event will be listed in the official FIG calendar of events. – The event dates will be protected by FIG. – Each event will be announced in the FIG World of Gymnastics magazine. – Each event will be published on the FIG official website ( – The Directives and invitations of each event will be published by FIG directly to all eligible member federations and updated regularly in FIG’s communication platforms. – The FIG Office will send information to all FIG Member Federations by e-mail and/or through the official FIG website. – The Organizing Committee of each event will be entitled to use the FIG logo on official communications, posters and programme. This does not apply for any selling item (i.e. T- shirts, souvenirs, etc.). – The Organizing Committee of each event will be entitled to require assistance from the official TRA Technical Delegate and the FIG EC Member (if appointed). TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 3 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
– Each event will be included in the official FIG result service system (publication of the results on the FIG website). ART. 3 CANDIDATURES, APPLICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENT Art. 3.1 Bids and Criteria for approval Bids for the FIG World Cup competitions for Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline must be received at the FIG Office by 30th June (23:59 CET) the previous year of the World Cup Series. Bids covering more than one World Cup Series will also be valid.2016 for the two series of the Olympic cycle. For World Cup competitions taking place in 2021, bids must be received by the FIG Office by 15 July 2020 (23:59 hours, CET), they will be assigned by the FIG Executive Committee in mid- August 2020. Bids for the FIG World Cup competitions for must be received at the FIG Office by 30th September 2018 for the Series 2019-2020. The Organising Member Federations will be assigned by the FIG Executive Committee mid-August 2020 (for DMT 2018). Should the Executive Committee not be in a position to approve at least four bids for each of the four two series (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), the FIG World Cup Series will not take place. Candidatures can only be submitted by FIG Member Federations. To be approved, the following minimum requirements must be met: – All FIG World Cup competitions must offer competitions for TRA Individual, TRA Synchro, between February and mid-April and mid-June July to mid-October of each year of the 2021 – 2024 Olympic cycle, if possible at the same date). They may also offer competitions for TUM and/or DMT. – Preference is given to Organizing Member Federations offering a competition each year. – Although the World Cup competitions are distinct competitions, the organizer may hold other competitions at the same site and date, as long as these competitions do not interfere with the training and competition schedule of the World Cup competition according to the Technical Regulations. Qualifying events for the Olympic Games must not be organized together with other competitions. – A venue with capacity of minimum 2’000 seats. – A training and warm-up hall, adjacent or nearby the competition hall, large enough to place 4 trampolines and additional space for TUM/DMT should these disciplines also be included. – FIG Member Federations interested in organizing FIG World Cups on a regular basis must apply in writing to the FIG Office as soon as possible but no later than 30 June (23:59 hours CET) the year prior to the competition, except for the 2021 series (deadline 15 July 2020). – Applications must include information on the date and the year (if possible the same week- end in both all four Series), the location, the prize money. – Member federations applying for a competition in 2021, must provide the appropriate invitation letter and forms provided to them by the FIG, including the detailed list of certified equipment (products with reference number or article number, as defined on the FIG website) no later than 15 July 2020 (23:59 hours CET). TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 4 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
– Applications must include the name and contact address of the Event Manager and the Media Officer. – Member Federations applying for FIG World Cup events must provide TV broadcasting. Applications must include the name and address of the Host Broadcaster and the name of the person in charge of the production. – Applications must include the name and contact address of the official Hospital. – Should a World Cup competition be combined with another competition, then the World Cup Applications must also include all information for this combined competition (including provisional competition and training schedules, etc.). – The Organizing Member Federation for FIG World Cup events must offer minimum three different hotel categories, including the Official Hotel and one being a “low cost hotel”. The prices charged for the hotel rooms cannot exceed the usual hotel rates. – The Organizing Member Federation must pay a non-refundable application fee to the FIG of CHF 3’000.