Travel expenses - Deloitte

Page created by Cathy Hubbard
Travel expenses
Tax 2018          Tax
  Travel expenses


                      1. General rules and conditions
                      1.1 Who are covered by the rules
                      1.2 The concept of travelling
                      1.3 Temporariness and distance

                      2. Tax-free travel allowance
                      2.1 Conditions
                      2.2 Standard rate for board
                      2.3 Standard rate for lodging
                      2.4 Documentation and bookkeeping
                      2.5 Reporting

                      3. Reimbursement according to receipts
                      3.1 25% allowance

                      4. Free board and lodging

                      5. Deductions

                      6. Transport costs

                      7. Education and course activities

                      8. Special professional groups
2 | Travel expenses

This publication describes                        • Free board and lodging.
                                                                                                   for boards, committees, commissions,
                                                  The employer and the employee can agree on       councils etc. (A-income (income taxed at           1.3 Temporariness and distance
the rules applying as of and                      the set of rules under which the travel          source)).                                          When evaluating whether a workplace
including the 1 January 2018                      expenses are to be covered, and the rules can                                                       is temporary or not, it must be done on the
                                                  be combined freely according to what is most     Individuals receiving B-income (income not
for employees travelling on                       beneficial for the employee. Lodging can for     taxed at source) fees cannot receive tax-free
                                                                                                                                                      basis of each individual employee’s
                                                                                                                                                      employment terms and conditions including
behalf of their employer or                       instance be covered according to receipts        travel allowances.                                 working hours, and in principle without
                                                  concurrently with board being reimbursed by
employed at a temporary                           the standard rate.                               1.2 The concept of travelling
                                                                                                                                                      regard to the duration of the work.

workplace.                                                                                         For tax purposes an employee is considered         When staying more than 12 months at the
                                                  In respect of board and small needs principle/   travelling in the following situations:            same place, the requirements to the burden
We also refer to Deloitte’s other publications:   rules cannot be switched for the same trip.                                                         of proof will be increased solely on the basis
                                                  However, actual expenses can always be           Business trip                                      of the time dimension.
• Company car/Own car (concerning payment
                                                  reimbursed (after 12 months) – even though a     • If the employer assigns the employee to
  of tax-free mileage allowances for business
                                                  standard-rate allowance has been paid out for      another workplace than the usual one, and        It must be evaluated individually whether the
                                                  the first 12 months. However, the employer         the employee does not have the possibility       distance between the usual residence and
• Godtgørelser til lønnede og ulønnede            can cover expenses for lodging according to        of staying overnight at his/her usual            the temporary workplace does not make it
  (concerning allowances for salaried and         different principles of coverage from day to       residence.                                       possible to stay overnight at the usual
  unpaid employees – Publication only in          day, and lodging expenses for one travel day                                                        residence.
  Danish).                                        can therefore either be reimbursed according
                                                  to receipts submitted or a standard-rate         Self-imposed trip                                  In case of “self-imposed trip” it is a
Travel expenses comprise for instance             allowance or by making lodging available free    • If the employee does not have the possibility    requirement that the distance makes it
meals, small needs, local transport,              of charge.                                         to stay overnight at his/her usual residence     practically impossible to stay overnight
bed-nights etc., and the expenses can                                                                due to the distance between his/her              at the usual residence. When evaluating the
be covered according to the following             If the travel expenses are not covered by the      residence and a temporary workplace. The         distance criterion the time spent on
rules:                                            employer, the employee can deduct the              employee does not have another usual             transportation must also be included.
                                                  expenses on his/her tax return.                    workplace and has often chosen to work at
• Payment of tax-free allowance by standard
                                                                                                     the temporary workplace himself/herself.         In case of “business trip” a total evaluation of
  rates without regard to actual expenses.
                                                  1. General rules and conditions                                                                     the distance criterion is made, and both the
                                                                                                   In both situations it is thus a requirement that
• Reimbursement according to receipts             1.1 Who are covered by the rules                                                                    time spent on transportation and
                                                                                                   the employee both has a usual residence and
  including payment of 25% allowance, if any.     The rules apply to employees and salaried/                                                          the employer’s work instructions must
                                                                                                   a temporary residence at his/her disposal.
                                                  unpaid board members including assistants                                                           be included. Even though the distance
  Travel expenses

