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1 Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018 ISSN 2522-1043 Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Al-Farabi Kazakh National University © 2017 al-Farabi Kazakh National University Printed in Kazakhstan
Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering all branches of social and humanitarian areas: historical; philological; philosophical, social, psychological, educational and legal sciences. The editors aim to maintain the publication of results of research faculty, doctoral and postgraduate students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as scholars from various domestic and foreign universities and research institutes. One of the most important priorities of the journal is to publish articles aimed at the study of problems with innovative techniques and information technology. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kuralai I. Baizakova Rose M. Tayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University EDITORIAL BOARD Zhanat B.Kazbekova Mike Mayer Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tyubin-hagen University, Germany Fatima T. Kukeyeva Pierlundzhi Montalbano Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of La Sapienza, Italy Gulnar Y. Nadirova Mikhail Molchanov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of St. Thomas, Canada Nazgul S. Tuyakbayeva Pierre Chabal Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of Le Havre, France Bakhyt K. Rakhimbekova Yulai Shamiloglu Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of Madison, USA Gulmira S. Sultangalieva Thomas Hoffman Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of Tartu, Estonia Nurgul P. Sapargalieva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Asun Lopez Varela Zhuldyz T. Sairambaeva University of Madrid, Spain Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Gregory Glissen John. Marshall European centre for security studies, Russia TECHNICAL SECRETARY Sergei A. Kibalnik Assylbek Karymsakov St.-Petersburg State Univesity, Russia Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Proprietor of the Edition: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Editor-in-chief : K.I. Baizakova Certificate № 15155-Ж Registered on March 12th, 2015 in the Ministry of Cultural and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Computer page makeup and cover designer: A. Kaliyeva IB №12212 Signed to publishing 01.08.2018. Format 60x84 1/8. Offset paper. Digital printing. Volume printer’s sheet. Edition: 300. Order No4912. Publishing house «Kazakh Universiteti» Telephone: +7 (727) 3773330, fax: +7 (727) 3773344 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KazNU, 71 Al-Farabi, 050040, Almaty Printed in the printing office of the Publishing house «Kazakh Universiteti».
Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh. 3 I ● LAW IRSTI 10.87.79 1 Baimagambetova Z.M., 1Gabdulina A.Zh. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail: THE HISTORICAL AND LEGAL ANALYSIS OF SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES WITHIN THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION Abstract. The relevance of a subject of research is caused by the fact that the constant growth of number of the considered disputes of the WTO gradually develops and complicates the system of law of the WTO. The mechanism of settlement of disputes and also the mechanism of control of execution of decisions are the basic elements providing stability and effective functioning of system in general. The research of the matters is necessary for full-fledged assessment of activity of the WTO because today the WTO plays a role of the stabilizer of the international economic relations in the sphere of trade and the mechanism of settlement of disputes is a guarantor of stability of all international trade system. In this article, the authors give a historical and legal analysis of the dispute settlement within the WTO, the results of the study clearly set out the main concepts, principles, and peculiarities of the dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO based on the analysis of resolved disputes between various WTO member countries. Since Kazakhstan, since July 27, 2015, is a full member of the WTO, the given access to international mechanisms and institutions for resolving disputes within the WTO will make it possible to effectively use this opportunity to protect its national interests, in accordance with WTO rules and norms. Key words: World Trade Organization, Dispute settlement body, arbitration group, dispute settlement, consultations. Аңдатпа. Зерттеу тақырыбының өзектілігі болып ДСҰ-мен қаралатын даулар санының үнемі өсуі нәтижесінде ДСҰ-ның құқықтық жүйесі біртіндеп дамып және күрделеніп келе жатыр. Дауларды шешу механизмі, сондай-ақ шешімдердің орындалуына бақылау жүргізу механизмі тұтастай алғанда жүйенің тұрақтылығы мен тиімді жұмыс істеуін қамтамасыз етудің негізгі элементтері болып табылады. Осы мәселелерді зерттеу ДСҰ іс-шараларын толық бағалау үшін қажет, себебі ДСҰ бүгін сауда саласында халықаралық экономикалық қатынастарды тұрақтандыру рөлін атқарады және дауларды реттеу механизмі халықаралық сау- да жүйесінің бүкіл жүйесінің тұрақтылығының кепілі болып табылады. Осы мақалада авторлар ДСҰ шеңберінде дауларды реттеудің тарихи-құқықтық талдауын береді, зерттеудің нәтижелері ДСҰ-ға мүше елдердің арасындағы шешілген дауларды талдау негізінде ДСҰ-да дауларды шешу механизмінің негізгі ұғымдарын, қағидаттарын және ерекшеліктерін нақты анықтайды. 2015 жылы 27 шілдеден бастап Қазақстан ДСҰ-ның толыққанды мүшесі болғандықтан, ДСҰ шеңберінде дауларды шешудің халықаралық механизмдері мен институттарына қолжетімділік нәтижесінде ДСҰ нормала- ры мен ережелеріне сәйкес, ұлттық мүдделерін қорғауға мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: Дүниежүзілік сауда ұйымы, Дауларды шешу бойынша Орган, аралық топ, дауларды шешу, кеңес беру. Абстракт. Актуальность предмета исследования обусловлена тем, что постоянный рост числа рассматри- ваемых споров ВТО постепенно развивается и усложняет систему права ВТО. Механизм разрешения споров, а также механизм контроля исполнения решений являются основными элементами обеспечения стабильности и эффективного функционирования системы в целом. Исследование этих вопросов необходимо для полноценной оценки деятельности ВТО, поскольку сегодня ВТО играет роль стабилизатора международных экономических отношений в сфере торговли и механизм разрешения споров является гарантом стабильности всей системы международной торговли. В данной статье авторами дан историко-правовой анализ урегулирования споров в рамках ВТО, в резуль- татах исследования рассмотрены основные понятия, принципы, особенности механизма разрешения споров в ВТО на основе анализа разрешенных споров между различными странами-участниками ВТО.
