Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC

Page created by Erin Chan
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
2009 u VOL 18 u ISSUE 1

             LEED® and the
             sustainability of hard
             The Surge in Green is
             on the Rise
             Maple Terrazzo,
             Marble & Tile Inc./
             The Maple Group


             The Ultimate Green Product

Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
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Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC

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HARDSURFACES                                                                                     3                                 THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
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Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC

                    Published for:                                                                                                                        2009 Volume 18 Issue 1
  Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada
L’Association Canadienne de Terrazzo, Tuile et Marbre
     Head Office 163 Buttermill Avenue, Unit 8                   Departments
             Concord, Ontario L4K 3X8                            President’s Message / Message du président.......................................................................... 6
            T: 905.660.9640 800.201.8599
                   F: 905.660.0513                               Tony Torriano, Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada
   Western Office 108 - 3650 Bonneville Place
            Burnaby, B.C. V3N 4T7
        T: 604.294.6885 F: 604.294.2406                          General Manager’s Message / Message du directeur général.............................................. 8
 2008/2009 TTMAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS                              Len Tompkins, Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada
           President - Tony Torriano
         Vice President - Dennis Edissi
       Secretary/Treasurer - Estelle Davis
           Past President - John Vani                            The Surge in Green is on the Rise.......................................................................................... 11
          Chairman Supplier Division
                 Dale Kempster
                                                                 By Lisa Kopochinski

           CONTRACTOR DIVISION                                   Company Profile: Maple Terrazzo, Marble & Tile Inc./The Maple Group....................... 14
                 Doug Bordt
              Francis Chisholm                                   By Kelly Parker
                Dennis Edissi
              Jeff Vanderlinden
                   John Vani                                     Not Easy Being Green.............................................................................................................. 16
                John Vennare
                                                                 By Kenton Smith
                   Mike Boldt
                  Estelle Davis                                  Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product................................................................................ 21
                  Gary French
                 Dale Kempster                                   By Lisa Kopochinski
                Duigan Mitchell
                 Tony Torriano
                   Bill Wright
                                                                 North American Distributor of the Year Award................................................................. 26
         Len Tompkins - General Manager
   Elaine Cook - Executive Office Administrator                  Advertisers Index...................................................................................................................... 26

                    Publisher                                              Production Team Leader                                                   1 Wesley Avenue, Suite 301
                 Robert Thompson                                              Adrienne N. Wilson                                                  Winnipeg, MB Canada R3C 4C6
                                                                                                                                                     Toll Free: (866) 201-3096
                       Editor                                              Graphic Design Specialist                                                   Fax: (204) 480-4420
                   Jeanne Fronda                                             Krista Zimmermann                                                    www.mediaedgepublishing.com
                                                                                    Published by:                                                             President
                  Sales Manager
                                                                                                                                                            Kevin Brown
                  Sharon Komoski
                                                                                                                                                        Senior Vice-President
                 Sales Executives                                                                                                                         Robert Thompson
                  Nolan Ackman                                           5255 Yonge Street, Suite 1000                                                    Branch Manager
                 Steve Beauchamp                                          Toronto, Ontario M2N 6P4                                                           Nancie Privé
                    Ilan Moyle                                         Toll Free: (866) 216-0860 ext. 229                                             Published April 2009.
                   Mic Paterson                                              robertt@mediaedge.ca                                            Publication Mail Agreement #40787580

                  Please return undeliverable magazines to: Terrazzo, Tile & Marble Association of Canada 163 Buttermill Avenue, Unit 8 Concord, ON L4K 3X8
        All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the association.

HARDSURFACES                                                                                 5                                        THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
President’s message
  Message du président

                                                                  By / Par Tony Torriano, President
                                                 Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada /
                                                Association canadienne de terrazzo, tuile et marbre

A                                                                      E
             s we enter a new year, we reflect upon the                          n ce début d’année,revenons sur les réalisations de
             accomplishments we have made during the past                        l’année dernière. En 2008, l’Association s’est donné
             year. During 2008, the Association undertook a                      le mandat d’évaluer ses activités et initiatives en
             mandate to evaluate the current activities and                      cours, puis d’élaborer un protocole clair et concis
initiatives and create a new plan that offers a clear, concise         s’appliquant à tous les programmes et activités qu’elle offre.
protocol that encompasses all programs and activities the              Le Plan d’action de l’ACTTM est l’aboutissement de cette
Association offers. The result of this effort was the Action           démarche. Il définit la direction et le mandat de l’Association,
Plan for the TTMAC. It forms the direction and mandate                 en plus de dresser la liste des initiatives, actions, échéances,
for the Association and includes a list of initiatives, actions,       coûts, procédures normalisées, responsabilités comptables et
timing, costs, streamlining of operating procedures, financial         mesures de transparence de l’organisme.
accountability and transparency for the organization.
                                                                       Plus qu’un guide de base pour le conseil d’administration, ce
                                                                       Plan d’action servira de référence pour mesurer le progrès
                                                                       réalisé dans chaque initiative ou programme et d’outil pour
The TTMAC is dedicated to                                              enregistrer toutes les actions mises de l’avant. L’Association
                                                                       compte présenter un résumé du Plan d’action à l’assemblée
improving the value of                                                 générale annuelle, en guise de rapport sur les activités et
                                                                       réalisations de l’année.
membership, and our programs
and initiatives form the foundation                                    L’ACTTM souhaite améliorer
of our efforts to achieve this task                                    sérieusement les avantages d’être
                                                                       membre, ce qui se fera à travers
In addition to being the base guide for the Board of                   nos programmes et initiatives
Directors, this Action Plan will also be a working document
that will be used to monitor the progress of initiatives and
programs and to record all actions taken. It is the intention          Constamment dévouée à ses membres, l’ACTTM développe
of the Association to provide a summary of the Action Plan             actuellement des programmes afin de recruter de nouveaux
at our annual general meeting to report the activities and             membres et ainsi devenir la voix par excellence du secteur
achievements during the year.                                          du revêtement dur. Deux de ces mesures consistent en la

