TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...

Page created by Roy Boyd
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
     October 2016
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
What is the Tourism Export Council of New Zealand?

    The Tourism Export Council of New Zealand is a trade association that has represented the interests of
    inbound tourism since 1971. Their inbound members package holidays for international visitors whether
    they be part of a group tour, independent traveller, conference/incentives, education or cruise visitors.

                                What do we do & who do we represent?
    The Tourism Export Council’s focus is to build long term business relationships with distribution networks
    in New Zealand and offshore. The relationship with product suppliers in New Zealand and offshore
    wholesalers is integral to the country’s continued growth as a visitor destination.

    Member categories include:

 Inbound member - inbound tour operators (ITO’s)
 Allied member - attraction, activity, accommodation, transport and tourism service suppliers

    Examples of the allied membership include:

   Attraction – Milford Sound, SkyTower, Te Papa Museum
   Activities – Jetboating, Whalewatch, Maori Culture show
   Accommodation – hotels, luxury lodges, backpackers
   Transport – airlines, bus & coaches, sea transport, shuttles
   Tourism services – Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO’s) digital & marketing companies, education &
    tourism agencies eg. DOC, Service IQ, Qualmark, AA Tourism, BTM Marketing, ReserveGroup

                            Why is tourism considered an export industry?
    Tourism, like agriculture is one of New Zealand’s biggest income earners. Both are export industries
    because they bring in foreign dollars to New Zealand. With agriculture, you grow an apple, send it offshore
    and a foreigner eats it. A clear pathway of a New Zealand product consumed or purchased by someone

    Tourism works slightly differently:
   The product is still developed in NZ (just like the apple)
   It is sold offshore (like the apple)
   It is purchased by a foreigner (again like the apple)
   BUT it is experienced in NZ and therein lies the difference.

    IRD’s definition of an export sector is a product or service that is purchased by a non-resident of New
    Zealand. It is important that people understand tourism’s role in bringing in foreign earnings to New
    Zealand and its contribution to the economy as an export industry.
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
A China Travel Company                            AAT Kings Tours Ltd                                AgriTravel International
Physical Address: Level 6A, 155 Queen Street      Physical Address: 131 New North Road, Eden         Physical Address: 587 Pencarrow Road, R D 3
Postal Address: PO Box 105173, Auckland           Terrace                                            Postal Address: 587 Pencarrow Road,
1143                                              Postal Address: PO Box 68640,                      Hamilton 3283
Phone: +64 9 307 1206                             Eden Terrace, Auckland 1145                        Phone: +64 21 242 6519
Contact 1: Nancy Liu                              Phone: +64 9 300 1520                              Contact 1: Karen Baldwin
Email: nancy@achinatravel.co.nz                   Contact 1: Mark Turner                             Email: karenb@agritravel.co.nz
Contact 2: Sun Wei                                Email: mark.turner@ttc.com                         Contact 2: Judy Calder
Email: sunwei@achinatravel.co.nz                  Contact 2: Bruce Gentry                            Email: judyc@agritravel.co.nz
Website: http://www.achinatravel.co.nz            Email: bruce.gentry@ttc.com                        Website: http://www.agritravel.co.nz
Description: A China Travel is fully accredited   Website: http://www.aatkings.com                   Description: AgriTravel provides tailor-made
with ADS, TIA and ITOC. We are also               Description: AAT Kings sells in all major          Specialist Agricultural and Special Interest
Qualmark endorsed and sole agent for China        worldwide markets. In addition we also             itineraries and study tours for group travelers.
Southern Airline Holiday land tours. We           handle the ground operations for our sister        We arrange Special Interest group touring -
operate group tours throughout New Zealand,       company Trafalgar. AAT Kings offers several        agricultural, study tours, music, sport,
as well as catering to FITs and business          Guided Holiday programmes – fully                  association tours, meetings and Incentive
groups.                                           inclusive Guided Holidays (First Choice and
                                                                                                     Tours. Dairy, sheep and beef, cropping,
                                                  Best Buys), German language Guided Holidays
                                                                                                     viticulture, forestry, aquaculture, horticulture
                                                  and Inspiring Journeys small group holidays –
                                                  ranging from five to 22 days in both islands.      and food production are just a selection of
                                                  We also operate a number of independent            the many agricultural industries we have
                                                  Short Breaks from 3 -7 days in duration, of        expertise in. We arrange all transport,
                                                  both islands and major destinations.               accommodation, sightseeing and meals
                                                                                                     combined with technical visits and meetings.

Alps Travel Service Company Ltd                   ANZ Nature Tours Ltd                               ANZ Sky Tours Ltd
Physical Address: 6 Brake Street Ilam             Physical Address: Shop 229, Leftbank Arcade        Physical Address: Suite 3, Level 6, Albert Plaza
Phone: 03 943 6686                                116 Cuba Mall                                      87 – 89 Albert Street
Contact 1: Kim Chang                              Postal Address: PO Box 27508                       Postal Address: PO Box 91051
Email: kim.chang@alpstravel.co.nz                 Wellington 6141                                    Victoria Street West
Contact 2: Ju Zuo (Eric)                          Phone: +64 4 385 1024                              Auckland 1142
Email: zuoju731@hotmail.com                       Contact 1: Frank Hildebrandt                       Phone: +64 9 302 1983
Website: http://alpstravel.co.nz                  Email: frank@anznaturetours.com                    Contact 1: Sherry He
Description: Alps Travel provides one-stop all    Contact 2: Reservations                            Email: sherry@anzskytours.com
types of travel services for all guests. We can   Email: reservations@anznaturetours.com             Contact 2: Felix Zhang
customize unique itinerary as you specially       Website: http://www.anznaturetours.com             Email: felix.zhang@anzskytours.com
request. These services include: self-driving     Description: Our New Zealand and Australian        Website: http://www.anzskytours.com
tour, photography, fishing, hunting, golf,        guided tours present aspects that make             Description: ANZ Sky Tours, with offices in
camping, real estate investment, immigration;     experiences especially interesting for visitors.   both New Zealand and Australia, offers a wide
also, we can arrange visiting program for         We cater for small to larger tours, providing      range of services for cruises, customised FITs,
business delegation group. For FIT traveler,      intimate experiences at out-of-the-way             series groups, special interest groups,
we can also book cars, organize most efficient    destinations. We provide the ultimate              technical visits, educational visits, events,
flights, organizing accommodation, provide        experience for individuals and a range of          incentives, conventions and meetings. We
airport transfers, guiding local souvenir gift    special interest tours. Our services include       offer services in English, Mandarin,
and etc. . Using our local and network            foreign language guiding catering to cultural      Cantonese, Vietnamese and Hokkianese. We
resources, we offer high quality services         differences, whilst always ensuring a truly        are dedicated to bringing our clients the best
under competitive prices and excellent one-       New Zealand experience.                            New Zealand and Australia have to offer.
stop full travel services.