4 The Historical аnd Legal Analysis оf Settlement оf Disputes Within the World Trade Organization Поскольку Казахстан с 27 июля 2015 года является полноправным членом ВТО, то предоставленный до- ступ к международным механизмам и институтам разрешения споров в рамках ВТО позволит эффективно использовать эту возможность для защиты своих национальных интересов, в соответствии с правилами и нор- мами ВТО. Ключевые слова: Всемирная торговая организация, Орган по разрешению споров, третейская группа, разрешение споров, консультации. Introduction As the member of the WTO Kazakhstan has got direct access to the conventional mechanism Nowadays, the World Trade Organization of resolving trade conflicts. However, on the other (further ‒ the WTO) plays the most important role hand, Kazakhstan can become also a subject of in the international integration and has powerful complaints from trade partners which for protection authority on the sphere of international trade. Within of the interests can initiate a dispute within the the WTO a huge number of important decisions WTO. In this regard for Kazakhstan experience of concerning international trade relations is accepted. participation of other states in procedures of the As our President N.A. Nazarbayev has told that WTO for settlement of disputes, and a possibility of accession to the WTO provides to our enterprises the corresponding preparation for future disputes, access to the foreign markets, and consumers including legal issues, political measures or change ‒ a wide choice of goods and services. Today 90 of the external economic policy are very interesting percent of our trade are the share of WTO member and useful. To the Republic of Kazakhstan as to the countries. Therefore this decision is very important new member of the WTO, it is necessary to develop for us. Kazakhstan becomes even more attractive legal examination in the field of the mechanism as for foreign and domestic investors. The state has of settlement of disputes in order to fully use the an opportunity for creation of new productions and existing advantages of our participation in the WTO jobs. (Amırbekova A., Galyamov R.: 2016, 333). Positions on the questions, most sensitive for our economy, have been coordinated. It both questions of Methodology agriculture, “the Kazakhstan contents”, and market A methodological basis of a research consists of financial services and telecommunications. It was of the method of scientific modeling, a historical succeeded to combine requirements of the WTO and method, an analysis method, a method of EAEU, proceeding at the same time from national comparison and statistics, including the analysis of interests”. After accession to WTO of a measure the total of disputes, a ratio of the lost and carried case supports given by the state have to correspond to the of the states in various sectors. international rules. At the same time the Kazakhstan On the basis of a historical method digression enterprises have to learn to compete by rules of the on stories of formation and development of one of WTO (Назарбаев, 2015: the most authoritative organizations and history of news/18804-nursultan-nazarbaev-vstuplenie-v- emergence of disputes per se between the states has vto-budet-sposobstvovat-integracii-kazahstana-v- been carried out. By means of a method of scientific mirovuyu-ekonomiku). modeling options of settlement of disputes within Extremely important role for the law of the the WTO are presented. Comparative and statistical WTO is played by the mechanism on settlement methods have allowed to estimate various reasons of disputes. At the moment there are 164 members of the carried case at certain states and also to reveal of WTO. In this regard the number of the disputes those fields of economy on most of which often about observance of the obligations provided by “the there are disputes further to pay closer attention captured agreements” by the states increases. In the to all questions. The main conclusions have been WTO it is provided both the special mechanism of received as a result of use the large volume of settlement of disputes and the mechanism of control practice of the WTO in the field of settlement of of execution of such decisions. These mechanisms disputes: work contains the analysis of a large represent an instrument for ensuring of efficiency of number of decisions on settlement of disputes and activity of the WTO. Without research of this sphere also the documents concerning execution of these it is impossible to carry out the comprehensive decisions. analysis of activity of this organization.
Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh. 5 Results and Discussion NATO military base in Keflavika, has achieved that Formation of system of settlement of disputes the British fishermen were forbidden to approach The trade conflicts between the states in the coast of the island state closer, than on 200 miles. XX- XXI century became means of achievement of In general, the conflicts in fishing branch are definite geopolitical purposes. frequent and very fierce. Besides a dispute of Great From the moment of formation of the states Britain and Iceland, it is possible to give “crab war” and activation of international trade the centralized between North and South Korea as examples; the power took great pain to protect the producers and conflict because of catching of squids about the to win new sales markets. “Fighting” took place Falkland Islands which has begun in 1994 between in trade constantly since antiquity, and may be Great Britain and Argentina. from a primitive system. Besides, practically in In 1980 “automobile war” between the USA any interstate military conflict there is always an and Japan which corporations actively got on the opportunity to allocate an economic component. American market of cars began. After introduction The first known application of trade sanctions of the import duties price for cars in the USA has belongs to 432 ‒ 430 BC when the Athenian grown by 40%. authorities have imposed a ban on trade with the In 1993 between the EU and the Latin area the Shrew and as a result the Peloponnese wars American countries which were supported by the happened. USA protecting the interests of the multinational Among the reasons of World War II the trade corporations “banana war” has burst. The main conflicts of the European countries, the USA and reason was release from duties of suppliers from the Japan among themselves are also called. “Practically former European colonies and introduction of a tax any well-founded research of the reasons of in 176 euros for ton of the bananas delivered from fighting in the Pacific Ocean during World War II the countries of Latin America. It was the longest distinguishes from them embargo against Japan trade conflict which has ended on December 15, and trade negotiations which were conducted up to 2009 due to the negotiations in Geneva. According bombing of Pearl Harbour base. to the contract signed by the parties, the European In 1854 by forces of the admiral Perry of the Union has undertaken to lower duties to 148 euros USA “have opened” the market of Japan, having and then to 114 euros (Geneva agreement on trade actually forced her to sign the trade agreement which in bananas- December, 2009: http://docsonline.wto. provided establishment of a limit on the import org/DDFDocuments/t/wt/l/784.doc). duties of Japan of 5% for the majority of goods In 1999 Europe and the USA argued concerning while the average tariff for the goods imported to the American beef which according to the European the USA was 30% (J. Fallows: 2012. http://www. Union, has been grown up by means of hormones. In reply the USA has raised taxes on the European the-world-works/5854/2/). goods. The conflict has been resolved in August of After completion of World War II the the same year with mediation of the WTO, the EU international community has addressed liberalization recognized improvement of quality of beef from of world trade again. 45 thousand tariff concessions the USA.In completion of historical digression, it is which have made each other 23 countries and also worth to say about another type of trade wars – wars emergence of the General Agreement on Tariffs and for energy resources. Some experts claim that, for Trade in 1947(futher ‒ GATT 1947) became result example, oil reserves were the main reason of war of post-war negotiations (The General Agreement in Iraq (Clark W.: 2003, http://www.globalresearch. on Tariffs and Trade 1947: ca/articles/CLA302A.html). english/docs_e/legal_e/gatt47_01_e.htm). Especially the USA actively participates in Despite certain achievements of the mechanism trade conflicts Besides already mentioned disputes of settlement of disputes within GATT, it sparked over an occasion of chicken meat, cars, a salmon criticism from experts in connection with wide use and bananas, they have experience of participation of non-judicial means of settlement of disagreements in “apple war” with Mexico which in 1997 has (so-called “diplomatic means”) while, according to entered a compensation tariff for import from the them, more tightly regulated mechanism would be USA of some grades of apples. It was the response more useful to GATT. to the “tomato war” lost by Mexico 1996 when In 1975 ‒ 1976 the conflict between Great Washington has established the minimum price at Britain and Iceland concerning catching of a cod which tomatoes could be exported on the American took place. Iceland, having threatened to close market ( Щебарова Н. Н.: 2015, 19).
6 The Historical аnd Legal Analysis оf Settlement оf Disputes Within the World Trade Organization Trade disputes take a variety of forms, including – refusal of use of quantitative restrictions; trade remedy cases brought under a country’s own – realization of the current and strategic trade national laws – with oversight via the relevant WTO and economic interests by effective participation in Agreements – and disputes before an international multilateral trade negotiations at development of body like the WTO over whether a country has rules of international trade breached its trade agreement obligations. National One of main goals as it was said of the WTO is trade remedy proceedings are essentially private ensuring operation of the mechanism on settlement rights of action, allowing domestic industries to of disputes between members of the WTO. petition their government to impose measures to As a result of the Uruguay Round, which lasted offset the effects of unfair trade activity. Dispute from 1986 to 1994, and is considered as the most settlement at the WTO, on the other hand, is an successful, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade action taken by a government challenging the 1994 (further-GATT) the Marrakech Agreement actions of another government. The bulk of WTO on the Establishment of the WTO and a number of dispute settlement cases have always, and continue Appendices to this Agreement, which are referred to this day, to involve challenges to a member to as “covered agreements”, have been adopted and government’s use of its trade remedy laws. This are included in the so-called “single undertaking” continued trend is itself noteworthy, in that there are package (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade so many other more interesting disputes that could -1994: be the subject of dispute settlement – for example, legal_e/06-gatt_e.htm). These agreements are non-tariff barriers that are blocking foreign market binding for all WTO members. access, or lax enforcement of intellectual property Generally, one of the distinctive features rights. Part of the reason for this phenomenon of the GATT is the new procedure for dispute is that countries are very defensive about their resolution between member states in the WTO: the use of their trade remedy laws, and therefore “Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing are not inclined to halt their use without a fight. the Settlement of Disputes” (DSU) (Understanding This reflects an important distinction in trade on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement disputes as compared with investment arbitration: of Disputes: because WTO dispute