HARDSURFACES                                                       6                        LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
As an ongoing commitment to all members, the TTMAC is
working on new programs to expand the membership base
                                                                     Constamment dévouée à ses
and become the true voice of the Hard Surface industry. This         membres, l’ACTTM développe
includes the “Step Program” created for new contractors and
an “Associate Program” to be launched at our Convention in
                                                                     actuellement des programmes
May. Other key initiatives include:                                  afin de recruter de nouveaux
   • S toneology — Now an accredited seminar for core               membres et ainsi devenir la voix
     learning units by the Ontario Architects Association
     and Architectural Institute of British Columbia.
                                                                     par excellence du secteur du
   • Update to the Terrazzo colour plate brochure.
                                                                     revêtement dur
      evisions to the 09 30 00 Specification Guide to reflect
   • R                                                               création d’un « programme Étape » pour les nouveaux
     current trends and technology advancements.                     entrepreneurs et d’un « programme Associé » qui sera
                                                                     dévoilé à notre congrès en mai. Voici, en vrac, d’autres
   • Training Seminar Series for contractors/installers.             initiatives importantes :

   • T
      ile Letter Canada — a joint publication through                  • l’Ontario Architects Association et l’Architectural
     a partnership with the National Tile Contractors                      Institute of British Columbia offrent maintenant un
     Association of the United States.                                     séminaire crédité en « pierrologie » (stoneology);

                                                                        • m
                                                                           ise à jour du dépliant sur les planches de teintes de
 As an ongoing commitment to all
                                                                        • m
                                                                           ise à jour du guide 09300 Specification, qui reflète
 members, the TTMAC is working                                            maintenant les dernières tendances et les progrès
 on new programs to expand the                                            techniques;

 membership base and become                                             • u
                                                                           ne série de séminaires de           formation    pour
                                                                          entrepreneurs et installateurs;
 the true voice of the Hard Surface
 industry                                                               • T
                                                                           ile Letter Canada, une publication conjointe
                                                                          en partenariat avec la National Tile Contractors
                                                                          Assocation des États-Unis.

The TTMAC is dedicated to improving the value of                     L’ACTTM souhaite améliorer sérieusement les avantages
membership, and our programs and initiatives form the                d’être membre, ce qui se fera à travers nos programmes et
foundation of our efforts to achieve this task. However, in          initiatives. Cependant, pour que nos membres constatent
order for each member to see the full value and take advantage       la valeur réelle de leur inscription et profitent de ce que
of what the TTMAC offers, I encourage each member to                 l’Association peut leur offrir, je vous encourage tous à vous
get involved or interact with the Association through the            impliquer ou à interagir avec l’ACTTM, soit par le truchement
TTMAC website, participation at events, and through                  du site web, en participant aux activités ou en échangeant
dialogue with other members, the Board of Directors or the           avec d’autres membres, le conseil d’administration ou le
General Manager.                                                     directeur général.

Tony Torriano, President                                             Tony Torriano, président
Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada                      Association canadienne de terrazzo, tuile et marbre

HARDSURFACES                                                     7                       THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
General Manager’s message
                                                                          Message du directeur général

                            2009 Annual Convention
                            TTMAC’s 66th Annual Convention features delicious food,
                            a fun-filled tournament and a dinner-and-awards gala

P                                                                      L
       lans are well underway for the 2009 TTMAC Annual                         es préparatifs vont bon train pour la tenue du congrès
       convention to be held May 28 to May 30, in Montreal,                     2009 de l’ACTTM, du 28 au 30 mai à Montréal. Les
       Quebec. Convention organizers have selected the                          organisateurs ont choisi l’Hôtel Nelligan, un petit
       Hotel Nelligan, a small boutique hotel in the heart of                   hôtel-boutique au cœur du Vieux-Montréal, comme
Old Montreal, as the focal point for this year’s convention.           point central du congrès.

Dale Kempster, Committee Chairperson, and his volunteers               Dale Kempster, président du comité, prépare avec ses
are organizing a very active program this year. The cost per           bénévoles un programme très actif. Le coût par délégué est
delegate is $375, which includes admittance to all convention          de 375 $, ce qui comprend l’accès à tous les événements,
events, convention-scheduled meals, cocktail parties and               repas, cocktails et services de navette. Les délégués sont
transportation to and from events. Delegates are responsible for       responsables de leur transport jusqu’au congrès ainsi que de
their own transportation to and from the convention as well as         l’hébergement à l’Hôtel Nelligan.
accommodations while staying at the Hotel Nelligan.
                                                                       Le premier jour des activités, qui aura lieu le jeudi 28 mai,
                                                                       comprendra une journée portes ouvertes, avec des tables
We look forward to seeing everyone                                     d’exposition, des séminaires techniques et un déjeuner en
                                                                       présence des membres de l’ACTTM, architectes, designers
in Montreal, as this is a convention                                   et acteurs de l’industrie, ce qui facilitera les contacts. A la
you won’t want to miss                                                 suite de la journée portes ouvertes, les délégués sont invités
                                                                       à assister à la réception du président qui se tiendra dans les
                                                                       nouveaux locaux de Dal Tile Canada, à Montréal.
The first day’s activities, which will be held on Thursday, May
28, will feature an open house complete with tabletop displays,
technical seminars and a luncheon attended by TTMAC
members, architects, designers and industry players, providing         Nous avons hâte de voir tout le
networking opportunities for all present. Following the open
house, registered delegates are invited to attend the President
                                                                       monde à Montréal, car il s’agit
Reception that will be held at the new Dal Tile Canada facility        d’un congrès à ne pas manquer
in Montreal.