AOT (NZ) Ltd                                      APT International Tours Ltd                        ATS Pacific
Physical Address: Level 3, 414 Khyber Pass        Physical Address: Suite 4, Level 1,                Physical Address: Level 3, 414 Khyber Pass
Road, Newmarket                                   20 Augustus Terrace, Parnell                       Road, New Market, Auckland
Postal Address: Level 3, 414 Khyber Pass Road     Postal Address: PO Box 137276, Parnell,            Phone: 09 925 2110
Newmarket 1023                                    Auckland 1151                                      Contact 1: Stuart Neels
Phone: 09 925 2110                                Phone: +64 9 302 5780                              Email: stuart@atspacific.co.nz
Contact 1: Stuart Neels                           Contact 1: Ajay Vagha                              Contact 2: Annette Nicholls
Email: stuart.neels@atspacific.com                Email: ajay.vagha@aptouring.co.nz                  Email: annette.nicholls@atspacific.co.nz
Contact 2: Gary Paterson                          Contact 2: Maureen Styles                          Website: http://www.atspacific.com
Email: gary.paterson@aot.co.nz                    Email: maureen.styles@aptouring.com.au             Description: ATS Pacific New Zealand has
Website: http://www.aot.co.nz                     Website: http://www.aptouring.co.nz                been trading successfully since 1979,
Description: AOT NZ is New Zealands award-        Description: Luxury escorted coach touring         employing 45 staff, including a representative
winning inbound operator, offering a range of     with scheduled and guaranteed departures.          in the UK, but conducting business with
products and services for customised FITs,        Let our expert and highly skilled tour             clients worldwide. We provide New Zealand
groups and cruise ships. AOT NZ offers            managers and drivers host you around the           tourism services and products efficiently,
advanced eCommerce solutions including            country. APT International Tours; a departure      competitively and with imagination. As
dynamic rates for accommodation product,          from the ordinary.                                 experienced tourism professionals, we fully
supplied via XML connections and online                                                              understand the FIT, Group, Meetings,
tariff interfaces.                                                                                   Incentive, Event and Cruise markets. We pride
                                                                                                     ourselves on quick turnaround of bookings
                                                                                                     and we provide passenger support 24/7 for
                                                                                                     your clients while in New Zealand.
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
Australia Tours (NZ) 2000 Ltd                    China Travel Service (NZ) Ltd                     Contiki Holidays (New Zealand) Ltd
Physical Address: Suite 2, Level 4,              Physical Address: Level 2, 175 Queen Street       Physical Address: 131 New North Road, Eden
300 Queen Street                                 Postal Address: PO Box 105516                     Terrace
Postal Address: PO Box 7267,                     Auckland 1143                                     Postal Address: PO Box 68640, Newton,
Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141                  Phone: +64 9 309 6458                             Auckland 1145
Phone: +64 9 307 1234                            Contact 1: Lisa Li                                Phone: +64 9 300 1601
Contact 1: Jaegwan Han                           Email: lisa@chinatravel.co.nz                     Contact 1: Richie Pepene
Email: jaegwan@nztour.co.nz                      Contact 2:                                        Email: richie.pepene@contiki.co.nz
Contact 2: Sue Noh                               Email:                                            Contact 2: Bruce Gentry
Email: sue@nztour.co.nz                          Website: http://www.kiwiyou.co.nz                 Email: bruce.gentry@aatkings.co.nz
Website: http://www.nztour.co.nz                 Description: This is an overseas branch of the    Website: http://www.contiki.com
Description: Australia Tours (NZ) 2000 Ltd       CTS network, with a fine reputation for           Description: Contiki is the original travel
specialises in New Zealand tours such as         handling Chinese travellers since 1928.           company for 18- to 35-year-olds and knows
technical visits, customised FITs, golf, ski,    Leisure and business travel to suit FITs and      New Zealand inside-out. Contiki crew are
campervan and honeymoon. We have been            groups of any budget. Xi Yang Yang Holiday        well-trained, knowledgeable and committed
operating our travel agency business             guaranteed departure sightseeing coach tours      to delivering amazing experiences – they too
successfully since 1992 and cater for Korean     within New Zealand.                               are passionate travellers who live and breathe
visitors.                                                                                          the destination. All trips offer the perfect
                                                                                                   balance of sightseeing, adventure and free
                                                                                                   time, at the best value possible to ensure that
                                                                                                   with Contiki, your clients will have the
                                                                                                   experience of a lifetime.

Discover New Zealand Ltd                         Excel Travel Ltd                                  Experience New Zealand Travel Ltd
Physical Address: Level 2, 89 Grafton Rd         Physical Address: Suite 2, Level 6                Physical Address: Level 22 Plimmer Tower,
Postal Address: PO Box 949, Shortland St         220 Queen St                                      2-6 Gilmer Terrace
Auckland 1140                                    Postal Address: PO Box 6701, Wellesley St,        Postal Address: P.O. Box 25434, Featherston
Phone: +64 9 359 8380                            Auckland 1141                                     St, Wellington 6011
Contact 1: Shona Grundy                          Phone: 09 3666 889                                Phone: 04 473 4470
Email: shonag@discovernewzealand.com             Contact 1: Lan Liu                                Contact 1: Rachel Strahl
Contact 2: Laskarina Chaldeakis                  Email: sophie@excel2012.com                       Email: rachel@experiencenz.com
Email: laskarinac@discovernewzealand.com         Contact 2: Jinling Man                            Contact 2: Michael Hall
Website:                                         Email: linda@excel2011.com                        Email: m.hall@stravelnet.com
http://www.discovernewzealand.com                Website: http://www.excel2011.com                 Website: http://www.experiencenz.com
Description: Discover New Zealand has New        Description: Excel Travel consultants are         Description: The key point of difference that
Zealand packaged and ready to go every day.      knowledgeable, helpful, and enthusiastic          Experience New Zealand has over traditional
Their tours provide all the advantages of an     about travel with ongoing commitment. Excel       origin based travel agents is the high search
independent New Zealand Coach Touring            Travel are committed to provide you with the      engine presence, detailed product and
Holiday, with the assurance of daily             best accommodation, car hire, travel              itinerary planning knowledge that is held by
departures and a well planned pre booked         insurance, cruising and other travel deals.       the staff members of ENZ which enable them
itinerary. The Discover New Zealand              Excel Travel consultants customize the travel     to match make product with the clientele.
brand is the home of great value New Zealand     deals for international students, local Chinese   ENZ clients are traditionally higher end well
travel packages and tours and also has a         and local Chinese communities. It includes        versed travellers, who are looking for genuine
range of self drive, coach and escorted          summer camps, winter camps, North and             market expertise in vacation planning, service
holiday options.                                 South Island travel plan. All tour guides in      delivery and on the ground support.
                                                 Excel Travel are qualified and experienced.       Experience New Zealand is a Wellington-
                                                 They help tourists to understand New Zealand      based business and is part of the Southern
                                                 customs and culture.                              Travel Holdings Group.