between the residence and the workplace           If concurrently with payout of allowance the       2.3 Standard rate for lodging                      documents/vouchers and ensure that they
is so short that the employee can stay at         employer has agreed with the employee              The standard rate covers all extra, not            contain all necessary information.
home overnight, the employee will still be        to reduce his/her gross salary, show salary        documented expenses for lodging when
considered travelling.                            restraint or receive a lower salary at his/her     travelling in Denmark and abroad. The              In our opinion the conditions must be
                                                  employment, the allowance paid out will be         standard rate is 214 DKK per day and night         considered fulfilled, if the above items can be
2. Tax-free travel allowance                      taxable.                                           and can only be paid out per full day and night.   identified through a salary/employee
                                                                                                     The 12-month rule does not apply to lodging.       No. This means that the documentation
                                                  2.2 Standard rate for board                                                                           requirements are considered fulfilled, if name
   Standard rates 2018                            The standard rate covers all extra, not            2.4 Documentation and bookkeeping                  and CPR-number including rates and
   		                498 DKK                      documented expenses for board when                 Payment of tax-free travel allowance depends       calculation are shown on the payslip through
   		                214 DKK                      travelling in Denmark and abroad. The              on the employer checking the specifications on     which the payment is effected, and the other
                                                  standard rate is 498 DKK per day and night         the basis of which the payment is made.            information about date, purpose, address etc.
                                                  and 20,75 DKK per hour for the travel day (day                                                        is registered in an IT system.
2.1 Conditions                                    of return).                                        Tax-free allowance can only be paid out on the
The trip must include bed-nights and have                                                            basis of supporting documents/vouchers that        2.5 Reporting
a duration of at least 24 hours. The tax-free     If board allowance is received fully/partly tax-   include:                                           Payment of tax-free travel allowance is
allowance (board) can be paid out for a           free, the allowance is reduced by:                                                                    comprised by the duty to report, and the
maximum period of 12 months for the same                                                                                                                employer must thus report the amounts paid
                                                                                                     • The recipient’s name, address and civil
workplace.                                                            15% of the rate                                                                   out throughout the year in box 48 to
                                                                                                       registration No (CPR-number).
                                                  		                  30% of the rate                                                                   e-Income.
In certain situations change of workplace will,   		                  30% of the rate                • The business purpose of the trip.
however, interrupt the 12-month rule, for                                                                                                               3. Reimbursement according to receipts
                                                                                                     • The start and end time of the trip.
instance if the salary earner has been working                                                                                                          Travel expenses covered by the employer
for a continuous period of at least 40 working                                                       • The destination and part-destination of the      through receipts are tax-free for the employee.
days at another workplace before returning to        In case of overnight stays in which               trip.                                            The expenses must be related
his/her previous temporary workplace.                breakfast is included, the                                                                         to the trip and not be purchases for private
                                                     allowance shall be reduced by 15%               • The rates used.
                                                                                                                                                        purposes. When refunding expenses according
Set-offs                                             (the rate for breakfast). The                   • Calculation of the travel allowance.             to receipts the employee often choose lodging
For tax exemption it is a condition that             payment will then amount to 85%                                                                    and board himself/herself.
the employee has not compensated his/                of 498 DKK or 423,30 DKK.                       The requirement of the employer checking
her employer by reduction of salary in                                                               specifications means that the employee must        When refunding travel expenses according to
connection with payout of tax-free allowance.                                                        be very careful when filling in the supporting     receipts there is no requirement as to the
4 | Travel expenses