-. This fee must accompany the application. The application fee will only be returned in full, should the application not be considered by the FIG Executive Committee. – The Organizing Member Federation must pay a deposit of CHF 5’000. This deposit must accompany the application. The deposit will be returned in full, should the FIG decide not to assign the event to the Member Federation. The deposit will also be returned in full after the event, provided all conditions of these Rules are fulfilled. Infractions and/or non-fulfilment of conditions set out in these Rules will result in the FIG not returning the deposit or not returning it in full. The deposit will be lost partly or in full (i.e. stay with FIG) if the dates, the city, or the venue of the event are changed by the Organizing Member Federation or if the event cannot be organised by the Organizing Member Federation. – Late applications, applications which are not complete, or are not accompanied by the application fee and the deposit are refused. Art. 3.2 Assignment of FIG World Cup competitions by the FIG Executive Committee Preference will be given for leading tournaments as follows: – organisers who offer a competition every year – previous FIG World Cup Organizers – organisers who also offer TUM and/or DMT competitions – the highest media impact (quality of the Host Broadcaster and worldwide sales) – the highest prize money and other advantages provided to the gymnasts and participating member federations – experienced and reliable organising member federations and Organising Committees – traditional and worldwide established tournaments – attractive and large venues, located in famous leading cities of the world – television coverage – venue capacity. Specific Provisions for the Series counting for the Olympic Qualification TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 5 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
Best efforts must be mad to assign the 5 World Cup competitions of the combined Series 2023- 2024 counting for the Olympic Qualification to NF from at least 3 continents. ART. 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS The competition must be organized under the following FIG rules, as valid in the year of the competition, except for any deviation mentioned in these FIG World Cup Rules for Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline: – Statutes – Code of Ethics – Code of Conduct – Technical Regulations – License Rules – Code of Points and relevant Newsletters – General Judges’ Rules – Specific Judges’ Rules for Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline – Medical Organization of the FIG Competitions and Events – Anti-Doping Rules – Event Safeguarding Framework – Media Rules – Apparatus Norms – Rules for Advertising and Publicity – Accreditation Rules – Rules for Awards Ceremonies and subsequent decisions of the FIG Executive Committee ART. 5 COMPETITION FORMAT, PARTICIPATION AND PROGRAMME The Organising Member Federation must offer competitions for Trampoline Individual Men and Women (IND) and Trampoline Synchro Men and Women (SYN) and may combine these with Tumbling Individual Men and Women (TUM) and/or Double Mini-Trampoline Men and Women (DMT). The FIG World Cup competitions consist of the following: – Qualifications and Finals in IND and SYN as well as TUM and/or DMT if proposed – Participation per Member Federation in the World Cup Competitions is restricted to: 4 men and 4 women in IND 2 male and 2 female SYN pairs 4 men and 4 women in TUM and in DMT. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 6 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
– Until the time of the drawing of lots, the participating federation may substitute the registered gymnast. After this deadline, the replacement policy as per the technical Regulations (Section 4) will apply. Competition Programme The Organising Federation has to respect the following format and programme: Day 1 Arrival Day 2 Training and Podium Training Day 3 Qualification TRA Ind., TUM* DMT* and TRA SYN** Day 4 Finals (must be run separately) TRA IND W TRA IND M TUM W TUM M TRA SYN W TRA SYN M DMT W DMT M Day 5 Departure of Delegations *TUM and DMT umbling can be run simultaneously with TRA individual or synchro ** SYN qualifications may also be run in the morning of day 4. Competition and training schedules have to be approved by the FIG Technical Delegate. 5.1 Qualifications In case of a tie at any place, the tie-breaking rules as set up for the World Championships (Technical Regulations, Section 4) shall be applied. 5.2 Finals – The top eight gymnasts or pairs from the qualifications may participate in the Finals according to the Code of Points. – Max. 2 individuals or 1 pair per NF per discipline. – In case of a tie at any place, the tie-breaking rules as set up for the World Championships (Technical Regulations, Section 4) shall be applied. – If there are less than 4 countries in a category, no medals, prize money and World Cup Points will be awarded. Art. 5.3 Cancellation Policy (valid for TUM and DMT only) – The organizing member Federation (LOC) may cancel the competition in the category TUM and/or DMT if at the time of the definitive entry there are less than 4 countries registered in this category. In case of such a cancellation, the LOC must reimburse, in full, the entry fee and payments made for accommodation. Should flights have to be cancelled due to the above, the risk is at the charge of the participating member Federations (NF). TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 7 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