settlement is government dispu_e/dsu_e.htm). There are those who state that to government, it retains an element of diplomacy the DSU might give a legal right to member states that cannot exist in investment arbitration where to defend their international and domestic trade by private litigants are involved. In fight for the the means of imposition of certain measures, and markets and economic superiority today all arsenal reply to the unfair trade when other members fail to accumulated for centuries is used because it is execute WTO legislation. insufficiently just to offer qualitative goods at low Qureshi believes that the dispute settlement price. The WTO plays one of key roles in these system’s significance for developing countries is very processes, regulating conducting similar wars, high. Firstly, as it was mentioned above, it provides creating rules of the game. them with legal rights. Secondly, it represents a Jurisdiction of the WTO concerning settlement “check against economic hegemony”. Lastly, “it of disputes is a mechanism to ensure that systemic changes The World Trade Organization has begun the brought about through the WTO jurisprudence do activity since January 1, 1995. not undermine developing country interests and It is necessary to notice that the WTO provides concerns” (Asif H. Qureshi: 2003, 175). for the states entering into this international However, Shaffer and Melendez-Ortiz support organization a number of economic and legal the view that WTO legislation prevents the use of advantages, among which: DSS by members (especially developing countries), – more favorable conditions for access to the who do not have legal and financial capacities world markets of goods and services on the basis of (Shaffer G.: 2010, 13). predictability and stability of development of trade This happens due to the fact that the system of relations with the WTO member-states; dispute settlement requires the complicated procedure – access to the mechanisms of the WTO of “making claims”, has limited submission times, an on settlement of disputes providing protection “appellate review system”, as well as arbitration over of national interests and elimination of execution and compensation awards. discrimination; regulation of trade in mainly The rules and procedures of this DSU shall also tariff methods; apply to consultations and settlement of disputes
Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh. 7 between members regarding their rights and (India – Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and obligations under the provisions of the Agreement Agricultural Chemical Products: WTO Doc. WT/ Establishing the World Trade Organization and this DS50/AB/R, 1998). Accord, taken alone or in association with any other However, the Appellate Body has specified that of the agreements covered. in this case the group didn’t give interpretation of Peter van den Bossche defines the mechanism the law of India; the group considered the law of for resolving WTO disputes as “an obligatory and India only for establishment of implementation of exclusive system that has a wide scope, including her obligations within the Agreement of TRIPS. The all issues on the settlement of disputes between Appellate Body thus has specified that those acts of members of the WTO on the compliance of the the state which are adopted within a coverage of obligations assumed with the provisions of” covered agreements of the WTO and for implementation of agreements (Van den Bossche P.: 2013, 305). obligations of the state under these agreements are Each member of the WTO recognizes as excluded from the sphere of domaine réservé of the obligatory for itself a dispute settlement system in state and can be a consideration subject within the the WTO therefore the consent of the state which mechanism of settlement of disputes of the WTO. actions presumably violate obligations under In spite of the fact that the disputes in the agreements of the WTO to application of procedures sphere of international trade resolved within the of settlement of disputes isn’t required. From the WTO have a commercial basis and are connected analysis of Art. 23.1.of the DSU it is clear that with the enterprise purposes (key among them members of the WTO cannot take sole actions, they – generation of profit) specific individuals, legal must address in DSB in case of doubts about respect or physical, the system of settlement of disputes of norms of the WTO by other state. Members of created within the WTO provides that in the course the WTO have no right to draw unilaterally a of settlement of dispute only members of the WTO conclusion about existence of violations of norms are able to participate. Respectively, the WTO of the WTO, cancellation or reduction of benefits or State Parties within the system of settlement of difficulty of achievement of the goals of the covered disputes are presented by the governments. Only agreement (Art. 23.2. (a) DSU). The specified norm the governments of member countries on behalf of was a subject of consideration of Panel which has members of the WTO have the right for initiation noted that in case of application by the member of of procedures of settlement of disputes, giving of the WTO of unilateral actionsbigger harm is done to representations, complaints, statements and other both other member states, and the market in general. documents. Representatives of the governments In the conclusions the group has emphasized that the of members of the WTO participate in meetings, WTO but not the certain member state has the right hearings within settlement of disputes. to define whether there was a violation of norms of In this regard there is a question how those the WTO or not. persons whose commercial interests are infringed The fact that the international trade disputes by the disputable situation considered within the following from norms of GATT and the WTO mechanism by the WTO (further – “Interested weren’t considered by either the International Court persons”), can influence results of consideration of Justice, or any other international jurisdictional of a dispute, participate in this procedure. Because institution, and were a consideration subject within these enterprises or businessmen – the persons who the WTO confirms interpretation of Art. 23 of the are directly interested in the outcome of the case (for DSU about exclusive jurisdiction of the WTO. example, in cancellation of the trade restrictions For all time of settlement of disputes in the WTO contradicting rules of the WTO). Participation of one more aspect of jurisdiction concerning questions representatives of Interested Persons of member of differentiation of jurisdiction of the national states of the WTO in consideration of disputes and international bodies was shown, by using is directly not provided by the DSU. In practice conventional in science of international ‒ a dispute it turns out that Interested Persons, choosing on domaine réservé. So, in case “India – Protection the strategy of behavior for protection of the of patents for pharmaceutical and agrochemical commercial interests, proceed from the principle products” in the appeal India has declared absence “what isn’t forbidden, it is authorized” and use at Panel of the right to do the conclusions about the the opportunities given by both internal, and national law by means of which requirements of the international law, in particular different options of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual indirect participation in process on settlement of Property Rights (further – TRIPS) are fulfilled disputes in the WTO.