Flying Horse Travel Limited                      Freedom Tourism Limited                           General Travel NZ Ltd
Physical Address: 20 Northcroft St,              Physical Address: Level 1, 349 Dominion           Physical Address: Level 3, 126 Khyber Pass
Takapuna, Auckland 0622                          Road, Mt Eden, Auckland-1024                      Postal Address: PO Box 3981
Phone: 09 486 6666                               Postal Address: 5 McGowan Street                  Auckland 1140
Contact 1: Ryan Yang                             Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041                         Phone: +64 9 377 1764
Email: flyinghorsetravel1@hotmail.com            Phone: 0064 9 6230144                             Contact 1: Anna Black
Contact 2: Stacy Wang                            Contact 1: Vishal Choksi                          Email: anna.black@generaltravel.co.nz
Email: flyinghorsetravel@hotmail.com             Email: vishal.choksi@freedomtourism.com           Contact 2: John Sng
Website: http://flyinghorsetravel.net/           Contact 2: Geetha Challani                        Email: john.sng@generaltravel.co.nz
Description: Providing customised services for   Email: admin.nz@freedomtourism.com                Website: http://www.kiwiway.com
Chinese speaking travellers from initial         Website: http://www.freedomtourism.com/           Description: Founded in 1973, General
enquiry stage to the competition of the          Description: Our name says it all: Your           Travel’s depth of experience, together with its
holiday.                                         Holiday, Your Way. Freedom Tourism- An            commitment to provide the best possible
                                                 Indian hearted destination management             service and product development, has earned
                                                 company that works exactly as you plan.           it a solid reputation worldwide. Being
                                                 “Your holiday, your way” We have highly           privately owned and operated, the company’s
                                                 detailed planning with help of our local          principals bring a truly hands-on approach to
                                                 knowledge as being local new zealanders,          their business. Specialist divisions, employing
                                                 adjusting everything to every individual's        highly skilled, multi-lingual staff with an
                                                 personal needs; regardless if you are a solo or   intimate knowledge of New Zealand, cater for
                                                 group tourist.                                    the range of widely differing needs from all
                                                 We provide the best travel package that is        major markets.
                                                 designed by you, with our local expertise and
                                                 knowledge of New Zealand, at the best
                                                 available price.
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
GSN Pacific Ltd                                  H.I.S. New Zealand Limited                        Holiday Travel Management Ltd.
Physical Address: Office Unit B, Building 2      Physical Address: Level 7, AMI House              Physical Address: Level 1, 34 Wyndham Street
3 Ceres Court, Mairangi Bay                      63 Albert Street                                  Postal Address: PO Box 106470
Postal Address: PO Box 33689, Takapuna           Postal Address: PO Box 105701                     Auckland 1143
Auckland 0740                                    Auckland 1143                                     Phone: +64 9 300 1299
Phone: +64 9 488 9992                            Phone: +64 9 336 1338                             Contact 1: Jerry Guo
Contact 1: Geoff Yee                             Contact 1: Naoto Ikeshita                         Email: htm@holidaytravelnz.co.nz
Email: geoff@gsnpacific.co.nz                    Email: ikeshita.naoto@his-world.com               Contact 2: winnie Change
Contact 2: Angela Zhao                           Website: http://www.histravel.co.nz               Email: inbound@holidaytravelnz.co.nz
Email: angela@gsnpacific.co.nz                   Description: H.I.S. currently has 200 branches    Website: http://www.holidaytravelnz.co.nz
Website: http://www.gsnpacific.co.nz             in 130 cities abroad. Our highly experienced      Description: Holiday Travel Management is in
Description: GSN Pacific Limited was             and knowledgeable local staff will respond to     the heart of Auckland City, conveniently
established in 2000 as an inbound tour           your demands promptly, giving you peace of        located for the business traveller – however, a
company specialising in group tours including    mind so that you can thoroughly enjoy your        large portion of our clients are based in other
tours series, special interest and technical     travels. This worldwide network allows us to      cities around New Zealand and overseas.
visits tours, independent travellers, and        acquire the latest travel information from all    Holiday Travel Management is fully accredited
incentives and conferences. GSN Pacific          over the globe enabling the smooth                with TIA, TAANZ, IATA and the Tourism Export
handles around 7,000 passengers every year       arrangement of airline and all other types of     Council of New Zealand. We are also
and has built a great reputation with            tickets, and hotel reservations. The original     Qualmark endorsed and TNZ ADS approved
extensive product knowledge and an               tours planned by each of our branches are         inbound tour operater company.
experienced team who work on the principle       also highly regarded. We endeavor to further
of providing excellent customer service,         enhance this international network to enable
innovative itineraries and quality products at   you have the best time possible regardless of
competitive rates.                               the destination.

JTB New Zealand Ltd                              KAD International Travel Services                 Kingdom Tour NZ Ltd
Physical Address: Level 5                        Limited                                           Physical Address: Room 306, 350 Queen
191 Queen Street                                 Physical Address: Level 14, 120 Albert Street     Street, Auckland
Postal Address: PO Box 4345                      Postal Address: PO Box 7554 Wellesley             Postal Address: PO Box 7338
Shortland Street, Auckland 1140                  Street, Auckland 1141                             Wellesley Street
Phone: +64 9 309 7696                            Phone: +64 9 916 9999                             Phone: 09 3585093
Contact 1: Naoyoshi Tashiro                      Contact 1: Gigi Wang                              Contact 1: Jing Jing Li
Email: tashiro_n.nz@jtbap.com                    Email: gigi_kad@hotmail.com                       Email: iris@kingdomtournz.com
Contact 2: Ken Young                             Contact 2: Ashley Zheng                           Contact 2: Ming
Email: ken_y.nz@jtbap.com                        Email: ashley_kad@hotmail.com                     Email: accounts@kingdomtournz.com
Website: http://www.jtb.co.nz                    Website: http://www.kadtravel.com/                Website: http://kingdomtournz.com/
Description: JTB New Zealand is the New          Description: KAD Travel has been providing        Description: Kingdom tour is qualmark
Zealand and Japan specialist with over 20        the best travel solutions and highest quality     endorsed and TNZ ADS approved inbound
years’ experience in delivering unforgettable    to meet the demands of international and          tour operates company. We are also member
vacations to customers from around the           domestic visitors wishing to book and buy         of TIA. We operate tour groups for both
world. Our staff are extensively trained and     tourism products and services with                tourism from China and also locals. FIT and
experienced in all aspects of managing your      confidence. After experiencing exciting           business delegation groups are also part of
travel requirements, and will continue to        growth, KAD Travel has developed a wide           my duty. We provide highest quality services
provide quality products with high levels of     range of local contacts and the necessary         for our customers who intend to visit New
service, customer satisfaction and integrity.    knowledge to arrange business activities for      Zealand. Our professional and friendly team
                                                 business delegations, and create any special-     will promise you a interest tour itinerary for
                                                 interest tour itinerary.                          your visit.

Kirra Tours Ltd                                  Kiwi Holidays Ltd                                 Kuoni Global Travel Services
Physical Address: Level 3, 57 Shotover Street,   Physical Address: Level 3, 178 Willis Street      Physical Address: Level 12,
Queenstown 9300                                  Education House West Block                        19 Victoria Street West
Postal Address: PO Box 1073, Queenstown          Postal Address: PO Box 27147                      Postal Address: PO Box 155050
9348                                             Wellington 6141                                   Wellesley Street, Auckland 1001
Phone: +64 3 450 1311                            Phone: +64 4 385 9918                             Phone: +64 9 303 2626
Contact 1: Sharyn Mitchelle                      Contact 1: David Chen                             Contact 1: Geraldine Morisse
Email: sharynm@kirraholidays.com                 Email: david.chen@kiwiholidays.co.nz              Email: geraldine.morisse@nz.kuini.com
Website: http://www.kirratours.co.nz             Contact 2: Helen Chen                             Website:
Description: Kirra Holidays prides itself on     Email: helen.chen@kiwiholidays.co.nz              http://www.kuoniglobaltravelservices.com
being 100% Kiwi owned, and has been              Website: http://www.kiwiholidays.co.nz            Description: Born from the powerful legacies
showing visitors the best of New Zealand for     Description: Kiwi Holidays Ltd is an official     of Kuoni Destination Management and GTA,
over 45 years with a range of touring and        Qualmark Endorsed Inbound Tour Operator,          Kuoni Global Travel Services is backed by the
travel options for domestic and international    established in 1993, with the Head Office         heritage, reputation and stability of the Kuoni
visitors. We have the expertise to operate an    based in the capital city, Wellington. Kiwi       Group which has been in the business of
in-house Special Interest Groups division that   Holidays Ltd is pleased to be a finalist of the   travel for more than a 100 years. Among the
has provided many diverse groups with highly     1998 New Zealand Tourism Award. Customer          world's leading wholesalers of
satisfying experiences. Our overriding           satisfaction is the key; this is a company that   accommodation, ground travel services and
strength is the customer service and attention   guarantees to give its clients a memorable        group tours, we make the world easier to
to detail exhibited by our team, who receive     and enjoyable holiday in beautiful, thrilling     travel. We live and love travel driving fully
extensive training in New Zealand product.       New Zealand.                                      independent (FIT) and group travel, as well as
Contact us today for a prompt quotation and                                                        that for meetings, incentives, conferences and
personalised service.                                                                              exhibitions (MICE)
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
Learning Journeys Ltd                              Leisure Time Tours Ltd                             LNZ International Travel Services
Physical Address: 31 Westridge Drive               Physical Address: 231 Kahikatea Dr                 Ltd
Postal Address: PO Box 3102, Tauranga 3142         Hamilton 3204                                      Physical Address: L2, 17A Remuera Rd,
Phone: +64 7 579 1062                              Postal Address: PO Box 5088, Hamilton 3242         Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand (1050)
Contact 1: Simon Beaton                            Phone: +64 7 847 8258                              Postal Address: L2, 17A Remuera Rd,
Email: simon@learningjourneys.co.nz                Contact 1: Mark Mehrtens                           Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand (1050)
Contact 2: Michele Beaton                          Email: mark@lttnz.co.nz                            Phone: +64 9 520 1111
Email: michele@learningjourneys.co.nz              Contact 2: Scott Mehrtens                          Contact 1: Yuguang Zhou
Website: http://www.learningjourneys.co.nz         Email: scott@lttnz.co.nz                           Email: zhouyg69@hotmail.com
Description: We have been helping teachers         Website: http://www.leisuretimetours.co.nz         Contact 2: Serena Liu
and students organise trips since 2001. Our        Description: Leisure Time Tours specialises in     Email: vip_serena@hotmail.com
trips include adrenaline-filled action tours for   group travel for special or general interest       Website: http://www.lnztravel.co.nz/
exchange students studying here in New             tours - guaranteed group set departures. We        Description: LNZ International Travel Service
Zealand, curriculum-linked science and             can tailor-make an itinerary to meet clients'      is located in Auckland, New Zealand. The
geography programmes for New Zealand               interests and budgets. Leisure Time also           company is endorsed by Qualmark New
schools, and tailored multi-day trips for          operates a nationwide fleet of modern              Zealand as an Inbound Tour Operator and also
overseas schools visiting New Zealand. Let us      European coaches with knowledgable and             is an approved ADS Inbound Tour Operator.
help you with all of your needs; we can            experienced drivers. We have built a fantastic     We arrange a variety of inbound tours
arrange transport and accommodation, and           rapport with our tourist operators,                travelling around New Zealand and outbound
provide experienced teachers to facilitate all     accommodation and cruise providers,                group visits to Australia and the Pacific
your programmes in both the North and              enabling us to ensure a memorable                  Islands. We also design and organise
South Islands                                      experience with Leisure Time Tours for all the     personalised travel packages including
                                                   right reasons! We put our clients first in every   honeymoons, fishing, hunting, golf and diving,
                                                   area of our operations.                            as well as business and property investigation.