On the second day, Friday, May 29, delegates get down to               Le deuxième jour, vendredi 29 mai, les délégués assisteront
business and attend several business meetings to discuss the           à plusieurs réunions d’affaires pour discuter de la gestion au
day-to-day operations of the association and also future plans         jour le jour de l’Association ainsi que des plans et opportunités
and opportunities. The annual general meeting is the main              d’avenir. L’assemblée générale annuelle est la principale
meeting of the day, where activities of various committees             séance de la journée. Les comités y font leurs rapports et
are presented and the overall association business plan is             l’on examine en détail les résultats du plan d’activités de
reviewed in detail, with results discussed and additional              l’Association de même que sa poursuite. Tous les délégués

HARDSURFACES                                                       8                       LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
new plans presented. All delegates present participate in the            présents participent par leurs interventions et leurs votes sur
decision-making process, with their input and by voting on all           toutes les questions discutées.
matters discussed.
                                                                         Vendredi soir, ce sera le « Dîner progressif », expérience
Friday evening’s event sets participants on course for a                 unique qui nous fera parcourir le Vieux-Montréal, avec
“Progressive Dinner” that will be a unique experience taking us          cocktails et hors-d’œuvre dans un premier restaurant, le plat
through Old Montreal, featuring cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at          principal dans un deuxième et le dessert dans un troisième.
one restaurant and a main course at another, and the evening
will close with dessert and coffee at a final restaurant.                Le samedi 30 mai, dernier jour du congrès, tout le monde
                                                                         attend avec impatience à notre tournoi annuel de jeu de
On Saturday, May 30, the last day of convention, everyone                boules. Tous les délégués participeront à un tournoi à la ronde
looks forward to our annual bocce tournament. All delegates              qui conduira au couronnement des nouveaux champions.
participate in a round robin tournament that leads to the                Le samedi soir, l’ACTTM sera l’hôtesse du gala de clôture,
crowning of new champions. On Saturday evening, TTMAC                    qui culminera par la remise des prix 2009. Après le gala,
will host the closing gala, which is completed with a presentation       une rencontre informelle est prévue sur le toit-terrasse de
of the Hardsurface Award Winners for 2009. Following the                 l’hôtel, où les délégués pourront se détendre et passer un
gala, a low-key, informal event or wind-down is planned in the           peu de temps avec des amis rencontrés au cours des trois
rooftop garden, where delegates will be able to relax and spend          derniers jours.
some downtime with friends made during the past three days.
                                                                         Les délégués participant au 66e congrès annuel sont
Delegates attending the 66th Annual Convention are                       encouragés à réserver leurs chambres d’hôtel le plus tôt
encouraged to book their hotel rooms early, as space is limited.         possible, car les places sont limitées. L’Hôtel Nelligan offre un
The Hotel Nelligan is offering a special rate of $189 per night          tarif spécial de 189 $ la nuit pour les délégués de l’ACTTM,
for TTMAC delegates; however, rates will increase after                  cependant, les taux augmenteront après le 15 avril 2009.
April 15, 2009.
                                                                         Nous avons hâte de voir tout le monde à Montréal, car il s’agit
We look forward to seeing everyone in Montreal, as this is a             d’un congrès à ne pas manquer.
convention you won’t want to miss.
                                                                         Impliquez-vous dans votre association et aidez-la à tracer
Become involved in your association and help to chart our                son avenir. Les membres peuvent fournir une contribution
future course. Individual members can provide meaningful                 importante et, avec d’autres délégués, faire une différence
input and, with fellow delegates, make a difference in 2009.             en 2009.

Len Tompkins, General Manager                                            Len Tompkins, Directeur général
Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada                          Association canadienne de terrazzo, tuile et marbre

                                      EURO-CAN                             Franklin Terrazzo Company Inc.
            TILE LTD.              MARBLE AND GRANITE LTD.

         John Vani                          Ron Vit                         Jeff Vanderlinden           22786 Eastlawn Drive
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         Serving Your Needs in the                                                                      N7M 5J4

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                                                                                                        Cell: 519.359.9445
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  Office: 604-540-7670     Email:
  Fax:     604-540-7680    info@bridgewatertile.com                                “Terrazzo is our business”
       524 Sharpe, New Westminster, BC V3M 4R2

HARDSURFACES                                                         9                        THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
Terrazzo: The Ultimate Green Product - Feature: TTMAC
          Tile & Marble                                                          TTMAC
        Association of Canada
                               L’association Canadienne De Terrazzo, Tuile et Marbre

             BE CURRENT

                                   A necessary addition to any library, this specication guide has
                                   been reformatted and updated to include new details pertaining
        09 30 00                   to the installation of gypsum based underlayments, sound control,
Tile Installation Manual           installing over green concrete as well as incorporating the new
                                   master specication format and division numbers. Also included
                                   are new details outlining the installation of glass format tile.

                                    Updated with the new master specication format, this edition has
     09 66 00                       been rewritten to provide user-friendly access to all information
Terrazzo Installation               pertaining to terrazzo installations, including the addition of
      Manual                        LElD information, new details, glossary terms and the history of

                                    This new guide has been completely rewritten as an education tool,
Dimension Stone                     not only to assist in the understanding of natural stone but also
                                    to provide guidelines pertaining to the most current procedures
    Guide                           required for successful installations. A “must-have” for every

                                    This maintenance guide has been compiled as a means of
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                                    tile and natural stone installations. With appropriate maintenance
Maintenance Guide                   procedures, hard surface products will last a lifetime. A “must-
                                    have” publication!

                           Tel: 905.660.9640          Fax: 905.660.0513
                           Tel: 800.201.8599          E-mail: association@ttmac.com
trends and
The Surge in Green                                                                                                technology
is on the Rise
Companies are using environmentally friendly,
durable materials and also introducing
new colours, styles and patterns.
                                                    By Lisa Kopochinski