8 The Historical аnd Legal Analysis оf Settlement оf Disputes Within the World Trade Organization First, Interested Persons actively address the allowed private advisers to be present at meetings governments of the states, which violate DSU, as a part of delegation of the member state. Thus, demanding from them to stop violation of rules Interested Persons can attract to representation of of law of the WTO, and to the government of the interests of the state, both when considering the state (the state of registration of legal entity). In case by Panel, and within oral hearings in Appellate this case the member of the WTO, participating Body, lawyers, competent of the field of the in procedures of settlement of disputes, represents international commercial law, even if they aren’t in the interests and protects the rights of the domestic public service (European Communities Regime for enterprises. Examples when consideration of a the Importation, Sale and Distributions of Bananas: dispute within the WTO has been initiated by WTO Doc. WT/DS27/15, 1998-2012). individuals, so, the largest Japanese producers of Also within consideration of another matters steel – Nippon Steel Corporation, are widely known , for instance in the case EU-Asbest 28 (European to NKK Corporation, Kawasaki Steel Corporation Communities — Measure Affecting Asbestos and – initiated the appeal Japan within the procedure of Products Containing Asbestos: WTO Doc. WT/ settlement of disputes of the WTO the anti-dumping DS135/AB/R, 2001) and “the USA – Countervailing measures of the USA entered concerning import duties for production from lead and bismuth of some names flat carbonaceous hot-rolled mill from Great Britain” (United States Imposition of products. Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead Secondly, Interested Persons can admit and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in not direct, but so-called “behind-the-scene” the United Kingdom: WTO Doc. WT/DS 203/AB/R, participation in consideration of disputes in the 2013), the Appellate Body has specified that the Panel WTO (active assistance to the government), for has a right, but not a duty to take reports of amicus example, by rendering to the government services curiae (friends of court) into account. In Ancient in providing special, industry information, research Rome amicus curiae were called the persons who of the facts and collecting proofs and also legal didn’t have direct interest as a result of consideration support within work on preparation and conducting of the case and presenting on own initiative to court trial to the WTO. Among the known examples of the reasons on matters of law or the fact. rendering by Interested Persons of similar support Fortunately, any member can file a complaint to the governments it is possible to call assistance with the WTO against another member they believe of the Kodak and Fuji companies in Japan – is dumping, unfairly subsidizing or violating any Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic other trade agreement. If the WTO decides the case Film and Paper (Panel Report, Japan – Measures is valid, it has the authority to levy sanctions on the Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper, offending country. WT/DS44/R), or the Bombardier and Embaer The staff will then investigate to see if a violation companies in Brazil – Export Financing Programme of any multilateral agreements has taken place. for Aircraft. In this regard the position of Appellate Not surprisingly, the United States has been Body on the one whom the states can attract to their either a complainant or defendant in about half representation within the procedure of settlement of the WTO disputes. The Office of the United States disputes in the WTO deserves special attention. Trade Representative (USTR) represents the United In “the EU – Bananas” a number of the countries States in these cases. As China’s economy grows, it specified that since the beginning of action of GATT is involved in more trade disputes. there was a practice of representation of interests The benefit of the WTO process is it prevents of the parties by the state lawyers and experts that the damaging consequences of trade protectionism. emphasizes interstate character of the procedure. That’s when countries retaliate against offending The Appellate Body, however, has noted that country’s dumping, tariffs or subsidies. That creates nothing in texts of agreements of the WTO and also a downward spiral which hurts both countries’ in usual rules of international law, and in practice economic growth. of settlement of disputes by the International Trade protectionism helped extend the Great Courts of Justice forbid to the member of the WTO Depression, where global trade fell by 25%. Nations independently define the persons for hearings in can apply to the WTO to resolve their dispute instead Appellate Body. However it has explained that it of raising tariffs. doesn’t affect consideration of a dispute Panel. In July 2016, the United States filed a dispute Following the above-stated conclusion of Appellate with China. It claimed China was taxing exports of Body, at case “Indonesia – Cars” the Panel has high-demand raw materials.
Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh. 9 These include antimony, graphite, and magnesia. is can be applied only by mutual consent of the China mines more than two-thirds of the world’s parties. supply of each of these metals. The export tax I.I. Lukashuk defines “good offices” as activities increased the prices of these exports between 5% of the third party for establishment of direct contact to 20%. That put U.S. high-tech companies, such as between the parties of a dispute (Лукашук: 2005). Qualcomm and DJO Global, at a disadvantage. They In other words, when electing this conciliatory must pay more for these essential raw materials than procedure, the third party doesn’t take part in Chinese-based companies. That makes their prices consideration of a dispute, and renders only higher on the global market. Their only solution is assistance in negotiation. For example, provides to open Chinese-based manufacturing plants. That the place for negotiation. During mediation the takes jobs away from American workers (Amadeo: third party takes an active position in the course of 2018). settlement of a dispute (Колосов: 2009). The DSU has a new unified dispute resolution However, the intermediary independently mechanism. The rules and procedures contained in doesn’t study a circumstance of the considered the DSU apply to all types of disputes arising from dispute, and listens to positions of the parties and the areas of regulation of all “covered agreements” makes the offers, proceeding from the provided that are part of the WTO agreement system. information. The decision intermediaries aren’t In the system of law of the WTO the creation of obligatory for the parties of a dispute. the Dispute Settlement Body is provided. Conciliation procedure also provides active The General Council of the WTO performs participation of the third party, besides in this case functions of the DSB. Thus, DSB consists of the third party is allocated with powers on studying representatives of all member states of the WTO. of circumstances of the considered dispute (Трунк- According to article 2 of the DSU the Body for Федорова: 2005). settlement of disputes possesses a wide range of As it has been noted above, these procedures powers: “DSB has powers to create Panels, to accept have a voluntary nature and can be applicable reports of Panels and Appellate Body, to control only in cases of mutual consent of the parties. implementation of decisions and recommendations So, applications of these procedures in practice is and to allow stay of concessions and other obligations carried out extremely seldom. which follow from the covered agreements”. Stages of a dispute consideration within the It should be noted that DSB directly isn’t engaged WTO: in consideration of disputes between member states. 