Manaaki Adventures NZ                              Master Travel Group Ltd                            MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd
Physical Address: 27 Pearson Ave                   Physical Address: Suite B, Level 4 19 Great        Physical Address: 69 Beach Road
Claudelands                                        South Road, Epsom, Auckland 1051                   Postal Address: P O Box 106610
Postal Address:                                    Postal Address: PO Box 9786, New Market            Auckland City 1143
Phone: 021 1586 984                                1143                                               Phone: +64 9 575 6063
Contact 1: Dan Meade                               Phone: +64 9 357 6666                              Contact 1: Miles Clark
Email: dan@manaakiadventures.com                   Contact 1: Mark Ma                                 Email: miles@moatrek.co.nz
Contact 2: Hemi Coates                             Email: mastertravel@xtra.co.nz                     Website: http://www.moatrek.co.nz
Email: hemi@manaakiadventures.com                  Contact 2: Winnie Yau                              Description: Big Moa small group tours cater
Website:                                           Email:                                             for 10 to 18 travellers. Our tours offer
http://www.manaakiadventures.com                   Website: http://www.nzbooking.co.nz                enjoyment and flexibility with the personal
Description:                                       Description: Master Travel Group, founded in       touch. Discover the very best each region has
                                                   2005, is an approved ADS Inbound Tour              to offer – natural wonders, beautiful private
                                                   Operator by Tourism New Zealand, Tourism           gardens and warm country hosts. Our
                                                   Export Council Full Member and Qualmark-           driver/guides give you a fresh and personal
                                                   endorsed inbound tour operator, offering           insight into our country and its culture. We
                                                   professional and customer-orientated service       have over 25 years of experience and we are
                                                   for visitors to New Zealand. Master Travel has     proud of our outstanding record of client
                                                   developed a wide range of local contacts and       service.
                                                   the necessary knowledge to arrange any
                                                   business activities for government or business
                                                   delegations, and create any special interest
                                                   tour itinerary.

Naturally NZ Holidays (1995) Ltd                   New Zealand Educational Tours Ltd                  New Zealand Journeys (2007)
Physical Address: 321 Elmhurst Rd                  Physical Address: 1/556 Cameron Road               Limited
Postal Address: 321 Elmhurst Road, RD 1,           Postal Address: PO Box 15056                       Physical Address: Level 1, 716 Great South Rd
Darfield 7571                                      Tauranga 3144                                      Penrose
Phone: +64 3 318 7540                              Phone: +64 7 571 0796                              Auckland 1061
Contact 1: Trish Abrahamson                        Contact 1: Ian Turner                              Postal Address: PO Box 12932
Email: trish@nnzh.co.nz                            Email: tours@nzet.com                              Penrose 1642
Contact 2: Heather Collins                         Contact 2: Adele Marsden                           Phone: +64 9 630 4937
Email: heather@nzholidays.co.nz                    Email: tours@nzet.com                              Contact 1: John Dam
Website: http://www.nzholidays.co.nz               Website: http://www.nzet.com                       Email: john@nzjourneysltd.co.nz
Description: A family owned and operated           Description: Specialists in delivering tours to    Contact 2: Cindy Huynh
company based in New Zealand with an               the educational and special interest sector.       Email: cindy@nzjourneysltd.co.nz
excellent reputation of personalised service       Whether a sports trip, a curriculum-based          Website: http://www.nzjourneysltd.co.nz
for your clients when travelling. We offer a       learning experience, the pursuit of some           Description: We are a relatively young
full range of inbound services and competitive     special interest or a school trip to experience    company, with a solid team of staff who are
pricing handling from 2 to 200+ passengers         a different culture, we promise to deliver a       highly experienced and possess deep insights
per enquiry. Our staff are highly skilled and      fun life-changing experience, safely. Being        within the inbound industry. Our team
committed to providing the best possible New       New Zealand-owned and -operated, we have           members are dedicated, motivated and
Zealand experience for your clients. Our other     broad connections in the education and             passionate about our uniquely magnificent
known speciality is customised active,             tourism sector so we can help clients make         home, Aotearoa (New Zealand). We specialise
outdoor, adventure, nature trips for couples       the best choices of destinations and activities.   in groups, FIT, MICE and special interest tours.
and families.                                                                                         We are currently dealing with 15 countries
                                                                                                      covering Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
Nippon Travel Agency (NZ) Ltd                    NZ Champion Travel Services                        NZ Luxury Experiences
Physical Address: Level 2, Southern Cross        Physical Address: Unit F, 113 Meadowland Dr,       Physical Address: 28 Hamer St, Freemans Bay
Building, 59 High Street                         Somerville, 2014                                   Postal Address: PO Box 147-308, Ponsonby
Postal Address: PO Box 105 260, Auckland         Postal Address:                                    1011
1143                                             Phone: 09 2222468                                  Phone: 09 3033 474
Phone: +64 9 309 5750                            Contact 1: Minda Guan                              Contact 1: Jeanette Tobin
Contact 1: Kenji Nishida                         Email: minda@nzctour.com                           Email: jeanette@asia-pacific-superyachts.com
Email: kenji.nishida@nippontravel.co.nz          Contact 2: Helen Chen                              Contact 2: Duthie Lidgard
Website: http://www.nta.com.au/nz                Email: helen@nzctour.com                           Email: duthie@asia-pacific-superyachts.com
Description: We are one of the major             Website: http://www.ctour.co.nz/                   Website: http://www.asia-pacific-
wholesale companys in Japan and have been        Description:                                       superyachts.co.nz
running the business since 1992. We have                                                            Description: We are New Zealand’s leading
arranged various types of travel for our                                                            superyacht shoreside support provider. We
clients. And we sell Japan Rail Pass for those                                                      provide a comprehensive range of award-
travelling to Japan.                                                                                winning yacht support services - from high
                                                                                                    end NZ cruising itineraries and provisioning
                                                                                                    services, to crew support, marine engineering,
                                                                                                    refits, replacement parts and maintenance
                                                                                                    services. Our extensive experience and
                                                                                                    passion to excel at what we do is designed to
                                                                                                    ensure your New Zealand experience is the
                                                                                                    best it can be.Find us at superyacht central in
                                                                                                    Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, New Zealand.