– The participating member Federation (NF) may cancel its participation in men’s or women’s TUM and/or DMT without any penalty or payment for fees, accommodation and meals already booked, in case of less than 4 participating countries in that category after the definitive deadlines. – Procedure and deadlines for the cancellation of the TUM and/or DMT competitions by the organising member federation or participation by the NF is as follows: FIG shall inform the organising member federation about the participation, within 5 days after the Definitive registration deadline. The organising member federation has the possibility to cancel the TUM and/or DMT event respectively their participation within 5 days after information by the FIG. Such notification must be sent by e-mail or fax to the FIG. Cancellations after this deadline will not be accepted. ART. 6 INVITATION The Organising Member Federation must invite all FIG Member Federations in good standing who have paid their annual membership fee for Trampoline Gymnastics. The Directives and forms must be submitted to the FIG as soon as possible but no later than 6 months prior to the event. They are published at last 5 months prior to the event. ART. 7 REGISTRATION AND SIZE OF DELEGATION On-line registrations will only be accepted from FIG Gymnastics Member Federations. Only senior gymnasts in good standing with the correct age and holding a valid FIG License at the time of the nominative registration until the end of the competition may participate. For delegation size please refer to FIG Accreditation Rules. ART. 8 REGISTRATION DEADLINES Registrations must be made exclusively on-line via the FIG online registration platform. Provisional registration 4 months prior to the competition Definitive registration 2 months prior to the competition Nominative registration 4 weeks prior to the competition For late registrations, the following fines must be paid: Fine for missing or late Provisional registration (if any) CHF 500.- Fine for missing or late Definitive registration CHF 750.- Fine for missing or late Nominative registration CHF 500.- . Registrations and payments made after the gymnasts’ drawing of lots will not be accepted and the Delegations members concerned will not be authorised to participate TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 8 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
ART. 9 FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS FOR THE PARTICIPATING FEDERATIONS, THE ORGANIZING MEMBER FEDERATION AND FIG Financial obligations for the participating Federations Federations which have not fulfilled their financial obligations towards the FIG (e.g. annual membership fees, unpaid invoices, etc.) will not be allowed to participate in these World Cups. Federations which have not fulfilled their financial obligations towards the Organizing Committee by the given deadline in the Invitation/Directives may still have the possibility to participate, but the LOC will not guarantee the hotel booking, meals and local transportation. Federations which have not fulfilled their financial obligations towards the Organizing Member federations upon arrival will not be accredited. Unless stated differently in the invitation, the invited participating federations pay for their travel, accommodation and entry fees if requested by the OC and approved by the FIG: – Travel costs for the delegation members – Accommodation expenses for the delegation members – Meals expenses for the delegation members – Entry fees, if requested by the LOC and approved by the FIG. Additional Provisions The organising member federation must pay for: – All costs for the preparation and the running of the event. – TV production costs – Scoring and Result System as per FIG requirements – Application fee and deposit to the FIG. – Local travel expenses as well as the accommodation (single room) costs incl. breakfast for the TRA Technical Delegate. – International and local travel, accommodation (single room) and meals costs for any invited neutral judges approved by FIG. – For the Series 2019-2020 2023-2024 only: Local transportation and hotel accommodation in single room incl. breakfast for the supervisors. – Local transportation and hotel accommodation in single room incl. breakfast for one FIG staff member, if appointed by FIG. – The local transportation and hotel accommodation incl. breakfast for one FIG Executive Committee member if appointed by the FIG President. – FIG regular competition fee as decided by the Council (fees for senior events CHF 200, plus 5% of the prize money) – Prize money (see Art. 10 below) The FIG must pay for: – International travel expenses and the Per Diem costs (including the travel days) for the TRA Technical Delegate TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 9 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