1) Consultations The main goals of DSB are to control over the According to article 4 of the DSU the first stage course of consideration of a dispute and execution of settlement of dispute is consultations. of decisions and also ensuring functioning of DSB’s Cases when member states of the WTO can provisions. resort to the mechanism of settlement of disputes Creation of DSB has allowed to regulate the are the following: mechanism of settlement of disputes of the WTO. 1) In case actions of other member state of the WTO By means of this mechanism any member state violate provisions of «covered agreements», thereby of the WTO can try to obtain observance by other complicating achievements of any purpose of this members of the WTO of the assumed liabilities and agreement for the first state, either canceling or reducing demand cancellation of an unreasonable measure or this or that advantage provided by this agreement; other violation of their interests. 2) In cases of application by the state of the On the basis of provisions of DSB it is possible measure which isn’t connected with violation to allocate the main stages of settlement of dispute: of provisions of «covered agreements», but also carrying out consultations, consideration of a involving the consequences provided by point 1; dispute by Panel, consideration of a dispute by 3) In any other situation which also involves Appellate Body. cancellation and reduction of benefits. Besides the main stages of consideration of Thus, the member state of the WTO can initiate a dispute in the WTO there is also a number of a stage of carrying out consultations if it considers additional conciliatory procedures, such as good that cancellation or reduction of benefits takes place. offices, conciliation procedure and mediation. The state requesting carrying out consultations 1) Additional procedures of the mechanism of needs to notify DSB and the relevant Council and settlement of disputes of the WTO Committees of the WTO. The state to which the These procedures have a voluntary nature, that request for carrying out consultations has to perform
10 The Historical аnd Legal Analysis оf Settlement оf Disputes Within the World Trade Organization the following operations: firstly, to answer a request which will help DSB to formulate recommendations within 10 days; secondly, to enter negotiations or to make the decision. within 30 days from the moment of receiving The Panel acts ad hoc,which means that it is not request for carrying out consultations if the parties permanent body like Appellate Body, and is created haven’t agreed about other. for consideration of each concrete case. If the state which has received inquiry doesn’t It is connected, first of all, with the requirement execute one of decree circumstances, then the state about national identity of candidates for the structure ‒ the applicant has the right to demand immediate of Panel and also with criteria of the professional establishment of Panel (the following stage of qualities necessary for selection (Baimagambetova the procedure of settlement of dispute). Also, if Z.M., Gabdulina A.: 2017, 70). consultations have begun, but within 60 days, the Considering that such countries as the EU and the parties haven’t come to the common decision, then USA, most often act as the parties of a dispute or the the state applicant also has the right to pass to the third party in consideration of a dispute, it is obvious following stage of settlement of dispute. that citizens of these countries extremely seldom Main objective of consultations, according become members of Panel (Cottier Th.: 2003, 187). to Peter Van den Bossche is, that carrying out Firstly, within 20 days from the moment of consultations helps the parties of a dispute to decision about creation of Panel, it accepts the understand actually current situation and to realize document on the powers. Secondly, within 20 the legal requirements entering a dispute subject. days the issue of the structure of Panel is resolved. Besides, consultations allow to resolve a dispute Considerations of a dispute by Panel can’t exceed in the diplomatic way that involves successful 6 months, however, this term can be prolonged, if resolution of conflict, without resorting to other extra time is required, but the term of consideration procedures within the WTO. of the case can’t exceed 9 months. At the end of Consultations are an obligatory stage. Nikulin consideration of a dispute by Panel the final report E.N. defines this stage as an obligatory preliminary is created and sent to the DSB for a statement. stage of consideration of a dispute within which about So, article 15 of the DSU has provided drawing 53% of disputes areresolved (Nıkýlın: 2014, 78). up the interim report which comprises: descriptive If during carrying out consultations states part and conclusion. The interim report is sent to the couldn’t agree about the uniform decision, then the parties of a dispute and if during the term established party applicant has the right to demand creation of by Panel, the parties don’t direct the comments, Panel for settlement of dispute. then this interim report is recognized as final. The 2) Consideration of a dispute by Panel final report is subject to the approval by the method Panels are formed of highly qualified specialists of negative consensus. who taught the international commercial law or The final report has to be approved not less trade policy, or had publications in this area, or than 20 days from the moment of distribution served as the senior officials concerning trade policy between member states in time, but this term can be of one of WTO member states. These requirements prolonged up to 60 days. However, the report can be to candidates are established in the article 8 of the not approved in case if the party or both parties have DSU. reported about the desire to appeal against the report The Panel is formed by the Secretariat which of Panel in Appellate Body. proposes to the parties of a dispute nominated for 3) Appellate Body the choice as Panel. Also in compliance with article Activity of Appellate Body and order of 8 citizens of the states of a dispute, or the citizens appellate procedure is regulated by the DSU and the acting in this dispute as the third parties can’t be a Document “Working Procedures of the Appeal”. part of Panel. So, according to S.Yu. Kashkin “The Only the parties of a dispute have rights for the persons designated by members of Panel irrespective appeal; all third parties can only furnish written of the official capacity faces, are obliged to carry out explanations on matter, and in cases of need to be the tasks only in personal quality and not tied by any listened in Appellate Body. instructions from members of the WTO” (Kashkın: The parties have the right to appeal against 2014, 112). the decision of Panel only on matters of law. The Powers of Panel are defined in the special Appellate Body doesn’t consider and doesn’t document on competence – Terms of reference. estimate the actual circumstances of a dispute. In Main objectives of Panel are to study the other words, the Appellate Body can’t “go beyond” question submitted to DSB and to draw conclusions the report of Panel and can’t estimate the actual
Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh. 11 circumstances of this dispute; and also can’t return attempt to avoid the formal dispute settlement case for new consideration of Panel. process without being fully informed. According to article 17 of the DSU, the Disclosure of given information can entail Appellate Body can confirm, change or cancel negative consequences for policy or economy of withdrawals of Panel on settlement of a dispute. the concrete state and its citizens, that is why the The Appellate Body includes persons, who have principle of confidentiality is designed to protect the proved the competence in law, international trade most important information about circumstances. and in the general questions falling within the scope So, for example, the USA is among the of “covered agreements”. countries supporting the solution of this problem The Appellate Body consists of seven members, aside providing more transparency of the procedure but each concrete case is resolved by three members of the WTO. of Appellate Body, one of whom is a chairman. However, in the statement for reforming of Members of Appellate Body are elected for the system of settlement of disputes, they also provide term of 4 years, however, this term can be prolonged need of maintaining confidentiality of information. for 4 years. The Appellate Body has