Once Upon A Trip                                 Pacific Destinationz Ltd                           Pan Pacific Travel Corporation Ltd
Physical Address: 182 Jervois Rd, Herne Bay      Physical Address: Unit 7, 6 Omega Street           Physical Address: Level 1, 333 Remuera Road
1144                                             Albany                                             Remuera
Postal Address: PO 147184, Ponsonby,             Postal Address: PO Box 302108                      Postal Address: PO Box 128243
Auckland 1144                                    Auckland 0632                                      Remuera 1541
Phone: 09 378 7680                               Phone: +64 9 915 8888                              Phone: +64 9 520 4963
Contact 1: Franck Lemaitre                       Contact 1: Mark Badland                            Contact 1: Matt Brady
Email: franck@onceuponatrip.co.nz                Email: mark@pdnz.co.nz                             Email: matt@panpacific.co.nz
Contact 2: Adeline Lemaitre                      Contact 2: Graeme Badland                          Contact 2: Chris Ireland
Email: adeline@onceuponatripnz.com               Email: graeme@pdnz.co.nz                           Email: chris@panpacific.co.nz
Website: https://www.onceuponatripnz.com         Website:                                           Website: http://www.panpacific.co.nz
Description: Once Upon a Trip is a boutique      http://www.pacificdestinationz.co.nz               Description: For 30 years, Pan Pacific Travel
Inbound Tour Operator specialized in bespoke     Description: With a focus on providing world-      has been acknowledged as one of New
itineraries, small hiking groups and cycling     class, tailored travel solutions and with          Zealand’s most successful and respected
trails both for FIT and small groups.            decades of industry experience, Pacific            ground operators, with major clients in China,
                                                 Destinationz is a New Zealand and Fiji travel      SE Asia, UK/Europe, and Canada and the
                                                 specialist with a difference. We are a privately   Americas. We offer a very broad range of New
                                                 owned company formed in 1996 and have              Zealand products – close to 1,500 NZ
                                                 built our reputation on quality and service.       suppliers – and extremely competitive pricing.
                                                 Pacific Destinationz also operates Rest New        Our partners have the option of 24/7 access
                                                 Zealand Tours. The niche Rest products offer       to our own on line, proprietary booking
                                                 unique New Zealand experiences, such as self-      system Lynx. Partners can see and access
                                                 four-wheel-drive or fully escorted tours           their own bookings and output
                                                 focussing on taking you ‘off the beaten track’.    documentation such as e vouchers and or
                                                                                                    itineraries in their own location.

Pioneer Travel New Zealand Ltd                   Queens Travel Ltd                                  Red Carpet Tours
Physical Address: E/6, 331 Rosedale Road,        Physical Address: 6A/80 Paul Matthews Road,        Physical Address: 2 Wilmington Place, Forrest
Albany                                           Albany                                             Hill
Postal Address: PO Box 303086 North              Postal Address: PO Box 40507, Glenfield,           Postal Address: PO Box 100–680 NSMC,
Harbour                                          Auckland 0747                                      Auckland
Phone: +64 9 4155 666                            Phone: +64 9 415 0791                              Phone: 09 410 6561
Contact 1: Lam Tsui                              Contact 1: Christina Wong                          Contact 1: Vic James
Email: lam.tsui@pioneertravel.co.nz              Email: inbound@queenstravel.co.nz                  Email: victorj@ihug.co.nz|
Contact 2: Lina Liu                              Contact 2: Annette Cheng                           Contact 2: Julie James
Email: lina.liu@pioneertravel.co.nz              Email: annette@queenstravel.co.nz                  Email: juliejames@clear.net.nz
Website: http://www.pioneertravel.co.nz          Website: http://www.queenstravel.co.nz             Website: http://www.redcarpet-
Description: Pioneer Travel founded in 2006,     Description: At Queens Travel you will find a      tours.com/index.cfm
is a member of TAANZ, a certified ADS and        team of dedicated professionals each               Description: Since 2002 Red Carpet Tours has
QUALMARK rated inbound tour operator.            contributing their specialist expertise to         provided comprehensive tours for Lord of the
Pioneer Travel has offices in New Zealand and    deliver and ensure the complete satisfaction       Rings fans the world over, visiting the movie
Australia respectively. Pioneer travel is        of our clients. We are confident we can            sites throughout the country, with
specialized in inbound tour operations,          provide a reliable, quality service that exceeds   opportunities to meet key people involved in
consultations and international business         all your needs.                                    the films. Response to the tours has been
services. Besides operating ADS groups,                                                             beyond expectations, with Trip Advisor rating
Pioneer Travel also pays attention to FIT and                                                       Red Carpet Tours a 5-Star Winner in 2012.
high-end tailor made groups. Pioneer Travel                                                         This is a ‘must’ tour for avid LOTR fans – and
has our own bus rental company that can                                                             those who want to experience the real New
assure our premier service for customers.                                                           Zealand.
TEC MEMBER E-DIRECTORY - October 2016 - Tourism Export ...
Settlers Tours                                   Southern Travelnet Ltd                           Southern World NZ
Physical Address: 113 Queens Road                Physical Address: Level 6, 52 Swanson Street     Physical Address: 5 Princes Street
Panmure                                          Postal Address: PO Box 3719                      Postal Address: P.O Box 147,
Postal Address: PO Box 14346                     Shortland Street, Auckland 1140                  Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Panmure                                          Phone: +64 9 308 9747                            Phone: (09) 309 6689
Auckland 1741                                    Contact 1: Yusuke Oki                            Contact 1: Martin Horgan
Phone: +64 9 570 1053                            Email: yusuke@stravelnet.co.nz                   Email: mhorgan@southernworld.com
Contact 1: Anne Zhou                             Website: http://www.stravelnet.com               Contact 2: Tim Reid
Email: anne@tspanmure.co.nz                      Description: Southern Travelnet Limited is a     Email: treid@southernworld.com
Contact 2:                                       long-established inbound tour operator           Website: http://www.southernworld.com
Email:                                           within New Zealand and Australia offering        Description: Southern World New Zealand's
Website: http://www.hello-newzealand.co.nz       customised products and services for our         team of highly regarded Destination
Description: Settlers Tours is an operated       trade partners and clients. With more than 20    Specialists are carefully selected for their
inbound and outbound tour company, and           years’ experience, our proven track record       product knowledge and industry experience;
has a very proud heritage of more than 15        ensures our customers receive a quality          our focused and loyal team pride themselves
years. Settlers Tours is a fully bonded member   experience and service.                          on providing superior service and innovation.
of TAANZ (Travel Agent Association of New                                                         Our team are constantly engaging with our
Zealand), IATA (International Airline Travel                                                      clients to develop new travel opportunities
Association) and Tourism Export Council of                                                        and to ensure our partners have access to the
New Zealand. Settlers Tours is the approved                                                       latest and greatest travel products and
ADS tour operator.                                                                                pricing. We offer a full range of inbound
                                                                                                  services and ensure both quality and value for
                                                                                                  money at all levels.