              s the construction industry       looking for ways to make their products more         Trends of today
              focuses more heavily on green     desirable. For many homeowners, a coun-              As for what’s new in the industry, Wingelman
              construction and renewable        tertop makes a statement about a home,               says it is polish strip mosaics and stacked
              materials, the hard surfaces      and if a consumer wants a certain type of            pebbles. “The ability of the new equipment
industry follows suit. With consumers on the    surface material, they will have it installed.       at quarries and factories make the large-size
lookout for the next new thing, companies       As well, websites of major surfacing mate-           modules more available. Larger-sized stone
strive to introduce new styles, colours and     rial producers tend to announce new product          tiles are a trend. Stone veneers for vertical
patterns in hard surface materials.             lines fairly regularly, and this gives an idea of    applications also seem to be a trend.”
                                                what people think are the new “hot” items on
“The big thing we see being asked for are       the market.”                                         Kempster adds that the popularity of 12-by-12-
products that are green and that qualify for                                                         inch floor tiles is waning. “The reason for this
Leadership in Energy and Environmental          Mike Wingelman of Pamas Slate and Stone              is that new technology now allows for larger-
Design (LEED®) credits,” says Dale Kempster,    in Vancouver, which specializes in slate and         format tile, which makes smaller rooms
Technical Co-ordinator at Schluter Systems      other related stones such as quartzites, says        look larger. [There are] less grout joints and
Canada, which specializes in allied prod-       consumers are very interested in flooring            smaller grout joints with more tile with recti-
ucts used in the tile and stone industry. “In   materials that will stand the test of time.          fied edges.”
particular, materials made with recycled        “There has been a tendency to use flooring
content and made locally within 2,400 kilo-     materials with increased longevity as the cost       New products such as foam construction
metres by rail of the Maritimes.”               of replacing floors became evident when              boards that are 100 per cent waterproof,
                                                carpet and other softer material wore down.          vapour retardant and as light as a feather —
Adds Matt Zielenski, an analyst for The         The thing I like most is that natural products       but strong enough to be used on countertops,
Freedonia Group, an international business      will last a lifetime. I am passionate about stone    benches, division walls and showers — will
research company in Cleveland, Ohio, that       from 200 million years ago being walked on           be coming to market. Kempster explains,
provides assessments for numerous indus-        today. Every piece is like a fingerprint from the    “Typically, most new products developed help
tries, “Industry professionals are always       world’s ancient history.”                            the industry, as they are usually made with
                                                                                                     the environment in mind using the latest tech-
                                                                                                     nology that uses as much recycled content as
“There has been a tendency to use                                                                    possible. In addition, the life cycle cost over
                                                                                                     the years has become one of the lowest and
flooring materials with increased                                                                    that means less landfill and better value for
                                                                                                     owners and developers.”
longevity as the cost of replacing floors                                                            With the demand in green materials, Zielenski
became evident when carpet and other                                                                 says producers of solid-surface materials, tile
                                                                                                     and engineered quartz are incorporating and
softer material wore down”                                                                           publicizing environmentally friendly materials
                                                                                                     such as reclaimed glass and plastic scraps.
                  — Mike Wingelman, Pamas Slate and Stone                                            “Some of the interest in glass and concrete

HARDSURFACES                                                          11                            THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
waste. “Machines can have tighter toler-          surfaces such as granite and other natural
                                                  ances for cutting, which minimizes scrap          stones, engineered quartz, porcelain and
                                                  and helps the bottom line. Computer-              glass tiles are taking increasing shares of
                                                  aided design (CAD) and other drafting             the market.
                                                  programs make it easier to create draw-
                                                  ings and design complex surfaces without          “Kitchens are larger and often have multiple
                                                  committing materials.”                            areas for cooking and food preparation.
                                                                                                    Thus, homeowners may use multiple mate-
                                                  New products also help by expanding the           rials in the kitchen — an island with a wood
                                                  range of offerings, which in turn gives           chopping board, a main area with laminates,
                                                  consumers more purchasing options. And            and a smaller area with granite for guests,”
                                                  new technologies and products make it             he says. “Similarly, homeowners looking
surfaces stems from the fact that glass can       easier for professionals to create custom         to improve the décor of their bathrooms
be recycled and that concrete can be made         surfaces for clients, which tend to offer         are also using more and different types of
with environmentally friendly filler materials,   higher profit margins.                            surfacing to enhance their appearance.”
or even other reclaimed concrete surfaces.
I do think the interest in these materials is     “For example, when granite first became           As a Fortune 500 company with 11 manufac-
partially driven by green building trends.        popular, people wanted smooth surfaces,”          turing sites in North America, Daltile Canada
Builders can get LEED® points for incorpo-        recalls Zielenski. “It seems now that there is    Inc. knows the market well. Estelle Davis,
rating these materials in homes and other         an interest in surfaces with slightly rougher     Canadian General Manager in Concord,
structures. Also, individuals concerned           surfaces, so polishing machines have to be        Ont., says the company is planning a joint
about the environment can use the Internet        designed to account for that.”                    venture with Italy-based Emilceramica. “This
or other sources to research what type of                                                           allows Daltile to capitalize on Italian tech-
surface can best meet their green criteria.”      Industry continues to change                      nology and design on a local domestic level.
                                                  The industry has definitely changed, even in      This provides access to sourcing from 90
Zielenski also believes new technologies can      the past five to 10 years. Zielenski says that    factories from around the world and provides
help by increasing production and reducing        laminates are still the leading material, but     visibility to worldwide design trends.”

HARDSURFACES                                                           12                          LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
She adds that new trends include graphic         quarter to three-eighths of an inch thick
and glazing technology. For 2009 and 2010,       so transitions between different finishes
there will be a move to [tile] units such as     are easier.”
20 inches by 20 inches and larger. “Cement
or stained concrete is very popular for          The range of epoxy colours is almost limit-
commercial and metro residential [units].”       less, he says, and a variety of different
There will also be a stronger colour palette     aggregates such as marble, granite, glass,
that is being influenced by stained concrete     recycled glass, mirror, metal and plastic can
— reds, greys, browns and greens — as well       be used to produce colours far more vibrant
as lighter tones.                                than standard cement terrazzo.