– International travel expenses and the Per Diem costs (including the travel days) for one FIG Executive Committee member if appointed by the FIG President. – International travel expenses and the Per Diem costs (including the travel days) for one FIG staff member, if appointed by FIG. – For the combined 2023-2024 Series qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games: International travel expenses and Per Diem costs for the 3 Supervisors per event (Men’s TRA and Women’s TRA). – Additional prize money at the end of each of the two four World Cup Series for Trampoline individuals men and women only (Art. 10.2). ART. 10 PRIZE MONEY Art. 10.1 Prize money to be paid by the LOC for each event The Organising Member Federation must pay the following minimum prize money per discipline*, distributed as follows (all amounts are in Swiss Francs): * “Discipline” means every Final: TRA Ind. Men, TRA Ind. Women, TRA SYN Men, TRA SYN Women, TUM men, TUM women, DMT men, DMT women Ranking Prize Money in CHF 1 1’500.- 2 1’000.- 3 500.- The prize money and its distribution per rank must be mentioned in the invitations. In case of a tie at any rank, the prize money of the equal ranks are added and divided by the number of ties. No prize money will be given, if there are less than 4 participating federations per discipline. This must be mentioned in the invitations. Art. 10.2 Additional prize money to be paid by the FIG at the end of each of the two four Series FIG shall pay the following additional prize money for Trampoline Individual men and women only to the best ranked gymnasts of each of the two four Series: 1st rank: CHF 7’000 2nd rank: CHF 5‘000 3rd rank: CHF 3’000 This additional prize money will be paid to the winner of the World Cup as per Art. 17 here below. ART. 11 JUDGES’ PANELS AND FIG TECHNICAL DELEGATES Technical Delegate The respective Technical Committees will propose at least 3 months prior to the date of the event a Technical Committee member or an expert (to be approved by the FIG President) to serve as Technical Delegate. This Technical Delegate must receive all information from the Organizing TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 10 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
Committee and they must be present at the event. The Technical Delegate will serve as President of the Superior Jury. Composition and number of Judges’ Panels Two Judges’ panels each for IND and SYN. One Judges’ panel for TUM and for DMT. The Judges’ panels are set up by a draw - directed by the FIG Technical Delegate - from the judges present at the event. Priority will be given to the judges of the highest category. No panel may include more than one member from a single federation – The Chair of Judges Panel must be of cat. 1 – The Difficulty judges must be cat. 1 or 2. – The Execution judges must be cat. 1, 2 or 3. Each participating Federation must provide minimum one judge in each discipline in which they have competitors. Failure to do so, or if a participating Federation sends a judge with Category 4 (instead of Category 1, 2 or 3), will result in a fine of CHF 2’000.- to be paid to the organizing member federation. This provision must be mentioned in the invitation letter. The Organising Member Federation is responsible that there are enough FIG brevetted judges present with the appropriate category of brevet for their function. Should there not be sufficient judges, the organizing federation must propose at the time of the nominative entry to the FIG for approval the name of neutral additional judges to complete the panels (plus 1 reserve). These judges, once approved, have to be invited, through their NF, at the cost of the Organising Member Federation. Should the Organising Member Federation fail to propose names for additional judges, the FIG will invite such judges at the cost of the Organising Member Federation. In case no Horizontal Displacement measuring device is available, the President of the Superior Jury or the Chair of Judges’ Panel may form a judges’ panel with 2 additional E/H judges, provided a sufficient number of eligible judges are registered and present at the competition and the result system used by the organisers allows the use of these additional judges. Is in the Code of Points Each Judges’ Panel must be composed as follows: TRA Ind. TRA TUM/ Synchro DMT Judge Chair of Judges Panel (S +T) 1 1 1 Judges for Execution and horizontal displacement (E + H) 6/8 6/8 5 Judges for Difficulty 2 2 2 Total 9/11 9/11 8 In the five Qualifying events for the 2024 Olympic Games in 2023 and 2024, 2019-2020 Trampoline Individual World Cup Series 3 supervisors per panel (Trampoline Individual) will be nominated by FIG. ART. 12 APPARATUS AND APPARATUS CONTROL All apparatus must have a valid FIG certificate no later than six months prior to the event and until the end of the event. The organising member federation must inform FIG at least six months prior to the event about the name of the apparatus manufacturer and in addition must provide a detailed TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 11 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
list of certified equipment (as well as the name of the products, the reference number or the article number, as defined on the certificate and published on the FIG website). The organising member federation must enter into a service agreement with the official apparatus manufacturer which guarantees the presence of at least two technicians for the installation of the apparatus in the competition hall, warm-up hall and training hall, as well as throughout the duration of training, podium training, warm-up and competition. A copy of the service agreement must be sent to the FIG at least six months prior to the event. The apparatus control in the competition hall, warm-up, and training hall prior to training is the responsibility of the FIG Technical Delegate (TD) or an Apparatus Supervisor designated by him/her. The TD will be accompanied