Tai Chung Travel Group Ltd                       Terra Nova Coach Tours                           Tour Time NZ Ltd
Physical Address: Office 4, Level 8, 220 Queen   Physical Address: 21 Bealey Avenue, Unit 12,     Physical Address:
Street, Auckland 1010                            Carlton Mews                                     Postal Address: PO Box 632
Phone: 09 3735668                                Postal Address: PO Box 4026, Christchurch        Orewa 0946
Contact 1: Jerry Liu                             8140                                             Phone: +64 9 426 8037
Email: jerry.liu@taichung.co.nz                  Phone: +64 3 379 9126                            Contact 1: Brent Imrie
Contact 2: Nic Sun                               Contact 1: Heiner Schwertheim                    Email: brent@tourtime.co.nz
Email: nic.sun@taichung.co.nz                    Email: heiner@terranovatours.co.nz               Website: http://www.tourtime.co.nz
Website: http://www.taichung.co.nz               Contact 2: Rainer Heidtke                        Description: Specialist group
Description: Taichung Travel Group Ltd is a      Email: rainer@terranovatours.co.nz               tours/events/travel – tour like never before
luxury travel company specializing in tailor-    Website: http://www.terranovatours.co.nz         with Tour Time, the specialists in total group
made travel holiday to the Chinese outbound      Description: With 30 years experience, Terra     tour planning, organisation and management
travellers in New Zealand and the South          Nova Coach Tours specialises in group tours,     for sports tours, music tours, education tours,
Pacific.We cater for both FIT and Group and      tour series and guided tour programmes for       special interest and sightseeing tours. Come
Incentive travel. We provide our clients with    individuals . Our focus is the European market   to play, come to learn or simply come to take
customized travel designs and arrangements,      including the UK market. We are well-known       it all in. Whether you’re touring around New
and serve them a travel leisure life of high     for our innovative market approach,              Zealand or any one of our international
quality, and lead their travel concept and       professional service and continuous quality      destinations, Tour Time takes care of every
satisfy their deep travel need with our          control. Terra Nova Coach Tours operates the     detail so you can relax and focus on your
professional management of their life-time       most extensive programme of German-              experience.
travel plans.                                    speaking scheduled tours in NZ with
                                                 guaranteed departures.

