Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation

Page created by Rita Mcgee
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees
with intelligent automation
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation

Seamless workflows boost efficiency,                                                                  “The IA implementation brought good
                                                                                                      experiences through new ways of

resulting in high employee satisfaction.                                                              working, where employees work together
                                                                                                      with robots to deliver better and more
The secret? Employing unseen robots that                                                              efficient results,” said Muhammad Dodi
                                                                                                      Darmawan, General Manager A/P and A/R
streamline operations.                                                                                Management.

Telkomsel’s employees used to pore over                01. The quality of processing rose as robots   Greater time savings
hundreds of invoices each day. As the                      improved the accuracy of tasks             Telkomsel’s IA project was spearheaded by
hours dragged on, monotony and fatigue                 02. Processes became easier to monitor         its Information Technology (IT) team, which
would set in. Today, this part of their job                through embedded analytics                 set up the digital architecture, handled
has been automated using robots, and                   03. Manually intensive tasks were              quality checks and ensured governance of
they are able to work on more value-added                  automated, which allowed employees         the RPA implementation.
tasks such as data analysis and exception                  to focus on value creation
handling.                                                                                             IT worked with Telkomsel’s business units
                                                                                                      and Deloitte Consulting to automate
                                                       Faster invoicing with robots                   several back-office processes. The
The Indonesian telco, which serves more
                                                       Before embracing an IA platform,               participation of the business teams – the
than 170 million customers nationwide,
                                                       Telkomsel’s accounts payable team was          primary user of this platform – in the
underwent an internal digitalisation in
                                                       inundated with around 3,000 invoices per       solution design workshops ensured
recent months to simplify its business
                                                       month. Each invoice had to be scrutinised      minimum changes to subsequent
processes across the organisation to
                                                       for errors before being uploaded into the      processes. The redesigned and automated
become future ready.
                                                       payment system. With the new IA platform,      processes have saved the company
                                                       invoices are now categorised by an             between 30% to 70% in processing time.
As part of this transformation, Telkomsel
                                                       intelligent document processing software,
worked with Deloitte Consulting and UiPath
                                                       and the data is ingested at a faster pace.     An example is the creation of the daily tax
to implement an Intelligent Automation
(IA) platform that eliminates repetitive                                                              catalogue, which maps vendors to different
                                                       Human intervention and validation is           tax codes and types. This task used to
back-office processes using Robotic
                                                       required only for invoices with poor image     take between three to five minutes per
Process Automation (RPA). IA refers to the
                                                       quality. This has reduced manual checks to     transaction, but can now be done in half
mix of technologies that empower digital
                                                       less than 10 per cent, resulting in shorter    the time with automation.
transformation. This program achieved
                                                       payment cycles.
three key outcomes:

Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation

The use of IA allows organisations to           “Telkomsel’s intelligent automation
provide 24/7 monitoring and support             transformation is impressive as they have              Key benefits
services to clients, reduce workload for        succeeded in creating a large-scale virtual
employees, freeing them from drudgery
and allowing them to focus on strategic
                                                workforce and best-in-class capabilities
                                                over a very short period of time,” said
                                                                                                       Invoices per month now
aspects of the business.                        Romain Dehaye, Deloitte Consulting
                                                                                                       completed by robots and only
                                                Southeast Asia’s Director.
Telkomsel says hello to happier employees with intelligent automation
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