by a technician of the apparatus manufacturer and the local Competition Director. The apparatus control includes the check of the dimensions of the apparatus which must respect the valid FIG Apparatus Norms. It must be verified that the duly certified apparatus are set up and fixed correctly and that the apparatus in the different halls are identical. A written report (see Control Form in the Apparatus Norms) about all the problems faced must be established. Adjustments must be made by the apparatus manufacturer concerned in cooperation with the LOC. The TD will approve the use of the apparatus by the gymnasts, after verifying that the adjustments have been made. During the competitions, the respective Technical Delegate is responsible for the apparatus control. ART. 13 SCORING AND RESULT SERVICE The organisers must provide a scoring and result service with outputs as provided by the official scoring / data handling provider Swiss Timing/Longines at World Championships, including a high quality video system (as per the Technical Regulations, Section 1, Art. 4.10 11.4.1) which allows the recording, storage and provision of compilation of the recorded images for the Difficulty Judges, the Superior Jury and the President of the Superior Jury. The videos must be sent to the FIG within one week after the end of the competition. Throughout the competition, the system must be able to redisplay in real time, normal speed, slow motion or fixed image, the different sequences and the registered scores of every exercise performed for the Technical Delegate, the Supervisors and the Difficulty Judges’ Panel; A copy must be handed over to the Technical Delegate immediately after the competition and a second copy must be sent to the FIG Office within one week after the competition. The scoring and result system must include a TV graphics generator. The presentation of the TV- graphics on the international signal must be identical to those used at the FIG World Championships, free of advertising, and thus the same for all Organising Member Federations. The title must include the FIG logo and the text e.g. “2021 FIG Trampoline World Cup Lausanne (SUI)”. The title has to be submitted to the FIG for approval The Organizing Member Federation must provide an approved device for the measurement of the time of flight and the horizontal displacement. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 12 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
ART. 14 MEDIA REQUIREMENTS Art. 14.1 Media Rights across all means and Marketing Rights Media Rights across all means and reproduction rights together with publicity and marketing rights concerning the World Cup events are the property of the FIG. Art. 14.2 Media Rights across all means – Definition The right during the Term to Exploit Footage of the Event throughout the Territory in any format and by all means, media and technologies (whether now known or invented) via any service and in any form for any purpose that FIG shall determine (including, without limitation, free and pay services, in the form of or via services which include any enhanced or interactive functionality and whether linear or on-demand and in whole and in part (including without limitation in the form of clips and highlights). Art. 14.3 Television right and production Television coverage is compulsory. The organizing member federation must guarantee the production of a basic feed (international signal). The international signal must be available for the FIG and its right holders free of charge at the International Broadcasting Centre or at the gateway without any limitations and free of any access fees. FIG releases all national media rights across all means to the organizing member federation. The media rights are released free of charge and granted exclusively for a period of until one week after the competition and then on a non-exclusive basis until one year after the event. Then the rights are back with the FIG. The release of the rights shall only be effective under the condition that: – That the organizing member federation submits national rights contracts to the FIG for written approval prior to signature. – Each organizing member federation undertakes to provide the FIG Office with the contact details of the host-broadcaster at least six months prior to the event. – Each organizing member federation undertakes to provide the FIG Office with the basic feed (international signal) immediately after the end of the competition on site to the FIG representative or agent. These footages are supplied to the FIG free of charge. Production costs and postage are at the cost of the organizing member federation. The international media rights across all means remain with the FIG. Art. 14.4 International TV signal- Definition The International TV Signal shall be produced in accordance with the following: – the International TV Signal shall be an integrated, complete, uninterrupted and continuous live television feed produced to a first class professional sports broadcasting standard, using a minimum of six cameras in 16:9 format (but 4:3 protected and explicitly excluding letterbox format) and include coverage not only of the competition but also of any award ceremonies; – the international TV signal shall include slow motion replays, full graphics with all graphics text in English, including but not limited to starting numbers, starting lists, names of TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 13 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