Travel Time South Pacific Ltd                    Travelmore International Corp Ltd                VYOM Journeys
Physical Address: 12 Aztec Place                 Physical Address: Level 3, 18 Shortland Street   Physical Address: 153E Great South Road
Hamilton 3204                                    Postal Address: PO Box 91187                     Greenlane
Postal Address: PO Box 6                         Victoria Street West                             Postal Address: PO 1097U3, New Market
Hamilton 3240                                    Auckland 1142                                    Phone: 021 210 7125
Phone: +64 7 849 3493                            Phone: +64 9 306 1092                            Contact 1: Deepak Bhatnagar
Contact 1: Mark Mehrtens                         Contact 1: Charles You                           Email: info@vyomjourneys.co.nz
Email: mark@lttnz.co.nz                          Email: charles@travelmore.co.nz                  Contact 2: Prajak Chire
Contact 2: Scott Mehrtens                        Contact 2:                                       Email: prajakla@vyomjourneys.co.nz
Email: scott@lttnz.co.nz                         Email:                                           Website: https://www.vyomjourneys.co.nz
Website: http://www.traveltime.co.nz             Website: http://www.travelmore.co.nz             Description:
Description: Our staff are a dedicated team of   Description:
experienced and knowledgeable travel
industry professionals who take great pride in
working with overseas wholesalers and
agents who put their clients’ needs first.
Travel Time South Pacific provides customised
arrangements for both group and
independent travel. We have strong working
relationships with key suppliers throughout
New Zealand, which enables us to provide our
clients with competitive and timely responses.
Winchester Travel Ltd                           Xin Rong Travel Ltd
Physical Address: Level 8, 17 Albert Street     Physical Address: Unit H, 162 Mokoia Rd,
Postal Address: PO Box 375                      Chatswood, Auckland 0626
Shortland StreetAuckland 1140                   Postal Address: PO Box 34562, Birkenhead,
Phone: +64 9 366 0018                           Auckland 0746
Contact 1: Eva Lau                              Phone: 0064 9 4195588
Email: evalau@winchestertravel.co.nz            Contact 1: James Pang
Contact 2: Dominic Cheng                        Email: xinrongtravel@gmail.com
Email: dominiccheng@winchestertravel.co.nz      Contact 2: Joanna Jin
Website:                                        Email: xinrongtravel@gmail.com
Description: Winchester Travel was              Website:
established in September 1990. Our executive    Description:
directors and owners are from Hong Kong and
both have over 25 years of travel industry
experience respectively. Staff members are
New Zealand university graduates and speak
fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese with
at least six years’ experience in travel. We
handle group tours, FIT, MICE and all travel-
related business. We are a member of TAANZ,
IATA and Tourism Export Council of NZ.
Cross Reference Guide to Key Markets
Asia (All)                   Brunei                        Learning Journeys            Naturally NZ Holidays
Agri-Travel                  ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          LNZ International Travel     New Zealand Fine Touring
ANZ Nature Tours Ltd         General Travel New Zealand    Master Travel Group Ltd      New Zealand Journeys Ltd
ANZ Sky Tours                Kiwi Holidays Ltd             New Zealand Journeys Ltd     Pan Pacific Travel
AOT New Zealand              Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours   Pan Pacific Travel           Pioneer Travel New Zealand
ATS Pacific                                                Pioneer Travel New Zealand   Queens Travel
Contiki Holidays             Canada                        Queens Travel                Southern World New
Discover NZ (Tourmasters)    AAT Kings Tours               Settlers Tours               Zealand
General Travel New Zealand   Agri-Travel                   Southern World New           Winchester Travel
GSN Pacific Ltd              ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Zealand
Holiday Travel Management    AOT New Zealand               Tai Chung Travel Group       India
Kiwi Holidays Ltd            APT Group                     Winchester Travel            Agri-Travel
Master Travel Group Ltd      ATS Pacific                   Xin Rong Travel              ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
Naturally NZ Holidays        Contiki Holidays                                           AOT New Zealand
NZ Educational Tours         Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     Eastern Europe               ATS Pacific
New Zealand Fine Touring     General Travel New Zealand    ANZ Nature Tours Ltd         Discover NZ (Tourmasters)
Pacific Destinationz Ltd     Kirra Holidays                AOT New Zealand              Freedom Tourism
Pan Pacific Travel           Kiwi Holidays Ltd             ATS Pacific                  General Travel New Zealand
Pioneer Travel New Zealand   Leisure Time Tours            General Travel New Zealand   GSN Pacific Ltd
Settlers Tours               MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       Kiwi Holidays Ltd            Kiwi Holidays Ltd
Southern World New           Naturally NZ Holidays         New Land Adventures          MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd
Zealand                      New Zealand Fine Touring      New Zealand Fine Touring     Naturally NZ Holidays
Travelmore International     Pacific Destinationz Ltd      New Zealand Journeys Ltd     New Zealand Fine Touring
Winchester Travel            Pan Pacific Travel            Pacific Destinationz Ltd     New Zealand Journeys Ltd
                             Red Carpet Tours              Pan Pacific Travel           Pan Pacific Travel
Australia                    Southern World New            Southern World New           Settlers Tours
A China Travel Company       Zealand                       Zealand                      Southern Travelnet
AAT Kings Tours              Travel Time South Pacific                                  Travel Time South Pacific
Agri-Travel                                                Europe (All)                 Vyom Journeys
ANZ Sky Tours                Central                       AAT Kings Tours
AOT New Zealand              Europe/Germany                Agri-Travel                  Indonesia
APT Group                                                  ANZ Nature Tours Ltd         Agri-Travel
                             ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
China Travel Service Ltd                                   AOT New Zealand              ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
                             AOT New Zealand
Contiki Holidays                                           APT Group                    General Travel New Zealand
                             ATS Pacific
Discover NZ (Tourmasters)                                  ATS Pacific                  GSN Pacific Ltd
                             Contiki Holidays
GSN Pacific Ltd                                            Contiki Holidays             Kiwi Holidays Ltd
                             Discover NZ (Tourmasters)
Holiday Travel Management                                  Discover NZ (Tourmasters)    New Zealand Fine Touring
                             General Travel New Zealand
KAD International Travel                                   General Travel New Zealand   New Zealand Journeys Ltd
                             Kirra Holidays
Kirra Holidays                                             Kirra Holidays               Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours
                             Kuoni Group Travel
Kiwi Holidays Ltd                                          Kiwi Holidays Ltd            Pan Pacific Travel
                             Learning Journeys
Kuoni Group Travel                                         Leisure Time Tours
                             MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd
Learning Journeys                                          MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd      Japan
                             NZ Educational Tours
Leisure Time Tours                                         Naturally NZ Holidays        Agri-Travel
                             New Zealand Fine Touring
LNZ International Travel                                   NZ Educational Tours         ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
Master Travel Group Ltd                                    New Zealand Fine Touring     ATS Pacific
                             Pacific Destinationz Ltd
MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd                                    Once Upon A Trip             General Travel New Zealand
                             Pan Pacific Travel
Naturally NZ Holidays                                      Pacific Destinationz Ltd     H.I.S. New Zealand Limited
                             Queens Travel
NZ Educational Tours                                       Pan Pacific Travel           JTB New Zealand
                             Southern World New
New Zealand Fine Touring                                   Red Carpet Tours             Nippon Travel Agency (NZ)
Pacific Destinationz Ltd                                   Southern World New           Southern Travelnet
                             Terra Nova Coach Tours
Pioneer Travel New Zealand                                 Zealand
                             Once Upon A Trip                                           Korea
Queens Travel                                              Terra Nova Coach Tours
                                                           Tour Time NZ Ltd             Agri-Travel
Red Carpet Tours             China
Southern World New                                         Travel Time South Pacific    ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
                             A China Travel Company
Zealand                                                    Travelmore International     Australia Tours
Tour Time NZ Ltd                                                                        Excel Travel
                             ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
Travel Time South Pacific    Australia Tours
                                                           Hong Kong                    Kuoni Group Travel
Travelmore International                                   A China Travel Company       Learning Journeys
                             China Travel Service Ltd
                                                           Agri-Travel                  New Zealand Fine Touring
                             Discover NZ (Tourmasters)
Brazil                                                     ANZ Nature Tours Ltd         Southern Travelnet
                             Excel Travel
Agri-Travel                                                Contiki Holidays
                             General Travel New Zealand                                 Latin/South America
ANZ Nature Tours                                           General Travel New Zealand
                             GSN Pacific Ltd
General Travel New Zealand                                 GSN Pacific Ltd              Agri-Travel
                             Holiday Travel Management
New Zealand Fine Touring                                   KAD International Travel     ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
                             KAD International Travel
Pan Pacific Travel                                         Kiwi Holidays Ltd            AOT New Zealand
                             Kingdom Tours
                                                           Kuoni Group Travel           ATS Pacific
                             Kiwi Holidays Ltd
                                                           Learning Journeys            Contiki Holidays
                             Kuoni Group Travel
Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     GSN Pacific Ltd               Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours   United Kingdom
General Travel New Zealand    Kiwi Holidays Ltd             Pan Pacific Travel            AAT Kings Tours
Holiday Travel Management     Naturally NZ Holidays         Southern World New            Agri-Travel
Kuoni Group Travel            New Zealand Fine Touring      Zealand                       ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
Learning Journeys             New Zealand Journeys Ltd      Winchester Travel             AOT New Zealand
Leisure Time Tours            Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours                                 APT Group
NZ Educational Tours          Pan Pacific Travel            South Africa                  ATS Pacific
New Zealand Fine Touring      Red Carpet Tours              Agri-Travel                   Contiki Holidays
Pacific Destinationz Ltd                                    ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Discover NZ (Tourmasters)
Pan Pacific Travel            Rest of World                 AOT New Zealand               General Travel New Zealand
Red Carpet Tours              Agri-Travel                   ATS Pacific                   Kirra Holidays
Southern World New            ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Contiki Holidays              Kiwi Holidays Ltd
Zealand                       AOT New Zealand               General Travel New Zealand    Kuoni Group Travel
Tour Time NZ Ltd              ATS Pacific                   Kirra Holidays                Learning Journeys
Travel Time South Pacific     General Travel New Zealand    Leisure Time Tours            Leisure Time Tours
                              GSN Pacific Ltd               MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd
Malaysia                      Kiwi Holidays Ltd             NZ Educational Tours          Naturally NZ Holidays
Agri-Travel                   MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       New Zealand Fine Touring      NZ Educational Tours
A China Travel Company        Naturally NZ Holidays         Pacific Destinationz Ltd      New Zealand Fine Touring
ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          New Zealand Fine Touring      Pan Pacific Travel            Pacific Destinationz Ltd
General Travel New Zealand    Pan Pacific Travel            Red Carpet Tours              Pan Pacific Travel
GSN Pacific Ltd               Red Carpet Tours              Southern World New            Red Carpet Tours
Holiday Travel Management     Southern World New            Zealand                       Southern World New
Kiwi Holidays Ltd             Zealand                       Travel Time South Pacific     Zealand
New Zealand Fine Touring      Tour Time NZ Ltd                                            Terra Nova Coach Tours
New Zealand Journeys Ltd                                    South East Asia               Tour Time NZ Ltd
Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours   Russia                        Agri-Travel                   Travel Time South Pacific
Pan Pacific Travel            Agri-Travel                   ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
Queens Travel                 ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     United States
Southern World New            Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     General Travel New Zealand    AAT Kings Tours
Zealand                       General Travel New Zealand    GSN Pacific Ltd               Agri-Travel
Winchester Travel             New Land Adventures           H.I.S. New Zealand Limited    ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
                              New Zealand Fine Touring      Kiwi Holidays Ltd             AOT New Zealand
Middle East                   Pan Pacific Travel            Naturally NZ Holidays         APT Group
Agri-Travel                                                 New Zealand Fine Touring      ATS Pacific
ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Scandinavia                   Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours   Contiki Holidays
General Travel New Zealand    Agri-Travel                   Pan Pacific Travel            Discover NZ (Tourmasters)
Kiwi Holidays Ltd             ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Southern Travelnet            General Travel New Zealand
New Zealand Fine Touring      AOT New Zealand               Southern World New            Holiday Travel Management
Pan Pacific Travel            APT Group                     Zealand                       Kirra Holidays
Travel Time South Pacific     ATS Pacific                   Winchester Travel             Kiwi Holidays Ltd
                              Contiki Holidays                                            Kuoni Group Travel
New Zealand                   Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     Taiwan                        Leisure Time Tours
AAT Kings Tours               General Travel New Zealand    A China Travel Company        MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd
Agri-Travel                   Kirra Holidays                Agri-Travel                   Naturally NZ Holidays
ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Leisure Time Tours            ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          NZ Educational Tours
APT Group                     MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       Holiday Travel Management     New Zealand Fine Touring
Contiki Holidays              New Zealand Fine Touring      KAD International Travel      Pacific Destinationz Ltd
Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     Pacific Destinationz Ltd      Kuoni Group Travel            Pan Pacific Travel
Holiday Travel Management     Pan Pacific Travel            Kiwi Holidays Ltd             Red Carpet Tours
Kingdom Tours                 Red Carpet Tours              Learning Journeys             Southern World New
Kirra Holidays                Southern World New            New Zealand Fine Touring      Zealand
Kiwi Holidays Ltd             Zealand                       Ltd Pan Pacific Travel        Tour Time NZ Ltd
Kuoni Group Travel            Travel Time South Pacific     Queens Travel                 Travel Time South Pacific
Learning Journeys
Leisure Time Tours            Singapore                     Thailand                      Vietnam
LNZ International Travel      A China Travel Company        Agri-Travel                   Agri-Travel
Master Travel Group Ltd       Agri-Travel                   ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          ANZ Nature Tours Ltd
MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     General Travel New Zealand
Naturally NZ Holidays         Contiki Holidays              General Travel New Zealand    GSN Pacific Ltd
NZ Educational Tours          Discover NZ (Tourmasters)     GSN Pacific Ltd               Kiwi Holidays Ltd
New Zealand Fine Touring      General Travel New Zealand    Kiwi Holidays Ltd             Kuoni Group Travel
Red Carpet Tours              GSN Pacific Ltd               New Zealand Fine Touring      Learning Journeys
Tour Time NZ Ltd              Kiwi Holidays Ltd             New Zealand Journeys Ltd      New Zealand Fine Touring
Travel Time South Pacific     Kuoni Group Travel            Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours   New Zealand Journeys Ltd
                              Learning Journeys             Pan Pacific Travel            Pacific Holidays (NZ) Tours
Philippines                   MoaTrek New Zealand Ltd       Southern World New            NZ Australia Tours & Travel
ANZ Nature Tours Ltd          Naturally NZ Holidays         Zealand
Contiki Holidays              New Zealand Fine Touring      Winchester Travel
General Travel New Zealand    New Zealand Journeys Ltd