duration of the trip or that it must include      no influence or could compose himself/herself.                                                          If the employee has business-related
stays overnight.                                                                                                                                          expenses, for instance bridge toll, ferry tickets
                                                                                                          If the employer does not pay out
                                                  Free board and lodging made available for the                                                           etc., the expenses can be reimbursed according
                                                                                                          the extra 25% allowance, the
The expenses must generally be documented         employee in connection with a business trip is                                                          to receipts submitted (it must be the original
                                                                                                          employee is allowed to deduct the
by showing original receipts/vouchers.            tax-free, and there is no requirement to the                                                            vouchers/receipts). If the employee uses his
                                                                                                          same amount – and there is no
According to recent practice the Danish tax       duration of the trip or bed-nights.                                                                     own car for business purposes, the transport
                                                                                                          lower limit for the size of the
authorities will under the circumstances also                                                                                                             expenses can on the other hand not be
                                                                                                          amount, so a deduction will be
approve scanned or copied receipts/vouchers,      Expenses for small needs will typically not be                                                          reimbursed according to receipts submitted,
                                                                                                          possible in case of only one bed-
which incidentally proves or make plausible       covered when free board and lodging have                                                                but only by standard rates.
                                                                                                          night. If the employer pay out an
that the expenses incurred on behalf of the       been made available, and the employer can pay
                                                                                                          amount which is less than the rate
employer.                                         out up to 25% of the standard rate for board                                                            For further information about the rules on tax-
                                                                                                          of the allowance, the employee is
                                                  (124,50 DKK) according to the same conditions                                                           free mileage allowance for use of one’s own
                                                                                                          allowed to deduct an amount equal
3.1 25% allowance                                 as stated under item 3.1.                                                                               car for business purposes we refer to Deloitte’s
                                                                                                          to the difference up to the rate.
If the employer covers the employee’s travel                                                                                                              publication “Company car/Own car”.
expenses according to receipts, the employer      5. Deductions
can in addition pay out up to 25% of the          In most cases where the employee has                 Limitation of deductibility                        7. Education and course activities
standard rate for board (124,50 DKK) to cover     expenses that are not covered by the employer        The deduction is in all cases maximum 27,400       The employer is allowed to cover travel
small needs.                                      in one way or the other, the employee can            DKK per income year per individual (2018).         expenses and pay out tax-free allowance
                                                  deduct the expenses on his/her tax return as a                                                          in connection with education and course
The general conditions for payment of tax-free    deductible expense.                                  6. Transport costs                                 activities. The tax exemption depends on the
travel allowance must be fulfilled. This means                                                         Transport costs can be covered by the actual       education not being of a private nature. The
that no 25% allowance can be paid out for trips   Also in the cases where the conditions for           expenses (reimbursement according to               tax exemption also applies to education and
in Denmark or abroad without staying              a tax-free payout have been fulfilled, but           receipts), but cannot be covered by a tax-free     courses agreed upon in connection with
overnight and below 24 hours duration, and        the employee did neither receive a tax-free          standard allowance. Transport costs comprise       termination of an employment.
that the allowance cannot be paid out by a        allowance nor an allowance that is lower than        the employee’s expenses for air ticket, train
reduction of gross salary, cf. section 2.1.       the tax-free rates, the employee can deduct the      ticket, car rental, taxi etc. in connection with   Instead of paying out a tax-free travel
                                                  differential on his/her tax return as a deductible   travelling to/from the employee’s home/usual       allowance by the standard rate, the employer
4. Free board and lodging                         expense.                                             workplace to the destination of the trip.          can choose to cover the expenses for board,
Free board and lodging often indicate a total                                                                                                             small needs and lodging according to receipts.
arrangement, for instance a course fee                                                                 Expenses for local transport are covered by the    This is in particular of current interest in case
including board, on which the employee had                                                             standard rate for board, cf. section 2.2.          of courses/education of a duration below 24
5 | Travel expenses