to resolve the On the website of the Trade Mission of the USA complaint within 60 days, however this term can be the document containing offers on improvement of prolonged, but can’t exceed 90 days. system of settlement of disputes of the WTO and Appellate Body, as well as Panels submit their position about confidentiality and transparency recommendations in the form of reports for further is published. This position is expressed in need of acceptance by DSB. modification of the DSU, which will allow to provide It should be noted that trial in Appellate Body is openness of statements of the parties of a dispute confidential, along with consideration of a dispute and also to provide publicity of consideration of a by Panel and consultations. dispute of Panel and Appellate Body, by publication It is necessary to consider a question of of the written version of the course of consideration confidentiality of process of settlement of dispute of the case by Panel and hearings of Appellate in more detail. Body, but only in that part which doesn’t contain The procedure of consideration of a dispute confidential information. within the WTO is confidential. Only the Thus, the approach offered by the USA seems representatives of parties are able to be when to be the most compromise. The principle of considering the case (Smbatıan: 2014, 63). confidentiality of the procedure of consideration of Intermediate reports and also final reports of disputes in the WTO can’t be completely liquidated Panel and Appellate Body are confidential until they as it will cause negative impact on the political and aren’t submitted to the parties of a dispute. Reports economic interests of the states ‒ the parties of a become available for public acquaintance when dispute. However, publication of the written version they are submitted to members of the WTO. of hearings and also statements of the parties, will Even during the initial stage of the DSU allow to provide public control over the course of mechanism for resolving disputes, the consultations consideration of the case. stage, there are problems with the degree of clarity However, during the Uruguayan round, big required in requesting consultations. Articles support was got by the position maintaining the 4, 6 and 7 of the DSU require that the parties principle of confidentiality. Confidential character requesting panels, should the consultations stage of the procedure of consideration of a dispute fail to yield a compromise, fully explain the basis allows avoiding political pressure from the most of their complaints. Once claims go to a panel, developed states, to exclude lobbying of interests parties cannot revise them at a later time. Such of this or that country by consideration of a dispute a requirement only makes sense in ensuring the and also to provide adoption of the reasonable and fairness of the panel hearings. To draw a parallel, objective decision independent of a world political United States Federal Courts prohibit the altering situation. or amending of pleadings once entered unless According to the article 19 of the DSU if the such an amendment would not unduly prejudice Panel or Appellate Body come to a conclusion that the other party. Unfortunately, the current DSU the measure applied by one state doesn’t correspond fails to state how clear complaints must be during to “covered agreements”, then they make decisions the consultations stage.” This is a substantial and recommendations (further ‒ decisions) about shortcoming of the entire DSU process. It is reduction of this measure in compliance with the fundamentally unfair if one party enters into an obligations within the WTO.
12 The Historical аnd Legal Analysis оf Settlement оf Disputes Within the World Trade Organization As it has been noted earlier, Panels and Appellate as a result of the practical application of GATT-47 Body make decisions in the form of the final report have been solved due to systematization of practice which is sent to DSB for a statement. on settlement of disputes, establishment of terms Thus, DSB doesn’t make decisions as by rules of of procedures of dispute settlement. Besides, one negative consensus, adoption of recommendations of the main GATT-47 problem , concerning use of has automatic character. Feature of “negative the principle of «absolute consensus» also has been consensus” is that for adoption of decision only solved by introduction of new rules about adoption the “silent” consent of the states ‒ members of the of proceeding decisions by means of so-called WTO is necessary. «negative consensus» which has given automatism Thus, practical use of the principle of “negative to all system of decision-making of DSB. consensus” gives automatic character to all The authosr has mentioned certain problems procedure of settlement of disputes in the WTO, it facing developing countries in WTO litigation. is difficult to present that the state ‒ the member of Some developing countries are reluctant to enter the WTO in advantage which that has been passed into discussions with developed countries. This or other the decision will express the disagreement happens because of several factors. The first factor with adoption of this decision. is lack of legal capacity, such as the shortage of “The dispute settlement system within the WTO competent specialists, lack of legal expertise in is a crucial element in safety and predictability of WTO law, and no clear division of responsibility world system of trade” ‒ the text of the DSU on between public bodies within the government rules and procedures of dispute settlement says. structures. The second factor is lack of domestic resources in terms of both finance and duration Conclusion of proceedings. Participation in disputes is very expensive and might take a very long time. In this work it is shown that in the second half Consequently, the duration of the dispute process of ХХ-nd century many states of the world have might lead to significant expenses being incurred. begun to use widely regulation of the international The third factor involves political issues or the fear trade relations by means of multilateral contracts. of political and economic pressures that emerge For the purpose of development of the international when developing countries cannot join discussions economic cooperation in 1947 they have signed the critically due to the on-going concurrent financial General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and in support from developed countries. The fourth 1994, on its basis ‒ the Agreement on creation of factor concerns language barriers. The complexity the World Trade Organization. of processes does not fully allow representatives of Nowadays, The World Trade Organization is the developing countries to equally compete in foreign most powerful international economic organization. languages with native speakers during disputes. Its universal character is shown in the whole range They struggle to reply and analyze opponents` of the international agreements devoted to various arguments as quickly as native speakers, even aspects: the organization of foreign trade, ensuring if fluent in the languages of the WTO: English, equal access to the markets, freedom of movement French and Spanish. of goods, services, legal regulation of technical To resolve such problem the budget of the WTO barriers in trade, protection of the competition, and the number of its experts needs to be expanded in regulation of industrial policy and agriculture in order to successfully provide equal opportunities to member states and also other the questions, major all its participants. Not all states are informed about for modern economic law and order. their rights for consultation with well-qualified Within the WTO the Arrangement on the rules specialists. The DSB should explain states their and procedures regulating settlement of disputes has rights and opportunities concerning participation in been accepted. Many problems which have appeared the WTO disputes. References 1 Nazarbaev N.A. Vstýplenıe v VTO býdet sposobstvovat ıntegratsıı Kazahstana v mırovýıý ekonomıký. – 2015 // http://atame- 2 Amırbekova A., Galıamov R. Participation Constraints in the WTO Dispute Settlement: Considering Kazakhstan// Journal of World Trade ‒ Volume 50.- March, 2016 Issue 2. ‒ S. 333-365.