    *RTO members highlighted in Violet
AA Tourism Publishing Ltd                         Abel Tasman Sea Shuttle Ltd                      AccorHotels
Physical Address: Level 1, Building 2             Physical Address: Kaiteriteri Beach,             Physical Address: Level 8, 99 Queen Street
61 Constellation Drive, Mairangi Bay              Postal Address: PO Box 440                       Postal Address: PO Box 1707, Auckland 1140
Auckland 0632                                     Motueka 7143                                     Phone: +64 9 365 0000
Postal Address: PO Box 101 001                    Phone: +64 3 527 8688                            Contact 1: Sonya Rossiter
North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland 0745            Contact 1: Mark Burnaby                          Email: sonya.rossiter@accor.com
Phone: +64 9 966 8720                             Email: markb@seashuttle.co.nz                    Contact 2: Arlene Lee
Contact 1: Moira Penman                           Contact 2: Debbie Smith                          Email: arlene.lee@accor.com
Email: mpenman@aa.co.nz                           Email: debbie@seashuttle.co.nz                   Website: http://www.accorhotels.com
Contact 2: Lynne Graham                           Website:                                         Description: AccorHotels, the world's leading
Email: lgraham@aa.co.nz                           http://www.abeltasmanseashuttles.co.nz           hotel operator and market leader in Europe is
Website: http://www.aatravel.co.nz                Description: Abel Tasman Sea Shuttle’s           present in 92 countries with more than 3,900
Description: For many years the AA has            purpose built boats are designed, built,         hotels and 480,000 rooms. AccorHotels
played an active role in domestic tourism in      maintained and driven by our team which          provides an extensive portfolio including
New Zealand with the aim of encouraging           makes us unique in that we know every inch       complimentary brands - from luxury to
New Zealanders to see more of their own           of our vessels intimately, providing you the     economy - that are recognised and
country. As a brand, the Automobile               best in comfort and safety. With the on-board    appreciated around the world for their service
Association is well known, respected and          toilets and excellent viewing areas these        quality: Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, The Sebel,
trusted by consumers. People continually          vessels are arguably the most comfortable        Grand Mercure, Novotel, Mercure, ibis, ibis
seek out the travel information that our          plying the waters of the Abel Tasman National    Styles and ibis budget. In New Zealand,
products provide. When this is combined with      Park! We now offer complete Kayaking             AccorHotels operate 32 hotels under 10
the ability to communicate directly with the      packages, guided and unguided walks from         brands in 11 stunning locations covering all
AA membership base, we think we have what         Kaiteriteri or within the National Park.         the major corporate and leisure travel
it takes to really get people moving.                                                              destinations.

Adventure Walks Ltd                               Agrodome 2011 Ltd                                Agroventures Adventure Park
Physical Address:                                 Physical Address: Western Road, Ngongotaha       Physical Address: 1335 Paradise Valley Road,
Postal Address: PO Box 1188                       Postal Address: PO Box 634, Rotorua 3040         Ngongotaha
Queenstown                                        Phone: +64 7 357 1050                            Postal Address: PO Box 213, Rotorua 3040
Phone: 03 974 4554                                Contact 1: Shaun Anastasi                        Phone: +64 7 357 4747
Contact 1: Andy Pedley                            Email: shaun.anastasi@nttourism.co.nz            Contact 1: Debbie Guptill
Email: Info@adventurewalks.co.nz                  Contact 2: Annie Clare                           Email: Debbie@agroventures.co.nz
Contact 2:                                        Email: annie@agrodome.co.nz                      Contact 2: Simon Sharp
Email:                                            Website: http://www.agrodome.co.nz               Email: simon@agroventures.co.nz
Website: http://www.adventurewalks.co.nz          Description: Agrodome is the ‘Unique Farm        Website: http://www.agroventures.co.nz
Description: Guided Walks - Mainly helihikes      Experience’. A visit to Agrodome is simply a     Description: Experience New Zealand’s most
into the areas that are 'off the beaten track'.   ‘must do’ during your travels around New         iconic adventure activities at unbelievable
Multiday Wilderness Hikes in Fiordland and        Zealand. Agrodome offers visitors a fun,         value. There is something for everyone with
around the Queenstown areas.                      interactive and hands-on experience with Kiwi    five adventures including NZ’s best value
                                                  farming, and the opportunity to meet our         Bungy or Swoop sky swing, NZ’s only
                                                  animals and take part in our world-famous        commercial jet sprint (and the fastest jet boat
                                                  Agrodome Farm Show! A highlight is our very      in the country), NZ’s one and only wind tunnel
                                                  entertaining, multi-award-winning stage          and the incredible world’s one and only
                                                  show. Farm Shows are at 9:30am, 11am and         Shweeb racing monorail. Located in the
                                                  2:30pm. In one hour, you will tour our New       picturesque country surroundings of Paradise
                                                  Zealand farm in an all-weather, all-terrain      Valley, just 10 minutes north of Rotorua.
                                                  vehicle. Farm Tours depart at 10:40am,
                                                  12:10pm, 1:30pm and 3:40pm.

Air New Zealand Ltd                               AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand Ltd                 Albatross Encounter
Physical Address: 185 Fanshawe Street             Physical Address: The Station Building           Physical Address: 96 Esplanade
Postal Address: Private Bag 92007                 Cnr Camp Street & Shotover Street                6011
Auckland 1142                                     Postal Address: PO Box 488                       Postal Address:
Contact 1: Jenny Simpson                          Queenstown 9348                                  Phone: 03 319 6777
Email: jenny.simpson@airnz.co.nz                  Phone: +64 3 450 1300                            Contact 1: Lynette Buurman
Contact 2: Christopher Hughes                     Contact 1: Mike Voyce                            Email: lynette@dolphin.co.nz
Email: christopher.hughes@airnz.co.nz             Email: Mike@bungy.co.nz                          Contact 2: Dennis Buurman
Website: http://www.airnz.co.nz                   Contact 2: Tash Lawrence                         Email: dennis@dolphin.co.nz
Description: Air New Zealand delivers             Email: Tash@bungy.co.nz                          Website:
uniquely Kiwi journeys to more than 13            Website: http://www.bungy.co.nz                  http://www.albatrossencounter.co.nz
million customers who fly to, from and within     Description: AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand is     Description: Albatross Encounter is a
New Zealand each year. Air New Zealand            a leader in adventure tourism. In 1988 they      birdwatching tour by boat to see the large
connects customers to 25 destinations within      started the world’s first commercial Bungy in    number of different species of seabirds found
New Zealand and 28 international ports and        Queenstown, New Zealand: go for a water          close to shore at Kaikoura. Up to ten different
commences direct servies to Buenos Aires          touch at the Kawarau Bridge, jump or swing       species of albatross as well as shearwaters,
and Houston from December 2015.                   400 metres above Queenstown at the Ledge;        petrels, gannets and skuas are sighted. It's a
                                                  or head to the Nevis and take on Australasia’s   birdwatching extravaganza!
                                                  highest Bungy and the World’s Biggest Swing.
                                                  AJ Hackett Bungy also offers exclusive access
                                                  to the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
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