“Customers are also trending towards darker      Another change, Bruno adds, has been
and bolder colours, and structure is coming      replacing solvent-based acrylic sealers, due          surface products such as terrazzo, the
back with soft slate and textured patterns,”     to their volatile organic compounds (VOC)             industry is still faced with finding trained
she says. “Glass tile product offerings          content, with either water-based acrylics             workers. “Unfortunately, from the early
continue to expand and are a must-have.”         or urethanes. “In the case of standard                1980s until the early 2000s, there was
                                                 cement terrazzo flooring, the use of silicate-        very little terrazzo specified, especially in
There have also been changes in the use          based densifiers, which have been around              government projects,” says Bruno. “This led
of terrazzo. Dan Bruno, whose grandfather        for about five years, replaced the standard           not only to minimal apprenticeship training
and father started J. Bruno and Son Ltd.         practice of applying multiple coats of acrylic        taking place, but also losing apprentices
in Vancouver in 1947, and who, himself,          sealers to the refinished terrazzo floor. This        to other areas such as tile setting where
has been in the business for more than 35        system allows the floor to be brought to a            there was a larger job market. Hopefully
years, says over the past few years the use      very high shine without increasing the main-          the resurgence of terrazzo, especially epoxy
of cementitious terrazzo has virtually been      tenance costs.”                                       terrazzo and its LEED® components, will
replaced by epoxy terrazzo. “The epoxy                                                                 continue to grow, which should lead to more
terrazzo is lightweight — about three to four    Challenges remain                                     training and the retention of apprentices
pounds per square foot — and is only one-        Even with a surge in popularity of hard               and journeymen.”


                                                                                       MAKE SURE THE JOB IS DONE RIGHT!
    This type of testing provides a standardized procedure
     for evaluating performance of floor tile installations
                                                                                       USE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE
      under conditions similar to actual site conditions.                            PREMIER AUTHORITY FOR THE HARDSURFACE INDUSTRY.
• Test for an ASTM-C627 designation                                          VERISPEC
• Test long-span joists, underlayments, bonding material, tile               THE PRE AND POST SPECIFICATION SERVICE
  and grout                                                                  • Specification development and verification prior to tender
• Test antifracture membranes and concrete cracking                          • Verification of tile, components and installation materials
                                                                             • On-site verification of materials “as specified” and procedures

                                                                             UNIVERSAL FLOOR TESTER
                                Test for system suitability for:             A STANDARDIZED PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF FLOOR
                                                                             TILE INSTALLATIONS
                                Residential                                  • Test long span joints, underlayments, bonding material, tile and grout
                                Light Commercial                             • Test antifracture membranes and concrete cracking
                                Commercial                                   • Test for an ASTM-C627 designation for residential through to extra heavy
                                Heavy Duty Commercial                          duty commercial applications
                                Extra Heavy Duty Commercial
                                                                             ON-SITE INSPECTION SERVICES
                                                                             FOR RESIDENTIAL COMMERICAL, INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES
                                                                             •   Experienced qualified inspectors
                                                                             •   Third Party unbiased reporting for conflict resolution
                                                                             •   Detailed analysis of issues
                                                                             •   Detailed reports with pictures, conclusions and recommendations

  Head Office: T: 905.660.9640 800.201.8599 F: 905.660.0513
       Western Office: T: 604.294.6885 F: 604.294.2406
    email: association@ttmac.com website: ttmac.com

HARDSURFACES                                                          13                              THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
company profile

              The Maple Group Keeps Growing
              With a variety of clients and partners under its belt, Maple Terrazzo Marble and
              Tile/The Maple Group is now coast to coast in Canada and also in the U.S.
                                                                                                                                   By Kelly Parker

              ot very long ago, it was rare to     ships,” says Vennare. “We don’t just work for     already negotiating work in Vancouver as we
              see a granite countertop in a        general contractors. We have relationships        speak. We’re a national contractor, and we
              home kitchen. These days, it’s       with owners and developers. These people          can go where people want us to go and where
              almost the exception. Credit         have seen the quality of our work and they        the work is.”
Maple Group in large part for that develop-        know what we’re capable of doing.”
ment, which has also fuelled the company’s                                                           The Maple Group’s expansion plan included
own startling growth in recent years.              Over the years, the company grew rapidly, but     the incorporation of a U.S. affiliate company,
                                                   the early ’90s brought a turning point when       Maple Group USA, Inc., which currently
The Maple Group is still settling into its         Domenic’s son Fred further diversified the        services over 150 Home Depot stores in
new Bolton, Ontario, headquarters — the            company to establish its residential division,    Michigan, Ohio and Indiana and handles
118,000-square-foot mega plant that is             landing its first so-called “big box” contract    commercial projects across the United States
almost double the size of the last facility, and   with Aikenhead’s, now known around the            — all facilitated through a 30,000-square-foot
roughly six times the size of the plant the        world as Home Depot. This quickly gave rise       satellite distribution warehouse located in
company called home just 20 years ago — a          to the formation of the residential arm of the    Taylor, Michigan.
far cry from its humble beginnings in 1967         Maple Group under the banner Stoneworx
when new Canadian immigrant Domenic                Marble & Granite.                                 That facility is dwarfed by the new Bolton
Rossi founded it. He had a simple philosophy,                                                        plant, a complex that has allowed Fred Rossi
which was to provide the customer with an          A decade later, at the dawning of a new           to grow the Maple Group yet again with the
exceptional quality product, on time, with after   century, Fred’s vision took the company to        formation of a distribution arm that oper-
sales care that exceeds their expectations;        the next level by expanding the business from     ates independently as International Logistics
doing that meant you will have earned the          coast to coast in Canada, and even south          & Stone Distribution, servicing the Silestone
customer’s loyalty for life.                       of the border. That expansion has given the       Quartz and Sensa Granite needs of fabrica-
                                                   company another notable differentiator from       tors across North America.
That philosophy has served the company well        its competitors: mobility. “We go coast to
as it slowly built what Chief Estimator John       coast,” says Vennare, “and we have a crew         With an infinite list of commercial partners,
Vennare calls the key to its ongoing success:      of installers that can pick up our stuff and      a long resumé of projects, including show-
relationships. “It’s all built on relationships.   go anywhere — we’re currently working on          pieces like Skydome (Rogers Centre) and the
I really think that sales, operations and          the Winnipeg airport right now. We’ve just        Terminal 1 project at Pearson International
customer relations are all based on relation-      completed the Halifax airport, and we’re          Airport, its operations from coast to coast in
                                                                                                     Canada, and across the U.S., it seems certain
                                                                                                     that the award-winning Maple Group might be
                                                                                                     looking for an even bigger home before long.
                        International Union of Bricklayers
                        & Allied Craftworkers - Local #2 BC                                          “Since I began with Maple Group over 21
                                                                                                     years ago, the company’s expansion has
                                                                                                     been unprecedented in our industry…to the
     I.U.B.A.C. - Proudly serving members of the trowel trades in B.C. since 1898.                   point where revenues and market share pene-
                                                                                                     tration have increased over 20 times.”
               For information on membership & training please contact:
                                      604-584-2021                                                   Domenic Rossi’s simple philosophy of service
                            or e-mail us at info@bac2bc.org                                          and integrity has taken his little company
                                  www.bac2bc.com                                                     farther than he could have imagined.