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II ● INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IRSTI 11.25.43 1 Sarbayeva R.E., 1Barlybayeva S.Kh., 2Brown M. 1 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 Wyoming University, USA E-mail: COMMUNICATION VECTOR OF EURASIAN INTEGRATION Abstract. Dialogue and mutual enrichment of civilizations, countries, regions by means of international contacts and cooperation are detrimental conditions for the harmonious development of the world. The coexistence of world and national communication systems can be designated as a two-sided process of internationalization, on the one hand, and localization, on the other, affecting each other. The Eurasian integration started to be discussed in the nineteenth century. Prominent figures of that period formed the idea of Eurasianism. Only a century later in the 21st century this idea manifested itself in the form of a large-scale unification, a state project, a scientific concept. The concept of Eurasianism is multifaceted. It includes a whole range of ideas, trends, directions. Both concepts of “Eurasianism” and “Eurasia” are historical, civilizational and geopolitical ones. The integration process in the format of the Eurasian Economic Union is an integral part of the global unification in the post-Soviet space. This factor was influenced by many constituents: cultural, regional, linguistic, as well as by former cooperation of countries. The dynamic process of creation and establishment of regional economic entities in the modern world, involving many countries, reflects progressive trends and reveals certain problems in the development of integration processes. Today, there are a number of priority areas that need to be developed within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The creation of a unified information and scientific potential of the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) remains an important task. Taking into account the interests of other countries, the unification should create a single information field, which would position it at a qualitatively new level. Key words: Eurasian integration, East and West communication, Eurasian centers, mass media, Eurasian Economic Union. Аңдатпа. Әлемнің үйлесімді дамуы өркениеттердің, елдердің, өңірлердің халықаралық байланыстар мен ынтымақтастық арқылы өзара байыту үрдістеріне мүмкіндік тудыру арқылы айқындалады. Әлемдік және ұлттық коммуникация жүйелерінің өмір сүруі бір жағынан, бір-біріне әсер ететін интернационалдандырудың екіжақты үдерісі ретінде белгіленуі мүмкін. Еуразиялық интеграция туралы XIX ғасырдан бастап айтыла бастады. Сол кезеңнің көрнекті тұлғалары еуразияшылдық идеясын қалыптастырды. ХХI ғасырда ғана осы идея ауқымды бірігу, мемлекеттік жоба, ғылыми тұжырымдама түрінде көрінді. Ол толыққанды идеялар тоғысы мен көп қырлы тұжырымдардан, бағыттардан тұрады. «Еуразияшылдық» және «Еуразия» ‒ бұл та- рихи, өркениеттік және геосаяси түсінік. Еуразиялық экономикалық одақ форматында интеграциялық про- цесс посткеңестік кеңістіктегі жаһандық бірігудің ажырамас бөлігі болып табылады. Бұл факторға көптеген компоненттер әсер етті: мәдени, аймақтық, лингвистикалық, сондай-ақ елдердің бұрынғы ынтымақтастығы. Көптеген елдерді қоса алғанда, қазіргі әлемдегі аймақтық экономикалық субъектілерді құру және құрудың динамикалық үрдістерін бейнелейді және интеграциялық үдерістерді дамытуда белгілі бір проблемаларды анықтайды. Бүгінгі таңда Еуразиялық экономикалық одақ шеңберінде дамуы қажет бірқатар басым бағыттар бар. Еуразиялық экономикалық одаққа (ЕАЭС) қатысушы елдердің бірыңғай ақпараттық және ғылыми әлеуетін құру маңызды міндет болып қала бермек. Басқа елдердің мүдделерін ескере отырып, біріктіру арқылы сапалы жаңа деңгейге жеткен бірыңғай ақпараттық өрісті құру қажет. Түйін сөздер: Еуразиялық интеграция, шығыс және батыс коммуникациялары, еуразиялық орталықтар, бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары, Еуразиялық экономикалық одақ. Абстракт. Диалог и взаимное обогащение цивилизаций, стран, регионов через межнациональные контак- ты и сотрудничество являются определяющими условиями гармоничного развития мира. Сосуществование
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