competitors, results, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, international sound with necessary related background sound effects on at least two audio tracks; – the international TV signal shall not include any domestic elements which would not be acceptable for international broadcast such as commercial elements, in-vision presenters, talking heads, interviews, commercial breaks and black holes or any other elements which may hinder ability to exploit the rights; – the International TV Signal must include full duration coverage of the finals with award ceremonies and shall start at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the commencement of the competition. Art. 14.5 Marketing Rights For the 2021-2024 series, the FIG releases all marketing rights (including the publicity space on the apparatus) free of charge to the organizing member federation. It is understood that the FIG Advertising and Publicity Norms must be respected. Art. 14.6 Results The Technical Delegate is responsible that the results of the competition, signed by the respective Technical Delegate, are sent by e-mail to the FIG Office immediately after the end of the respective competitions. The results and the updated World Cup Ranking List will be published on the FIG website within 24 hours after the end of the respective competitions to the conditions that the organizing member federation respects the following process: Art. 14.6.1 Before the competition (7 days) The FIG Office will send the event’s ID, the list of registered gymnasts with their respective license number and a template of the electronic results file (empty) to the federation who organizes the competition. Art. 14.6.2 After the competition The organizer must return to the FIG at the end of the competition: A copy of all detailed results (qualifications & finals) in PDF format and duly signed by the Technical Delegates for archival purposes only. The organizer must also return to the FIG maximum 24 hours after the competition: An electronic file in XLS or CSV format, using the same structure as the template previously sent by the FIG Office including necessary information for automatic processing of results and awarding points for the All-Around TRA World Cup. If the above deadlines are not respected or if the FIG does not receive any electronic results file in the format specified above, the organizing member federation’s deposit will be lost in full. ART. 15 MEDICAL INJURY REPORT FORM AND DOPING CONTROLS The organizing member federation must provide a Gymnast injury summary report and all related injury reports or a written confirmation that no injury occurred. This report must be sent to the FIG Office under medical confidentiality within 3 days after the event. Failure to do so after the first reminder will result in a deposit being lost in full. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 14 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
The organizing member federation must provide at its own charge a minimum of four (4) doping controls for TRA and two (2) doping controls for TUM and DMT. Failure to do so will result in the deposit being lost in full. Doping control forms must be sent to FIG Office by Doping control officer within 3 days after the event. Failure to do so after the first reminder will result in a deposit being lost in full. ART. 16 ASSIGNMENT OF POINTS FOR THE FIG INDIVIDUAL APPARATUS WORLD CUP RANKING LIST World Cup Series Ranking Lists are established for the series 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 for each discipline: – Trampoline Individual Men / Trampoline Individual Women – Trampoline Synchro Men / Trampoline Synchro Women – Tumbling Men / Tumbling Women – Double Mini-Trampoline Men / Double Mini-Trampoline Women For Trampoline Individual, Tumbling and Double Mini-Trampoline, World Cup points are assigned to the competitors by name. Trampoline synchro pairs are listed by name, but considered as an entity. In case of change of a synchro partner, the synchro pair is considered as a new pair. The World Cup Points are assigned to the competitors as follows: Ranking Points Ranking Points 1 60 16 15 2 55 17 14 3 50 18 13 4 44 19 12 5 38 20 11 6 32 21 10 7 28 22 9 8 25 23 8 9 22 24 7 10 21 25 6 11 20 26 5 12 19 27 4 13 18 28 3 14 17 29 2 15 16 30 1 In case that less than four federations participating per apparatus, no World Cup points, no medals and no prize money will be given. In case of a tie at any rank, the points of the equal ranks are added and divided by the number of ties. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 15 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