HARDSURFACES                                                            14                          LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
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green guidelines

Not Easy Being Green
Does LEED® fully recognize the sustainability of hard surfaces?
                                                                      By Kenton Smith

      t’s the best-recognized program in        to take into full consideration the uniquely    For that matter, Fasan wonders, how
      North America for sustainability in       green virtues of hard surface products.         much energy is going into the recycling
      building design; indeed, it has practi-                                                   of the carpet? What is the landfill burden
      cally become a prerequisite for green     Of course, to use Fasan’s words, LEED®          and resource consumption, especially
architecture. Hence, says Patti Fasan,          is not a product-based credit system; it’s      when the maximum average lifespan is
a Certified Ceramic Tile Consultant, the        a system-based credit system that looks at      only 10 years? At some point, says Fasan,
Leadership in Energy and Environmental          architectural systems as a whole. However,      Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) has to come into
Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating            she points out that there is nonetheless a      the picture. To put it another way: what is
System™ plays “an incredibly large role” in     contradiction present: despite being osten-     the true life cycle cost of the product? To
the hard surfaces industry today.               sibly non product-specific, LEED® singles       answer this question, both energy input
                                                out low-impact carpet among existing            and energy output have to be recorded, but
According to Gary French, Vice President        flooring surface options.                       there is, at present, no system that even
of Terrazzo Business Development at                                                             comes close to tracking comprehensive
Sherwin Williams/General Polymers, more         “It’s almost like saying to the architect,      LCA to any degree of verifiable accuracy.
and more buildings are being constructed        ‘You can get LEED® points by using
where those involved are interested in          low-VOC carpeting,’” Fasan argues. The          All this leads into Fasan’s major overall
working within LEED® guidelines; conse-         result, she says, is de facto protectionism     caveat about LEED®: in overemphasizing
quently, building industry professionals are    of carpet. And this presents a problem          recyclability, it has failed to consider dura-
more frequently contacting his company to       when one considers that the U.S. is the         bility and has ignored the bigger picture
ask questions about LEED® and how certifi-      world’s largest producer — not to mention       as a result. “Do materials have to have
cation can be achieved.                         consumer — of said material.                    recyclable content to be environmentally

And yet, according to Fasan, who is also the
Director of the Vancouver-based company         … in the long run, the superior dura-
Professional Attention to Tile Installations
(PATTI), there remain huge drawbacks to         bility, clean ability and improved indoor
LEED® from a hard surface industry point
of view. Both she and French agree that         air quality of hard surfaces make them
LEED® may be a step in the right direc-
tion, but as a “work in progress,” it is, at    a self-evident green choice
present, flawed. The problem? LEED® fails
                                                      — Patti Fasan, a Certified Ceramic Tile Consultant
HARDSURFACES                                                        16                         LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
sustainable?” Fasan asks. “I think the          There could also be better education,                  What Fasan prescribes as a remedy is
answer is no.”                                  French continues, for architects and                   ongoing consultation with all manner of
                                                designers to understand how hard surfaces              industry professionals. But even setting
Fasan’s whole point is that, in the long run,   can fit within LEED®. Fasan points out that            aside the specific challenges LEED® poses
the superior durability, clean ability and      ceramic tile, as an example, can in fact win           the hard surface industry, French worries
improved indoor air quality of hard surfaces    points for low volatile organic compounds.             that too few will take the program seriously
make them a self-evident green choice.          (In point of fact, it contains no VOCs at all.)        unless there are more tangible incentives,
And French agrees. “I don’t think enough        It can also gain points for recyclable content,        such as tax breaks. “I don’t think that it’s
emphasis is being given to sustainability,”     local production, and finally for innovation           going to be all that it could be until there
he says. A terrazzo floor may last 50 to        with regard to related technologies such as            are more compelling reasons for people to
100 years, but French says that LEED®           ventilated façades. Unfortunately, Fasan               participate in it,” he concludes.
continues to give hard surfaces short shrift.   says, some technologies prevalent in Europe
                                                have not migrated to North America and the             Fasan sums it up even more succinctly: “We
Indeed, both Fasan and French favour the        advantages of hard surfaces are not being              have to get serious about what we’re actu-
European approach: build buildings that         fully recognized.                                      ally accomplishing environmentally.”
will last. On the Continent, all types of
structures — residential, commercial and

government — have remained in use for
centuries, and one can still walk on even
                                                                                          B L
older street surfaces. By contrast, we have
developed more of a “throwaway mindset.”
                                                                                    A  R
As an example, French points out that vinyl                                    M RA             Z
                                                                            ,                                                 1V

                                                                          LE ER
is increasingly replacing the widespread                                                                                    L
use of terrazzo in schools, simply because
it’s cheaper.                                                         T I        T OR                             R,
                                                                                                                     B C 3
                                                                  I C      N D            T                   U VE 54-5
While General Polymers generally tries to
                                                              A M       A          A  C                     O
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                                                          CE ANI ONT GS STR-9864ww.st@artelus.
answer customers’ questions so they can
                                                                                               E              t    n
get their LEED® points, French says the
                                                                                                                                  of d
company nonetheless tries to sell them                                                                                          s
on hard surfaces where performance and                                C          A
                                                                                     I N   5 4     w
                                                                                   ST ) 2 ITE: rtile
                                                                                                         c o
                                                                                                                        y e a llele
                                                                                                                     5 ra p
                                                                                             S    t a
                                                                                    60 B : s
durability are concerned. For that matter,                                     H
                                                                             T            S      :(      E
                                                                                                       W AIL                4 a i
General Polymers has even done some
                                                                                                        EM              v er unp ansh
“crude estimates” on LCA to further bolster                                     21                                     O ven km
                                                                                                                          o   r
the case for hard surface products.                                                                                    pr wo