hours and which do not imply bednights.            according to receipts or as free lodging.        amounts can be paid out:                          does not exceed three months. Their travel
                                                   Coverage of expenses for board and small                                                           expenses to and from Denmark can also be
                                                                                                    • 75 DKK per day and night in Denmark.
If the employer does not pay out the               needs etc. can be made by payout of tax-free                                                       reimbursed.
allowance in connection with education and         standard rates. The 12-month rule is not a       • 150 DKK per day and night abroad.
courses, a differential deduction by standard      limitation as the workplace (the aircraft) is                                                      Lay judges and witnesses
rates cannot be applied, neither the special       considered a temporary workplace for tax         The 12-month rule is not a limitation as the      Tax-free allowances for hotel
25% allowance.                                     purposes.                                        workplace (the car) is considered a temporary     accommodation and transport expenses can
                                                                                                    workplace for tax purposes.                       be paid out to lay judges and witnesses who
8. Special professional groups                     Export employees                                                                                   have been summoned for an inquiry with the
Special rules apply for a number of special        In addition to the ordinary deductions export    Employees signed on ships                         police.
professional groups, which are described           employees are allowed to have an extra           Employees signed on ships and employees
below. An individual assessment is required on     standard allowance of:                           who work on ships or installations that are
the specific situation whether the special rules                                                    used for investigation or exploitation of
                                                   • 55 DKK per day and night for work
apply.                                                                                              natural deposits can apply the standard rate
                                                     performed within Western Europe.
                                                                                                    for board, if they cannot use the special
Students on scholarships                           • 140 DKK per day and night for work             schemes stipulated in the Danish Tax
Individuals who are exempted from paying tax         performed outside Western Europe.              Assessment Act (ligningsloven) or the Taxation
on scholarships pursuant to Section 7 K of the                                                      of Seamen Act (lov om beskatning af søfolk).
Danish Tax Assessment Act can apply the            Long-haul drivers                                They cannot use the standard rate for lodging.
standard rates for board and lodging including     Expenses for lodging can only be covered
small needs.                                       according to receipts or as free lodging.        If commercial fishermen choose to apply the
                                                   Coverage of expenses for board and small         allowance per day at sea, they cannot apply
Self-employed persons                              needs etc. can be made by payout of tax-         the ordinary rules of standard deduction. The
The self-employed can deduct documented            free standard rates. The 12-month rule is        choice applies to a full income year at a time.
travel expenses as general operating costs in      not a limitation as the workplace (the car) is
his/her financial accounts. The self-employed      considered a temporary workplace for tax         Guest researchers from abroad
can instead choose deduction by the standard       purposes.                                        For foreign guest researchers at Danish
rates.                                                                                              research institute a special practice applies
                                                   Tourist drivers                                  according to which they can receive tax-free
Airlines’ cabin crew                               Expenses for lodging can only be covered         allowance in coverage of board and lodging by
Expenses for lodging can only be covered           according to receipts or as free lodging. For    the standard rates, if their stay in Denmark
                                                   coverage of board expenses the following
6 | Travel expenses

Offices in Denmark

Aalborg                           Kolding                  Silkeborg
Østre Havnepromenade 26, 4. sal   Egtved Allé 4            Papirfabrikken 26
9000 Aalborg                      6000 Kolding             8600 Silkeborg
Tel. +45 98 79 60 00              Tel. +45 75 53 00 00     Tel. +45 89 20 70 00     

Aarhus                            København                Slagelse
City Tower                        Weidekampsgade 6         Ndr. Ringgade 70 A
Værkmestergade 2, 18.-21. etage   2300 København S         4200 Slagelse
8000 Aarhus C                     Tel. +45 36 10 20 30     Tel. +45 58 55 82 00
Tel. +45 89 41 41 41    

Aars                              Løgstør                  Nuuk
Løgstørvej 14                     Jernbanegade 21          Imaneq 33, 6.-7. etage
9600 Aars                         9670 Løgstør             3900 Nuuk
Tel. +45 96 98 23 00              Tel. +45 98 79 61 90     Tel. +299 32 15 11        

Esbjerg                           Odense
Dokken 8                          Tværkajen 5
6700 Esbjerg                      5100 Odense C
Tel. +45 79 12 84 44              Tel. +45 63 14 66 00     
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