ART. 17 WINNERS OF THE WORLD CUP SERIES The winner of the World Cup Series of each discipline is the gymnast (IND.,TUM and DMT) and the pairs (SYN) with the highest number of points after the last event of the Series, taking into consideration the best results (maximum 4 regardless of the number of competitions the gymnast participated in) the top 6 out of the 8 max. 6 possible results are taken into consideration. Should there be less than 8 World Cup Competitions in a Series, the following will be applied: – If 6 or 7 World Cup Competitions take place per series, the best 5 (max.) are counted – If 5 World Cup Competitions take place per series, the best 4 (max.) are counted – If 4 World Cup Competitions take place per series all points are counted The gymnasts (TRA individual men and women) will receive an additional prize money paid by the FIG as per Art. 10.2. If there is a tie, the sum of the number of ranks of the counting competitions achieved by the respective gymnasts will be added and the gymnast with the lowest total will prevail. If there is still a tie, the gymnast who has participated in the greater number of Finals of the counting competitions will prevail. If there is still a tie, the gymnast who has the best rank at one of the counting competitions will prevail. If there is still a tie the sum of the score of the second routine in qualification for TRA and the two passes in qualification in TUM and DMT will prevail. A special award ceremony will be held at the last World Cup Competition of the series in which the World Cup winners of the TRA Synchro competition (men and women) will receive a Cup. ART. 18 QUALIFICATION FOR THE 2024 OLYMPIC GAMES (TRA INDIVIDUAL, Ranking list by NOC) Refer to the TR Appendix C for details on the OG 2024 Qualifications system to be published after IOC approval. The following World Cup Competitions in 2023 and 2024 will be qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games: 2 3 to 4 competitions between February and mid April and between August mid June and mid October 2023 2 1 to 2 competitions between July and Mid October February and mid April 2024 2 competitions between February and April 2020 out of which the three four best results will be taken into consideration regardless of the number of competitions the gymnast participated in. Should there be less than 5 World Cup Competitions taking place, the best 3 are counted: For the Olympic Qualification, a separate Olympic Qualification Ranking list based of World Cup points will be established. The gymnast with the highest number of points, taking into consideration the best results (maximum three, regardless of the number of competitions the gymnast participated in) best ranked gymnasts of four of the six five above mentioned events, will have the opportunity to earn a quota place for their NOC to participate in the 2024 Olympic Games. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 16 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
The assignment of World Cup points for each counting competition will be the base to establish the Olympic Qualification Ranking list. This list will be established after the last of the six five counting competition of the 2023-2024 World Cup Series and the 2024 Continental Championships. A gymnast, who earned a quota place at the 2023 World Championships for his/her NOC, may participate but may NOT obtain an additional quota place for his/her NOC through the Individual World Cup Series. Qualification Places: The highest ranked male and female gymnasts based on the Olympic Qualification ranking list will earn a quota place for their NOC with a maximum of one (1) per NOC. The top three athletes of the Olympic Qualification Ranking list may qualify a second quota place for their NOC provided their NOC qualified in the 2023 World Championships. Gymnasts who have secured a place for their NOC at the 2019 World Championships or the 2020 Continental Championships, will be deleted from the list of each counting competition and the number of points earned will be assigned to the next eligible gymnast, respectively his/her NOC. The best gymnasts up to the 14th quota place (see Appendix C to the Technical Regulations 2017) will earn quota places for their NOCs (max. one per NOC). The best ranked NOCs (maximum 4) up to the 14th quota place allocated based on the Olympic Qualification Ranking List, which already qualified a place through the first criteria (Final of World Championships 2019), may obtain a second place. If there is a tie at the last possible quota place, the sum of the number of ranks of the counting competitions achieved by the respective gymnast will be added and the gymnast with the lowest total will prevail. If there is still a tie, the gymnast who has participated in the greater number of Finals of the three four counting competitions will prevail. If there is still a tie, the gymnasts who has the best rank at one of the three four counting competitions will prevail. If there is still a tie, the gymnast with the better result of the qualifications at the 2023 World Championships will prevail. Reallocation of unused quota places: Any unused places allocated to NOCs will be allocated to the next best eligible NOC as per the individual ranking results of the 2023-2024 Trampoline Individual World Cup ranking list. ART. 19 DRAWING OF LOTS The gymnasts' drawing of lots for all World Cup events will take place at the FIG Office in Lausanne (SUI) within two weeks after the closing date of the nominative registration. These Rules have been updated by the Executive Committee at its meeting February 2020 in Dakar (SEN). They enter into effect 1st January 2021. TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 17 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE GYMNASTIQUE Morinari WATANABE Nicolas BUOMPANE President Secretary General Lausanne, May 2020 TRA WORLD CUP RULES 2021-2024 18 202005_TRA WCUP RULES 2021-2024_E_CHANGES.DOCX
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