                                  “Do it Once, Do it Right, Hire Union”

HARDSURFACES                                                         17                               THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY

Standing up to the Test
TTMAC provides many benefits, including the ever important service of testing
                                                                                                                By Andrea Danelak

           he Terrazzo, Tile & Marble         that a premium for one-time use comes      perform ASTM C-627 for conventional
           Association    of     Canada       with a premium price.                      size test formats (i.e., concrete), such
           (TTMAC) provides a wide                                                       as 1.22 m x 1.22 m (4’ x 4’), or more
           range of benefits and              Approximately 30 years ago in the          real-life longer spans for wood frame
services to its members at preferred          United States, a testing apparatus was     construction, such as 12.05 m (16’
rates. Many of these services, including      developed that performs a test method      7”) to as large as 6.098 m (20’). This
inspections, verispec and universal floor     called ASTM C-627, which is more           resolves the problem with the Robinson
testing, have a market demand outside         commonly known as the Robinson Floor       Floor Tester: the unit’s physical size.
of the association’s membership.              Tester. Flooring assembly testing is an
These programs are all available at a         essential way of determining whether       “The only problem with the Robinson
rate much higher than what a TTMAC            a system is going to perform in a given    Floor Tester is that it doesn’t neces-
member would pay.                             environment and reduces the chance of      sarily give you the full picture, because
                                              the chosen assembly failing by flagging    it’s only a 4’ x 4’ pad the assembly
TTMAC is constantly developing new            any weaknesses, either in an individual    is placed on,” says Kempster. Paul
products and services that add value to       component of the system or the entire      Locicero, Technical Consultant at Mapei
its membership, and members should            system. According to Dale Kempster,        Inc., agrees. “The Robinson Floor Tester
be able to benefit as an equity stake-        Technical Director of Schluter Systems     doesn’t mimic an entire floor installation
holder in the association. The general        (Canada) Inc., “The Robinson Floor         like the Universal,” he says.
public has no investment in the orga-         Tester seems to be the benchmark for
nization and, as such, accesses its           all types of products.”                    The Universal Floor Tester tests assem-
programs, information and services on                                                    blies following ASTM C-627 criterion and
an as-need basis with little or no interest   But nine years ago, TTMAC developed        designates five levels of performance:
in moving the industry forward. Without       a more modern and technologically          residential (three cycles), light commer-
a long-term commitment, they realize          advanced testing machine that can          cial (six cycles), moderate commercial

“You need to be aware of the type of conditions under which
the [flooring] will be used and set up your testing criteria to
simulate those conditions”
        — Jim Neill, professional engineer and founder, James Neill & Associates Ltd.

HARDSURFACES                                                    18                      LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
The Robinson Floor Test “seems to be the benchmark [test]
for all types of products”
                                                                      — Dale Kempster, Technical Director of
                                                                             Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc.

(10 cycles), heavy commercial (12            The final last two levels of performance        the project at hand. Often a combina-
cycles) and extra heavy-duty (14 cycles).    require the use of steel wheels and to          tion of the above are involved, with non-
The test is a destructive one, requiring     once again run the test through the             members partnering with members to
a carriage with three wheels that            increasing weights for each cycle. Once         get the most optimum costing.
rotate over the same path consistently       the test cycle is completed or a failure
with specific weights and a specific         occurs, the test is stopped and observa-        The Universal Floor Tester machine is
type of wheel designated for each            tions, readings and pictures are taken.         located in TTMAC’s Toronto lab facility,
cycle performed.                             The final test classification is then deter-    which is part of its training facility at
                                             mined, a report is written and a report         the head office. TTMAC recently hired a
“You need to be aware of the type of         submitted by the testing technician is          technician to complete the preparation
conditions under which the [flooring] will   sent to the customer.                           of the tests, which can be basic 1.22
be used and set up your testing criteria                                                     m x 1.22 m (4’ x 4’) concrete slabs or
to simulate those conditions. Is it pedes-   Industry experts like Kempster praise           wood frame construction all the way to a
trian traffic? Shopping carts? Or heavier    the efficacy of this type of testing.           4.27 m (14’) span.
loading?” says Jim Neill, a professional     “Flooring assembly testing is the best
engineer and founder of James Neill &        way to attempt to subject an assembly           “It is essential that one does this
Associates Ltd.                              to the conditions similar to long-term          testing,” Zerey says. “The Robinson
                                             use in a given environment,” he says.           Floor Tester has limitations, and the
The test assembly is placed under the        Adds Locicero: “You can see any limita-         Universal Floor Tester allows for much
carriage of the machine, and the first       tions to your product.”                         larger frames.”
set of wheels, which are made of soft
rubber, are installed along with steel       And Zerey agrees. “It’s a fairly lengthy        Costs vary based on the materials
plates weighing a total of 136 kg (300       test, but it’s also extremely useful,           required and the construction required to
lb). The cycle takes approximately one       because we can see what’s going to              meet the client’s specifications. A basic
hour to complete 900 revolutions,            occur on the job site,” he says. “Another       1.22 m x 1.22 m (4’ x 4’) concrete slab
and the load is continually increased        advantage is that you can test many             starts at $1,890 for a TTMAC member
by 68 kg (150 lb) for each cycle up to       different types of materials.” It can also      and increases as the complexity of the
409 kg (900 lb).                             demonstrate whether or not certain              structure changes and increases in size.
                                             materials are able to work together.            Prices are quoted based on material
After each cycle, the technician looks                                                       being provided by the client, tile setting
to see if there are any pops, cracks,        TTMAC’s clients consist of manufac-             and the assembly being provided by
chips, loose tile, etc. “To pass the test,   turers who are testing new products             TTMAC. Non-members can expect to
the whole system must be observed,”          that have no history of performance,            pay a premium over a member’s price
says Michel Zerey, Vice-President of         suppliers who are concerned about               for the Universal Floor Tester — member-
technology of Flextile Ltd. If the test      specifying a particular product or              ship has its advantages!
assembly is unaffected after four cycles,    assembly system to stakeholders, and
the wheels are changed to hard rubber        architects who want to ensure that the
and the process is repeated until failure    system chosen will be able to perform
commences or cycle eight is completed.       and survive in the service conditions for

HARDSURFACES                                                     19                         THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY

                Platinum Sponsorship
                  Dal Tile Canada Inc.
              Schluter Systems Canada Inc.

                  Gold Sponsorship
                    Duochem Inc.
                   Flextile Limited
             Olympia Tile International Inc.

                  Silver Sponsorship
                Apex Granite & Tile Inc.
                Bridgewater Tile Limited
             Franklin Terrazzo Company Inc.
           Maple Terrazzo, Marble & Tile Inc.
           Sherwin Williams/General Polymers
                 Twin City Tile Co. Ltd.

                 Bronze Sponsorship
                  Crossroads Tile Ltd.
                  Key Resin Company
                                                                         and refurbishing

Terrazzo:                                                                                              A private residence
                                                                                                       Photo courtesy of Duochem-Antex

The Ultimate Green Product
With its recycled content, low maintenance and durability,
terrazzo is one of the greenest hard surfaces on the market
                                                                                     By Lisa Kopochinski

                 e may think green           “Restoration should be our goal in today’s      acteristics, low maintenance, durability and
                 construction and sustain-   trend to green building,” says Joe Papais of    recycled content.”
                 ability is a new concept.   Star Tile Co. Ltd. in Vancouver, B.C. “The
                 But the credit really       hard surface industry should promote the        Bob Cain, President of the Key Resin
needs to go to the Venetians who, more       benefits of terrazzo’s long life cycle char-    Company in Cincinnati, Ohio, concurs:
than 1,500 years ago, recycled a product
they called terrazzo in order to utilize
wasted chips from slab marble processing.    “The hard surface industry should pro-
Terrazzo is one of the most durable and      mote the benefits of terrazzo’s long life-
low-maintenance materials available.
The demand for it has increased greatly,     cycle characteristics, low maintenance,
particularly in the past decade, as the
construction industry focuses more on the    durability and recycled content”
environmental impact of industry products.
                                                                                   — Joe Papais, Star Tile Co. Ltd.
HARDSURFACES                                                     21                         THE VOICE OF THE HARD SURFACES INDUSTRY
“The main benefit
                                                                                                     to refinishing and
                                                                                                     refurbishing ter-
                                                                                                     razzo is its long-
                                                                                                     term usefulness
                                                                                                     as a product that
                                                                                                     is good for 40-plus
Terrazzo used at École Broisbriand Photo courtesy of National Ceramic + Granite Ltd.
                                                                                                         — Bob Cain, President,
                                                                                                           Key Resin Company
“With increasing costs in the construction           Offering design professionals a multitude of    “Epoxy terrazzo is the most popular today
industry, the use of terrazzo, specifically          creative choices, colour blends and divider     due to its design potential and beautiful
epoxy terrazzo, is gaining more emphasis             strip options often not available with other    colour,” says Cain. “It is used in about 70
because it can be easily refinished and              hard-surface floorings, the different types     to 75 per cent of the market. Sand cushion
refurbished. The main benefit to refinishing         of terrazzo systems include epoxy, polyac-      terrazzo is the cement-based system
and refurbishing terrazzo is its long-term           rylate, monolithic, bonded, sand cushion,       that is most recognized as sustainable
usefulness as a product that is good for             structural, rustic and precast. The two         and long-lasting.”
40-plus years.”                                      broad categories are epoxy and cement.
                                                                                                     Working with terrazzo
                                                                                                     “Damage can come in many forms —
                                                                                                     bad water-cement ratios, carbonation,
   IDEAL TILE AND TERRAZZO LTD.                                                                      moving subgrade, improper maintenance
   *Specializing in Marble & Granite Fabrication*                                                    procedures, stains, rust and vapour drive,”
   At Ideal Tile And Terrazzo we custom fabricate stone and                                          explains Mark Wetherall, West Coast sales
   tile for both Commercial and Residential applications.
                                                                                                     manager of Global Polishing Systems, LLC,
   Whatever you need, from an Island top to a complete                                               which has offices in Dayton, Ohio and Las
   kitchen renovation, our certified technicians
   are ideally equipped to meet your project needs.
                                                                                                     Vegas, Nevada “The process or restoration
                                                                                                     would depend on the level of damage and
   Tel:(780) 447-4777                                                                                the type of terrazzo.”
   Visit our unique showroom:                    TT                                                  Before starting any project, Wetherall
   10821- 214 Street N.W. Edmonton, AB          I IDEAL TILE AND TERRAZZO LTD.                       stresses that it is vital you find out the
                                                                                                     condition of the terrazzo and how it will
                                                                                                     be maintained after it is restored. All work
                                                                                                     should be done by trained terrazzo profes-
                                                                                                     sionals. “The main challenges concerning
                                                                                                     the terrazzo industry are getting trained
                                                                                                     people and new contractors to do quality
                            Trowel Trades Training                                                   work. The popularity is creating demand for
                                 Association                                                         new people, but one poor installation gets
                                                                                                     more attention than many good ones.”
      Proud Promoters and Trainers in the Masonry, Tile and Cement Industries
                                                                                                     Wetherall   says     that    cementitious
        For information on training in the Trowel Trades please contact us at:                       terrazzo has smaller pours to control
                              Phone: 604-580-2463                                                    cracking “while epoxies have larger
                            E-Mail: info@bac2bc.org                                                  pours with control joints every 12 to 15
                          www.troweltradetraining.com                                                feet over the concrete control joints.

HARDSURFACES                                                             22                         LA VOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE DES SURFACES DURES
You can also read